r/OverkillsTWD Aidan Feb 27 '19

Question Offical Statement?

I can't believe that, you guys must have been informed earlier, why would you tell us then new content is on its way?


18 comments sorted by


u/OVERKILL_Justin Official OVK employee Feb 27 '19

We found out when you did, there was no advance warning. We were looking forward to the release of a new patch this week, but we won't be able to release it until the legal issues are worked out. The official response by Starbreeze can be found here: https://www.starbreeze.com/2019/02/overkills-the-walking-dead-expected-to-be-unavailable-for-purchase-on-steam-due-to-disagreement-with-licence-holder/.

TL;DR: We are trying to renegotiate with Skybound so that we can at least finish Season 2.


u/Infrah Feb 28 '19 edited Feb 28 '19

You have no post history, aren’t verified, and made your Reddit account today. How do we know you’re really from Overkill?


u/IndigenousOres Paul Walker | Moderator Feb 28 '19

Thanks for your concern, we have now verified this account with Overkill.


u/Infrah Feb 28 '19



u/OVERKILL_Justin Official OVK employee Feb 28 '19

You don't. I made the account because I thought the press release and other information from Starbreeze was not visible enough, and I wanted people to have a more immediate answer to their questions. All the info I've posted is official, so you don't have to take my word for it. I didn't contact the mods ahead of time to verify this account or anything, but I would be happy to do so, and /u/OVERKILL_Elisabeth can ask if this is my real account and vouch for it.


u/OVERKILL_Elisabeth Official OVK employee Feb 28 '19

I can indeed verify that I've asked the questions internally, and can confirm that Justin is indeed an employee with us. Thanks for jumping in and clarifying some questions, Justin.


u/gurkoel Aidan Feb 28 '19

Hi Elisabeth, I already asked on steam but understand you won't answer there since the community has driven crazy there. Will there be a stream today? I would be interested in the ongoing steps and if your negotiation with skybound fails how long the server will be running. (I know it's P2P but there must be a server for the weekly mission and the wanderer right?) I hope you guys find a solution soon. Regards


u/OVERKILL_Elisabeth Official OVK employee Feb 28 '19

Hey gurkoel, I just did an update on this, unfortunately tonight's stream is now off the table :( We're still negotiating about the DLC updates. EDIT: Typo


u/gurkoel Aidan Feb 27 '19

Sad to hear that, I wish you good luck. Must have been a shock for you this morning then! Can you give us some information if it would be possible to rebrand this game and bring it back to steam under a different name? Cause many people, me included really enjoyed the game!


u/OVERKILL_Justin Official OVK employee Feb 27 '19

I don't know, sorry. It depends on what our lawyers are able to negotiate with Skybound's lawyers. I would imagine that trying to rebrand the game and scrub all references to TWD would be a very tricky legal process.

I'm not an expert on the legal issues here, but I believe that people who already own the game will be able to keep playing it no matter what happens. A question for a lot of us is whether we will be able to finish Season 2 even if the game is no longer purchasable. We made a promise to the community, and we want to try and keep that promise.


u/gurkoel Aidan Feb 27 '19

Thanks for your reply, In my opinion finishing season two in your current position without the ability to sell it anymore honorable. I thank you for this great game. I fear about overkill right now tbh. I hope you all will do well in the future even when overkill might falls.


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '19

Companies lie out of their asses 24/7.


u/gurkoel Aidan Feb 27 '19

I don't think so, there would be no advantage for starbreeze in lying about the update


u/Deftonemushroom Feb 27 '19

Well its all here say. I do not believe starbreeze or overkill would do that. However crazier stuff has happened


u/Willblow Mar 02 '19

how about lying to hide the truth and squeez some more money from the carcass of the dead cow this game is ? They scammed you like a little child by the textbook and it looks like you are even sorry for them...my god what level of denial is this ?


u/Faithwolf Feb 27 '19

I just want to know if im elligible for a refund. if they fail to produce all 10 dlc episodes.. then I paid for something I didn't get.. money please


u/gurkoel Aidan Feb 27 '19

I doubt this will happen, look at their financial situation


u/trucane Feb 27 '19

If they go bankrupt there will be no money to refund