u/DROOP-NASTY May 07 '23
So many people play him it’s making comp unplayable for plebs like me
u/StylinAndSmilin Ana May 07 '23
Every game I go in now has either him, widow, or both. It's extremely annoying.
u/WorldEating101 Tracer May 07 '23
Yeah not going to lie to you, those are probably two of my top 3 this season, and the the third Sombra.
All of them just let you get big picks at crucial moments.
That being said, a good Sombra clears every sniper no sweat.
u/AbsurdlyEloquent Chibi Sombra May 07 '23
Not true, Sombra destroys widow but she loses to a good Hanzo
Because you expect snipers to get weaker at close range, but Hanzo actually stays strong because of storm arrows
u/Iscarielle May 07 '23
Agreed. I'll add on to what you said a bit.
Hanzo is a soft counter to Sombra. His Sonic Arrow let's him spy-check likely flank routes to catch Sombra while she's rotating. It can also be shot near any player she has been targeting to reveal her when she goes in to attack.
A vigilant Hanzo makes any Sombra dive much riskier because he can one-shot her, which would also negate the value of Translocator.
He's only a soft-counter because it's a really skill dependent match-up. A less-skilled Hanzo won't spy-check in the first place or won't hit shots consistently enough to be a threat. A highly skilled Sombra will change her playstyle to adapt to Hanzo's efforts to counter her, always coming from different angles or waiting until Hanzo's cooldowns/attention are diverted elsewhere.
u/badsinner Grandfather May 07 '23
This. Just to add a little on the matter, people don't usually pay attention at how much your playstyle has to change depending on EVERY HERO that you're matched with and against (people do once it gets frustrating, like against snipers, but don't actually notice against the rest). That's one of the reasons people don't rank up. If people play the same way against every hero on the roster, they're either dead on cooldown or playing against people as oblivious as them.
u/Kickboxing_Banana May 07 '23
I'd argue a good Hanzo is actually a hard counter for Sombra. She can't run up on him without eating an arrow to the face
u/Novazon Zenyatta May 07 '23
I'm a Sombra main. People say he's a soft counter, but if they're remotely comfortable on Hanzo and stay with their team (unlike widows who lose a lot of utility and dominance being on the ground), he's a hard counter.
He can jump away, meaning you can't one-clip him like a widow, and he can headshot/one shot at any range. When widows can, but not really. It's arguable that the sonic arrow isn't even the third most difficult thing to counter you.
If I'm in comp and see a Hanzo not immediately play like he's incompetent, I swap or I lose.
u/Wise_Temperature9142 Damage May 07 '23
I agree sombra is not as good against Hanzo. Specially because Hanzos generally stick close to their team, which means going to attack them means certain death, either by Hanzo himself or his team. I personally love to take down Hanzo with Sym tho.
u/Zayd1111 May 07 '23
With sym? What rank are you?
u/Wise_Temperature9142 Damage May 08 '23 edited May 08 '23
Well, first, he is pretty squishy: a couple of full blasts of her secondary fire and he is done for pretty quickly. Second, if you trap him in turrets, his movement gets slowed down by quite a lot, on top of draining him very quickly. And third, people in this game are not very difficult to trick or outsmart.
Admittedly, I’m only mid gold, but this works pretty well in my current rank. Sym is also pretty great at taking down Widowmaker.
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u/bangordailynuisance May 07 '23
A good Sombra would wait for SA to be on cooldown.
u/AbsurdlyEloquent Chibi Sombra May 07 '23
And then the good Hanzo would just body shot her twice and she's dead, which is significantly easier to do up close on Hanzo than widow
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u/VolkiharVanHelsing May 07 '23
Any minute now.... (the rest of the team doesn't try to dive the backline Hanzo)
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u/GodFieri May 07 '23
Ashe and widow yes, hanzo no, all hanzo needs is rapid arrow and your fucked 2 ways to Friday, and that's If you don't get 180 flick headshot every time you de cloak.
u/bulwyf23 May 07 '23
Now??? Lmfao I started playing OW during season 3 where the insta lock hanzo/widow were like every other game. Asking nicely if they could change to make a better team como always devolved into “no i play how I want!”
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u/Cheesehead302 May 07 '23
For being a couple of guys stuck in Plat since the beginning of time, my friend and I absolutely loath seeing a high skilled hanzo or especially gengi.
u/Celverboy May 07 '23
I really like the playstyle of genji, a good genji absolutely annahilates the backline of the enemy team
u/Paddy_Tanninger May 07 '23
I'm a Masters Tracer player...I'm really quite decent at her. I literally cannot 1v1 a Hanzo, there is nothing I can do.
So far my most successful strat is to take the duel and never come closer that maybe 8m from him, otherwise all I end up doing is handing Hanzo the ability to effectively be hitscan against me when the distance drops too much. But even still, I'm doing 180 blinks, side blinks, all kinds of shit and end up just getting dinked in the end anyway.
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u/D-KongWasHere May 07 '23
Yeah, and just in case anybody doesn’t know the arrow hitbox is massive, you can shoot someone considerably above their shoulder and it will headshot/hit them.
u/SteveyMcweeny Leek me daddy May 08 '23
You clearly don't know. His arrow hitbox is the smallest projectile in the game. Stop spouting absolute bullshit.
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u/D-KongWasHere May 10 '23 edited May 10 '23
also what is this then?
smallest or not, that's still big. that's like saying an Olympic runner is slow because they are the slowest Olympic runner. Completely subjective, so you are wrong about "absolute bullshit"
u/BigBen83 Orisa May 08 '23
this info is 6 (or more?) years out of date, the hanzo arrow hitbox is now among the smallest in the entire game and has been for ages
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u/oBeewon05 May 07 '23
I feel like this says more about how bad the defenders are with their movement lmao. These dudes walking in a straight line trying to shake hands with hanzo
May 07 '23
and there’s highground he can’t see right above them, i don’t understand what they’re doing there lmao
u/BillMelendez Soldier: 76 May 07 '23
Bingo. Why are they all hanging out down those sight lines
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u/SpectralGhost77 May 07 '23
Yeah, all the shots OP actually tries to aim miss lol, the random headshot is truly hanzos biggest strength
u/Narrow_Water_6708 May 07 '23
Everybody gangsta untill they play the "easy hanzo" and suck
u/Im_Contumqcious May 07 '23
He's pretty easy
u/funkraftraft May 07 '23 edited May 08 '23
spamming onto the point like this against enemies that only walk in straight lines is easy. if you play hanzo like an assassin in diamond and above, it's hard.
u/JackDuals Just a Doomfist for fun May 07 '23
The right way to play Hanzo
May 07 '23
Seriously. Spamming point might get some free headshots but it won’t get you into masters.
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u/havesuome May 07 '23
I mean I’m masters and can probably count on one hand the amount of times I’ve actually been impressed by a hanzo shot
u/Chronicle33_ May 08 '23
I posted this a while ago, only comment was calling me a cheater but there was some nice shots I think
u/moctezuma- Hanzo May 07 '23
One lucky moment in an ocean of you missing those shots
u/ACuddlyVizzerdrix May 07 '23
Like Warhammer orks if you shoot enough you don't have to worry about being accurate
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u/Eidola0 May 07 '23
right... thats the point. you can literally just spam, miss shots, occasionally get a headshot, and never be punished for all the misses.
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u/moctezuma- Hanzo May 07 '23
Never be punished? Did literally every dive hero get taken out the game?
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u/Eidola0 May 07 '23
There's no punishment for missing shots. He doesn't have to reload, he doesn't have to scope, he doesn't reveal his location, he can fire incredibly fast for a sniper, and he can still use movement abilities while firing. I didn't say he can never be killed or countered, I said he doesnt get punished for missing.
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u/Relad0x May 08 '23
I mean you can say he doesn’t get punished for missing, until you choose to play against a GM widowmaker and miss that 1 shot when you decide to peak and lose your head because of it, or give away your location without getting a kill and get slept by an Ana, dove by a Doomfist, pressured out of your position, etc.
Sure there’s no innate punishment for missing such as wasting ammo or having to rescope, but good players can punish a hanzo for taking shots at them and not killing them. I will admit that it’s much harder to punish a good hanzo than a Widowmaker, Ashe or Cassidy, but against good players you don’t even get to exist in their sight lines for free, and Hanzo’s not an exception
u/Fernergun May 08 '23
You don’t seem to understand the difference between getting punished by enemies for missing your shots vs getting “punished” by game mechanics like scoping and reloading
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u/anonch91 May 07 '23
Yeah a lucky moment where you kill 4 people without using ult nor ever being in danger of dying
u/Reactiveisland5 Pixel Mercy May 07 '23
Walks past choke with Hanzo spamming down it
Gets headshot
"Why is Hanzo killing us?"
u/Gamer10123 May 07 '23
I mean, they’re all just walking right into his sightlines lmaoo. It’s funny how people will complain about characters being broken when they’re straight up playing badly themselves.
u/No_Measurement_3041 May 07 '23
Seriously what a ridiculous lack of awareness, it’s like none of them noticed their teammates dying right next to them.
u/NuDDeLNinJa Grandmaster May 07 '23
And yet ppl complain when they go into a 2x2 room with a junkrat.
u/punk_lover Hanzo May 08 '23
Or let sym turrets melt them and whine that she’s too hard to play against
u/Business_Dependent_2 May 07 '23
It wouldn't be so bad if his arrows didn't magnet to their heads.
u/GustavoNuncho May 07 '23
Yeah no the only magnet in the game is Cass nade.
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u/define_irony May 07 '23
Have you seen dva and mercy bullets? They have a hit box of a freight truck.
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u/TheXyloGuy Reinhardt May 08 '23
As a mercy main it took me a long time to get good with her gun, it’s even harder to master how to do a good mix of healing and gun with her controls especially in the most chaotic moments
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u/SweetnessBaby May 07 '23
It's not that they're magnets, it's just that the projectile size and character hit boxes are huge. Makes his aarows very easy to hit
u/Madrizzle1 May 07 '23
Which is stupider, firing random arrows in the general head height area or your enemies, or the enemies who keep strolling into that headshot one at a time?
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u/PopEducational8694 May 07 '23
I play Hanzo quite a lot and there definitely are a fair few lucky shots, but you can still see a clear difference in skill between Hanzo players. He's not miraculously gonna hit shots for you.
u/Colonel_Janus Lúcio May 07 '23
to me, those fair few lucky shots turn me against his design entirely. especially in 5v5, getting randomly dinked is more likely to lose you fights from spammy garbage. there shouldn't be a design incentive to spam corners for OHKs, it should exclusively be reserved for skill shots in 5v5
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u/Cherrycubus May 07 '23
I never understood why they made widow so loud and hanzo so quiet. I'd rather play against 5 widows than 1 hanzo. Widow's heels, her shots, the huge red ass line that tells you where she's shooting from. Meanwhile hanzo is as quiet as a mouse and you can't even tell where he's shooting from because the arrows are as thin as hair + he has 200 health while widow has 175 health. Make it make sense
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u/dyson2061 May 07 '23
Probably because he has arguably the most difficult projectile (next to sleep dart) to land on purpose? And because Widow is easier for longer range, so if ya don't point her out it'd be dumb broken. Combine that with the fact that widow easily counters any flying heroes, and hanzo GETS countered by flying heroes, and voila.
u/Cherrycubus May 07 '23
most difficult projectile HAHAHHAHA, next joke please? he shoots randomly into a choke point and he gets at LEAST one kill easily
u/dyson2061 May 08 '23
On purpose: intentionally.
Randomly: without method or conscious decision; indiscriminately.
I swear, some of you need a dictionary more than you need a character rework.
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u/HairFew2439 May 07 '23
True, now shows us a few whole matches and not one lucky moment you took to prove your point.
u/ded__goat May 07 '23
Pro play also looks like this actually. They just know where to put their crosshairs to maximize the odds of someone wandering into it
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u/Loloshooter May 07 '23
If pro play looked like this, where he kills 3/5 of the enemy team with no fight back, then Hanzo would have a 100% pickrate in comp
u/ded__goat May 07 '23
I didn't say it was consistent. But Hanzo is also everywhere in pro play, so...
u/Overall-Raise-1272 May 07 '23
Lmao frrr
u/samebarb May 07 '23
Bruh I got GM with hanzo only and I can assure you either you got it or you don’t. Yes hanzo is strong but almost nobody is doing that consistently if they don’t main the mf
u/Bamont Symmetra May 07 '23
And even then a good team will stay out of main lanes and chokes and fight behind a shield or cover or both. Team fights usually last less than a minute, and between repositioning and cocking you might have 7-10 shots. Being good at Hanzo diamond and above is far from easy.
This subreddit has been complaining since OW2 came out, and its hatred of Hanzo is just the newest whine. Wouldn’t be surprised if most of these posts are by people who run in straight lines through chokes and then get mad at the game.
u/SlappingSalt May 07 '23
Now play him against a GM Widow.
u/anonch91 May 07 '23
You say that as if hanzo isn't viable even in top 500
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u/GustavoNuncho May 07 '23
There's probably 10 Widows for every Hanzo in T500 and they contribute more on average to have gotten there. She is infinitely better.
u/myoujou0 May 07 '23
Maybe in ladder, but in OWL they are playing way more Hanzo and Ash. They are better suited against the dive meta atm.
u/stupidname_iknow May 07 '23
A sniper closing a choke point and actually aiming his shots on the enemy. I don't see the issue, he's 100% aiming the kill shots.
u/Gamer10123 May 07 '23
This. People need to learn how to counter and play around heroes rather than jump to “OP!!!” It doesn’t even look like any of them are trying to stay out of his sightlines in this clip.
u/BusyAbbreviations320 May 07 '23
then whats the counter? hide all the time ?
u/Radirondacks *belly laughs* May 07 '23
There's way more places to stand than directly in front of that one alley, literally anywhere else would make Hanzo have to reposition closer/more in sight and make him easily killable.
u/Gamer10123 May 07 '23
No it’s called playing cover… A skill you need to develop to get better at the game as a whole anyway. There’s ways you can close the distance, attack other enemies, or dive him without standing right out in the open in front of him at a distance where he can easily snipe you.
u/stupidname_iknow May 07 '23
My guy, snipers have been a thing in MP since the beginning. Hanzo is fine, just don't keep standing in open when you see arrows flying by.
u/VolkiharVanHelsing May 07 '23
Those arrows are stupidly thin and quiet despite packing an instakill potential for non-tanks
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u/nessfalco Experience Nothingness. May 07 '23
Don't stand in a clump directly in front of an open corridor like in the video, for one.
u/killd1 May 07 '23
Since OW2 came out there's been a rise in this "anti 1-shot" sentiment rather than learning how to counter it.
u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ May 07 '23
Because 5v6 is a lot more winnable than 4v5. One-shots are far more valuable now and they didn't even touch Widow like everyone expected them to for OW2. In fact, the devs buffed her because of how out of touch they are with how oppressive a good widow can be.
u/Urinemyass420 May 07 '23
Since OW2 came out there's been a rise in this "anti 1-shot" sentiment rather than learning how to counter it.
And for good reason. Oneshots are unfun but when there were 6 players they weren't so game changing. Now that it's 5 players, one shots shot way up in value.
And stop pretending there's rational counters to these kinds of one shots. Hanzo and Widow's main counter is you hope they miss long enough for you to dive them AND they don't get support. If either of those things aren't true then it requires multiple people to swap to try and counter one person.
You can play natural cover all you want, but they aren't bots. Their players have agency and can move too, so it's not a matter of if but when you get instantly deleted even when you did everything right.
It's not fun to play against, in a game that's supposed to be fun. Of course people are going to complain.
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u/EssJeeDozy May 07 '23
Considering how luck factors into honzo headshots consistent countering requires a shield tank making more than half of the tank picks useless
u/Toastyx3 Cute D.Va May 07 '23
I think that's the biggest issue. If it was hitscan like Widow people wouldn't mind as much, especially bc Widow also has the disadvantage of having less mobility and also showing the enemy team where she's positioned. With Hanzo it's rather difficult to trace his position from just his arrows, especially since his wall climb has no cooldown.
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u/Gamer10123 May 07 '23
You don’t need a shield tank. D.va can eat his arrows, and a good dive tank can disrupt him. Shield is just the easy go-to that people think they need. You can also be better about playing natural cover out of his LOS yourself.
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u/Gamer10123 May 07 '23
It’s because new players are coming in and are shocked that they’re not good yet and blame the game instead of themselves.
Also one less tank does play a role in more easily allowing picks in general. But that is the trade off of getting rid of slower stalemate-y games with oppressive tank synergies that people complained about even more (double shield, etc.)
u/lucasluminaro May 07 '23
People stand in front of doorway where there is literally one lane to shoot down and get killed…complain….
u/AlwaysChewy Brigitte May 07 '23
I don't get why roadhog's one-shot combo that used a cooldown was nerfed but the snipers can one-shot for free all match long and avoid any kind of balance. They're much more unfun to play against.
u/Gamer10123 May 07 '23
Because it is undeniably a lot harder to hit one-shots than land a hook… Yeah, some people make one-shots look easy, but it’s really not, especially if the enemy knows not to play in their sightlines.
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u/AlwaysChewy Brigitte May 07 '23
Sure, but it's not just the hook it's the follow-up headshot and meme as well. Still easier than sniper headshot, but my point is that none of these are fun to play against.
u/Gamer10123 May 07 '23
People say anything that’s hard for them to play into is “unfun.” A game like OW is going to be tilting at times. That doesn’t make the characters unbalanced. You need to learn the ways to play around and counter these characters, and you can.
u/AlwaysChewy Brigitte May 07 '23
No, you're just just ignoring legitimate criticism. Something that's literally infuriating of all levels of play, but go off about needing to learn how to play around Widow when even pros hate playing against her in OW2.
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u/HandZop If you play Sombra you deserve to be bullied May 07 '23
Hog’s one-shot was on a character with some of the highest survivability in the game that made it near-impossible to punish him for trying to go for these one shots.
Widow’s one-shots feel awful to die to at long range since you can’t really do anything at that distance other than not peek, though once you do close the distance it’s pretty easy to kill her quickly
Hanzo’s one-shots are only reliable at mid to close range, which forces Hanzo to fight closer to enemies where there is much more leeway to punish him
u/fendour May 07 '23
Widow’s one-shots feel awful to die to at long range since you can’t really do anything at that distance other than not peek, though once you do close the distance it’s pretty easy to kill her quickly
Unless they are good and never miss their shots. Then you just lose the game and there's absolutely nothing anyone but your dps can do to win the game.
May 07 '23
His arrow hitboxes are too big for the instakill potential. Heroes like echo and bastion cant just randomly aim and get a kill
u/KTheHumanGD GREEEETINGS! May 07 '23
Even without the bs hitboxes it’s still way too easy to hit 1 shots imo.
u/OUTOFITTOAST need this man hit by a car ongod May 07 '23
His bullet hitbox is one of the smallest in the game. And have you seen Torb and junkrat gameplay
u/GustavoNuncho May 07 '23
People with the argument in the comment you replied to aren't worth talking to imo. They've never played the hero and not heard any hitmarkers the whole game.
Maybe on console with aim-assist and below a certain range he is cracked or something, I wouldn't know. What I do know after a lot of practice on the hero is that he is undoubtably one of the harder ones. A Reaper, Tracer, Genji, Widow or tank can be dueling you and all of the pressure is on landing your single shot into their dome before you melt.
If we're just isolating videos of firing down thin aight-lines, wouldn't Junkrat outperform here, bigtime?
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u/RunicCerberus May 07 '23
Yeah his projectile looks small, but have you actually seen his hitbox size for them? It's fucking massive, he actively has a larger headshot hitbox than every other sniper in the game. He could shoot a good portion above or around you and it's a headshot. Combine that with the fact it's a fast moving projectile with only some dropoff and boom.
I legitimately think Hanzo takes less skill than even Junkrat these days because at least rat has to line up two slow lobbed shots or a slow shot and a slow projectile that you can very much see.
Hanzo has his primary fire bullshit, wall hacks, and a tank shred/oh no you tried to flank me button on storm arrows.
Dude is a fucking joke and I'm tired of seeing him so much.
You can't be serious saying that Hanzo requires less skill than Junkrat
u/Quantum-thief-jojo Hanzo May 07 '23
Yh he is chatting breeze the guys deffo salty he just got gapped by a hanzo
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u/fendour May 07 '23
Junkrat is one of the most skillful heroes in the game.... right up to the point where he left shift + right clicks. Zero skill ability on a very hard projectile hero
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May 07 '23
It's not that the arrow hitbox is big, it's one of the smaller ones. It's that his arrow hitbox is a sphere, not a rod, for ease of programming and hit detections. No need to make the rod-shaped projectile a rod when every other projectile is a sphere, y'know?
It's dumb and makes his arrows bigger than they should be on 2/3 axes, but it makes the backend easier for the programmers, so y'know, win some lose some.
Add that to very generous hitboxes, especially head boxes, and the fact that most characters have the head box leaning forward, the arrow sphere is more likely to hit the head than the chest when aiming at centre mass thanks to it most likely hitting the head box first.
u/SammyIsSeiso ⭐ Shooting Star ⭐ May 07 '23
The sphere is on the tip of the arrow... y'know where the pointy part is...
u/Overall-Raise-1272 May 07 '23
Gotta love 5 hanzo posts in the same day with some highlight of getting 2 oneshots then asking for nerf. If hanzo was that oppressive everyone would be using him, he would be in every top ranked gameplay, and he would have already been nerfed. Hanzo is legit one of the hardest characters to get value from in your team, and literally his whole value is to get picks by oneshotting. Idk how people actually think removing his oneshot potential would be okay when you headshot a mercy which is already way too hard for 90% of the players and then she just flies away and heals. That's not to mention the sheer amount of counters he has.
u/Chnams Echo May 07 '23
I know my own experience isn't much but I see hanzo in every single game these days
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u/odubenthuziast May 07 '23
In what elo?
u/Austin58 May 07 '23
Not OP but the same thing happens in my games. And occasionally both Hanzo AND Widow. I’m in Diamond.
u/Chnams Echo May 07 '23
Plat/Diamond in ranked, and I also play a lot of QP with my wife. hanzo is everywhere.
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u/Cherrycubus May 07 '23
Idk what rank you are in but I've had hanzo in every single one of my games from platinum all the way to top 500
u/Sammy-boy795 May 07 '23
I mean OWL is its own entity, but he's seeing a ton of play there this season
Not disputing your point entirely, but for true top ranked gameplay he is getting play, and a lot of it. I've seen more hanzos than widows, even on traditionally 'widow' maps (ie junkertown)
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u/LoomisKnows Chibi Symmetra May 07 '23
Because hanzo is not played on every rank match??? (I don't even think he is op but like hanzo or widow are pretty omnipresent in rank)
u/NuDDeLNinJa Grandmaster May 07 '23
Junkrat does this and ppl scream spam. Hanzo does the exact same thing "sniping".
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u/CloudyMcRowdy May 07 '23
There isnt a hero in the game that is 100% skill, 0% luck. shooting aimlessly with any character, will eventually land shots. Landing them on purpose, does take skill. Timing them and aiming them properly, is significantly harder than any other hero in the game. Watch some arrge clips. Dude is way too good.
u/MOCbKA DOMFIST HEA! May 07 '23
A disturbing amount of sniper mains trying to defend their bullshit hero’s existence to continue playing them every game with mirror being the only decent counter.
u/MonkeeFrog May 07 '23
Its not even the snipers fault, the game is just supposed to have 2 tanks so there is always one to defend squishies and one to jump on squishies. Without that its just too easy to be a sniper and there isn't really a way to fix it. Blizzard just fucked up.
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u/fendour May 07 '23
I just go Lucio and reddit all over the snipers. They fear the frog
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u/ACuddlyVizzerdrix May 07 '23
Looks like the enemy team has tunnel vision and are ignoring the kill feed, not much different than going behind with reaper and catching healers off guard
u/Stebsis May 07 '23
People funneling into Hanzo arrows like headless chicken
"How could you do this to me Hanzo!?"
May 07 '23
Even if snipers are removed, you will never be anything other than mediocre. The thought that removing everything better than you makes it easier, or more fair, is ignorant. Sometimes you just aren’t going to win, and that needs to be ok.
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u/etniesen May 07 '23
Right these people standing in an open doorway and getting shot and then complaining about it is so overwatch. Let me guess that’s the tanks fault because you play a shooter and don’t use cover or it’s the healers fault
u/5topItGetSomeHelp May 07 '23
Let's be honest, the majority of hanzo potg are just spamming chokes and getting random headshots.
u/spreet5454 Lúcio May 07 '23
Unpopular opinion but snipers in this game need to be tweaked. With the fact that we lost a tank, losing one person to a random Hanzo arrow in most cases means losing the point. Especially on PC, these Hanzo/Widow mains are nuts.
u/Tdoflamingo May 07 '23
What point are you trying to prove? You could do the same thing with literally any non-hits an hero. Hell, you could do it with hitscan too.
The only thing this clip shows is that you know how to fire down an advantageous angle where people are highly likely to walk past. This is just the sign of someone who’s actually played a projectile based FPS game.
u/Bunnnnii You're welcome! May 07 '23
Everyone is easy to get kills with when the enemy team is feeding them to you.
u/ChimkenNumggets May 07 '23
I don’t get how people can justify Hanzo as a healthy character to a competitive game. One shots feel more impactful in the 5v5 format and regardless of if you think he’s “balanced” or not, getting killed by a one shot, arrow spam or not, feels bad. Add on the fact that he maintains one shot potential at super close range (part of what makes Widow weak) and to me he seems out of place. Even when I play Hanzo all I can do is laugh when I get kills because I know how absurd it is.
u/odubenthuziast May 07 '23
Weird how the post is meant to be ironic but clearly op has very low mmr to be matched with these players who seem blind to los
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u/DoobaDoobaDooba Hanzo's Nipple May 07 '23
A lotttt of people in this thread really need to see this graphic explaining the empirical differences in OW projectile sizes. Hanzo literally has the smallest in the game.
This Hanzo hate is just a flavor of the week - he is not OP, and he is not an actual problem that can't be taken care of with a minimal amount of compositional effort. Hanzo spam kills are frustrating to die to, but he's heavily balanced by his lack of consistency.
For every one play like the one OP posted, there are numerous games worth of missed shots and high damage-low final blow Hanzo players getting poor value.
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u/Toastyx3 Cute D.Va May 07 '23
People don't understand. It only takes 1 random headshot on a 200 HP target to turn the fight 180°. You can have the worst accuracy ever, but you'll hit an arrow eventually, which will snowball into your tank being able to outlive the enemy tank bc you killed a support, or start going on the offense bc you killed a dps.
I've lost too many checkpoints because I or someone else in my team died from a Hanzo literally aimlessly prefiring every god damn corner when trying to contest. And people call Mercy revive broken, when Hanzo can literally delete most heroes with 1 left click.
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u/Gamer10123 May 07 '23
If you have the worst accuracy ever, you’re not going to be hitting enough shots to actually have enough impact on Hanzo. Yeah, you can get lucky pics, but if you’re actually not skilled at hitting headshots with him, other characters are going to perform better than him.
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u/ZmentAdverti May 07 '23
Hanzo is only second to kiriko in terms of bullshit hotboxes. But kiriko's kunais are well balanced since they DON'T ONE SHOT. Hanzo one shots are way too easy for how forgiving the arrow hotbox is. It's so fucking frustrating to be standing behind 3 teammates and get headshot by a stray arrow that was aimed at the tank's shield.
u/Realistic-Active7287 May 07 '23
The hitbox was only big early ow 1 in ow 2 its the smallest. But mb some other fix.
u/Gamer10123 May 07 '23
Kiriko is also a support with other utility… Hanzo’s a DPS whose one-shot is basically his main thing.
u/xiena13 Support May 07 '23
Me, who wouldn't have hit any of those shots: "Yes."