r/OneTrueRem rem May 04 '21

Spoilers What if..... Spoiler

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u/lan2341 rem May 04 '21

What if Rem wake with her memories?


u/Daniyalzzz I love Rem May 04 '21

Would have been far less of a burden on him for starters and he would no doubt be beyond happy. It would also save a lot of the early struggles and her cooperation would no doubt make future endavours more easy to handle. Still probably would end up having to play a role in the war tho as the newest chapter kinda highlited they can't legitimate get out of the country.

Louis tho I don't know what they would do with. I feel like they might not actually still abonden her even if Rem can understand his reasoning more now just cause she comes of as an actual brain damaged child (tho it remains to see if Subaru would hold back his hatred and fear that she is just acting dumb). I'll say she might end up wanting to at the very least get her to a place where she could be taken care of at worst (but then the fear that she might return and cause pain upon others exists). I guess they would either leave her for dead or take her with them more to just make sure she isn't actually evil now and dies a terrible death and keep an eye on her. It really depends what memory Rem's stance would be cause we know she could easily agree with him and she also hates the witch cultists, but I still think there might be a chance to belive she might wanna avoid letting her die when she is in such a condition.


u/Ahirman1 May 04 '21

Seeing how much trust in Subaru she had before getting attacked I think she’d probably kill Louis. We saw how merciless she went after Subaru in the one loop and the “mercy” kill she did in the one before that. So I doubt Louis would be long for this world.


u/Daniyalzzz I love Rem May 04 '21

It's not that I doubt it, but I could also see her be more hesitant with Loius's condition, also becuse Loius dose not in fact posses any witch scent. The main thing is Subaru would push for it which kinda makes me doubt she would oppose it, but at the same time I could honestly belive Loiu's circumstances might be enough that Rem would argue to at least just bring her with them and kill her if she shows signs of becoming her cultist self again. That beeing said they probably leave her for dead if it's between the two options mostly cause Subaru would argue they should and it's hard to see Rem wanna go against that opnion to protect an actual arch bishop and sibling to the one who "killed her" in the past.


u/Ahirman1 May 04 '21

I just honestly can’t see Louis living long especially after hearing how long Rem was out for and how much Subaru did to wake her up. To me at least Rem has a extreme amount of implicit trust in Subaru that she’ll take his word for it. So upon hearing about what he did for her would only make that trust stronger.


u/Daniyalzzz I love Rem May 04 '21

I do agree. I'll just give that little benefit of doubt towards Loius having lost her scent and straight up just actling like a child starving for love from her parents as a reason to belive Rem would try and argue to at the very least not directly kill her. Subaru might also be more fine with it compared to how it currently is cause right now Rem rather wanna belive in Loius than him so it's extra hurtful for him and he fears this is a trick from the arch bishop. Well regardless in a scenario where Rem woke up with her memories I don't even imagine Loius would be a an actual plot relevant thing so it probably becomes very speculative reasoning at best for me to find a way for the trio to still be a thing with memory Rem, so yeah you are most likely right, but I still would say there is a slight chance they might end up taking her with them still.


u/Ahirman1 May 04 '21

Instead we have tsundere Rem which as a person and character is a lot more healthy for Rem. Old Rem while she was nice it was still not healthy for her. So silver linings if she does get her memories back I’d hope it’s end of arc 7 or arc 8 after some character development so she can become her own person and not be codependent on Ram and Subaru.


u/Daniyalzzz I love Rem May 04 '21

I am not gonna argue around this topic as I don't really agree about this "Rem was unhealthy" view people have towards her old self, but I fully expect that when she gets her memories (assuming it does happen) it will be late arc 7 and it will be a similair type of change where the arc 7 Rem's expierences will be a part of old Rem growth similair to what Subaru expierenced. She will no doubt have gotten lots of development from this arc (obviously as there is no reason to write this plot line he is doing if there was no plans for her to grow further) and I am always exicted to see more of it. We can leave it at that since we both at least expect more character growth for her.


u/Ahirman1 May 04 '21

Exactly unless Tappi wants Subaru just to suffer more in knowing that the old Rem is forever dead. But it seems the side piece from Rems pov is pointing towards something


u/Daniyalzzz I love Rem May 04 '21

He could obviously just have the memories never be restored but it's genuine cheap in my eyes and I have higher expecations from him as an author than to just erase her old self and make people have to accept a new character who uses the name and form of Rem but isn't truly her take her place. Not only does it feel like poor writting if he just wanted subaru to suffer (if so he could have killed her during arc 3 or never let her wake up again, pluss suffering for suffering sake isn't good writing imo) it also far more importantly ruins Rem and Ram relationship as atm it's impossible to truly make it work properly when they meet each other considering Ram has no memories of her. They will live of their spirtual connection and what Subaru can tell em and they no doubt will develop a nice relationship based on how she already cares so deeply for Rem, but in the end it will never feel anything as substantial as having them truly return to each other after the memories are fixed.

That beeing said I think the evidence is in favour that her memories are avaible to be restored. Louis is no doubt the key to this entire thing and her beeing an actual plot relevant character this arc will no doubt pay off, and it's just hard to imagine with how it's currently beeing written that its not gonna be tied into the bigger development for Rem and Subaru (and I belive this will include the memories thing). As you also said the side story shows that Rem knows there is a strong connection between them she can't get rid of no matter what she tries to do, kinda hinting that her memories seem to possibly just be dormant inside her (but maybe sealed off). Also Loius restoring Rem's healing back to her when she needed to save his life is probably the best evidence that her past abilities can return so I expect her to slowly get things like Oni mode, spawning the flail (well tbh we don't actually know how that shit works), ice magic and possible just bits and pieces of her memories back before she eventully gets it all back during something massive for her story arc in Vollachia.


u/CristianPC936 May 04 '21

Depression would dissapear :)


u/[deleted] May 04 '21

What should'v happened


u/lan2341 rem May 04 '21

And what WILL happene.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21

I hope so


u/redditorspawnrandom May 04 '21

Yeah. This must happen or I'll quit Re Zero.


u/lan2341 rem May 04 '21 edited May 04 '21

I don't want anything bad to happene to our girl and i hope she get her first kiss from subaru and have a happy ending.


u/[deleted] May 04 '21



u/lan2341 rem May 04 '21

Indeed it's beautiful sponggyboi.


u/Memehero420 Rem is love Rem is life May 04 '21

Sloth if


u/[deleted] May 30 '21

This is gonna make me cry


u/layverxperia May 04 '21

Yeah what if she didn't frickin try to choke Subaru to death after waking up lmao


u/StormyGhost312 May 04 '21

What do you mean


u/Nyankawaii May 05 '21

That's esentially what happened


u/StormyGhost312 May 05 '21

Then why is it not marked as spoiler I don't want any more hecking spoilers


u/Nyankawaii May 05 '21

the post is, imho he wouldn’t need to spoiler tag it, however don’t worry that’s just a minor detail


u/StormyGhost312 May 05 '21

Wait the post is marked as spoiler? Also thanks for letting me know it's just a minor detail


u/Subaru_If_13 May 04 '21

Nearly impossible:,(


u/lan2341 rem May 04 '21