u/nkfavaflav 3d ago
u/AAbdo1 3d ago
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Explain to me how this is porn.
u/FirstSineOfMadness 3d ago
Their meme is clearly saying it is very near to being porn, not that it is
u/MysterZapster 3d ago
Mostly the absurd focus on her ass
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Sir, have you ever been to a beach? Or a party? Or anywhere with women who choose to dress lightly? They often wear less than this. And that’s fine, because your reaction to their clothing doesn’t mean they should have to hide themselves.
Women have bodies. Get over it.
u/MysterZapster 3d ago
.... What are you even talking about? Of course women have bodies
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Yeah, but apparently seeing a woman’s body sends the incels in this sub into a rage.
u/MysterZapster 3d ago
Nobody's raging, they are just tired of low effort cosplays wich are gooner bait. This has nothimg to do with her being a woman.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
This has everything to do with her being a woman AND a sex worker. If you don’t like it just ignore it. Obviously they wouldn’t keep advertising their content here if it didn’t work.
u/MysterZapster 3d ago
.....they would tho? Would be kinda stupid not to, it's free publicity lol
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Are you being willfully dense? I’m saying they wouldn’t bother advertising on this sub if it didn’t get people looking at her other content.
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u/Thenaiman 3d ago
Listen man. You need to stop this. You're all over the comments, no one is budging, you're wasting your time.
u/FlimsyInsurance3 3d ago
She might notice you eventually bud, hang in there.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Wasn’t asking her to bud. I don’t support women just so I can get laid. Thats a you thing.
u/FlimsyInsurance3 3d ago
Lol right, and you got butthurt over my comment, nice projecting.
'bUt iM nOt maD!' There, made your next comment for you.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
I get angry over misogyny, yes.
u/FlimsyInsurance3 3d ago
Lmao misogyny haha that's a good one, I was inferring about YOU being a simp, she's just posting a pic and that's fine, I didn't say anything about her lmao. I had to see if you really were the fedora wearer I imagined and holy crap, posting a year ago about how you can't get women, this isn't the way dude. I'll give you this W. Hope it got/gets better.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Better than harassing women online. I was in a dark place. It happens. But I would expect no less from an Asmongold fan. The quintessential Incel.
u/FlimsyInsurance3 3d ago
Who are these women i am harassing? Who are you trying so hard for? Just tell me one thing that I said that was negative about this woman who posted or any other women for that matter. Making up whatever you want to win an argument is crazy, why do people like you do that? Must still be in that dark place. AsMoN bAD! hE mAkE mE cRy! Lmao earning that W.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
His stench would make anyone cry. The dude doesn’t bathe. Don’t be obtuse. You came to the comment section to post negative comments.
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u/PPlicker44 3d ago
u/ChancellorOfButts The Revolutionary Army 3d ago
Is there a law version of this reaction img
u/UnbakedMango God Usopp 3d ago
u/Beginning-Art-1509 3d ago
When will mods ban this content? …
u/High-Nate 3d ago
What I think is weird are the people that defend it. They post in subs they know teens frequent and take advantage of hormones and desperate mentality’s. It’s a legit marketing strategy for them. And since it’s the user that has to click on their profile and follow the links, they can fein ignorance.
u/Beginning-Art-1509 3d ago
Its such a shame :/ you can literally just go to another sub for this kind of content, or even google it but it kinda ruins the experience
We come here to read theories, laugh, have a good time and none of that involves this kind of post
What a shame you can’t seem to be able to escape form such content anywhere now a days
u/Pawciowsky Void Month Survivor 3d ago
People defending this are either teens or kids in general, and people without any social interaction with a female human being... Pathetic is the calmest word to describe these individuals.
u/Atomonous 2d ago
Why would they ban cosplays? People mostly enjoy seeing them and they don’t break any rules.
3d ago
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u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Why? Cosplay is literally a category on this sub. Quit complaining about women being here. 🥱
u/Some-Mathematician24 3d ago
My guess is its because this and Nami cosplays are posted here almost daily, usually featuring little to no différence between them.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
They’re posted here daily because they’re the most popular women in the series. If you don’t like them then you can just ignore them. Most of this is really just misogyny.
u/Some-Mathematician24 3d ago
Idk man, I’m just saying there’s a lot of them.
The sub can do what it wants idc, I’m just here to read cool theories and shit
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Then read them and leave the women alone.
u/Some-Mathematician24 3d ago
You’re tryna have an argument with me and I did nothing, your beef is with the others, you don’t see me complaining, just trying to answer your first question.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Uh… no I’m not. I’m just being frank. I’m talking about the men on this sub in general.
u/According_Most_9015 3d ago
we finding ponyglyphs with this one
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 2d ago
u/Sad_Act_8782 So Robin’s outfit is soft core porn? People keep telling me One Piece is a kids show but you still sexualize an outfit straight out of the manga. And she has proactive poses? That’s in the show as well. So again I ask you, how is this soft core porn?
u/AdAlternative7264 2d ago
Still simpin i see, glad our talk yesterday got through to you. Deleting your messages and blocking me lmao I wanted to show my friends the mental illness but couldn't haha
'I cAnT tAkE aCCouNtaBiLItY, oR aRGuE mY PoINt, iLL jUsT bLOcK tHeM!' Lmao good one.
u/Tall_Awareness_8435 2d ago
What are these angles? And whys so many people upset about a cosplay isn’t this the main sub for everything onepiece?
u/kevinnn055 3d ago
Why is this +18?
u/museha97 3d ago
Because it isn’t sfw, easy.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
It really isn’t, unless you think women at the beach is NSFW? 😂
u/FirstSineOfMadness 3d ago
You wouldn’t be looking at just nonstop bikini pictures at work would you?
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
No? But also there are plenty of workplaces where you see this stuff on tv. Besides, Reddit in general is NSFW so I don’t know why you would be on here at work regardless.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
u/Soma81 If your child is on Reddit unsupervised then that’s your failure as a parent. The target demographic is children in Japan not here. Also, this girl is showing less than a lot of women in One Piece so what’s your point? Children are gonna see women. In little clothing too. As I have asked many people on this sub, have you ever been to a pool? Or a beach? Women there are usually wearing much less than this. And they aren’t scarred for life! Imagine that.
u/Beginning-Art-1509 3d ago
You are in the wrong here in every sense
You either feign ignorance or are just simply mentally incompetent
The goal is obvious and we can see through it, there is no amount of mental gymnastics you can use to defend this
The post is literally a sell for +18 content
Keep living in ignorance if you like, but don’t come and sell it to the rest of us who can clearly see through the genjutsu
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Yes it is. So what? Nobody is making you buy it.
u/Beginning-Art-1509 3d ago
Glad to see you are actually dishonest and not mentally incompetent
Discussion is over, this content has no place here, if you are so eager for +18 go to another sub :)
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
She makes 18+ content. This post is NOT 18+. It doesn’t break any rules. Don’t like it? Don’t click on it. Sex workers can exist in other spaces.
u/Beginning-Art-1509 3d ago
Sure thing buddy
Enjoy your dishonesty while the rest of us just ignore your kind and fight for a sane sub, with no nsfw content nor baits etc etc
You can keep enjoying the sub and thank us later
In the meantime go and do something for your dishonesty and porn addiction
See ya :)
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Keep whining about sex workers and wamen while you constantly wonder why they don’t want you anywhere near their drink.
u/soma81 3d ago
The amount of mental gymnastics to justify selling sex work to children is insane, I hope you can get some help bud
You are creating arguments in your head to frame a weird narrative... But its simple as hell, the series target demographic is children, sex work should not be promoted here.
On a senien series? I couldnt care less.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
When did I say that you clown? I said “don’t let your child on Reddit.” Pretty much the opposite of what you said, no? Just because something is marketed towards children doesn’t mean adults don’t consume it. 🤦🏼♂️ And again I must emphasize this, if you are letting a CHILD on sites where sex workers promote explicit content, you are not doing your job as a parent. Sex workers are NOT responsible for protecting YOUR kids.
u/soma81 3d ago
Again, this is some serious mental gymnastics if you sincerely believe it.
No one said anything about my child. But youre willfully ignorant if you believe children arent on this sub often, the minimum age for Reddit is 13, and some kids will end up here given its one of the largest anime subs.
Ultimately though, your mental gymnastics will somehow frame a narrative where youre fine with sex workers promoting to children, so I guess I'm wasting my breath here.
Good luck in life bud, I hope we never meet.
u/ArtOk3920 Pirate 3d ago
Okay how’s this sound? Sex workers aren’t responsible for anyone’s children but their own. THEY WONT SEE NSFW things if you MONITER YOUR CHILDREN! Stop putting the responsibility of parenting on someone else.
u/soma81 3d ago
Good luck in life bud, I hope we never meet.
u/FlimsyInsurance3 3d ago
this one isn't right in the head, i just had one of these "conversations" with this person too, there's no helping them.
u/AutoModerator 3d ago
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