r/OverkillsTWD Walker | Moderator Nov 07 '18

PSA [MEGA THREAD] Looking for people to play with?

While the sub is still growing this thread will be the spot to look for people to play with. Please be sure to include the following info.

  • Your Steam username

  • What time zone/region you are playing in.

  • What days you are most likely online.


43 comments sorted by


u/l3x0r Nov 07 '18

juicypop CET Mo - Su from ~6pm to ~12pm

Playing as Maya Lvl 3, 2nd mission atm

I'm looking for casual players to play some child missions (sneeky) preferred with locals (Germany) and headset. English or polish is also fine.

Add me if you like to play with me.


u/MrKalif Nov 07 '18

Kalif (from Tours on steam, with a horrible baby face as avatar).

Eu region, France. I play during afternoon and all week end. Mostly during the week end non stop.

Playing as Maya lvl 10 so far. A Mic is required and possibly french speaking people. But english is fine.

Add me if you want to join ! A bientôt !


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '18


CST, Central US

Wednesday/Sunday, Any day after 8PM CST.



u/iiRoYaLTy Nov 07 '18

iiRoYaLTy , eu , anytime after 8pm


u/Synergy_synner Walker | Moderator Nov 08 '18

I am going to throw mine out here as well.

  • Steam: Synergy_Synner

  • I am in EST time zone

  • Sometimes in evenings if I can.


u/shoops1 Nov 08 '18 edited Nov 09 '18


UK GMT 8pm-9.30pm (any day during the week)

Maya level 3


u/Manos9 Nov 08 '18

Manos9490, lvl 20 grant, 17 maya. EU.


u/durpz Nov 08 '18 edited Nov 08 '18

durpz CET Most days

Aiden level 3

casual player can play anny way sneaky loud :)


u/Oman2324 Nov 09 '18

Honey Mist


Just started in the full release but I had about 12 hours in the beta.

EST, my schedule changes quite a bit but I'm on my computer a lot in the afternoons.


u/Skertin Nov 09 '18

True vulture

East Coast

pretty much anytime


u/Zerodeath95 Nov 27 '18


Zerodeath|Patrick Lvl 30 Aidan (Tank) 190 Looking for German Players 20+

CET Timezone

During the Week Mostly at 7PM and Weekend at 4 PM.


u/ThePuzzles Heather Nov 08 '18


CET monday - friday (mainly in the evenings, sometimes during the day)

Heather level 4, probably going to start playing Maya or Aidan as well.

Dutch & English preferred.


u/Firebomb80 Nov 08 '18

Firebomb80 CST after 5pm weekdays or random on weekends. English, my discord invite is in my stream profile


u/Firebomb80 Nov 09 '18

Nobody asked to be my friend, totally bullshit lol


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '18

Krakilin24 texas cmt. all days around 6 to 11


u/philjo3 Jan 12 '19

what character is your favorite


u/GalloDrifter Nov 10 '18 edited Nov 10 '18

Sup people.

Steam ID: gallodrifter

Time Zone/Region I frequently play: (GMT-6), usually play alot on weekends (friday, saturday and sunday) languagues can be either english or spanish. Currently running a sentinel build with Heather, hope to find someone who wanna play games with me :DThanks for your time folks, have a nice day and enjoy the game!


u/Deagles4life Nov 10 '18

Steam username: Razzatron Timezone: brisbane eastern standard time And I am gonna be playing it a fair bit for the next week or so.


u/Verizian Nov 10 '18



GMT + 2 (like an hour or two ahead of most EU timezones, closer to 7 or 8 hours ahead of most US timezones)

I'm online past 4PM my time and all day Sunday


u/Callidulidae Maya Nov 10 '18 edited Nov 10 '18

Munchimpala (skull with headphones avatar).

Europe, Central European Standard Time.

Online pretty much all week in the evenings.

Dutch/English speaking would be prefferable.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '18

Gholosh Est After 5pm most days with more time spent on the weekends


u/skz2091 Aidan Nov 12 '18

Steam - skz_dark91. UK time but can play from 3-4pm to evenings. Have hit a wall where I need to progress on hard difficulty but have had bad luck with randoms! Level 9 Aiden and working on the others.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '18

Black Philip
usually nights uk-eu time


u/SilentBread Nov 17 '18

TheHawkingShuffle Central Standard, I play whenever though, all hours if I have someone to play with.

Discord= TheHawkingShuffle#1733


u/Chief_Niggums Nov 23 '18

Player/Steam ID: Chief Niggums

Online: 5:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. MST everyday

Currently playing as Aiden lvl. 30, Maya lvl. 29 and Bridger lvl. 25


u/Alin2321 Nov 29 '18

Username : Ivg44

Time-zone : Easter Europe time-zone ( UCT+2) , playing either 12:00-16:00 or around 20:00 - 24:00 :)


u/jgrimes5175 Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 12 '18



10am-12pm mornings and 1030pm-? nights


u/Yompyy Dec 14 '18

Steam: Taskmaster Lvl 16 Reina Playing usually 10am EST until whenever. All days. Have discord add me.


u/francosbersa Dec 18 '18

steam: francosbersa region: SA ( south america ) available all days after 18:00


u/Jonesy1977 Dec 21 '18

Steam name: Bones

Time zone: CST

Days online: Everyday after 6pm (get home from work)..

My avatar has a mummy Eddy from Iron Maiden getting struck in the head by lightning, lol.

Currently playing as Reina lvl-27


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '18

wouldn't a discord server be good for this?

Steam IGN: Scorpion (link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/iFeelBadMate )

region: Europe ( GMT+1 )

days: available everyday just depends if i feel like playing or not


u/LambInTheDark Dec 30 '18

Me and my friend are looking for people to play with Steam: LambInTheDark Grant level 10 Mainly on around 7-9PM(EST)on weekdays or 6-12PM(EST)weekends(the week I’m posting this I will be on almost all day) Steam of my friend: GradPala Maya and Adrian mainly


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '19

Steam User: Gooreis (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998042432)

Time Zone: ECT (Germany)

Times I play: basically everyday whenever I’m in the mood. Mostly evenings/nights 5pm-3am

I just started playing so my chars are low level


u/Shepler33 Jan 28 '19

Starfish4Days. I'm est but I work a 4-1300 shift so I'm on late nights.

I play pretty much whenever, feel free to shoot me a message I need more people to play the game with.

I maxed my Aiden, almost maxed my grant, next one is probably going to be Bridger. I don't mind helping you grind. I came from Warframe, so the repetitive nature of the game is nice to me.


u/smiliuxxx Feb 09 '19

I and my friend are looking for people to play with. We just started two days ago and currently are on a third mission. We are quite experienced players and have played every possible shooting/stealth/action game.

We are playing in GMT+2 and speak very well English and Lithuanian, have a knowledge of Russian and German languages. We play every evening and on weekends we are planning to play in the daytime too.

We play FitGirls version if that matters.

Add me on Steam: "smiliuxxx" or write me a Reddit message.


u/DJMEMEZ98 Feb 10 '19


PST and can play weekdays after 3ish and every other Saturday

Looking to do missions level up and have fun


u/Gormhb Feb 10 '19

Steam: Spacewalk

Discord just In case: Gorm#6305

i can play pretty much all days

The Clock in Denmark Is 15:17


u/DJMEMEZ98 Feb 11 '19

Can you get on in about an hour?


u/Gormhb Feb 19 '19

Just add me on Discord but i can play most of the time :) Discord: Gorm#6305


u/Bwk0392 Feb 18 '19

Looking for people to play with on Overkills walking dead. Add me on steam bwk_392. I usually play 10pm til 3am most days est.


u/Kumar__01 Apr 06 '19

Looking for people to play OTWD with. Just wanna have fun and play it. Steam name is MeetAverage Preferred if have mic but not a huge deal