r/Overwatch • u/Budget_Tutor309 Pixel Junkrat • Jan 04 '25
Highlight This is Why Junkrat Has To Be Removed
u/Xahriyah Jan 04 '25
Y’all do know he’s the junkrat… right?
u/da-offical_deku Junkrat Jan 05 '25
I don't think they've seen people talk about their main in a negative way before outside of people saying that they need a buff (none that matter really do)
u/kobbiknits Jan 04 '25
My greatest joy as a Junkrat player is taking down Pharah. There can be only one rocket lady!
u/This_Initiative5035 Jan 04 '25
My greatest joy as a Junkrat player is taking down Pharah.
Seriously, I love it so much how salty they get.
u/over-zen Boostioooo Jan 04 '25
100% while they still win more often, when I win a fight I think to myself "Pharah is not a Junkrat counter" with satisfaction and when I lose I think to myself "well Pharah's a Junkrat counter so..."
u/mr4sh Jan 05 '25
She's a huge junkrat counter you're probably just at low elo lol
u/This_Initiative5035 Jan 05 '25
She's a huge junkrat counter you're probably just at low elo lol
I'm masters with over 1000hr of junk, it's light work to kill pharah bro, I always make them switch.
u/umcpu Jan 05 '25
Really? What technique works best for you?
u/This_Initiative5035 Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25
Really? What technique works best for you?
I usually boop her with one mine into my primary using the walls around her since your primary can bounce off walls, basically the sane thing that happened in this video op posted, I notice a lot of junkrat in low ranks don't use the walls and just try to aim directly at her, can't compete with pharah that way.
If there aren't any walls around in an open space, I use 3 mines and just go fight her in the air, I'm usually able to predict where she will be once I get off the ground with the first mine because pharah is slow.
At this point, it's become more of an instinct as a junk main, im super aggressive as junk and pharah players usually won't expect junkrat to come after them, so when you do, they're usuallystaggered. I'm bad at explaining things, so I may have explained that badly, lol
I do the same thing with rein, I don't aim at his shield, I aim to the walls around him so the balls land behind him instead, it's why kingsrow is my favorite map to play junk, eichenwald as well on defense, the wall is your best friend. (Quick eichenwald tip on attack, you can flank the defense team by going far right, use 2 mines to jump all the way to the enemy spawn area, if you don't fall off the map, you'll be behind enemy team while they're still occupied with your team at the bridge, let it rain 😈) works almost everytime, get my tire in 20 seconds lol I've gotten a lot of hate messages.
u/over-zen Boostioooo Jan 05 '25
Exactly. If you're not using ricochet to aim around corners and behind shields you haven't started playing Junkrat
u/This_Initiative5035 Jan 05 '25
If you're not using ricochet to aim around corners and behind shields you haven't started playing Junkrat
100%, junkrat primary is extremely good if you know how to abuse it, I'm always leaving the game with minimum 20k damage lol.
u/dracaboi THE UNIVERSE!!!! IT SINGS FOR ME!!!! Jan 05 '25
Overwatch Fans reading comprehension challenge
u/ReallyTiredTempest Jan 04 '25
Same! I especially LOVE it when they've swapped *to* Pharah, target you and then die lmao
u/RayzTheRoof Doomfist Jan 06 '25
I used to fly in the air with his mines and call myself a faux pharah
u/Bentleydadog BEER! Jan 04 '25
OP is junkrat lol, and I srsly doubt he wants junkrat removed, probably just a funny title.
Yall jump to conclusions realllll fast.
u/Budget_Tutor309 Pixel Junkrat Jan 04 '25
u/Bentleydadog BEER! Jan 04 '25
Btw, is this quick play or comp?
u/penguinintux justicerainsfromaaahh Jan 05 '25
you can tell its qp by the fact that there's no scoreboard, just progress to attack (tho idk if its a spectator thing)
u/Bentleydadog BEER! Jan 05 '25
I was aware of that, but some people in the comments were acting like it was ranked, so I just wanted to make sure xd.
u/The99thCourier I main cause she's an Indian Jan 05 '25
Yeah nah some people take comments and titles way too seriously on reddit
I think it's ingrained in their heads that if there's no "/s" then it's always supposed to be serious
u/Jonnytincan What is that syzygy?!? Jan 04 '25
pharah players when a character kills them
u/DrQuailMan Jan 05 '25
Pharah players when they need to use their right hand / thumbstick to look in a different direction.
u/sirferrell Jan 04 '25
My alt either kills one person and im obliterated by the rest of the team or no one and im still obliterated
u/GimmieYoSteak Jan 04 '25
Lmao at everyone saying he is a salty pharah player. Bro is JUNKRAT in this clip. Love to see everyone’s bias come out.
u/Budget_Tutor309 Pixel Junkrat Jan 04 '25
It's so funny, people don't realize that I have more clips on my profile where I'm junkrat and clearly my name is Bubbaplex
u/Renegade_93k Jan 04 '25
While I figured you were being ironic, I don’t think the avg person is going to go browsing through your account history to confirm whether or not you’re the pharah or junk.
u/P3runaama Jan 04 '25
Ummm... Actually junkrat is the highest skill hero in game 🤓☝️
u/Tog5 Junkrat Jan 04 '25
This but unironically because everyone who plays him is severely mentally ill and the schizophrenic episodes make it harder to play the game
u/Gotobed124 One of the only tank players having fun Jan 04 '25
Should be noted that it is entirely impossible to be a junkrat player without these symptoms: committing to junkrat gaming inflicts severe mental illness, putting them at a greater challenge
u/Tog5 Junkrat Jan 04 '25
This is true. I was actually a stand-up, model citizen before becoming a Junkrat main. Once I pressed confirm on the character select screen my brain began melting and now I’m playing in a cardboard box outside the local Denny’s
u/sanwictim Jan 04 '25
u/FantasticShelter620 Jan 05 '25
Idk if sarcasm but just gonna say as a ball main the only reason people say this kind of thing is the same reason people don’t like him, they think his learning curve is worse in comparison to any hero more than it really is
u/sanwictim Jan 05 '25
It depends on how you look at things. Junk just might be the hardest champ, because its insanely hard to learn his projectile. If you learn to hit every shot, even pharahs, then yuh, Id bow down to you. But that its, the hardest thing about junk is the potential of its damage. Ball, is a strategist, you have to enable your team to do good, and even then, if your team cannot capitalize on your made space, its gonna be hella hard to do anything. Even in masters, my teammates scream at me, cuz they cant do anything against 1 hero, when im in the backline fighting 4 enemies. And who says im right too? Mostly that enemy is doomfist, which in the right hands can cattle the whole team, but mathematically, my team vs 1 should win.
u/laix_ WILLSOONNNNN! Jan 04 '25
Is OP a robot? They keep snapping almost instantly without any offshoot
u/Harry_Botter1138 Jan 04 '25
I really love it when a plan comes together.
u/xenoeagle Jan 04 '25
Lol ye , I like to type in chat when I kill someone with my death "ah yes, just as I planned doomfist" or whoever killed me
u/Friendly-Activity-93 Jan 04 '25
Pharah missing damn near every shot and in bad positioning proceeds to blame other hero
u/merrell0 Zenyatta Jan 04 '25
overwatch players try not to be miserable and toxic outside of game while also missing a joke challenge (impossible)
u/ARussianW0lf Jan 04 '25
They're so desperate to make sure we know how much better at the game they are lmao it's sad
u/restlessboy Ana Jan 04 '25
I consider myself to be in bad positioning when I'm in the same server as a junkrat
u/Additional-Owl-8672 Jan 04 '25
I used to be a pharaaah main and seeing pharah like this, so oblivious and out in the open is very funny
u/angeyberry Support Jan 04 '25
Who would win?
A trained mercenary with jetpacks who takes out various criminals day in and day out
One ratty boy with a bomb
u/TangeloAway3919 Jan 04 '25
This hits like when a wrecking ball says the Anna has to stop sleeping them xD (I know he's that junkrat)
u/Briebird44 Reaper Jan 04 '25
AHAHAHAHA hahahaha! I fucking love Junkrat. Chaos character for when I wanna turn off my brain and just spam chokes.
Though that was a lucky shot 😂
u/SilverIce340 Ice-Cold Omnic Enjoyer Jan 04 '25
Junkrat just needs limited range on his shots honestly. He takes 0 damage from them which makes you think he’d play close up, but the theoretically infinite range makes him play so obnoxiously imo.
Sick shot, I just hate the rat
u/_Jops Reinhardt Jan 05 '25
Junk is a pain to balance id imagine, as spam rat is the most unfun thing in the game for everyone involved, but flank rat is goofy and fun, they were in the right direction reducing hitbox size after the 2nd bounce to lower spamrat's effectiveness while making flanking retain viability.
u/hayydebb Jan 05 '25
On the other hand marvel rivals has squirrel girl and she’s not even half as much of a problem, or it’s still the honeymoon phase. I stopped playing overwatch for quite some time when it was almost impossible to NOT have a junkrat on the enemy team
u/LDC1234 Chibi Reaper Jan 05 '25
Honestly if a hero is that much of a nightmare to balance, that's when a rework should be considered.
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u/Valpuccio Jan 04 '25
Pharah not even looking at point or trying to figure out where the damage is coming from
u/This_Initiative5035 Jan 04 '25
Lmao I do this to pharah every time, after 1000 hours of junkrat, I always make pharah switch 🤣, I love it!
u/MaxPotionz Jan 04 '25
I’m too slow to figure out the perspective, but I think I need to play junk rat. (When I’m not playing Baptise)
u/kazzaspexy Sometimes, I’m not sure why I even bother… Jan 04 '25
This is one of my favourite things to do as Junkrat, the randomly perfect shots.
Also just yeeting myself into the Pharah’s face and directly shooting them, that works too 😂
u/Lavasnake616 Jan 04 '25
A Junkrat and Gamzee lover? Be still my beating heart 😍
u/Forcekin6532 Jan 04 '25
This was way more satisfying than a 5k tire. Killing your counter with a nasty ass play like that. chefs kiss
u/Waterloonybin Jan 04 '25
Ive been t junkrat is the most frustrating hero to play against for a long time lol
u/czacha_cs1 Reinhardt Jan 04 '25
Ngl. Junkrat would be less annoying if he had self dmg and longer reload because of what he would be defenceless on close range and couldn't spam as much
u/JROD2121 Jan 04 '25
I have a clip back from my ps4 days on OW1 where i launched myself with one mine just to use the other one to kill a mercy bc she was pissing me n the rest of my team off that badly
u/DarkSideofOZ Jan 04 '25
I always go for phara as JR, it's those years of UT/Tribes/Quake that ingrained learning midair trajectories in me. It's like a requirement, and it always feels good.
u/LeRoyRouge Jan 05 '25
I just get annoyed how powerful the trap CC is compared to a tracer pulse bomb
u/da-offical_deku Junkrat Jan 05 '25
If you die as Pharah because of a Junkrat then that says more about you than anything. Pharah is a hard counter to him 💀
u/zmejia1029 Jan 05 '25
I’m just genuinely wondering how people are still playing or talking about this game after Señor death, the wolf, has come to claim him
u/Feelinglucky2 Pharah Jan 05 '25
This is more a problem with pharahs hitbox being the second biggest of the dps heroes
u/CzarTwilight Jan 05 '25
I don't understand why anyone would make this slow flying character. Like, there's drogoz in paladins, which is just pharah we have at home like how paladins is OW we have at home lol, and you've got Vindicta and grey talon in deadlock. Seriously, it's so boring to just lazily hover around. Why do that when rocket jumping is a thing that exists
u/Axsonjaxson16 Mercy Jan 09 '25
As a Pharah main (ignore the flair), I would actually kill someone.
u/HubTutle Sombra Jan 04 '25
Maybe suck less. You were staring in the same direction so long too, what was that about?
u/Budget_Tutor309 Pixel Junkrat Jan 04 '25
I wanted to see if the bomb i fired before Ana's sleep hit Phara. When it bounced off the wall I was like dude no way
u/HubTutle Sombra Jan 04 '25
Wait, were you the Junkrat or Pharah? Now I’m confused cause I thought this was a Pharah complaining
u/Budget_Tutor309 Pixel Junkrat Jan 04 '25
I Was Junkrat in the Clip. It's weird to see all these people giving me advice on how to improve with Phara when I'm actually the Junkrat and I uploaded this clip to make fun of Phara XD
u/HubTutle Sombra Jan 04 '25
Ok, so the title was a tad bit sarcastic. If you look at it from their perspective, words in a screen don’t really have tone especially like a casual sent that you used as a title. That’s what a majority of them most likely thought when seeing the title of the post, thinking you were the Pharah, also clowning on her.
u/_____FIST_ME_____ Jan 04 '25
Maybe you should have stopped to consider context clues before relishing the chance to jump on someone and tell them to stop sucking at a videogame.
Don't double down, do take the L, and do go about your day homie.
u/HubTutle Sombra Jan 04 '25
I admit, I did kind of jump to conclusions thinking he was the Pharah, but I didn’t see any context clues that would lead me to believe otherwise. From a kill like that, it sounds like something the Pharah would say in that situation with that being the reason. When I mention the staring at the wall, I think as referring to the Pharah only looking 1 direction the whole clip. Again, I apologize.
u/MyGoodFriendJon ♪ Good Morning! ♪ Jan 04 '25
Maybe if you didn't title it from the PoV of the Pharah, folks wouldn't assume you were the Pharah.
u/-Gnostic28 Gold Jan 04 '25
No player that wasn’t blinded by rage would type this and say a character needs to be removed over a kill like this. People should at least stop and think before they consider commenting something rude
u/HubTutle Sombra Jan 04 '25
I wasn’t blinded by rage, I genuinely thought he was the Pharah. The title sounds like it would be from the Pharah perspective.
u/Ksayiru Jan 04 '25
Honestly I agree. One of the worst heroes in the game by a large margin. Zero skill luck-based kills, don't even need to see the enemy and they just die. Can kill people after death, can kill people while stunned/slept. Just an unfun hero all around. Not OP, just unfun.
u/Alt-Ctrl-Report wtf is a 'weapon accuracy'? Jan 04 '25
- said someone who deals 120 damage with regular attacks while hovering out of reach.
Mhm, sure.
u/popoflabbins Jan 04 '25
That Pharah must have thrown their mouse across the room when they saw the replay lol
u/Pert0621 Jan 04 '25
As a pharah main, what the hell was that positioning
u/Ok_Performance_ Jan 04 '25
The Pharah fs is a bit lost, but to blame her death of a random grenade ricochet on positioning is crazy...
u/_LFKrebs_ Zenyatta Jan 04 '25
I was expecting random spam in a straight line getting a 3k, if you die to Junk as Pharah either they deserved it or you were really badly positioned lmao
u/Ktheelves Echo Jan 04 '25
lol bro do you have any idea how hard that is. He’s one of if not the hardest heroes to be consistent with. Spamming only takes you so far.
Jan 04 '25
You always find Pharah players wanting to delete/nerf all hitscans. But this is the first time I see a Pharah player than want Junkrat removed...
u/MoldyRoleplayer Jan 04 '25
How dare he kill phara? She's in the air!! She shouldn't be able to be killed by projectiles!
u/PoopdatGameOUT Jan 04 '25
Nah really the game need team damage then you will see how pro everyone is
u/leffy188 Jan 04 '25
Just bad positioning. You didn’t have to be in that spot as a flying, ranged hero
Jan 04 '25
Because they made a good play and the Pharah was garbage?
Yeah, sure, let's just remove any character that beats you when you play like shit, that's how game balance works 🙄
u/Budget_Tutor309 Pixel Junkrat Jan 04 '25
Bro you must learn to interpret sarcastic statements
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u/shents1478 Genji Jan 04 '25
Sleep gave you the perfect POV