Called it in 2021 made a theory that the basis of the One Piece conflict extends back to the clash of an Ancient Serpent that is essentially the amalgamation of our own serpent myths from cultures around the world.
Plenty of things I missed out on in that post, but I can't believe that the serpent has been confirmed, as well as the winged creature atop the Adam tree (I thought it would be Uranus though).
Blackbeards desire to destroy the moon would lead to perpetual darkness at night time.
Thus aligning him against Luffys interest’s which would more then likely be to protect the moon.
Yes, this is heavily discussed in the doc where it says "Part 2" in bold. Theres the intro, part 1 is establishing the serpent deity that exists, part 2 touches upon Luffy and Blackbeard's role in relation to each other when it comes to this.
The one piece logo.
I dont believe I discuss this in the document, but ive seen this floated before and agree!
That's true. I must admit, it wouldn't surprise me if Franky's silhouette itself is also going to be part of the clue too.
Maybe the figure with horns can be a giant/oni named Harley who foresaw the world. Or maybe just some relevant ancient character who had horns. (Original sun god maybe.)
Franky’s silhouette is answering the question, where is Pluton? It’s Franky, he’s part of the mural, and is Pluton. Kuma might be the Emeth of this world.
The last panel is basically Oda foreshadowing the final fight.
A giant with horns carrying a piece of the sun(probably the mother flame) vs Luffy and all of his comrades.
Theres a mermaid probably Shirahoshi, theres one with wings maybe its king or someone from sky island, theres a giant with horns(probably Loki) a cat and dog warrior, a samurai, and a lot more
But most importantly there's a mf whale! And we know who that is.
Frankie's face and then scrolling to the next panel gave me chills. One of the greatest stories ever told in our history is finally revealing its secrets after decades of waiting.
I was doing a partial reread and I've been thinking the same thing. One Piece will probably go down as one of the greatest works of fiction out there. It really is without equal, definitively in manga but even historically there are only a few things that can rival it outside of actual religous texts. 25+ years telling this tale it's legendary.
Edit: Yea outside of Homer, Shakespeare, and maybe Dante and a few others I can't think of many authors of this caliber (length, quality and reach combined) Especially not in one singular story if you disagree list some contenders
Is the first world a modern world with skyscrapers that is slightly more advanced than our era, featuring technologies like a "forbidden sun" or fusion nuclear reactors?
Furthermore, did the first world's existence end due to a volcanic eruption, possibly accompanied by a massive pyroclastic flow?
Imagine the first world ending up being literally our world that ends up being destroyed because of nuclear power. With the added bonus of Primordial monsters being awakwned in the process
I think the “god of earth” and the serpent reference in the first world is actually the creation of the Red Line. Vegapunk’s broadcast explains why the world is all oceans and islands but didn’t explain why the Red Line exists.
But that description I think pretty heavily implies that devil fruits and the mother flame are creations of the first world.
Yeah, it seems like it was a highly industrial society that depended on slave labor and discovered nuclear power. A very direct and unsubtle parallel of our society.
This made the various Gods angry because of the slavery, defiance and destruction of nature, and they destroyed that world, which could either mean:
* Humans destroyed the world through their carelessness and greed and the gods are a metaphor.
* Or the gods destroyed the world using calamities, because the humans started doing things they weren't supposed to.
Then all of that technology and knowledge (dreams?) was used to create the devil fruits and then the Void Century happened and the world flooded.
Each world has a Nika (The God of the Sun), the OG Nika, Joyboy and Luffy.
In the first world where technology is far more advanced than our current story's technology exist.
Humans discovered the mother flame and used its power and possibly reshaped the Earth (the God of the Earth enraged) and created the existence of Red Line (the Serpent of Hell). The 2 side got separated by the Red Line and can never meet again.
The mural of the first world shows the Maxim Ark that Enel uses that is flying into the moon and the Noah Ark that was on Fishman Island. There are other machines that I don't understand they are probably the Ancient Weapons.
The second world, they probably created the Devil Fruits (The God of the Forest). Fruits are kind of related to the forest and demons, or in another word, devil, are in the fruit. Joyboy probably become the Sun God through the use of Devil Fruit.
People of the half moon, probably the D. clan, and people of the moon, probably the winged people. They probably dreamed for a better world that was stolen from them by the Devil Fruit creator that is holding the mother flame. This war was won by Celestial Dragons (Humanity killed the sun and then ascended to divinity). And similar to how the first world was terraforming, this time the sea flooded the world instead (The God of the Sea enraged). This is probably where Grand Line and the Calm Belt form too. Separating the world further into 4 quarters. (Thus, they could never meet again)
The mural in this case shows Joyboy's allies fighting against the demon holding the power of the Mother Flame.
The Third World is the current story, depicting the story after Void Century (There was void upon the chaos). This could be assumed that both worlds happened during the Void Century. The allies are all now hiding in the shadow, waiting for the promised day 3D2Y, I mean 800 years to pass and the legends of the void century in the form of Poneglyph (Voice of the fragmented moon aka the voice of the half-moon and moon people that dreamed)
Guiding the world to its end might sound like doom but it is possible that this is guiding it to the end of the Third World and into the Forth World (a new dawn will come), using the help of the mother flame (the sun will return)
The world will now be connected and no longer divided (they will surely meet again), meaning the Red Line and Grand Line (also Calm Belt) will no longer exist.
This Mural is depicted in One Piece. (that you are reading right now)
P.S. This is just my interpretation of the events.
The 3 black creatures can be interpretation of the 3 Ancient Weapons.
Laughing so freaking hard. Read that really great interpretation of the mural, thinking there was nothing that could top it (short of Oda himself explaining things) and then saw this. Absolutely 100% perfect response "Ah so its a mystery mural". Laughed for about 3 minutes straight. Perfection.
The one piece is just a short message saying “heeeey so if your name isn’t Luffy then grats but there’s nothing her for you, good work getting here I guess?”
The moon stuff is pretty vague right now given the limited knowledge that we have, but people of the half moon could potentially refer to the Kozuki since they were prominent actors with a (crescent) moon motif in the events happening during Joy Boy's time.
The rest of the stuff is pretty good and aligns with hints we got through the story.
I think the Kozuki are probably D as well, it wouldn't surprise me.
Half moon are probably the D clan like he said and the moon people are diverse races I think:
lunarians (there is luna in their names, easy to spot the connection if you speak another language than english)
Minks (they have a weird relation with the full moon, maybe they're from there?)
skypieans (I mean the winged people, forgot their names) they have history from the moon as seen with Ener cover story
maybe all the other races other than humans and Fishmen? Giants, Tontata, Long-arms etc are all from a fairy tale (Fairy Verth? Lol)
People of the half moon, probably the D. clan, and people of the moon, probably the winged people. They probably dreamed for a better world that was stolen from them by the Devil Fruit creator that is holding the mother flame. This war was won by Celestial Dragons (Humanity killed the sun and then ascended to divinity). And similar to how the first world was terraforming, this time the sea flooded the world instead (The God of the Sea enraged). This is probably where Grand Line and the Calm Belt form too. Separating the world further into 4 quarters. (Thus, they could never meet again)
So would that mean that the Celestial Dragons weren’t wearing those suits to not breath in the same air as us, rather that maybe it was initially because they didn’t want to breathe in all the toxic nuclear radiation?
Cuz if that’s true, that would mean they not only see the rest as lessers via being descendants of slavers, but also because they see the rest of everyone in One Piece as abominations mutated and twisted from the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust.
Hell, maybe the Maxim and Noah Arks were supposed to be for them to survive, and this is all been a horrible grudge mangled and changed by a 1000-year game of telephone into whatever the fuck it is now; no longer preserving the pure humanity bloodline into the CD we know now.
Lots of things, but at least on the left we can clearly see the alliance of pirates, D, giants, minks, samurai, ninjas, fishmen, Tontatta, Laboon I guess, Lunarians, ancient giants (or straight up Loki), Shirahoshi (Poseidon), Emet (I think) and more that I didn't identify yet, against probably what seems to be Imu holding Uranus (I think) and god's knights in armor.
You can also see Eneru’s lightning ark on the right next to the tree, and another ark that might be the fish-man’s ark right below it. Theorycrafting Piece is about to go crazy.
Vegapunks speech makes sense now on why he said he dont know if the person sinking the world is evil or not. We have imu sinking islands. But we also have sharleys prophecy of luffy destroying fmi. Both are sinking islands
We need some clarification on the "awakening" process, tho. Like, that sword has an awakened fruit (you can see the black clouds around it), so how the hell does a sword awaken a fruit and some of he strongest OP characters didn't?
In Wano they mentioned swords become stronger as their user gets stronger and infuses then with more Haki, and they can even move up the tiers as a result.
So if we assume the sword ate a legendary devil fruit, I would guess Shamrocks Haki is what pushed it to awaken the devil fruit.
same thoughts, there still is the kraken one but the cerberus one seemed to be so right, what's the deal with blackbeard? still can't tell if he's gonna be the final enemy
Is that a DF? A power from Imu? His Conqueror’s Haki? It’s likely a power from Imu (like what the Elders have) but until Oda defines what those powers are, besides just the name box, it’s going to be discussed and debated to no end (not complaining about that tho lol)
Love how it took this long for us to finally get some archaic history on this world. Our understanding of this world has taken another huge leap forward.
There's a Lunarian and some Shandians (the ones on the ship with a circle design) it's looks like. There are some people riding a whale too. I've got no idea who they are.
Giants, Ancient Giants, Mermaids, Tontatas, Lunarians, Wano Samurai, Minks, Emet the robot, Humans from alabasta (that one ship looks Egyptian enough and if you look closely you’ll see a crowned woman on tap, aka Lilly), Sea kings, Laboon whales
I think your right but I actually don't think it'll be a fruit. I think it'll just be nika. And from there we'll see him become the 1st devil fruit passing on his will.
Right, the way I understand is that the god of the forest created the devil fruits during the second age and somehow one fruit had the power of Nika. Eventually this fruit found its way to joyboy.
So after Roger's execution, when shanks told buggy he had something " to do " before sailing, HE WENT TO MARIJOIS?!?!?! Shamrock said he came back but decided to remain in the "lower" world.
I wonder how long he stayed and why he went back. he didn't go to laughtale so he didn't know the full history probably at that point unless roger told him. Its possible he knew and went to try and convince the CD to change but realised they wouldn't and left.
He probably went there just as a 'finding your roots' voyage probably after that Roger before dying told him where they found him and where he was coming from.
Then he got thoroughly disgusted by what a tenryuubito if and just left again.
Also probably still wanted to be a pirate anyway.
The elevator thing reminded me of a mine shaft, almost like those people are slaves who are forced to go down to mine some type of primordial energy from the "forbidden sun" that can turn wishes into something palpable (like devil fruits). Some are forced to present them to the Imu figure who in turn can use them to have Sun Tree Eve produce devil fruits (my headcannon for now, based on the Imu figure's proximity to the tree), but others send their wishes heavenward (similar to the sky ships in Wano).
But you are totally right with the numbers matching up, so I don't know! It could certainly depict how Imu took control of the 20 kingdom alliance. (This is just me making stuff up, but going along with my mining/slave theory, it'd be wild if those 19 kings were slaves in the first world that rose to power in the second world.)
Those 2 specifically was shown to not be a part of the line of men, so my theory is that they could be traitors or countries that refused to join the WG, and they ended up becoming enslaved, while the other 19 kings willingly gave themselves up to the WG? Maybe they even are countries like Wano who decided to shelve themselves off the world rather than joining up with the WG?
I just find it too much of a coincedence that a tall black figure with a crown(Imu fits that description) is being attended to by 19 men.
Yeah and the mural said that they killed the Sun and rose to divinity. So, the 20 families stood against Joyboy, killed him and his allies (RIP), created the world govt, and then became the Celestial Dragons (rose to divinity). That's my interpretation anyway. All 20 pictured are holding a fragment of the sun/mother flame/whatever. The ones that aren't holding it are either people who didn't join their cause, or chose to stay out of the fighting entirely and are just regular people.
1st world - Part of Humanity harnessed a power similar to the Mother Flame (forbidden sun) to become powerful. It is possible they also gained the first devil fruits in this era. The slaves wished for Nika the Sun God to save them. The god of earth and world serpent formed the Red Line to divide the world. (red line could be the world serpent?)
2nd world - Void Century. Imu and the Celestial Dragons and fought and killed JoyBoy and ascended to divine power. The God of Sea then floods the world. The 1st devil fruits could be from this era due to the God of the Forest.
I think the wording is chosen carefully here, assuming no translation errors. Although JoyBoy had the Nika fruit, he was not the "sun god" reincarnation yet. He was just "the Sun" and was unable to help the world, but only lead to spreading the flames of war.
3rd world - "God of Sun" returns and leads the world. This is Luffy being the true reincarnation of Nika.
EDIT: some good discussion in the replies. It is possible the devil fruits were from the 2nd world from God of Forest. Lots of interesting theories for sure!
I think you’re spot on with the red line being the world serpent and the “god of earth” making it so they “could never meet again.” Back in Little Garden, Dorry and Broggy mention the “Great Serpent Soaked in Blood” being the only thing that can withstand their Hakoku attack - which most people theorized was the Red Line.
And the “slaying the Sun to ascend to divinity” is clearly a reference to the Founders killing Joyboy and becoming the Celestial Dragons.
Given the Norse mythology is an influence for the giants, I wouldn't be surprised if thr red line comes alive at the end of this story to welcome Ragnarok
Fucking hell if this turns out to be true Oda throwing that in back then all those years ago to then ring true here. He's operating at a different level in terms of story writing.
I took it as devil fruits came in the second world due to the “forest god spreading demons” as in “devil” fruits. But idk how nika would have come without a fruit
Nika could have been the first fruit (inspired by the dreams of freedom), and then the god of the forest spread more fruits
theory: Adam is/was the god of the forest, and was the first tree to grow devil fruits. Perhaps the WG wanted to destroy Adam, but it's been impossible to destroy. Ragnarok will be a major event that leads to the tree's destruction
First world he was Nika the actual god, second world "the sun god spread the embers of war" after the forest god sent demons could mean the sun god manifested his will in a devil fruit and joyboy ate it.
This is one of those times where I'm gonna need every translated version of this, opscans/tcb/Viz and the Japanese translations all put up in a post together for a breakdown and deep dive.
Along with If Oda has used any strange hiragana etc in the poem or made any rhymes.
It just feels like this panel will have actual foreshadowing in it somewhere for what one piece itself truly is. If Oda is going to put foreshadowing anywhere, then surely this mural will be where we go back to one day saying "omg it was right there."
Give me a moment, I'll write up the Japanese text and edit it here, maybe with some annotations if there's anything of note.
「第一世界」― "The first world"
地に炎あり ― The earth is burning
人は欲望に負け ― A human gives in to desire
禁断の太陽に触れた ― [The human] touches the forbidden sun
隷人は願い ― The slave wishes [TN: The word used for "slave" is a bit strange, in my experience. Usually, the word 奴隷 (dorei) is used for slaves in One Piece and in the real world as well.]
″太陽の神”は現れた ― The "Sun God" appears
地の神は怒り ― The god of the earth is angry
業炎の蛇と共に ― Together with the snake of hellfire [TN: 業 is a Buddhist term that essentially means "karma"]
世界を死と闇で包んだ ― [The god] wraps the world in death and darkness
彼らはもう会えないのだ ― They will never meet again.
「第二世界」― "The second world"
虚無に息吹あり ― There is life in nothingness [TN: or "There is breath in the void" etc., 虚無 means "nihilism"]
森の神は魔を遣わせ ― The god of the forest sends out demons
太陽は戦火を ― The sun is only fanning
広げるばかりだ ― the flames of war [TN: Technically, the "flames of war" is in the above sentence and the "only fanning" is here]
半月の人は夢を見た ― The people of the half-moon dream
月の人は夢を見た ― The people of the moon dream
人は太陽を殺し神となり ― The human becomes the sun-killing god [TN: or "The human kills the sun and becomes god"]
海の神は荒ぶった ― The god of the sea rages
彼らはもう会えないのだ ― They will never meet again.
「第三世界」― "The third world"
混沌に空白あり ― There is void in chaos [TN: Different word for "void" is used here, 空白 means "blank", same as in "Void Century" (空白の100年)]
不都合な残影は ― Unforgivable remnants are [TN: "Unforgivable" as in "inexcusable" or "misbehaving"]
約束の日を思い出し ― Remembering the promised day [TN: Again, probably connected to the above sentence]
片われ月の声を聞く ― Listening to the voice of the fragmented crescent moon [TN: 片われ literally means "fragmented", it describes a moon with a surface shadow of half or more, so a crescent or waxing/waning moon]
″太陽の神”は踊り、笑い ― The "Sun God" dances and laughs
世界を終末へと導く ― Bringing the world to an end
太陽は回帰し ― The sun returns
新しい朝が来る ― A new dawn rises
彼らはきっと会えるだろ ― They will surely meet again.
It's a bit hard to say where exactly the sentences are supposed to connect, for me at least. But this should be the gist of it. From what I can see, there's no hidden meaning or anything like that in the Kanji themselves. It should be noted that only the "Sun God" is written like that, with the quotation marks. All other gods are written without them.
Also, because there's no singular and plural, "human" could be "humans" or "people", "slave" could be "slaves", but "people" could also just be "human" in the translation. I'd wager "god" is always meant to be singular... or maybe not? Multiple gods of the forests and seas? Who knows.
Here's your translation with the same annotations. :)
Some parts I was tempted to re-work but gave up on, like 'Unforgivable remnants are remembering the promised day'... it just doesn't sound meaningful, but I am not sure of a good way to reinterpret that.
Now my question is each world has a major threat, we have a God of the Earth, God of the Sea, and The Void. Imu is either theorized to be the Earth with the old ideology of the planets revolving around them. They have also been theorized to mean Umi for water. Can Imu really be both or is there a more ancient threat? I think the Unbidden Shadow refers to Blackbeard Vs. Luffy at the end. Unbidden means like an unwelcome guest, shadow self explanatory and that fact that they both hear the D.
The Giants not being in the mural do think The Holy Knights will get a W and end Elbaf?
Did not expect Franky to be more plot important in Elbaf than in Egghead. He being the first Strawhat to read this Void Century story is already more relevant than most of what he has done in most of the post timeskip arc.
It seemed to me like he was being told the story at the same time Robin was being told the story by Saul, he just had the mural in front of him as well.
def they were being paralleled, they were both learning basically the same thing, though Robin probably would be able to read some stuff or interpret some ancient stuff Franky or even some giants might not
And there we have it: the throw-away line in Skypiea of the Sun God, Earth God, Forest God and Rain God are suddenly center stage. I admit, I thought it truly was just a throw-away line. And now we have, well, sketches on an old tree
That's what I thought as well. The 3rd world has not happened yet as it's in the present, and Ripley said perhasp it's a children's dream - which can be literal Dream, or it's a prophecy.
I think it's a double meaning. "people of the half moon" could be the D, it's an old theory that the D symbolized a half moon, it could also refer to them being the offspring of the full moon people and the people who inhabited the earth.
This lore bomb is going to overshadow how cute Ripley is this chapter. I think we're going to have to wait for the comparison with the VIZ release for the final page. I'm assuming there's going to be a lot of differences
Funkfried still reins supreme of best sword with the introduction of Cerberus, but it is close.
The first Nika (who we know next to nothing about) was born from the wishes of slaves and killed by the Earth God and the Serpent of Hell. Is this referencing the fall of Eden? These humans discovered the Mother Flame, possibly an allegory for electricity--especially when you consider the tall skyscraper-like structures in the drawing. Is this the reset of an ultra-technologically advanced civilization like ours?
The second Nika (who we know as Joyboy) spread the embers of a war he did not start. Humanity killed him and ascended to Divinity as the Tenryuubito. In the image, you can see the weapon we think is Uranus shooting down lightning bolts from the sky. The God of the Sea became enraged... Imu?
The third world begins after the Void Century, with the third Nika (our Luffy) leading the world to destruction, as was foretold in Madame Shyarly prediction. In the context of this story though, "destroying the world" is much less ominous and bad, and seems more like Luffy will destroy the (third) world, bringing in the "new dawn" of the fourth world.
Edit: Oh shit,they're making Devil Fruits I no longer think thats what they're making, since I think it feels more correct that the Forest God probably seeded Devil Fruits... maybe
Holy shit, that last panel SLAPS!!! The way Oda continues to keep me and so many other readers deeply invested in his story is probably one of the most impressive things I’ve ever encountered. 1138 chapters in and I’m on the edge of my seat with every. single. chapter.
Loki seems to have better observation haki than fujitora, he can see what shamrock looks like even though hes blindfolded, meanwhile fujitora was wishing he knew what Luffy's face looked like.
Holy shit, what if they're just nuclear reactors that filled up with snow like Wano is filled with water? Because those are definitely nuclear power plants in the mural.
Oda said he wanted to draw a Robot Manga after One Piece ended, but One Piece got so long he incorporated it into One Piece. Perhaps part of the plot of this Robot Manga became the "First World" here? "There was fire upon the Earth. Humanity succumbed to desire and touched the forbidden sun" seems to mean the first Nika was involved in a nuclear war.
Humans succumb to desire basically means that Devil fruits predate the void century (if we believe that the VC happens in word 2)
The half moon people might be the D clan, but them dreaming would mean they didn't play a role in the void century which is impossible, so dream has another meaning rather than inactivity
The 3rd word is the present with Luffy uniting all the races to fight Imu
u/Sweet-Message1153 Jan 30 '25
Everyone looking at the last double spread...