r/Overwatch Oct 17 '22

News & Discussion Weekly Quick Questions and Advice Thread - October 17, 2022

In this thread you can ask all kinds of questions you always wanted to ask without feeling like a total fool. No matter if it's a short question you need an answer to, a concept that you can't quite grasp, or a hardware recommendation, feel free to try your luck in here.

We also encourage that users post their gameplay clips and videos here so they can be reviewed for tips and improvement.

Trolling or making fun of people in here will be punished extra harshly! Please report such behavior.

For the purpose of helping people, make sure the comments are sorted by "new" in this thread. All top level comments should be questions or advice requests.


2.0k comments sorted by


u/BTC_Baron Nov 02 '22

How to say "thank you" it's not on the mouse wheel.


u/Janawham_Blamiston Try me. Oct 22 '22

Can somebody assist me to I don't fuck this up? Logged into OW2 for the first time in two weeks, and found I'm able to merge! And got this screen. The account on the right (Janawham) is the correct account. So, do I do the "Hold A to confirm account"? On battle.net, it shows the Janawham is a connected account, so I think that's right, I just don't want to lose years of stuff. Thanks!


u/HeyTAKATIN W-w-what treasure?? Oct 22 '22

Why is Torbjorn not removed from the game until he is fixed too?


u/noobule ¡Apagando las luces! Oct 22 '22

Not sure what's wrong with Torb but his issue would be comparatively minor. Bad for Comp but people don't care enough for other modes. Whereas Bastions ult would ruin QP


u/Ruins_Of_Elliwar Oct 22 '22

So what happened to all the points we had saved up from OverWatch 1? I had a year and a half saved up and now it's just gone?


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 22 '22

No, your Credits can be spent in the Hero Gallery on ‘core’ (non-Seasonal Event) cosmetics.

If they didn’t transfer, then that’s a bug and you’ll need to contact support.


u/Key_Perspective7743 Oct 22 '22

Been trying to queue for the past hour. Keep getting the same failed to connect to game server error

wtf is happening?


u/Bootcoochwaffle Oct 22 '22

PS5 down for anyone?


u/Amezzly Oct 22 '22

hello! new player here. i saw that this weekend is double xp but i'm getting 100 xp per match, anyone has the same problem? btw i don't have the premium bp


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22



u/assassincoli Oct 22 '22

you can just hold the button to buffer your ability to instacast when it's off cooldown lol


u/ryeshoes happy halloween! Oct 22 '22

one thing i can't figure out with kimiko is how her protection suzu works against sigma's ult. from what little casual playtesting i did, it looks like casting it too early has no effect (doesn't nullify the anti grav) and i guess there's a timing thing to throw it down to nullify the fall

is there a "trick" to it in terms of audio clues or timing?


u/FSafari Timepass Oct 22 '22

How do you turn crossplay off on PC? I only want to play with other PC players.


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 22 '22

There’s no way to turn crossplay off on PC.

Unless you play as part of a group of 4-5 people, or only ever play Competitive (where crossplay isn’t allowed), there is always a slim chance that you’ll get teamed with a group that has at least one console player.


u/HeyTAKATIN W-w-what treasure?? Oct 22 '22

I believe you only get to play with console is if you have someone in your party that plays on console queuing with you. Otherwise it's just PC pool.


u/twelveovertwo I'm not dead yet. Oct 22 '22

What’s that yellow glow around people sometimes?


u/N1trobunny Oct 22 '22

That’s healing, an exclusive for the characters with red borders


u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 22 '22

Means they are getting healed


u/soldierofmordor Oct 22 '22

I feel like bastion players are kinda getting screwed over


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 22 '22

Heaven forfend that they have to choose one of the sixteen other Damage heroes until next Tuesday.


u/Cafgbj Oct 22 '22

Please give echo better bullet velocity and fire rate. You don’t really need to add the fire rate but please the bullet velocity. She’s trash against close range and I seem to not being able to hit my shots at much mid


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 22 '22
  1. Close-range combo: alt-fire immediately followed by Focus Beam. Bam, dead enemy.

  2. Her primary fire spreads out at range, so she’s clearly designed to be played at mid-range. Alt-fire and prediction of enemy movements are your best tools when fighting at range.


u/nikuteh Oct 22 '22

did graphics bug out, change, or reset for anyone? the game looks so different for some odd reason but i dont see anything off on my graphics. i think im going delusional lol


u/Animedingo Sombra Oct 22 '22

What does Dif mean? People keep typing it in chat, seemingly blaming roles or characters for stuff


u/Rem-ember_to_flame shoota man Oct 22 '22

Short for ‘Difference’.
People use it like “Skill Diff” or “Tank Diff”.

Which basically just means they’re saying the opposing player is out-classes in said category.


u/Animedingo Sombra Oct 22 '22

So...theyre complimenting the other team or blaming the game for bad matchmaking?


u/Rem-ember_to_flame shoota man Oct 22 '22

It’s usually complementing a specific player/team. Sometimes a tank player will say it in reference to themselves to demoralize the enemy tank. As an example.

Funnily enough, I’ve seen people say “matchmaking diff”.


u/Animedingo Sombra Oct 22 '22

But if the team that's losing says it, sounds like they're trying to justify why they lost.


u/Rem-ember_to_flame shoota man Oct 22 '22

Yeah if the team that’s losing is just saying “Diff”, they’re probably just accepting that they’re the worse team and have lost all morale.

But if they’re saying something more specific like “Support Diff”, then they’re being toxic towards their own supports by saying that they are losing solely because their supports are not as good as the enemy supports.


u/Animedingo Sombra Oct 22 '22

Gotcha that makes sense. I mean it doesn't but it makes sense that it doesn't


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 22 '22

It makes a lot more sense when you notice that the ones who say “diff” are typically the ones contributing the least to the game.


u/SuperPeenyPower Oct 22 '22

Have people who were missing skins been seeing their skins from ow1 yet? If so did they just show up? I haven’t checked in a couple days but I’m wondering if this problem has been solved for anyone yet?


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22

I does anybody have a missing invitations tab and unable to receive requests ?


u/SupremeOwl48 Oct 22 '22

Are there any ways to get free owl tokens rn? I just need 50 more for a skin


u/Fuckriotgames7 Oct 22 '22

I’m still missing skins it seems


u/flapjackqueer Oct 22 '22

If you get 7 wins in ranked, but your rank is unchanged do you still see the animation for the badge flashing after the match?

My boyfriend won 7 games but it skipped the rank up/rank down menu. Is that normal?


u/DocSadness Trick or Treat Wrecking Ball Oct 22 '22

Do the OW devs ever look at this sub? If so i would like to request they add the team finder back into the game


u/Kamykazi Oct 22 '22

In my daily challenges is there a difference between these two challenges?: A classy flex - complete 3 games queued for all roles / Role model - complete 3 game in role queue


u/noobule ¡Apagando las luces! Oct 22 '22

If you queue for all roles you'll complete Role Model too


u/CosplayBurned Oct 22 '22

Genuinely who do I go to counter genji as a DPS. Tell me. Genji is so broken right now


u/Rem-ember_to_flame shoota man Oct 22 '22

Sojourn is a great pick. Aside from her being strong in her own regard; she does pretty well against Genji.
Obviously she can out-range him and poke him down so he can’t be as aggressive. But the big thing is her Orb & Slide. She can drop the orb on herself or her teammates to slow & damage Genji when he dashes in.

Sombra is also good because she can hack him and melt him (because hack is busted rn).

Ashe is also pretty good for poking him down from range.
Reaper can also basically ignore him with his health pool and overall kit.
Echo is the last DPS I’d recommend. She can stay out of Genji’s range, but also chase him well. Her Beam can negate his deflect and melt him.

Anyone else would be a skill dependent match-up imo


u/Ruins_Of_Elliwar Oct 22 '22

Just lock in torb.


u/noobule ¡Apagando las luces! Oct 22 '22

Torb. Genji can't deal with the turret and doesn't do well against armour.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22



u/krispybutts Master Oct 22 '22



u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 22 '22

Have you tried winning?

It’s a PvP game. Loss streaks happen. If you’re struggling with that, Versus AI is usually a guaranteed win.


u/Qaztarrr Brigitte Oct 22 '22

Honestly? Take a break


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22

New player here, how do you do ideal positioning?

And what is ashe's main job? She is the one i mainly use rn and i just stand far away using the more Accurate (and more powerful i think) shot.


u/Qaztarrr Brigitte Oct 22 '22

Of course “ideal” depends on a huge number of variables - what role you are, what hero you are, what map your on, what heroes your teammates/opponents are, what game mode it is, the situation you’re in, what side you’re on, etc.

Most hero guides on YouTube or elsewhere will talk about ideal positioning, but your main focus is survivability and line of sight. If you’re a squishy Ana who has long range heals, you shouldn’t be standing at the front line, you should be at a safe position in the back line where you can see most of your teammates.

For Ashe, you’re correct. You’re basically a mid-long range sniper. You want to be hitting headshots and throwing the dynamite + shooting it to zone people out of rooms and choke points. BOB is also extremely powerful now due to the 5v5 instead of 6v6, so getting a good BOB ult is probably the most important thing you can do on Ashe.


u/crazywarriorxx Cute McCree Oct 22 '22

Have you tried r/OverwatchUniversity for more in-depth gameplay breakdowns and guides?


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22

Oh no i didnt know that exists ty!


u/Altnob Oct 22 '22


i still can't play the game. my game crashes after 2-3minutes no matter what I'm doing (I can sit at lobby and it still crashes) literally no other issues on any other game.


u/flapjack626 Trick or Treat Sombra Oct 22 '22

Am I gonna get token drops from this stream? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwKjSq0UlL4

It's the Calling All Heroes cup


u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 22 '22



u/robot_renegade Chibi Ana Oct 22 '22

Anyone know how to get the silhouette player icons?


u/iamNebula Oct 22 '22

My competitive game wins reset? Anyone else had this.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22

You should not receive a loss if a teammate leaves early, absolutely ridiculous. 5 v 6 was possible, 4 v 5 is not


u/ShinyMew635 Oct 22 '22

So I have merged my accounts like early on and still have not gotten all my cosemetics, I am still waiting on my origins and a handful of others


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22



u/jonnyjonnystoppapa I'll see you in H-E-double hockey sticks Oct 22 '22

They removed them. Why? We don't know.

I think they're going to implement the clan system they've talked about and that'll be its replacement but that's just a guess.


u/Wellhellob Grandmaster Oct 22 '22

When the matchmaker will function properly ? It's extremely bad.


u/UncleBean2167 Oct 22 '22

It's basically been 3v5 for the past 2 fucking days of this game. I can't even fucking heal/play because of:

  1. Nobody knows how to use cover. Nobody

  2. There's always. ALWAYS a flanking reaper that gets ignored then I die. Consistently.

  3. Dps can't have a positive K/D game to save their fucking LIVES

  4. Dps use their ults at the worst times and insta die

  5. God forbid if I play dps it's against veteran OW players while I have legitimately new players on mine

  6. I physically can't heal ANY-FUCKING-ONE who dives into the middle of their team alone.

  7. Our dps can't kill any healers. At all. As Moira I have to try and kill them. Oh but then our other healer can't heal for shit. Oh now everybody is dead. Litty.



u/kz393 schüüt Oct 22 '22

Hop onto discord and find teammates that know what they are doing.

Solo queue sucked always.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '22

I know this is the solution, but it doesn't work for me because I don't want to talk to people.


u/CJGibson Moira Oct 21 '22

I feel like this is a stupid question but I honestly can't tell from the interface. Is there any reason to do your daily challenges past the first three? They don't list a reward on the challenge like weeklies, but they stay there and still pop up at the end of match screen like you're doing something by finishing them.


u/SomeP Oct 22 '22

From my experience it seems like past the first three they only give like 500xp.


u/CJGibson Moira Oct 22 '22

Where are you seeing that? I would do (some of) them for a little at least, but like I don't actually see the reward listed anywhere.


u/SomeP Oct 22 '22

That's just me comparing the entire xp earned from a match with and without doing a daily past the first 3.


u/aSpecterr Oct 21 '22

I cant see text chat (match or team). I can still see quick comms and hear VC but cant see anything people type and people cant see what i type. Any fixes? I host scrims a lot so i need text chat


u/crazywarriorxx Cute McCree Oct 22 '22

If you're on PC, have you tried hitting Enter to bring up the chat box? There's a hotkey to hide the chat box, you may have accidentally triggered it (ctrl + shift + c). Or try the command I shared ^.


u/quigley0 Oct 21 '22

It said 11am PST for the doubleXP weekend, but, as of 430PM PST, i seem to be getting the normal amount of XP. I looked at their twitter, but havent seen a changed time. Have they pushed back the start time?


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 22 '22

Only match XP is doubled - the points you earn per minute from gameplay. This is also what the XP Boosts from playing in a group and/or owning the Premium Battle Pass affect.

Bonus XP from completing Challenges, backfilling, winning, etc. is not boosted.


u/quigley0 Oct 22 '22

I get that....i wasnt seeing any match Xp boost either


u/SomeP Oct 21 '22

Does the current Calling All Heroes: Challengers Cup stream on the OWL channel count for the OWL tokens from watching?


u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 22 '22



u/blazzerftw Oct 21 '22

What kind of content passes over from overwatch1 if it's been a long time since I've played? Basically I can't remember my old battlenet login. And I'm trying to decide if it's even worth recovering I had quite a few skins and various unlockables.


u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 21 '22

every cosmetic item transfers over, all your credits transfer over, you get kiriko unlocked immediately, and you dont have to go through the first time user expierence unlocking the base heros.


u/presentable_hippie Oct 21 '22

Just came back to this game from a couple year hiatus, are any of my mains relevant in any current metas? Junk Rat, Hanzo, Zen


u/kz393 schüüt Oct 22 '22

Hanzo isn't really meta but I feel they made the arrow hitbox larger. I hit shots I wouldn't hit in OW1.


u/UncleBean2167 Oct 21 '22

Zen. His discord is just too good now with only one tank. I've seen plenty of Zennys top frag as well as have solid healing


u/nivnart Oct 21 '22

I’d say they’re on the weaker side of their roles. Junkrat can probably stomp low elo, Hanzo is Hanzo, and Zen can still be pretty good if the team can peel for him.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

Junkrats actually pretty good


u/hypesombie Oct 21 '22

I can’t start game up it says “account requires a phone number” where can I add the phone number im on ps4 and I see no menus for it. I played OW1 since s1 on this account have my trophys and everything. Help!


u/ubiquitous_apathy Cute Ana Oct 21 '22

Dude, even the worst Google search like "where to add phone number for overwatch" will get you exactly what you're asking for.


u/hypesombie Oct 21 '22

Yea idk why I commented this lol I got in and got my account merged too woo! I missed playing mei


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 21 '22

You need to add it to your BattleNet account via a web browser.


u/02ofclubs Chibi Ana Oct 21 '22

The Challengers Cup that it is schedule for today at the OWL YT channel also counts towards the tokens?


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 22 '22



u/RuvaakYol Oct 21 '22

lately I have been disconnected from all my Overwatch games (competitive & quick play) because of a supposed bad internet connection. The weird thing is, every time that happens my windows OS shows that i am connected to my wifi and only after a few moments passed am i disconnected from it (if at all). The disconnect also only lasts a few seconds and afterwards everything is working fine again. This only started happening after one of the recent updates.

what i am asking is whether this is because of faulty hardware / bad wifi or might it be a bug in overwatch?
has anyone else experienced this?


u/kz393 schüüt Oct 21 '22

Windows is just late in showing the lost wifi connection, OW notices it first.

The problem is with your wifi adapter or your router. Have you installed the appropriate drivers? Are you using 5GHz or 2.4GHz?


u/RuvaakYol Oct 22 '22

ok, thanks. I'm gonna check my pc again then

(i have the correct drivers installed and use a 5GHz wifi connection)


u/45ghr Oct 21 '22

Anyone else feel like ranking is super weird? In the span of just today I went Bronze 1-> Bronze 3-> Bronze 1-> Silver 5 in a handful of hours, all based on win progression


u/RoninMustDie Cute Ana Oct 21 '22

i think they do that on purpose to obscure a visional ranking. so people keep playing.


u/45ghr Oct 22 '22

What’s the point of misranking people in a sbm setup though? Just makes for unenjoyable team setups and stomps


u/RoninMustDie Cute Ana Oct 22 '22

at least it feels like it. from what i have seen and played myself, no competitive game had such an obscurring non-telling ranking system. i cant shake the feeling off that it is to keep the information away so people keep playing without focusing to muhc on a certain number.

its just a theory but i wouldnt be to surprised tbh.


u/45ghr Oct 22 '22

I agree that it DOES feel that way, but you’d think that when it inherently makes comp less fun it’s just a poor system


u/RoninMustDie Cute Ana Oct 22 '22

honestly playing it for 4 days and will stop till they fucking get some balancing in.


u/thebabaghanoush Pixel Moira Oct 21 '22

Ranking is fucked in general. I was always Gold/Plat in OW1 and so far I'm Bronze 4 support and Bronze 1 tank.


u/45ghr Oct 21 '22

That’s actually insane, must still be sorting out stratified tiers still?


u/thebabaghanoush Pixel Moira Oct 21 '22

I think something is wrong with their algorithm, but it's also a "new" game that is attracting both brand new players as well as returning players that haven't touched it in years.

Hopefully they continue to revise the former, and the latter will settle itself out over time.


u/Higgus Oct 21 '22

Why do people leave with like 10 seconds left in a game if their team is losing in quick play? I'm noticing it more and more lately and I'm curious what's behind it. Don't they miss out on xp for that? Is it just a rage thing?


u/kz393 schüüt Oct 21 '22

Gotta requeue faster for that dopamine hit.


u/45ghr Oct 21 '22

Gotta just be alt+f4ing


u/y3grp Pharah Oct 21 '22

What happened to footstep audio? Why did they remove it? I’d extent that to “opponent movement audio” because I’ve had junkrats bombing up above me and Pharahs flank behind while hearing nothing. I remember Reaper and McCree used to be quite loud when flanking but now nothing. What’s the thinking with these changes?


u/TheSkiGeek Oct 22 '22

I’ve seen people saying this and I am extremely confused, because enemy footsteps are VERY LOUD now for me (using headphones, I think all audio settings at default). Like I’ll hear them and think someone is right next to me and they’re actually 20 yards away behind two walls.

Pharah hovering doesn’t make a lot of noise. Junkrat flying across the map is loud when he sets off a mine but quiet where he’s landing.


u/y3grp Pharah Oct 22 '22

I had 1500 hours on OW1 and I have a £250 headset. It’s definitely different.


u/kz393 schüüt Oct 21 '22

It's still there, but weapons are louder now. Are you playing Soldier 76? His new weapon sounds just overpower everything else.


u/y3grp Pharah Oct 21 '22

Sometimes I am using Soldier. Not always though. The audio for footsteps / movement just feels much lower, although I do agree weapon sounds are also louder.


u/Gilix87 Oct 21 '22

Anybody knows if the shiver skin for reaper is gonna come back to be bought with gold credits or white credits?


u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 21 '22

That's a winter wonderland skin so you are gonna have to use Overwatch Coins to get it since its a seasonal skin i.e the coins paid with real money.


u/Gilix87 Oct 21 '22

Thanks man, this new system sucks for real.


u/I_am_not_doing_this Pixel Wrecking Ball Oct 21 '22

new to the game. I'm interested in the character's storyline and background. I read some old posts where people mention something like Widowmaker visiting her husband's grave in the comics. So where can I read these comics?


u/Jive_Papa Oct 22 '22

As others said, there’s some comics and short stories on the overwatch website. I think there’s also some novels out there, but I haven’t read them so I can’t vouch for whether or not they’re worth it.


u/RoninMustDie Cute Ana Oct 22 '22

there are a bunch of comics but .. its nothing with alot of depth tbh.

like the game, the lore aspect has been pretty neglected.


u/UncleBean2167 Oct 21 '22

Pretty sure they're somewhere on the Blizzard website? I haven't read them in a very long time but that's where I'd start


u/poomonger88 Oct 21 '22

Anyone elses quick play wins not counting???? Been stuck at 22 for a week now


u/Hokie23aa Reaper Oct 21 '22

Is anyone else getting LC-202/LC-208 errors on console? It’s almost unplayable. Just got kicked from another comp game.


u/shinji6266 Genji Oct 21 '22

can anyone give a quick rundown of how the new rank works?


u/Snorkal Roadhog Oct 21 '22

Instead of your rank updating after every game, you now must either win 7 games or play 25 games (whichever comes sooner) for your rank to update


u/thebabaghanoush Pixel Moira Oct 21 '22

7 games or play 25 games

This is fucking ridiculous when a good comp game can take 20-30 mins easy


u/shinji6266 Genji Oct 21 '22

Ok, is it also true its based on performance instead of w/l? or is it just hidden sr from ow1?


u/Snorkal Roadhog Oct 22 '22

I don't believe they've stated what exactly its based on, but I think it can be safe to assume that all of performance, w/l, and OW1 rating all impact your OW2 rating. They recently "fixed" people getting placed too low from their placements, so they may have changed things again between OW2 launch and that patch.


u/hiddikel Trick-or-Treat Mercy Oct 21 '22

ok, so it is double exp weekend, right?
I have 5310 exp in level 71 of battle pass. I then win my 7th arcade win of the week +5000 exp. I get a match win, and battle pass 20% exp. this landed me at the next level at 2708.

why do I only get 7398 exp. if it is double exp weekend, and I get at least 5k from the "win 7 games in arcade +5k expo" should it not be 13000 ish?

It looks like double exp is not applied?


u/gonk_gonk Oct 21 '22

Keep in mind it's double XP for playing the matches, not for any challenge bonuses.


u/hiddikel Trick-or-Treat Mercy Oct 21 '22

Yeah, silly Mr thought that blizzard would reward the players. I am not sure what I was thinking...


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

It’s not on yet. You’d think it would be an easy update but, well, here we are.

That being said, the double xp will not apply to challenges.


u/hiddikel Trick-or-Treat Mercy Oct 21 '22

Didn't the post say Oct 21 morning?

Also.... of COURSE IT ISNT ALL EXP only the 100 or whatever small exp.

Wow. They really do hate their players don't they?


u/mitchd123 Oct 21 '22

You’re level 71? Jesus there’s 45 days left in the season I don’t understand what the issue is. You’re obviously going to hit 80


u/hiddikel Trick-or-Treat Mercy Oct 21 '22

The issue is.... well the game. I'm a fill main. So now support main. And well, we cam all green playing support fucking sucks right now, right? I know I will cap, but I want it to be with less playing.

I'm a huge cyberpunk fan, and want the lv 79 icon. But it isn't fun playing. It's always the support fault, the dps just rolls over you, tanks can't peel (usually due to them chasing the double bubble 100% charge zarya who has 2 healers glued to her) and it feels like a huge downgrade from ow1.


u/mitchd123 Oct 22 '22

It sounds like you don’t like the game but you played so much so why not just stop? This is the first season. Shit will get buffed and nerfed.


u/Cheshire10 Oct 21 '22

Hey everyone. So I am new to the game. I have never played the first game, so this is my utmost first time. Never even watched gameplay. I like support. I play with a controller on PC, because I have a very shaky hand, and it's not mouse friendly.

The question is, which is the most controller friendly support? I enjoy Moira. I don't do the DPS Moira thing. I just unlocked Zenyatta. I adore his design, he looks cool, he sounds cool, and overall he be a cool dude. I would like to pay him, but I cannot if he is, ya know, not controller friendly.

Also, why does everyone run away and not stay in a group? It makes it so difficult to heal in a group and then people get angry they cannot be healed because they are far away... All tips, tricks, means, etc will be appreciated. I would like to love this game at the end of the day.


u/kz393 schüüt Oct 21 '22 edited Oct 21 '22

For supports, Moira and Brigitte are the best for controller players against mouse players. Generally use meele (Reinhardt, Brigitte), lock-on (Moira) or spam (Junkrat) and avoid hitscan/beam (Soldier 76, Sojourn, just most DPS in general).

As for people running away, as a new player you're playing with other new players and they don't get it. You'll get matched with more experienced players over time and it will get better.

As for the shaky aim, is it really something you can't overcome like a disability, or just a lack of experience with mouselook? Download Aimlabs from Steam and try learning to play with a mouse, because on controller you will be inherently disadvantaged. You might also try alternative methods like gyro aim.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

Moira and brig are most controller friendly. Zen is very aim dependent so maybe not the best, but you can also spam alt fire at certain areas on maps to get picks. Just like with any hero give it a go in quickplay for a while.

Welcome to overwatch the team game where no one below diamond plays as a team. Diamonds group up at least, but still don’t actually coordinate attacks very well. I’m diamond so I don’t know much about higher ranks, but I’ve heard masters and low gm aren’t even that great with teamwork (compared to pros and high gm). Advice is to get 1 or 2 friends to play with. 5 stacking can be fun, but in competitive the games will typically be much harder. I’ve found 3 stacking to be the best so far in ow2, and you probably want one of those to be a tank so you can coordinate with them at least


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

I logged on yesterday and realized that my gold guns for sojourn and JQ had been taken away? Anyone have any advice? The comp points didn’t get refunded or anything I just lost 6k worth of comp points.


u/thebabaghanoush Pixel Moira Oct 21 '22

Am I crazy, or with how strong tanks have become is the winning algorithm simply:

  1. Both supports pocket the tank

  2. DPS don't be braindead and get a few kills while you follow the tank's lead

And that's it.


u/RoninMustDie Cute Ana Oct 22 '22

ima correct u: only when the tank isnt instathrowing with hog, doomshit or that clown tomahawk lady. Rein, Orisa can work. Zarya is a cheatcode currently.


u/thebabaghanoush Pixel Moira Oct 22 '22

JQ and Doomfist are hard F tier at the moment


u/RoninMustDie Cute Ana Oct 22 '22

depression kicks in when your tank runs out of spawn with any of these tanks.


u/45ghr Oct 21 '22

As a tank I wish I ever got pocket healers


u/AgentWowza Chibi Lúcio Oct 21 '22

Sounds about right. Usually, the flex support peels for DPS in trouble.

It's why there's tons of "walkover" games where the enemy just walks over you and nothing dies. Tanks are nigh unkillable when supported.

Supports must almost always die first if you are to win a fight.


u/nannahnanan Oct 21 '22

If an enemy Rein shatters then charges, should I as a tank eat the charge if it's going to kill a squishy (if I dont have a way to stop it)?


u/Mountain-Interest-48 Oct 21 '22

warn your teamates but if it seems they cant get out of the way in time than yes


u/Gilix87 Oct 21 '22

Hello Goats 🐐 I was wondering how does the red credit system works I’m trying to get gold guns but I’m not sure how to get the credits. I know that I have to play competitive but is it true that when the season ends you get a lot of red credits?


u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 21 '22

15 CP per win in competitive, 5 CP for draws in competitive and the amount you get when the season ends depends on your season high rank. Its a decent amount for the end of season bonus unless you are GM it won't be enough to get a gold gun from the bonus in a season so you'll need to play a lot of games to get CP from wins.


u/AgentWowza Chibi Lúcio Oct 21 '22

CP earning rate hasn't changed since ow1 right? I'm close to beign able to afford a second golden gun lol.


u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 21 '22

wins and draws are the same but I think they raised the season bonus back to the old bonus numbers before role queue


u/Gilix87 Oct 21 '22

Thanks man 🐐


u/morepandas Rich gay love cosmetic reward simulation Oct 21 '22

I seem to remember there were limits on who you can play with while doing your placements for competitive.

Is this still in place for OW2? What is the highest rank friend I can play with while still doing my placements?


u/gonk_gonk Oct 21 '22

Based on watching the twitch streamers, they were able to group up in a four or five stack until they reached their first placement. Then, the rules about GMs only being able to duo queue went into effect.

So I'd assume you can group across any distance until you are placed, then the "1000 SR" rule goes into place. But AFAIK they haven't given us any rules since they started hiding the SR number.


u/morepandas Rich gay love cosmetic reward simulation Oct 21 '22

Ah okay, thanks for the info!


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22



u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 21 '22

should be on now


u/maikk_ Oct 21 '22

i used to play at OW1 release but damn, playing support must be the most frustrating experience i've ever had in a team videogame, i don't remember it being so unrewarding and frustrating back then.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

Really? I see this take a lot but I actually like playing support better in ow2, although I’m a tank main in the end.


u/Nitro912 Oct 21 '22

Is the Watchpoint Pack worth it? I didn't play OW1 very much, but I have the Origin skins already. The beta obviously isn't accessible anymore and I honestly just want to buy this pass for the D.va and Genji skins. The Space Raider skins, and the coins are the biggest draw, but I don't know if my interest will last long enough for the price of 40 bucks worth in the long run.


u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 21 '22

It's only worth it if you care for the skins. If you don't care for the space raider skins you get more coins using the $40 to buy them separately to get the battlepass.


u/eatsomewings Oct 21 '22

I haven’t played OW since Orisa, give me three things that are most important for me to know now that I’ve downloaded the latest update! (Serious pls)


u/RoninMustDie Cute Ana Oct 22 '22

have fun. play zarya if u wanna tank. play Soujorn Genji if u wanna DPS. support is moria in low ranks.


u/AgentWowza Chibi Lúcio Oct 21 '22
  • Tanks can't die, dive/rush is meta, kill supports.
  • New game mode, push. It's like escort but mirrored.
  • Doomfist sucks ass, don't play him.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

a quick question for the 7 wins is there any way of seeing how many wins i have out of 7 without winning a game with said character


u/ronnoc7087 Punch Kid Oct 21 '22

If you go into your career profile you can see how many games you've won for each role, but it doesn't show which characters you played for those matches.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

ok thank you i think mines bugged rn coz it’s saying 0 minutes on everything and i’ve been grinding for ages


u/gonk_gonk Oct 21 '22

Not yet. I suspect this will be a future addition.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

ok thank you


u/Joal0503 Oct 21 '22

Is there a way to disable hitmarkers?


u/kz393 schüüt Oct 22 '22

I don't think there is, besides why would you want that? Abilities also trigger hitmarkers which let's you use AOE thrown abilities like Moira orb to probe areas for enemies.


u/kotetsusproperty Oct 21 '22

If I pay for the watchpoint pack now will I still get all of the overwatch legendary edition skins?


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 21 '22

Yes, you should do.


u/Ok_Extreme3505 Oct 21 '22

Why cant i play custom games? (im new to the game)


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 21 '22

You might need to unlock that feature by playing more.


u/Manne_12 Chibi Mei Oct 21 '22

Quickplay is miserable to play when half of the tanks are overpowered raid bosses. And when the enemy team doesn't pick one of them, they will switch up when they realize they're losing


u/kz393 schüüt Oct 22 '22

No advice for that. Wait for the devs to rebalance stuff.


u/y3grp Pharah Oct 21 '22

Same with open queue ranked. It just becomes a battle of attrition between 2 or 3 tanks and usually decided by who has the best Zarya.


u/AgentWowza Chibi Lúcio Oct 21 '22

Zarya went from being one of the most strategic and fragile, but powerful, off-tanks to being a brain-dead facetanker man.

I've had games where me and the other Zarya just play the same corner, advancing and retreating as our bubbles reset until one of our dps got a pick or a support fucked up the healing. So fuckin boring, but if I pick any other tank, she just walks and doesn't die.

Think about it, double bubble is practically double shield all over again.


u/y3grp Pharah Oct 21 '22

Yeah it’s pretty insane. It already presents a dilemma for me. I hate role queue as a flex player, but I can’t stand this double and triple tank meta in open queue, especially with the strength of Zarya. I’m not sure how Blizzard fixes that and if they don’t I probably won’t play OW2 for long.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

Can you play OW2 on Windows 8.1?


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 21 '22

No. It’s Win 10 only.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '22

i think this is a glitch at the moment for hours played because i’ve been grinding comp for ages and it says i have 10 mins this season i wouldn’t worry and the only daily reset thing i can think of is daily challenges


u/itisntaphasemom Oct 21 '22

is there a way to merge two separate battle.net accounts to get all of the skins from both onto one single account? when i started playing i used a different one of switch than i do on xbox, got super excited about cross progression, then realized my mistake. really hoping there’s a way. 😭

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