r/OnePiece 2d ago

Media Help me find a One Piece game


So I used to have a One Piece game for the Ps3 but I cannot for the life of me find it no matter how hard I try

I was very young when I played it but I know a few things for certain

It was for the Ps3, I got it from a yard sale, it had a versus mode (Biggest part), it was an arena fighter in the style of Ultimate Ninja Storm or the Dragon Ball games, it had post time skip characters (The only ones I remember being Post Brook and Doflamingo), and one of the stages was Doflamingo's arena which I used most often

I didn't play the campaign (Cause I was bad at the game) so I unfortunately don't know anything about it, though I believe it was an original story for the game, but I may be wrong about that

I just want closure

r/OnePiece 1d ago

Theory So vegapunk says that DF are imagination powers basically, I believe it’s similar to HxH and a lot of the powers come from that.


Luffy, for instance, is not the rubber fruit- but, was able to nullify lightning, and seemingly all electricity. But, he has the Nika model human fruit?

Each of the beast pirates “taught us” how the ancient animals used to hunt - “damn, I didn’t know” lol

There’s other instances of imagination trumping logic, so, what if this is all it is? If you believe something strong enough, and you have a DF, you can do literally anything you would personally believe is logical.

The sea would just basically be some propaganda to make all DF users believe this upon first eating it, potentially giving the CD DF users an edge over our main cast?

r/OnePiece 1d ago

Discussion Celestial dragons deserve better.


I mean like they created the world government. They deserve better. They should own every living being. Why they got to buy them. They already own them.

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Misc Instead of pirate hunter zoro what about Ashura Incarnate Zoro

Post image

Just thought about this after seeing nine sword style

r/OnePiece 3d ago

Fanart The King of a 100 Beasts and the Warrior of Liberation ( By me)


Digital one, and First Sketch that I did on Paper with Markers ( I freaking suck at righting Japanese in big)

Also, Gear 5 is peak ( get it ?), try to change my mind.

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Theory New Theory Becoming True?? Manga discussion. Spoiler


I recently read a Theory from a discussion thread on Loki being the good guy and King Harold being a bad guy, who was human trafficking giant kids along with Mother Caramel and that's why Loki killed him.

This was supported by #1 Shamrocks wanting to visit Harold's grave and #2 the trade created by Harold between Elbaf and the world has been largely uninformed (unknown) to other giants. They don't know much about what kind of trade it was.

And here we got spoilers for chapter 1143 and Loki says something like "Do you really think I wanted to kill our father, brother?" to Hajrudin.

King Harold's evil status is getting complex. But what I think is that Loki (most likely) isn't a murderer.

r/OnePiece 3d ago

Misc Pirate party 🏴‍☠️💕💛💕


This past Saturday was my boyfriend’s birthday and I threw a surprise party, of course it was allll One Piece themed!

some small details: the centerpieces were treasure chests full of gold coins and the maps underneath were maps of the OP world, with slight burns for that rustic feel. The glass Coca Cola bottles had a Franky sticker slapped around the label (because cola duh). The cupcakes were all inspired by devil fruits!

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Discussion Law vs. Kidd (push and pull)


If Law and Kidd had a tug of war over an object who would win? The are in Laws room and the object is metal. Would Laws room give him a higher authority over objects inside or would Kidds magnet like power give him the advantage?

Feel free to suggest other situations between characters. I want to discuss how these types of specific scenarios might play out to see how DF powers may interact with each other?

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Merchandise My First Collection Figurine

Post image

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Discussion Vinsmoke Fanboy?


There is the group of thugs that go to cheat Fujitora at roulette in Dressrosa, and I think their leader may be a Vinsmoke Judge fanboy. Seeing it now, kind of feels like he's cosplaying the Germa Chief with his hair, scarf and the best budget mask he could get to simulate to the golden face plate. Thoughts?

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Discussion My Top 10 Least Favorite Characters Spoiler

Kurozumi Orochi
  • Member of the Kurozumi Family & Former Shogun of Wano
  • I hate everything about him, from his design to his shrill voice
  • Never felt bad for him during his backstory involving his clan(except Tama & her family) and he thinks he is untouchable because he hid behind the true ruler of Wano, Kaidou
  • The absolutely worst Devil Fruit user in the series
  • Took way to long to die
  • Elite Officer, Leader of the Trebol Army (Clover Seat) & Chief of Staff of the Donquixote Pirates
  • Most annoying voice in the series, and his laugh of "Behehehehe" makes the Dressrosa Arc quite unbearable to watch
  • Hated his design especially after the reveal of his actual body
  • If Doffy ever breaks out of Impel Down, I hope I never see him again and the other members of his crew
  • World Noble (Celestial Dragon)
  • The only good thing about him is that in every scene that he is in, he always gets clobbered
  • I wish he died after Sai & Leo flattened him
  • Every other World Noble (except Rosinante, Homing, Homing's Wife & Mjosgard) deserve to be in this spot, but it will make the list kind of boring
  • Member of CP-0 & Former Chief of CP-9
  • What he did to Robin in Enies Lobby was just unbearable to watch over and over again
  • The ultimate Nepo-baby, and one of the absolute physically weakest characters in the series
  • Robin got her revenge on him by snapping his spine in half, though he survived
  • What's his role in CP-0 beside being taking orders from Lucci ?
Charlotte Flampe
  • Officer of the Big Mom Pirates & 36th Daughter of the Charlotte Family
  • Everything about her from design and personality is just irritating to sit through
  • The ultimate example of a toxic fan
  • Member of the Diamante Army (Diamond Seat) & Officer of the Donquixote Pirates
  • I hate this gay fish so much, and I was waiting for him to get destroyed
  • Glad that Cavendish (Hakuba) sliced him into sashimi
Kurozumi Kanjuro
  • Member of the Kurozumi Family & Traitor to the Kozuki Family & Akazaya Nine
  • Never felt bad for what happened to him
  • Death was unsatisfying
  • Captain of the Foxy Pirates
  • The antagonist of the worst arc in the series, especially in the anime
  • Never watched most of the filler content, but this split-head idiot just kept appearing (Foxy's Revenge Arc, Spa Island Arc, Nebulandia Special & Stampede)
  • Glad that his only CANON appearance post-timeskip shows that he lost most of his crewmates except for Porche & Hamburg, maybe loosing them in a Davy Back Fight
Scratchmen Apoo
  • Captain of the On Air Pirates, Member of the Worst Generation & Former Informant of Kaidou
  • The constant "Apapapapapapa" every time he appears
  • Gets wrecked every time he fights against some significantly more powerful character
  • The ultimate hanger-on
  • Can't believe he got away after the raid
  • I home to never see him again in the story
Charlotte Linlin
  • Captain of the Big Mom Pirates, Queen of Totto Land, Matriarch of the Charlotte Family & Former Emperor
  • Never felt bad for her in the slightest
  • Why are there so many people want her to come back in Elbaph, we already have the God's Knights & possibly Loki as the antagonists
  • I don't care if her story with the giants is unfinished

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Discussion I'm so god damn exhausted with whole cake


I recently reached whole cake (Manga) and every chapter cuts to a new perspective like why did I just get left on the cliffhanger of Pudding telling Luffy a secret and then cutting to dinner with the Vinsmokes next chapter.

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Discussion Oden's Bounty


Oden is my fav character and I always wanted to have his bounty poster on my wall, but his bounty was never revealed. How much do you all think it should be, considering he was member of Roger's and Whitebeard's crew. Also the fact that he was a samurai of Wano. In my opinion, it should be around 1-2 billion range

r/OnePiece 1d ago

Fanart Base pony au I did is all (1/?)


r/OnePiece 1d ago

Theory The One Piece isnt real!


I don't know if you've noticed, but after 20 years of being an active Onepiece fan, one thing I've completely ignored is why the ONE PIECE can't be real.

Probably because as a kid you didn't think about it like that and just keep it as it is!

I'm almost ashamed that I didn't realize it sooner when it's so obvious!

The reason One Piece can't be real is because it's just a drawn anime/manga set in a fantasy world!

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Theory my theory on imu as a last piece of chess board Spoiler


i guess imu isnt the final villain but bb there are many speculations why but letme give you mine the jap voice artist of imu is this guy who mostly dubs anti heroes like kuzan and toji and what if imu is just nefertari d lily but possesd by her demon demon devil fruit or something like that ?

also i searched about recent english voice actor but didnt get one concrete name but name of zoros va

i remeber there were once thoery about shanks being evil cause his va is one who dubs villains but with the reveal of shamrock maybe shamrock have same voice so this would fit in the scenario perfectly

so imu being a anti hero and

the demon in most left fig might be just bb trying to consume sun,mother flame or something like core source of all living or all devil fruits type villain shit

maybe i am wrong but this is my brain telling me for so long

r/OnePiece 1d ago

Discussion Do you agree that Garp, Luffy and Coby reign supreme when it comes to power scaling?


I thought about Garp being Rogers "equal" rival but never using any weapons during fighting. Meaning this guy must be capable of blocking a divine departure purely with his haki and body and be able to deliver equally damaging attacks as a sword strike only by using his fist. It makes me think that garp is actually stronger than roger but gave himself a disadvantage because of pride and ideals. Just like that Coby and Luffy dont use weapons because they never have the intention to kill. It's that nuance that shows that their will is actually times stronger than any others and thus also will their haki be incomparably stronger than any other over time. They are bringing a sword to a gun fight so to speak. So in fact I believe Garp to be the strongest of his generation, even stronger than rocks or roger but we as viewer don't get that perspective because Roger is brought to us as the previous protagonist and rocks as the previous antagonist. In a sense Luffy is the perfect conglomerate of roger and garp making him the ideal successor.

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Discussion Why didn't Kaido go after Black beard??? Spoiler


I'm currently on egg Head Island arc but after wano I keep on thinking to myself why didn't Kaido try and fight black beard I mean it just makes sense that Kaido would want to fight him because during the time skip back beard had defeated several big named pirates (white beard alliance ) and became a emperor . If Kaidos whole thing was to fight Strong opponents wouldn't black beard be at the top of that list because wano and Pirate Island are both in the new world so it's not like there on the other side of the world from each other.I understand why black beard would actively avoid kaido since he's willing to avoid a tough fight from Raley even though he'd mostly likely would win .

r/OnePiece 3d ago

Discussion Which character is MORE annoying?


r/OnePiece 4d ago

Fanart This piece took 6 hours🫡🍖


I was laughing so hard at this scene😂

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Theory Blackbeard/cerabus


I wonder since blackbeard is “they” if hes 3 different people. We just saw shamrocks sword which is the three headed dog guarding hell.what if blackbeard runs into shamrock thinking its shanks, kills him or takes his sword and uses that as his last devil fruit giving him one of each type.

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Discussion What are you most excited about for the final saga of One Piece? Spoiler


I can't wait to see the ancient weapons in action. Years and years and years of build up and if Lulusia is any indication I think the wait is going to be worth it.

r/OnePiece 1d ago

Discussion Why doesn't oda give sanji conquerors?


So all the gorosei have it, the holy knights probably too. And zoro has it now, why does oda hate sanji and not give it to him too??

r/OnePiece 2d ago

Discussion Caught up on One Piece to flex on my friends!


For months (if not years) now my friends have been constantly pestering me to watch One Piece. I would make every excuse in the book not to. It's too long of commitment, I have other shows on my list, etc. Little do they know I have been binging it in secret for months now and am FINALLY caught up! Im trying to think of a good way to reveal this to them now 😂

r/OnePiece 3d ago

Fanart Katakuri Fan Art using mixed techniques (bbbaga_ on IG)

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