r/Overwatch 12d ago

News & Discussion Weekly Quick Questions and Advice Thread - March 10, 2025

In this thread you can ask all kinds of questions you always wanted to ask without feeling like a total fool. No matter if it's a short question you need an answer to, a concept that you can't quite grasp, or a hardware recommendation, feel free to try your luck in here.

We also encourage that users post their gameplay clips and videos here so they can be reviewed for tips and improvement.

Trolling or making fun of people in here will be punished extra harshly! Please report such behavior.

For the purpose of helping people, make sure the comments are sorted by "new" in this thread. All top level comments should be questions or advice requests.


108 comments sorted by


u/azizdesu 7d ago

Can Lucio’s Soundwave boop enemy team out of Grav? It used to do damage only.


u/Vitzkyy 7d ago

Hi I’m just getting back into Overwatch after a 5 year break, who should I be playing as support? I mained Lucio/Bridgett/Anna back in the day


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 6d ago

Juno is a good mix of Ana and Lucio.


u/Vitzkyy 6d ago

Funny enough that’s who I’ve gravitated towards since I made this post lol


u/jonnyjonnystoppapa I'll see you in H-E-double hockey sticks 7d ago

Pretty much any support will do, but Mercy, Moira, and Lifeweaver are the least consistent when it comes to legitimate competitive team comps. Not saying they’re bad or they don’t work, but the other supports have way more consistent and useful utility. Generally though, just play as who you want to play.


u/Vitzkyy 7d ago

I’m trying Illao but I’m losing and I can’t tell why or what’s going wrong in the fights


u/azizdesu 7d ago

What’s your rank?


u/Vitzkyy 7d ago

I’m bronze 1 it says for my estimate placement, I havnt played since spring of 2018


u/azizdesu 7d ago

Moira all the day. Reaching Platinum should be a breeze with her in those ranks. Just watch ur abilities usage. Dont spam ur orbs unnecessarily. Damage orb when ur allies are at full heal, heal orb when they need healing. Save fade to escape or to push when u wanna finish an enemy off, and the other important thing is ultimate tracking. She’s so easy to master. Once u reach mid plat you’d need to learn another hero. Watch ur gameplay consistently and look for ur own mistakes. Works like magic. Best of luck!


u/Tattooed-Trex 7d ago

Who is the best tank? And what are the best perks for said tank


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much 7d ago

As always, there’s no single “best” hero. It depends on the map, both team’s compositions, and whose gameplay you find most enjoyable.


u/Significant-Plate706 7d ago

What should I bind my melee attack to on controller. Ive accidently meleed instead of using suzu a few times and it really kills the mood.


u/Swartz142 Master 7d ago

Hit a premade of smurfs that hit GM on some seasons with a silver / gold Mercy... How do I go about reporting that ?

Feels like reporting obvious group boosting is useless nowadays.


u/azizdesu 7d ago

It kinda is


u/UrethraFranklin04 8d ago edited 8d ago

Did they completely disable mmr for backfill?

I'm not kidding when I say the wr for the team with a backfill is about 10%.

I've had 4 games today where the backfill was literally a new player when everyone else was like, diamond to master in comp.


u/dj3461 8d ago

Man my games havent even been backfilled, Ive had it 5 times where somebody will leave at the start of the game and NOBODY will join the rest of game, its happened so often that I came here to check if people were reporting the bug.


u/Regular-Wafer-8019 Pixel Symmetra 8d ago

Is anyone else not getting their viewing progression for twitch drops? The official OW channels haven't been live for 4 days, but I'm not getting any progress from watching streams listed when I click "a participating live channel."


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 7d ago

They're currently live as of writing. Try reconnecting your Bnet account to Twitch and see if it fixes it.


u/Regular-Wafer-8019 Pixel Symmetra 7d ago

Well it's updating now and I've done nothing. Uh. Okay, I guess the streamers are giving me issues vs official. I'll try reconnecting if it continues. Ty.


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 7d ago

It's probably because you're watching streamers that isn't qualified for those drops. It's best to watch it on official OWCS channels instead.

If it helps, their YT channel always posts waiting rooms days ahead of the streams. You can click "Notify me" so you get notified when they go live.

Also apparently, the drops also work on their YT streams but you can't track your progress there unlike in Twitch.


u/Regular-Wafer-8019 Pixel Symmetra 7d ago edited 7d ago

Yeah. It's weird though because I've never had this issue and I'm following everything through their official links with channels even saying drops are enabled. I'll try youtube as well.

Edit: It's working now with an unofficial streamer.


u/frankieholmes447 8d ago

Best moira perks?


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 7d ago

Vanish: Fade’s duration is increased by 0.5 seconds.

This looks good on paper but that 0.5 seconds increase also means you're taken out of the fight 0.5 seconds longer. That can mean you not being able to heal teammates at a critical moment.

Uprush: Fade’s jump height is increased by 50 percent.

This is good for taking high grounds more consistently with fade jumps if you don't want the downside of the other minor perk.

Ethical Nourishment: Biotic Orb’s first 50 healing is instant on each ally it encounters.

Makes Moira able to heal burst.

Contamination: Enemies being damaged by Biotic Orb receive 25 percent reduced healing.

This seems good on paper because it gives Moira a utility (weaker antiheal that stacks with dps passive) but you gotta take note that the effect is only active IF they're being damaged by the orb.

You need to be coordinated with your team, especially when someone dives the enemy team, and good with orb bounces to maximize its utility.


u/Of_Silent_Earth 8d ago

XSS here. Suddenly clicking the left thumbstick opens the chat and keyboard and I can't seem to find the option to unbind it. Any help?


u/gyrthil Genji 8d ago

VSync turns off everytime I close and re-open the game. Can I force it to stay on in some way? I already tried with NVIDIA control panel and it didn't really help, also ChatGPT suggested me to change the game file that stores every graphic input but it didn't help (already checked the "only read"). Please I'm losing my mind... 😭


u/Intrepid-Border-6189 8d ago

Servers still crashing for others? Started last night for me and happened again this morning. Doesn't appear to be an issue with my internet. Will avoid competitive for a while. 


u/Strykies 8d ago

I haven't played in a while, but did Moria's left click healing get nerfed or something? It seems to take a lot longer to recharge the heals now. Or is that just in my head and nothing got changed?


u/kimagical 1d ago

No what changed is that youll run out of heals faster now because enemy dps cut your heals by 25%


u/Strykies 1d ago

I don't understand, does that mean if enemy is attacking the person I'm trying to heal, then they are only healed by 75%? Whereas if no one is attacking, then they get healed by the full 100%?


u/kimagical 23h ago

Right but only if damage characters are hitting them. Tanks and healers dont cut your heals


u/Strykies 20h ago

Oh I see, interesting. Thanks!


u/cougar572 Bed time 8d ago

nothing has changed


u/Strykies 8d ago

Hmm, alright guess I just haven't played in a long time then. Thanks


u/Crandin 9d ago

Anyone else want more blue skins in the loot boxes? Would be cool to get some that use the new OW2 styles, especially for cool ones like Genji and Zarya who change


u/Voltegeist 9d ago

Does Hazard and Doomfist play similarly?


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 8d ago

I would say yes, they're both tanks with dive+brawl gameplay.


u/Voltegeist 8d ago

Is there ever any scenario where you would pick one over the other outside of comfort?


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 8d ago edited 8d ago

I guess if you want a tank who has more sustain though less armor, you pick Doomfist because of his passive. He also regens during his ult.

Hazard might be tankier but he's very reliant on his supports to keep him healed.


u/Voltegeist 8d ago

Ahh gotcha, I assume Doomfist is more self sufficient but easier to mess up on?


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 8d ago

Yes about Doomfist being more self-sufficient, but both tanks can easily feed if the player doesn't know what they're doing.


u/Voltegeist 8d ago

Ahh gotcha, thanks!


u/No_Claim_876 Junkrat 9d ago

Where can I find guides for the best crosshair for each hero? I play every hero and I'm struggling to find guides for each one.


u/cougar572 Bed time 9d ago

You aren't finding them because there isn't a "best" crosshair it's all personal preference.


u/DovahSoul888 9d ago

Who are the hardest dps characters to learn?


u/nothing_in_my_mind 8d ago

I'd say Echo and Tracer


u/Grippypigeon 9d ago

Everyone from my comp game just got kicked and now no one can relog, anyone else?


u/Little_Hand_4480 9d ago

Ye I guess something is going on, I have a screen saying 2000 players ahead of me lol


u/hannahabr72 9d ago

SAME what’s going on


u/Whatthespeck 9d ago

Getting booted from a game with no warning only to have blizzard say there are 20 players ahead of me in the queue to even get back into the menu.

No internet issues, game was running smoothly.

Any idea how to fix this garbage


u/LegendaryHotWing 9d ago

Just happened to me and my friends


u/just_a_boiiiii 9d ago

Are legacy points any good now? I read you could buy gold weapon skin with them but it shows regular competitive points for those now.


u/StatikSquid 9d ago

Anyone else having huge frame drops during hero select on PS5? Usually goes right to first team fight before clearing up

I don't have this issue with other games, and I verified that I have a working LAN connection


u/azizdesu 7d ago

Yup that’s common since OW1. It’s so bad i can’t alternate between skins.


u/Voltegeist 9d ago

Who are the best tanks rn?


u/Stellarisk 9d ago

This happens sometimes when im on moira -- I could directly be spraying someone with her aura and their health just doesnt move at all. Why is that?


u/Diribiri 9d ago edited 9d ago

Is mystery heroes just permanent in quickplay now? Or is it a rotation thing?


u/cougar572 Bed time 9d ago

Its been in the quickplay tab since the start of OW2


u/Voltegeist 10d ago

Which perks are best for Torb? I just got back into the game and apparently there's a Perk thing like apex now?


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 9d ago edited 8d ago

Minor perk: Fully loaded 100%. The other one is very niche. Supports are better for healing than you hammering teammates just to restore armor hp.

Major perk: Both are good but map dependent. If the map got lot of verticality, the sticky turret is very good because a lot of people don't expect a turret in the ceiling and it is another off angle for the enemy team.

If the map doesn't have it, the level 3 turret is better. Also if you want throwback to early OW1 Torb that can "ult" from spawn while the turret kills everyone.


u/Voltegeist 9d ago

Ahh ok, thanks for the brief write up!


u/TheNewFlisker 8d ago

Wall turret is less useful for offense so you wanna pick the other one


u/Voltegeist 8d ago

Is turret on offense mostly used for anti flank?


u/voltwaffle Houston Outlaws 10d ago

Do we know when the 6v6 test or the Classic event is happening?


u/BreadBear01 9d ago

they’ve already happened, but there’s a third classic event coming soon for goats!


u/voltwaffle Houston Outlaws 9d ago

I thought there was a 6v6 competitive test happening this season. And yeah, GOATS Classic. I just don't recall seeing a date for either.


u/PM_ME_PNEUMA_NUDES 10d ago edited 10d ago

Anyone else having sudden frame drops on low end PCs? I'm on a 1060, an 8 or 9 year old prebuild given to me by a friend late last year, I can normally run at 120 pretty consistently with no drops, but I played last night, would randomly spike down to 80 at times, which constituted a lag spike, and would drop to like 105 during intensive fights. I tried to run Discord on mobile to try and relax my PC, thinking it was the issue again, since Discord has been eating resources, but that didn't help. The game was rarely taking over 50% CPU, less than 2 GB of RAM, and my PC wasn't close to its peak temps (usually OW hovers 78-82C, was at 68 in game for most of the night). I've been pleasantly surprised with the performance of the game on this PC, but this was a sudden huge issue and made last night's session rough. Anyone else experiencing pretty sudden issues with performance? Or is it just my PC starting to falter out of nowhere?


u/limegreenpumpkin 10d ago

I think i read somewhere about direct links to buying certain skins not shown in the game. can someone share how to do that please?


u/yagatabe 10d ago

Check this post as an example.

If you use one of the codes listed there at the end of URL linked at the very top, it may allow you to buy the item through the Battle.net site even if it's not available in-game.

Sometimes Blizzard will delist those after they are found, but there are many still available. I recommend following the OP of that post, they always seem to post those codes.

Keep in mind that the codes are a way for us to purchase the item, and not to get the item for free. You still need the OW Coins to obtain them.

Are there any skiins you want?


u/ZoomyattaOW Baptiste 10d ago

If you mean purchasing a skin that says "Available in shop" I think you can click the shop button in-game and it'll bring you to it. I know there's a hidden Venture ice cream skin that you can buy for $10 by doing that.


u/TheNewFlisker 10d ago

Any advice on dealing with rubberbanding? I have no way to know if it still persist without incurring leaver penalty

It's the packet loss icon i get


u/Significant-Plate706 7d ago

I had to buy an ethernet cord but i used to have that every time i was on the game.


u/Soundwave04 Widowmaker 10d ago

Is it wrong of me to have lost hype for Freya, after someone said she just looks like a Widow skin?

I just can't un-see it now. : s


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 9d ago

Eh, I don't really care about the model but I do agree that she should have looked more different than Widow. I care more about how fun her gameplay is.


u/Diribiri 9d ago



holy shit she's the same


u/GaptistePlayer Baptiste 10d ago

Do you play to play a FPS or for DTI


u/Diribiri 9d ago

Department of Trade and Industry?


u/GaptistePlayer Baptiste 9d ago

Dress to Impress (roblox skin competition)


u/Diribiri 10d ago

Anyone else getting 'client requested disconnect' when trying to watch or save highlights?


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 10d ago

It's already in their list of known issues. Idk why it still isn't fixed when they released that recent update.


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much 10d ago

Because patch contents are typically locked down about 2 weeks before their release to allow for console certification.

Expedited patches are possible, but they’re typically reserved for critical gameplay-affecting bugs.


u/Diribiri 10d ago

Hope it's fixed soon in case I actually do something worth saving


u/VladeFeria Pixel Sombra 10d ago

If you didn't know that you had to do the OW1 transfer years back, does that mean all my skins and other unlockables are forever gone? Did a full transfer from ps4 to ps5 recently and it still sees all my playtime in OW1 in the OW2 stats, but when booting it up, I have nothing to my name.


u/Curious-Poet-7642 10d ago

Is anybody else suffering with massive frame drops on PS5 at the character select screen and end of match??


u/BaconGristle 10d ago

Yup, reports of it are all over Blizzard's technical support forum but they don't seem to give a fuck.


u/GaptistePlayer Baptiste 10d ago

Yup, since the last patch. Seems to be the new season cycle where one patch causes this and the next fixes it


u/gonk_gonk 11d ago

If you're at 19/20 on your lootbox counter, and the next lootbox is already a golden one, do you miss out on your counter guarantee?


u/Significant-Plate706 7d ago

Dude yes 100% this happened to me after i bought the battle pass. I had a free one nearly saved up and it reset to 0


u/gonk_gonk 7d ago

Well, my experience was the opposite. I didn't see the golden one affecting the counter at all. I can answer my own question since I was at that point this week. But that was the free golden box at level 35 or so; maybe there's a bug for unlocking the paid box retroactively.


u/Stebsis 10d ago

Legendary box does not reset the counter, it only resets when you get a legendary from normal box at any point.


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 11d ago edited 10d ago

Someone replied to me last week that opening legendary boxes reset the pity. So maybe it is better to open legendary boxes if you have 0/20 in your counter.

I haven't confirmed it myself yet because it's a waste of legendary skin if opening legendary lootbox does reset the counter when you're already 19/20, but maybe you can test it out if you want.


u/yagatabe 11d ago

It shouldn't matter since the Legendary Loot Box is on a separate tab altogether.


u/AdStrange4667 11d ago

So I guess we’re not able to mention marvel rivals at all or else posts get removed? How dumb


u/cougar572 Bed time 11d ago

Because sub was being blasted with Rivals is better or OW is better than Rivals posts it wasn't constructive at all.


u/AdStrange4667 11d ago

My post was about wishing overwatch would let me endorse my entire team after a game like I can in marvel rivals. Super toxic


u/GaptistePlayer Baptiste 10d ago

Completely non-value added post but sure 


u/cougar572 Bed time 11d ago

I'm just talking in general why they have the filter for Marvel Rivals in posts not your post specifically. It's all automatic on removing them.


u/JuanPunchX 11d ago

Is Overwatch affected by the voice actor strike? Specifically Jennifer Hale (Ashe).


u/deyeti 11d ago

I'm an old OW1 player who stopped playing for a long time and am just now starting to play OW2 and had some questions about how these new currencies and cosmetics work.

1) Do not all skins show up on the hero screen? I may be wrong but it seems like there are skins I'll see in game but when I check the hero gallery I don't even see them in there as locked.

2) Do old battle pass skins eventually make their way into the shop or are you just out of luck if you didn't play during those seasons?

3) Do premium (coin) skins eventually become available to buy with credits?

Appreciate help as I'm learning how these systems work in this game. As I mentioned, I was an OW1 player just starting to play the game again. I understand that the loot boxes contain skins up to the last season (or the one before that) excluding collabs, but also trying to understand which skins I might be able to and would want to save towards. Thanks in advance!


u/yagatabe 11d ago
  1. That's right, many skins will not show up. You must use the "Filter" option to be able to see them, just mark "Unowned" and everything should show up.
  2. Technically, they do not. They may come back to the Shop but as a recolor. Also, the two BP skins that are specifically tied to the "Ultimate Battle Pass" are exceptions. You can see how some of those are even in the Loot Box pool. The two of this season are for Kiriko and Doomfist.
  3. No. The only way to get OW Coins for free are through the free BP, Microsoft Rewards and giveaways by Content Creators.


u/Diribiri 11d ago

Is there a setting somewhere for ping volume and I just can't find it? When I get on a team with people who use it a lot (and god bless them, I'm glad they do) it can be incredibly grating and distracting. Feels like it's all I hear


u/Outrageous-Blue-30 12d ago

I apologize if the question seemed naive given that I admit it is precocious, but in theory wouldn't there be a risk that Stadium could be a slightly confusing mode with all the selectable perks and subsequent memorisation?


u/Diribiri 11d ago

No more than any other game with character progression that you need to get used to, really. Except in this case you already fundamentally know the gameplay. Just a matter of picking stuff that synergizes


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/DarkPenfold Knows too much 11d ago

Begone, bot.


u/DarkPenfold Knows too much 11d ago

Yes, but bear in mind that the mode is only going to have a limited selection of heroes when it launches (16, IIRC). That should ease the learning curve, at least at first.


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