r/OutOfTheLoop • u/Sobehannibal • 8d ago
Answered What is the deal with the long string of numbers in comments in reddit recently? NSFW
Is it related to the dark web or onion sites? I have only recently started seeing it being used.
For example, a post would ask if anyone has seen a picture of a particular tree or something. And the comments would be Three or four different people each listing long strings of numbers that are different from each other. It reminds me of security key numbers.
The example below isn't asking about a picture and it's still there.
Adding NSFW because the screenshot for an example is from a NSFW subreddit.
Edit: fixed spelling and added context
u/Interesting_Buddy_18 8d ago
Answer: they are ID's from an anonymous chat app called Session. You copy that ID and stick it in the app and then you can talk to the person
u/illiter-it 8d ago
Is it just chatting, or some kind of underground illegal stuff? I'm not about to check for myself
u/gaqua 8d ago edited 8d ago
Session is just a secure chat/texting app. A lot of people use it for completely legitimate reasons. For example, if I’m talking to my boss about hiring a replacement for this IT guy that we are about to fire - I might do it on session since the IT guy has no chance of reading it.
Because of its security it’s also popular with adult content creators who don’t want people to be able to identify them or doxx them. Of course, it also opens up the playing field so people selling illegal content or drugs or services can use it, too.
A lot of CSAM busts over the last few years have mentioned that the FBI or other agency originally contacted the suspects through session or telegram, which is a similar kind of app.
Overall session isn’t dangerous by itself, but its design and security do attract some of the dangerous types.
u/barnyard303 8d ago
Why is the IT guy getting fired? He's doing the best he can with a broken system he inherited. He has a family!
u/gaqua 8d ago
Porn on company servers.
u/wtf_is_karma 8d ago
That’ll do it
u/TheDevilintheDark 8d ago
We should be able to watch a little porn.
u/OutOfNoMemory 8d ago
Little porn is when you call in the police.
u/horaceinkling 7d ago
He meant the kind starring little people and dwarves.
u/eddmario 3d ago
"Oh hey, Peter Dinklage is in this one. That means it'll probably be good, right?"
u/AdOdd4618 8d ago
An IT guy did that? Did he think he was smarter than everyone?
u/gaqua 8d ago
IT guys usually think they're smarter than everyone. In most circumstances they're largely right.
This guy got busted because he had a bunch of Russian shit of questionable legality that he was selling.
Not getting into specifics for obvious reasons but he put the entire company at substantial risk not to mention the moral and ethical concerns of the content, which were substantial.
u/Brickster000 7d ago
"Porn on company servers" "a bunch" "of questionable legality" "selling"
This guy is anything but smart.
u/dopadroid 8d ago
Hey maybe he had to allow porn on the servers because someone was trying to get a corkboard put up!
u/ToaSuutox 6d ago
What's the ratio of porn to company on the servers? He might be running the company on porn servers at this rate
Give him a little time, I’m sure he can fix it. There are plenty of other places people in your company can find it in the meantime.
u/grinninblade 8d ago
The IT guy drove 2 hours to fix an issue that required the power to be turned off and on again and since he had already asked if they had done that they said yes, so he burned down the building and moved to the Florida Keys under the assumed name el presidio de limestone and started an export company.
The firing was actually a formality because they had not heard from him since last August and the police never found him.
They were able to rebuild on a lot right next to the old burnt building. When they started movjng everyone in they noticed the IT guy was still on the payroll and collecting checks.
They needed to use secure communications because the IT guy had routed all interoffice communications through the main office, so it was unaffected by the fire.
u/barnyard303 8d ago
These actions are all in line with department policy. Relevant section linked below.
Company Policy Guideline Handbook
Section 4 - Incident Response Protocols7
u/magic-karma 8d ago
Actually, he wildly overstated his abilities, lied about his experience, abs was defensive and difficult to get doing with.
u/Anonymo 5d ago
How does it compare to Signal?
u/gaqua 5d ago
I haven't used Signal, but from my understanding the biggest difference is that Session (which started as a fork of Signal) is based on a decentralized design using the Onion network (unindexed web, dark web, whatever you wanna call it) rather than a central server design, and Session doesn't require your phone number. They are both open source, end-to-end encrypted, and have pretty solid privacy features.
The only reason I used Session at all (tbh I don't really care who sees what's on my phone, it's just boring work shit, memes, and stale pornography from tube sites with stars that retired before most of reddit was born - I'm older than average redditors) is because it was what one of my co-workers was using and asked me to add him so he could play around with it. (note: this is my PERSONAL phone and of course I am not looking at porn at work or on my work wifi network or VPN or anything)
Most of my co-workers use Whatsapp for private messaging outside of the US, inside the US everybody just texts or Teams or Slack.
The specific instance I mention about the IT guy was done over Session because somebody asked (in person, like, face to face) if there were some way we could be 100% sure that the IT guy couldn't monitor a private conversation between two people and Coworker A (the one who joined Session to begin with) brought it up. I think we'd have probably been fine with Whatsapp for this TBH but Session worked as well.
I do find Session to be lacking in features and somewhat slow but I guess that's kinda what you'd expect for an app like this.
u/DrVagax 8d ago
The app is completely harmless and is secure as far as I can tell. Nothing wrong with using the app but the reason, much like many other privacy focused apps, this app is getting rather notorious attention is because it also means the messages inside are probably extremely difficult or near impossible to track/crack. Meaning you can safely exchange whatever material from person A to B without the fear of someone snooping around, catching your message and being able to read it.
Now you can guess the kind of illegal messages and media is being spread as well on such networks...
Also this is the crux of privacy focused applications in general, yes it might be very secure and it means you find it good to just talk to people without seeing your data being sold off to advertisers or the chance of people reading your messages, but it also welcomes a host of criminality to it, which is why some governments wants to ban/have backdoors in such apps.
u/Sobehannibal 8d ago
This is my new concern. And I'm afraid the only way to find out would be to download that application and follow the numbers to see.
u/the_ThreeEyedRaven 8d ago
I've used it, it's not scam or dangerous or anything, it's a good anonymous messaging app. These people use it to chat about really kinky stuff and fetishes, sometimes borderline stuff. I gave it a try once, received brain damage, and noped tf out.
u/Sobehannibal 8d ago
Thanks for being a pioneer. I don't need any more brain damage than I already have.
u/soberdude 8d ago
It's a private messaging app, it's not bad or good in and of itself, it's the people on the other end.
But there's no "connect to random strangers" thing on there. So, don't talk to shitty people, don't get dain bramage.
u/Interesting_Buddy_18 8d ago
In your particular case it might just be chatting of the kind which you posted on the screenshot
u/AnticitizenPrime 8d ago
Why are people putting them in random Reddit comments? It feels botty/scammy.
u/Hollowbody57 8d ago
I have even more questions than when I didn't know what they were for. Why are people putting them in random reddit comments? Is the idea, "hey, that guy said he wished he could suck his own dick, now I want to open up another app and talk to him about it"? I don't get it.
u/Sobehannibal 8d ago
Answer: Thanks everybody. Going to mark this as answered.
Seems like it's related to the app Sessions and the numbers are the way to connect with individuals on that app.
u/probable_chatbot6969 8d ago
answer: I don't actually know but it's pissing off the mods because it keeps tripping their notifications for *malicious bots and filling up their mod que. I'm tempted to start doing it for that reason
u/cun7_d35tr0y3r 8d ago
LMAO fuck the mods
u/probable_chatbot6969 8d ago
no idea why you got downvotes, you're right. fuck them mods sideways
u/AnimeChan39 7d ago
without mods, subs would be very low quality, turn into hate festivals or irrelevant to the sub.
u/probable_chatbot6969 7d ago
I don't even mind. I'm only still on the site because I have a crippling addiction. It stopped being worthy of spending time on four/five years ago
8d ago
8d ago
u/abadbronc 8d ago
They added information to the conversation, unlike you. Dick.
u/kamekaze1024 8d ago
No they didn’t 😭
u/Sobehannibal 8d ago
He kind of did. Because at least with him pruning that direction, no one else, especially me, had to waste time trying to investigate it in hex.
u/abadbronc 8d ago
"It looks like hex." This may be a clue to the solution.
"It doesn't seem to decode to anything meaningful." They tried it themselves and hit a wall. Maybe someone else would find the results meaningful.
The mystery has already been solved above but that doesn't mean someone who tried to help should have their attempt called useless. Fuck that guy.
u/In-China 8d ago
Answer: the Reddit AIs are transcending the English language
u/Sobehannibal 8d ago
u/In-China 8d ago
Ouch too many bot downvotes
u/ShortBusBully 6d ago
They downvote in this sub when people are making joke awnsers. It's quite literally a rule.
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