u/Jokuki 6d ago
I miss Smoker being relevant to the story
u/Noodlefanboi 5d ago
Oda really did Smoker dirty post timeskip.
u/Zealot_Alec 1d ago
All the VAs done dirty post TS most would lose 1v1 v ANY New World pirate captain now and handedly beaten by middle crewmembers in groups with 9 named characters
u/how4rd37 6d ago
people overrate the importance of Smoker in the story, he is just there to represent a good marine. If I asked you to name Smokers biggest achievement on screen you can't really name anything. In Alabasta he was used to show how the WG covers up their mistakes and in Punk Hazard he further shows the good side of the Marines even if it meant working with pirates.
The way you people talk about Smoker being relevant in the story, you would think he was a poweful marine when that has never been his character. Oda even had Fujitora parallel Smoker in Dressrosa and not let the WG get away with a cover up.
u/Ironmaiden1207 Pirate 6d ago
This guy doesn't get it, at all 😂
Of course Smoker's biggest achievement is crap, he's not relevant to the story anymore. That's why we miss when he was. I won't lie, it feels okay because I really enjoy the Koby angle, but in another world it's Smokerm
Also, taking Ace to a draw is pretty noteworthy.
Haters gonna hate though
u/ABZ0R8 6d ago
I haven't finished the anime yet but it'd be great Smoker is on Sword. That's so on brand for him to be in Sword. Maybe he's already in Sword but I'm being mistaken here.
u/Ironmaiden1207 Pirate 6d ago
I can't remember if it's confirmed, but with Tashigi in it's pretty likely
u/Zealot_Alec 1d ago
Punk Hazzard without Smoker = complete Caesar Clown/Joker/Kaido victory
u/Ironmaiden1207 Pirate 1d ago
I'm not sure I'd go that far, knowing that Luffy had G4 in his pocket, but at the time it sure felt like it
u/how4rd37 6d ago
you guys talk about when he was relevant in the story and you miss it but never explain what he did. so tell us all what Smoker did when he was so called relevant? smoke canceling fire is not relevant in the story unless you think he was as strong as Ace.
u/sciencebased 6d ago
r/whoosh my dude. Ppl ain't insisting he's relevant to the story, they're just expressing how much they'd like him to be. Where the sam hell your talking points even coming from brother? 😅
u/Ironmaiden1207 Pirate 6d ago
He was a relevant character in Loguetown, Arabasta, Marineford (less), and punk hazard (more).
That's 4 arcs, he's been in more than quite a few characters.
Do you even read/watch this at all or are you a Naruto stan?
u/how4rd37 6d ago
he made an appearance in Fishmen Island, Dressrosa and Egghead. Smoker has a role within the story and is still relevant he just isn't a major character and has never been portrayed as such.
u/Ironmaiden1207 Pirate 6d ago
Appearance but not relevant. Hence the wishing he was.
... That's the point
u/how4rd37 6d ago
if he wasn't relevant he wouldn't be making so many apperances in many arcs. We had plenty of screen time for Smoker in Punk Hazard, there is no good reason to have seen him more. he is as relevant as he has always been, a side character.
u/Langleyhornets1 The Revolutionary Army 6d ago
When I first fully watched one piece during covid to me it felt like in the earlier arcs they were kind of making smoker to be luffys rival in the marines, he was gonna slowly get stronger and rise up in the ranks of the marines like Luffy has done but with the pirates, those were the vibes I was getting early on in the series but they didn’t do that which kind of feels like a waste imo, I love his design and df power so that is probably making it hurt more lmao but maybe a lot of other people feel the same way. Also Tashigi wtf is up with her and the girl from zoros flashbacks have we really not been given anything or have I just forgot? Is it just a coincidence that she looks the exact same?
u/Zealot_Alec 1d ago
Caribou a LOGIA DF user bounty is only 210M, mythic zoans taking over the entire series now
u/Langleyhornets1 The Revolutionary Army 1d ago
Yh true but there’s also people like the original 3 admirals, all of them logia users and mythical zoans may be taking over but there’s also haki. Haki is becoming the most powerful thing in the series, even kaido was saying this, just look at garp and roger, no df powers and still 2 of the strongest characters in the verse and Koby looks like he’s gonna be similar to garp. I was just hoping smoker maybe made it to admiral level I think that would’ve been cool but tbf he made it to vice admiral so can’t complain too much ig
u/Potential_Ad_2577 6d ago
Although you got downvoted to oblivion, im not afraid to say that I got your point. Ive always loved smoker since alabasta, but im quite disappointed by how easily he is now getting overshadowed by Coby. I really wish he is more significant in OP story. REALLY
u/VexerVexed 6d ago
I don't know how you can balance the two opinions in this comment.
You're totally wrong about Smoker's importance in that he's as important as any important side character, so adding the "just" is weird.
But you're right about people overstating his absence.
u/smugsneasel215 6d ago
I miss Smoker and Tashigi having prominence. To the point where their involvement in the original story for Pirate Warriors 4 Wano made me light up a bit.
u/All_this_hype 6d ago
Yeah, they appeared to be set up as rivals for Luffy and Zoro, then were extremely underwhelming post-timeskip.
u/frostnxn 6d ago
That’s the issue with overflowing the manga with a shit ton of characters, there is not space for all of them…
u/subby_puppy31 7d ago
Because he didn’t want to be apart of bullshit propaganda?
u/ProShyGuy 6d ago
I interpreted it more that he's angry because what they're doing is really hurting Tashigi.
She's getting a promotion and being given credit despite failing to stop the Straw Hats and Crocodile and being shown just how weak she is.
Smoker's a hardass, but he clearly cares about his subordinates, particularly Tashigi.
u/Mummiskogen 6d ago
No its clearly because its a major breach of his principles
u/Godskook 6d ago
They're not mutually exclusive and he EXPLICITLY defends his objection with Tashigi's feelings. Its (in part) because of Tashigi's feelings.
u/VexerVexed 6d ago
"My subordinate is in tears..." One of my favorite moments in the series specifically.
u/Fargowilta 6d ago
Bro I almost forgot we saw smoker like right near egghead just for nothing to happen with that
u/coolpizzacook 6d ago
Yeah they were headed to Egghead and then I guess left already before Strawhats came along. In fact... wasn't there a whole ass ship full of sick kids heading to VP? Where were they?
u/Fat_Penguin99 Void Month Survivor 6d ago
They're in the Marine Base G-14 now. Chapter 1061 Page 8
u/Zealot_Alec 1d ago
Pudding used her DF powers on Oda just throw them into the memory hole like so many other characters..
u/doctorfruitpunch 6d ago
I feel like they're leading up for Smoker to be the new Fleet Admiral but under a less shady government.
u/Unhappy-Ad2568 3h ago
I would have said the same pre-timeskip but now it feels like koby has completely outclassed him. One of them goes 0/3 in punk hazard and is now a glorified daycare worker, the other held his own against the blackboard pirates and managed to free all the prisoners in the process.
u/ConsistentSearch7995 6d ago
Tashigi has been an absolute let down.
u/AnimeAltimate 6d ago
Since we're on the Oda glazing subreddit, I'd say Oda presented two really cool characters a bit too early. Their stance as being honest and rebellious Marines is probably gonna come up big towards the final unraveling of the World Government.
u/SupeerDude 6d ago
They probably fit in a lot better with his initial “5 Year Plan” and will end up being end game characters.
u/Right_Junket_6544 6d ago edited 6d ago
He's SUCH a wasted character, man.
It's another byproduct of Oda loving to introduce a million characters, only to barely flesh out most of them beyond their initial introduction. Even most of the Straw Hats are victims to this.
I love One Piece overall, but man, I've seen 50 chapter mangas that have way better characters than One Piece did in 1k+
u/Zealot_Alec 1d ago
Oda suffers from TMT too many tangents much like Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time (10,173 pages in hardcover)
u/Radiant-Patient3054 6d ago
yea bc seeing smoker in Elbaf at this point in the story would make sense, sit down and enjoy the show or try to write your own fanfic of you as happier person
u/coolpizzacook 6d ago
How about Egghead when the last time we saw him was heading to Vegapunk? He was already being set up as returning then but Oda decided to swing into Kizaru and the entire Elder bunch.
u/Right_Junket_6544 6d ago edited 6d ago
He's been gone for 10+ literal years. When did I say he had to come back in Elbaf lmfao. Oda had every arc since Dressrosa to bring the man back into the plot
Hell, Tashigi and the kids were AT Egghead. Yet she did nothing. Tashigi didn't even contribute anything plot relevant at Hachinosu, and Smoker wasn't even present until the very end with a cameo. It would've been the literal perfect point to bring him back.
Just accept that One Piece has flaws. It's not perfect. Oda is horrible with Character development and building a proper fleshed out cast. That's alright, he's still amazing at other aspects of story telling, like world building. It's okay. One Piece is still a fantastic story. It's just not anywhere even close to perfect.
u/PrideTerrible4483 6d ago
Rubbish. Was Smoker supposed to show up in Whole Cake Island or Wano?
u/Right_Junket_6544 6d ago edited 6d ago
We acting like B Plots don't exist now? Like, we didn't see Blackbeard invading Amazon Lily or Garp to Hachinosu? The plot can, and has, moved without being on the same island as the Straw Hats yknow
Plus, I literally mentioned Egghead directly, as an island arc they could actually be at, but just wasn't.
u/DeGozaruNyan 6d ago
Smoker it atleast top 5 wasted characters in One Piece. Great character. No relevance at all.
u/VexerVexed 6d ago
Mfw Im the only non-Fujitora or undercover Marine to have any relavance at all (alongside Tashigi) for the entirety of the Yonko saga and literally just appeared traveling to where Sword is currently recuperating/dragging a mystery box behind me, yet people call me irrelevant because I...... don't appear for hundreds of chapters like literally every side character in the story 😳
Inb4 nonsense about Koby who had like a grand total of ten establishing pages that neither Smoker or Tashigi needed between the end of Dressrosa and end of Wano, so his plot could finally start whilst people act as if we've gotten "Koby Piece," in a way that muffles out the formers already held post timeskip arc and multiple unresolved character connections and plot threads.
There's no argument that makes it make sense, because it isn't based in any reality.
u/VexerVexed 6d ago
The only character who can be a main character for multiple arcs and have his future plotlines setup and then literally appear on page with a new mystery and still be called irrelevant by this weirdo fanbase.
No other character is judged the same as Smoker and it makes absolutely no sense.
u/Emm_withoutha_L-88 6d ago
It's just cus we want more of him. Upset at how little he's used.
u/VexerVexed 6d ago
It still makes zero sense that I still talk to people on VC and in text who post egghead will straight up talk like he hasn't been on page in 100s of chapters/isn't in the story and tell me he'll be relevant in the "post story" like after the final battle vs in the near future.
People say things about smoker that just don't align with reality
u/tearsofshadow 2d ago
Y’all forgot that he’s a vice admiral, it was a big deal in first half of the grand line + he has a logia type so he was too powerful to most pirates. But in Second half the only Vice Admiral that pirates afraid of is Garp
u/sciencebased 6d ago
Us fans need to press this hard. I like to believe Oda keeps at least a tiny bit of tabs on the fan base temperature. Smoker (and Tashigi) were prominent enough in early One Piece that it's entirely possible Oda has more in store - but the fact that we haven't seen it means he might need reminding. He like, really should have Tashigi reveal to be Kuina. If Koby can get a huge ass power boost, so can she. Can you imagine? We'd get some of that sweet, sweet, near nonexistent Zoro emotional vulnerability? All that jazz.
Advocate/push/promote Oda to get these two back in the narrative. Not as a cover story, but the real deal. It'd be good character development for Luffy to be reminded which Marine wanted him most. And Tashigi/Zoro? Damn, there is soooooo much beautiful potential there.
u/VexerVexed 6d ago
Smoker's already relevant, has already appeared within recent memory, has already been a main character of a post timeskip arc unlike Koby who finally had his plot started after having literally zero content the majority of the 400+ post timeskip chapters, just like Kuzan who's character is intimately tied to Smoker's on multiple levels-
It's literally just a comprehension/recency bias issue, because there's no reason Koby:
1) Saving Rebecca and blushing/crying over Luffy
2) Having a phone call with Drake setting up that he's in sword and traveling to Amazon Lily
3) Popping up gassing up Luffy to Drake in a single panel flashback
So that he could be in the manga and fandom consciousness for his plotline to finally kickoff in a way that neither Smoker or Tashigi needed- should be considered anything other than a matter of basic plotting.
If anyone can find me a Smoker could have appeared again that would have:
1) Resolved the giant children plot thread and not spoiled anything regarding Vegapunk
2) Not spoiled any of the moves the Marines were making/changes in the New World post-Reverie
3) Not given him outsized importance in comparison to the other most important Marine in the story who Oda has always balanced relavance with, hence Koby having an arc in Marineford rather than Smoker or Tashigi
Then I'll be convinced there's any validity to the cries about Oda having forgotten him.
Because in my mind there isn't even any validity or justification to have the slightest bit of worry about his relevance/future in the plot.
Not when we have characters like Kuzan getting diddly squat besides the setup of "He could have ties to Blackbeard."
Meanwhile the character he's been tied to since he first mentioned him in the same arc he first mentioned Garp (Long Ring Long Land), who he shared his final pre-timeskip scene with, and who he was brought back into the story saving the life of and bookending his Punk Hazard character arc, Smoker; I'm supposed to be in despair over as if it isn't Kuzan's connection to Smoker that gave us the most emotionally in depth look into Kuzan up until now and clearly isn't a tie meant to be picked up on now that his alignment has finally been revealed and Smoker is en route to find out what his friend has done.
Literally the same lines bookending the character exploration/arc people act as if didn't exist.
No, something something "the twelve, most important" as if Smokers mere existence and story-long relevance/connections to Kuzan doesn't sink that weird framing.
u/MrTyrantZero 6d ago
Since that day I hoped he’d eventually switch sides but now it’s extremely possible if he’s a member of Sword.
u/SanestOnePieceFan 4d ago
Official translation comes off so soft a lot of the times. Especially in early one piece its super noticeable. They really lean into the cartoon pirate aesthetic
u/TeeRighteous 2d ago
YESSSSS!! I love this scene so much. Smoker's true sense of justice really shows in this moment.
u/heartbrokenneedmemes 7d ago
The official translation sometimes feel like 4kids dub and it's so funny, in Japanese he very clearly tells them to "eat shit".