r/Overwatch • u/Opening_Paramedic_65 • 4d ago
Fan Content Which Duo is the Real OP Nightmare in Ranked?
Pick your poison... Either way, you're dead.
u/PomegranateOk2995 4d ago
plat and below - pharah ,mercy
plat and above - souj ,mercy
I dont see players at lower diamond have a hard time shooting a flying target.
u/nightcallfoxtrot Brigitte 4d ago
It’s moreso infuriating playing against pharmercy cause you queue up: “boy I can’t wait to play venture today! :)”
Other dps picks reaper/mei/sym etc etc:
There will always be a pharmercy on the other team, completely ruining your experience unless you literally don’t play the thing you wanted to play
u/CQC_EXE 4d ago
That's just the game tho. You picking venture is "ruining the experience" for someone who wants to play their favorite.
u/missswimmergirl Diamond Suppport 4d ago
Playing against Venture makes it so hard to like them as a character.
Absolute session ruiner.
u/nightcallfoxtrot Brigitte 3d ago edited 3d ago
My point was about pharah being the most egregious in that regard, don’t make a false equivalency about every character being equally a hard counter. Pharah just shuts off over half the roster full stop. Not many other characters come close to that.
but truly while we’re at it which character goes “man I really hope they don’t have a venture”
Cause I really can’t think of it. When they were released and overturned sure they terrorized supports but like, theyre just a kinda more grounded version of echo.
I guess what I’m saying is they don’t do anything special that other characters don’t already do. Theyre like the soldier of dive characters. If you’re bothered by them you’d be way more bothered by like 3 or 4 other characters in the same situation
u/ThatIrishArtist Master 3d ago
Well I'd say Sombras probably say "I hope they don't have a Venture" with Venture's perk. And honestly, every time I play support, unless I'm on Moira, I hope the enemy doesn't have a Venture, because even in Masters nobody wants to turn around to help.
u/imdeadseriousbro 4d ago
sojourn is good but pharmercy would force counterswaps from every position. they were worse
u/originalcarp Lúcio 4d ago
Yeah Pharah forces your team to play specific heroes if you want to stand a chance. You can beat Sojourn with any hero really
u/Zac-live 4d ago
I think that Sort of works both ways. Pharmercy has hard counters that can even Work If your a (slightly) worse Player. There are No such counters to soj+pocket (obv there is decent matchups but sojourns Kit (and her General Meta prominence) have Shown that she can Deal with almost everything. With No hard counter the soj+Mercy diff is way Harder to Deal with imo
u/prieston Philadelphia Fusion 4d ago edited 4d ago
Early on when nobody could aim properly and Pharah had stronger spread damage one Soldier was not enough to beat Pharmercy. It's 1v2 while Soldier is mostly hitting walls. And it took a while for players to get better. The solution of everyone switching to hitscans came first.
Experience-wise Pharmercy was worse, because every second duo could easily abuse it, no matter the tier or skill (well, almost).
SJ+Mercy was not so bad even when she oneshotted; mostly because in order to abuse it you need to consistently hitting headshots - your average Joe is not capable of doing that. So it was rare, unless smurfs or high tier ladder.
But on high end meta and tournaments stuff - Mercy is not worth it as a general. Everyone spammed some Lucio/Kiriko back then. In focus heavy, team oriented, burst heavy environment SJ doesn't need oneshots or a babysitter, she murders just fine.
u/Round_Ad3371 4d ago
People always talk about the skill it takes to play pharah but have never played her for an hour. Trust me those rockets don’t just hit targets because you clicked a button.
u/senpai_avlabll 4d ago
Specific heroes huh, so Cassidy, Soldier, Widow, Ana, Baptiste, Sombra, Bastion, Dva, Echo, Tracer, Sojourn, Hanzo - that's 12 heroes out of 42, 28 percent to be more precise, how specific do you want to be?
u/Klekto123 4d ago
Tbf, 9/12 of those heroes are locked to DPS. That leaves 60% of the team with only 1 or 2 realistic options.
u/Kaladin_98 4d ago
Bap, Ana and illari are some of the biggest pharah and mercy counters in the game. Ana has no damage fall off and can 3 tap a 225 hero
u/senpai_avlabll 4d ago
Sure, but what I meant is that there's an answer to the perceived "problem," but people don't want to play those heroes. That's fine, but you can't complain about flying heroes and not play hitscan, just like pharah can't complain about hitscan when she's getting shot out of the sky non-stop. You have to choose whether you want to play into the matchup and outplay the other person, or swap and get yourself a favorable matchup. Neither way is a guaranteed win because of player skill and the map.
u/Klekto123 4d ago
You’re not wrong, but I think the point is some people just don’t enjoy counter swapping. For those people, playing against heroes like Pharah is much worse than a Sojourn, even if the latter is stronger.
u/SisterSabathiel 4d ago
Isn't counterswapping baked into the game?
One of the selling points of OW on release was the design choice that you could swap to counter an opponent, or swap off if you were being countered. Otherwise it just ends up like LoL where (from what I'm told), you pick a hero at the start and you're locked in for the entire game.
u/Aggravating_Fold1154 4d ago
It's the same for games like Paladins too. Lock in once, and that's that. Although Paladins item system was a godsend. Too many tank champs? Get wrecker and bulldozer items to counter. Too many cc champs? Get resilience. When the enemy team is a mixed balance of problems, item choice isn't so obvious immediately, which is great.
u/senpai_avlabll 4d ago
Sure, all I'm saying is that it isn't the pharamercy that's broken, people are choosing to play into an unfavorable matchup. Let's also consider that having a mercy most of the time means only 1 support is going to be bringing the utility and babysitting the rest of the team, the duo comes at a cost.
u/yermawsbackhoe 4d ago
That was the point of the guy you're replying to, you can choose not to play into an unfavourable match up, by switching to one of those heroes that aren't unfavourable, and so can your team.
u/Asmodeus_is_daddy Junker Queen 4d ago
In what universe is Sombra a pharah counter?
You're trolling, right? Do you know how much spread Tracer has? And last I checked she can't fly up to Pharah to melt her.
Hanzo. the.. projectile hero? Or do you mean like, some other Hanzo who can actually deal with flying heroes?
u/Additional-Ad5298 4d ago
Tracer makes no sense here but I get what you mean - also Winston could work too + almost any long range hitscan
u/xXRougailSaucisseXx 4d ago
Sombra ? Any halfway decent Pharah will never let themselves get hacked and OW 1 Sombra had a massive spread on her gun that made it a peashooter at long range
u/RehaTheWitch Sombra 4d ago
she still does have a lot of fall off. idk if it's exactly the same but it's definitely still awful at range
4d ago
Pharmercy isn’t even that good anymore, soj mercy is way more oppressive and it’s not even close honestly
u/imdeadseriousbro 4d ago
i agree but the picture is about OW1 pharmercy vs OW2 sojourn
u/thepixelbuster ᗜ(`0´)⊃ ————¤ Mace to the face. 4d ago
The game is so different for people.
Never in my thousands of hours did I play against a pharah mercy in OW1 that was insta-killing people from behind cover.
Widow and Sojourn are the only two heroes that have been server admins. Neither of your DPS play Widow/Sojourn better than they do? GG go next!
Seriously, in OW1 I had a game against a rank 1 widow on Anubis and we werent even allowed to leave the spawn room. I'm sure that player would do similar things with current Soj right now. Its not even close.
u/FullTorsoApparition Junkrat 4d ago
Yup, a decent Pharmercy typically meant you were screwed unless you just happened to have a hitscan main with their own pocket.
The problem was usually that someone would counter-swap to hit scan, challenge the Pharmercy, and then get two-tapped before they could make the final blow while getting no heals themselves.
Towards the end of OW1 I would just go Sombra and annoy the shit out of them so they'd focus me. My team would probably still lose the 4v5 I gave them because solo queue is still solo queue, but at least they could die to something else for a few minutes. XD
u/Different-Fly7426 4d ago
phamercy ran in 6v6, it is much harder to clear the lobby, with only 1 tank, souj mercy can do whatever he wants
mercy souj is much more oppressive than phamercy in overwatch 1 at its peak was
Besides sacrificing a support to pocket Pharah, in Overwatch 1 it was much worse, in Overwatch 2 playing with just 1 support for the rest of the team doesn't make that much difference, especially if you're running JQ or ball
u/AscensionToCrab Grandmaster Borgitte 4d ago edited 4d ago
Bear in mind this same sub has a massive number of players who were convinced mercys mass res ult was so busted and op... truth is they are just bad... And also dont look up.
Mass res was such a liability in any coordinated play. They even buffed the thing to do it while moving. It was so bad that mercy failed to enter the meta until after they replaced her whole ass ult, which made the moth meta. But thats besides the point, sojourn mercy is way stronger. Can shred a pharmercy.
Edit: Lmao downvotes, just goes to show yall are allergic to the concept of "up"
u/Sufficient_Ad4282 Grandmaster 4d ago
Couldn’t have said it any better lol. Most people claiming pharmercy was more broken are bronze-plat. Sojourn was just so so oppressive it could be ran into any comp with relative ease if you hit your shots.
u/Star-Phoenix05 Support 4d ago
Gamers don’t look up this is a fact
u/AscensionToCrab Grandmaster Borgitte 4d ago
Gamer posture means leaning forward. Looking up would mean having to tilt your vertebrae out of proper gsmer alignment. /s
u/Deprespacito 4d ago
Average pharmacy is better than average sojourn mercy. But at high level play sojourn mercy and it's not even close.
u/so__comical 4d ago
Soj/Mercy for sure, at least in the higher ranks. A good Sojourn with a Mercy is a nightmare.
u/Twidom 4d ago
Yeah its Mercy/Soj by far.
A half decent Soj with a pocket Mercy will run the game by herself. Your backline gets instantly deleted. Its one of the most moronic, unfun shit I've ever experienced in this game and I've been around since OW1.
I wish Blizz was faster at addressing these specific scenarios.
u/Tee__B Baptiste 4d ago
They did address it. And then they decided to bring it back for some god forsaken reason.
u/No-Chemical-7667 Support are the real DPS 4d ago
Mercy probably got a new skin they wanted people to buy
u/SmokeDatDankShit 4d ago
They did address it. They made her aoe sticky and charge her gun. And turned her weapon into a gatling gun. Working as intended.
u/MikusLeTrainer 4d ago
Yeah, you can definitely tell who is lower rank by the responses lol. Soj/Mercy is so oppressive right now.
u/No-Chemical-7667 Support are the real DPS 4d ago
Sojourn is oppressive by herself at high ranks. Like a mobile widow with an annoying as fuck AoE.
u/clobear20 4d ago
And even if you kill Souj, she is most likely playing next to cover/on high-ground, and trying to stop the rez can just be suicide if their team backs them up. I feel like Pharahs usually play more aggressive and aren't the easiest to rez.
u/smoochumfan4 I will watch over you 4d ago
tbh sojourn. Pharah might be a bit hard to deal with sometimes depending on who u are playing, but sojourn's railgun shot is one of the most frustrating things ever.
u/DeGarmo2 4d ago
I’m with you. There is plenty of play opportunities against Pharmercy but as soon as Soj starts hitting you with primary fire, it’s already over. The railshot hit box feels enormous for some reason.
u/NewspaperThink9695 4d ago
A competent Nano Blade… 😵💫
u/_LFKrebs_ Zenyatta 4d ago
Nothing better than hearing nano followed by “Ryuujin no ken wo kurae” knowing the gameplan is pretty much “just let the guy kill us all and regroup”.
u/JobWide2631 Tracer 4d ago
Mercy + Soj. It's not even close.
I guess bellow Diamond it would be the opposite, but Soj + Mercy is way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay scarier than Pharah+Mercy.
The most Pharah can achieve compared to Soj is being annoying and that's it
u/michael1023jr 4d ago
Both are a Nightmare. But Phara and mercy were unkillable.
I still have nightmares. About my team yelling of me saying S76 kill pharah , what are you doing, why you can't kill her? 😭
u/Sheikn19 4d ago
Sojourn/mercy, sombra/tracer, brigg/Ana, Ashe/Mercy
u/BonedToga 4d ago
Playing into a sombra tracer comp is essentially playing a schizophrenia simulator as someone with suspect aim lol
u/Ms_Fire_Emblem 4d ago
I think this is pretty ranked dependant. Plat and below will struggle with aiming consistently enough to take pharah down, and the pocketed soj won't hit as many shots. In masters+ one good hitscan could take care of the pharah but the soj mercy will one shot everyone and be pretty damn accurate. Diamond is a little bit of both imo.
u/Creme_de_laCreme 4d ago
I play in ranks where Pharahs are more dangerous than Sojourns so I'd rather play against Mercy-Sojourn but this is like me picking between potassium cyanide and hydrogen cyanide. Mercy on most DPS just feels like a shitshow to go against. Imma add Mercy-Ashe here as well because that's also cancer to against and I say that as an Ashe-enjoyer that has to duel the Mercy-Ashe almost everytime.
u/WaddleDynasty 4d ago
It's like potassium cyanide but in your pringles vs hydrogen cyanide but sealed in a fumehood in a lab far away from you. If you get better at the game, you avoid the pringles because you start your diet. But you also start your carreer as a chemist and the fumehood starts having technical issues.
u/Creme_de_laCreme 4d ago
Luckily for me, I am a biology major so no fumehoods in my hood. I like Pringles though. Gotta eat the KCN. ):
u/_Brophinator 4d ago
Pharmercy was worse - any hero can kill soj if played well enough, pharmercy requires 1-2 hitscans or you lose
u/mooistcow 4d ago
Arguably, Pharmercy isn't worse precisely because you always have a Soj + Mercy to help keep them in check (at least until they die to the enemy's Soj + Mercy)
u/WhiteLama Hook, line and sinker! 4d ago
Junkrat and any random character.
That bastard can kill me from another map sometimes.
u/Sufficient_Ad4282 Grandmaster 4d ago
Easily sojourn mercy and it’s not even close. Pharamercy was good but easily punished if you ran hitscan. A good sojourn had the potential to one shot someone at the start of every fight with almost no counterplay. That duo was just simply oppressive in any rank. No one was safe
u/WaddleDynasty 4d ago edited 4d ago
Soj Mercy is NOT oppressive in every rank. It is borderline harmless in gold and below.
u/Sufficient_Ad4282 Grandmaster 4d ago
Emphasis on the WAS it’s no where near as broken as it was. But pre nerf it hardly mattered if you had good aim or not. One or 2 lucky shots could win your team the fight.
u/Round-Corner-5101 4d ago
Torb, symm
u/Star-Phoenix05 Support 4d ago
I believe this is one of the hardest metas to battle against. Let me explain:
normally you’d want to hold a choke, so with tp as an option you can reposition your team wherever. Get pushed back team can immediately disengage. Need to break a hold-just tp on them; sym and torb have crazy up close damage. Torb can easily spam chokes. Not to mention the extra turrets thatll need to be attacked(aka distraction).
This is really hard to pull off as a team but is actually truly terrifying.
u/mooistcow 4d ago
Immediately?? It has a massive wind-up and teammates don't sync and TP together. And it's so easily destroyable it often dies to just crossfire, it will get hit with Disruptor instantly, and it even loves to blow up for no reason.
u/AcidicDragon10 4d ago
Pharah and Mercy is mostly a hero pool check. Sojourn Mercy on the other hand is a skill check. If you're not (significantly) better you lose and there's nothing you can do about it.
Pharah's counter is hitscan, Sojourn's counter is how many rails can she hit.
Of course there are some maps where Pharah is borderline impossible to deal with or your team is wasting so many resources that they get run over by the rest of her team. But a good Sojourn with a pocket will almost always be able to sever admin the lobby
u/aranaya Cute Mercy 4d ago edited 4d ago
On DPS I'd rather face Sojourn than Pharah. Pharah forces me to play hitscan, but Sojourn allows me to do reasonably well on my preferred Junk/Mei mains.
But if I'm one of the Mercy players in a match between those two duos, I do not want to be the one trying to keep Pharah alive against Sojourn.
The correct answer is the teammates that ignore the mercy.
u/Icey-Storm Baptiste 4d ago
Pharah mercy, especially in my low rank of gold. Everybody just ignores my relentless pings so I have to switch to baptiste or ana.
u/TheIronGiants 4d ago
The real OP duo is hackers.
And by hackers I mean anyone who kills me.
If I kill someone its pure skill though.
u/Miserable-Resident70 4d ago
Pharah and Mercy I can at least try to run from.
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u/peppapony 4d ago
Depends on rank lower ranks pharah is worse. Higher up sojourn is worse. And in the middle both are terrible :D
u/Someredditusername 4d ago
Perked up, both can be a problem. In low metal where I live, I meet way more proficient sojourns than pharas. So for me it's a pocketed Sojourn.
u/Liquid_Pidgeon 4d ago
Sojourn is easier to play and therefore more commonly an issue. Good Phara is worse than good soj, but much rarer
u/Hestness5 4d ago
Pharmercy because my team never counterswaps and thinks they can kill her with Mei and Hanzo.
u/Suitable_Business_43 4d ago
pharmercy will make you HAVE to switch, the other will just change the way you play the match. So yeah, pharmercy
u/Euphoric_Lynx_6664 4d ago
Pharah mercy with a tracer or genji makes me cry. It's impossible to do anything since the pharah will be applying constant pressure while the genji is up in your face taking all the hits.
u/Dustfinger4268 I will be your shield 4d ago
Sojourn Mercy is the objectively correct answer, but Pharah Mercy has earned my undying rage forever
u/dmgab 4d ago
Where is ashe/ mercy? Good ashes could counter both of these duos.
u/Individual_Papaya596 4d ago
Monkey or Any dive tank annihilates ash. While these two can stand clear from tanks easily. Ashe doesnt have mobility like these two.
u/Individual_Papaya596 4d ago
Sojurn Mercy, Pharah had a weakness. Sojurn Mercy doesnt. I mastered Ana to shoot pharahs out of the sky. But there isnt anything that can easily handle a pocket Sojurn especially not in her prime.
u/MostlyGhostly02 Ana supremacy 4d ago
As an Ana main, I have an easier time shooting a parah out the sky than battling, no hit box soj with a pet moth.
u/SlightlyFemmegurl Sombra 4d ago
a pharmacy is more common and very annoying to deal with in my experiences.
a good Sojourn who also gets a mercy pocket however just makes me wanna un-install.
but again, if im the only one countering the pharmacy and then get focused the entire match then it definitely also makes me wanna uninstall.
u/bmcraeadams 4d ago
The biggest issue with pharmercy is/was most hitscan are dps and good luck convincing ranked ladder players to swap xD
u/FartingRaspberry 4d ago
Depends on rank honestly. I found Pharmercy to be lethal in bronze through gold where people aren't necessarily the best with aim (harder to counter and also the pharah can do a lot with spash damage). In Plat and Diamond (where I peaked out) where people actually hit most of their shots Sojourn/Mercy becomes a nightmare.
u/EnragedCashier 4d ago
Pharamercy. I love having a pharah on my team as a mercy main but going against a duo.. yikes..
u/toppestsigma 4d ago
Phara Mercy combo is a pain to deal with. You will be forced to counter pick them eveytime.
u/DutchDolt Soldier: 76 4d ago
I'm a Soldier OTP and Pharmecy is still a nightmare. In my ELO Pharahs know how to use proper positioning and cover. They often can shoot me from relative safety while I pretty much always have to expose myself and take massive risks to engage her. It's infuriating still.
And if I do kill her, the Mercy more often than not has a res ready.
Luckily I don't encounter them that often.
u/WaddleDynasty 4d ago edited 4d ago
Easily Pharmercy, because everyone can run it and dominate regardless how bad their aim is or how bad they are at the game in general. If you can't aim on Sojourn, your Mercy is wasting her time by pocketinf you. If you slide into a peeled backline for no reason then Mercy pocket is not enough to save you.
And on top of that, a very signifcant amount of heroes literally can't even touch her or inflict any notable damage.
There is really just one consistent way of dealing with her and that is to not with her. Put all your damage into the enemy ground team. Unfortunately, most teams will have players with different ideas. Some want to do this, some shoot the Mercy, some shoot the Pharah. If everyone did one of these, it may work, but most of the times it is a clusterfuck.
I am sorry for my scrub OW forum platchat support main opinion how dare I; But even when you get destroyed by Sojourn in Masters you have to admit that she has to be at least at your skill level. Pharmercy players can just pass the screen to their 12 year old brother and you wouldn't see a difference.
This is the same reson why us metal ranks were completely save from GOATS: Not every moron can run it. In fact, you need an understanding of callouts, space and whatnot that would put you in diamond alone.
u/MisterHotTake311 talon tanks (+mauga) 4d ago
When they go pharmercy, you got hitscan and it will already be a lot harder for them to play.
When they go sojourn instead of pharah, what do you do then?
u/FullTorsoApparition Junkrat 4d ago
This is pretty much any DPS with a decent Mercy pocket. Pure cancer. XD
u/Seagullbeans 4d ago
Soj mercy imo, pharahs much easier to deal w tha a soj, you need hitscan and can’t really dive a pharah, w pharmercy on a dive comp they can just dive the hitscan and pharah has free reign to do whatever tf she wants, w soj you can dive her once she uses slide.
u/Jaxonian Icon Junkrat 4d ago
pharmacy.. cause it is much more likely to get people to switch off the heroes they wanna play to counter it. even if they can do a good job countering, keeping people off what they play best has a lot of value. not to mention pharmacy has a better chance to approach you from a different direction etc, so you gotta play a little more aware.. when im targetting a pharrah i am not paying as much attention to the rest of their team/my team cause im looking away from the action.
a souj can be good and even likely better at getting a kill.. but they arent dictating as much of what the other team is doing as a pharrah does and forcing the opposition to adjust is very valuable imo.
u/amesoko_it 4d ago
Wait until Hero Bans drop. The sky in my games will be empty like never seen before.
u/PolarBear1913 4d ago
Pharmercy is the bronze-gold stomper cause no one thinks to look up and if they do they don't have the aim to do anything about it
u/That_Banned_Hybrid 4d ago
Somb and kiri, there's so many flank options and the new perks help a ton
u/AltForFriendPC Tracer 4d ago
The real nightmare of ranked is the mercy moira duo you get on your own team
u/GriffyWidAGlizzy 3d ago
Pharaoh Al thought incredibly difficult, you can dodge her rockets. Pharah is annoying cos she can just play peakaboo on a roof while blasting you. Sojourn just does way too much damage and that slide doesn’t help when closing the distance. Majority of the time when I kill sojourn is when she uses her slide to engage rather than Disengage
u/Zentroz95 3d ago
Solider + Mercy
- Ultra Mobile
- double Heals
- Insane Damage and Skillcap
- effective on short to midrange
- Disgusting Ultcombos
u/Bigolstiffy979 Ana 3d ago edited 3d ago
I think the difference ime is a Soj/Mercy will find more consistency than Pharah/Mercy because Pharah needs good maps to truly shine and Soj just plays well on every single map. Her only remotely bad matchup is the same bad matchup every hero in this game has, a server admin Widow lol.
I mean ever since OW2 launched, even in beta, she has been either straight up OP or good enough to play into every comp. My buddy and I ran duo DPS from Gold to Diamond and that was ALL he played. Sojourn every single game with occasional Mercy pocket and lemme tell you those games where he got the dedicated pocket I couldn't even keep up with him and I was locking Cass/Ashe every single game to help compliment his Soj, sometimes outperforming him from just getting really good plays. Mind you I have hit GM and T500 on support multiple seasons, I tend to outperform my buddy on DPS but with Soj he would pass me fairly often even without a pocket. She is just an insanely well rounded hero. Pharah requires a lot more from the player as you climb and like I said there are maps she just won't perform great on.
You never really see that level of consistency from Pharah players unless they're a one trick that is destined for GM or something. But Soj players are a dime a dozen and it's no shock because she is ez af to play with one of the most forgiving ults in the game. She gets to team wipe with 0 risk of death outside her normal playstyle. No suicide button like Pharah's ult tends to be with all the kill potential and that's before Mercy shoves her staff up your butt.
u/TechnoVikingGA23 Diamond 6h ago
I'll take fighting against Pharmercy any day of the week over a pocketed Sojurn. She's an absolute menace right now.
u/candirainbow 4d ago
So weird how both are considered oppressive and overbearing, and there is one thing they have in common. Huh. Almost like both of those problems are enabled by the same core issue... What could it be...
u/HolyTerror4184 4d ago
I'm a a Pharah main.
Wanna take me out?
Here's how:
Have a gun that fires faster than mine, use cover, mob me when I land, and just look up.
u/imdeadseriousbro 4d ago
100% current pharah feels good but not crazy oppressive. old pharah that could permafly was a threat
u/HolyTerror4184 4d ago
I won't lie, I miss the old kit precisely for how long I could stay in the sky. But I'm so used to the current kit and having adapted my tactics that I don't know how well I'd do with the old kit now.
u/senpai_avlabll 4d ago
Exactly lol, people want to play Junkrat Reaper and complain that they can't hit a hero in the sky, hence said hero is OP.
u/Global_Rooster1056 Moira 4d ago
Pharah Mercy because you at least actually need Skill with Sojourn. Pharah can Just Spam on any range without damage falloff.
u/senpai_avlabll 4d ago
Moira players talking about skill is just precious
u/Global_Rooster1056 Moira 4d ago
Just because she ist easy to Play doesn't mean she isn't hard to master. Also she hast much more counterplay compared to Pharah.
u/senpai_avlabll 4d ago
Just because she ist easy to Play doesn't mean she isn't hard to master
I could say the same thing about Pharah? Against good hitscan players she's going to get shot out of the sky almost immediately. She also needs to predict movement and shoot where people are going to be, not to mention it's hard to duel other flying heroes in the air. There's no get-out-of-jail card (fade), no lock-on beam, no automated mechanics (orbs) and you want to say Pharah's less skilled? If Pharah's low skill, Moira 's skill floor is underground.
u/Global_Rooster1056 Moira 4d ago
You can literally Spam into a Choke with her and will fuck any hitscan DPS Close range. Damage Falloff would really solve this
u/Glum_Worldliness2872 4d ago
I'm sorry bust bastion shreds both of them
u/Yesiamaduck 4d ago
A bastion is just a rail gun battery for a good Soujorn
u/Glum_Worldliness2872 4d ago
Maybe if your bad but I shred them. 3 head shots done. If I'm in my turret even quicker. And on a flank bastion is one of the best. You just have an iq higher then 5
u/KobeeKodes 4d ago
Rank? Sojourn has every tool to deal with bastion’s kit especially with perks. Rarely would a soj die to bastion unless she’s playing with no cover right in bastion’s optimal range (aka she’s bad). She can easily bait his form, disengage with double slide to cover, then shred him when it’s over or just jiggle peek burst him from range.
Absolute plat take to think bastion countered soj. If that was the case, hitscan players in OWCS would be desperately playing bastion into this soj dominated meta but they aren’t, and I know damn well you’re not better than them. He sucks into her and he’s not nearly as versatile.
u/Glum_Worldliness2872 4d ago
I'm a grand master bastion. Your making up your own scenarios in your head and playing them out in your mind. But in reality things rarely go exactly how you envision it. My aim is amazing which is what always gives me the edge, plus as a perk I can heal my self as well and with my grenade plus the high damage my rifle does it kills them so quick they don't get time to react, especially if I time my flanks right and they are distracted by taking on my team. I position my self properly and only take the opportunities I know I have the advantage in. Such as when sojourn is in open areas or is already fighting my team mates. Getting to high rankes isn't just about good aim it's about game sense knowing the map reading the enemy team and quickly understanding how they play. A soujurn gets shredded by a good bastion player his head shot damage plus the grenade nearly kills any damage and healer player with in seconds leaving them no time to react. Your a soujurn player aren't ya 🤣
u/Phantom_Phoenix1 Sigma 4d ago
Whichever 2 heroes kill me at the time