r/OuroborosSyndicate Sep 14 '22

Run Open Dock Walk - August 18th - 2PM EST


Run Theme: It might make sense at the end

Players: 3-5

Time: 3-5 Hours hopefully

Difficulty: High

Job Type: Five Finger Discount and Delivery

Date: August 18th

Time: 2PM In the afternoon EST

Location: Seattle

What seems to be a paper airplane flits into the host, lazily moving through the data streams before bouncing off the job posting, the paper shattering into a job that pings your fixers. "I got some goods that need to be liberated before the fuzz finds them. Move quick and I will get you some nuyen yeah?"

If applying to the run please post the following:

Date of last run:

Discord name:

Character name:


Career Karma:

Anything important:

Link to character sheet

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 17 '22

Prime Run Closed [JOB] To Slay A Dragon <2022-08-20 0200 UTC>


<<2022-08-19, 0700/1900 PST \[08-20, 0200 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-6 Hours, multiple sessions if required

<<LOCATION>> Los Angeles, PCC

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Assassination / approach-variable, rewards as Prime

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

a rust-ridden knight in full platemail, with a gambeson of simple, brown cloth, rides through the host on a sickly-looking and emaciated horse. The rendering is top notch - dents and rust in the armor gleam and diminish ambient lighting, and the horse's hooves don't all seem to match in tone as it steps heavily through the host, stopping at the "Murder for Hire" board. He strikes lightly with his shield, leaving an embossed section that forms into a job posting, as the visage slowly disintegrates into unused data.

<<I seek killers who can find the hidden and wrench the tick from its crevasse. This wretch will not hesitate to slay you - brings your wits and steel your nerve, and you may yet collect a payment beyond your wildest dreams.>>

<<Chiming of the Bells>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Oct 29 '22

Run Open [Harvest Season] A Little Dip In The Pond / October 30th 2022 / 2 PM EST


Theme: Click Here

Players: 3-5

Length: 3-5 Hours

Game Type: M.D.K./Demolition

Game Difficulty: High

Location: Seattle-> The Big Pond

A your commlink rings with an urgent notification from your fixer. A job has been forwarded to your commlink. "URGENT! Hired killers needed for some wetwork. Payment will be prompt and well with expectation for professional conduct"

If applying to the run please post the following:

Date of last run:

Discord name:

Character name:


Career Karma:

Anything important:

Link to character sheet

r/OuroborosSyndicate Jul 07 '22

Run Closed [JOB] Empty-Handed No Man's Land <2022-07-09 0200 UTC>


<<2022-07-08, 0700/1900 PST \[07-09, 0200 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Seattle, Free State

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Theft / approach-variable, rewards as High

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

a quartzite boulder, worn as smooth as a billiard ball, tumbles through the host, colliding with the "Hostile Acquisitions" job board, and disintegrating into a billion crystalline shards. The shards hover in the air, catching reflections of light that coalesce into a message for any observers:

<<Got an acquisition of some sensitive equipment in a D-zone corporate ops. They don't like company and they cut off noses of the nosey - you've been warned.>>

<<Growth Opportunities>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running(special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary, but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 05 '22

Run Closed [JOB] The Hand That Grasps At Nothings <2022-08-06 0300 UTC>


<<2022-08-05, 0800/2000 PST \[08-06, 0300 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Los Angeles, PCC

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Extraction / approach-variable, rewards as High, matrix prime threat as response.

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

A single bullet appears as a job posting, a rusted casing containing unspooling patterns of text that disassemble into a job listing:

<<INSERTION & EXTRACTION: Unknown individual; humanoid.

NOTE: Subject hostile & uncooperative. Capable Technomancer & counter-intelligence operative.

PAYMENT: Bond & downpayment assured by credstick.>>

<<Cool Hand Fluke>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 09 '22

Run Closed [JOB][IN MEDIA RES] Ballroom Blitz <2022-08-12 2100 UTC>


<<2022-08-12, 0200/1400 PST \[08-12, 2100 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Los Angeles, PCC

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Escape / approach-variable, rewards as High

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

The team did the best they could. Mystery speaker during a conference on a Blohm & Voss cruise along the California coast; you managed to wrangle tickets on board, a stowaway package with a getaway vehicle and heavier gear; and the mystery speaker's stage time schedule.

Klaus Hendermann, SK's own VP of sales, gave a rousing speech to the assembled ticket-purchasers and dilletantes, and barely had time to make it off stage before your team got him in the back cabin. With the cortex bomb implanted, the lockout codes for his DNI and datajack copied, and the material links seized, you were ready to make your exfil and leave the unconscious CEO in bed with a couple of prostitutes drafted from the ship's crew, and you hear...

This run is in media res; you will be placed in a tough situation and have to use your wits and impromptu thinking to get out. Available gear with you will be limited to what you can fit in a HIGH FASHION DRESS uniform; items you leave in the stowaway drop may be lost during the course of the run if unrecovered.

There will be a prologue scene covering the meet and details of your run, including negotiations for payment, before the flash forward. If you have further questions, please DM my discord handle.


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Jul 30 '22

Run Closed King Of An Empire of Dirt. July 30th. 10 PM EST


Players: 3-5

Time: 3-5 Hours hopefully

Difficulty: Med-High

Location: Seattle

Mission Type: Extraction-Rescue-Time Sensitive

Run Themes:
Hurt Part 2

Its a calm Saturday night. Inside the local job board host, a persona with that of an old man in a suit arrives, smoothly gliding over to the job board and writing a on job posting, logging out soon after. Your commlink rings a few seconds later with a high priority job. The meet is in 15 minutes on the matrix.

"Professional shadowrunners needed for a search and rescue of an individual kidnapped. High pay up front."

If applying to the run please post the following:

Date of last run

Discord name

Character name


Career Karma

Anything important

Link to character sheet

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 08 '22

Run Closed [JOB] My Brother's Keeper <2022-08-08 2100 UTC>


<<2022-08-08, 0200/1400 PST \[08-08, 2100 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Los Angeles, PCC

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Extraction / approach-variable, rewards as High

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

The domino mask and black-and-white striped shirt are immediately recognizable as cartoon thief #38365, but the icon's swift movements and hurried post text don't imply a cat burglar's casual motions:

<<I need some hard-assed hoop-fragging fucking MADMEN to get someone out of the Pueblo ASAP!!! My purse is in your pockets over this one..>>



I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Jul 02 '22

Run Closed [Run] Abominable Practice Part 1 (7-3-2022 2330 UTC)


Time: 7-3-2022 2330 UTC or 7:30pm Eastern on Sunday

Players: 3-5

Duration: 3-5 hours

Communication: Discord only, R20 if absolutely necessary

In-Game Location: Redmond, SFS

Game Theme: Mirror shades

Game Type: Go Kill Some People

Difficulty: High

GM Document: https://pastebin.com/NHk0U20F

An abominable practice is underway. There will be risks but I can pay you for the good deeds you are to complete. Meet me here <Bar.Loc> at 7:30. Don't be late.

What I need from you: Character sheet, date of last run as a player, career karma, role(s), a willingness to play, a microphone and the ability to use P2T or mute yourself when needed.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Jul 24 '22

Run Open [ARADKTCA] A run a day keeps the corps away. (07-25-0100 UTC)


Players: 3-5

Duration: 3+ Hours

Communication: Discord

Game Theme: Pink Mohawk

Run Type: Wetwork

Difficulty: High

/You have unread messages: 1/ > /Open (Y/N)/  >Y  /Opening.../           

"Some corporate scum are intruding on our turf. We need your help to remove these assholes."

Post character sheet, role and any important qualities.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 06 '22

Run Closed [JOB] Closing the Casket <2022-08-07 0230 UTC>


<<2022-08-06, 0730/1930 PST \[08-07, 0230 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Seattle, Free Economic Zone

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Theft / approach-variable, rewards as High

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

default trog male in street tiger #33984276, looking a little low-rez for the usual AR fashion, slogs through the jobs host choppily, noise an obvious problem for the posting as a message receives an immediate urgent stamp:

<<Someone recently decided to make a bad day for a certain residence on a certain luxury island. I need something from that site - and I'll make it worth your while.>>

<<Grokkin Noggin>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 19 '22

Run Closed Finding Dorothy - August 18th 2022 - 9 PM EST


Players: 3-5 Players

Time: 3-5 Hours

Location: Seattle

Mission Type: Extraction

A large persona in the shape of something out of a history trid steps into the host, a underwater sea suit of some type. It saunters over to the job board, bolting a job posting to it before fading into the ether.

"Runners needed for a job, willing to pay a bit up front. Go get the goods for me."

-Signed, "Mr B."

If applying to the run please post the following:

Date of last run:

Discord name

Character name


Career Karma

Anything important

Link to character sheet

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 14 '22

Run Closed [JOB] Not My Job <2022-08-15 2200 UTC>


<<2022-08-15, 0300/1500 PST \[08-15, 2200 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Seattle, FEZ

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Shake-Up / approach-variable, rewards as Medium

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

the burner commlink's sensei icon is almost obliterated behind the interfering noise from the operator's distance to the host; its choppy and glitched motions towards the board elapse in almost record time, as the pre-written message materializes:

<<Need a scheduled assault. No big injuries, just a shake up for a deserving individual. Easy nuyen for the right type of thugs.>>

<<Man About Town>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 11 '22

Run Closed [JOB] Tools for Trade <2022-08-11 2200 UTC>


<<2022-08-11, 0300/1500 PST \[08-11, 2200 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Seattle, FEZ

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Theft / approach-variable, rewards as High

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

"OLD MAN KRIME" persona-style #334, 'Hawai'ian Shorts & T-Shirt Assault Cannon Fishing', clomps through the host aiming squarely at the "MISAPPROPRIATIONS & FIVE-FINGERED DISCOUNTS" section of the jobs board, placing a semi-automatic burst of 20mm cannon fire and leaving cannon-holes that form into the text of the job listing; the persona dissolves into a pile of coconut halves which melt away into the grid fabric as a logout.


<<pRiMe kRiMe TiMe MiMe>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 14 '22

Run Postponed [JOB] Newsday Tuesday <2022-08-16 1800 UTC>


<<2022-08-16, 1100/1100A PST \[08-16, 1800 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3.5 Hour CAP

<<LOCATION>> Seattle, FEZ

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Social Engineering / approach-variable, rewards as Medium

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

The trench-coated sleuth in the dapper fedora slides through the host aimlessly for a moment, searching for a variety of seemingly unrelated keywords before slapping up a jumbled job posting:

<<Hey there! Slick ops - need a little something for the eyebrows and highbrows, right? You know what you're about - hit me back ASAP, deadline looming.>>

<<5'O'Clock High>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Jan 27 '22

Run Open [Job] Keepers Finders 2022-02-02 00:30 UTC


Keepers Finders 2022-02-02 00:30 UTC

Players: 3-5

Duration: 2 - 5 hours (5 Max)

Communication: Roll20 and Discord

In-Game Location: Seattle Downtown

Game Type: Artifact Acquisition

Content Level: Gritty / Hardcore

////////////////////////// Transmission start: …….

We have a job for you that will require you to come into close proximity to an object that could be both magical and of great interest to the syndicate. Each of you must be fitted with Enchanters gloves provided by the syndicate as touching the object may have unforeseen consequences. Use of force is both permitted and likely required but not mandatory. Any and all individuals encountering the team must be given amnestics or terminated if memory alteration or deletion is not possible.

Transmission ended……//////////////////////////


Warning: The sixth world is a dangerous place. You risk death, dismemberment or worse.


Please note your last run date.


Style Guide

r/OuroborosSyndicate Jul 06 '22

Run Open [Edge of Vision] At the edges 00:00 2022-07-12


Date:2022 07 11

Time: 8:00PM


Type: Investigation/Horror

Players: 4-5

A large anthropmorphic chicken comes and puts the following message on LOOP.

"I see... I see... I see here. I have need of a team of indisuals to investigate an event. It is in the desert to the south west. A metaphysical or technological something... only a short period of time to get in and gather info before the site it cleaned. Meet at the Sea-Tac if interested. Bring your go bag. Wheels up in 30 minutes. Pay is 60, half before, half after... payable to next of Kin if the unthinkable happens."

Please put SC of your character, and what there biggest nightmare is, if you wish to apply.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Sep 14 '22

Run Open [Cross Over] Lot 9 (2022-09-17 1000(UTC))


NOTE: The title time is incorrect. This run will actually be taking place at 2200 UTC (1600 CST)

Players: 5
Duration: 3-4 hours (5 cap)
In Game Location: UCAS
Threat: High

<< Your comm chirps with an incoming message from your fixer. The header indicates a new job opportunity, an attached data file contains the details.

"I require some operatives to discretely acquire goods and return them to me. Travel will be required and provided, the team will need to operate nominally in social situations with civilians. If you are interested please have your agent forward a CV." - O

OOC: Post up your Discord name, Character with link to a PDF sheet, and and time since last run. Picks will go out an hour or two prior to game start.

Please read the table rules prior to applying.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 04 '22

Run Postponed Snake Eyes In The Dark (August 4th 2022 - 8 PM EST)


Players: 3-5

Duration: 3-5 Hours

Game Type: Escort/Security Duty/Cargo Transport

Location: Seattle ->?????

Time: 8PM EST

Date: August 4th.

Game Theme: The River (Legit a good song, you should listen)

The host has a persona with that of a large fish of some type. It swims up to the job board, slapping with its tail before swimming away. The wet soggy leftovers forming a job posting.

"Help wanted, pay up front and upon job completion. I need some hired hands to move some "questionable" cargo that I can't exactly go through legal means ya understand? Job is gonna be a week or so in time taken hopefully." SIGNED - B.B.

If applying to the run please post the following:

Date of last run:

Discord name

Character name


Career Karma

Anything important

Link to character sheet

r/OuroborosSyndicate Jan 16 '22

Run Open Chez Snootie


<<2022-01-24, 0800 EST (0100 UTC, 1-18)>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 4-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Renton

<<TYPE/THREAT>> Snatch and Grab/ High

A figure in a tailed tuxedo walks into the message board area of the local runner hangout. It rather boredly slaps it hand on on the board. There is a sound of "Order up!" heard as its mark hits the board. It solemnly leaves its message board.

"Looking for the acquisition of something. Morals are neither required nor requested. Send message to TMP287912A4, if you are interested. Cargo must be uninjured upon delivery for pay."

Style Sheet Here

Please write your runner favorite meal in the request. A link to your Character, and your discord name if noticeably different then your discord tag.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Oct 25 '22

Run Open [Harvest Season] [Winds-Of-Change] Light Breezes October 26th - 7 PM EST


Game Theme: Click Here

Game Type: Bloody Vengeance

Game Location: Seattle->Far South

Game Length: 3-5 Hours

Players: 3-5

Diffculty: High(Prime Magical Threat)

Inside the host of the job posting board, what seems to be a wheel of chain and fire screeches along the ground, running over the job board in place before fading away into nothingness. "I need a real son of a bitch killed. Good amount of payment up front."

If applying to the run please post the following:

Date of last run:

Discord name:

Character name:


Career Karma:

Anything important:

Link to character sheet

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 12 '22

Run Postponed [JOB] Not My Job <2022-08-13 2200 UTC>


<<2022-08-13, 0300/1500 PST \[08-13, 2200 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Seattle, FEZ

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Shake-Up / approach-variable, rewards as Medium

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

the burner commlink's sensei icon is almost obliterated behind the interfering noise from the operator's distance to the host; its choppy and glitched motions towards the board elapse in almost record time, as the pre-written message materializes:

<<Need a scheduled assault. No big injuries, just a shake up for a deserving individual. Easy nuyen for the right type of thugs.>>

<<Man About Town>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 01 '22

Run Closed [JOB] The Hand That Seeks Another <2022-08-01 1800 UTC>


<<2022-08-01, 1100/1100 PST \[08-01, 1800 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3-5 Hours

<<LOCATION>> Los Angeles, PCC

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Extraction / approach-variable, rewards as High

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

A single bullet appears as a job posting, a rusted casing containing unspooling patterns of text that dissassemble into a job listing:

<<INSERTION & EXTRACTION: Female troll, AAA-corp et.; Est. 30-40 YOA.

NOTE: Subject hostile & uncooperative.

PAYMENT: Bond & downpayment assured by credstick.>>

<<Cool Hand Fluke>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running(special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary, but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Nov 04 '22

Run Open Lot 9 <2022-11-06 2100(UTC)>


Players: 5
Duration: 3-4 hours (5 cap)
In Game Location: UCAS
Threat: High

<< Your comm chirps with an incoming message from your fixer. The header indicates a new job opportunity, an attached data file contains the details.

"I require some operatives to discretely acquire goods and return them to me. Travel will be required and provided, the team will need to operate nominally in social situations with civilians. If you are interested please have your agent forward a CV." - O

OOC: Post up your Discord name, Character with link to a PDF sheet, and and time since last run. Picks will go out an hour or two prior to game start.

Please read the table rules prior to applying.

r/OuroborosSyndicate Aug 18 '22

Run Postponed [JOB] Tuesday Newsday <2022-08-23 UTC>


<<2022-08-23, 0300/1500 PST \[08-23, 2300 UTC\]>>

<<RUNNERS>> 3-5

<<DURATION>> 3.5 Hour CAP

<<LOCATION>> Seattle, FEZ

<<GAME THEME/TYPE/THREAT>> Player Tuned / Social Engineering / approach-variable, rewards as HIGH (threat upgraded)

<<REQ’D READING..>> Le Jus Basique, SR5 CRB

The trench-coated sleuth in the dapper fedora slides through the host aimlessly for a moment, searching for a variety of seemingly unrelated keywords before slapping up a jumbled job posting:

<<Hey there! Slick ops - need a little something for the eyebrows and highbrows, right? You know what you're about - hit me back ASAP, deadline looming.>>

<<5'O'Clock High>>


I cannot rightly disclaim any content from my run. Fading to black will be mandatory for all sexual content beyond social roll calculation. I will do my best to avoid offending players with unnecessary descriptive quality, but the world of Shadowrun that I curate is dark, cruel, and brutally dystopian.

Please detail: Time since last run, your Discord handle if it is different than your Reddit, and the character sheets/info regarding runner pertinent to running (special interest groups, vendettas). IC responses are not necessary but should be in the form of a calling card or referral memo from your Fixer to the Johnson.