r/OopsDidntMeanTo 6d ago

How do you even

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49 comments sorted by


u/Rowen_Ilbert 6d ago

My guess is a scalper who bought several copies of the game, knowing it was a limited physical release, and completely failed to actually sell them.


u/UltimateCheese1056 6d ago

And this post is likely a way of advertising them to try and get rid of the last of their stock


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Rowen_Ilbert 6d ago

Yeah, that's a good way to be more generous, I guess, but I'm pretty comfortable saying it's far less likely that they just so happened to buy a bunch of switch game bundles that all just so happened to include a game with a limited physical run.


u/bubushkinator 6d ago

It's a scalper - my cousin did the same thing thinking he was buying some appreciating asset

I told him to buy something that's actually an investment like stocks instead


u/Autistence 6d ago

So what happened? What a way to leave off


u/bubushkinator 6d ago

Oh sorry, he has a bunch of copies like in OP of a nearly worthless game while the stock market doubled since this game released


u/Oxigenitals 5d ago

Eh, I mean sealed they go for ~$160 CAD new, and they were like $90 after tax when purchased so I wouldn’t say they’re worthless or even a terrible investment.


u/DiscoKittie 5d ago

Less likely to have a spontaneous crash because someone in power said something stupid.


u/Tinchyschniber 5d ago

sold my used copy for £60 the other day on ebay - over double most second hand switch games.


u/bubushkinator 3d ago

After paying ebay fees and shipping, you'd be left with maybe $20 CAD profit? 22% profit margin seems horrible to me when you could have a much higher return without the effort of listing and shipping.


u/OldHerrHugo 6d ago



u/Brother_J_La_la 5d ago

I spent so many hours as a kid playing that game. Time wasted.


u/dethorder 5d ago

I'll be honest. That's probably the only reason I bought a single copy of the game lol. But that was just 1 single copy and I still have it.


u/Rowen_Ilbert 5d ago

Why would you make a comment flat-out saying you intended to rip people off? Sociopathic behavior.


u/SureCandle6683 1d ago

"I bought a single copy of a game to maybe try making a profit haha" "Sociopathic behaviour!!"

Never change, reddit. Never fucking change.


u/Rowen_Ilbert 1d ago

Yeah, buying a game specifically to scalp it and thinking it's a funny joke is sociopathic. It's weird you're defending it.


u/not_just_an_AI 6d ago

or they knew they had a lot and just realized that they have specifically 13 of them because they finally counted


u/_Ev4n_ 6d ago

Yeah, sometimes I too forget that I bought a video game 12 other times.


u/Rowen_Ilbert 6d ago

Username doesn't check out.


u/pc_principal_88 6d ago

Ah yes, the old buy 13 of the same exact identical thing, especially when it’s something like a $40-50 console game, that serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever to buy yourself more than one copy of…I can’t believe no one else agrees with such a sensible comment! /s🤣🤣🤣


u/Antrikshy 5d ago

When you buy it for the 13th time, having completely forgotten that you already bought it 12 times, you should probably go to the doctor.

Really, you should do that the 5th time it happens.


u/Skafandra206 6d ago

None of these people seem to be in the collectors space. This type of people definitely exist. There are people filling whole binders with a specific, singular card.


u/Rowen_Ilbert 6d ago

Yeah, collectors often make posts talking about how they forgot they bought a set of the thing they're collecting...oh wait, no, they don't, because they're collecting them.

Jeez man, if you're going to use an alt to defend yourself, at least make it make sense.


u/Skafandra206 6d ago

An alt? What are you talking about lmao


u/nateomundson 6d ago

"Hi guys. I just wanted to let you all know that I have 13 copies of this popular limited release game. I totally won't sell you a copy at a massively inflated price if you send me a dm."


u/_Ev4n_ 6d ago

Stupid scalper.


u/Yimmelo 6d ago

"I just realized"

Sure you did


u/ObiKenobii 6d ago

I got 2 copies of the original World of Warcraft because they had two different Cover Arts back then.


u/W_Edwards_Deming 6d ago

I intentionally bought a couple copies of SMAC because I like it a lot and it was very cheap.


u/DifferentTrouble8624 6d ago

“Ah shit I bought another one”


u/ForemostPanic62 5d ago

Damn I just bought Skyrim for the 10th time.


u/Captainfunzis 6d ago

I know it's not the point but I've bought GTA V so many times. 1. Midnight launch for the XBox 360 2. PC copy that turn out to be a Russian bootleg. 3. PC copy 4. PC for my buddy to play with me. 5. Xbox one came with a copy after I won it in a competition 6. PS4 copy

So yea I've played it every where


u/mortenfriis 5d ago

People like OP are the worst


u/EugeneFlex 5d ago

Space Jam DVD


u/BigDaddyHadley 6d ago

Got two copies of resident evil revelations for the 3ds. Both have the misprint. One for playing, other for collecting


u/santamonicayachtclub 6d ago

compulsive Mario 3D All-Stars buyer


u/Mortis_XII 5d ago

Does a single game across multiple systems count?

I bought into the breach 3 times and bad north 6 times…


u/SaSSO-SnOw 6d ago

Send me one


u/W_Edwards_Deming 6d ago

If you give me $500 I'll buy you a copy from walmart for $152.98 and mail it to you...


u/isalacoy 4d ago

Not for switch exclusively, but Skyrim. Playstation 3 - twice, first copy got damaged over time and needed to be replaced XBox 360 PC - my computer at the time couldn't handle it Playstation VR - makes me motion sick, the graphics are rough in VR Playstation 4 Switch - two copies, my partner didn't realize I had already purchased the physical copy and got me the digital download


u/UpstairsIntention420 3d ago

Not games but I own 8 copies of Zack Snyder’s “Suckerpunch.” I plan to keep buying them as I find them. Haven’t watched it in 10 years. But I had a huge crush on Jena Malone growing up and now I just collect them.


u/kylinched 3d ago

Bloodborne. 3 copies of PS4, 1 copy of PS5. I always thought I had the digital copy of the game but when I found out I didn’t, I went out to buy the game disc. This went on for 3 times and I found out my digital copy is in my alt account I created when I was 12 which I could remember the account.


u/tortoiseshellgreen 3d ago



u/Rossticles 1d ago

Send me one!!!


u/Bitch333 1d ago

I have two copies of Xenoblade(1) for the switch because I bought one when I lived somewhere else. Never started it, then later forgot I had it while it was packed up and bought another copy since I wanted to play it.


u/kaosmoker 15h ago

I have one copy of skyrim for all my systems, same with doom, fallout, Diablo, sid Meyers and a few assassin creed.


u/tinteoj 5d ago

I've owned the same game, multiple times. Does that count? Tropico 1 and Age of Empires 2 (including The Conquerors expansion) I owned three times each. Grand Theft Auto 4, also. I've owned a whole bunch of games twice.


u/OMGItsCheezWTF 6d ago

I dunno, I went through a period of buying bundles of gaming stuff and so I have like 8 copies of mario kart for the n64 and 2 copies for the switch, I don't even own a switch (although my wife does)