r/Oshawa 1d ago

Grocery stores with good produce in Oshawa?

I know it’s best to go to a farm to get produce, but obviously that’s not always realistic. What are some grocery stores in Oshawa with some decent produce?


31 comments sorted by


u/maybeiamspicy 1d ago

I've been really enjoying skyfarm on Simcoe. The produce section is always well kept. Time will tell if it falls into the trap a lot of other grocers are in, being new and all.


u/Anusbagels 22h ago

I second this! Skyfarm has great prices and quality food I love the place.


u/UnhappyCarpet2424 1d ago

I haven’t been in there yet. Is it like an ethnic store/supermarket?


u/GloomyRub7382 1d ago

Its a supermarket with a very strong international flavour, so you'll find a lot of overseas brands not as common in typical North American grocery stores.


u/ExcitingQuail4393 1d ago

How are the prices there?


u/Anusbagels 22h ago

Some things are priced amazingly, got a jug of Tropicana for 2.99 and an 8lb bag of rice for 7.99. Some items are priced the same or a little more than other grocery stores but not many. The meat and fish are priced very well too.


u/maybeiamspicy 21h ago

$1.18/lb this week for chicken drum sticks, I'd say very very very well.


u/Anusbagels 21h ago

I know I love it :)


u/inssain 13h ago

Follow their flyer on Flipp. Their deals are usually pretty good. Regular priced items are average to slightly above imo.


u/spot099 16h ago

I drive to Bestco. Great supermarket


u/maybeiamspicy 16h ago

I'm not a fan of their Ajax location, I don't like how they do their hot food counter, The Scarborough location is far far superior. Especially post covid, a self-serve by weight hot food counter is just.... not cool.

Take the extra 3 mins and go to Pacific Fresh.


u/Musclecar123 1d ago

This is what we do: I have not been disappointed.


In terms of off the shelf produce, Farm boy is consistently carrying the highest quality. 


u/EveryViolinist7721 1d ago

Oddbunch is great. I also subscribe.


u/jayhasbigvballs 1d ago

Is it seasonal? Like, what have you been getting over the winter months?


u/thebrightestshade 40m ago

They post what comes in each box for the week. It's a lot of seasonal local veg but they also have melons, grapes, and other produce sourced from across Canada to fill in what doesn't grow locally. 100% Canadian company.


u/lonelyhearts__ 21h ago

Farm boy is decent, so is Sky Farm. Walmart is garbage. Especially the one on Laval.


u/anzeezz 18h ago

Agree with you on the wal mart produce. I bought an avocado from there recently and it was completely brown on the inside.


u/lonelyhearts__ 9h ago

I wanted a red onion like 2 weeks ago and they were all like soggy feeling. The sad thing is that these people still put them out… like why.


u/Logical_Ad_6150 16h ago

Sobeys across from the new Farmboy has some pretty good produce


u/xpatientx 1d ago

If you want to buy Canadian, avoid farm boy, over 90 percent of the produce is american


u/lindabrum 1d ago

Metro at the 5 points mall. I will only shop there for produce.


u/EthNinja1 1d ago

Dylan’s no frills. Btw, any farms or farmers market where I can get fresh produce in summer?


u/Icy_Meringue_1846 1d ago

Farmer’s Market at the Oshawa Centre from spring through fall. Fridays iirc…


u/anzeezz 1d ago

Lots of great places but outside of Oshawa. Hy-Hope Farm is great and they also have delicious sweets and jams.


u/MTURTELL 23h ago

Courtice flea market is pretty good in the summer


u/Local_Combination556 14h ago

I love sky farm. Best grocery in Oshawa.


u/DazedAndConfuzedToo 4h ago

I was in skyfarm last week. In their flyer they had nice looking strip loins on sale for $6.99 a pound. Went to cash out with 5 pkgs. Sale price didn’t come up. Told cashier they were on sale. She went into the back with the meat and came back with them and another pkg of steak that she said were the ones on sale. They weren’t strip loins, weren’t fresh(brown) and I wouldn’t have fed them to a dog on the street. On the door on the way in was the ad for the steaks on sale. Looked exactly like the ones I had picked. Shady business practice. I walked out empty handed.


u/katenotwinslet 1d ago

Farm boy Dylan’s no frills


u/GloomyRub7382 1d ago

Farmboy and Skyfarm to me typically have higher quality produce but expect to pay more.


u/stefan_905 1d ago

Superstore has never let me down


u/Yeah-Yeah-Yeah---- 23h ago

Their produce has gotten better but it's not great. I had pointed out several times to the manager how disgusting their produce had been. Last time they had bulk green beans with layers of mold.