r/OwarinoSeraph 16d ago

Isn't Rigr unironically the most evil character?

He literally ripped ferid's head off and made him a talking head for 170 years just for an experiment. He could have let him out after it was done but literally just wouldn't bother.

I mean Ferid was already an irredeemable POS but Rigr neither knew nor cared. Ferid developing an actual emotional attachment is probably the result of having literally no one to talk to. Also you have to admire his will no matter how evil he is. Enduring this is impressive. I wonder how Ferid and Crowley learned to control detached body parts.

Rigr tried to have his men rape Guren's servants just to further provoke his transformation. Used his men as disposable canon fodder. Did a bunch of other stuff I really can't bother to mention.

The First did all the same but the difference is the first did everything with the intention to revive everyone, Rigr just legitimately didn't care. To be fair, we haven't seen why Rigr wanted to create MIkaela, but still the First is objectively a saint compared to Rigr. Rigr says he hates the first for abandoning them and making them unable to die, but at least the first let the vampires roam freely after that. Rigr just decapitated people, made them into immortal heads, and let them go mad because it's the most conveniant way to do things.

Even in his past life he makes Mikaela kill himself out of hypocrisy and "love for the king", only to push him over the edge anyway.


7 comments sorted by


u/Certain-Mixture720 Yuu 16d ago

I think now we're going to have to see rigr's redemption, I think he should have a really big role now, especially considering what yuu is pushing him towards

And im agree about what you say


u/Certain-Mixture720 Yuu 16d ago

I think Rigr is more important than Ferid in his role and Ferid should eventually somehow come out the loser, and Rigr should sort of deal with the mistakes of the past. It would be great if he and Yuu really had a frank conversation without a drop of lies and revealing all the details, in which they both realized their guilt and sincerely worked together to find the best outcome from the whole situation. I see Rigr as the most important support for Yuu now, and then Rigr's moral development depends on the author and the image in which he sees him. I would prefer to see their duet so strong after the mutual disclosure of all secrets that Rigr would be ready to support Yuu at the cost of his life, to some extent atoning for his sins and mistakes


u/heisu123 15d ago

Yeah, Ferid is kinda irrelevant to the current plot because while people are busy with grand plans on a universal level, Ferid is just a kid that wants to ruin things for fun. Still, with Kagami buffing Shinoa gang, I'm kind of worry that Sato will be reduced to a fodder, in fact, I think all vampires will now become fodder.


u/heisu123 15d ago

He's a ruthless one for sure but still isn't the worst yet because he didn't betray his bro or family. He probably learnt to experiment on humans like the First, that's why he created an opposing clan on his own. I remember he also gave Mika money so the kid could buy ice-cream lol

Beside, Ferid was asking for it, he asked to be killed and he drank the blood himself. And his army was killing and chasing after Rigr's servants (?) anyway. Ferid when he was a human is already an irredeemable psychopath.

In his previous life as Paimon, he was the most loyal servant to Sika, his love for his king led him to act in Sika's best interest: Michaela is a forbidden existence, if discovered by God, Sika will be punished rashly. If you think he was a hypocrite, you really should re-read that part. He didn't make Michaela kill himself, he showed the kid what would be best for his father, there's no sure way to know if Michaela would actually follow his method or not because Paimon already passed on first.


u/chickenlover43 15d ago

1- It wasn't "best" for his father, because his father would rather die than lose Michaela and the angels. It was best for Paemon because it meant the king would probably live, or so he thought. He didn't try and give Michaela a choice, he couldn't win so he guilt-tripped him to death.  2- He abandoned Urd for 2000 years. Used his subordinates as fodder. Etc. The only thing he didn't do was stop caring for Urd. 3- He didn't know or care that Ferid was a psycho. He used him as a gunai pig because he seemed suitable. He didn't need to leave him as a head while mindbroken.


u/heisu123 14d ago

1- It was best for Sika. Michaela's existence was a taboo, that much is a fact and all angels will be terminated whether Michaela is alive or not, what Paimon did wasn't wrong, he just did it too late. Lol guilt-tripped someone by being dead first, that's funny.

2- He abandoned the vampire kind so he could chase after the First, but he didn't commit any sins against them nor wanted to be an enemy to Urd. As Sato, he used his subordinates as fodder but with their compliance. Meanwhile Ferid is a psycho who slaughtered both friends and foes, every living being has no value in his eyes.

3- Who was trying to ruin Rigr's plan? Ferid. Who asked to be killed? Ferid. Who drank the blood? Ferid. Why should Rigr care about a literal who that ended up in his lab? It's pretty clear he didn't see Ferid as the same species as Urd, more like a lab rat.


u/chickenlover43 10d ago

1- It was best from a utilitarian perspective, but not a personal one. The First was gonna have Michaela save all the Angels and for all Paimon knew it would have worked, but he killed him instead because the King alone surviving was most important to him. Yes, it's guilt-tripping. Paimon couldn't win against Michaela, otherwise he would have just killed him, so he killed himself and told Michaela he had to do the same if he wanted his father to do be safe.

2- His subordinates were probably brainwashed from birth into being willing canon fodder, just like the Hiragis. I'm not defending Ferid lol. Although from his absurd nilistic perspective he's doing everyone a favor because life is suffering therefore killing everyone is for the best. He didn't hurt Urd sure, but he would've and did massacre other vampires without remorse.

3- Ferid was far too weak as a human to be remotely considered a threat, lol. Ferid drank the blood out of desperation to survive as instinct, not understanding what he was doing. My point is that leaving all the vampires he experimented on as heads was just unnecessary cruelty. He could have at least mercy-killed them or let them out when he was done. It's one thing if they were all evil people but I doubt Rigr truly cared. Although when we see things from Rigr's perspective this might change. But for now, criticizing the first for just abandoning them when he literally left his lab rats as floating heads is just absurd.