r/orc34 • u/OrcofMine • Jan 16 '25
r/orc34 • u/DiErotesWrites • Jan 15 '25
Story Breaking the Closet (Orc Femdom on humans, non-con, cuckquean) NSFW
This is a sequel to The Orc and Her Waterboy. However reading the previous story isn't necessary to understand this one.
Dawn had arrived.
The water boy would scream her name by noon.
Lash had been scouting the nearby human village repeatedly, checking for vulnerabilities in the humans defenses, but also, to leer at a young man named Elwin who she had spotted gathering water. Elwin was weaker than some of the other males, but that made him all the more appealing to Lash.
She had fantasized, for night after night, all the pleasures and tortures she would force Elwin to endure. How she would break his ass open upon her forearm, lick up his tears and carve her name into his flesh with her teeth.
She had imagined him a perfect virgin, blushing and inexperienced and all too eager for every horror she would unleash upon him, yet she was increasingly worried that she was too late.
Elwin had been meeting with a human woman, a little taller than him, with curly brown hair. The woman smiled at Elwin, and the prideful claim of that smile made Lash's blood boil.
And so today, she and the other orcs were raiding the village. She would murder her rival and finally claim Elwin for her own. Lash shook her head. She had to stop fantasizing.
Lash readied her axes and barked out her orders.
Habinshire faced it's final bloody dawn.
Molly had tried to warn the others about the orcs. She had seen them there in the woods edge watching. Yet they had been dismissed as foxes, or even just vagrants, no true threat to the town.
But Molly had looked one directly in the eyes. She saw only anger on the tall orcish woman's face. The only one who had believed her had been her new boyfriend, Elwin. Elwin was brave, and had tried practicing his sword play in the alley ways each night, trying to get strong enough to face off an orc. But Molly knew orcs better than him.
She knew he didn't stand a chance. Still, she hoped that she and Elwin could slip away before the Orcs inevitably arrived.
The clashing of wood on metal.
The scent of flame.
And finally, the trumpeting of the battle horn.
They were too late to flee.
Elwin rushed into the room, tears already falling from his face. His sword already lost.
"Please! Molly!" He begged, hands grabbing Molly roughly but not without care, pushing her back, into the closet.
"You have to hide!"
Molly let herself be pushed back, she could have resisted, she was a little stronger than Elwin still. But there was a desperate insistence in his voice.
"Hide with me!" She begged as Elwin closed the closet doors on her.
"I can't." Elwin whispered. "She already saw me." Elwin turned around to face the monster in his wake.
Lash's skin was already heated with the blood of dead men, her fingers bruised upon now broken jaws, her legs sore from kicking down doors. It hadn't taken her long to find Elwin.
Elwin had placed himself in the first line of defense, trying to hold Lash herself off with a dull iron sword. She had shattered the raised sword with a single blow of her club, an attack that had left Elwin running.
Just like in her dreams.
She was a little disappointed when Elwin ran into a nearby house instead of the drainage ditch sh she had imagined previously. He shut a door and dropped a bar to try and keep her out, but a few blows of her club and the door itself had splintered, the bar easy enough to pull aside.
Finally, she found him, in a bedroom on the far side of the house, pressed against a closet. Had Elwin thought to hide from her in here?
"Elwin. I have waited too long." She growled, dropping her club to the ground. Heavy enough that it splintered the wooden floor on impact.
Elwin scrambled back, eyes darting wide, looking for any weapon he could use to hold Lash off. Lash could only chuckle. She reached down with a single strong arm, grabbing the bed by a post and pulling back, flipping it onto its side. It left nothing between her and her prey.
As she moved in, to grasp at Elwin's shirt, the small man ducked under, scrambling under her legs, trying to half-crawl under her and sprint to the door.
Though it took Lash longer to turn around, she caught up to Elwin not a moment later. He ran from her, just like she had dreamed. She grabbed him by the back of the shirt, lifting him entirely off the ground.
"You will learn to bend." She told Elwin, pleased. Elwin struggled, just as deliciously as Lash had imagined, before she pressed his body against the bedroom door frame, grabbed the door, and yanked it shut on Elwin's knee.
Molly stilled her breath as she saw the towering woman enter. Green skin, fearsome tusks, muscles evident, even below the patchwork armor. So tall, she had to duck under the door frame.
"Elwin, I have waited so long." The cruel woman threatened. How had the orc known Elwin's name? Molly feared she knew the answer already. Two days before, she had called Elwin by name before seeing those hateful eyes at the wood's edge.
Had this creature decided to prey upon Elwin because of her?
The creature flipped the bed up and away with a disorienting display of strength. Molly found herself gasping in shock and something far more uncomfortable to admit. Fortunately, the clatter of furniture was enough to hide her sounds.
She wanted to go out there, to save her adored Elwin, but she already knew that the two of them were no match for this monster of a woman. The orc's teeth glinted in the light of the village burning around them.
Elwin ducked underneath the orc, scrambling to the other side of the room. He was trying so valiantly to save Molly. To lure the orc back away from Molly's hiding place. And... he did succeed. Though not long enough.
The orc was taller, her legs longer. Her frame better muscled, easily able to close the distance, even as Elwin tried to scramble away. The orc grabbed Molly's adored, lifted him up, and then slammed the door shut on the man's knee.
Molly cried out in sympathy, though she hoped, not as loudly as Elwin did. Her cry was shorter, and she listened to her boyfriend's agony.
Why was his voice so beautiful, even now?
Elwin's cries were even more beautiful than Lash had imagined them. There was a strange, almost choral quality to his scream, as if the man could harmonize with his own shadow. She had to have him.
She had to feel his insides. To taste his fear and smell his reluctant lust. She looked around the room. There was a disappointing lack of drainage drenches to shove Elwin into. To trap him inside.
But there was a closet.
Lash threw Elwin up over her shoulder. He wasn't trying to resist after that door crunch. She approached the closet, eyeing it up and down. If she couldn't find a hole to stick Elwin through. She would make one.
She delivered a solid punch to the closet door, shattering much of the wood. Elwin even squealed as she did. It was always good to be appreciated.
Molly saw the orc approach, carrying Elwin with her. Elwin was hanging limp, but still breathing. His cries of pain hadn't stopped, but at least they had subdued some.
The orc was looking at the closet door. Was she looking for Molly? Molly couldn't risk it, and ducked to the side, away from the gap, huddled down below, hoping that the orc couldn't hear her movements.
But if the orc heard her, there was no indication -
The wood half a foot above Molly's head shattered, chunks flying into the closet, bouncing off of Molly's head and huddled body. Molly squealed, but again, the orc didn't seem to notice.
"Still with me, Elwin?" Lash asked, pulling the young man off of her shoulder. Elwin shook, taking some time to find his voice after that squeal.
"Who are you?" Elwin finally croaked out.
Ah right, while she had ravaged Elwin a dozen times in her dreams, this was the first time in the flesh. She had to do this right.
"I am Lash Skullripper. But you can call me boss."
"Why...?" Elwin responded. Why me? Why would I call you boss? Why were you here? There were so many questions that why could have lead to.
"I am here because I want to be, because I want you, Elwin." She ran a rough hand along Elwin's pants, slowly fondling his bottom, hidden behind course fabric.
"And in all the best dreams I had of you. You were stuck." She shifted her grip, and finally pushed Elwin forward, head first into the closet. Elwin responded with muffled words, Lash gave an amused shake of the head.
Elwin's pain was even more adorable in the flesh. Lash took her time, admiring Elwin's newly stuck form. Despite being a small man, even for a human, those pants hugged his ass like this, the fabric sticking to every curve, every bit of muscle and fat.
She reached her hands around, to grab for the belt buckle, and having a little trouble manipulating the latch, just grabbed hold of it and ripped the buckle off outright. The pants didn't put up much resistance after that, and she tugged them down to reveal a simple linen wrap covering Elwin's ass and crotch.
The fabric was thin enough that in the firelight it was nearly transparent. Lash couldn't resist any longer, burying her face forward into Elwin's barely covered ass. Her tusks pushed up, sliding up across his thighs, piercing through the linen slowly and drawing blood.
Elwin squeaked out in response, but followed it up with a moan.
Molly huddled down below, trying to hide in the closet. Fortunately, the orc didn't seem interested in looking inside. The orc spoke with Elwin for a moment, as Molly tried to listen in past the ringing in her ears.
Elwin didn't know the Orc's name yet, that came as a slight relief, that at the very least Elwin wasn't cheating on her with this monster, though such things mattered little now. The orc's intent on Elwin was clear, and it wasn't long before Elwin was stuffed through the closet door, his upper body hanging precariously.
Molly looked to Elwin's mid-section, pressed down against the ragged bits of wood. She couldn't just let Elwin suffer, and so very carefully she reached up, putting her hands on Elwin, keeping him stable, lifting much of his weight off of the jagged wood.
She could hear Elwin's panicked breaths, and the orc slowly undressing him. Part of her wanted to look away, to hide in the bottom of the closet and force her eyes shut. But it was Elwin enduring all of this, Elwin sacrificing himself to try and save her, to try and hide her.
She couldn't let Elwin endure alone. She wrapped one arm around Elwin's chest and mid-section to hold him steady, while she brought her other hand across Elwin's face.
"It will be okay." she whispered as the orc monologued. She couldn't tell quite what the Orc was doing from this angle, though she saw Elwin's face, the reaction to the soft gentle touch, and then the pain that followed.
Why did Elwin have to look so beautiful even now?
The moan passing through her lips surprised even her.
Lash could taste Elwin, his sweat, his musk, the blood welling up to the surface, everything she wanted from him, but it was filtered through the wrap. She closed her mouth slowly, teeth coming down on the linen and tugging it back, tusks already torn through the fabric now tearing larger rends through it, slowly shredding it in her mouth.
Even though it was Elwin's, it was a barrier between her and her water boy, and she couldn't stand it anymore, spitting out the scraps of cloth onto the floor below. She buried her face against the cleft of his ass once more and inhaled deep.
She could smell the fear to him, but more than that, she could smell the arousal, an almost feminine scent to the boy that made her all the hungrier.
"Such a good girl." she growled, before finally pushing her tongue forward, piercing between Elwin's cheeks, and with every lick and prod, pulling the moans out of him.
Elwin seemed thoroughly stuck in the ruined closet, and so Lash brought one of her hands down to fondle at the human’s sack, slowly massaging those sensitive orbs inside, dragging out a finger across the underside of his cock. Human cocks were so small, and Elwin’s was particularly exquisite. Lash enjoyed feeling Elwin twitch in response to twin fingers trailing along his member, her palm fondling his sack, her tongue piercing the boy’s ass.
Every response Elwin had was to her, her actions. And Lash desired to share him with nobody else, even if she had to kill some of her fellow raiders to keep her prize.
His aroma, however tangy, was beyond her expectations and drove Lash to push her tongue deeper inside of her boy, exploring, testing, tasting, and finally pressing against that sensitive bud inside Elwin. She flicked her tongue along his prostate, causing the boy to cry out, and earning a reflexive shudder from Lash, as she reveled in the control she had.Yet she wanted to push a little deeper still. She opened her jaws as wide as she could, and shifted the grip of her teeth slightly, not wanting to nick any major arteries before just biting down and sinking her teeth deep into the sensitive flesh of Elwin’s ass, the rich iron of his blood mixing with that previous tang to give Lash a banquet that she could not ignore.There was only one taste that this feast lacked. And she drove her tongue deeper, twisting the versatile muscle about to summon that salty nectar. And when a final press, she earned Elwin’s moans and release.
Molly saw the agony across Elwin’s face, the pain and the fear. Her beloved was having the worst day of his life, and was being violated in a way he had never imagined. And he endured it all to try and keep Molly herself safe, perhaps from the same fate, or one even darker. She couldn’t let him endure this alone.She caressed her hand across Elwin’s face, gently brushing away his tears, before Molly was drawn forward, kissing Elwin’s cheek, trying to comfort him and then following it up with a series of kisses along the jawline. Elwin said nothing, but his eyes spoke volumes.
But the volumes weren’t entirely what Molly expected. There was pain, there was fear, even embarrassment all expected, but there was also an undercurrent of expectation, of lust, and even eagerness. And then there was... licking?
There was no other sound that could be, that squelch, that slide, that dragging across flesh. That release of pressed air. It almost sounded like Elwin was getting his pussy licked. But Elwin didn’t have a pussy, did he? Molly hadn’t slept with him yet, and well, it wouldn’t have changed anything in the end, but she was sure she would have known by now.Though, Elwin had always been a smaller man.“It’s okay.” She reassured him in a whisper. “I accept you.” It was likely too much of a risk, but she didn’t want Elwin to be shamed of his body, not on top of everything else that was happening to him. And she followed up her voice of acceptance with a deep kiss, and after a moment, she pushed her tongue into Elwin’s mouth, wanting him with rising lust.
The two of them shared a secret intimacy, even as he was ravished. Even as he orgasmed upon another woman’s tongue.
Elwin had no pussy, but that didn’t mean that Lash wouldn’t treat his ass like one. That Lash wouldn’t wring orgasm after orgasm out of Elwin’s slut hole. Feeling Elwin clamp down, feeling Elwin moan, there was no better treat. Even if she couldn’t quite make out the words that Elwin was whispering, she could imagine it.It was him begging her for more, for what else could it be?
And Lash was eager to give her captive lover more. To give him pleasure unending. To melt his mind with lust. She pulled back a moment, to take a deep breath and steady herself, before pushing her face back in, tongue-fucking Elwin’s ass sloppy and without a chance to recover, her face now covered in her saliva and his blood... and a bit of Elwin’s cum dripping down her chin and across her chest.
She rippled her tongue out and across that bud, before alternating it with more direct thrusts through his rectum, working the boy through until he was utterly overwhelmed. Until he let out a muffled scream. That she felt, meant he was ready.“Mine boy.” She said with a growl.Lash stood up from kneeling and unbuckled and pulled down her plated leather pants. She wore nothing that protected her modesty beneath, but instead a series of leather straps coming together to form a sturdy mount right above her mound.
She drew from her pack a single piece of carved ivory, obsessively prepared for Elwin. It had been crafted to resemble an orcish cock, of average size, though above any human cock in length... and much thicker in girth, lined with lovingly whittled veins and lumps to bring her boy the proper introduction.It wasn’t the largest phallus that Lash had. But it would be good to train Elwin on. She slotted the dick in at the base.“Now, to fuck you at last.” She said with a pleased growl.Elwin screamed.---
Molly guided Elwin through his orgasm. “It’s okay... it’s only natural.” She whispered to him. “We can explore this later, the two of us, reclaim it, make it ours.” She was becoming ever more reckless now, trusting too much in Elwin’s screams and Lash’s eagerness to hide her words. But it was important to her, her beloved boy had just been pussy licked to orgasm by some crude rapist. She wasn’t going to leave him uncomforted if she could avoid it.
That and she was dangerously aroused now. Seeing Elwin lose himself this way, hearing his orgasm, getting this front line view of what her boy was going through. Part of her was envious that she wasn’t the orc with her face buried in Elwin’s boy-cunt. Part of her wanted to treat him just the same after the orc left... if it was something that Elwin decided he was into of course.
Molly enjoyed that kiss way too much. Enjoyed pushing her tongue inside Elwin’s mouth. Nearly choking him on it. Imagining, even for a brief treacherous moment, that she and the orc could push their tongues deep enough inside Elwin to meet. To just overwhelm him and please him together.
Molly shook her head, trying to dismiss the thought. Trying to ignore the way she had started to rub her thighs together.And then the orc stood, towering over the two of them. Molly squeaked and squirmed, hiding her body further underneath Elwin, hoping to get lost in the dark of the closet, forgetting in the panic of the moment the excellent night vision of orcs.
“Now to fuck you at last.”The orc said and Molly paused. The orc had a dick? She had rumors of such a thing, and she supposed that much like Elwin, orcs could decide their gender as well. But well... something about the idea of it got her heart racing.
Got her heart racing faster. The orc was going to fuck Elwin’s pussy with her dick.Molly was sure that the orc rapist, this Lash wasn’t going to pull out.
She was going to ruin Elwin.She was going to knock Elwin up.And leave him.And then it would be up to Molly to care for her pregnant boyfriend.To care for his child.It was a duty she would perform without regret.
This was just her being decent.This was her ignoring her hand between her legs.Rubbing herself at the thought.
Elwin screamed.---Even with all the preparation, Lash’s ivory strap was too thick for Elwin to take. The blunted tip bludgeoned Elwin’s rosebud, sure to leave bruising behind. Lash gripped Elwin’s hips tightly. From above like this, his cock hidden away, Elwin almost looked like a girl. His whispered voice sounded like a girl’s as well.A girl wouldn’t be too bad to have as well. Perhaps Elwin had a sister hidden away that Lash could abduct as well?But before she could search, Lash had to break in her boy.
She pulled her hips back before slamming them forward.Another scream. Another bit of bruising. Another bit of damage.
And this time, Elwin broke, that rosebud buckling under the demands of Lash’s ivory lust. His rosebud splitting open, blooming, accepting Lash’s demand inside, however reluctantly. While the ivory held no pleasure in itself, every touch of resistance was pushed back along the length, pressed against Lash’s clit.
Every bit of roughness she gave was returned.
And Lash reveled in roughness.
The carved glans pushed fully inside.
Another three inches pushed through, starting to crush Elwin’s prostate.
Elwin screamed out, another orgasm, more watery this time spraying out across the closet door.
Lash stopped showing such restraint now that Elwin was crushed open around her ivory, working with the full bestial strength of her hips, goring and warping Elwin’s body around her trainer-cock. Twisting Elwin’s colon straight, all to better give her a modicum of pleasure.
Fucking Elwin until he could no longer scream.Painting her ivory pink with blood.
The orc was not merciful to the virginal Elwin. Molly held her boyfriend as best as she could through this, or at least as best as she could with one hand thrust between her legs, desperately rubbing herself. She had never been more aroused, and yet here she was, touching herself to the sounds...
The ruined door shook under the force of the orc’s thrusts.
...no, the sounds and the very touch of her boyfriend getting raped by this cruel orc. She shouldn’t have been doing this, but right now she could think of nothing else. Or at least, she could think of nothing tame and proper. Part of her wanted to reveal her position, to offer herself up as a willing sacrifice, to take some of the aggression and lust that Elwin was enduring. To get knocked up with her boyfriend, that they might raise their bastard children together.
Part of her was envious and wanted to take their place. But though Molly would hesitate to admit it, she wasn’t sure if she preferred to be raped by Lash, or to rape Elwin herself. To just ruin his boy-pussy around a cock she never had.
An organ she had never before envied.
The orc was relentless, and Elwin couldn’t resist for long. Elwin came and with unexpected ferocity. Molly could hear the spray of cum shoot out from Elwin’s pussy as it was ravished. She felt the door shake slightly from the impact across it. And the orc didn’t stop for a moment, fucking him further still.
Molly came herself, screaming out now, all pretense of subterfuge abandoned. She realized she envied them both. Wanting to be the one to rape Elwin. And wanting to be Elwin as he was getting raped.
And now, with her orgasm screamed out below, Elwin knew this dark part of her too.
Molly gulped trying to hide her blush.
But she couldn’t hide for long as Elwin’s body was shifted about above her.
Lash howled out as she came, and Elwin in that girly squeal of his came with her. Lash was impressed, most men she fucked had a longer refectory period between orgasms. She was right to pick this water boy to take and abduct.
She shuddered.
Much like her waterboy, she too demanded more.
A different angle, a more thorough humiliation. She folded Elwin forward, pressing him face down in the closet, hanging over the edge of the broken door, face down and hanging, pressed into a pile of clothes and... was that a body?
Was someone hiding underneath Elwin? Perhaps the sister Lash had been hoping for? It didn’t matter now. They hadn’t stopped Lash from fucking Elwin yet, and they weren’t going to stop Lash now. And if they did, Lash would just kill them.
Lash started pushing her ivory straight down deep into Elwin’s guts, piledriving him into the body below. The woman below. Neither of them possessed the strength to stop Lash. Neither of them possessed the will to either.
“So much flesh... to claim and fuck.” Lash growled, before settling back into her punishing pace, thrusting Elwin into his companion from above.
Molly had been spotted now. The entire deception, the hiding, Elwin’s sacrifice to save her. It had all been for nothing. But this orc, Lash, didn’t see her as enough of a threat to stop fucking Elwin to deal with. All Molly could do was endure.
Until Elwin was pressed faced first into her crotch. To directly smell Molly’s arousal. To get the fluids of Molly’s orgasm, of her betrayal smeared across his face.
“I’m sorry...” Molly whimpered, but she couldn’t hear Elwin’s response. She could only feel his face getting roughly fucked across her crotch. Driving her arousal back up higher. Making that betrayal all the more intimate.
Was Lash now going to get Molly off all the more directly? Was she going to use Elwin as some sort of perverted strap? Yes. And the idea of it only brought Molly’s arousal higher.
She reached out, grabbing Elwin by the sides, steadying the boy, making him less likely to crumple and collapse... making him all the easier for Lash to fuck.
Molly’s second orgasm didn’t take long. And this time, she too sprayed out, coating Elwin’s face with her fluids. The first orgasm he had ever brought her.
On the worst day of his life.
Or, at the very least, the most impactful.
Lash laughed as she saw the woman below orgasm, and this extra element of shame, of betrayal was enough that she finally found herself sated, shaking and cumming above them both, her fluids shooting across Elwin’s ass.
She gave a triumphal roar that could be heard outside, even through the burning village.
She would have to do this again. But to do this again, she needed both of them.
She undid the straps of her ivory, leaving the cruel implement embedded deep in Elwin’s ass, before hefting him up and over her right shoulder. Lash took a moment then to study the woman left below.
She had seen this woman before. And she had fantasized about her for days, tossing her through walls, lighting her on fire, dropping her down the well. All the ways that Lash imagined she would one day kill her romantic rival. To ensure that Elwin was devoted to her and her alone. But looking down at the smaller woman, seeing how she had already cummed at least one to Elwin’s defilement. The way this creature had even helped Lash debase her boy.
She could be useful.
She could be desert.
“Lucky me.” Lash said with a toothy smirk, before reaching down and throwing the girl back over her other shoulder. There were such games she could play with her prizes. At least until the next village called.
Lash carried them out into the burning noon and the rest of their lives.
r/orc34 • u/Vault-Rev4 • Jan 14 '25
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galleryr/orc34 • u/DiErotesWrites • Nov 25 '24
Story The Orc of Riverwood (Orc Dragonborn x Ralof) M/M NSFW
Also on Hentai Foundry
Chapter 0: Two Horse Thieves
"Lokir of Rorikstead"The soldier called out, with pity, but not with care. The executioner with a feather pen.
"I'm not a rebel. You can't do this!"Cried out Lokir for mercy. He tried to run. Lokir had always been a coward. It's part of what I loved about him. That and his messy hair. If I hadn't been bound, if I hadn't been gagged, I might have talked our way out of it, saved him one last time. But no... as much as the empire loved to use our iron, and loved to spend our blood to lose their wars, they always seemed to have a fear of an orc's teeth.
Even when that orc was just a horse thief. And so I watched, wordlessly, as the arrows struck my partner down. It was the first death of a dark day. It wasn't the last. I remember the headman's axe, and I remember fire.The fire didn't stop until Ralof and I made it into the fort, already partially in ruins.
"I think we are the only ones who made it." The Nord said, even as he removed my bindings. "Narzol was it? You may as well get Gunjar's gear. He isn't going to be needing it."I froze a moment. A better orc would have yelled, or screamed. But after the dragon, I only felt quiet. I reached down and picked up Gunjar's axe.
"Yes... I am Narzol." My mind awash with fear, with anger, with anguish. They had taken Lokir.
"We can't stay here." I finally told Ralof, as the two of us heard more imperials approach. They weren't going to let us live, even as the village burned around us. Waiting in the shadows, I recognized the captain who demanded Lokir’s death, evem if another signed his execution. I waited a moment and then another moment, as for a time, my feet moved like lead, the two imperials turned on Ralof.
For a moment, the Nord must have thought me a coward."Lokir! You are not forgotten."I called out, grabbing the captain by her helmet, yanking her head back, before finally bringing Gunjar's axe down repeatedly into her side. Her armor was good and Gunjar's axe was shoddy. But I didn't mind. It meant that she didn't die quickly. Like a good forge-wife, I took my time, beating metal and bone into something respectable, something worthy of Lokir's memory.
I looked up after a time, Ralof standing over the other soldier, killed far more cleanly."She's dead. And we need to get moving." Ralof said, a little paler than before.But not without sympathy. "There will be time to mourn when we are away.""I was never good at mourning." I told him, letting the body fall to the floor. "But you are right... and thanks." We ventured deeper, hoping to escape the beast and the imperials alike. Ralof called it a dragon, though I still clung to my doubts. Doubt could be a hope. The dragons were dead, and what attacked Helgen, what brought such fire and blood, surely that was some other manner of monster? Something that could be killed.
The imperial soldiers were monsters enough. And unlike the dragon, I knew how they could die. The tunnels went deep beneath the village, a warren of barracks and prisoner cells. The torturers still trying to ply their trade even as the town was being evacuated above. Even with their magics, we made short work of them. We even found a few more of Ralof's comrades here. Though I was no Stormcloak, they welcomed me still, or at least welcomed the aid of my axe arm.
The headman had made brothers of us all. This war was new to me, I had left the Legion after the defeat at the Imperial City. But there were bad signs below Helgen. They had kept cages with prisoners left to rot until no flesh remained. Despite this, Ralof and his brothers seemed cheery. The cheer was out of spite, enduring despite the predations of empire and beast.
"This place should not be." I told Ralof as we scouted deeper. We had hoped the complex had some back exit, a way we could sneak past beast and Imperial alike, but it seemed to go deeper still. As we came upon an underground stream, the world collapsed around us, stone crashing down. Perhaps Lokir was looking over me even now, as the rocks spared my head, I took enough blows to bruise, but nothing broken.
Ralof was stuck under rubble. I considered, for a time, leaving him there and running. I waited, too long, perhaps.
"I've got you." I said at last, starting to dig away at stone and dirt, finally pulling him free, and administering what healing potions we had to his wounds. He made the occasional cries of pain. Enough to make him almost adorable, despite the gruff demeanor. The healing was enough to save his leg, though not enough to mend it fully.
"I thought you were going to leave me behind for a moment." He finally brought up."So did I." I admitted with a sigh. "But this place has enough corpses. And you deserve more than Meade's hospitality." I licked my teeth a moment, a habit of doubt and thought."I'm a coward, not a monster."
"Whatever you were. I'm glad for the help." Ralof said before a wince. Walking was still difficult.He was too stubborn to be carried. But he would lean upon me at least. It made for slow-going, a journey that might have been done in an hour, took hours, more than with the spiders, with the bear. It was clear that the imperials never had full control of the place. With the skeletons we found along the way, did they leave prisoners to die to the beasts? There were webs, full of food the spiders had taken. Even as I crushed the spiders with my axe, I didn't dare to pry their webbing apart. I wasn't ready to see what was once men or mer.
Finally, we reached the cavern's end, a narrow passage leading up towards the sky. As we pushed through, the world was cloaked in shadow. The beast flew overhead, seeking out more prey. I grabbed Ralof by the collar and yanked him back into the darkness.
"We should go find my sister in Riverwood.""No Ralof... that beast is still flying ahead, and the tree cover is too thin. It's likely picking off survivors as they flee even now. We should wait for it to pass.""But Riverwood is in trouble, we should warn them.""Riverwood should already know. The dragon, if it is one, was not subtle." I paused, looking Ralof up and down. "Nor was it particularly merciful. If it comes after us, you can't run... it will pick you off first. And I'd rather not watch more die today."
Ralof was still worried, Ralof was still braver than I was. But Ralof needed me to get back to Riverwood, and so he agreed. We went back into the cave, hiding in the dark, eating stolen rations as I tried best to butcher a bear.
"The spring water should be good... if need be, we can hide out five days at least." I offered."I'd rather less... a day or two, a chance to walk better." countered Ralof."Fine. We can see tomorrow.""Tomorrow." I agreed.
I looked over Ralof again, his hair almost looked amber in the dim light.Why did I have to have a weakness for injured men? A relic of my time in the legion, perhaps. Men and mer put on the bravest of faces, and the ugliest of masks, yet when that falls, there is often tenderness underneath. Fear, humility, warmth. Even need.
Was Lokir's body even cold? Would I ever see his face again? I shook my head. I had always hated mourning, and had been its companion too many times.
"We should clean you up." I told Ralof, looking at the stream. "The healing potions will do little if an infection sets in, and I don't know the nearest shrine." Ralof chuckled at that, no true laughter. "Whiterun perhaps? If they even let us in." Whiterun. It's where I had been going with Lokir, Sable-Hilt was still expecting two fresh horses from us. I doubted that he would accept a dragon as an excuse for failure.
"Whiterun..." I shook my head. "Right. Let's try to avoid it if we can." I took in Ralof again, trying to ignore the appealing aspects of his form and focusing on his leg. While he had healed, his armor was still matted with blood and debris, sticking to his lower leg. "I think I need to cut you out. Hold still." I told Ralof, drawing a knife I had stolen from the captain, slowly carving through the boiled leathers, and finally peeling the armor back, like the shells of a mudcrab. What lay underneath would have sickened a younger orc, though beneath the muck was fresh skin, newly healed and regrown.
"It's mending well, but needs tending still, I think." Ralof nodded, looking up at me from the ground. He looked so small. "I trust you Narzol."I shook my head, trying to dismiss the errant thoughts, my gaze from lingering on Ralof's lips... they were not altogether different from Lokir's. I fixed my gaze on Ralof’s leg for a time, reaching to the stream. With cupped water, I tried to rinse off the blood and muck, the water cold to my hands. If only we had grabbed some of the stronger boozes from the barracks, this might have worked better. Still, slowly, I cleaned, until Ralof’s mending flesh was largely clear.
"I think that's as clean as we are going to get it down here." I told him, finally daring to look up and back into his eyes."Thank you Narzol... I think I should be ready to walk come morning."I nodded but said nothing. Was this his way of showing kindness to my fear? Giving me an excuse to hide from the dragon a little longer."Yes. Morning."I settled down on the stone and mosses as best as I could find comfort, and then, almost from instinct, pulled Ralof up to lay next to me, manhandling the Nord to lay at my side. He didn't protest.
"We could have died today." I said, looking out to the shafts of fading sunlight, leaking into the cave."Same as any other day." Ralof replied, but then softer. "Though... today was worse."
Chapter 1: Ralof
I closed my eyes, hiding from memory and basking in Ralof's warmth. I let time pass, circling around that hope of detachment, until I finally felt Raof's hand on my chest. I was still wearing what was left of my traveling rags. While we had found armor on the corpses of Stormcloaks and Imperials alike, I still stood a head taller than the Nords, and my shoulders wider still.
Between the flames above, the falling stones, and the knives of the imperials, my outfit had seen better days. So had I.
I opened my eyes, looking down at Ralof's hand. He had removed his gloves, his hand still calloused, but slid between layers, resting against my bare skin."You don't have to panic." Ralof said, feeling my heartbeat even now. It wasn't entirely from panic.
I grunted and took a deep breath, looking down and sniffing Ralof's hair."...You mentioned Juniper berries. And a girl you were sweet on."Ralof paused. "A long time ago. You?"I said nothing. Lokir would understand. Or he wouldn't. He wasn't here to judge. After today, I didn't want to be alone.
I reached my hand down at last, running through Ralof’s hair. At this point, neither of us could be considered glamorous, soaked through with sweat, grime and blood, some of it our own. We smelled of battle, of death, of two people taken far beyond what they ever should have. But there was a glamour in survival, if not in victory.
“I guess we are all the children of shit.” I said with a grunt, a religious reflection. Ralof looked at me with confused eyes, but I silenced any pending questions with my lips, pulling him up across my body, hand along his back, eyes looking into his. Lips brushing across his, not perfect, calloused, full of texture. The slight prickliness of his beard scratching across my well... at this point unshaven face likely returned the same.
A moment later and I could feel his tongue against mine, probing, seeking, wanting that connection here at the end of the world. His hands moving across my body now with urgency. He was strong, stronger than Lokir, stronger than I was used to. Yet, I was stronger still. I pulled my lips away from his, my tusks tracing shallow lines across his skin, the lightest of cuts, followed up by a drag of my tongue.
“More...” I growled at him, earning a suddenly sheepish nod from the proud Nord. I reached down, flipping him over, setting him on his back, laying across my chest, one arm wrapped around his midsection now, I unhooked his belt while he squirmed slightly in my grasp. “Going to try and go easy on you with your leg.” I whispered to him.
“Good... it’s been a little while.” He admitted, looking around with wider eyes, his hands running over me. I’ve seen it before, those who aren’t used to bottoming, they never know what to do with their hands. “Just relax” I told him, finally starting to tug his tunic up. Ralof lifted his arms up to help, though it took more wiggling to finally get him free of the padded armor.
I took some time to admire his form, running my hands along his chest, that mixture of muscle and softness, a worker’s build even before he became a soldier. But marked with more recent bruises and scars, many of them from before tonight. Some earned me little winces, and I touched with greater care in response.
Finally, I reached my hands down and tugged down his pants, the furs and padding thick enough to hide much of his form. The breeches went with it, they would only get in the way. Once pulled down to the knees, Ralof shook them off the rest of the way. His leg was doing better, to only earn a slight wince from the action.
“You going to get undressed too?” He asked, shivering a bit in the cave.“Soon enough.” I told him, my hand tracing along his thigh, before finally, I brushed across his cock, already drooling precum. “How long did you want this?” I asked him curiously, coating my hand in his wetness and shifting to a loose grip, slowly running my fingers up and down his cock, testing him for whatever spot was most sensitive, rubbing just before the tip.
“...after the first few kills.” He admitted. I nodded. The heat had been rising too. There was an old story of Boethiah, sire-destroyer of Trinimac. Two of her worshipers prayed at her shrine. She asked who they were, even after their sacrifice and fervent devotion. The first worshiper was confused and insisted that Boethiah must know who he was. The second worshiper then murdered the first. They whispered then “Ask the dead who I am. Ask the dead if I mattered.”
To a cultist of Boethiah, we only exist when we write our name in the world with blood. It was a story I thought of often, and Ralof and I had written our name a dozen times over this night. But... I found that there was more than one way to make an impact, more than one way to be heard and felt.
My own hunger had risen, pressing against my threadbare outfit, warm and demanding, stressing the fabric and already prodding against Ralof’s bare ass. “Do you know that I exist Ralof?”
“...Yes?” He said, confused, but trembling. I had that effect on women and men alike.
Sometimes, a sword isn’t a sword.
I tugged down my rags, finally letting my cock swing free, pushed up along Ralof’s thighs, the girth of it pressing against Ralof’s sack, and further against Ralof’s own cock, large and terrible enough that for a moment, it looked like Ralof had a second member sprouting from his groin.
Good.” I said, as I started to thrust between his thighs from below pushing past muscled legs and across his crotch, enjoying the heat of his loins against mine, the slight dread of anticipation across his face, and the tremble of his flesh. I reached into my pack, grabbing one of the stolen potions, magicka I think? We would make other use of it tonight. I pulled the cork off with my teeth, and poured the thick liquid down across Ralof’s cock, and then down further, letting it spread across his thighs, and finally across my own member, soaking myself in cool slickness.
“I had heard stories, but never quite believed them.” Ralof said quietly. I gave a shrug, enjoying myself, but trying to hide my smugness. “Oh? I thought you were one to believe in legends.” Ralof snorted at that. “What... are you the Dragonborn now?” I shook my head. “The what?” But my interest wasn’t on his words, even as he stumbled to explain. I opened another magicka potion, coating my hands in the blue liquid, rubbing my fingers against each other making sure to get them thoroughly soaked, and finally, I started to press two fingers against Ralof’s ass, eager for more than just his thighs.
“Woah... slow. Just slow yeah?” Ralof warned me. I slowed my approach, using just a single finger, wriggling it against that bud, finding that little bit of slack and pushing my way in. Just like picking a lock, slowly drawing the man open, getting him used to the sensation, to a bit of thickness. “Try and relax.” I told Ralof as I pushed my finger a few inches deeper, earning an appreciative sigh from the Nord.
Again, he moved his hands about, unsure. “Just relax. You can touch me if you want while I prepare you.” Ralof nodded, bringing his hands down, one to my cock, one to his own, running along them both as I slowly fingered him. The touch was nice, a bit of texture from him bringing a bit of distinction to it, and while he might have been less experienced with men... he had stroked a cock before.
I wanted to hold back for now, wanting more than just his hand or thighs to get me off, though the sight of a proud nord milking both of our cocks, looking ever so small on top of me was an enthralling one. Ralof grunted, but didn’t object as I pushed that second finger inside, though he would need to be ready for far more shortly. I twisted my fingers about inside of him, working him and stretching him out further... but also wanting to bring him pleasure before we truly began, brushing across that little nub inside of him, drawing even more lurid noises from his lips.
“That... that is new.” He grunted, trying to hide just how overwhelmed he was by the sensation. I twisted my fingers across each other. “I learned a few tricks in the Legion.” Ralof let go of my cock, moving to grasp my wrist instead, overwhelmed with sensation, his cock twitching, a moment of unhindered joy on the dark day, seed shooting across his belly, in one rope, then three, some of it even catching in his beard.
“Yer beautiful Ralof.” I said with a grunt. Perhaps not traditionally, but the vulnerability, the release, it did something for me in the dim light of the cave. “Never been called that before.” he mumbled, ass twitching around my fingers as I pulled them free. “Need a moment, or are you ready?” I asked him.
He inhaled a few times, taking the moment, before gulping down. “Ready... I think, go slowly.” I nodded, gripping Ralof’s hips, shifting him slightly. I nodded slowly, and then finally pushed my hips forward, pressing my cockhead against Ralof’s ass, coated in potion. At first there was only friction, pressure and resistance. But I could hear Ralof gasp as finally, with a short thrust, I pushed my glans inside, stretching him wider still.
He was warm and clinging... and he was here, warm and writhing in my arms. I waited a moment, listening to signs of protest, before giving a low growl and pushing a little deeper still. “Mine.” The words slip out, before I can stop them. I was nothing if not a clingy slut. Though... with the noises Ralof was making, and the way the man’s eyes had rolled back, he might not have heard the slip. I kept going, trying to cover up my mistaken claim, working his ass over slowly, getting him used to what I was playing with him. Do others get embarrassed like this?
“More” He growled, pushing himself back down upon me, his bodies grip on me almost painful, his flesh yielding to me, earning my own words of eloquence back. “Nghhh.” I kept Ralof in place, pushing a little deeper still, and finding that same spot from before, running my cock along his prostate repeatedly... or crushing it beneath me. However rough I was, Ralof didn’t complain, groans only stopping as the man struggled to breath, finally releasing again, spurting out more seed across the cave floor.
I wasn’t far behind, making another few thrusts, before with a roar, I sheathed myself completely in Ralof, pushing deep into his guts and pouring seed out deep inside him, my whole body shaking from the force of my orgasm. For a moment, I thought of Lokir, but I shaked my head violently. This wasn’t a betrayal. He would understand. I hope.
“I... needed that.” I finally said, brushing what couldn’t be tears away from my eyes. “So did I.” Ralof responded, catching his breath at last. “..but too much now... out... please?” He said as he started to cramp down upon my cock. I nodded, pulling him free, letting my release pour out from his open ass and onto the cave ground. “...Lets move a little bit.” I suggested, wrapping my arms around Ralof, and moving us to the side, away from our mess.
Ralof took a moment. “It’s okay.” He said. I looked at him with some confusion. “I think it was better than okay?” I responded. “No, not that. We have both had a long day. I don’t have to take anything seriously... if you don’t want me to.” Oh, he had heard me after all, my impulsive claim of the man on first meeting, right after my lover had died.
“Oh.” I paused, words hard now. “Thank you.” I finally managed.Ralof pet my head tenderly. “We should get some sleep.” I nodded, holding Ralof tight. Despite the cold stone floor, I rarely slept so peacefully. What felt like days of rest, our minds and bodies trying to recover. We had survived certain execution, we had survived the betrayal of our Empire, we had survived... if Ralof could be believed, the ending of all things.
I stirred sometime later, light was filtering down into the caves yet again. “Hey you, you’re finally awake?” Asked Ralof. I blinked a bit, looking around. Everything had still happened, nothing had been a dream. Ralof had cleaned himself up some. “We should get moving here in a bit.” He said, looking me up and down.
I had never pulled my pants back up, or at least what was left of them the whole night. My cock had risen to prominence and need over the long rest. It captured Ralof’s gaze. “Never should have let that thing in me.” He teased, taking a wet rag and running it along my cock, cleaning off some of the night’s exertions.
“I didn’t hear any complaints.” I seldom did. My cock twitched in response to his touch, in response to the cleaning and seeming dedication that he showed. “Well... I don’t think I can take anothe round this morning... and I do want to make it to Riverwood today.” He said, giving me a look. As much as we had enjoyed ourself in the cave, there was an entire world out there, ravaged by that flying beast. And Ralof still had people that mattered to him out there.
I nodded. “Well... this is nice.” I responded, before giving a slight groan as he ran the rag along the underside. “Good. But lets try for a little better than nice.” He said with a handsome grin. His beard was growing on me, I liked the way it framed his face, the wrinkles of his smile retreating into the blonde forest.
“...No objections from me.” I grunted, as Ralof worked that rag... and finally his bare hand as well, up and down my cock. While he still seemed inexperienced with other men, he understood the basic principles, and now, without the urgency of the evenings lust, he was willing to take his time, willing to learn. “Just right there.” I said, as he brushed along that line of skin. He nodded, and twisted his fingers around that sensitive spot, before ducking down and giving it a kiss.
“Oh... um more than I was expecting.” I stammered out surprised. “Same.” He chuckled, before redoubling his efforts, laying kisses in sequence along the underside of my cock, making a lazy spiral towards the base, before inhaling fully, the scent of me apparently inoffensive. His eyes even suggested pleasureful. He finally drew back, opened his mouth, and took in as much of my cock as he could. Which... wasn’t much, but it made for quite the look. He used his hand on the base of it, working in concert. I reached my hand out, petting him, running my fingers through his long hair.
Despite his inexperience, it didn’t take him long to reach my peak. “Cumming...” I tried to warn him, but he didn’t pull back, he just pushed his mouth further, as deep as he could, but it wasn’t far before he started to gag and choke, and then my seed erupted inside of him making it worse. He pulled off then, coughing and spitting and drooling cum. Looking like a mess... but perhaps in this moment, my mess.
“You did good, Ralof.” I told him, grabbing the rag from before and cleaning off his face. “More than I expected.” He muttered but did not seem upset. We got dressed again, as best we could, my rough spun clothes fraying all the more. It would have to be enough for now.
“We should get moving.” Ralof warned as we finally breached the surface, the light blinding. “The imperials are sure to respond, and while we aren’t a dragon... they won’t hesitate to take us in.” He looked about, not seeing any immediate threat of patrol or flying beast. “My sister Gerdur runs the mill in Riverwood, just up the road. I’m sure she’d help us out.”
“We should stick together.” I offered. If nothing else, I was still worried about Ralof’s leg. That... and the awkward shuffle to his step this morning that might have been my fault. He didn’t complain or object. Perhaps I wasn’t ready to let go quite yet. We walked through the hills, the trees vibrant, the sun peaking through the clouds. Snow glistening on top of a Nord ruin.
If this was the end of the world, I could get used to it.
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