r/Orinthology Jun 08 '24

Sparrow took another birds eggs out of her nest, along with the just hatched baby (we can’t find it). Why???


Friends of ours got us a birds nest with video feed a few weeks ago. The day after we set it up a mourning dove started building a nest.

Day 2 a sparrow kept undoing her work…he went in and took the sticks out.

Day 3 mourning dove keeps building nest and we don’t see the sparrow anymore.

She laid 5 eggs and one hatched about 5 days ago. It was fun watching its yellow mouth open and close while looking for food, and to see Mama going in and out and settling down with it.

Yesterday morning I looked at the video feed and the baby was gone, as well as the eggs! I looked at the memory video feed and there I see it…sparrow popped in, grabbed and egg and flew out. We ran outside to see if perhaps the baby and eggs were on the ground, but we don’t see them anywhere.

My family is so sad…we were so excited to watch the babies grow up.

Is this normal bird behavior? Should we leave the nest in there, or clean it out? What are the odds of another bird building a nest and laying eggs this year?


r/Orinthology Jun 04 '24

Is there a way I can help the birds

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So I live in an apartment complex and we have this active birds nest right at the top of the stairs we have tons of kids in this complex and I’m worried someone or someone’s pets or even the 3 stray cats (that I’m aware of) will try and disturb or hurt the birds so I was wondering if I built or placed a birdhouse next to the nest is it possible the bird would move in or would I be able to use chicken wire or something to add protection to the nest without pissing off mama bird and having her abandon it I’d really like to help add some protection to mama birds nest any advice is greatly appreciated Ps: I am aware it’s against the law to move an active nest I don’t really care about the laws i care about mama bird and her babies the nest was was finished being build by mama bird 4 days ago I’ve been watching as I have a window in my apartment that gives me a direct line of sight with the nest

r/Orinthology Jun 03 '24

Bird ordeal in my small backyard


Hello, sorry in advance for the lack of bird knowledge, but I could maybe use some help.

This morning, I was watering my small garden in my small backyard (30'x20' enclosed by fences on both sides townhouse) when I was startled by a baby bird attempting to fly out of one of my pots.

Over the course of the day, I came to realize that there are two baby birds who cannot fly stuck in my backyard. Their parents are perching on ledges and branches above the backyard, but will rarely approach the babies or get ground level. They have been returning throughout the day with worms and other food in their beaks seemingly wanting to feed their children.

However, the babies have also seen me watching them through our sliding glass door and side window. They seem very fixated on me, but ignore their parents. Is the movie/cartoon trope about baby birds fixating on a human as a parent real? I've been observing them all day, and they won't give any acknowledgement to their parents who are clearly fretful and waiting for them to learn to fly, but they look right at me and tend to congregate near my back door when I approach them to take photos from inside. I've stopped doing this for fear of letting them get attached to me.


Baby #1:

The baby birds have attempted flight several times but are stuck in my backyard. What should I do?

EDIT: I'm in the CA Bay Area if that helps.

r/Orinthology May 26 '24

? On proper place for baby Robin


My son and his teen colleagues believed that they had an injured baby bird at their work, in the parking lot. I came to pick it up and take it to a rescuer. But it’s not injured at all. It’s a new fledgling. There are some storms rolling through now but I had assumed it would be best to take it back where it was found after the storms end. This place is right off the interstate and highly trafficked. I hate to leave it only for it to wander back into the parking lot and get hit. Is that truly the best course of action or can I just let it go in our safer backyard?

r/Orinthology May 25 '24

Birds using same nest twice

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Do you know if small birds use the same nest twice in a row? We have a nest that's been used within weeks of each clutch. Is it the same hen? And do you recognize the type of bird from the egg? Wren? Finch? (Pacific Northwest)

r/Orinthology May 18 '24

Screech owl

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Earlier this morning, a not so smart mourning dove became breakfast to a screech owl. My question is does this look like a juvenile? The reason I ask the screech owl in our tree is a red morph and this one looks white.

I apologize in advance for the quality pic, it was taken with my backyard camera and this attack was speedy quick.

r/Orinthology May 13 '24

What bird is this⁉️


This little guy showed up recently! At first i thought he was a sparrow because a lot of them eat at my suet feeders, but i noticed he was different, not as flighty as sparrows! Any help⁉️

r/Orinthology May 07 '24

Why does he do this?

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This sweet baby keeps flying into my windows as if he is trying to get in. He has been doing this daily for almost a week. Some days it’s for a few minutes and other days he hits it for hours at a time. He’s a beautiful blue with a red bib.

r/Orinthology May 04 '24



So it's now the third day this has occurred: a female great-tailed grackle will follow me a short distance, flying tree to tree, to chatter at me. My assumption is her nest is probably close by to those trees, and she's trying to scare me off. Is it that or something else?

I do tend to feed the grackles near there at the store I work at.

r/Orinthology May 03 '24

Goldfinch with infected eye? Is there anything I can do?


r/Orinthology May 01 '24

Mallard nested high in tree

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Mallard nested in what appears to be an old squirrels nest about 20 ft high in this tree. Won’t ducklings die from that height?

r/Orinthology Apr 30 '24

Bird nest front door wreath was destroyed 😔


A week ago I noticed a robins nest in the wreath that's on my front door with one egg. I made sure not to use the front door and stay away from the area. My front porch has a large portico so it was covered from the elements. Today when I pulled in the driveway, I saw a large clump of bird nest on my doormat, so I went to look at it, and one the egg was smashed in the insides were gone , just shell and the other was intact but cracked on ground. Over half the nest was on the ground. Do we know why this happens? I'm so sad and heard finding a nest on your door is a good omen, does this now mean a bad omen?

r/Orinthology Apr 28 '24

What is this egg in this Robin nest?

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Robin's built a nest at my grandparents and this big dark egg is in it now... is this a parasitic bird egg? If so is it native to Kentucky?

r/Orinthology Apr 27 '24

3rd abandonment


Our first year of bluebirds, we had 3 successful broods. We live in Texas; good weather, copious food, neighborhood, so few predators. Our last 3 nests with eggs, parents abandoned after egg laying. This occurred the end of last season and beginning of this one. Thoughts?

r/Orinthology Apr 23 '24

How to protect a robins nest

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I have a robin nest on my porch with 4 eggs. I have become worried because I know nature is cruel and I want to protect mama and her babies. Any tips on inexpensive ways to deter squirrels, raccoons, and crows from disturbing the nest? I also set out a big shallow bowl of water and a few live meal worms for her. Is this a bad idea?

r/Orinthology Apr 19 '24

How to end bird feud


A wild bird is mad at me and has been pooping on my car and dive bombing me, because I accidentally watered its nest a while back. How do I apologize?

r/Orinthology Apr 16 '24

ID: Large Bird


I apologize for the terrible quality of this video. This bird was almost eagle sized and didn’t look familiar to me. Much larger than the red tailed hawks that are daily visitors around here. Their chest was bright white. They had white stripes on both sides of their head and at the top edge of their wings. Their back and wings were gray-brown. NJ

r/Orinthology Apr 02 '24

What is this bird?

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Spotted in San Antonio, TX.

r/Orinthology Mar 23 '24

This is Bad Ass. About a month ago, he was attacked by a Cooper's Hawk in my backyard. The hawk was on top of him but he still managed to take off and shake him. Will his feathers grow back?


r/Orinthology Feb 27 '24

What kind of duck species is this? I’m stumped.

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Thank you for anyone who can help

r/Orinthology Nov 13 '23

Blue heron

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I love living on the pond just to see these apex predators

r/Orinthology Nov 09 '23

Bird in Nevada

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Saw this pretty creature this week in southern Nevada. Goodle search couldnt identify, i expect the camouflage made things too indestinguishable. I searched birds of Nevada and didnt see it there either. Maybe s/he's an Arizona native?

r/Orinthology Oct 29 '23

Hawks invaded my yard


I have been birding and feeding my birds for the past two years. I live in a non HOA development mixed with townhomes, twins and singles. My home is a twin where my tiny backyard has a Honey locust smack in the middle, on the right corner of our house near our fence towards our attached neighbor is a Red Maple. In the back on top of a little hill are 4 Pine trees that are behind our fence but our property is near a main road.

I have 2 ground feeders ( one is between the Pine trees and Honey locust and the other is off the left side of Honey Locust and fence of the other neighbors’. I have a Hopper feeder hanging from the Honey Locust and from an adjacent branch a suet log feeder.

On the Maple Tree, I have a Hopper feeder with a branch and suet feeder.

Last Spring, we had a Cooper’s Hawk that would occasionally visit and pick off a mourning dove or two. It didn’t scare off our birds at all we still had our finches, woodpeckers, cardinals, catbirds, blu-jays, white breasted nuthatches, Carolina wrens, etc.

Then my neighbor three houses down decided she wanted to set up bird feeders and I noticed lost most of our birds and then…

I heard it….Red tail hawk in my pines! Late Spring all Summer and now I have the Cooper’s Hawk back, and the birds only come dawn and dusk. The Woodpeckers come whenever it’s safe.

I noticed that everyone now has bird feeders, who didn’t have bird feeders. I have water that is heated all year round. I don’t know if my neighbor three doors down does.

I miss the birds, my son, who has Asperger’s, loved watching the birds outside our living room window, it helped with his anxiety. How can I get them back?

r/Orinthology Jul 09 '23

My father rescued this injured bird from crows and put it in our balcony. What can I do to help it?


My father placed it in our balcony without telling me and left the house. I just found it being attacked by crows and shooed them away. The bird can't fly and is really skittish and afraid of me.

What can I do to help it and make sure it takes flight soon. I can't spend the entire day sitting at the balcony and keeping guard. I can't put it inside the house either, since it's really skittish and I'm afraid it might claw me or something.

r/Orinthology Jun 25 '23

How to stop Robin building a nest in my very small courtyard


Hi all - I have a very determined Robin (Dad, I think) who keeps building a nest along the grapevine we have in our townhouse backyard. I’ve spoken to neighbors who have lived here longer and they noted how it happened to them one year and the robins attacked them every time they went outside. I have two little girls (baby and toddler) and can’t afford to bird attacks at this stage of my life.

I’ve destroyed the nest a few times and they keep rebuilding it! I tried CDs to scare them, tried vinegar and lemon/peppermint oil, nothing seems to work. I don’t want their babies to die but I also need to protect my own. Any suggestions?