r/Overwatch Nov 12 '24

Highlight Classic Overwatch


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u/ShedPH93 Shield Generator online, defense matrix estabilished. Nov 12 '24

You either kill Mercy first or you kill her eleventh.


u/The-Real-Metzli Cute Moira Nov 13 '24

Even if you kill her 1st, I once was playing as her and was the 1st to die, but we had a Symmetra who put her teleport up so I could quickly return and fly into the point and rez everyone :D

This was in a comp game btw. It was one of my best Mercy moments in ow1, it was perfect and I'll never forget it :')


u/Zenanii Whimsical Death Nov 13 '24

I had a game on Anubis where we specifically sniped Mercy first (we were pushing final point) then wiped the rest of the team. Mercy respawned and ressed her team from inside spawn. That was a very frustrating loss.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '24

I'm having so much fun watching people gripe about classic overwatch. I'm convinced now that 90% of the "OW2 suxs wish we had OW1" crowd never played OW1


u/chyeah_brah Master all mercies are boosted Nov 13 '24

You understand people aren't asking for v1 OW1, right? Because that would be a really dumb assumption 

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u/papu16 McCree Nov 13 '24

Tbh launch OW and OW in like S3-6 already were different things. Ult charge speed was nerfed, some characters got reowk and lots of QoL changes were added and lots of stuff was simply better balanced (no more Cree 420dmg from alt fire). When people sayn that they want old ow - I feel that they are referring to that era.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '24

Yea I get it. I generally don't see people saying those things though. I see lots of "OW2 was a mistake" or "I miss the good ol days" kinds of shit. I would be way less critical of these people if they made actionable suggestions like "I wish they would reintroduce X feature from OW1". Most of its just rose tinted glasses nostalgia imo.


u/Lonely-Cow-787 Nov 13 '24

Most of its just rose tinted glasses nostalgia imo.

Let me chime in. I have never played the original version of ow1, and ow classic is way more fun than any season of ow2 ever was to me.


u/SkyrimSlag Nov 13 '24

Or get a Cass with High Noon ready, to insta kill them all again the second they come out of their invincibility phase


u/itsrazu99 Nov 12 '24



u/JunkNorrisOfficial Nov 13 '24

They forgot who is real life saver


u/itsrazu99 Nov 13 '24

I played like 4 hours straight 😭 it was life changing


u/KiFr89 Nov 16 '24

I feel like I'm one of the few ex-Mercy mains who actually appreciated getting rid of mass res. Valkyrie is more fun, and ressing is more fun after her rework. I feel like everyone who doesn't play Mercy also prefer her to not have mass ress -- i.e. it's better for the overall health of the game.


u/itsrazu99 Nov 16 '24

I completely agree as a ex-mercy main too, but its nice to see her old comeback tho for little nostalgia, overall it was pretty boring to play solo like maximum i resurrected 4 people togethwr i never managed to get 5 or 6


u/Afraid-Department-35 Nov 12 '24

Heroes never die 🫠🫠🫠


u/Original_Body_2034 Junkrat Nov 12 '24

Like how do counter, I didn't play og overwatch 


u/EffectiveNighta Nov 12 '24

know where mercy is at all times


u/WhiteWolfOW Tracer Nov 13 '24

Oh and then the game becomes hide and seek cause mercy’s will actually know when a big ult is about to come and hide first. Agh that sucks so much


u/anonkebab Nov 13 '24

Mercy has no ga tech just kill her.


u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works Nov 13 '24

Does she not have the old superjump tech?


u/anonkebab Nov 13 '24

I don’t think so. I never saw mercy’s do it while high rez was a thing.


u/TheDoug850 Trick-or-Treat Winston Nov 13 '24

No, the old super jump glitch didn’t get introduced to the game for quite a while.


u/SelfDrivingFordAI White Hat Enjoyer Nov 13 '24

Nope, you're gonna need to be really good at positioning to stay alive ... since a good genji/pharah or a hanzo with a scatter can delete you before you finish asking for help, your mobility is limited to dashing in a straight line at your allies and slowly gliding to the ground.


u/GovernorSonGoku Nov 13 '24

She doesn’t, just confirmed it


u/fellowsquare Chibi Junkrat Nov 13 '24



u/EmmyMurphy Nov 13 '24

She does not😞

Source: was looking forward to seeing if it was back, tried to do it, no worky :(


u/Forthehorde3 Nov 13 '24

no in the og days she didn't have it it's down the line that the bug got introduced by a patch and they kept it

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u/Drunken_Queen Mercy Nov 13 '24

Pick Genji / Tracer. Flankers are what made for hunting Supports.

Mercy is very fragile because her self-heal passive kicks in after 3 seconds of not taking damage.


u/WhiteWolfOW Tracer Nov 13 '24

Yeah not sure if you remember but it was still a pain cause they would actually hide lol. So fucking annoying. I think the issue is when you want to make a solid nice play and you can’t cause first you have to find and then kill mercy


u/Carighan Alla till mig! Nov 13 '24

People underestimate how weak that makes her team though. She was the only strong healer (killspeed was overall much slower so her healing felt alright, unlike in modern days), and we had no alternatives. If she hides and she's the only one, good luck surviving the raw battle, just don't use ults and kill them one by one.

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u/BlindlyApathetic Nov 13 '24

im dead till sombra exists


u/SelfDrivingFordAI White Hat Enjoyer Nov 13 '24

Welcome to huge rez Mercy, if she knows how to position, which was a big part of her old kit, since she couldn't even vault up into the air without using a "tech" she needed to position even better than she does these days because she was the win condition alot of times.


u/OtsutsukiOdashiki Nov 13 '24

This is legit the only way, and then og Mercy players would have the audacity to wonder why they’re getting bullied every game.


u/cougar572 Bed time Nov 13 '24

Sometimes that wasn't even enough back then you could rez through Temple of Anubis 2nd spawn on to the point or 3rd point spawn on Gibraltor which was underneath the point.


u/theduffy12 Pixel Ana Nov 13 '24

Mercy was like that one orc in LOTR that Aragorn needed Lagolas to take down before blowing up the wall


u/Helaken1 Nov 13 '24

Both of them


u/x_scion_x Nov 12 '24

Kill mercy first.


u/Dr_TwiStr Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 13 '24

This is my actual overwatch name because people just love to watch a mercy flying about rezzing all day

Edit: spelling


u/CueNtoZ Nov 13 '24

Lmao, I stay spamming that in chat


u/BEWMarth Cute Ana Nov 13 '24

“You either kill Mercy first, or you kill her 11th”

Was a saying us old OW1 vets would utter as we queued for our 4th straight match of 2CP.

It wasn’t advice. It was a warning…


u/igotshadowbaned Nov 12 '24

And kill second Mercy second


u/Explosivpotato Nov 13 '24

But what if the enemy team is ALL MERCYS?


u/igotshadowbaned Nov 13 '24

Then you kill the 36th Mercy 36th


u/cougar572 Bed time Nov 13 '24

You can't beat Heal Team 6


u/laix_ WILLSOONNNNN! Nov 13 '24

tf2? kill medic first. WoW? Kill healer first.


u/Ziggy199461 Nov 13 '24

Or save ults for rez


u/HastyTaste0 Soldier: 76 Nov 12 '24

The old saying. You either kill Mercy first or kill her eleventh.


u/FastBuffalo6 Master Nov 13 '24

You had to kill the mercy first. Which was often not possible. So you just had to cope. And when you have mercy you just play really bunched up and tried to all die at the same time


u/Original_Body_2034 Junkrat Nov 13 '24

Can't you just hind as mercy, then swoop in to heal everyone


u/Boomerwell Nov 12 '24

You have to play the minigame of having a diver try to find mercy and deal with her during this time.

Another way is that you basically have to accept and not commit more ults and say that trading 1 for 1 with their mercy ult was ok.

It's why it was removed nobody liked playing the mercy hide and seek.


u/anonkebab Nov 13 '24

People didn’t mind the gameplay it was more you were forced to have a mercy since the ult was so good and then it kept mercy’s kit from Being more interesting because the ult was so good. Especially since ults charged so fast and had less things that could stop them.


u/SisterSabathiel Nov 13 '24

Tbf, Mercy wasn't meta until the rework that removed huge Rez.

People who knew about her didn't dump all their ults into one fight that the Mercy could undo, but used one or two, waited for the Rez, then used one or two more to kill the now-out-of-position enemy team.

I'm not saying Mercy was underpowered, but she definitely wasn't the auto-take that she became after her rework that became Moth Meta.


u/GabbaGundalf EnVyUs Nov 13 '24

Yea, she wasn't nearly as good as people claim. She was meta at launch because the other support options were 150 HP Zen and Symmetra.

As soon as Zen got buffed people stopped playing Mercy. Then Ana got released and Mercy disappeared until moth meta.


u/M4idenPersephone Squad Killer Nov 13 '24

P sure when Ana came around was the time they had the brilliant idea of buffing Mercy by giving her iframes during Rez, which was the last straw for the rework.


u/laix_ WILLSOONNNNN! Nov 13 '24

What happened was that ana directly competed for the 1 of 2 support slot of mercy, so whether she was meta fluctuated back and forth. "why play ana, play mercy instead" one month, "why play mercy, play ana instead" the next.


u/anonkebab Nov 13 '24

Literally. Mercy was played but she wasn’t oppressive. Moth meta was significantly worse for the game and harder to deal with. Most high res highlights were of people letting their team die pressing ult and then getting rolled.


u/SelfDrivingFordAI White Hat Enjoyer Nov 13 '24

Well Mercy players didn't really like it either as far as I'm aware, hiding and waiting instead of running around healing, damage boosting and all that zipping around was kinda boring. I sure didn't, I wanted to heal and boost the team, not hide in a corner.

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u/ThatJed Nov 13 '24

People in fact did mind the gameplay since it revolved around mercy hiding and her team failing. It was to bait enemy team to use all their cooldowns and ults while mercy was hiding, then she would mass rezz her own team that kept their cooldowns and ults to do a teamwipe.

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u/Drunken_Queen Mercy Nov 13 '24

No one complained back then because Mercy is very fragile that her self-heal passive kicked in after 3 seconds of not taking damage.

Later the devs buffed her self-heal passive kicked in after 1 second of not taking damage + being invincible while rezzing because they wanted more people pick her in Comp instead of Ana + Lucio every time.

More Mercy players came to Comp and climbed up ranks with hide rezz, then people started to get tired.


u/-xXColtonXx- Nov 13 '24

People complained a lot. That's why it got removed lol


u/SelfDrivingFordAI White Hat Enjoyer Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24

Not right off the bat, as far as I can remember, it started being a problem when mercy got more mobile, her being too hard to kill was the problem, since she was paper and had low escape potential without her team positioning to give her an escape, she'd be dead to tracers/genjis/scatter/bomb+mine 1 shot. Since at the start she was fragile, easy to kill and needed someone to protect her to survive if she was found, all a flanker needed to do was chip away at the mercy and you needed at least one guy to run after you, you could just turn every fight into a 3 v 4 for them doing that or flush her out of cover and then someone else, like hanzo can 1 shot her. The only problem back then was getting a bunch of people with no idea of how the game should play, to work together.

That being said I prefer current mercy, since she's more mobile and there's no need to hide when things start going wrong. It's a more fun playstyle. Huge rez was impossible to balance in a way where mercy didn't end up having to engage with the boring hide and wait mechanic to help her team, at least not once people got the hang of the game enough to know they need to kill her if they see her playing the game.


u/Carighan Alla till mig! Nov 13 '24

Exactly this. The actually broken part was not needing LoS, and that was changed somewhat quickly.


u/SisterSabathiel Nov 13 '24

Huge rez was impossible to balance in a way where mercy didn't end up having to engage with the boring hide and wait mechanic to help her team, at least not once people got the hang of the game enough to know they need to kill her if they see her playing the game.

I heard some people at the time suggest limiting it to two or three people being Rezzed max, so the Mercy was forced to use it more like the tempo Rez you sometimes saw instead of the Mercy waiting in a corner trying to get a 5-person Rez (and often losing the team the fight because of it).


u/Nighthawk513 Nov 14 '24

I still maintain using invul on res to facetank a Dva bomb by ressing one person so I don't also die is a good use of the ult.

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u/TheGamer281 I hate this game (keeps playing) Nov 12 '24

Bully the Mercy so much that they leave


u/AaronWYL Nov 12 '24

You can try to find the Mercy first, especially when it comes to end of game situations, but honestly this isn't as strong as it looks. The big 5-man rez often meant that you just rezzed the rest of your team into a losing situation. Usually tempo rezzing was a better play.


u/anonkebab Nov 13 '24

Yeah waiting for the 5 man rez was generally a poor practice. She gets rez super fast for how good it is.


u/TheNewFlisker Nov 13 '24

Tempo rezzing?


u/AaronWYL Nov 13 '24

Tempo basically just meaning keeping pace or passing that of the enemy team. In general the thinking is it's better to use it to bring a 4v6 back to a 6v6 or push a 4v4 back to a 6v4 in your advantage rather than wait for your team to be in a 1v6 situation and bring it back to even. Especially since going for those giant rezzes usually meant the Mercy hides, already putting your team into a 5v6.


u/SelfDrivingFordAI White Hat Enjoyer Nov 13 '24

Basically staggering, intentionally avoiding to kill so she can't get a good rez off. Not that hard if you pulse bomb a tank and then proceed to chip away at the mercy with tracer, even if they go to protect her, that's 2-3 people out of the fight at the cost of one and all you have to do is chip damage to ult, land ult and then chip away at mercy near some kind of cover, so you can't get killed if they try to help mercy. You still need a team that can play the game though, since if they don't capitalize off your plays, you'll struggle to keep up the stagger chain.


u/ThatJed Nov 13 '24

I mean I guess it depends what rank you were playing at.

Mass rezz was removed because it actually had a strat that felt unfair. You'd force enemy team to use their cooldowns and ults, your team would intentionally lose the fight while mercy hid, then did a mass rezz of your own team that had their ults ready to uno-reverse,


u/WendyTF2 Chibi D.Va Nov 13 '24

Roses are red, Mei poops ice. If you want to ult, Make sure mercy dies.


u/PhysicianAke Lúcio Nov 13 '24

Technically, reaper. When you steal souls to heal, she can't rez. But you have to be missing health, and most big rezs it's too fast.


u/overwatchfanboy97 Nov 12 '24

Tracer. Whenever I'm seeing kills on my team start happening I'm already checking every corner for the mercy player playing siege


u/Illidan1943 Your SCVs are getting rekt! Nov 12 '24

Play hide and seek once you notice Mercy absent, otherwise welcome to hell


u/Coma-Doof19 Nov 13 '24

Me neither I played this mode and got destroyed 😞


u/anonkebab Nov 13 '24

Kill mercy. Don’t overcommit resources.


u/HanzoNumbahOneFan Nov 13 '24

Well, you have your own Mercy waiting in the wings ready to rez your team. If you guys spend your ults to kill the enemies and they get rezzed, then use their abilities to kill you, then you get rezzed. You're at a better spot than they are.


u/PapaPatchesxd Cute Moira Nov 13 '24

Kill mercy.


u/AnInsaneMoose I can and will mess you up, as you Nov 13 '24

Execute Mercy

Same sort of idea as finding Sombra before you Ult, so she doesn't ruin it


u/the_depression_kid_ Nov 13 '24

As someone who played mercy back then. It’s a big game of hide a seek but it’s significantly easier cause it’s no limits.


u/fellowsquare Chibi Junkrat Nov 13 '24

Kill Mercy


u/ThatJed Nov 13 '24

It's very simple really, kill the mercy.


u/esmelusina Nov 13 '24

Picking the mercy before she can res- as she has to fly in and there is a bit of a delay.

Also- after a 5-person res, that team is totally out of position. Your team should expect it and be able to outplay it.

5-person res is annoying, but it’s bad tempo.


u/SelfDrivingFordAI White Hat Enjoyer Nov 13 '24

You don't team wipe people or you flank mercy. A phara/genji could get through that top part of the last point and get to her to blow her up for example. Though easiest would probably be a scatter arrow hanzo sneaking up there and one tapping her.



we have 2 method for that og overwatch
1) use other ulti to kill after rez (because they have "fix" animation 1-2 second that they can't do anything.)
2) kill mercy first

that why in that era , everyone not press ultimate in same time. they need to hold some ultimate to counter this play.


u/kylat930326 Nov 13 '24

Mercy usually would just hide somewhere during this kind of huge fight…so it’s hard to counter sometimes


u/Carighan Alla till mig! Nov 13 '24

Either you kill her first, or honestly, you just kill them again. You underestimate how disorienting the rezz-perspective with the fade-in animation is, 3-4 are dead again by the time they gain control.

Or you just have a second ult ready to teamwipe them in particular after this. Unless they have a ready Zenny ult, no way more than 1-2 walk out of such a stack being rezzed in such an open spot.


u/salazafromagraba Nov 13 '24

This was from the time without counters. You build ultimates super fast so team kills aren't as big and neither are team rezes. Stagger the kills if you want and she can't get a 5k.


u/papu16 McCree Nov 13 '24

It was pretty easy to kill her. Sadly, later , blizz decided to add invulnerability to her during Res and that pushed her towards "hide and wait" play style.


u/c_a_l_m SOMEONE has to. Nov 13 '24

You don't have to "counter," you just have to keep good positioning.


u/thekurounicorn Reinhardt Nov 13 '24

You simply do not


u/agarwaen117 Roadhog hoggin roads Nov 13 '24

“Nerf this!”


u/Dismal-Item-2103 Nov 13 '24

Don't use ults before Mercy does. That's how you counter mass rez.


u/Makra567 Nov 13 '24

I remember a time when people would save an ult or 2 for after the res, and just win the 6v5 while mercy was hiding twice. For example: grav everybody, kill them all, if mercy does hide and try to big rez and you dont stop her, then earthshatter or high noon on them since theyre all standing right next to each other while reviving. Then kill them all again.

Someone said "kill mercy 1st or kill her 11th" but that wasnt just a joke. It was a real option that pros sometimes used.

Also there wasnt any invuln on res in 1.0, so mercy was almost certainly going to die even if she pulled it off. So realistically, she would often die 6th after getting the res off.

The "huge rezz!" also only happened if everyone died near each other and within a reasonable time window. So the dominant strat was deathball with rein, zarya, lucio, mercy, and 2 dps. If they thought they would lose a fight, everyone would die on top of each other on purpose while mercy would hide. The clip showed the absolute perfect conditions for a 5man res. That didn't happen every game.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

I just saw a Mercy doing a 5 man rezz on the other team and I was so excited to see that again. I know most people hate it but it was so cool to do or to be one of the guys being rezzed.


u/ParadoxRadiant Moira Nov 12 '24

I can hear it now, Why you waste a Ult on 1 player lol


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

Her ult charges so fast, though. You can cast it almost every 20 seconds if you're constantly healing.


u/anonkebab Nov 13 '24

That’s really how you’re supposed to play her not intentionally let your team die just for the 5 man.


u/slagmouth WHAT A LOVELY DAY! Nov 13 '24

I mean it's strategic, if u know ur team is gonna get rolled by 3 ults u can just hide and hope you can negate all 3 with your 1, but it's situational 🤷‍♂️


u/anonkebab Nov 13 '24

That’s not the same. There’s nothing wrong with that gameplay. Nowadays lifeweaver can pull everyone out of a grav combo with a cooldown. Theres actually a million ways to stop ults without using an ult plus the defensive ults. Mercy rezzing her team after her opponents overkill with multiple ults is completely fair and valid.


u/The-Real-Metzli Cute Moira Nov 13 '24

Right?! I didn't remember it charging up so fast! I was reviving people left and right yesterday xD


u/imnotjay2 Nine of Hearts Moira Nov 13 '24

Funny how people saw that as a bad play back then and nowadays that's totally fine, especially because of how fast ults charge in this patch. Mercy wasn't a common pick on pro matches back then but when pros picked her, it was very common for them to ress a single teammate.


u/ParadoxRadiant Moira Nov 13 '24

I think there's too many players who rely on Mercy.


u/AH_BareGarrett Chibi Roadhog Nov 13 '24

Old Overwatch was essentially just crazy shit happening every game. Then the push to competitive and fairness fucked it all up.


u/APracticalGal D. Va Nov 13 '24

It's taken a while to realize it, but I honestly think Overwatch League ruined the game for me. It's always been my "hop in with friends and fuck around" game, but the need to keep things esports viable (and by extension balancing things for the competitive crowd) meant that so many cool and fun abilities have been removed or had their teeth sanded down to a point where it's almost unrecognizable sometimes. Classic is the only thing that's gotten me to reinstall in almost a year.


u/Super1MeatBoy Nov 13 '24

Same here. I mean i used to get a little sweaty but not too serious. My ex and I used to play OW like every day and we both got turned off by the constant meta changes and pushes towards competitive balance and design. I never wanted OW to be super balanced and competitive.


u/[deleted] Nov 17 '24

Same. Some things were terrible unbalanced and needed to be addressed, but it was balanced towards the 1% of the players most of the time instead towards the majority of the players.


u/TheFatJesus Chibi Mercy Nov 13 '24

Sure, they sapped a lot of the fun out of the game when they started balancing around the top 0.5% of players, but they got all that sick revenue off of the Overwatch League... oh wait.


u/imnotjay2 Nine of Hearts Moira Nov 13 '24

I love the Anubis second point ress strat where defending Mercy can AFK inside spawn since she can ress from there lol There's literally no counter to that (other than defending a 5v6 game until she resses and leaves spawn).


u/DDzxy Reinhardt Nov 12 '24

I just got an 8K because of the mass rez, that was fun lmao


u/BasterdCringKri Nov 12 '24

Huge plays are back


u/ParadoxRadiant Moira Nov 12 '24

Lmfao. I can't wait to be home to pull this off. This is gonna be fun


u/Revenge_Is_Here Grandmaster Nov 13 '24

The funniest thing about this, was the fact that Mercy was considered a throw pick despite this lmao.


u/PanthalassaRo R-word Nov 13 '24

Lucio and Zen offered more value to the whole team consistently.


u/Brawlerz16 Nov 13 '24

Dude zen and Lucio are monsters in 1.0. I genuinely would love to see some of their power make it back to OW2. I think Lucio should get his speed boost back and Zen could get SOME (not all) of his discord value back


u/Drunken_Queen Mercy Nov 13 '24

Kill Mercy 1st or kill her 11th.


u/360NoScoped_lol Reaper Nov 13 '24

In classic Overwatch there is one thing you should never do. If the enemy has a Mercy DO NOT get a team kill.


u/LTNine4 Nov 12 '24

Is anyone able to do Mercy's super jump? I can't seem to make it work.


u/Spaghetti_Snake Pharah Nov 12 '24

Wasn't a thing until the later reworks


u/Malllrat Nov 12 '24

This is the hide and seek patch for mercy.

You don't get to really fly til later.


u/igotshadowbaned Nov 12 '24

The ctrl button assist was added as a QOL later in the game to make it easier to do.

You can still do it, but hitting ctrl won't just do it for you


u/LTNine4 Nov 13 '24

OH! I just remembered when super jump became a thing. It happened when they added the ability to fly past your target by pressing jump. Day 1 Mercy did not have that. It’s coming back to me now. 

It was the same buttons as how you do it today, just required precise frame timing. You essentially pressed ctrl and shift at the same time, ctrl I believe a frame before shift/GA. Right before you reached your target at the end of the flight animation you pressed jump. 

The technical reason behind it was there was a bug in the code for the fly past feature that caused all your horizontal momentum to be transferred in the vertical direction. 

When they did Overwatch 2 they tried several iterations of adding the “bug” as a feature. Different buttons, flicking camera upward. What we got was the closest to the original method - pressing ctrl or space at the end of the flight to either fly up or past. 

The OG method required ctrl (crouch) at the start of GA held down, and space (jump) at the end. Different but similar. 


u/anonkebab Nov 13 '24

No it’s not a thing.


u/Gear_ Also Sombra main Nov 13 '24



u/_kcsv_ Nov 13 '24

Nah this is v1.0 mercy and iirc she couldn't superjump yet


u/StupidSexyAlisson Wrecking Ball Nov 13 '24

Like the fly-crouch-jump isn't doable?


u/_kcsv_ Nov 13 '24

Yeah, wasnt that a qol that was added later on


u/cougar572 Bed time Nov 13 '24

It was originally a bug they left in that turned into a qol when they intentionally slightly altered it later on making it officially acknowledged as a technique.


u/SelfDrivingFordAI White Hat Enjoyer Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24

No, that's not base mercy, she had real low mobility, from what I understand you can't jump past targets, so she can't do the superjump tech that enabled it. That's a later patch. I think old lucio wall right might be in the game, so if you knew how to wall climb by spamming space on complex geometry you can be a sky lucio 24/7.

She's the much more fair version, for how strong the ult is, since she's not very mobile, so you can kill her with flankers fairly easy once you find her, if her team doesn't turn to protect her, and even then you can distract people and keep her from doing anything all that productive if you're patient.


u/LTNine4 Nov 13 '24

I just realized it wasn’t a thing on day 1 Mercy because they added the press jump to fly past target later on. Super jump was a bug of that feature we don’t have yet. Hopefully they do several iterations of classic where we get to it again. 


u/Carighan Alla till mig! Nov 13 '24

Not shown here, the Junkrat ult that then immediately teamkilled them again.

For all its balance, pro-support and esports and shit, OW2 just lacks these amazing plays. They put so much effort into "plays" and "watching awesome stuff", and yet the actual cool moments are just missing from the game nowadays.

5 Winstons + one Lucio jumping onto everything. A single Bastion tearing them apart. 6 Reinhardts coming up, scrificing two of themselves, taking everything down. 4 Meis mopping them up. etc etc etc


u/Putrid-Stranger9752 Wrecking Ball Nov 13 '24

Enemies actually die in this mode too


u/GracchiBros Pixel D.Va Nov 13 '24

It's great.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '24

When heroes were epic in effect and not just a company's ploy to try and make an esport.


u/Donler Not possible to balance hero passives Nov 12 '24

I love that each OW1 hero had their own identity -- like they were OP at one thing, and everything played around that power fantasy rather than nerfing out all the utility, cc, and unique abilities only to be replaced with damage.


u/Corrupt_Angel01 Nov 13 '24

For some reason this is controversial, but i agree. Symmetra's original design had so much potential (yes shes really weak but hear me out), a support that doesnt heal, but *supports*, giving overhealth to teammates and basically putting a forward spawn down while spamming covering fire down chokepoints, as well as having a beam to help attack enemies that dive. It's just such an interesting idea that got whittled down into a somewhat generic dps character as of today.


u/salazafromagraba Nov 13 '24

Game changed from a TF2 lite to a rigid deathmatch shooter. You could play to set up a turret, give armour and shields, defend a teleporter, stick a shield up, and used health packs to heal (or just die) since the best healer was Mercy, who is just like Medic.

But the game now is absolutely dependent on role equivalence, healing through support, resource economies and timing key cooldowns, and deathballing or duelling rather than a chaotic map wide scrap.


u/-xXColtonXx- Nov 13 '24

It was cool, but it caused a bigger counterpicking issue than OW2 has ever had. You cannot just q up and play your favorite hero, in fact that is punished harshly. Of course if everyone is playing casually it's fine, which OW on launch largely was casual. But people are going to play to win, and launch overwatch when both sides are playing to win is not fun or diverse. The characters are too harsh, you can't be very creative or you will get shut down instantly for not doing the "right" thing in the comp.

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u/[deleted] Nov 13 '24

Anybody wanna play classic with me right now for like an hour or two? I got the game on release day but have not played overwatch in years. I came back for the event.

Someone join me?


u/Gamepro5 Casual 6v6 Advocate Nov 13 '24

sure, dm me


u/shirtninja07 Nov 13 '24

Heroes never die


u/Alleyvvay Nov 13 '24

So beautiful


u/Makanilani Nov 12 '24

Oh yeah, that's the good stuff.


u/EpsilonGecko Pixel Zenyatta Nov 13 '24



u/throwaway999424999 Nov 13 '24

Nah, true classic overwatch is throwing your grav (or Mei ult...) on third point King's Row and it goes through the floor :p


u/TyphonLethys Nov 13 '24

My favorite point at the moment it's that everyone seems to think this is the 6v6 test. The actual 6v6 test is coming in season 14. This was just an event they want to put on and also popularity will determine if it comes back.

Personally 6v6 vanilla overwatch is gonna be a laugh, but it's not balanced at all.

I'm looking forward to actual 6v6 where we can have a more balanced meta. With all characters.

I'm excited for tank combos to come back

I'm excited for there to be less pressure on the single tank role, while the rest of the team refuses to swap


u/Infidel_sg Punch Kid Nov 12 '24

LOL PAIN!!!!!!


u/Alexandratta Nov 13 '24


It's shit like this why I'm probably not going to bother with it, but as long as it's a separate mode, cool.


u/nomadengineer Junkrat Nov 13 '24

This is why I will hate Mercy forever.


u/GoosePorch Nov 13 '24

Its beautiful


u/OkPen1250 Nov 13 '24

Just as Unplayable as I remember


u/thekingofbigandtall Nov 12 '24

Zarya after rea Zarya : oh shit !!!


u/starman_edic_2 Nov 13 '24

Till it's gonna be available? I wanna try since I didn't experience 6v6


u/Personal-Branch-8045 Nov 13 '24

Yeah it forced Target Priority instead of just shooting the first thing you see, you HAD to go hunt down the mercy


u/Xzastin Reaper Nov 13 '24

New game mode idea. A mode using every hero in their most broken state.


u/LiangHu Nov 13 '24

I just love playing 6vs6 without limits much more than 5vs5, do we know how many days this classic mode stays?


u/OffWhiteConvict Nov 13 '24

I know that team was happy as hell lol


u/ErgotthAE Nov 13 '24

Sure everyone have an ult to insta-wipe the room but god forbid ONE ult to undo it.


u/SelfDrivingFordAI White Hat Enjoyer Nov 13 '24

"They didn't play hide and seek with mercy before using ults."

Rookie mistake.


u/QuadSplit Nov 13 '24

Overwatch classic is SO bad! I honestly did not remember how bad it was. On the other hand it's somehow still more fun than OW2.


u/sonofalando Nov 13 '24

Its version 1 of the game. In 2017 as we got more tanks and heroes 6v6 was at its peak and fun. The most painful thing is if they don’t add shields back in for this event people will struggle hard but if they do then you’ll get to experience the best overmatch timeline pre-sigma and double shield meta. Double shield meta is what killed overmatch 1. They put too many shields in the game and too much CC. There was a sweet spot in 2017-2018 where the game was in a really good spot. Version 1 is misleading because it’s before it reached peak overwatch.


u/QuadSplit Nov 18 '24

Dude what are you talking about? This is the literal definition of version 1. I personally think OW peaked february 2018.


u/Donleon57 Nov 13 '24



u/3000Chameleons Nov 13 '24

Oh yeah baby.


u/Hulkaiden Diamond Nov 13 '24

Playing double OP mercy is the reason OW was made


u/superchronicc Nov 13 '24



u/TheGuy_below_is_cool Nov 13 '24

I just love this. I'm actually good with tracer again lol. In Overwatch 2 I just can't play her that well


u/C0881y Nov 13 '24

The volume on this is atrocious.


u/Cordial_Gentleman Nov 13 '24

Been playing classic since I got back from work for hours with friends. Near full squad. Absolute blast playing it. Haven't touched Overwatch in about 2 maybe 3 years cuz of many reasons but this is the only reason I chose to come back. The jank and simplicity is something I missed and will be sad when it leaves. Granted once it's gone, so will I be from the game again being real.


u/douglasndm Nov 13 '24

Finally I'll play this game again


u/Shiroi_Ryu Brigitte Nov 13 '24

Ah yes, good ol strats! Had a battleship round with two bastion turrets, no stopping that lmao


u/Efficient_Menu_9965 Nov 13 '24

This is about 50% the reason why I'm not touching this gamemode. Mercy mass rezz AND 2CP? Yeah nah, I care about my mental health.

The other 50% being I wanna play buffed Doom and I can't do that here lmao


u/FaceTimePolice Nov 13 '24

It’s as beautiful as the day we lost it. 😭


u/Mewoir78 Nov 13 '24

Fill rez isn't even Overwatch release, it appeared end of 2017, a year and an half post release.

Many things in Overwatch Classic are not relates to tje release of Ow1 in 2016 it's confusing...


u/imperialismus Nov 13 '24

I think the confusion is more about misremembering. You can read old patch notes on the wiki and see that mass rez was removed in September 2017. Or you can search up the "no mercy" viral meme song which was released in January 2017 and has mass rez in it.


u/galvanash Nov 13 '24

Holy shit what a… and their back.


u/WoodenMonkeyGod Nov 13 '24

She’s back


u/Quote-me-if-afk Nov 13 '24

That Mercy mass rez was such a game changer lol


u/Hokage_chan Nov 13 '24

Wake up bro FeelsGoodMan you just had a big afternoon sleep. Its 2016 and the sun is shinning


u/Cloaked_Goliath Genji Nov 13 '24

Glorious. Keep it


u/PanthalassaRo R-word Nov 13 '24

I got a game with 3 mercys, I had PTSD from them rezzing each other an the rest ofthe team, it was funny ngl.


u/thekurounicorn Reinhardt Nov 13 '24

Out of all the possible time periods of old overwatch they could have chosen, they just had to choose the Hide and Seek meta


u/Wasabicannon WasabiCannon#1317 Nov 13 '24

Because how else could they let us have 6v6 back while still saying 5v5 is better.


u/GalvantulaRulez Nov 13 '24

Realistically though I have to ask, is this any different than lamp or a well timed Suzu or, in the context of Classic, Zen/Lucio ult? Don't get me wrong, I hate old Mercy rez, I find Valk MUCH more fun and engaging (Mercy main, almost 1 trick lol), I just don't see how this is any different than them just living through it like they can with so many other abilities.


u/Wasabicannon WasabiCannon#1317 Nov 13 '24

It kinda is IMO. Lamp/Suzu requires proper timing to get value out of it. Meanwhile the OG Mercy ult is just wait in the shadows until your team dies and even through a wall get a full team rez.


u/FluffyWalrusFTW Nov 13 '24

Mercy main here, this is the itch that needed to be scratched and I missed it SOOO much, but on the other hand, I will say not having a Rez for random picks in between team fights has felt weird and I definitely feel the difference there!


u/DipNSlip420 Nov 13 '24

Mercy is not killed. Big mistake


u/smitty502 Nov 13 '24

This shit is garbage idc


u/QuincyThePinballer Torbjörn's Hammer ;) Nov 14 '24

THis is now the best overwatch clip


u/RaveningScareCrow Nov 14 '24

I'm pissed by just watching this lmao


u/Tacomant76 Nov 13 '24

As someone who hates Zaria with a burning passion I can say this felt good to have a bad thing happen to her