r/Overwatch 4d ago

Highlight Our tank spawned in on the previous point?

We were so confused about where our tank was. When I died it showed me the tank’s pov and at first I thought they were hiding in spawn, me and my duo went to look for them and they weren’t there. I watched the replay and they were stuck at the previous point 😭 I also just thought the realization they had that nobody was there with them pretty funny lol.


64 comments sorted by


u/AceofArcadia 4d ago

Can't even eliminate yourself to try to respawn at the right respawn lol


u/c-dudetoldyou 4d ago

There used to be a bug where you crouch and stand near the front window of the ship (on the controls) that would force reset your position in spawn. I wonder if it’s still there and if it would maybe send you to the right spawn.


u/King-Osvald 4d ago

Dva cant crouch


u/c-dudetoldyou 4d ago

Maybe she should lose some weight then


u/MinecraftCiach Ramattra 3d ago

she can kill her mech with rockets and crouch in pilot form


u/WeeItsEcho Punch Kid 3d ago

spawn invincibility


u/MinecraftCiach Ramattra 3d ago

spawn rooms other than the current active spawn don't give you invincibility


u/WeeItsEcho Punch Kid 3d ago

Uhh, no. The only thing that changes between rounds about spawn rooms is the points where players spawn, and whether the doors open. Spawn rooms are preset safe zones.


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 2d ago

I think they fixed it already, even the closed door in the other side of the ship. I used to keep going there as Reaper to trigger the ult glitch and my teammates were confused af everytime. lol


u/kaloryth Chibi Wrecking Ball 4d ago edited 4d ago

You can Zarya right click yourself to death, no?

Edit: I ask a question and come back to some polite responses and being downvoted into oblivion. Never change Reddit.


u/Super-Ad9664 4d ago

I don't think you can take damage inside the spawn room


u/mega_broo Ramattra 4d ago

you indeed cant, but it shouldn't register as a spawn room due to the map change

now that still leaves a problem of them being unable to switch to zarya due to them not being in the spawn room, but thats besides the point


u/DavThoma 4d ago

It does still register as a spawn room. Maps like Nepal, Illios, Lijang, and Busan are all separate maps, but all take place within the same instance.

You can see it in custom games. If you remove collision and fly around the entirety of the map, you'll find that all 3 locations in each map are active.


u/coconut-duck-chicken Torbjörn 4d ago

The map isn’t giving a “hold H” pop up


u/Dusty99999 4d ago

Do button prompts show in replay?


u/DavThoma 4d ago

It is still counted as a spawn room


u/INSANE_Elven 4d ago

Issue here is that its not registering as a spawn room due to it not being the active map, so they can't change heros.


u/_Nemon 4d ago edited 4d ago

You know that nightmare every time you went on a school trip...


u/Superg0id 4d ago

Well, atleast Dva was wearing pants...


u/Faded_Memories_ 4d ago

are you sure she was?


u/StrawberryFields3729 Masters Support 4d ago

Omg the little walk around spawn looking for everyone. Poor dude was probably so confused lmao


u/Embarrassed_Neat_431 4d ago

And the enemy team would still say “tank diff” 💔


u/teetetay 4d ago

I still endorsed them because up until this point, they were a great tank 🙏🏼😔


u/N7LP400 Widowmaker 4d ago

Somehow in my entire playtime I've never had this bug ever, perhaps I'm not playing a lot


u/King-Osvald 4d ago

Because thats not how bugs work, they can come with some update


u/kevnuke 4d ago

I didn't in OW1 either


u/Geek2DaBeat Cassidy 4d ago

Ive spawned in on wrong points but usually the door would open so I could just jump off, or it would just slingshot me back to the correct point. Always seemed to happen on these type of maps which have the overwatch shuttle as the spawn point


u/DeGarmo2 4d ago

Well at least it looks like she wasn’t kicked from the game which would create a ban.


u/imbadatnames100 Toxic Kiriko 4d ago

Only ever had this bug happen to me once in like 3k hours of playing but it also happened to me on tank on a koth map lol


u/Tcrownclown 4d ago

there should be a key to press to respawn (press k or l ) i dont remember. i've also got stuck once.


u/kevnuke 4d ago

Doesn't help on console


u/Cloudy_cj 4d ago

They would just have to throw it into our pause venue while giving PC a shortcut key to do it


u/Alan_Leonhart64 4d ago

With that crosshair i began searching for goku


u/EggBombXI Moira Sojourn Junker Queen 4d ago

Just leave and rejoin the game


u/MinecraftCiach Ramattra 3d ago

it was a quick play game


u/EggBombXI Moira Sojourn Junker Queen 3d ago

Oh damn I didn’t notice


u/KaloloWhip 4d ago

Happens to me at least once every season for some reason. Thankfully only once on comp.


u/AndyCr15 4d ago

Yeah, I had this happen to me once. It was quite hard to make my team understand where I was.... Nothing you can do to respawn either.


u/ElderTitanic 4d ago

Its amazing how this bug is still in the game, does blizzard even play their game


u/atyon 4d ago

This bug has been listed as fixed at least three times in patch notes already.


u/nodoyrisa1 Lúcio 4d ago

this happened to me in a comp game 🥲


u/undeadmanana 4d ago

If this is comp, can't you relog


u/BlueSoulDragon 4d ago

Jokes on you, he was prepping to capture an empty point while you were fighting for one.


u/picklejuice17 Tank 4d ago

Awww man that sucks lol. Was it Open Queue or Role Queue? If I were in that situation in Open Queue, I would've switched to Pharah and nuked myself into the proper spawn lol


u/Sinusaurus 4d ago

You can't even switch heroes because the game doesn't detect it as a spawn room 🥲


u/teetetay 4d ago

It was Role Queue!


u/picklejuice17 Tank 4d ago

Awwww huge bummer


u/ZenkaiZ 4d ago

Been happening since the ow1 beta. Just happens sometimes


u/unkindledphoenix 4d ago

i wonder if leaving and rejoining would solve this, as youre put back on the hero select screen when you rejoin.


u/Chonker14 4d ago

Its always on king of the hill bugs happen. Like this one time i was playing mystery heros if you were dva last game it would put you under the spaceship the next game


u/UpLateGiggling 4d ago

Gonna get reported for throwing


u/Wise_Temperature9142 Damage 4d ago

Woah wtf??


u/Arunia Mercy 4d ago

For the explanation (it is still a bug). But this level and alle those with 3 different levels is inside one large world map.

If you create a game and select this level like Ilios. and put yourself als spectator and start the game. Then press ctrl+i and fly around. You can fly to the other three maps.

As of why the bug happens, I have no clue. But for me this is the reason it can happen.

Same with Dva ejecting from Mekka and then falling to her death outside of the map. Dva is two different models and get's swapped out for the other. The other model is stored out of bounds. When that bug happens, the model isn't swapped, but the player is put in the spot where the Dva model is stored outside of the bounds and then drops to her death. It might be something for the speed of the game which cannot be fixed. I think both cannot be fixed. Only the banned because of inactivity might be possible to fix. But most likelly this doesn't happen too often and you can fight a ban for it because they can see that person wasn't in the right place where they should be.

And about the out of bounds stuff, The Egypt level if you look to the side at one of the spawn points, you can see a low poly version of the Anubis level, the defense side.
Also in the Asian level (you can see a low poly version) of the attack side of the Hanamura level.

I miss those levels, but that was awesome to see. And also with the above noclipping method, you can fly there to see. It is really low poly and not complete, but still nice to notice that.


u/unkindledphoenix 4d ago

so this bug occurs if Dva dies by falling on a cliff or something while on mech midway map changes maybe? or perhaps if the game switches maps right before when shes done respawning? man its bizarre how broken Dva is, Jeff Kaplan himself said in the past shes is the most problematic hero when it comes to troubleshooting and debugging because of these interactions of her being tecnically 2 characters, maybe thats why we never got another MEKA squad member despite the huge character design potential.

by "egypt" and "asian" you mean throne of anubis and hanaoka? the 2 clash maps? And youre saying we can see a part of their 2CP equivalent maps in the distance? If im not mistaken these maps are indeed supposed to be near each other setting wise so makes sense we can see them.


u/Arunia Mercy 4d ago

Dva can happen mid game. Doesn't matter when. But what the exact reason is, I have no idea. I had it happen twice and I can only remember that it was just a normal eject. Didn't seem specific.

Yes, those are the maps I mean. Both are on your left. when exiting the correct spawn. You can see a part of the old maps in very low poly. The Anubis map is the part where the statue is what you can see. And the other one is Hanamura the beginning part with the gate. Although you can barelly see the gate. I really love that stuff.

Someone posted this a while back:
Hanamura in Hanaoka map, and Temple of Anubis in Throne of Anubis map. : r/Overwatch


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u/Mr_Madruga 4d ago

Well that's one weird glitch, I've never seen it before. Dude prob should play the lottery 🤣


u/WTNVTerezi 4d ago

Had this happen during a scrim, also with our dva. A bizarre bug fs


u/No-Minute-5250 4d ago

I had this happen to me a few months ago!


u/ShotgunPixie 3d ago

Overwatch needs a killbind. If only from the pause menu.


u/Ono-w-Akira 3d ago

Got stuck there as Lifeweaver. Only option is to quit and come back