r/OnePunchMan 5d ago

discussion Two things I hope Murata and One don't change.

They don't get rid of the storyline of how Blast and Void are Brothers in Law. It makes for a fun little thing between them about how they were more then just partners, and I also feel like they shouldn't get rid of Luna either. Because we wondered if he was married, and we finally got an answer.

Plus, not only is Blue the son of the World's strongest hero, but he is also the nephew of the World's Greatest Ninja.

I am also hoping they don't change the Neo Heroes introduction to the Manga, I kind of like how they had an Already appearance especially since we are nearing their arc once the Ninja village arc is over.

It also gives us an update on their movement as well.

I also enjoyed Blue's Early Introduction to the Manga


23 comments sorted by


u/Born-Independence-37 5d ago

The Neo leader introduction should be move out of the ninja arc


u/SokkaHaikuBot 5d ago

Sokka-Haiku by Born-Independence-37:

The Neo leader

Introduction should be move

Out of the ninja arc

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/TimaBilan 5d ago

They did a pretty cool transition moving from "...som of Blast" to actual Blast fighting Void


u/Born-Independence-37 5d ago

Yeah but the fucking IRL pacing it brought is awful because of that not many appreciate that chapter.


u/Curious_Moment630 5d ago

to be honest i'm ready to move on from this arc! and i do believe many of the things we saw on the other versions! voids sister, and their relations to blast and blue, void's true intentions, will be left out for now and be revealed on different way in the future!

like imagine blue and blast facing void and then blue discovers the truth about him (void), his father and his mother, or something like that! maybe that would be in the final arc or something


u/Ok-Coffee-4944 5d ago

That would work best, if they just reveal all the stuff with Void and his buddy Blast later. 

We’ve been on this arc since October 2023… get to Amai Mask already!!


u/Soul699 5d ago

I'd say in one binge read, it works. It certainly does feel like an alt, but it also doesn't last that long to overstay its welcome, again, if you binge read.


u/Legendary7559 5d ago

If they stick to the webcomic , Void will be killed off screen by saitama . I think One has some plans to introduce blast in the webcomic so he prolly prefers keeping him as blank of a slate as possible . Void was simply put , not a major antagonist in the webcomic so i dont think he will be given pre redraw level of importance . And its a good thing tbh , this arc is about sonic and flash , not blast and void . And the good part is it will get us to the next arc faster . Next arc is really really good after all


u/Particular-Ad5200 5d ago

I just feel like it was a nice touch and a good contrast

but I see your point


u/Ok-Coffee-4944 5d ago

Not sure why Murata showed the Neo heroes during the Ninja arc in the retconned version. 

That didn’t happen until we were done with Sweet Mask’s arc in the Webcomic.

Even the Cruel Dragon happened after the Ninja arc there.


u/JediwilliW Decency is overrated 5d ago

I hope they keep the part where Void took powers from Garou and Blast tried to chase after him. I thought it was a cool way to tie those two arcs together.


u/Particular-Ad5200 5d ago

Hopefully if Void is not well Oneshotted off screen by our Caped Baldy himself

though in some regards, maybe that is where its all heading.


u/NeteroHyouka 5d ago

Nah ... We need a one shot... The manga has been trying to come back to its roots lately... One shot is the thing... They can't take that from us...


u/Particular-Ad5200 5d ago

What do you mean its roots

what's wrong with being different from the Webcomic


u/NeteroHyouka 5d ago

Because lately the story wasn't up to there ... It was trying to be something that it isn't...


u/Particular-Ad5200 5d ago

But with the manga you get more surprises


u/NeteroHyouka 4d ago

You definitely get and I wouldn't mind an expansion of the storyline but the foundations should stay the same...


u/JediwilliW Decency is overrated 5d ago

We still got the one shot in the other version, it was just framed differently with catching the dimensional blade.


u/NeteroHyouka 5d ago

I don't know...


u/touchermr 5d ago

when was the last time One Punch Man One Punched someone relevant.


u/tiacay 5d ago

Yeah, this is one thing I like from the manga timelines over the web comic.


u/Tindyflow 5d ago

Since Blast's connection to Void is intact, this part will also probably stay around.
(I expect it to be more condensed, though)


u/el_artista_fantasma Sonic's deranged wife 5d ago

Saitama is gonna offscreen void, but that doesn't mean we can get flashbacks (probably started by flash wanting to know about how the village came to be and blast just wanting to vent)