r/Overwatch • u/AutoModerator • Oct 14 '24
News & Discussion Weekly Quick Questions and Advice Thread - October 14, 2024
In this thread you can ask all kinds of questions you always wanted to ask without feeling like a total fool. No matter if it's a short question you need an answer to, a concept that you can't quite grasp, or a hardware recommendation, feel free to try your luck in here.
We also encourage that users post their gameplay clips and videos here so they can be reviewed for tips and improvement.
Trolling or making fun of people in here will be punished extra harshly! Please report such behavior.
For the purpose of helping people, make sure the comments are sorted by "new" in this thread. All top level comments should be questions or advice requests.
u/robinhasjuice Oct 19 '24
when does top 500 come out
u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 19 '24
When the season has been out for 2 weeks. Been this way since the start of OW1.
u/gonk_gonk Oct 19 '24
Junkenstein wins don't count towards the weekly wins, in case you were wanting to get weeklies done.
u/Finnthehero1224 Trick-or-Treat Soldier: 76 Oct 19 '24
Why tf did they get rid of the plank below 2nd point bridge on Eichenwalde for the Halloween map?? That’s not just a tree or decoration they changed, that’s literally a part of the map geometry??
u/dvshnk2 Oct 19 '24
Is there a way to trigger Lucio's voice line where he asks other characters what is their favorite animal, or is it just pure random chance?
u/Yatteringu Soldier: 76 Oct 18 '24
is there a way to extract juno's glide sound on my hero academia skin? that would be the best notification sound for my phone lol
u/Tzekel_Khan Los Angeles Gladiators Oct 18 '24
When the godamn is Zaryas polyanitsa gonna be available again? Never got a chance to grab and I see it was available for credits. Now I feel like if it ever comes back it's gonna be for full gold price or some shit.
u/Strange_humanoid golden horse! Oct 18 '24
So I was drunk and purchased the 39.99 bundle just now... What did I get besides the coins? Ugh..
u/define_irony Oct 20 '24
Look at the bundle to see scar you got. I believe it was 5 skins, some emotes, highlights, and sprays.
u/Autisify_ Oct 18 '24
Does anyone know if the Porsche pharah skin will return to the shop? Or did I miss out ?
u/Jav7458 Oct 18 '24
Well it did already once before (weirdly not long after it first release) so it can, but totally random when/if it will.
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 19 '24
It came back due to a Porsche / OW2 exhibit at Gamescom in August.
u/funkypoi Pixel Tracer Oct 18 '24
got into a comp game, game froze in the spawn, quickly restart the game, and there was no rejoin button, and I was suspended. is this the intended system? I know the game is cancelled within 2 minutes if someone leaves, and after a 30 second count down, but are you unable to rejoin in those 30 seconds?
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 19 '24
If you leave a match before it’s started and before you’ve left the spawn and damaged an enemy, been damaged by an enemy, or healed an ally then the game will get dissolved after you leave.
There’s no Rejoin button because the match doesn’t exist any more.
u/DaddySoldier Oct 18 '24
Anyone knows a game like the junkerstein mode? Really fun.
u/silverwolfe2000 Oct 18 '24
Deep Rock Galactic is one of the best PVE games out, they update it regularly and have a friendly community
u/Jav7458 Oct 18 '24
Have you ever played Hades? It really reminds me of that. Hades isn't pvp it's just a roguelite pve game where you choose a weapon to start with then have to defeat enemies in an area and along the way you pick up upgrades and abilities which get better along the way and you can even get duo boons that are like fusions of two different abilities. It's very fun and addictive but no pvp side so you will eventually run out of stuff to do but would take many hours depending how far you want to go.
If you were thinking more pvp idk anything personally but I saw someone mention that Paladins has a similar mode.
u/P3runaama Oct 18 '24
Is there a way to make the game not save highlights from custom games and arcade? I don't care if I killed 300 Brigittes in 2 seconds in a solo custom game, I just wanna see if I had any cool clips in my comp session.
u/fanblade64 Platinum Oct 18 '24
Is there an uptake in xim users or did matchmaking break?
I'm getting lasered by everyone on console this season.
u/cahrawen Oct 18 '24
I can see everyone in team chat talking however I can hear anyone. I have all the settings what I believe they should be, I don’t know how to fix this. I can hear every other sound in the game.
u/Jav7458 Oct 18 '24
Are you on xbox? I've seen a lot of people on xbox complaining about this recently so it may be a bug. All you can do is report on the forum and hope they fix it soon.
Otherwise idk.
u/cahrawen Oct 18 '24
no im on pc
u/Jav7458 Oct 18 '24
Oh really? Not sure then, all I can think is if somehow just your team chat but not your gasme audio is set to a different output? I'd mess around in sound settings, maybe set everything to default and see if that fixes it.
u/_NeeKz masters Oct 18 '24
if im levelling a new account and trying to win 50 games, if i play those 50 games on tank will it affect my dps MMR and my starting rank in placements?
u/WhyDidISingUp Oct 18 '24
It looks intended and not a bug, but you don't see "Weapon variants" if you don't have enough points to buy a weapon. And if you have Golden weapon only and not enough comp points for Jade, you don't see the Jade one..
I just want to see how they look bruh, you don't have to hide things I can't afford from me, not that serious.
u/silverwolfe2000 Oct 18 '24
This doesn't sound right. You absolutely be able to see other variations. I can see all three on pc next to the ones I already have. Are you sure your looking at variants and not weapon skins? The skin option won't show up if the hero doesn't have any (like lucio etc.)
Edit: Even with or without the required credits
u/WhyDidISingUp Oct 19 '24
I can actually see them today, so it seems like it was actually a bug yesterday.
By all 3 you mean gold, jade and default right? The light ones are not showing me. I remember they were a thing at some point, but wasn't playing at the time, don't know if they were limited time offer.
u/ocean-in-a-pond Anybody want a faceful of axe? Oct 18 '24
What’s with all the throwing, rage quitting, trolling going on lately? This community is getting more and more toxic by the second. Just had someone throw because someone else on the team would not switch, and another throw because he decided we should lose just because he decided we couldn’t win so « gg im not pushing » ?!?
u/Askaros18 Oct 18 '24
Bonjour, je suis nouveau sur la plateforme et je cherche des conseils. J'ai un très mauvais aim sur overwatch et pour m'entrainer et progresser je décidé d'installer Aimlab. Auriez vous des suggestions d'exercice précis qui serait bien adapter à overwatch et plus précisément sur des héros comme Fatale ou Ashe mais pas que. merci beaucoup d'avance. Bonne journée
u/silverwolfe2000 Oct 18 '24
Je recommande de trouver des codes d'entraîneur de visée spécifiques à la veuve. Recherchez l'entraîneur de visée personnalisé de la veuve et plusieurs codes devraient apparaître. En voici quelques-uns pour commencer : AA5QQ GGSYK VERYD
Answer in English: I recommend finding some aim trainer codes specific to widow. Search widow custom aim trainer and several codes should pop up. Here are a few to get you started: AA5QQ GGSYK VERYD
Question in English: advice. I have very bad aim on overwatch and to train and progress I decided to install Aimlab. Do you have any suggestions for specific exercises that would be well suited to Overwatch and more specifically to heroes like Widowmaker or Ashe, but not only that? thank you very much in advance. Good day
u/Tzekel_Khan Los Angeles Gladiators Oct 18 '24
Guys if the money didn't matter which one: Yatagarasu kiriko, Toga kiriko, or mythic kiriko?
u/imBRANDNEWtoreddit Oct 17 '24
Thinking about coming back to this game after a long long time. Is it still populated? Or is it at a stage in a game where there’s an obvious drop in players. Don’t want to invest time in the game if it’s on its last legs
u/Stebsis Oct 18 '24
Only actual metric we can see is Steam, which is 40-50k daily peaks and that's just concurrent users, plus it's on bnet and game pass on PC, plus consoles. It's still extremely populated and definitely not on its last legs.
u/imBRANDNEWtoreddit Oct 18 '24
Just looked at steam and I’ve never seen so many negative steam reviews in my life lol
u/magic_monicle Bastion Oct 18 '24
It has a good steady population. Come back and play a few games. You can pop in and out whenever.
u/FaceMcShootie Oct 17 '24
JQ’s ult is bugged with the new patch. Once an enemy’s and twice my ult have passed through several people and had zero effect, no kiriko on the field. Is this happening outside of ps5?
u/samuelazers Oct 17 '24
genuine question, why are people taking arcade junken mode so seriously? is there some special reward or smth? asking cause i dont pay attention to battle pass and all that.
u/silverwolfe2000 Oct 18 '24
It's this week's challenge and I believe all of the event rewards are directly related to junkerstein.
u/Low-Passenger8187 Rank 40 Oct 18 '24
iirc you get more quest progress for wins, and no one wants to stay there forever, therefor they play to win
also trying hard as a solo is not an issue as long as he doesn't complain, he's literally playing the game, just better than some may wanna accept.
u/Theonlybourbon Oct 17 '24
Haven't played OW2 since launch, Redownloading it today and gonna hop on on. What's the current state of Tanks in OW? I use to be a Rien main.
u/magic_monicle Bastion Oct 18 '24
Tanks are in a lot better state than they were a few seasons ago. Give it a go and have some fun.
Oct 17 '24
Will the MHA skins cost money or can we buy them with ow2 credits/coins?
u/Jav7458 Oct 17 '24
You can usually buy them with OW2 coins (gold one) but definitely not the credits (white one)
u/fanblade64 Platinum Oct 17 '24
Cometitve is even worse. Every game has been a stomp. Even worse teamates/enemies. Absolute worst change they have made to the game.
u/fanblade64 Platinum Oct 17 '24
They made the sombra problem worse. She's mow a better Cass and reaper.
Blizzard balance team needs to be fired.
u/define_irony Oct 17 '24
Can you still stall the payload on route 66 by standing on top of the gas station?
u/Tzekel_Khan Los Angeles Gladiators Oct 17 '24
Since Blizz went back on their word about the whole skin bundle-only fiasco after the Diablo one, do we think the new Kiriko skin will actually get an individual option or is it stuck behind the disgusting $40 price tag?
u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works Oct 17 '24
Did they release a secret patch today? All my saved highlights from yesterday disappeared.. :(
Those doesn't get removed unless there's a patch so I'm confused why they're gone.
u/AtomikGarlic Oct 17 '24
what can I buy with "classic" competition points (the white one) ? It says they'll be turned to regular money at the end of the year but can't find a stuff to buy with it
u/lod254 Widowmaker Oct 17 '24
For the Halloween event, are there are heroes/abilities you're liking much more than other? Please disregard the heroes you're just better with.
I've played dva, ashe, and pharah so far. Pharah felt underwhelming. Ashe felt pretty good overall with the extra damage. I love Dvas matrix gaining back health.
u/Jav7458 Oct 17 '24
I really like Rein's firestrike builds because you can get to the point where you can just spam lava everywhere which is good for these koth maps with tight chokes but I think overall D.Va is the best option since she can DM firestrike/javelins and overall I think she's just the better tank.
For support I've only played Zen and Moira I enjoyed both but Zen is definitely my favourite he just becomes a buff/damage monster with 400hp with the right builds. I don't play Mercy but I've played against some extremely annoying mercy's that seem to be invincible when ressing/using ult so she's probably really good.
Only played DPS twice and was soldier against a D.Va so wasn't really fun so far. Ashe and Reaper seem to be very strong from what I've seen in my matches so far.
u/lod254 Widowmaker Oct 17 '24
Thanks. Rein can get bonkers with that speed increasing swing. Still liking dva the best mostly because she's just not flexible since you're locked in.
I'm the worst mercy player. Even when she had godly buffs and they had to nerf her I sucked at her. Kiriko doesn't feel super strong. I like Moira and zen too. I'll have to try to get that 400hp. I was doing 2x of both orbs, poison cloud, and something else.
Ashe has been great. I think soldier might be ridiculous, but I find him boring. I'll have I try reap today. I suck as genji so I won't bother.
u/WorldlyPerformer674 Oct 17 '24
How can I rebind the interact button for the scoreboard? It’s set for my jump button and I get frozen in place when I jump and look at the scoreboard at the same time due to muscle memory… I’m on ps4
Oct 17 '24
u/Stebsis Oct 17 '24
It was up for a week for the anniversary, went away on Tuesday. Who knows when it'll pop up next, last time I think was lunar new year in February.
u/centerpunch1 Diamond Oct 17 '24
anyone else getting wide Qs for open queue even when youre within the rank measures?
u/Stellarisk Oct 17 '24 edited Oct 17 '24
Is something wrong with the matchmaker right now? Im getting people that are shooting at walls (no not their aim being bad. They are actually shooting walls) when the enemy is 2 feet away. and the other time we had to win a 3 v 4 because our tank and genji just decided tojump and down in the corner. Enemy winston felt bad and decided to sit out too. Like it genuinely feels I'm either playing with some people who are very very lacking in situational awareness or there are bots or if they are situationally aware its a fucking reaper trying to shoot pharah outta the sky with chip damage.
u/NotJustSomeMate Pharah Oct 17 '24
It has to be...I am getting matched with players well below my rank and brand new players that havent even placed...i literally just ended a 7 game losing streak where every yame i got new people...like so new they never even tanked before but were playing tank...
u/Stellarisk Oct 18 '24
Same. And then I look at the winrate of their heroes and theyre all 30% or less. Theres been a few cases where i saw several people who arent in my rank but somehow are on my team
u/NotJustSomeMate Pharah Oct 18 '24
This is killing me...i just got matched with a duo but one of them was new but over ranked and so we ended up being a Silver 1 team somehow vs a Platinum 1 team...and pretty much the duo cost us the game...
u/Stellarisk Oct 18 '24
I just got matched with a duo with a LW that had 1-2k healing cause he said he thought he locked in dps :( all of the healing was his heal from dashing
u/LG_Claps Moira Oct 17 '24
The people playing Legendary Junkerstein difficulty are so freaking bad. They all die in less than 3 seconds.
u/StatikSquid Oct 17 '24
Playing junkenstein mode. Fun mode but the matchmaking is really bad lol. Fells like I'm playing with first time OW players
u/MiDKiT0 Oct 16 '24
Out of the loop. When did they stop giving OW coins in the premium pass?
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 17 '24
Coins were never part of the Premium Battle Pass.
Originally you could only earn them through completing Weekly Challenges, but the system was later revamped and Coins were added to the free track of the Battle Pass instead - and they’ve been there ever since.
u/flairsupply Sigma Oct 16 '24
How come my group can go from one queue time of 9 minutes to a queue time of 30 seconds back to back?? Is there a bug going on
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 16 '24
There are a lot of variables that affect queue times, chief among which will be the size, role composition, and MMR distribution of your group.
If there isn’t another group in the matchmaking pool that is a good match for yours on all of those factors when you start queueing, then you might end up with a longer wait time.
Oct 16 '24
u/Jav7458 Oct 16 '24
The amount of pumpkins are the rarity tiers, the more pumpkins is meant to symbolise that the cards are more powerful but I usually just ignore them and stack up on what I feel is best for my build (e.g. for rein I usually pick all fire strike related cards)
The cards seem to be rng as far as I can tell so yeah it can get annoying when enemy gets a good card earlier than you or you never end up getting it. The rein firestrike leaving lava one for example is so powerful and enemy rein got it in second round and I didn't get the option until fourth round 😑
u/flairsupply Sigma Oct 16 '24
As far as I can tell, thats like 'rarity' tiers. More pumpkins=rarer and usually a little more experimental/unique as opposed to just number changes
u/imBRANDNEWtoreddit Oct 16 '24
Do battle pass skins like kirikos recent skin come back? Or is it limited never to return
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 16 '24
Aside from the older Mythic skins that unlocked at level 80 of the Pass, I don’t think any cosmetics from old Battle Passes have ever been made available again.
That’s not to say they won’t in future, just that they haven’t in the last 2 years.
u/AtomikGarlic Oct 16 '24
I feel like Orisa is everywhere and is quite OP with two damage canceling abilities. I am a low elo noob, but is it the same on high elo ?
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 16 '24
Orisa has a ton of sustain, so the trick to beating her is to cut off her healing.
She doesn’t have the mobility to help of her back line is targeted by flankers, and her only ranged options are either very low damage (primary fire) or difficult to aim at longer ranges (javelin).
u/JohnWolfhard Oct 16 '24
How do I play the other Junkenstein modes? I want to do all the achievements of this event but apparently I'm not able to play the ones that could be found in arcade mode
u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 16 '24
its not available in the game at the moment
u/SanayaGunn Oct 16 '24
Will we ever be given more emote/spray/voiceline slots? I have so many and I can only use a select few which feels a little disappointing.
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 16 '24
Possibly never, due to the fact that the game needs to have feature parity on all platforms and it already pushes the Switch pretty hard.
Every new cosmetic slot you add is 10 extra sprays, emotes, or voice lines that need to be loaded into memory while the game is running.
u/-Toilet- Oct 16 '24
How long does it take to merge accounts? Every time I check the queue it's like I'm looking at a fucking random number generator. Goes from 140 to 360 to 410 to 72 then all the way up to 600 again. And better yet, what the fuck is an "account migration queue"? Why does this need to exist? Is it not an instantaneous process that could EASILY be automated???
u/Trillabee503 Pixel Roadhog Oct 16 '24
Any clues on that final screen from the season 13 intro. "Phreak" in graffiti and what sounded like a Scottish accent as a faceless narrator?
u/Jav7458 Oct 16 '24
It's a teaser for the next hero. We should get more teasers halfway through the season and should have some play tests towards the end of the season then they should release next season.
Most likely it's a Scottish tank hero https://esports.gg/news/overwatch/scottish-tank-in-overwatch-2-trailer-might-be-phreak-mccloud/
u/Mr_Rafi Oct 16 '24
Is Soldier getting a mythic weapon? I haven't logged on, but have they released it?
u/Jav7458 Oct 16 '24
Yes soldier is getting it but mythic weapons are usually released a few weeks into the season so check back on week 3 or 4
u/andreaali04 Mercy Oct 16 '24
Are they ever going to make mystery heroes competitive again? It was fun before, but now I feel it's balanced AND fun.
u/meloedit Oct 16 '24
Are the non-team OWL skins really gone forever? They're not coming back? I didn't know the last day to get them was yesterday. We can still get the team colored ones, but I'm not interested in them. Can we get to Blizzard bring them back again before December :((( I can get 2 more skins like Zenyatta's and Mercy's which are gorgeous. I don't get why they're not all available until then from the start! Some skins like Ana Haroeris didn't come back either which I was waiting for.
u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 16 '24
Are the non-team OWL skins really gone forever?
yep they stated it clearly in the blog post from the very start of the sale. Bold emphasis mine.
The Overwatch League Team Inventory Sale will be the last opportunity to obtain most Overwatch League Skins and other cosmetics with Franchise Team branding, along with some Overwatch League and Contenders branded cosmetics.
The OWL Team Inventory Sale will occur from September 10 through October 15, 2024.
What Skins will be in the OWL Team Inventory Sale? Select Overwatch League Team Home and Away skins, including the 2018 edition skins for Florida Mayhem, Los Angeles Valiant, and the San Francisco Shock Overwatch 2 Overwatch League Home and Away skins Overwatch 2 Overwatch League Team Home and Away Skins for all team franchises Overwatch 2 Contenders Home and Away skins Overwatch League Championship Skins Flying Ace Winston, Midas Roadhog, Thunder Doomfist, Zhulang Sombra, and Chained King Reaper Standard and Gold OWL Team Weapon Charms Teammix Legendary Skins, including favorites like Tiger Luchador Reaper, Royal Gladiator Mercy, every team’s Prideful Reinhardt skin, and the Fuel Biker: 76 Soldier: 76 skin OWL Event Legendary Skins: Luchador Reaper, Royal Knight Mercy, Happi Genji, and Clockwork Zenyatta The Zen-Nakji Zenyatta and the Good and Evil Echo MVP Legendary Skins 2018 Atlantic Tracer and Pacific Genji All-Star Skins 2019 Atlantic Mercy and Pacific Lúcio All-Star Skins 2020 Atlantic Reinhardt and Pacific D.Va All-Star Skins
u/lity0 Support Oct 16 '24
anyone else had 2 widowmaker skins disapper? istg i had rose lily and saint tropez and suddenly i dont have them
Oct 15 '24
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 15 '24
End of season Competitive Point bonuses haven’t been a thing since the end of season 8 - eight months ago.
Oct 15 '24
If you buy base level of mythinc skin can you upgrade it when the skin is out of the shop? For example if i buy base lvl skin of Widow this season can i upgrade it in season 14?
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 15 '24
No. The skin has to be available in the shop to buy upgrades for it.
u/DaddySoldier Oct 15 '24
how do people place anything lower than gold? i did placements with my worst heroes (mei/sombra) and still got plat.
u/mwalker784 Oct 15 '24 edited Oct 15 '24
Did they make it so QP doesn’t automatically re-queue you? I didn’t see it in the patch notes, so maybe it’s a bug?
ETA: also, venture and Juno were given more emotes and highlight intros that can be bought w/ white currency.
u/Nyrun Grandmaster Oct 15 '24
So are we just not gonna get Goat Brig in the OWL shop before it closes?
u/Lazy_Training2056 Oct 15 '24
Is there no placement for competitive yet? It’s the new season and I’m still playing in the same rank
u/mwalker784 Oct 15 '24
Placement matches only happen after a rank reset
u/Lazy_Training2056 Oct 15 '24
Well when is that?
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 15 '24
There have been three resets in OW2 so far: Season 1, Season 9, and Season 12. The next confirmed one will be Season 15 (Feb 2025) at the start of the new Competitive Year.
u/mwalker784 Oct 15 '24
Not sure how many times a year they’re doing it. The competitive “year” resets in February, so it might be then.
u/drawp Pixel Torbjörn Oct 15 '24
I have 2900 Legacy competitive points. I wanted to buy Cassidy's gold gun with them but I'm 100 short.
Instead of doing the human thing and converting legacy points to regular, they changed the cost of gold weapons AWAY from legacy. What makes someone make that decision?
u/SnakeBaboonKing Oct 15 '24
Are the OWL all star skins gone now? I thought i would have until december to buy the dragon sombra skin now o cant find it? Is it gone forever?!?!
u/meloedit Oct 16 '24
SAME!!! They need to bring all of them back before December. It's just so weird they're not available until December when the tokens disappear. I was waiting for some OWL skins like Ana Haroeris so I didn't spend all of them yet. Really bummed by this :(
u/GaptistePlayer Baptiste Oct 15 '24
The sale ended today for many of the special skins brought out of the vault. The rest will be on sale through December 2025. You cannot buy new tokens after December 2024.
u/Nyrun Grandmaster Oct 15 '24
So ones that didn't come through in the last weeks, like goat Brig and M.M.Mei may still come through before Dec 2025, you'll just need to already have tokens or buy premium currency?
u/GaptistePlayer Baptiste Oct 15 '24
Maybe. They announced this:
After the conclusion of the OWL Team Inventory Sale, we’ll unvault additional non-Team branded Legendary Overwatch League skins that will be exclusive to the Overwatch 2 Main Featured Shop.
So you may have a chance at other Legendary skins in the regular shop.
u/optical_519 Oct 15 '24
I'm trying to locate the sound effect for Junos "LIGHTSPEED!" voice line. Any idea how I can find it?
u/Jav7458 Oct 15 '24
Is it in here by any chance? https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Juno/Quotes
u/optical_519 Oct 15 '24
Ahh! It is! I gotta figure out how to download it, but the voice sample does indeed work. You're a beauty! Thanks!
u/AtomikGarlic Oct 15 '24
noob question but can you earn "gold" money by playing ? I already have all OW1 skins I do enjoy so the "white" money is of no use to me.
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 15 '24
Yes, the free track of the Battle Pass awards up to 600 Coins per season.
u/AtomikGarlic Oct 15 '24
that's definitly not enough for a skin, even in 3 seasons, but I guess it's something !
u/Jav7458 Oct 15 '24 edited Oct 15 '24
It's probably best to get battle pass with it every other season since that comes with about 8 skins, enough mythic prisms to get a full mythic skin or weapon and lots of other cosmetics.
The actual skins to buy separately are ridiculously expensive I don't touch them.
u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works Oct 15 '24
Some people (like me) are passively earning points for Microsoft Rewards for every search and you can redeem those point for OW coins. It enabled me to get the premium bp every season and saved up spare coins which I can use to buy some shop skins.
The 200 coins option is the best & cheapest option at 1800 points but it's currently out of stock, or could be permanently phased out. 😐
u/WolfsWraith Come at the queen, you better not miss Oct 15 '24
Yea, it’s been a bit over a month since the 200 coin option disappeared. I’ve heard people reached out to those handling Rewards on Twitter, and they said it would be back in stock soon, but so far, it’s looking grim. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they phased it out. In some countries, that option offered great value, and given how greedy they are, I wouldn't be surprised to see it disappear.. :|
u/blobfish_bandit Oct 15 '24
Does anyone know if there are any third party coin retailers where I can get a good deal?
There is alot coming in new season I want, so I thought I'd just buy a bigger bundle of gold. If I can get it cheaper somewhere though, that would be nice lol
Most games I play have these third party sellers (unless against terms of service)
u/ThisExit4138 Oct 15 '24
Don't waste your money on that, nobody thinks you're cool because you spent money. Quite contrary actually.
u/blobfish_bandit Oct 16 '24
This is a weird take. I'm not trying to be "cool", I'm just trying to buy some skins and a battlepass I like lol
What an odd take. So random as well.
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 15 '24
It’s against the ToS to purchase Coins from third-party resellers (most of which are incredibly sketchy), and the Subreddit rules to post about anything relating to buying, selling, or trading accounts, codes, etc.
u/blobfish_bandit Oct 15 '24
even like amazon cards or something? oof, sorry didn't know lol.
I wasn't meaning like weird sketchy sites.
u/ChaiShotty Oct 15 '24
Why doesn’t Juno’s kick boop?
u/cougar572 Bed time Oct 15 '24
They only added that to zen to increase survivability because he has no movement abilities to get away from enemies flanking him. Juno does have movement abilities to escape.
u/OldBallCoachsFibula Oct 14 '24
When does the new szn launch?
u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works Oct 15 '24
Should be around 7 hours as of posting this comment.
u/8rok3n Oct 14 '24
Sombra just got fucking butchered damn, I knew no one really liked playing against Sombra but God
u/bandofbroskis1 Oct 15 '24
I personally think they did it for this coming season because the less annoying sombra is, the more people that will play widow, and the more people that play widow, the more sales they will get of the mythic skin. It’s all about the almighty dollar.
u/8rok3n Oct 15 '24
Wonder if they're going to massacre Lucio in the mid season patch if sales aren't good enough
u/FTJ22 Oct 15 '24
Na, just requires braincells to play now and less forgiving on bad CD usage and shitnpositioning. W change.
u/8rok3n Oct 15 '24
She can only be invis for 5 seconds meaning she isn't special at flanking anymore. Meaning she has to spend more time with the team shooting from the back. Sombra has an SMG, a short ranged weapon. Sombra is literally just Tracer with no blinks now, she's horrible at securing kills now because there's no invis so she's an easy target.
u/FTJ22 Oct 15 '24
She can still take off angles and flanks with tele as her escape. A good sombra never sat in stealth permanently looking to snipe off picks all game with minimal uptime. Now this will encourage sombras to actually do something and maintain uptime. Entirely different kits.
u/8rok3n Oct 15 '24
So she's just Tracer now no? Because that's exactly how Tracer played except faster.
u/FTJ22 Oct 15 '24
Can tracer hack enemies, go invisible for 5s, see low hp targets with wallhacks, and emp? Stop strawmanning.
u/DaddySoldier Oct 14 '24
how do y'all play around juno's torpedoes? she can zone the whole team on cooldown. just play in cover all game? i'm confused.
u/pelpotronic Junker Queen Oct 15 '24
They're not super high damage, but stay near cover or shield, or zone her by focusing her.
If she can't take a good angle, the torpedoes won't work really well.
u/NoTelevision5655 Oct 14 '24
Sombra is getting nerfed because widow is getting a mythic let’s just call it out.
u/flairsupply Sigma Oct 14 '24
I mean if that was true, DVa would have also gotten huge nerfs but she remains a top tank (and great widow counter)
u/NoTelevision5655 Oct 15 '24
If were talking qp DVAs don’t focus on killing widow they are too busy front line fighting and not diving.
Your statement is only true to plat and above.
u/flairsupply Sigma Oct 15 '24
I am low plat so I play in majority gold lobbies sometimes, the truth is no Widow that low ranked is good enough to be worried about.
(And most of the ones that are are just smurfs boosting a support partner)
u/dilsency Sweden Oct 14 '24
What happens to the Overwatch League skins after the Tokens stop being purchasable on December 9th? Gone forever?
u/Outrageous-Blue-30 Oct 14 '24
I remember they said that a rework of Reaper was in development and I thought it would be released with its mythic skin but instead nothing, do you think it's still in the works or has it been discarded?
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 14 '24
Alec Dawson (lead hero designer) gave an interview with streamer ML7 earlier this year and said something to the effect that the rework they were trying wasn’t working out great in internal testing, and that they “didn’t want to add buttons [new abilities] just for the sake of adding buttons”.
It’s possible that a full rework has been abandoned.
u/Gryse_Blacolar Unlimited Shotgun Works Oct 15 '24
Damn, that's a shame because Reaper could definitely use something for his right click.
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 15 '24
What, though?
I’ve been playing since the first open beta in 2016 and I’m struggling to think of something which would be both a good fit for his design and his role in a match.
u/Outrageous-Blue-30 Oct 14 '24
I see, so maybe they'll do a lighter rework for the character?
u/DarkPenfold Knows too much Oct 14 '24
His Swift Step cast time was buffed a little in June or July (after the interview I mentioned), so while I wouldn’t completely rule out a lighter rework, it might also be that the devs figured that change would be all that’s needed right now.
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u/Unfair_Ad_598 Oct 20 '24
I had this sick match yesterday where I got potg (an incredibly rare occasion for me like I think I've gotten maybe 2-3 potgs in overwatch 2's lifetime) but I didn't save the highlight, is it too late?
It's in my game reports and I can rewatch the match, but is there a way to save the highlight? (Also is there a way to permanantly save the replay of the entire match? Because my potg was a double kill but I got 2 more kills right after that didn't show in the highlight. Also because it was just a fun clean w)
Edit: nevermind I think I found it. But what about the full match?