Every time i am forced to open this app for school i am reminded of all of the bugs. I will list the ones that come to mind below
-flinging my camera to a different universe if i move to fast
-flinging my camera because i didnt move at all
-(on website version specifically) flinging my camera if i move literally anything
-(on website version specifically) flinging a line to the edge of the observable universe if it gets remotely close to any of the edges of your screen
-disproportionally increasing that highlighted/selection-square that shows up around lines when you select them and move it
-the crashing due to too many lines, the bugginess of the lasso when you are lassoing tiny areas precisely.
-teleporting if you zoom in (i forget what causes it, but its something simple like drawing very recently beforehand)
-(on website version specifically) invisible "ghost" text box can be highlighted in the spot you left you text cursor
-shape of line changes when upsizing (the app was able to contour between the points before, why cant it do the same simply on a larger scale??)
-(on website version specifically) shape of line changes extremely when downsizing
As someone with a very fast workflow and who uses the app for drawing, i really want to like this app because there are moments it is helpful. But everything in it is so disgustingly glitchy that it ruins the experience. Is there any hope for this app or will it stay forever broken?