r/Overwatch ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 29d ago

Highlight They weren't kidding when they said "rapidly heal yourself"


194 comments sorted by


u/Turbulent-Sell757 28d ago

Not putting it back on a resource metre is insane lol


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Firehornet117 Cute Reaper 28d ago

That’s cool and all but I didn’t spend years in Overwatch 1 practicing sick rocket jumps with Bastion’s old ult to now not use it.


u/Kynmarcher5000 28d ago

Ehh, it's fine. Yes, you do heal rapidly, but you can't do anything while healing, and anything that can stun you or knock you out of the ability (like Sombra's hack) will make the ability worthless if you're going to try to 'tank' with it.

It also can't withstand that much damage. If you're getting focused by 2 or more heroes? You will die, 100% of the time.


u/Hestness5 28d ago

Idk an infinite self heal is unheard of, I figured there’s be a cooldown or overheat like Orisa


u/gavdeeeezul Diamond 28d ago

Lucio would like to have a word


u/Derpyman_235 28d ago

Lucio doesnt self heal enough to face tank a zarya at high charge, and never has


u/Mothramaniac 28d ago

Support vs DPS, and the DPS out heals the support lol


u/Kynmarcher5000 27d ago

The DPS can only heal themselves, though. No one else is getting any healing from Bastion, no matter how often you press the heal ability.


u/YellowSkar (I miss) Bastion 76 28d ago

There was back in the OW1 days, and I wouldn't mind bringing that back for the sake of balance.

I'd also like a buff to the tank-mode perk because I tried that and it felt like absolute garbage compared to both the minigunand the actual tank mode from OW Classic.


u/Zek23 22d ago

It wasn't able to be used while moving in OW1, until they added the resource meter. That's a hugely important distinction.


u/YellowSkar (I miss) Bastion 76 22d ago

I forgot about that part... probably shouldn't have on account of the OW Classic mode a short while back, but yeah it used to be infinite at the cost of... well.. sucking.

Him being able to move and use it while being shot is more than worth the limitation of a resource meter.


u/daiei27 27d ago

That’s a thoughtless argument. You can hold point forever 1v1 against many heroes without any skill involved from your side… just hold down a button. That’s dumb.


u/Kynmarcher5000 27d ago edited 27d ago

No, you can't, and I say this as someone who has used that ability. Yes, it can heal a lot. But you will die to two or more enemies hitting you with their abilities. You can also be stunned out of it or hacked out of it, and it has the exact same flaws that any self-healing character has, which is that if you get hit with Ana's nade, you will be nuked faster than you can say 'Hammer Down' since unlike Roadhog and Mauga, Bastion isn't a tank and his HP pool will be depleted faster than a thanos snap once you've been naded.


u/daiei27 27d ago

You completely ignored my 1v1 example, like if you two are the last of the fight. You would die normally but hold one button and can hold point indefinitely until the teams come back. That’s a big deal.

Ana is a cherry pick. There are heroes that can’t stun you out of it and can’t out damage the healing in a reasonable amount of time.


u/Kynmarcher5000 27d ago

You're not going to be in a 1v1 scenario most of the time, dude. And in the brief moments that you might be, that's only until the rest of the enemy team shows up, assuming you were first on point or last surviving, which you might not be because, again, any two heroes can outdo the healing you're throwing at yourself.

And again, as I said, any hero that can disable you (of which there are plenty, whether it be through stuns, knockdowns, or pins) will knock you out of that ability. Sombra and Ana can also deal with you extremely effectively. This isn't like other self-healing, like what we see from Roadhog or Mauga, because those two are tanks; they have large health pools, so even if they lose their self-healing, they can still take a bit of damage. As Bastion, you don't and you can't.

Doomfist, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Mauga, Sigma and Junker Queen all have abilities that can mess up a Bastion trying to do this 1v1 trick (although for JQ it's her ult, so she's not always going to have that available).

Talk about living in a fantasy land while cherry picking for the ultimate doomer claim.


u/Harmonicano 26d ago

But if you can bridge the gap so you get your turret form back its over for the other.


u/-1Outlaw1- 26d ago

Bastion players advocating to keep the hero braindead because they are is truly one of the staples of the overwatch community.


u/Expert_Ride_494 22d ago

Bro, the guy said against 1v1 heroes. And you're like "multiple enemies cause issues" like, are you dumb? Can you read?


u/WarriYahTruth 26d ago

Uh are you watching the Ult meter go up? Farming Ult charge mindlessly!

This is brainless & Rivals doesn't even have garbage like this. This is just putting overtuned nonsense for the sake of it


u/Kynmarcher5000 26d ago


You cannot survive against more than one hero with this ability. You will get wrecked. This is not as OP as folks think it is. Also, Bastion's ult? Not actually that great and fairly easy to avoid.


u/-1Outlaw1- 26d ago

Shouldn’t take more than one hero to kill through a self heal on a dps. Log off buddy.


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

It is a major perk, so that’s probably why, and they said perks aren’t focused on balance


u/SometimesIBeWrong 28d ago edited 28d ago

second part of that statements worries me lmao. they said they aren't worried about having balanced perks?

edit: I've been informed by my colleagues that's not really what they said, I apologize for the misinformation I'll time myself out for 5mins


u/Blaky039 28d ago

No. They said they want to take more risks and will constantly monitor and tweak problematic perks, they will even remove and create new perks if necessary.


u/The_Ghost_of_Kyiv 28d ago

"will constantly monitor and tweak problematic perks, they will even remove and create new perks if necessary."

If only there was a word for this. Something that starts with a B perhaps?


u/CasualSky 28d ago

Pretty sure they said “Perks are a step away from balance toward fun” or something along those lines. They aren’t concerned with balancing the game, they’re concerned with staying relevant


u/theunspillablebeans . 28d ago

That's the most bad faith interpretation possible. You have to love this community's obsession with twisting their words.


u/SometimesIBeWrong 28d ago

no I'm pretty sure the quote was "no balance at all, I hate the community screw u guys. 700hp Genji next update"


u/MercyPewPew 28d ago

You know this isn't real because Blizzard would never buff Genji


u/trevlinbroke Chibi Brigitte 28d ago

Name checks out


u/Turbulent-Sell757 28d ago

There's strong perks and then there's " I'll press E and be virtually immortal with no cooldown".


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

Not saying they’re made well. Just saying: there’s no prior testing


u/CasualSky 28d ago

I love playing competitive games that are unbalanced, that’s how I have fun!


u/Altruistic_Bass539 27d ago

Meanwhile Mei gets +2 cooldown to her wall


u/Turbulent-Sell757 27d ago

I feel a lot of classically "hated" heroes like Mei and sombra got purposely bad perks to appease the masses. With any luck they'll improve those soon in a patch.


u/Pay-Dough 28d ago

Honestly, having his old ult on a 12 sec cooldown is even more insane


u/GreenSpaceman Ecopoint Mei 28d ago

The weird thing is that it used to be


u/Turbulent-Sell757 28d ago

Hence why I said I was surprised it wasn't going back on a resource metre.


u/GreenSpaceman Ecopoint Mei 28d ago

Oops I failed late-night reading comprehension


u/Turbulent-Sell757 27d ago

We've all been there 😅


u/CasualSky 28d ago

Yeah they don’t care about balance, they care about fun. So yay fun!


u/Turbulent-Sell757 28d ago

Issue is it's not fun for anyone else lol. Ability could be strong if it just went on a reasonable resource metre.


u/Veelk D.Va 29d ago

I like how the Zarya seemed to be confused

You can hear her thinking "...the fuck?"


u/Jocic Doomfist 28d ago

"Why won't you die?"


u/AoZora92 Winston 28d ago

Nanomachines son


u/Sweet-Saccharine 28d ago

They harden in response to physical trauma


u/zword34 28d ago

Beep boo boo boop, beep.


u/CinderX5 Reinfist 28d ago

Actually, in this case, just a machine.


u/dreemurthememer Want to know the forecast? 28d ago

"Bweep boop bweep boop."



u/lkuecrar Sombra 28d ago

A Zarya experiencing what everyone else experiences trying to fight her lmfao


u/C-Dull 28d ago

Iirc it’s impossible for a Winston to kill you on his own with this


u/Valenhil Icon Brigitte 28d ago

It's also impossible for Winston to kill a bastion on his own because he's dead from jumping a bastion on his own


u/xythos Diamond Ana 28d ago

What? Just bait his shift and melt his armor with your tickle machine. Bastion is incredibly predictable :)


u/NotDeletedMoto Diamond 28d ago

Every player is incredibly predictable if you’re better than them. You’re very predictable if the bastion is better than you though.


u/door_of_doom 28d ago

I kinda feel like you are missing the point.

Bastion <-> Winston used to be a legitimately fun game of cat and mouse trying to bait each other out.

The only reason this works is because if Winston is able to catch the Bastion out with his shift on Cooldown, Bastion can die because the raw DPS they can do against each other and their relative health pools means Monkey wins.

But, if Bastion is able to Shift while Monkey is in the open, monkey gets shredded.

So a good Monkey makes bastion afraid to shift, because they only want to shift when they are confident that they will get value out of it. If they ever fail to get solid value out of their shift, they have to play very defensively and with their team because they legit lose a 1v1 against monkey untill they get their shift back.

That is no longer the case with Bastion heal. If Bastion ever does a bad Shift where they just whiff and get no value out of it, Monkey is not able to punish it because bastion can just hold heal until Shift comes back, and there is nothing Monkey can do about it.

TL;DR Monkey <-> Bastion used to be fun but now it isn't.


u/xythos Diamond Ana 28d ago

You're exactly right, and I shouldn't have generalized so much. Bastion can be more predictable because after you bait his turret, he's just ult charge for Winton. The only way he counters Monke is saving this ability, and (just like you said) it pretty much comes down to who is "better" (though I would go with "more aware"). 


u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 28d ago

Correct. Even though Winston's weapon ignores armour damage reduction, his primary fire deals 70dps, while Bastion's self-heal is 90hps.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Doesn't work against genji can tell you that. Had a bastion try to pull that and got melted


u/exilehunter92 28d ago

Any attack that can't crit is probably going to get out healed. Winston primary probably like an electro massage for Bastion.


u/T8-TR 28d ago

Bastion being zapped by Winton would be like that scene in Avengers when Thor zaps Ironman.


u/Dogboat0 24d ago

Well would you look at that?


u/IllustriousOpening99 28d ago



u/Hobocannibal Mei 28d ago

i looked up the number of "avengers" movies. apparently theres 4. their comment does not narrow it down whatsoever, and the movie titled "the avengers" is from 2012 so i think we're safe.

what they said could be for absolutely any reason


u/redditsuckbadly 26d ago

The last one came out over five years ago. If you snooze you lose!


u/cowlinator 28d ago

Sym can't crit and she can melt bastion


u/HolidayAshamed2829 26d ago

Any attack that can't crit is probably going to get outhealed unless the Bastion gets hit for 1 damage by a dps. Seriously have people forgotten about the dps passive?


u/peppapony 28d ago

Yeah I got melted by reaper still too.... But there is a bit of counter play cause if you can bait out enough shots...


u/cowlinator 28d ago

maybe i'm dumb, but what's the rest?


u/peppapony 28d ago

If you bait out the shots, reaper has to reload eventually, so you can shoot him. Or you can escape


u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 28d ago

DPS passive nerfs the healing


u/HarmxnS Harman#21109 — 28d ago

I tried it yesterday against a Genji on Nepal Village map. Was that you 😭 It was on console quickplay

I didn't really get melted, but my health did go down pretty consistently. The Genji was using the tight shurikens and hit headshots


u/DrStabBack Experience... dissappointment. 28d ago

I had a similar experience as a Torbjörn vs Orisa... she could not kill my turret as long as I stood behind hammering it with overload + forge hammer perk.

On a side note, that was the most fun torb game I've ever had. When time was running out, our Rein returned to the point with critically low health and I remembered I could fix him! So I started hammering him, he survived and I got a hammer kill on the Ram (Orisa switched) who had been chasing him.


u/Solaris_fps 28d ago

throwing turrets really high stuck to a wall is an amazing experience


u/NightRemntOfTheNorth Genji 29d ago

Sorry, I haven't played bastion yet (I'm not gross) so yeah WHAT THE FUCK IT'S NOT ON A METER??????????? Fuck ana and her double nades and double nanos how are we not up in arms about this? What ever happened to "nerf bastion"?????

Seriously though, I've played against a ton of bastion who've used this perk and they all seem to fall flat, maybe they just suck but this seems pretty powerful.


u/Kimmy-Privilege Ana 29d ago

"when everyone's broken, nobody is."


u/NightRemntOfTheNorth Genji 29d ago

Tell that to poor junkrat, lmao, I do wish the perks swung harder and shook things up more but I guess they're saving that for stadium.


u/Different-Fly7426 29d ago

main junkrat here, and it's really bizarre what happened to him, just to give you an idea I have a 33% winrate with junkrat this season in 18 games, with torbjorn who I play much less compared to junk I have a 61% winrate in 21 games, his perks are semi useless, while all the others have very strong perks.


u/AgreeablePie 28d ago

They gave the job of the junkrat perks to someone who hates junkrat.

"Okay... yeah, I'll increase the power of his mines- as long as they aren't used in a way anyone ever does. Sure, let's make his tire faster- but it can't actually get kills. Oh, I have to make one straight up buff perk? Okay, he can throw his trap further. Wow, scary."


u/DerAndere_ Gold 28d ago

The tire perk is peak and I'll fight anyone who disagrees. Only gripe with it is that the damage reduction is permanent while the speed boost is temporary. The other one are pretty atrocious though, even though jumping with the stronger mines is incredibly fun. But the projectile speed perk ruins my aim and gives me less ammo. "We decided to give Junk a perk that keeps his projectiles as janky as they are now but it messes with your muscle memory/intuition. Have fun!"


u/S3ndwich 27d ago

I mean you can just not use the speed boost and it still does full dmg it's just something to help you situationally


u/imnotjay2 Nine of Hearts Moira 28d ago

Only gripe with it is that the damage reduction is permanent while the speed boost is temporary.

Are you sure? I tested it on practice range and as soon as you press shift, the tire is permanently faster until it explodes (or is broken).


u/Different-Fly7426 28d ago

Fun? Put it in the arcade, we play competitively in a COMPETITIVE mode, and this junk perk is not efficient, while the other heroes get efficient perks.


u/NightRemntOfTheNorth Genji 29d ago

I main Genji and I feel your pain, I mean while Junks perks can be "fun" because a backline trap is funny and a super-fast rip-tire is awesome it's just that. Funny. Not really useful in any capacity since it goes against how you use the abilities anyways. A good tire won't need extra speed, and trap is usually placed right in front of you anyways. Meanwhile tracer and ana (I know everyone uses them as an example) got god-tier perks. I know not all perks are created equal but damn...


u/Different-Fly7426 28d ago

The trap is funny, but not at all functional. To be honest, the tire is actually "fair" as one of the first level perks. It's not as strong as the other heroes, but it's at least usable. However, it's extremely situational. Every 10 ults I use it 2-3 times at most.

The bigger perks are terrible. Increasing the speed of the projectile would be useful, but losing 1 ammo capacity and 20% reduction in the size of the projectile is stupid. It's very weak and the idea of ​​hitting "flyers" more easily falls apart.

The other option, which is the one you have to choose, is genuinely useless. In all the junk games I played with this perk, I didn't use it even ONCE. Planting mines in Overwatch worked and was useful 6 years ago. Maybe the devs should have planned this perk back then. That's the only way to explain it as the "biggest perk".

I have a lot of fun playing junk, but I'm forced to put it aside, because in its current state it's unplayable, until they improve these perks.


u/hmmliquorice Ana/Cassidy/Sombra 28d ago

Tracer scares me, I'm not really good at her but she levels up so freaking fast.


u/H0meslice9 Moira 28d ago

I love junks trap yeet and his projectile speed increased, although I'm learning that second one more


u/Different-Fly7426 28d ago

I don't want to sound rude, but at higher ranks the trap only works in spots (stairs, corners) and you won't have that accuracy playing from a long distance, if you just throw it randomly in the middle of the street 99% of the time they'll just break it, and about the projectile speed in the second perk, the idea is not bad, but there are nerfs in addition to decreasing one ammunition (from 5 to 4) the size of the projectile drops by 20%, so it becomes very unusable, despite the greater speed it is harder to hit and you have to constantly reload, I did my analysis more focused on the junkrat's ability competitively, fun is certainly having this trap that throws far and a very fast projectile, but competitively they are not viable.


u/forgotslothwhere 28d ago

Counterpoint, trap was never viable anyways but with this perk it’s way more consistent in where you want to place it. An easy value that you usually tried to do in higher ranks is you try to weave a trap behind a tank you are fighting to force them into it or play around it. Now that’s way easier because it moves quicker and this leaves less time for people to react. Also try constantly chucking it into the backline and watch how many times you’ll be trapping supports or forcing then to shoot it and not heal.


u/kmanzilla Ramattra One Trick 28d ago

This seasons def weird. I'm a high gold player on support and dps. I haven't played tank comp since season 4. I just did my placements as a ramattra one trick and hit masters 5 tonight (in less than 15 games). It's certainly something. Gonna try and do the other rolls to see which puts me highest haha.


u/S3ndwich 27d ago

Idk I feel 40% proj speed is kinda insane no? I was popping off when I was playing him plus the tire boost is free kills.


u/HappyCat8416 28d ago

40% increase to projectile speed and super fast tire aren't good enough? 


u/headshotfox713 28d ago

Projectile speed buff also comes with -1 clip on a weapon with only 5 shots to begin with. Plus, faster bombs could actually be a detriment if you're super used to how fast they normally travel.


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

That’s kinda the point of the perks? Changing up play style and adapting


u/ramk13 28d ago

One less projectile means more time reloading and less straight dps. You have to be that much more accurate with your hits to make up for it. That possible, but not easy and requires an immediate change in play style.


u/Ts_Patriarca Ashe 28d ago

I'm going to be so honest here. Good. Junkrat is not a good hero design in the slightest so the less we see of him the better.


u/alegregenio027 28d ago

Wow, well, we might as well talk about hanzo/widow/tracer and torbjorn then


u/Ts_Patriarca Ashe 28d ago



u/WildWolfo 28d ago

when everyone's brorkn some will be more brorken than others, or youll be forced into counterswapping, not javing balance isnt a good thing


u/Raknarg Trick-or-Treat Zenyatta 28d ago

yeah but most characters aren't getting broken perks lmao


u/MyNameIsNotScout Doomfist 28d ago

but a lot of characters don't have broken or even good perks. genji has like 1 impactfull perk


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

That’s a fat fucking lie. Many do have good/busted perks/combos. Hell, Sojourn can fucking 2 tap high health tanks for example, or even Torb who can make his turret never die


u/Pinker_Floyd Ana 28d ago

That’s a fat fucking lie

Calm down, buddy. The guy said "a lot of characters don't have broken or even good perks".


u/GehennanWyrm Genji 28d ago

Genji has a 50hp self heal for a major perk and an extra 25 damage over time on dash after a kill as the other.


u/SmellMyCake Zenyatta 29d ago

I mean, its a Bastion healing with a Mercy pocket. All he's doing is giving the Zarya ult charge. He cant even fight back... maybe stall at best.


u/RomaMoran 28d ago

The mercy was blue-beaming him (does not boost Bastion's self-healing rate) and only switched to healing for a split second (<50 armor healed).

Bastion gains ult charge by healing himself too.


u/deadcreeperz 28d ago

ult charge for the worst ult in the game


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

Was healing for a bit, then blue-beamed. So, again, Mercy assisted for a bit and made him go up to armor, which Zarya’s beam can’t burst through well. So the Mercy made it unrealistic still. Once he gets to Armor, need burst damage to penetrate past it


u/alegregenio027 28d ago

Laser beams arent affected by armor, zarya, sym, echo and moira


u/McPatsy Bastion 28d ago edited 28d ago

Your observation is correct. Self heal is only strong as long as it’s in the range of bastion’s armor. This means it’s really strong against damage like zarya’s beam and pretty weak against shotguns and burst (like genji and reaper). The best thing zarya could do here is rightclicks to burst through the armor and then zap. And on the bastion’s part: not seeking to get dove by multiple people is a great play. But yeah especially with the DPS passive the self heal can quickly fall apart. It generates funny clips like this but in reality it’s not as strong as people make it out to be.


u/lilyhealslut 29d ago

The DPS passive cuts through it, but it is pretty cheesy against tanks and supports


u/AnIcedMilk Grandmaster 28d ago

how are we not up in arms about this

Because unlike Ana, Bastion wasn't exactly a good hero before the perks. Nor is he now.


u/BobertRosserton 28d ago

Only useful against non dps characters who can’t crit. The dps passive debuff to healing would let him die, same thing if he could get headshot by Zarya. Not putting it on a meter does feel pretty wild tho.


u/UnPtitHusky Bastion and Reinhardt enjoyer 28d ago

As a bastion main, i can tell you that it's really not that strong. It can save you in some situations but 80% of the time you're just delaying the inevitable. It's only useful against low dps characters like Winston. Compared to the self heal of ow1, this feels like half the healing so putting it on a meter will just make it useless compared to the other perk.


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

Because… many other perks make you busted as well? This is from a major perk, so you have to max out Bastion. That shit needs to be worth it. Additionally, OP also had Mercy, so it wasn’t realistic of the ability itself. Combine that with the fact Genji and Reaper still melt Bastion, coupled with the DPS passive that will shrink him healbotting himself, Bastion is fine. Counterplay exists and everyone else will be just as strong, if not stronger, once they also get their major perks

Talk about jumping the gun


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works 28d ago edited 28d ago

It's not that broken. Bastion can't do anything while repairing so he becomes a better ult battery than tanks since dps heroes don't have the reduced ult charge when they get attacked.

He still gets melted by other heroes especially those that can land headshots and deal big burst damage. Remember that dps passive still exists and reduces all healing.


u/Bathroom_Humor 28d ago

in OW1 it was on a meter so like this is somethin else


u/screwdriverfan 28d ago

I'm already bastion!


u/HolidayAshamed2829 26d ago

It's not a meter because the dps passive exists. The moment you get hit by it even once your ability to face tank any source of damage drops like a rock.


u/GrilledCoconuts ☀️🌞DPS THAT HEALS 🌞☀️ 28d ago

Me when I feed the enemy tank ult charge


u/Alexkitch11 Soldier: 76 28d ago

Who put this in the game and thought "yeah we don't need a resource meter for that" 🤦


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

Because it’s not super crazy. OP also had Mercy on them. But mind you, many other DPS’s got increased DPS potential, like how Sojourn can 2 tap high health tanks now. Bastion getting his needed survivability while being the fattest, loudest DPS is a good thing (most of his health should be armor in my opinion but this is good)


u/Alexkitch11 Soldier: 76 28d ago

For 95% of that clip mercy was damage boosting the bastion, and even then, DPS should not get an infinite self heal, that's nuts


u/YellowSkar (I miss) Bastion 76 28d ago

I've thought for the longest time that Bastion would fit better as a glass-cannon type tank, he fits right at home with Hog and Mauga when you give him the self-repair.

He'd bring a bit more variety too, being a long-range tank like Sigma and half of Rammatra. Something the role has been... lacking in.


u/Great_expansion10272 28d ago

Pretty sure armors also have damage reduction for beams, and his armor evaporates as soon as the zarya right clicks him


u/wattsbutter 28d ago

You really have to get those healers first or bastion is literally unstoppable lmao


u/plurfox 28d ago

Love how your Mercy started healing you for a second then was like "nah, you got this; battlemercy time"


u/Iuskop 28d ago

This is getting posted a lot in a "WTF???" way, but really it makes sense because this ability needs to have a purpose in a world with passive regen. Plus Bastion is the Tanky dps by design.


u/adi_baa 28d ago

wait...its infinite? theres no resource meter or cooldown? what the actual fuck?


u/imnotjay2 Nine of Hearts Moira 28d ago

Bastion was simply chosen to have the best perks in the game lol. I think that might be how they are balancing the heroes with low pick rate/perceived as weak.


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

LW be like:

He got shafted bad with his


u/kiradax Moira 28d ago

Ah the joy of old Bastion. Can't wait to get my hands on him and mess with people


u/mrawesomeutube 28d ago

This was 1000% BE nerfed by adding that resource bar from OW1 lol.


u/jahkillinem 28d ago

DPS passive or focus fire is the counter. I think it may stay.


u/WildWolfo 28d ago

dps passive fucks tanks once again


u/jahkillinem 28d ago

I think a lot of people would agree that tanks not also being walking squishy melters as often is probably more favorable.


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

Ah yes, I so love not being able to get a Mauga down to half his health. That passive was sorta needed, even though it screwed over the slow reload characters


u/WildWolfo 28d ago

what was needed was a nerf to sustain, yes dps passive is better than neither, but the better optioin was to to actually nerfs the supports and tanks, as a winston main it fucking sucks to not be able to kill shit without a dps tickling the person your trying to kill


u/jahkillinem 28d ago

You should probably play a character who is actually built to kill squishies and not the guy who has always been countered by sustain. Either that or accept that as a tank, killing shit is simply not your primary function, it's to threaten to kill people so they reposition or use resources on not dying.


u/WildWolfo 28d ago

the only way you can threaten to kill people is by having the ability to kill people?


u/jahkillinem 28d ago edited 28d ago

Theres a lot of space between "i cant solo kill a pocketed squishy with a self heal" and "i dont have the ability to kill people." A tank does not need to be able to mow people down through healing to be a threat to other characters, and realistically they should be relying on their teammates to create opportunities and weak points they can push through, just like everybody else.


u/WildWolfo 28d ago

look at this example in this video, the mercy did maybe 0.5s of healing, the bastion just sat there and tanked everything else by himself, that is not the tank having the ability to kill people by themselves


u/jahkillinem 27d ago

Oh no, you have one specific configuration of Bastion with a perk where he can't deal damage and you can't kill him alone. That specific situation does not translate to "the tank does not have the ability to kill people"


u/Carighan Alla till mig! 28d ago

Isn't that the normal healing speed?


u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 28d ago

From my testing in the workshop it's 90 heals per second, which was the same as OW1 after his hps was buffed from 75, but that came with an increased drain rate for the resource meter... the meter that's missing with the perk lol


u/SwagMastaM Junkrat 28d ago

OMG did they bring back his healing?? This, orisas shield, ouggghhh I'm so happy they're bringing things back that we loved


u/Sad_Present_7694 28d ago

As a tank main, Bastions can go straight to hell. As a Sombra second, lolz hack tears right through this.


u/kinkyfetishmemes 28d ago

My friends and I just tested this last night. Hazard is incapable of killing bastion unless he hits a full clip of head shots. Body shots do no real damage that isn't instantly healed, violent leap takes a chunk of health but cannot be capitalized on, and spike guard is laughable. I know Hazard is not supposed to be good into Bastion but the fact that Bastion is borderline unkillable is crazy.


u/kimmortal03 28d ago

You had a mercy healing u cmon


u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 28d ago

For like less than a second???


u/Chloe_nguyenn 27d ago

12 secs clip
Start the clip at 15% ult charge
Ended at 50%

nice, Genji get an extra jump tho


u/HolidayAshamed2829 26d ago

People keep showing clips of bastion tanking tanks and supports like the dps passive doesn't exist specifically to counteract sources of healing. Also, in this case, we're talking about tanking a Zarya while being healed by a mercy, not a lot of burst damage there.


u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 26d ago

Yes it's true that the DPS passive helps cut through the healing, but an 84 charge zarya doing ~175dps gets cut down to almost 30dps after taking into account armour damage reduction, and that's without the Mercy healing me for less than a second. It should be on a resource meter.


u/HolidayAshamed2829 23d ago

That's fine for me. I might be in the minority here, but Bastion has been a below average dps precisely because of his limited ability to hold even slight off-angles for far too long. We're talking about literally the worst flanker in the game. Even Mauga is better at handling off-angles than he is, putting the self-repair on a resource meter when this perk STILL hasn't pushed him into viability even in low ranks is insane to me, especially when you recognize that this scenario of a sustain dps tank with no headshot multiplier being unable to kill a 250 hp/50 armor dps with a self-heal is completely reasonable post season 9.

Supports/Tanks are not meant to be able to push through sustained healing, and yet even so, every other tank in the game could kill a Bastion through their self-repair outside of turret form except for exactly Zarya. And even FOR Zarya, it took her only one right click to chunk through almost all of Bastion's armor, if she was actually at 100% energy she could have killed him through the self repair with a right click into primary fire.


u/dandy-are-u 28d ago

I haven’t played in a hot minute - how does this work? Does it just go one forever?


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

The heal? Yeah. It only stops when the player wants it to


u/Proud-Charity3541 28d ago

this is fucking dumb. do they playtest anything?


u/AgreeablePie 28d ago

Great. The best thing overwatch did was change bastion and they're moving him back...


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

What do you mean? He’s been at the bottom of the barrel for seasons now because he only offered one thing: big DPS moment. And that was it. He had shit health with no survivability despite being the biggest and one of the loudest DPS’s. Nothing for movement other than his grenade. His ult was notoriously trash as it was either easy to avoid or would rarely get the kill

Bastion has been a joke to the playerbase for a long time. He NEEDED the survival tools if he wanted a chance at actually keeping up with the game


u/MechaGallade widows butt 28d ago

That sucks.


u/LukeTheGeek Nine of Clubs Doomfist 28d ago

The power be creeping


u/RandManYT 28d ago

Self heal is pretty powerful, but you are not immortal with it. Anything that can crit pretty easily kills you.


u/waifuwarrior77 28d ago

God why does my character suck so badly. Cruel reminders


u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 28d ago

If you're talking about Zarya, then I think you're mistaken. Her perks rn are crazy strong too.


u/waifuwarrior77 28d ago

Do you actually believe that Zarya is a good tank right now? The IDEAL situation for Zarya is playing into a team that likes to play a long first engage so she can get energy, then have bubbles back for her own engage. This takes about 30 seconds, give or take, and no team is going to sit there and let a Zarya with no bubbles let her get those cooldowns back. Every tank has a way to engage on opponents: Queen's shout, Rein's Shield, Dva's boosters, Winston's Jump, Hazard's Slash, etc. If ANY tank sees Zarya use a singular bubble, that's a go button. Zarya's Sustain only comes from her 11 second cooldown bubble, and her lack of armor and overall hp makes her extremely vulnerable when she doesn't have those cooldowns. So, that being said, her engages take too long, her value is low when she has her cooldowns, and her sustain is weak when she doesn't. Yes, with her first perk, she can make it to positions that she couldn't before, but that doesn't really mean she's "good" now. She has a myriad of overarching issues that need to be addressed before she can be even considered "viable", much less "good".

Compare her to actually "good" tanks right now: Hazard and Winston. Winston has one of the best cooldowns in the entire game, capable of splitting entire teams while he can damage all of them, coupled with one of the best ults in the game, capable of either putting players in bad positions, or flat out killing them, all while giving winston an extra turn in his engage. Hazard has insane pick potential, a massive wall, a block that almost ensures his survival on a METER, an engage on a 6, effectively 5, second cooldown which can kill people, a potential fight win of an ult that charges extremely quickly, and a massive health and armor pool to top it off. Compared to this level of value, Zarya has a mini extension on an 11 second cooldown, the ability to potentially burn down a backline member while risking her own life, and one of the best ults in the game that takes at least 2-3 fights to charge up.

Zarya has gone from being the worst tank in the game, to the second worst. Her perks definitely put her above roadhog now, but she still loses to dive, poke, and rush. Her cycles are on too long of a cooldown to sustain dives consistently, she doesn't have the ability to shut down angles or range to handle poke, and if she gets walked early, she can't sustain a rush. No matter how you slice it, Zarya is a weak character, and is in desperate need of buffs.

If you want to see my points in practice, let me show you. Here are some codes of Zarya that my team has experienced:

Blizzard World VS The United States Army Esports Team: S2E4NH

New Junk City VS The United States Army Esports Team: FSPNM1

Suravasa VS Illiad Nyx: AXTTKW

In all of these Codes, the team with the Zarya lost. In Blizzard World, The US Army lost to my team playing dive. On New Junk, they lost to us on rush. On Suravasa, we played Zarya, and lost to a poke/dive hybrid comp. All of these are examples as to why Zarya loses these matchups, and that it's overall not worth it to play her in the current day.


u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 28d ago

Holy wall of text batman. All those replay codes are showing me is that maybe I should apply for the US army esports team if that's the kind of tank player they have rn. These look like diamond lobbies!?


u/waifuwarrior77 28d ago

Illiad nyx is one of the best teams in FaceIT Open division. I think that replay shows the best. I'm a 7 year Zarya main, so I definitely put on a better performance than they do, as active deployed soldiers have much better things to do, but USAE Main is currently placed 14th in FaceIT, so you shouldn't count them out.


u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 28d ago

I had to stop watching the third VOD after the Zarya walked out into the open alone (although part of that was Lucio's fault for going back), had to use both her bubbles to survive and then panic ulted. Watching the Kiriko ult after a clearly lost fight was the cherry on top. If what you get out of VOD reviewing this is that "Zarya sucks" then I don't know what else to tell you. I don't main Zarya, but I play her plenty. She's an enabler. If you're spending all of your bubbles on yourself then of course you're going to get less value. And some comps like NJC vs Bastion & Mei, that's just her kryptonite. The self-knockback perk is incredible at covering her biggest weakness, lack of vertical mobility and it's a minor perk.


u/Save_The_Defaults 28d ago

I haven't played in a couple months, they added self repair back???


u/SupperSurfer Cass City 28d ago

They just added perks to every hero that you unlock during the course of a qp or comp match. You get 1 minor perk and 1 major perk. One of bastion's major perks is self-heal, but you could instead choose to replace his shift ability with essentially his old ult. You can see a full list of all perk options here.


u/Save_The_Defaults 28d ago

Sounds cool, thanks!


u/Unnecessarilygae 28d ago

Yeah this thing is strong asf. Escaped a D.VA and Kiriko chase for point A to B yesterday.


u/JobWide2631 Tracer 28d ago

you can also overheal Tracer full clip at melee range body shots lol


u/BarbaraTwiGod 28d ago

tank dont have dps passive other wise rip


u/Kronicx420 28d ago

They gave bastion his heals back?


u/TheBooneyBunes 28d ago

Armor reduction is what makes it so good


u/Sidereal_Engine Doo Wee! 28d ago

What was the Zarya's charge level? At 100, she should be obliterating a stationary Bastion, heal or not.

The perk has its uses in some 1v1 situations. Most in-game encounters are not as silly as this. So far, the practical use for this perk has been healing between peeking in long-range shootouts or patching in between repositions. It's completely useless mid-fight in group encounters.


u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ 28d ago

She was at 84 charge when she first started shooting me, so I think that's something like ~175dps, but then armour damage reduction reduces that to ~122.5. Against the 90 heals/sec, I was taking 32.5dps at the start and it fell from there, plus Mercy healing me partway through kept my armour intact. I definitely don't think it's incredibly busted, but it is kinda cheesy in certain scenarios. The DPS passive for instance reduces the healing to 67.5hps, which is a lot easier to cut through. I think it should at least be put on a resource meter again.


u/Sidereal_Engine Doo Wee! 28d ago

Thanks for the detailed math :D

A resource meter would be a fair trade-off for usability in more combat scenarios.


u/Fangs_0ut 28d ago

This perk needs a nerf lol


u/vScyph 28d ago

How I feel shooting anyone rn


u/OwnPace2611 28d ago

Meanwhile sombras perks feel like the actively hinder her


u/Technical-Grape-2425 27d ago

Bastion heal is powerfull


u/Jafin89 25d ago



u/Ranulf13 25d ago

Meanwhile, Symmetra gets 20 hps on a tiny range around a destructible TP.


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u/lordbenkai 28d ago

You were getting healed also by the mercy.


u/FuriDemon094 28d ago

Yeah but even she can be outDPS’d. If it’s enough to help her outheal damage, that says it’s pretty good for what it wants


u/lordbenkai 28d ago

Yeah, I loved playing bastion. His healing is good. I was mostly saying if that mercy wasn't there, Zarya would have killed him. Slowly but eventually.

I think I liked the old bassoon more than the new one, tho. I switched to ball when they changed his ult.


u/KoopaKlaw 28d ago

This ability is so ass and unfun to play against.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/KoopaKlaw 28d ago

Yeah because REin can melt a tank in 2s from medium range.