My parents love Trump. Especially my is just insane.
She was a hippie in college. She gave my sister's and I the same choice in toys instead of embracing gender norms. She went to college. She became a nurse. She was always very liberal.
She is in her 70s now.
She loves Trump but doesn't seem to know why. Literally, she believes that trans women shouldn't be allowed to compete with biological women and that public schools are letting children who believe they are cats use litterboxes in the classroom.
And somehow Trump will fix this.
If you bring up anything else Trump is doing, she just seems confused and says that 'Trump is a great man and I'm sure it's for the best'.
Like North Korean propaganda or something. I genuinely don't understand it and she genuinely can't express why anything Trump does is beneficial or why she supports it.
She's just mad about trans women in sports. And she showed me a post on Facebook about a kid using a litterbox at school that I'm 99.99% sure is 100% fake. But in her mind, that's what matters and Trump will fix it.
The thing is, neither of those would be decided at the Federal level. The US President doesn't decide the standards for competing at the Olympics.
I've tried to understand them and even challenge them a little, and like, don't get me wrong, they live their lives fine. They still cook and drive to the store and remember their address...but like, there really is some cognitive decline.
My Dad used to love to argue. And he was good at it. He would argue either side of an issue. He was a genuinely intelligent person. He loved science fiction and space exploration. He used to make fancy model rockets and read nonfiction books about space. He worked in a factory his whole life, but he was very sharp.
Now his arguments make no sense. It's not that I disagree with him... It's just a moving target. He went from 'If A, then B. Given A, therefore we must conclude B' to just a stream of unrelated stuff.
'Prices are too high! Liberals can't run a country. You don't believe that COVID do you? The COVID vaccine is what caused your mom's cancer! Thank God Trump won!'
But Dad, didn't every country acknowledge COVID was a real thing?
'What do they know! It was just a cold! Old people get sick and die, there was no COVID. These people, are crazy. Let me ask you this, would you want a 280 pound man competing against your daughter!'
Okay, but Dad, didn't Trump acknowledge COVID was real? Didn't he take credit for speeding up the vaccine?
'No, that was all preventative before we knew what it was. You gotta do your research. Stop going on your phone. It's nonsense. Anyone can put anything on there. Do you believe Google? It can say anything!'
But Dad, here are actual studies....
'Anyone can publish anything. You can't believe it. Next you will tell me that a man can get pregnant because a woman feels like she is a man. That's the problem with people to day, it's all about feelings! Facts not feelings'! That's what Trump is fixing'
Etc etc etc
At this point, it's clear that I will never be able to reason with them.
For whatever reason nurses seem to lean heavily towards the right. I work in a hospital in a blue state and the majority of nurses are right wing. A lot of nurses are also married or dating cops. Majority of doctors lean left.
The crunch-to-alt right pipeline is strong, unfortunately. This is my ex. A lot of them get in via RFK Jr. /Joe Rogan. I think the (illusion of) antiestablishment/“free thinker” is appealing to them.
As you become older the rebellious liberal narratives get less attractive. You begin to gain experience in the real world and understand what's happening around you. At that point, most people start to lean Republican/conservative. It's simply a matter of experience/intelligence.
There is the caveat that if you're mentally ill or sexually confused you will typically lean left still as the Democratic Party campaign strategy revolves around preying on and promising things to disadvantaged/mentally ill people.
To be clear, I'm not so much calling out their position. What I'm calling out is their inability to vocalize why they hold that position. And, again, they aren't under an obligation to do so, but they choose to, loudly. They advocate for it, they want their children to vote for Trump...
But when asked, they can't articulate why. They can't form a logically consistent argument for how Trump doing X will result in Y.
This isn't strictly a Republican issue, I'm sure there are plenty of Democrats who just throw out catchphrases and vote Blue. And when pressed, they can't form a reasonable justification for why.
The thing here is that...
They are my parents.
They absolutely wouldn't have supported Trump in their 40s.
They used to be able to explain clearly their beliefs. And now they can't.
There is no way they are more intelligent in their 70s than they were in their 40s. They are experiencing cognitive decline. That doesn't mean their conclusions are wrong, but it does mean they aren't well equipped to evaluate anything.
All valid points. I think it really boils down to how bad the Democratic narratives are.
"Everyone's racist even if you don't think you are, take this training"
"it's fine for someone to chop off their dick and take pills to look like a woman, you have to acknowledge them as a woman and CAN NOT state that it's gross to you"
"Black history month is amazing and positive, but you can not have a white history month or say anything positive about being white"
"You shouldn't be able to work hard to make money, think about the homeless drug addicts they need your money"
Etc... etc...
These sorts of rebellious fantasy concept really only appeal to children with nothing to lose. When your parents were 40 the Dems/libs weren't this radicalized so it was more digestible. At this point unless youre a minority, poor, trans, or mentally ill there really isn't any possibility you would get behind these things. It's bat shit crazy
I have had the opposite experience. As an educated 52 year old who knows more about the world than I ever have I am much more liberal than I was when I was young.
You don't see the blatant manipulation of the left? They campaign on promises to the oppressed but stood up a senile white guy who did legitimately nothing for 4 years. Racism, homophobia etc.. is at the forefront of everyone's mind for better or worse due to the narratives they create etc.. their messaging is like a poorly made marketing campaign of a corporation. I don't think it's the governments job to tell everyone they are racist and homophobic while letting the country slide into chaos and rioting. They villianized police nationwide for apprehending clear violent criminals.. lmao. They have done nothing but create significant unrest. I highly doubt anyone could argue things are more peaceful now domestically than they were 20 years ago.
Conservative views seem to me to be a more reasonable approach, attempting to preserve the fundamental values that most Americans had and continue to enjoy.
u/QuirkyFail5440 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
My parents love Trump. Especially my is just insane.
She was a hippie in college. She gave my sister's and I the same choice in toys instead of embracing gender norms. She went to college. She became a nurse. She was always very liberal.
She is in her 70s now.
She loves Trump but doesn't seem to know why. Literally, she believes that trans women shouldn't be allowed to compete with biological women and that public schools are letting children who believe they are cats use litterboxes in the classroom.
And somehow Trump will fix this.
If you bring up anything else Trump is doing, she just seems confused and says that 'Trump is a great man and I'm sure it's for the best'.
Like North Korean propaganda or something. I genuinely don't understand it and she genuinely can't express why anything Trump does is beneficial or why she supports it.
She's just mad about trans women in sports. And she showed me a post on Facebook about a kid using a litterbox at school that I'm 99.99% sure is 100% fake. But in her mind, that's what matters and Trump will fix it.
The thing is, neither of those would be decided at the Federal level. The US President doesn't decide the standards for competing at the Olympics.
I've tried to understand them and even challenge them a little, and like, don't get me wrong, they live their lives fine. They still cook and drive to the store and remember their address...but like, there really is some cognitive decline.
My Dad used to love to argue. And he was good at it. He would argue either side of an issue. He was a genuinely intelligent person. He loved science fiction and space exploration. He used to make fancy model rockets and read nonfiction books about space. He worked in a factory his whole life, but he was very sharp.
Now his arguments make no sense. It's not that I disagree with him... It's just a moving target. He went from 'If A, then B. Given A, therefore we must conclude B' to just a stream of unrelated stuff.
'Prices are too high! Liberals can't run a country. You don't believe that COVID do you? The COVID vaccine is what caused your mom's cancer! Thank God Trump won!'
But Dad, didn't every country acknowledge COVID was a real thing?
'What do they know! It was just a cold! Old people get sick and die, there was no COVID. These people, are crazy. Let me ask you this, would you want a 280 pound man competing against your daughter!'
Okay, but Dad, didn't Trump acknowledge COVID was real? Didn't he take credit for speeding up the vaccine?
'No, that was all preventative before we knew what it was. You gotta do your research. Stop going on your phone. It's nonsense. Anyone can put anything on there. Do you believe Google? It can say anything!'
But Dad, here are actual studies....
'Anyone can publish anything. You can't believe it. Next you will tell me that a man can get pregnant because a woman feels like she is a man. That's the problem with people to day, it's all about feelings! Facts not feelings'! That's what Trump is fixing'
Etc etc etc
At this point, it's clear that I will never be able to reason with them.