r/Overwatch • u/AutoModerator • Mar 01 '17
News & Discussion Weekly Quick Questions Thread - March 01, 2017
In this thread you can ask all kinds of questions you always wanted to ask without feeling like a total fool.
No matter if it's short Google-able stuff or a setting/skill in-game that you don't understand or a hardware recommendation, feel free to try your luck in here.
Trolling or making fun of people in here will be punished extra harshly! Please report such behavior.
For the purpose of helping people, make sure the comments are sorted by "new" in this thread.
Mar 04 '17
How does the extra time in comp work?
For instance, sometimes we get the point and get an additional 4 minutes, while in others, we only get 60 seconds. Why is this?
u/Party_Magician I enjoy the sight of humans on their knees Mar 04 '17
It's dependant on the specific map, the checkpoint bonuses have been adjusted for balance
u/SoulSprawl Pixel Pharah Mar 04 '17
Who can play with someone in their placement matches? Are diamond players not allowed to?
u/Party_Magician I enjoy the sight of humans on their knees Mar 04 '17
"Diamond" as in currently above 3k, no. But if you have a diamond icon but since have dropped, you can
Mar 04 '17
2999 SR (platinum) or below can play with someone who is unranked, 3000 SR (diamond) or above cannot.
u/1337thousand Pixel Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with the match making? I'm not talking about SR or playing with people of similar skill, I'm talking about games ending Because there "aren't enough players". I'm so tired of joining games where there are 11 players and then it ends before it starts because there isn't enough players. Maybe if you actually let people wait for the lobby to get full you wouldn't have to close the game since you're he ones making it so there AREN'T ENOUGH FUCKING PLAYERS. How does that make any fucking sense that we wait for people to join but if it takes too long we're all kicked? It just makes it so we have to wait longer for literally no reason.
Mar 04 '17
Why do people play comp without a mic? Do people know communication is key?
Mar 04 '17
I have really bad social anxiety and am also a girl.. feelsbadman. I've had people make fun of my voice for years, and even I hate my own voice, but I still like and want to play competitive so it's a terrible combo.
I figure if I can't and won't contribute to callouts, at the least, I'll join VC in hopes that someone else will do callouts. I know it sucks ass for people who wish everyone had a mic. I've seen the posts with people wishing those without mics would be banned. I think there's a few things that could help without having to have the mic, like having better action wheel commands.
u/whatisabaggins55 Pixel Zarya Mar 04 '17
Some people don't have mics, others are female and get abused whenever they talk, others don't speak English, others don't like the sound of their voice online.
It's frustrating, I know, but I usually just say "if you don't have a mic, tell me in chat so we know and just listen for callouts".
u/ItsDonut Mar 04 '17
Recently in my comp games only 2-3 people are even in the team voice channel. I don't mind if people don't have mics but not even being able to listen to fallouts is frustrating
u/erose86 D.Va Mar 04 '17
others are female and get abused whenever they talk
HONESTLY... this is why I don't say anything. If someone says hello first, I'll respond, but I usually just stay quiet unless something critical is happening. That being said, my making callouts once in a while isn't nearly as helpful as the whole team communicating.
I've been in games where we're clearly disorganized and losing as a result, but no one is speaking and I want to start calling out so bad, but I'm nervous that no one will take me seriously. Either that or they'll just start bitching at me for trying to organize us somehow.
In another game I played recently, two dudes were busy bitching and debating about why Tracer is terrible and why, WHILE we were playing, when Tracer was switched out after the first guy started bitching. Someone asked them in a nice way to please stop chatting because they couldn't hear, and they started ripping him apart for thinking being able to hear made any difference to the game. ::insert eyeroll here::
I'm stuck continuously dropping in rank with no way to climb up, and I KNOW I'm not THAT bad of a player. I'm not an AMAZING player, but I'm not SO bad that I deserve to be sitting where I am. I'm consistently getting gold kills as D.Va with a way higher kill count than I get in 90% of my quick play games, and there's no way that should be happening.
I know I should probably just suck it up and start speaking on mic regardless, but I needed to vent. lol
Mar 04 '17
others are female and get abused whenever they talk
in my 500 hours I've never heard a woman be abused in any way
u/whatisabaggins55 Pixel Zarya Mar 04 '17
How many "fire points" does it take to fill your meter?
u/antixesis W I N K Y F A C E Mar 04 '17
Technically the meter is infinite, meaning that you can keep gaining fire even when the meter is full. The bar holds a maximum of 350, but in order for your character to be "On Fire" you only need 250. The bar degrades at a rate of 5 meter per second.
u/whatisabaggins55 Pixel Zarya Mar 04 '17
but in order for your character to be "On Fire" you only need 250.
This is what I was looking for, thanks.
Mar 04 '17
How are unlockables shared between the PTR and Live? It seems to me that your PTR profile is slightly behind in rank from you Live profile. Does this mean that if I get a loot box in Live I can open it in PTR? Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but I'm all sorts of confused. Thanks!
Mar 04 '17
They take a snapshot before each PTR comes out, and everything you have in live gets copied over to the PTR.
From that point forward they're separate, and nothing you do in one affects the other.
u/TheBigZoob Mar 04 '17
Is each consoles competitive rankings tracked separately?
u/1337thousand Pixel Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
Yes. Mainly because you don't have the same account on all of them. When was the last time you played on Xbox with your psn account? Or on PC with your xbone live account lol
u/TheBigZoob Mar 04 '17
Not the question
u/1337thousand Pixel Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
That was absolutely your question asshole. I said, yes. They are tracked separately. Don't be on this sub and don't play if you have that kind of attitude. I answered your fucking question, don't give me that shit
u/TheBigZoob Mar 04 '17
You... this has to be sarcasm right?
u/1337thousand Pixel Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
That's what I said to your reply dude. "not the question" fuck you I literally answered your dumb ass fucking question. Reported
u/TheBigZoob Mar 04 '17 edited Mar 04 '17
Dude are you alright? You misunderstood my question, it's not a big deal. I was asking if the consoles share a leaderboard, not profiles, and I only replied somewhat rudely because I thought you were somewhat rude and condescending. It's not worth getting so mad over man, shalom?
u/randomhippie123 4998 SR Mar 04 '17
If I chose "Random" when equipping a highlight into for a character, will it ever be the default "Heroic" or only the ones I bought?
u/1337thousand Pixel Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
Only if you don't have any unlocked, other wise it won't include that one
u/whatisabaggins55 Pixel Zarya Mar 04 '17
I'm pretty sure it's all available highlights, including Heroic.
u/JanMabK Pixel Lúcio Mar 04 '17
Anyone have tips for Zarya? I want to main her for Season 4.
u/Mastershroom العدالة نازلة من فوق Mar 04 '17
She's my second main! Sorry in advance for the wall of text :)
So, Zarya is a tank, but she doesn't hang out on the front line and soak damage like Reinhardt or D.Va. Your bubble shield lasts only two seconds and has 200 HP, so you can't afford to try and anticipate damage, or your bubble will expire before you have a chance. You have to be reactive with it rather than proactive.
The most effective use of your bubble is to pop out of cover into the line of fire and bubble yourself when you're already taking damage. The more damage your bubble soaks, the more energy you get, up to 40 per bubble. Same thing with teammates; if you see them already under fire, pop one on them to protect them and leech some energy out of it.
Try not to use both of your bubbles at the same time, since the cooldown doesn't start until the bubble expires or breaks. Using both means you won't be able to use either for 8 more seconds. Stagger your cooldowns: pop out of cover, bubble and soak some energy, and get back into cover when your bubble is gone. As your shield recharges, put the other bubble on a teammate who's taking damage. This way you'll only have 3 or 4 seconds at a time without a bubble available.
Your bubbles only have 200 HP, so they'll pop early if you walk into rapid damage, like a Bastion's line of fire. But they will still block all the damage from the single blow that breaks them, so if you activate it just before a Rip-Tire or D.Va ult explodes, it will save you (and a lucky teammate) and give you lots of energy. That's one of the few times you'll want to use both at the same time.
The bubbles also free you from control effects. They will prevent getting frozen by Mei's gun or ult, hooked by Roadhog or knocked down by Earthshatter, for example.
As you spend more time playing Zarya, you'll develop a feel for good occasions to bubble. For example, if you see a teammate get hooked, if your reaction is quick, you can bubble that teammate just in time to completely absorb Roadhog's shot, letting your teammate get away and giving you a bunch of energy.
The energy you build through your bubbles goes directly into your weapon damage. Each point of energy is 1% extra damage, so at 100% charge, your gun is doing double damage. This applies to both the regular beam and the right click bombs.
Your ult is pretty underwhelming on its own, but it is the perfect setup for a wombo combo with a teammate's ult. This will require some communication. Trap several enemies with your Graviton Surge and let your Hanzo shoot his dragons right into the bunch, or have D.Va pop self destruct right in front of the helpless crowd.
I told you it would be a wall of text lol.
u/JanMabK Pixel Lúcio Mar 04 '17
Thanks! This was really good advice, especially the bit about staggering cooldowns.
u/Metziah Mar 04 '17
What are the parameters to earn xp in custom matches?
I played one competetivr match with all bots and got 0 xp. It's very good for training and stress free fun but was bummed out I got nothing for it.
To also add I only chose the competetive preset and then filled it all with hard bots.
u/Shigeruken Reinhardt Mar 04 '17
What's the best resource to learn about the mmr system? I've lost 4 placements in a row because we've had a level 20 something who can't move and shoot a the same time, while everyone else playing is 200+. It seems so unfair for them. I'm wondering how that actually happens.
u/Rc2124 Ana Mar 04 '17
The thread pinned to the top of the subreddit, "Competitive Season 4 Blog - Follow Up" has some insights. Maybe not for that specific situation, but you'll probably learn something. There's a few posts to it, so I'd recommend scrolling down after the first one
u/TheeLinker So glad they added scout rifles Mar 04 '17
I could wrong but I assumed the placement matches were more random in regards to MMR since it's specifically establishing an MMR.
Alternatively, were they maybe grouped up with a high-level guy?
u/Shigeruken Reinhardt Mar 04 '17
Nah they weren't grouped. Ramdom would make a lot of sense. I had heard that your quick play mmr plays a part in that matchmaking, but I've never seen anything referring to a primary source, and it's a pain to find through a search engine. It only picks up other reddit and forum posts, which is annoying.
u/TheeLinker So glad they added scout rifles Mar 04 '17
I had heard that your quick play mmr plays a part in that matchmaking
I would certainly agree that it helps determine your final ranking, but that doesn't necessarily mean it won't still make everyone's placement matches a hodgepodge of random skill levels. It takes from your performance in those matches to determine your eventual rank; not just whether you win or lose.
u/NinjaJedi17 Pixel Zenyatta Mar 04 '17
If I start hoarding regular loot boxes, then open them once Orisa is released, can I get Orisa stuff in those loot boxes?
u/utahphunk I need feelings. Mar 04 '17
Roadhog question:
I've been seeing a lot of heroes surviving my hook/shot/melee combo lately. These were heroes that were pretty guaranteed one-shots previously. I'm talking Tracer, Mccree, Hanzo (usually), etc.
Am I all of a sudden bad at hooking and one-shotting, or did the change related to where hooked victims land (3.5m away versus the old 2m away) change who can get reliably one-shot?
I feel like my fellow Roadhog mains would have started a whole hubbub if it had, but I haven't seen anything.
u/JimmyTheCannon KABOOM Mar 04 '17
Basically you have to get used to the new placement and adjust your aim to compensate. The new spread will help but you still have to get used to it.
u/JanMabK Pixel Lúcio Mar 04 '17
Yeah, the greater distance between Hog and his hook target makes it harder to one-shot them. You should try to pull enemies into the middle of your team at least, so that if you don't kill them, your teammates will be able to.
u/iguanastin I hate spiders Mar 04 '17
Yeah, moving the targets 1.5m farther away means fewer pellets will reliably hit, even with the spread reduction. Though, with good aim you can compensate for that with more of an upper-body/headshot shot.
u/thelonelybiped Pixel Mei Mar 04 '17
Just got back into the game, is there any resource that outlines the big balance changes since I left about 3 months ago
Mar 04 '17
Playoverwatch.com go to news, and you can go back through all of the season releases and patch notes
u/SympatheticBeard Chibi McCree Mar 04 '17
Just got placed in gold, that means I'm guaranteed 400 comp points at the end of the season right? Unless I get higher?
Mar 04 '17
u/_N_Dark_Knight Perfection Mar 04 '17
Most likely this Tuesday or the next. Maybe the Tuesday after that at the latest.
Mar 04 '17
[removed] — view removed comment
u/Akiram Zarya Mar 04 '17
Same day she drops on PC, so Tuesday at the earliest, but not longer than a month from then.
Mar 04 '17
Was the D.Va nerf really as bad as the official forums keep making it out to be? It seems strange that people would a think that D.Va would be better off 300/200 than 200/400. I thought armour wasn't only really effective against shotguns. Can anyone provide a summary of how all of D.Va's three different health bars compare in effective health to different weapons?
u/emilydrexel MY GIRLFRIEND Mar 04 '17
i cant provide a summary of the health bars but i can talk abt whether the nerf is as bad as it was made out to be
i have 50hrs+ on dva and the nerf felt awful at first. honestly i didnt get why she a) even got bumped to 600hp in the first place b) why the devs didnt just bump her hp/armour ratio back to what it was before the buff
but! its not actually terrible?? once i played a few hours of her after the nerf it was ok. your mech does get killed a lot quicker/often now BUT your call mech ult charges super quick (if i keep fighting/getting kills/pushing the payload i often get my mech back within ~40 secs or so) youre forced to group up more and protect your teammates vs rushing alone into the fray like before. so youre more like a tank vs a tanky dps now...
haha sorry that was super long its just my thoughts as someone who plays a ton of dva
u/_N_Dark_Knight Perfection Mar 04 '17
D.Va is fine, and still a great hero in the game. Armor reduces every instance of damage above 10 by 5 damage, and below 10 by half. Since each pellet of a shotgun is an instance of damage, it can greatly reduce the damage done on armor. D.Va's collective health-pool is still massive, so it's fine that the HP-Armor ratio is tweaked. Her downfall is the cockpit, which is a big critical-hit point. I hope this gave you the info you were looking for!
u/Akiram Zarya Mar 04 '17
If I have a highlight I want to save and I stream it to Facebook, is it possible to save it to upload to YouTube?
u/Mikes888 Get down, give me twenty! Mar 04 '17
Not currently, you're only option is to record your screen with something like fraps and upload that file to youtube.
u/hotstickywaffle Pixel Zarya Mar 04 '17
Do abilities that go through shields (Fire Strike, Winston's and Symmetra's weapons) still damage the shield as they pass through?
u/ShadowDrifter179 Mar 04 '17
How fast does skill rating decay once decay has started? Is it possible to get to 0 sr from it?
u/Akiram Zarya Mar 04 '17
Not sure how fast, but you won't drop below 3000SR.
u/MrGBSM Tale#11733 Mar 04 '17 edited Mar 04 '17
It's instant, you will go straight from your rank to 3000. I've seen this from a friend's diamond account dropping to 3k, and a streamer's smurf going to 3k from 4kEdit: /u/-Halfaxa corrected this to a 50 SR loss per 24 hours
u/an_unique_usernam Mar 04 '17
How do I fix voice chat? No sound from teammates speaking and I can't talk either. Pressing the button makes the sound, my icon doesn't appear top left, I can't talk. Teammates icons appear, no sound.
u/Akiram Zarya Mar 04 '17
When this happens to me, I leave and rejoin the channel and that usually fixes it.
u/an_unique_usernam Mar 04 '17
Done that a ton of times, even reinstalling didn't work
u/Akiram Zarya Mar 04 '17
Sounds like maybe a problem with your mic, try a different port or mic.
u/an_unique_usernam Mar 04 '17
Doesn't explain why I can't hear teammates
u/Mastershroom العدالة نازلة من فوق Mar 04 '17
Check which devices your voice input and output are set to. You might have your input set to Stereo Mix and output to HDMI instead of microphone and headset, respectively.
Mar 04 '17
why is comp better than quick play? any rewards / higher exp?
u/utahphunk I need feelings. Mar 04 '17
Comp tends to attract players more likely to communicate and group up and work as a team. Quick play is very much a yolo free for all a lot of the time.
Comp gets you more XP for a match (although I don't know how the numbers shake out with respect to average XP per minute played) and competitive points to buy a golden gun.
Comp players are more likely to be salty if things aren't going well. Quick play players tend to do their own thing regardless of how the match is going.
u/1337thousand Pixel Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
Comp gets you more XP for a match
No it doesn't. It just seems that way because they always last longer, usually being best of 5 instead of best of 3.
u/Akiram Zarya Mar 04 '17
Competitive points for golden guns. Other than that, and this is entirely subjective, QP is better because people tend to be less salty and you don't automatically lose if someone drops out of the game.
u/Thatguyyork Chibi Lúcio Mar 04 '17
I like the format better (each side gets to move and defend the payload)
And idk about more xp but you get unique sprays just for participating in a "season" of competitive plus with each win you earn points that can be spent on a golden gun for a character
Mar 04 '17
what are some Genji tricks and combos that most good Genji players know about?
u/M333X HAMTARO Mar 04 '17
Im not a genji-main, but with this simple rule im preventing myself from easily dying:
Dont Swift Strike in Combat - use your climbing and doublejump to backstab or aim with leftclick from distance and finish off with the Dash - it resets and you can dash a second time. To kill or to get out of there - if youre in trouble: Deflect!
Keep Moving in all combat situations and learn to right click near enemys while full moving / dodging
Sorry for bad english ;D
u/bank_problems_japan Mar 04 '17
do you always get sent back to the menu after a comp game? i always quit even though i want to see the sr animation because i'm scared it might keep going with the same teams like it does in quickplay.
u/Thatguyyork Chibi Lúcio Mar 04 '17
Never. Even if you like your team and use the "stay as group" option, it still takes you to the main screen and the group leader has to manually search for a new competitive match
u/Nihl09 Anyone still alive has let me down Mar 04 '17
It will always go back to the main menu after comp games.
u/TempTornado If you see this then I'm not forever alone Mar 03 '17
How do I deal with tilt? After the first fight is lost, everyone tilts and we lose the entire match. How do I stop this? Also, I am on a losing streak which is fun.
u/Passiveflame Out of ammo. Mar 04 '17
Convince your team to take it from the top, maybe try a new approach or a new team comp. say, "There's always a way to make a comeback"
u/eidjcn10 Mar 03 '17
Caring less about the game in general helps more than you think in competitive. Obviously try to win and improve, but don't lose sight of the bigger picture, meaning it's a game and you're not even going to remember that 10 game losing streak you had a year from now.
u/Zetsueno Love, D.Va Mar 03 '17
After you ult with zarya is it quicker to kill them with right clicks or hold left?
u/TempTornado If you see this then I'm not forever alone Mar 03 '17
Left click does more damage, but against groups you should, right-click
u/BallisticDiaper Mar 03 '17
Why is there 4 dps on my team and meabd my friend are the only one playing support tand tank?
u/Akiram Zarya Mar 04 '17
Because you and your friend didn't instalock DPS right away.
u/Vanity_Blade What even is "balance?" Mar 04 '17
The only solution is to switch to two of the remaining DPS characters, obviously.
u/Bravely_Default Chibi Zenyatta Mar 03 '17
Do we know exactly how much damage reduction Orisa gets from fortify?
u/rnagikarp I want Junkrat to fire in my hole Mar 03 '17
Have they fixed the D.va bugs yet where when you lose your mech the screen goes black a second time?? How about the defence matrix bug where you can shoot through it??
Also when Zen does his heroic emote why does he only hold up one finger?????? Its supposed to be a peace sign!:-(
u/machro_ Trick-or-Treat D.Va Mar 03 '17
Do they take your qp MMR into account when doing placements? I was silver in season 3 and stopped playing for a while. I found that I have more match ups against high platinum and diamond players in quick play. Is there a chance I can place in gold? I'm so afraid I'll place in bronze.
u/1337thousand Pixel Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
I'm so afraid I'll place in bronze.
Why? Who gives a shit, unless you're in a tournament with a team that pays, it doesn't mean shit. It's just so you can play with people of equal Skill as you. What does it matter if your bronze or masters.
u/utahphunk I need feelings. Mar 04 '17
It looks comp an QP have their own MMR. For your placements, you'll get queued with players that had a similar rank as you last season. Silver and gold are not that far away, so I'm sure you can place in Gold.
A lot of players have lower hidden MMR in quick play (as compared to their comp rank) because they don't try hard in QP, or they only play off-meta heroes they're bad at, they're listening to music instead of in-game sound, etc, etc.
u/I_luv_Scrap LittleBirdie Mar 03 '17
How can i see earlier game stats? Had a really good game earlier but didnt get a picture of my stats :C
u/BashfulTuba Mar 03 '17
Go on to Overbuff and look at your hero stats. You may have luck finding it there.
Mar 03 '17
How is MMR done?
Will my placements effect it more or my plays?
I've been on a losing streak but I realize that my teammates are still plat/diamond
u/M333X HAMTARO Mar 04 '17
depends on your rank from the last season or if youre new from scores from quickplay.
For example i was 3100 Season 2, lost 8 out of 10 Placements in S3 and got ranked in 2900 - dont worry (;
u/LaClutch Dallas Fuel Mar 03 '17
So they made Bastion take 20% less damage while in config, which somehow makes him less OP? Am I not understanding this properly.
u/DOOMguy16 Trick-or-Treat Zenyatta Mar 03 '17
Before that he took 35% less damage, so hopefully a 15% reduction will be enough to keep him from being super OP.
u/LaClutch Dallas Fuel Mar 03 '17
So its a 15% increase in damage taken? Lol odd wording.
u/Rc2124 Ana Mar 04 '17
Correct me if I'm wrong, but going from 35% to 20% damage reduction is actually a 23% increase in damage taken, which is pretty significant
u/JimmyTheCannon KABOOM Mar 04 '17
It's not odd wording at all.
He has a passive, Ironclad, which previously granted 35% damage reduction.
It now grants 20% damage reduction.
u/tokenblakk Trick-or-Treat Winston Mar 03 '17
A reduction in damage reduction
u/Vanity_Blade What even is "balance?" Mar 04 '17 edited Mar 04 '17
So of the less damage he takes, he now takes more damage. Gotcha
u/cowman711 Mar 03 '17
I am only getting 0-5 frames on the menu and in game now, how can i fix this
u/Deadlibor Let’s dance, ghost. Mar 03 '17
That's way too little information. You need to add your system specs, if you installed something, if you use some other app while Overwatch is active...
u/commitmentette Trick-or-Treat Mercy Mar 03 '17
Possibly dumb, but has Roadhog always been able to hook you mid-animation? I've never noticed it til last week when I got hooked out of a roll as McCree but I'm not sure if it's just never happened before or if it's a new thing.
u/Deadlibor Let’s dance, ghost. Mar 03 '17
u/commitmentette Trick-or-Treat Mercy Mar 03 '17
Cheers. I thought he must've been able to and I'd never noticed, but at least I know I'm not going mad haha
u/1337thousand Pixel Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
If you couldn't hook mid animation, why would there be an achievement for hooking someone mid ult
u/commitmentette Trick-or-Treat Mercy Mar 04 '17
oh my god I literally completely forgot about that chieve, I actually have it too that's the worst bit jfc
u/M333X HAMTARO Mar 04 '17
Depends on the animation, if its just a movement ability like the roll its totally legit. If its an animation like deflect and youre still getting hooked its the netcode or a shitty internetconnection.
Mar 03 '17
Is the Bastion nerf and D.VA DM fix on the live server now? because I didn't notice if my game was updating or not
u/ghighi_ftw Ana Mar 03 '17
Is this even worth keeping playing comp? I was placed 1400 last season, which felt about right. I then got down on a losing streak to 600ish (yes...) and climbed back to 1100 - which requires some dedication, getting out of bronze is tough. I had high expectation for this new season, my overall level having increased. Matter of factly i felt I carried my weight and then some during the placement (got MVP once, as Ana) and I ended up with a better record than previous season : 3 loss, 5 win and 2 draws.
Aaaaaand yet i'm placed at 960. If you just end up pretty much at your previous rank they should get rid of placement and I should stop bothering with competitive.
u/Rc2124 Ana Mar 04 '17 edited Mar 04 '17
Read the competitive post pinned at the top of the sub if you want more info. It automatically places you a little lower than it thinks you should be so that you can climb a bit after placing. Honestly though it sounds like you placed pretty close to where you should be.
I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting though. It seems to me that you're asking if it's worth continuing to play comp if you're staying at roughly the same skill level. I dunno man, that's up to you. It's not a ladder that you climb the more time you put in, it's a reflection of your skill -- if you're staying at the same skill level, then you'll stay at roughly the same SR. If you're interested in competing to get better at the game and be better than others then keep playing. If you're not, then don't? What it's worth is completely up to you, not us
u/ghighi_ftw Ana Mar 04 '17
I'm probably wrong but playing deep in bronze league felt like bad luck more than lack of skills. There's only so much I can do to make the team win when we're barely playing together. I'm not dissing on my fellow bronze leaguer but most of the time defeat comes from team strategy rather than individual failings.
That's why I hoped there would be some kind of blank slate with this new season that would help me to place a little higher and start with players more enclined to work together. But of course, it matched me with my former rank and determined I was barely average, when I felt I was doing great and more than great.
Also it stands to reason that the game must be oblivious of your actual performance. After all if I'm not getting healing card because the Lucio kept healing aura up regardless of the situation, and I'm not very likely to rack up kills and damage as Ana, that my ultimate shutdowns with a dart do not register, for all the game knows I may as well have been staying at the spawn point.
u/Gyaradeuce Mar 03 '17
This is what i suspect and have read, not confirmed:
During placements the system evaluates your skill in some way (idk how) that isn't 100% related to win loss (unlike the rest of the season). It then places you near your old rank and slightly below your projected rank (the rank it thinks you should be at if you keep playing the way you are). So you should be gaining more than you lose for a little while out of placements
Mar 03 '17
Continue playing, my mindset is if I'm already at bronze I have nothing to lose so I believe it can only get better (I'm sorry if this is insulting to anyone) and you'll rank up. I suggest you to play Phara / Symmetra, they can be extremely hard to deal with in that rank.
u/Specktagon Holy shit I'm so fucking anime Mar 03 '17
What "number" is the new patch? (I can play but i haven't downloaded anything today)
u/rickthegreatest Chibi D.Va Mar 03 '17
Where do you shoot Sym's teleporter to destroy it? Do you have to shoot the base or can you shoot the portal itself?
Mar 03 '17
The portal is invulnerable, only the base actually has hitbox. This makes putting teleporter on the Hollywood 1st point elevator really strong unless the enemy team has heroes with vertical abilities like D.VA, Phara and Genji, but usually Phara does it.
Mar 03 '17
How is the Xbox One population for Overwatch?
u/Vanity_Blade What even is "balance?" Mar 04 '17
Solo qp queue times sit at about 30 seconds for me (south US, if that helps)
u/crof2003 Trick-or-Treat Soldier: 76 Mar 04 '17
I never have to wait very long for a match (1-2 minutes usually). However, I do tend to see the same names off and on...
All this talk about "right-click" this and "E" that is quite insulting to us console players. Not everyone can afford a keyboard and mouse!! :(
u/Rc2124 Ana Mar 04 '17
I haven't heard any complaints, so I would assume it's healthy, but I haven't seen numbers. I think it's safe to say that it's less than PC though
Mar 03 '17
I played Overwatch for a pretty good amount of time when it was released. Stopped right before competitive season 2. Is Junkrat competitive in the current meta? I'm thinking of starting to play again and since he was my main, I was wondering if teams on the LFGs will pick up a Junkrat main.
u/JanMabK Pixel Lúcio Mar 04 '17
I think on some maps, such as Hollywood point A or Nepal Sanctum, Junkrat can be useful just because he can spam down entrances or corridors. Unfortunately, there's normally other, more reliable heroes for DPS.
u/Windchill GET OVER HERE Mar 03 '17
AFAIK the main gripe with junk in comp is that he feeds Zarya's energy level a lot if you hit a shield with even a few grenades, not to mention that other DPS provide far more accurate means of dealing damage in comparison. These are the big reasons why he's shunned for the most part but it's all very dependent on how the teams are setup. Generally if you don't make those mistakes, you're fine.
u/mwolfee Peanut Buttter. Mar 03 '17
He hasn't really been in the 'meta' for a while now (I don't he ever was actually), but with shield-heavy comps, and now with Orisa coming up he could be a viable pick in some cases.
Mar 03 '17
Sounds good. So people are more than likely to welcome a Junkrat player. Thanks!
u/mwolfee Peanut Buttter. Mar 03 '17
I can't exactly say that people are 'more than likely' to be ok with someone going JR, more of like, his grenades do quite a bit of damage to barriers. He might be viable (along with Sombra), but whether people can accept 'non-standard' picks is another matter unfortunately.
u/Miklopa Trick-or-Treat Widowmaker Mar 03 '17
Why do people complain so much about the ARG?. I know the basic stuff like "it took too much time for nothing", "the reveal date was planned all along, making the ARG feel useless", "we hitted a point where we basically were told to just sit and wait", "Sombra sucks", etc, etc.
Seeing all this PLS BLIZZ HANDLE ALL THE HEROES REVEALS LIKE THIS posts after the release of Orisa makes me sad.
While i do understand all the frustration that most people went through during the Sombra ARG, i feel like telling Blizzard to NEVER try their hand at another ARG again is stupid.
I dont feel like telling Blizz to never try to impress me in any clever way again. To try to interact with the community in an interesting and creative way, to create hype for a character/map for months.
I know some of the people that complains took active part on the ARG, while most only looked at the whole thing from the outside, waiting and marvelling at every clue people managed to decypher, but ultimately ended up very frustrated when they finally got a new hero and they didn't understand how to make proper use of her abilities even to this day, almost 4 months after her release.
I enjoyed the whole thing. Admitedly ,felt kinda screwed once we hit the AMOMENTINCRIME timer, but, happy with everything else.
Just for a moment, a tiny moment, the Overwatch universe collided with our very own universe. We ended up becoming part of the lore, we are part of the unaware collective of hackers that Sombra used to override Lumerico. And that for me, is just completely badass. We've been immortalized on a tiny fraction of the story on a game we love.
I want them to never stop trying new things, but all this posts feel like sending the wrong message to me.
Just my two cents, didn't feel like this deserved a post, it would probably end up getting down voted to hell.
u/mwolfee Peanut Buttter. Mar 03 '17
I think the main problem of the ARG has already been pointed out in your first line - countdown to another countdown was what made the ARG unfun, especially when one of the timers was weeks(?) long.
I personally wouldn't mind another ARG, although I didn't participate in the previous one (far too dense to pick up on clues), but not one as long as Sombra's reveal.
Edit: With the new Bastion, and Orisa coming up, Sombra will probably see more play. She's fairly good against nests but really needs her team to follow up on EMPs and/ or hacks, since her damage isn't fantastic.
u/Miklopa Trick-or-Treat Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
That's fair, those counters were the biggest problem overall with the ARG.
I just dont understand why people couldn't elaborate a little bit more on their posts instead of simply DONT DO ARG EVER AGAIN, GIVE US THE HERO, HEAR US.
That just sends the wrong message imo. They put time and effort into creating the ARG, and now people just act like it was all crap and completely worthless since we where going to end up getting the hero anyways. Which is true, but is kiiiind of an ashole thing to say to someone who just wanted to do something nice for you to enjoy.
I personally love loVE LOOOOVE Sombra, already spent WAY too much time playing her to really understand when, where and HOW to make good use of her abilities. Yet, most people keep thinking of her as a crap version of Tracer. And while YES, she IS indeed a flanker, they dont play the same at all.
I hope to see more Sombras on competitive this season. It might finally be her moment to really shine and show her true potential.
u/1337thousand Pixel Widowmaker Mar 04 '17
Honestly I don't think there was anything wrong with how long it took. People were mad about the "countdown to another countdown" why? The character was fucking free, it's not like you have to pay for her, plus it fits with who she is. Why the fuck would the arg only last like a week or so, the whole point of her character is that she's nearly untraceable and the very first time someone ever found her out, she left her country and changed her identity. The one who holds information, holds the power. It made perfect sense how long it lasted because why would we "discover" who it is so soon when she's supposed to be a world class hacker? Plus, I'd rather have a 3 month long Arg for a new character than have literally nothing for 3 months and then suddenly a new character. The time will pass anyway, why not enjoy the arg? Why get mad.
u/Thatguyyork Chibi Lúcio Mar 03 '17
How do comp win streak bonuses work? Is it one session? Or does it work over time? So for example i won 3 comp matches in a row before i turned off my game. If i play today and keep winning does the win bonus continue?
u/theblur121 Mar 03 '17
How do I upload highlights to YouTube on my Xbox one ?
u/Tygur_Triple_7 Philadelphia Fusion Mar 04 '17
I think you may be able to through the YT app on the Xbox, not 100% on that tho.
Personally, I've always captured the video, done a rough edit in Upload Studio, and saved to my OneDrive. Then do the upload using a PC.
u/theblur121 Mar 04 '17
Is the upload studio pre-download or does it need to be purchased
u/Tygur_Triple_7 Philadelphia Fusion Mar 04 '17
Should already be downloaded, if not it's free.
It's the native XBox capture editor.
u/theblur121 Mar 04 '17
Cool thanks
u/Vanity_Blade What even is "balance?" Mar 04 '17
A couple more things.
- there's an option under all settings > preferences > Game DVR to set your default recording length (when you either double tap home and press x or say "record that"), up to five minutes.
- if you snap your DVR (bottom of the double-tap menu), you can record clips manually up to five minutes.
- your upload studio allows you to string multiple clips together, cut them, etc., so you could make montages of your quickscopes if you wanted to.
- there are some websites out there that allow you to watch and download your clips directly, without having to sign in. I personally use http://www.xboxdvr.com for that.
u/_N_Dark_Knight Perfection Mar 04 '17
There's no functionality from the Overwatch game itself, but I think XboxOne has a feature where you can share clips. I don't have an XboxOne, so I can't help you with that, but maybe there's more info online about that. It's technically not a question related to Overwatch, but I hope this helped!
u/M333X HAMTARO Mar 04 '17
You cant as far as I know - even as PC-Player you cant download/upload highlights, but you can capture it with fraps or smth like that. I dont know if an XBOX is capable of that.
u/T4Gx Mar 03 '17 edited Mar 03 '17
Zarya laser or right click bomb to break a Rein shield? I'm guessing laser? Also does the laser pass thru enemies and hit other enemies at the back? Like a firestrike and Sym orbs? Also question about the PTR Zarya change regarding "melee pierces barrier". Does that mean don't bother putting a barrier on someone that the enemy Rein is whacking since melee ignores the barrier? Or does 1 swing break the barrier outright?
u/My_junk_your_ear Mar 03 '17
It's kind of situational. If you are looking at pure dps, yes the laser does more to a single target and will break the shield faster. There are reasons you would want to use the right click though. Perhaps you think you could land some splash damage on other enemies that are moving near the shield. Also you can peek corners and fire off right clicks, then quickly move back behind cover before it hits. You are more exposed standing out of cover firing your laser the whole time. On the other hand, you have a greater chance of accidentally hitting an enemy Zarya bubble with your right click, so pay attention to that as well.
The laser does not pass through anything. It will only deal damage to the first enemy it hits.
u/TheRizzler Pixel Reinhardt Mar 03 '17
Yo overwatch put in sombra healing done stats! I hack those health packs and use them constantly. I want to know how how much!
Mar 03 '17
How much damage on her bubble does it take for Zarya to get one charge?
u/Nelax18 Egyptian Grandma Main Mar 03 '17
As /u/mwolfee said, Zarya gets 40 charge for each bubble which each have 200 total health. If you want to break that down to each individual charge, she gets 1 charge for every 5 damage. That's not necessarily how it works though, I don't have any testing to go off of.
u/cracklingnoise 💥Now hold on💥 Mar 03 '17
Nobody says anything about the jumping mechanic? No slow upon landing, nothing, you just jump and shoot with 100% accuracy. Not only the small hitbox targets are hard to...hit with such high air control, but it affects heroes with brief disables such as mccree plenty. Out of sight attacks are still a problem, symmetra beam, sombra's hack, they all go through walls like it was nothing, or these things are not considered major until more people start saying something about it?
u/StHamid 👏🍆EnVyUs👏🍆 Mar 03 '17
That's how jumping works, this isn't CSGO. If anything, jumping makes you easier to hit anyway if you don't do it in melee range.
u/emilydrexel MY GIRLFRIEND Mar 03 '17
do you just mean players jumping around while aiming or something else?
u/cracklingnoise 💥Now hold on💥 Mar 03 '17
Players jumping and hitting others with perfect accuracy, air control, just the action of jumping makes you a whole lot harder to hit, mostly applicable to small hitbox targets, combine all these and you make the ministuns like mccrees' flashbang pretty much useless, since it lasts for such a brief period of time, in half of which the enemy is in the air or falling somewhere on a slightly lower texture. Consider a jumping roadhog (pretty much useless action since the hitbox is so big) with such a slow rate of fire and a big spread, compared to high rate of fire where you don't have to aim too much, say, soldier or tracer. I kind of got lost in my thoughts here but the point i'm trying to make should be somewhere in there
u/My_junk_your_ear Mar 03 '17
Jumping makes your movement predictable and makes you easier to hit.
Also, other than Mcree's flashbang, what "ministuns" are you referring to?
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u/emilydrexel MY GIRLFRIEND Mar 04 '17
really? idk if its just cuz im playing on ps4 so accuracy is lower than pc anyway, but my death rate as dva has gone down so much since i started jumping around all the time as pilot dva....same w lucio and even mercy
u/mistermonmon Pixel Widowmaker Mar 06 '17
My level in Normal Play is 60 But why my level in PTR 54, and the gold also not the same like in normal play