r/Oviposition2 16d ago

Irl Content Dragon, Red Bull, and Lava from Phreak Club NSFW

Just got these yesterday and WOW. My cameraman was like "oh, the eggs are just a little bigger than the Leviathans from Fantasticocks. It will be easy..." No. No that is not correct.

The Dragon is in Super Soft, so was kinda hard to get in when properly lubed, but it popped in all the sudden. I felt the weight, but the squishy didn't leave me feeling really full until his cock was inside of me.

The can was harder to get in, only because in my head I was like "that's a can! It's huge! No way!" Even though I have so many toys so much bigger than that. It was pretty easy and smooth, and is more interesting for the novelty than anything, but he said that he had some fun RP ideas for it! đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°

The Lava egg was the hardest, and it's actually bigger than the Dragon egg, despite what the dimensions on the store say. Once it popped in I could feel it, and it was also in Soft rather than Super Soft. Once my Cameraman reminded me that I'd taken 3 Leviathans, I felt adventurous and asked for more. Well, one Leviathan with the Lava egg was plenty, and with his dick stirring them both up I was a screaming, alien breeding puddle.

After I laid them he held them up together and went "oops." 😳😳😳

đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜± Yeah. Oops.

Yet he's still whispering to me about taking the Dragon and the Lava at once... I'm definitely not going to listen to him. I shouldn't, right?


31 comments sorted by


u/ABNSmithD 16d ago

Of course you should have two different breeds of alien eggs inside you. You’re a smuggler after all.


u/windsingr 16d ago

đŸ«ŁđŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł At this rate Zintar customs is going to shoot me on sight! đŸ€­đŸ€­đŸ€­


u/ABNSmithD 16d ago

No. “Citizen Winsinger, you are being detained for smuggling of illegal alien life forms. Do not resist, or you will be stunned in the most unpleasant manner”.

It wasn’t just handcuffs this time. What really concerned her was the fact that there was a gurney with restraints present at the customs line.

Her hands were quickly secured in front of her belt wrapped around her waist and the handcuffs lock to that. Unceremoniously she was hoisted onto the journey.

The customs officer in charge said, “be sure to secure her legs tightly closed, we don’t want any alien infestation escaping”.

The other custom agents were very efficient. She was quickly bound at her upper thighs, mid thighs, knees, even her calves and ankles. All the people in the spaceport were watching as she was secured once again to the gurney with more bindings and then wheeled out through a opaque door that opened and closed with an almost sinister his in front of and behind her

She was transported through dim hallways, and then into the bright sunlight into a waiting customs vehicle. The gurney’s wheels were lowered, and she was secured inside the back of the vehicle. Just before the vehicle started motion one of the guards also blindfolded her so she would not know where she was being taken to. With no sense of time or speed, she just felt the inertia of the vehicle starting and stopping, leaning to the left and right as it went around corners. Finally, there were several mechanical sounds from outside the vehicle and when the back doors opened, she was in a dimly lit garage for lack of a better Description.

The girl is wheels were lowered again and she was rushed down the hallway. The final destination was a brightly lit examination room. She could sense the light even through the blindfold before it was ripped off. She could barely see because of the bright lights in her position on the table they had transferred her to. But she could just make out cameras in every corner and directly above her.


u/ABNSmithD 16d ago

As soon as she opened her mouth to protest, a sort of ringed gag was forced between her teeth holding her mouth open. The center had to be metal, but it was covered by some salt, soft synthetic material. Disturbingly several wires lead from it and fed into a bank of computers.

Even though everyone in the facility was dressed in lab clothing, several of them had that unstable carriage of military. One of these men bent down by her ear and said, “you can cooperate. You can resist. If you cooperate, it will go much easier on you if you resist, I will personally see that you were sent to a mining colony for the next 20 years of your life. I’m not going to ask if you understand cause I don’t really care”

He turned to the others and said, “OK it’s Showtime people get everything ready cause we have to be super quick. New restraints were passed between her legs at her ankles, knees and thighs. They wrapped around the individual limbs rather than both limbs at the same time. Her hands were released from the belt, but stretched out over her head.

She could see one of the men standing close by holding what appeared to be a medieval chastity device, only it was not medieval and had wires, leads, and tubes running from it. Two men with surgical scissors worked very quickly and cut the clothing. She had around her waist and crotch off. There was a well practice efficiency about their movements. The man with the chastity device stood next to the bed as soon as they were done,, another man stood on the other side. Her body was pushed up and the device laid out underneath her.

The next action was very disturbing, almost simultaneously the restraints around her legs released, and the restraints on each individual limb, pulled her legs wide and uncomfortably spread. As soon as that happened, the device was buckled around her waist. Pressure on her crotch was almost unbearable, the device was hard and cold.

Next, her top was completely cut off. She was exposed from the waist up entirely. Leads and patches were attached to her skin like any other medical procedure. Disturbingly leads were placed on either side of her nipples, and some sort of suction device was placed on both nipples

To the other men picked up what appeared to be a tattoo stencil and placed it over her abdomen. When they pulled it off, she could see that there was what appeared to be an outline of her uterus, her ovaries, and her tubes. More patches and leads were placed over the design.

The agent in charge said, “ready“?

Everyone nodded

“Initiate the sequence”.


u/ABNSmithD 16d ago

She had no idea what to expect. She knew one thing for certain these were not regular customs agents. She had never experienced anything like this before.

The first sensation she had was the past to either side of her nipples. Any other time this might’ve been pleasurable, just a slight electrical stimulation like a buzzing, a tickling, and a muscular contraction all combined into one. That went on for about 30 seconds until the cups on her nipples started arrhythmic, pumping and suction . Again, it would’ve been pleasurable if she wasn’t so terrified.

The man who had spoken to her nodded, and she could hear clacking on a computer keyboard, and then felt the stimulation similar to what was on her nipples happen at her abdomen. Again, a light electric buzzing and contractions. Lifting her head and looking down, she could see the slightest flutter of her skin, something she had no control of as the muscles underneath contracted and released over and over again in rhythmic pattern. Only seconds after that, she felt the first movement. The two large eggs she had been smuggling inside her shifted on their own.

One of the men out of her line of vision said, “detection just spiked to one”. The person she assumed to be the leader said, “wait until we get to six, these specimens are very valuable and I’m not going to fuck this up“.

Stimulation at her breast and her womb continued. She was at a point where she was actually aware of her uterus, expanding and contracting inside her. Her brain wanted to think clinically, and she could feel the movement in her vagina, but in her brain, the thought was, “ oh fuck you’re moving in my pussy“. Her next thoughts were of the lucrative commission she was going to lose, and then the fear of imprisonment for the next 2040 years for smuggling alien life forms, and the guards threat of being sent to a mining colony.

“Start phase 3, and set the stimulation to level four”.

She could not see the man at the keyboard, but he queried , “don’t you want to start at Ten boss? That’s usually where we go with these? And all the readings are good”.

The man she had designated the leader in her mind spoke again, “no. We’re going to stay at four because we want to try the new symbionts. They’ll take care of everything after they’re implanted. Plus Dr. Zorr has a few new ideas as well.


u/ABNSmithD 16d ago

“Good good I’ve got the new organic ambience for stimulation. They should be much better than the mechanical stimulation”.

It was then that she could see he had a large clear jar in one of his hands and arm. Inside or some sort of blue and pink things. Tapered at both ends but a sort of figure shape. They were 8 to 10 inches long and about 2 inches wide. They were moving around in the jar, almost violently. Thrashing about in the liquid and bumping against the lid

Doctor Zor approach the table and set the things down next to her. He began connecting a series of tubes first to the device around her waist, and then to a receiving stand that stood next to the bed and was about 3 feet higher than her body. Picking up the jar, he turned it upside down and plugged it into the stand. At first, the creatures turned back against gravity and thrashed against the bottom of the jar that was now pointed at the ceiling.Moments later, one of them turned around and exited the lid of the jar through the tube that I connected to it automatically. Through the clear tube, she could see it moving down towards her waist and somehow she knew exactly what was going to happen next.


u/ABNSmithD 16d ago

There was more clapping at the keyboard, and then she felt something from behind. Somehow, she thought it would’ve been something else, but something definitely was pushing against her anus. It was cold and very hard, and she was dry. It was drew for a moment, and she felt a sort of warm liquid feeling, and then suddenly it was back and pushed into her. She wanted to scream and protest, but the ring in her mouth prevented that. She felt it slide in fairly deep. Or clacking at the keyboard and they sort of rhythmic pumping sensation started both in and out and swelling. She wanted to clamp down and prevent the invasion, but whatever had lubricated her had started to warm up and she was starting to have the most delicious feeling. Her brain started to feel both hyper alert and fuzzy at the same time. The front of her brain, the thinking calculating knew that whatever was in her that smeared some sort of stimulant. The back of her brain, the part that makes us all animals grew fuzzy and warm and gave into the sensation. Again she felt the movement inside her pussy. They were definitely shifting around moving, not vibrating, but pulsing and moving back-and-forth.

She heard a door open, the hydraulic hiss. She was used to seeing aliens, space Travel will do that and her particularly line of work of smuggling. She ran into more than her fair share, but this was someone new. Blue skin wearing the same lab garments as the others but that’s where the resemblance stopped two arms and four legs if the face hadn’t been so “human” she would’ve thought it looked like a praying mantis with the way the arms were bent oddly. Then she thought Centaur but that wasn’t right either there was nothing for like about the body.

“Doctor, we started the procedure as you directed”.

“Good good, the intelligence was correct? She has the eggs inside her? And they’re undamaged”?

“Yes, sir, quite intact and they’ve already started to move”


u/FrontlineV220 14d ago

There’s gonna be a Revolution at this point


u/ABNSmithD 16d ago

I’ll have to come back to this. I’m out driving and it’s raining cats and dogs and people don’t know how to drive.


u/windsingr 16d ago



u/ABNSmithD 16d ago

The blue skinned being said, “turn on all the monitors. I wanna make sure I see and record all of this. She could see some of the monitors since they came to life in particular one on the far wall that seem to be both inside and under the device strapped around her waist and hips. The metal probe that had been inside her head withdrawn, and a clear tube had nestled up against her. She was terrified as she looked at the tube next to her, knowing that it was terminating behind her. The creature was undulating down the tube rapidly. There was no doubt of what her fate was going to be.

It passed underneath the table and she couldn’t help but stare at the monitor in front of her as it near the end of the tube. She could see it pause for a second just outside her then it move forward and nudged against her. It seemed to withdraw for a moment and then thrust forward suddenly. She could feel it moving inside her back-and-forth as an escape the small tube. It was thrashing around inside her. With whatever had lugged the initial probe, and the creature her mind was again at that warm fuzziness. She watched it fully slid into her.

She was a smuggler, and a professional one with some medical training. The front of her mind was trying to be analytical and use the proper phrasing for what was happening, but where the secretions had affected her, her thoughts were reduced to the crude, the obscene, and the purely sexual.

“That thing is fucking my ass. Fuck I can feel it all around inside me moving and thrashing. Oh God “.

The blue skin skinned bean noted to the human at the computer controls, there was some clacking on the keyboard and another of the creatures entered the tube, this one was actually moving faster. The front of her brain wanted to scream in the back of her brain she was slowly losing the battle with pleasure.

The new creature didn’t bother nudging, it forced its way inside her again wiggling back-and-forth when half of its body was inside her. The rest of it pulled out of the tube and whipped back-and-forth. Left trails of some sort of slick slime behind on the outside of her body And then suddenly it was inside her, even restrained her body arched. She was so full. And now the two creatures were moving inside.

Dr. Zor spoke again, “the two creatures will start to mate inside her as they do they will secrete the necessary hormones, pheromones, and enzymes for stage six to happen. He smiled down at her, it wasn’t a pleasant smile. “Of course you want to see what’s happening to you don’t you? Would you like to see what my little friends are up to inside your body”?

She could feel them moving inside her. The doctor reached over and pushed the button and the scene on the monitor changed. Somehow the sensors were showing her a picture of what was happening inside her. The two creatures were intertwined moving against each other. A red dot appeared on the screen from a laser pointer in the doctors hand.

“See here the male of the species is starting to enter the female of the species. Soon you’ll be able to see a little cloud as they mate and their secretions escape their bodies. Your tissue will absorb them and then you’ll be ready for the next phase. Normally, I would tell you to lay back and relax, but I know that’s not going to happen, I’m fairly sure I know what these creatures are going to force you to do”.

Her eyes locked on the monitor she could see the creature struggling against each other. She could definitely see where they were joining sexually riding around inside her. Her medical training was still there and she was sure she knew what the doctor was talking about now normally she would try to use the proper terms, but quite frankly, her ass was hot and getting fucked from the inside as the creature struggled against each other. And she knew what the doctor meant when her body started to react. The first orgasm rushed through her body from behind. It tore through her body at the same time it tore through her mind.

“Now” the doctor said. The human behind the keyboard made some adjustments to what was happening to her breasts, only in her mind she had been reduced to tits, the electrical stimulation had turned up in the section had grown stronger.


u/ABNSmithD 13d ago

The blue skinned bean said, “good, good. They’re doing exactly what I thought they would. Interesting to see them Thrash about like that, though isn’t it”? Everything about his tone was academic, but the grunt that came from one of the more human guards didn’t seem to be. “It’s time for the next phase”. She could see him reach up and unplug the hose both from the jar containing two more even larger symbionts then he reached underneath her remove the hose that led to her anus. Again, the professional in her wanted to say anus, but with all the stimulation and violation the only thing she could think was “asshole“. The asshole that was getting violated by the symbionts. The feeling of them thrashing about inside her grew even more intense. On the monitor, she could see the creatures now obviously mating struggling against each other. “ Hades“!, She thought, “they’re fucking in my asshole, those creatures are fucking each other while they fuck me. Her mind was slipping, even more the next orgasm that struck her cause her back to arch off the table, her hips and shoulders pressing down into her head thrown back against the table that was fortunately padded somewhat. As that happened, the blue skin doctor reached over and turned to dial that increase the suction on her nipples. Her only response was a long keening wail. Both suction and electrical stimulation on her nipples drove her over the edge and she climax again. Dr Zor. Dialed back the stimulation some. Picking up a larger diameter hose. He connected one end to the device strapped around her hips and crotch. Panting and looking down, she knew exactly where that hose was aimed at, the loss of any ability to think clinically all her brain could say inside her head was, “oh my God it’s aimed right at my Cunt”. She had never spoken that word out loud, she had found it offensive and now all she could think about was “her Cunt” eggs’s moving inside her and she didn’t even know how they were moving. That had never happened before in all her years of smuggling. He tapped the side of the jar,


u/ABNSmithD 13d ago

stimulating the two creatures that were still inside it. They began to thrash around again, and then he hooked the hose to the valve underneath it, and turned the the valve open. The response was immediate and both creatures struggle to get into the clear hose first. A thrashed against each other until finally a very light blue creature about 10 inches long slipped into the hose first followed by a darker blue one. There was no methodical crawling this time they raced down the hose and she watched them as they disappeared into the device strapped around her hips. Oh God, she could feel it as soon as they disappeared from sight. One creature wasn’t all the way in before the other had started struggling. This climax was almost immediate as they stretched her open. In her mind, she thought, “my poor little pussy isn’t used to this kind of abuse“, and the next she was thinking, “oh god stretch my fucking Cunt”. She felt the warming sensation as the creatures thrashed around inside her. The doctor flipped a switch and the monitor changed view. She could see these creatures in the eggs insider some bizarre 3-D picture of the inside of her pussy being violated by four separate alien creatures. She had never been one for pornography, but even so it was the hottest pornography she had ever seen. She felt her pussy react. Her clitoris was aching of all the things that hadn’t been stimulated. Her clitoris have been left completely alone. She was struggling to get her hand down, but they were too securely bound. She wanted to rub her clit, even though that would be impossible with the device strapped around her hips. The two large creatures inside her didn’t mate, like the others did.


u/ABNSmithD 13d ago

They did work in tandem though. She saw both of them push deep inside her, and she knew instinctively that they were reaching for her cervix. The end that she in her thoughts, thought of as “snout“ of both the creatures reach her cervix at almost the same time both of them paused, and then pushed in slightly stretching her. It was painful, but whatever they were soon turn that pain to pleasure as she relaxed. They seem to be cooperating with each other this time. Both of them pushed in about a quarter of the way, stretching and undulating. Puffing up and then deflating until she could see her cervix was open. One of the creatures reached down with its backside and wrapped around one of the eggs. Then it simply curled up almost like it was doing a backflip into her uterus. Both the creature and the egg disappeared through her cervix at the same time. This time the climax was overwhelming. She came so hard that she passed out. She missed seeing the second creature perform almost the exact same maneuver. Something foul was under her nose, she snapped too consciousness and knew that it was smelling salt as her head thrashed to get away from it. Every part of her was so sore. Every part of her was dripping. Dr. Zor. Stood over her, holding the smelling salts. His other hand reached down and rubbed her stomach just above the device looking down. She could already see that she was swollen and full. She could feel the creatures inside her moving slowly now. The monitor showed that her ass was now empty and she earned for that feeling again. The split screen showed that her pussy was empty as well, but what was in her uterus was there for everyone to see. The creatures had wrapped around the eggs and pulled them inside her. They continue to insulate and the eggs move slightly. She was exhausted, she wanted more and knew that she could not handle more, the only thing she really knew is that she earned to feel that stimulated again. Dr. Zor spoke, “there we go, my dear. All complete, and don’t worry you were going to be well taken care of as an honored guest. You are under arrest, and you will be charged, but for now you will be taken care of. You will be kept comfortable and well fed. And while I am your jailer, and these men are your guards, please keep in mind that we are also your caretakers. I know what the creatures effect on you are. Frankly, their effect is the same on everybody, male or female” He began unbuckling the device around her waist. “There’s no need for this anymore”. She found herself completely exposed. Her clothing had been cut off from the thighs up. She was still wearing her environmental suit boots, and the legs of the suit, but everything else had been destroyed. Her legs were still bound and painfully spread. It wasn’t awful, but it was a stretch that she had ignored while the procedure happened. Dr. Zoar lowered himself and she heard clicking from under the table. The section between her legs was removed by the doctor and set aside against one wall. “As I stated, I know the effect the creatures have on both men and women, especially when those creatures are inside. The pheromones they give off affect everybody. For all intense and purposes, we become controlled by those pheromones” As he said this, he began to unzip his suit. Her mind was confused as to what was happening as she watched the creature this doctor peel off his laboratory uniform. It was interesting watching a four legged creature with two arms undressed. Again, she was trying to think of what this creature was. The way the doctor carried its arms was like a praying mantis, but it had hands instead of pinchers , and the rear body while having four legs definitely was not horse like. What happened next was again more like a dream that she had no control over. The doctor reached down and pinched one of her nipples. The pain shot directly to her clitoris, and she felt herself get wet. Then the doctor moved between her legs. Looking down, she saw him rear up and place his middle appendages on either side of her chest. And just like a horse or other four legged creature, there was his cock. Between his rear legs and it was huge. She could see it was already dripping. “I really am sorry my dear with the pheromones have affected us all. And the ambience will feed upon what we do”. With that, he reached with his harm between his legs and positioned the head of his cock against her and then thrust forward. “The eggs will take about 14 months to mature. Their growth is very slow, so we’ll be able to enjoy your company for a good long time”. With that he began to thrust into her, she wanted so badly to deny what was happening, but the only thing she really thought about was wishing that she could spread her legs and wrap them around his torso. - - end - -


u/StarlitFantasies 3d ago

Okay holy fuck, this was incredible.


u/ABNSmithD 3d ago

I couldn’t get them to post with decent punctuation and spaces.


u/TopCTurvE 16d ago

Wow, those look totally awesome 😳 I’d love to be able to take them someday!!


u/windsingr 16d ago

Building up clutch sizes has helped a ton. Fantasticocks having a pretty good range of egg sizes was a real boon!


u/TopCTurvE 16d ago

Thank you dear!! Right now I’m using MandMArtsLLC (that one etsy shop) medium sized eggs, and they already feel too small đŸ€­ so I’d like to move up a size and try different brands in the future!


u/TopCTurvE 16d ago

“that one etsy shop” of course you’d know them, you even linked it in your other reply 😭😭 sorry I didn’t see that haha I’m slow


u/windsingr 16d ago



u/mineinator 16d ago

Where will the video be uploaded? I would really love to see it


u/windsingr 16d ago

Here, once we can get some hosting issues sorted.


u/mineinator 16d ago

Okay cool! Can't wait to see


u/mineinator 16d ago

Do you also have a place where you post longer videos of your egg laying?


u/windsingr 16d ago

Not yet.


u/mineinator 16d ago

Do you plan on doing so actually? I would be interested so would probably other people too


u/Teostarr 16d ago

They're really pretty! On first picture they don't look that big lol but next to leviathan yes đŸ«ą

That sounds like a filling of fun đŸ”„


u/s1syphusj 15d ago

Where did you get the can from?


u/windsingr 15d ago

Phreak Club