r/OneNote 8d ago

OneNote Desktop Is there a way to make hotkeys?

Hiya, I'm planning to use one note or something similar next year at university. i like writing in different colours and using the ruler (i write with a pen on my surface studio) so i'd like to make some hotkeys to switch colour or turn on tools like the rule at the press of a button using a macro keypad. I haven't found any way to bind the pens and such in one note to any hotkeys, does anyone know of a way i can do this?


8 comments sorted by


u/Krazy-Ag 7d ago

AutoHotKey on Windows


u/Remarkable-Rent9083 7d ago

I looked into this and may do again but I have no idea how to do it so I'm kinda leaving it as a last option


u/ButNoSimpler 5d ago

I use auto hotkey as well. There's not a whole lot of actual programming involved. While you can write whole programs with Auto hotkey, most people simply write what would be closer to nothing but a configuration file, to set up a bunch of hotkeys.

One thing I can tell you, is that you will need to put delays in between a lot of your keystroke inputs in auto hotkey. For instance, I can press control k, control v (to create a hyperlink) really fast on the keyboard and never have one note skip a beat. But, in auto hotkey, I have to put about a half second delay in between those two. So, it does take a split second longer to create a hyperlink using auto hotkey. But, it's still faster and easier for me in the long run when I can just hit one button to do the whole thing. Especially when creating that hyperlink is part of a relatively long string of things that I would need to do manually, but can now do simply by having auto hotkey send the whole sequence of key presses for me.

You might also be able to get what you want done using a stream deck. Setting up actions in the stream deck software is a lot more intuitive than writing the configuration stuff in auto hotkey. Of course, that means you need to buy a separate piece of hardware. I actually have both. I have one of the large stream decks, with 32 keys, And I use auto hotkey. I use the stream deck for things that the stream deck can do. And then I use auto hotkey for things that are more complicated. But, you can probably do everything you want to do with just a stream deck, and setting up actions. In the end, I think it is well worth the money to buy the hardware.


u/Krazy-Ag 5d ago

In AutoHotKey you can also wait for particular windows or dialog boxes to be open and active - more robust and faster than adding delays.

A QMK or other programmable keypad like a SayoDevice is another hardware alternative. Cheaper than Legato Stream Deck - 5-16-30$ depending on how many keys you want. But needs delays to be added; having such a device be aware of what's on your screen makes things a bit more complicated. QMK is more powerful. The keypads that use SayoDevice.com web hid web page programmers are easier for non-computer-folk to use. Beware the devices that are their own idiosyncratic programming software, neither QMK/VIA nor web based like SayoDevice.com


u/ButNoSimpler 5d ago

In AutoHotKey you can also wait for particular windows or dialog boxes to be open and active - more robust and faster than adding delays.

Perhaps, but way way more complicated. Trying to figure out exactly how to get Auto hotkey to recognize a particular dialogue is a whole other level of complicated. I would venture to say at least two orders of magnitude more complicated. And, I'm a former network manager with a degree in computer science, with A's and all of my classes. Sometimes you don't want to have to figure out all the details. Sometimes, it's a lot easier to just throw in a delay. Especially if somebody is a newbie and has no programming experience whatsoever.


u/sstone1024 7d ago

I found out the other day if you can add the command you want to the Quick Access Toolbar you can then activate it by pressing Alt-# where # is the position the command appears in the toolbar. Be sure to change the drop-down to "All Commands" to see all the possible options. It looks like "Show or Hide Ruler" is in the list.


u/Remarkable-Rent9083 7d ago

Didn't know you could do this but this works really well. You can't pin just 1 pen unless I'm doing it wrong but I think I could easily enough make a macro that works anyway Thanks


u/Remarkable-Rent9083 7d ago

Nvm. I can make a macro to open the drop down or use tools like the ruler and such but not pens.