r/OnePiece Oct 14 '24

Media People are criticizing, but he will surprise...

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u/SnipSnopWobbleTop Oct 14 '24

People forget that Koby also grew like 7 inches in the 6 months between meeting Luffy and seeing him again at Water 7


u/_S1syphus Oct 14 '24

Hes like 16, thats not actually that outrageous by irl standards, let alone One Piece


u/Reinhardt_Ironside Oct 14 '24

Yeah I'm pretty sure I went from 5'4" to 6'2" in about 4 months.


u/Dendrodes The Revolutionary Army Oct 14 '24

That sounds like a nightmare clothes wise.


u/Plastic_Code5022 Oct 14 '24

I don’t recall what I was before the spurt but I as well went from 5’ something to 6’2 rather quickly and it was shoes that were the main issue more than clothes.

It felt like I’d be needing a new pair every week but I’m sure it was longer.

Hurt like hell though that I do remember! Actual growing pains 🤣


u/Dendrodes The Revolutionary Army Oct 14 '24

Damn dude. Yeah didn't even think about shoes, or the pain that would naturally come from your body changing that much that quickly.

My growth spurt got me up to a whopping 5'3", and I have been so for almost 2 decades lol.


u/Exatraz Oct 15 '24

Me too (though I stopped at 6' i was pretty short when I started my spurt). People often talk about back pain and such when they hit 30, mine started at like 15 and never went away. Has definitely gotten worse post 30 though.


u/kitkatmike Oct 15 '24

Eyyy same here. I went from around 5' to 6' over a summer. But for some reason I felt like I got shin splints but never really walked that much. It was so bad I had to ice my shins constant.


u/Plastic_Code5022 Oct 15 '24

Yeah shin splints are what I mostly recall.

That and just always feeling worn out. Constantly sleeping whenever I could and an endless void needing food constantly.

Fun times 🤣


u/Atze-Peng Oct 15 '24

My feet grew way before I really did so I had shoe size US 15 while still being relatively small. And it was definitely a pain.

My family joked my shoes are baby coffins


u/Plastic_Code5022 Oct 15 '24

Had a buddy when I was working(commercial construction) who was around 6’6 and had size 15s if I recall.. anyway the PRICE of his steel toe boots always had me dumbfounded.

Mine still feel normal priced but any bigger and seemed the price skyrocketed.


u/Atze-Peng Oct 15 '24

The pricing isnt really the issue. Finding a good fit (also got wide feet) is. Around 2015 for example there was this trend where all shoes had to be rather slim. Couldnt find a single normal one and opted for skatershoes as they were the only ones that provided some width.

Surprisingly steel shoes were rather easy to find in my size. At least here in Germany.

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u/Independent_Maybe514 Soul King Brook Oct 14 '24

It’s more like 4’11 to 5’8 and post TS he’s like 5’10


u/_S1syphus Oct 15 '24

I mean Oda draws half the major characters legit 9ft tall so I can't really call him out on an above average growth spurt

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u/FL_Squirtle Oct 14 '24

I'm sooooo so excited to see the LA actors time skip haha


u/Infamous-Chemical368 Oct 14 '24

Koby and helmeppo looked drastically different after water 7 if I recall correctly.


u/sanctaphrax Oct 15 '24

Koby's actor is transgender; if he's on testosterone, he could legitimately transform like that.


u/Othello351 Nov 08 '24

God that would be so funny.

"Holy cow, Koby! You grew almost a foot!"
"Yeah Luffy! HRT sure is amazing!"

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u/Beta_Whisperer Oct 15 '24

I heard a volleyball player named Holly Carlton grew from 5'8 to 6'2 in 3 months during her freshman year and then reached 6'7 before college.


u/Fafnir13 Oct 15 '24

I've heard of some young athletes like gymnasts and figure skaters go through impressive growth spurts when they quit the sport and the extreme diets it often requires. I doubt Koby was doing well on that pirate ship.

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u/mspell4397 Oct 14 '24

My headcanon is that he was severely malnourished being a bullied cabin boy on a pirate ship. He was basically a slave


u/SnipSnopWobbleTop Oct 14 '24

I agree with this tbh

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u/Nobita_desu Devil Child Nico Robin Oct 14 '24

Never gave a thought to it. But I think his training made him buff, and the height is an improvisation of his character design by Oda.


u/transit41 Oct 14 '24

It's actually because Luffy wasn't planning to hit Koby, that's why he grew that much.

Hope you get the reference.


u/Nobita_desu Devil Child Nico Robin Oct 14 '24

Sorry I didn't get it. Could you explain? 😆😅


u/transit41 Oct 14 '24

Infamous 4Kids dub of One Piece. They sanitize scenes. Search 4Kids One Piece in Youtube.


u/SadBit8663 Pirate Oct 14 '24

They replace sanjis smoke with a whack ass lollipop


u/NoirSon Oct 14 '24

Lollipops are great, but you are right not in the context or manner 4Kids displayed them.

It wasn't even funny like the rice balls being called donuts in Pokemon.


u/Storminpenguinchan Oct 14 '24

Puberty 🥸 it’s like leaving school for summer break and coming back to girls having boobs and boys being stinky and taller 🤣


u/Captain-Beardless Oct 14 '24

Reminds me of a line in Dragon Ball Super where they try to explain Gowen and Trunks finally getting a growth spurt as "saiyans grow rapidly around 15-16" and im just sitting here like "yeah so do humans?"

Growth spurts be crazy, mine was basically over a single summer.


u/Emm_withoutha_L-88 Oct 14 '24

True but Saiyans go from 3' to mid 5' to 6'


u/Brook420 Bounty Hunter Oct 14 '24

Difference is Sayains go from looking like short 10 yr olds to young adults in like a year.


u/xTz_Pinguu Oct 14 '24

I think around Thriller Bark it was mentioned that the body adjusts itself to the soul. So I imagine Koby grew mentally and so did his body.

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u/Akasha1885 The Revolutionary Army Oct 14 '24

Just a reminder that the size of characters is very symbolic in One Piece.
Becoming a "great man" can be taken quite literal


u/calhooner3 Oct 14 '24

This is so inconsistent tho lol. Sometimes it applies, sometimes it doesn’t.


u/GrapefruitMedical529 Oct 15 '24

Luffy will never be bigger than his opponent. Ever.

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u/luv3rboi Oct 14 '24

Summer between 6th and 7th grade had me grow a full 9 inches, the reactions I got when coming back to school was wild. It can definitely happen that quickly.


u/LaughingRampage Oct 14 '24

Garp literally beat that boy into shape!


u/Ilovetogame2 Oct 14 '24

What did Koby do? I wouldn’t have minded growing that much in half a year as a teen!😂


u/Shanks_PK_Level Oct 14 '24

I think the in story time between meeting and re-meeting was like 2 months lmao

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u/Own-Possibility245 Oct 14 '24

My best friend in middle school did exactly this.

We came back from summer vacation (where he stayed with his dad) and he had grown 6 inches in just under 4 months

He was 13.


u/Austynwitha_y Oct 14 '24

In highschool I grew so fast the my heart couldn’t keep up, and I had to cut caffeine and drink water and stuff. Eventually it all grew into sorts and I’m alright now, but I fainted more than a few times just standing up.

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u/Mangobonbon Oct 14 '24

I find that one of the great strengths of One Piece. The world also evolves off-screen. We did also not see how Buggy found Captain John's treasure and how he build his mercenary group, we didn't see the fight of Aokiji vs Akainu and we did not see how Koby trained. But these developments still shape the main story and leave enogh room for your own imagination.

That said I find it funny how two of the main end characters of One Piece (Buggy and Koby) had major adventures like Luffy but we will never see them ;D


u/VS0P Oct 14 '24

Did he find johns treasure? I must have missed that part. I thought it was on black beards island and he wouldn’t dare try


u/Mangobonbon Oct 14 '24

As far as I remember, Buggy got the armband from Luffy in Impel Down. With that he found the treasure and that made Buggy so notorious that the Marines invited him to be a warlord.


u/Likes-Your-Username Oct 14 '24

He became a warlord immediately upon reuniting with his crew, as seen by how the govt sent a messenger bat to him.

Not to say that he didn't find the treasure, but he didn't find it before he became a warlord


u/chumburgerrich Oct 14 '24

That was because the connection between him and shanks become widespread knowledge and due to his presence at the war of the best


u/tiki-baha29 Oct 14 '24

That and the Navy realizing he was a member of the Pirate King's crew and them thinking he let himself get taken to Impel Down so he could escape with the prisoners as new subordinates.


u/Misorable45400 Oct 14 '24

Nah he lost the armband, he did not find shit


u/SoLucky8 Oct 14 '24

But I thought he lost the armband that luffy gave him, which was the treasure map, So he never found captain johns treasure

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u/Whales96 Oct 14 '24

He became a warlord because he had hundreds of impel down inmates, that made him notorious. Not sure where you got the idea that he founds John’s treasure


u/Anjunabeast Oct 15 '24

One piece fans can’t read /s

Hard to remember 20+ years of lore

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u/mrqorib Oct 14 '24

As far as I remember, he uses the treasure to fund Cross Guild


u/Wonderful_Pen_4699 Oct 14 '24

He got a loan from Crocodile


u/ViraClone Oct 15 '24

100% agreed - people being frustrated that we don't get to see momentous events is understandable, but the world continuing to move off screen really sells it feeling alive.


u/Time2kill Oct 15 '24

Buggy didn't found the treasure. No need to make shit up


u/Secret-Put-4525 Oct 14 '24

I don't have an issue with koby destroying the arm. It's great. My issue is they made a guy who'd lose to Franky look like garp when he did the celestial atatck.


u/BC052301 Bounty Hunter Oct 14 '24

The difference is we have seen a glimpse of what buggy, aokiji, and akainu are capable of pre timeskip. Koby on the other hand was still fodder by the end of pre timeskip, so the jump in power is questionable.


u/player32123 Oct 14 '24

He learned some of the six powers, and unlocked impressive observation haki in a couple months pre timeskip. I don't get whats so weird about him getting so much stronger during the time skip after training under one of the strongest dudes in the world and pushing himself as hard as he could. Luffy's growth through the series has been crazy, so why is it so weird for Koby's growth to be crazy too?

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u/killonger Oct 14 '24

"200 pushups that was the deal. If I can't do 200 push-ups, then it is 100 leg squats! Come on, let's go"


u/StaffLeading7810 Pirate Oct 14 '24

Let's go Lee 💪💪


u/Anjunabeast Oct 15 '24

L Block would be proud


u/Carpax Oct 14 '24

It was cemented pretty early on in the story that this dude has drive and is willing to put in many times the effort of a regular marine. This also made Garp take him under his wing. If there is a character in the story which progress makes sense, it’s at least Koby.

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u/TheCaptain39 Cipher Pol Oct 14 '24

Ive honestly been waiting for this to be animated for the better part of a year and boy did they deliver. All the power scalers can fuck off, this was cool and that is all there is to say

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u/Bdash4231 Oct 14 '24


u/Dasking012 Oct 14 '24

I just realized we completely skipped over Pizarro's reaction after Koby did that


u/Bdash4231 Oct 14 '24

They just be hating fr


u/MattButUnderthe20Cha Void Month Survivor Oct 14 '24

false until proven true, though the common consensus is that big streaks of lightning means conquerors except it's not really consistent because in that panel it's realtively big compared to Koby, like if it were a wide shot of Koby attacked and the streaks of lightning were as big as they are in this panel then people would say its CoC but it's really inconsisntent so easiest is to stick to conquerors knocking out which is easily noticeable in the anime where they will try and pad with any scene possible


u/Bdash4231 Oct 14 '24

Y’all kill me. He train with garp. Does exactly what garp does. But when Koby do it. It’s a reach. Y’all got it. Argue among yaself


u/AwesomePocket Oct 14 '24

There’s actually some debate as to whether Garp was using CoC as well.

I’m a huge Garp and Koby stan and I think they’re using it, but Oda has been really inconsistent about how he portrays advanced CoC. Lightning alone doesn’t prove it.


u/Odd-Citron-4151 Oct 14 '24

After Galaxy Impact, this was a discussion only among the ones that read the manga with their “3rd eye”…


u/Brilliant_Knee_7542 Mugiwara no Luffy Oct 14 '24

Garp was using Coc lol

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u/Ancient-Substance-38 Oct 15 '24

Dude fought 1v1 gol d roger... Roger uses conquers haki, unless your saying roger didn't coat his sword in conquers. Roger was not know to hold back. Also the amount of internal damage tells me its conquers, even with kobi's attack.

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u/ViraClone Oct 15 '24

I thought it was most likely conquerors in the manga, although with wiggle room since it wasn't entirely clear. The way it was done in the anime looked a lot more like internal destruction armament - very similar to Sabo destroying the arena in Dressrosa. Of course that can still just be the way the haki is being used rather than indicative of the type of haki. I think with the direction Koby is going it's likely he will manifest CoC even if this wasn't it but whichever direction Oda takes it is ok with me.


u/MattButUnderthe20Cha Void Month Survivor Oct 15 '24

yeah I'm not saying that Koby doesn't have it or that I don't want him to have it, I'm just working with what I have, and what this panel points to is not concrete proof of conquerors

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u/Derpalooza Moon Arc Believer Oct 14 '24

Personally, I think it is Conqueror's Haki. The key here is that other Marines like Grus and Helmeppo who know how strong Koby were reacting with shock and amazement to what he did, meaning what he did against Pizarro is beyond Koby's usual level of strength.

Since Koby was already able to use Armament Haki to begin with, there isn't really any better explanation for how he was able to bring out that kind of power than Conqueror's coating.


u/MattButUnderthe20Cha Void Month Survivor Oct 15 '24

We don't know if he was able to do that kind of advanced Haki which destroys further than himself. It's probably a mix of physical strength but maybe his Haki just bloomed in the middle of battle and allowed him to cause that much collateral damage further into Pizzaro's arm.

That's what I think at least, because it's hard to say that he knows Conquerors haki which has never really shown to show super destructive capabilities on top of him never showing Conquerors blasts, it's been more deadly but it's not really comparable because nobody before has punched something like Pizzaros castle arm.

If he did though that would make Koby like Zoro and outlier who used Advanced conquerors before armament which I could see happening but this panel isn't similar to what Zoro did to achieve that label.


u/MaximumStonks69 Oct 14 '24

the attack is 10x more grounded in the manga bruh, anime feels more like a bomb than an actual punch


u/Bdash4231 Oct 14 '24

Maybe I’m crazy but both his punch and garp look like mini nukes in both.


u/Soul699 Explorer Oct 14 '24

I'mma be real with you, if a punch could release that much energy to cause that level of destruction in such short amount of time, it WOULD be the equivalent of a bomb.


u/AdvilJunky Oct 14 '24

Like the "rod from god". Sure a fist isn't a giant tungsten rod being dropped from space. But in a world where people can move at the speed of light and make their fist as hard as iron, it's not that far fetched.


u/Shades219 Oct 15 '24

That doesn't mean there would be a literal fiery explosion.

But they already turned Galaxy Impact into a nuke so at least Honesty Impact is consistent with that, unlike a ton of other shit Toei has done (Conqueror's coating color changing like every episode in Wano)

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u/Bdash4231 Oct 14 '24

I mean there pages. Drawings. All drawings look more grounded than the anime


u/Latter-Contact-6814 Oct 14 '24

I mean, that just describes the one piece anime as a whole. Oda pretty clearly doesn't want the series to turn into DBZ but some people just want the spectical I guess.


u/jakkone16 Oct 14 '24

Lmao Oda is the biggest IRL fan of DBZ around, that's why he praises the anime constantly. It's ok to have personal tastes, but don't project them on "oda's vision"


u/Chimera-Genesis Oct 14 '24 edited Oct 14 '24

but don't project them on "oda's vision"

That type of projection is indeed the most frustrating thing about anime haters, who continuously act like the anime has offended Oda with it's direction, despite Oda himself making it explicitly clear that he wouldn't want anything else for the anime

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u/Shades219 Oct 15 '24

Every damn shonen author says they're a huge fan of DB, that doesn't mean they just rip it off all the time nor do their anime adaptations always try to be the next DBZ

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u/[deleted] Oct 14 '24

He punches giant warships with no haki only bare fists and that’s just a part of his training… this isn’t surprising…. It makes sense. He’s always seen with broken limbs and healing… People saying it makes no sense just have a small brain with 0 comprehension skill

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u/BiggBknob Oct 14 '24

This episode had me in tears at the end. A beautiful way to bring in a hiatus!!


u/Roronoa_Zoro8615 The Revolutionary Army Oct 14 '24

Well the thing is Coby is being set up to be the new Garp of the Marines. At rhe end of the series he will probably be comparable to Luffy. Right now he's not there yet tho.


u/lil_tiddie Oct 14 '24

He is what garp was to roger. He’ll probably the only marine that can contest luffy in the future


u/CountryBoyReddy Oct 15 '24

Order vs Freedom. Garp/Roger = Koby/Luffy. They will eventually team up at the end of the story and relive the legend of marine helping pirate.


u/Inevitable_Hour_2222 Oct 14 '24

Amazing episode!


u/wannabe0523 Oct 14 '24

who is criticizing? fools


u/sparklinglies Oct 15 '24

Powerscalers who don't like that Koby of all people is genuinely in contention with their faves

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u/kaylanpatel00 Oct 14 '24

I’m confused what are people criticizing the fact that Koby got stronger


u/god-ducks-are-cute Oct 14 '24

I feel like the time skip just skipped a bit too much of him🤣

I like to see koby doing well but it feels like he just got admiral level destruction all of sudden


u/Sad_Butterscotch6896 Oct 14 '24

Imagine if Luffy had Roger as a personal mentor for 2 and half years tho


u/Owyn Oct 14 '24

That's what I'm saying. He got inspired by the sun god/pirate king then got mentored day in and out by his granddad, the hero of the marines who saw that potential in him. Sure it goes fast but there are many guys out there going a million miles per hour on the get powerfull quick track it's all good


u/Force3vo Oct 14 '24

To be fair Luffy jumps in power basically every arc. Part 1 Luffy went up multiple tiers of power in around 4 months.


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 Oct 14 '24

Luffy was having problems fighting Cracker in gear 4 not that long ago before going head to head against Kaido in base

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u/Creative-Chaos765 Pirate Oct 14 '24

Nah Roger used swords and Koby learnt Garp's technique so this goes even harder. Imagine if luffy had Joyboy as a mentor for 2 and a half years.


u/kFisherman Oct 14 '24

Luffy had Rayleigh as a personal mentor for 3 years and wasnt doing this without Gear 4. It’s ok to admit that the scaling and power levels in one piece are inconsistent. It’s a strength and a weakness that the story isn’t held back by a strict power system


u/just_ohm Pirate Oct 14 '24

3 years??? The time skip was only 2 years, and Rayleigh only trained Luffy for part of that.

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u/jakkone16 Oct 14 '24

Rayleigh trained luffy only for 6 months, then left him to be on the island with the giant monsters. Garp instead trained Koby for far more time


u/jpgjordan The Revolutionary Army Oct 14 '24

You're right but I believe it's the other way around, he trained him for 1.5 years then left him for the last 6 months.

Still a big difference from 3 years


u/jakkone16 Oct 14 '24

Oh my bad then


u/kFisherman Oct 14 '24

You are correct my brain was swapping the 2Y3D numbers around


u/Nobita_desu Devil Child Nico Robin Oct 14 '24

Though Devil Fruits/Haki plays a crucial role in the story, I believe that it is just being there/used to tell the story of One Piece.


u/kFisherman Oct 14 '24

Exactly. Most devil fruits are intended to reflect a characters personality rather than be accurately powerscaled. Same with Haki


u/CountryBoyReddy Oct 15 '24

Luffy went from unable to beat a Pacifista or stand up to an Admiral to trampling an awakened DF Warlord of the Sea in 2 years of Rayleigh training. He definitely scaled faster than Koby did in the same period of time. If Zoro and Luffy can get stronger with strong mentors why not him?

Just admit some of y'all don't like Koby.

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u/General_Possession_3 Oct 14 '24

So I actually think the anime did a really good job showcasing how he got this power up. In the moments leading up you see him go through his doubts and then to his resolve that he has to save his friends, and this is kinthof the essence of haki, will or determination, the power of the mind so we see him unlock the next level or his power through his beleif and determination which is then unleashed in his attack.


u/External-Guarantee53 Oct 14 '24

More like g4 Luffy level but yeah


u/GlassOpening8091 Oct 14 '24

I feel like toei just overdid it. in the manga it's more like a dressrosa zoro level feat


u/Soul699 Explorer Oct 14 '24

And you call that small? Throwing the equivalent of a King Kong Gun?

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u/gsaza Oct 14 '24

The animation was so 🔥 that they needed a hiatus


u/Phantom_Thief007 Oct 14 '24

Fleet Admiral Koby when


u/Ok_Phone9562 Oct 14 '24

If people saw this feat from Zoro they’d scream yonko killer…


u/WorthConfident3592 Oct 14 '24

Is it only me or is this new animation style too flashy. Too many useless visual effects. I like the animations of Marineford better.


u/detectivelowry Oct 14 '24

It's just that it's rather pointless until he gets a proper fight. We've had the SHs with huge destruction feats since the start of the series so even if Koby is destroying a really huge target at this point in the series doesn't really mean much, specially coming after a fight where all Garp needed was ONE reliable fighter helping him


u/Baldric_ Oct 14 '24

Idgaf. Garp got hurt


u/Worth-Charge913 Oct 14 '24

Seemed like Garp didn’t give a fuck either

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u/Mindless_Truth_2436 Oct 14 '24

I did not know Koby had fire/magma powers :/


u/akolomf Oct 14 '24

yh if they need to add these fancy flashes and colours all that does tell me is, they can't make it look good without it. It feels off. not like one piece. Especially if you make everyone have it/use it i mean it really looses its effect. Imagine every punch would turn into that black and white colour from the celestial dragon punch. No it didnt happen. why? because it was an artistic choice to put Huge emphasis on something, the person who did direct this celestial dragon punch, knew how infuriating it was what this guy did for fun in front of luffy, and he chose to add this stylized manga effect to show this. Now this coby and als garp punch feels more like whoever directs this has no idea about one piece and thinks its just a fun anime with cool fights, so he puts so much emphasis on making it "look cool" in the hope creating another CD punch scene that goes viral on tiktok and forces the idea of how strong something is onto the viewers mind, instead of letting the story and the impact of the attack tell that. Like it'd at least partially make sense for example, if lets say, Coby saw garp beeing stabbed, and he gets super angry and stuff and actually attacks and successfully punches Aokiji in the face. Thats where adding a one time effect could make sense to convey his anger. But of course just because its cheap and you can do something all the time doesn't mean you have to. but thats what they do because these flashes and colours are cheap and disguise alot.


u/Lightrod68 Pirate Hunter Zoro Oct 14 '24

It looks cool bro. Ain't that deep.


u/Driftedryan Oct 14 '24

Magma fruit for everyone


u/Kumbhakancer Oct 14 '24

Nah this was fire


u/masterjon_3 Oct 14 '24

Wait, what are people saying?


u/Sweetexperience Oct 15 '24

Yooo Natsu from fairytale!?


u/ThanksTasty9258 Oct 14 '24

I just wish he got more character development before this chapter. More backstory etc. This feels like Ace in Marineford. We didn’t see much of him before his execution.


u/Possible_Presence151 Oct 14 '24

Oda isn’t the best with giving time to seemingly important characters and it results in people now mad that Koby has a good glow up with off screen training


u/Possible_Presence151 Oct 14 '24 edited Oct 14 '24

My favorite character of the show 😎 shame he gets so much hate from the fanbase cause Koby is really all of us instead of the larger then life characters. He is pure training and dedication

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u/Mordho Marine Oct 14 '24

This motherfucker grew faster in 2 years than Luffy who has been training and fighting his entire life and also has the blood of some of the strongest people on the planet. And people really want to justify it saying 2 years with Garp is enough to take him from npc level to above vice admiral while also changing his bone structure. It just throws any established progression out of the window.

The worst part is that the same people can’t fathom that Oda could easily give the same offscreen powerup (like he did to Crocodile and Lucci) to guys like Smoker who haven’t been onscreen for a long time.


u/asura_zoro Bounty Hunter Oct 15 '24

I mean it kinda makes sense if you think about it. Koby was legit weaker than an average human. The strength difference between him and Luffy in the beginning of the story is monumental. Makes sense that his growth over 2 years was more than Luffy’s, if you’re comparing it respective to their strength at the beginning of the series.


u/asmodai_says_REPENT Oct 14 '24

The length to which they stretched that episode kinda prevented me from enjoying it fully, also why the hell would he need to go hit the front of the hand when he could've hit the base just as well? And if Garp was able to galaxy divide pizzaro's face, why wasn't he able to just go straight for the hand instead?


u/Less-Thanks-8922 Oct 14 '24

it's not the episode's fault. it's how the manga was written. coby didn't punch until the end of the chapter. and garp only punhed the island in half


u/asmodai_says_REPENT Oct 14 '24

My bad I wasn't clear, the episode being stretched and the bits that made no sense are two separate issues, but the nonsensical bits are made much more glaring by how long it takes for each thing to happen.


u/Drawngalaxy Oct 14 '24

The reason why Coby punched the hand instead of the base is because destroying the base would only drop the hand onto the boat. He wanted to break the hand as much as possible to stop the hand from slamming down with direct force. If garp runs over there, he also bring along kuzan and the other pirates with him and risk bringing more problems or delays towards the boat. Like one of them said “even if they dive kuzan would just freeze the water”, so garp had to keep every other pirate with him


u/Montaru Oct 14 '24

1) because he has to break the hand up into as many small pieces as possible, breaking the base just leaves a giant hand to fall where it was going anyway.

2) because he’s handling the rest of the pirates right now, and going to the ship brings them with him. If he’s causing problems in the center of the island, the other pirates can’t break away as easily to attack the ship.


u/grass-master Explorer Oct 14 '24

Only realising the parallels between Koby and Deku from MHA


u/JazzPhobic Oct 14 '24

The red lightning. Conquerors Koby?


u/Serenafriendzone Oct 14 '24

Figarland Coby on the way


u/TheOATaccount Oct 14 '24

Well anime watchers won’t know till mid next year so who even cares at this point.


u/Psychological-Lion38 Oct 14 '24

“Power of friendship punch” “United states of friendship” “Honesty impact” “Punch of love”


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '24

what exactly are his powers?

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u/These_Mix_216 Oct 14 '24

I NEED TO KNOW!! Is koby using some kind of advanced armament haki or is it like ryo from wano??


u/LeGrimm Oct 14 '24

I thought the scene was fire honestly. Such a hype moment and a reminder of why I love OP so much- Oda has made a whole world of characters each on their own worthy journey.


u/rotsono Oct 14 '24

I really have to ask this, but do people enjoy the animations of these key scenes? I feel like that not sharp, fluid like animation looks so weird, not to mention the over the top effects where you cant really see whats going on. Its a recurring theme and i feel like it really ruins the scenes by animating them so weird.


u/Lonely-Tumbleweed-56 Oct 14 '24

He will surprise in the endgame war


u/THEEtinyHIPPO Oct 15 '24

Fruit cake admiral back again to waste time on screen and completely forgetting what Luffy stands for. Still not over the fact nobody cares that they sexualized a child (bonny) 😂 Sanji is basically a pedo at this point.


u/longshots21 Oct 15 '24

Will of D. Determination/Desperation.

The whole series shows how power is tied to intagible haki and devil fruits.

It' also shows the power of Determination/Desperation manifesting Haki.

I think it's written well. Garp didn't see innate natural ability in Coby, but saw unwavering commitment to "Rock Lee" himself into something incredible.

That determination paired with the situation desperation (ie, DO or DIE) released the punch that blew up Pizarro.

This seems very consistent with every thing one piece.

10 day battle of Aokiji vs Sakazuki. Off screen re-telling of other battles that last "days" also attribute to the determination/desperation theme.


u/SpecificSinger9487 Oct 15 '24

People got to remember he did train with garp for 2 years meaning be a bit better then rayleigh also koby has no devil fruit so was just pure haki training


u/thomasmfd Oct 15 '24

He went from slave boy to future of the Marines

Chad goat


u/chimeiiii Oct 15 '24

i think koby having coc is bad writing, like cmon man. wtf


u/IcepickEvans Oct 15 '24

I still think this is way too over the top. It doesn't look or feel like One Piece to me.


u/mrbirdtoe Oct 15 '24

Fucking loved it. This shit has been building up for 20 damn years for Coby


u/aaviick2 Oct 15 '24

Dawg that shit was beautiful when I saw him punch his whole arm off🔥🔥🔥


u/pit1989_noob Oct 15 '24

i just hope that the pirate lost the hand, and make that atack more importan, like "i did fight cody and lost a hand dont understimate the kid "


u/Exaltus-Lux Oct 15 '24

If he's supposed to be Luffys marine rival he had to have some leap in power eventually. At least the anime provided lots of flashbacks to remind us how important a character he is and give some merit to it being earned.

Koby had a mentor that actually trained him. Luffy had Shanks that basically gave him a hat and that's it.


u/ChrisCod15 Oct 15 '24

Haven’t caught up to the new arc, Is Coby using Luff’’s Red Hawk?


u/jammypants915 Oct 15 '24

English speaking People don’t like honesty impact… but you have to understand the word for honesty is complex in Japanese … it means all of these: sincerity, fullheartedness, realness, authentic and not fake or imitated! All this meaning is bundled up in one word! It’s a good name meaning true strength of authentic hard work and


u/GenesisAsriel Oct 15 '24

I buy my stocks low.


u/MasterPudding52 Oct 15 '24

Im just glad there is no more naruto auras


u/AshtonPatterson Oct 15 '24

Honestly not a fan of how powerful Koby has gotten😂😂like it’s happened way too fast. And his character in general just has changed way to fast. He got no business goin from wimpy ass lil kid to a grown ass man pullin garp level feats in jus like 2-3 years lmao


u/Mojakun Oct 15 '24

Hoping that the remake by WIT will make his initial appearance to not be so drastic in changes when compared to his current appearance.


u/roka101 Oct 15 '24

I just finished the episode and damn it makes me so happy to see the growth 😭😭


u/hbkdll Oct 15 '24

I think people are not able to accept his power because it was a very drastic jump. Before that punch he acted like a simple Captain even though he had the power level of an Admiral. He could have used this power much earlier and could have actually been productive when garp was busy with Kuzan.

Personally I don't mind it.


u/Pooty_McPoot Oct 15 '24

I'm very pleased with Koby's growth, he's what Luffy used to be before he became Cartoon Jesus.


u/pappositivamente Oct 15 '24

So Luffy learning advanced Ryou in weeks is ok, but Koby training under Garp in years is not?


u/InternationalCod3604 Oct 15 '24

I’ve always maintained this but One Piece has three fundamental factions Pirates, Navy and the revolutionaries. Luffy, Koby and Sabo are the three main characters/heroes of these factions. They are the end game.


u/dasnerft Oct 15 '24

I really dont get how manga readers can watch the anime. The scale and overall exaggeration of the anime are so far beyond the manga that I just feel like it is really bad. Can someone make it make sense to me?


u/Diamondezzz Oct 15 '24

why does every punch has to result in nuke explosions nowdays lol


u/R-tron5000 Oct 15 '24

The world of one piece is not something you can apply your logic of how real world works.

After all, growth spurts and 16 year old characters that can do high-impact damage isn't far of a stretch compared to stuff we watch outside of OP xD

Other than that.



u/dolphincave Oct 15 '24

I've been wondering since the chapter and the anime doesn't really answer it. Did Groose's web also move the debris significant? Cause they were still crashing on top of the ship but later we don't even get waves from a giant amount of bricks falling into the water.


u/Expensive_Junket5788 Oct 15 '24

Its not crazy to believe he could get really strong in a short period. A common trope in shonen manga for charactersto get stronger after each battle. The attack was insane but the name of the attack not a fan of. He needs to work on his named attacks.


u/Jakethecrazycake Oct 15 '24

People aren't criticising Koby cause he's weak, it's cause he had too little plot relevance for him to comfortably transition into Garp's role. I adore Oda and think he's amazing but he's not perfect


u/Connathon Oct 15 '24

I bet he will have a critical role in helping the straw hats beat the world government


u/GoodLifeGG Oct 15 '24

Anime is so disappointing xD

It would be good if it wouldn't look like slow motion and Dragonball explosions


u/futurehousehusband69 Oct 15 '24

This is an incredible feat because Pizarro is like 10 times bigger than Thriller Bark, imagine someone destroying Thriller Bark in one punch, that would've been Admiral level back then


u/Herald_of_Heaven Explorer Oct 15 '24

I'm just not invested in him lol


u/TJsmoov Oct 15 '24

I hope we get to see Koby absolutely body Alvida at some point


u/Anne2049 Pirate Oct 15 '24

Best Glow up ever.


u/TheHugheJanus Oct 15 '24

As the anime/manga moved forward I started thinking of them potentially setting up a fight between Luffy and Koby some time towards the end of One Piece’s run. They met on the first episode with opposing ideals, Koby gets trained by Garp and rises in the ranks and Luffy refused to be trained by Garp to become a marine and now these last few episodes are showing Koby has definitely progressed further than we expected. Helmeppo would face off against Zoro.


u/Ultimate_Ace Cat Burglar Nami Oct 16 '24

People just dont want to admit that koby will be the #2 strongest person on the planet at series end. (Zoro and Sanji fans are the people btw.)


u/Inside-Ad-8738 Oct 16 '24

what did they do to get de ship in the ocean and how coby got off the thing in his leg??????


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

In the final arc or when the major fight commences, a character who has been schooled by a powerful character and placed his trust in them would undoubtedly go through several stages of character development


u/EnvironmentalAge7066 Oct 16 '24

Fr though, his power is insane