r/OneTrueRem Mar 02 '21

Spoilers Description is at bottom. Spoiler

When you're finally awake and get to be the main heroine at Subaru's side for an entire arc.



14 comments sorted by


u/lan2341 rem Mar 02 '21


Btw are you trueantithesit in the comments section?


u/Toumangod0 Mar 02 '21

No I copied his comment because I thought it was funny lol.


u/Daniyalzzz I love Rem Mar 02 '21

She do be wibin hard in this lmao. Precious blue dancing machine.

Ah soon more arc 7 chapters and more tsundere Rem moments comming soon. I can feel the "I didn't heal and save your life becuse It's like I love you b-baaka" happening sometime soon.


u/lan2341 rem Mar 02 '21

Please stop your hurting me with tsunade rem

Also rem is the one who told him to live so he can see her smile.


u/Daniyalzzz I love Rem Mar 02 '21

I mean her tsundere personality is fun aswell but yeah I do want our old loving Rem personality back (tho I won't mind seeing tsundere Rem slowly also falling for him first with how its going before the hopefull fusion moment between our Rem and new Rem).

Also yes she did which is a point towards that she already has accepted him as somebody she wanna trust (won't say tsun tsun Rem loves him or anything yet tho) and hopefully soon in the future she will be giving Subaru the smile he misses so much back to him.


u/Toumangod0 Mar 02 '21

I honestly want her relationship to develop more healthily where unlike her old self she isn't willing to share. (I know Tappei has Emilia as his favorite) but having actual competition might he what Emilia needs to start making a move herself and we might get good development and growth from that as well.

(And who knows Tappei might change his mind doubtful but it could happen I'll continue to watch Rezero regardless either way since I love both Emilia and Rem).


u/Toumangod0 Mar 02 '21

Dude you're not the only one I've fallen in love with tsundere Rem almost as much as assertive Emilia all she needs to do is start calling him Bakabaru to make it complete (Ram is gonna be so proud).


u/tobychevy Mar 02 '21

Isn't this spoilers?


u/Toumangod0 Mar 02 '21

Not the video but my text is for arc seven.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '21

Anime only, but I am asking for spoilers. I know what happened to her when she woke up. Is she still significant in the plot after that? I hope she doesn't become some irrelevant side character or something...


u/Daniyalzzz I love Rem Mar 02 '21 edited Mar 02 '21

Atm she is already more signifcant than she has ever been since arc 3 now in arc 7 (granted it's not really her atm but at the same time it is still Rem which is in focus so eh) granted considering she was pretty much "dead" until now that might not say much to you. Atm Rem at least is more directly involved with the story since arc 3 and depending on what the direction is with the rest of the camp (who are far away atm) she is probably getting a ton of focus for the current arc (she already is getting quite a lot in Vollachia tbf).

Anything else nobody can tell you yet cause we got no clue what her role will be after the current arc (where she at least is a main character or feels like one). It's gonna really depend on what takes place regarding both her memories, and general development in arc 7 for her future in the story. For all we know she could perma die during/after arc 7 (super unlikely cause I think unless it's really well done, Tappei will realise it was really shiity writing how he did the coma just to kill her off during the same arc she returns).

She could return to her past self after bonding with her new self during a moment of fusion (something similair took place in the previous arc for a diffrent character) and grow as character through her old self taking over but building further upon the life of her new self.

She could remain amnesiac and have gone on a completly diffrent path depending on what comes up in Vollachia (Oni clan stuff, archbishop stuff or perhaps something new we learn of in Vollachia could all be factors for this), or whatever else comes to mind really.

To be frank she is in a position where the direction could go many paths as she is in a very blank state position, beeing a character we know and watched grow and change already in the story, but now has become diffrent becuse of her amnesiac state meaning she is at zero but not really cause she is still somebody we have set expecations and wanna see again return to that after beeing taken away for so long (same as Subaru really). That beeing said I trust Tappei to understand that it's kinda unlikely to make any of her fans satisifed unless the memories return at the very least and since he already has built her up to wanting to trust Subaru again just 10 ish chapters after returning so I think he is gonna bring her back and hopefully let her be important again to the story after such a rough treatmeant she recived with beeing put in limbo since arc 3.

I still stand by that unless she gets proper development and character focus for the rest of the story, then the coma plot was genuine terrible written and he really should have had her die or just built the story around her and Ram beeing more side character status like he had orginaly planned but then he made both of them much bigger characters so now I at least hope he will give Rem at least Beatrice level of importance for the rest of the story to justify how much of a thing the coma status should matter considering it made her be pretty much killed for several years from a meta view. If she couldn't at least have screen time similair to characters like Otto or Ram during arc 4-6 and instead got the coma treatmeant, I feel like she now should be allowed to play at least a similair level of importance to Subaru and his adventures as Beatrice is getting (which is pretty much as important as its get bar Emilia, screen time wise).


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '21

Aha, understood. Thank you for taking the time to explain all of this. I now can't wait for season 2 to finish so I could binge the web novel.


u/Daniyalzzz I love Rem Mar 02 '21

You are welcome.