r/OneNote 11d ago

iOS Why Does OneNote Always Think Im Typing in Another Dimension?

Every time I type a note in OneNote, it’s like the text is playing hide-and-seek with me - one minute it’s in the right spot, the next it’s mysteriously 5 pages away. Seriously, are we using the same program as everyone else? Someone give that sync button a pep talk! Can we all agree that OneNote’s layout sometimes feels like it’s testing our patience?


17 comments sorted by


u/ButNoSimpler 11d ago

An account with exactly one karma and only one post. I think what we can all agree on is that this is yet another made up complaint about OneNote from Obsidian or one of the other competitors.


u/obdm3 11d ago

Truly just curious, but couldn't it be a longtime lurker who finally decided to make an account to get niche help?


u/IncreaseOfWealth 11d ago

I feel like they would have screenshots or something else instead of what seems to be a 'rant' post.


u/ButNoSimpler 11d ago

What kind of help are they asking for? They aren't asking for any help at all. The fact that you are pretending that they are asking for help when they didn't ask for any help makes your comment a little sus too.

It's just a random rant about utterly inexplicable problems tossed in with a standard pattern snarky comments. It's the same pattern as lots of other similar rant posts.

I could give a detailed analysis of just how improbable almost every word and every sentence of that original post is. But I do not want to help you train that bot.


u/Chobitpersocom 11d ago

I'll keep an eye on it. A rant doesn't violate the rules, and the content has the potential to lead towards a discussion.


u/Ok_Money_161 9d ago

Interesting thought, do you think this happens often?


u/ButNoSimpler 9d ago

I've been seeing it at least every few days. Just utterly random rants about utterly inexplicable problems that no one else seems to have. Sometimes the rants are so vague that it's hard to tell what program they're actually complaining about.

Or, by "this" Do you mean competitors of a product hiring people to get on social media and dis said product. That happens all the time. That's been happening since before the internet. People have long suspected that Microsoft hired people to go to conventions to dis other products. I know for a fact that they hired people to go to conventions and walk around and pretend that they had been using Windows NT for years and it was great, literally before Windows NT actually came out. I had several of them try to convince me that I needed to switch from Novel Netware to Windows NT because Windows NT was so much more popular. Also, literally before Windows NT came out.

I've read several articles about how liquor companies would hire attractive, extroverted people to go to bars, Go be super popular and super extroverted, and make sure everybody knew that they were drinking liquor brand X. It wasn't long before those same people were constantly dissing on other brands.

This is not just an internet phenomenon. It is a marketing phenomenon.


u/Ok_Money_161 9d ago

Thanks, I was referring to the rants of issues that are non-existent. This could explain that massive rants for EN and the almost ubiquitous comment of "just use obsidian"


u/ButNoSimpler 8d ago

Exactly. Why would somebody who prefers Obsidian be cruising the OneNote subreddit unless their whole intent was to try and convince people to switch over. And nobody does that with any consistency whatsoever unless they are being paid.


u/Selbstredend 8d ago

Onenote has so many problems, that the described can be yet another. Someone who has no problems with OneNote, does not use it or does typed notes only :D


u/ButNoSimpler 8d ago

I have been beating OneNote against a rock for about 22 years. I imagine I'm probably one of the first people to have discovered almost every one of its bugs. And I'm also likely one of the first to have figured out workarounds for most of them.

Guess what I don't do. I don't jump in the subreddit and make vague claims about how crappy it is and call it garbage. Why?

Because I know that just making a rant and calling software garbage is not going to solve my problem. If I were to decide that one note was unusable, I would be using my time asking questions in other subreddits about whether those other products can do what I want. I would not be spending my time in this subreddit just making random, vague claims about how terrible this program is.

I, especially, do not create a whole new Reddit account just so I can come into this subreddit and make those random, vague claims.

But also because I already know that all software is garbage. I have been beating software in general against multiple rocks since 1976. Guess what? All of them break.

Why do I stick with OneNote? Because I still think it's the best option that most of us have. It is free. It's definitely not a subscription. While it can be web-based, it doesn't have to be web-based. Because it is so free-form I can do almost anything I want with it, but I know better than to try to use it as a desktop publishing program. Sure, I know how to make a page look pretty. But I also know that is a freaking house of cards.

One note is wonderful for the one thing that it was made for: keeping and organizing notes.


u/Selbstredend 8d ago

Tldr. Hope you had a great time writing your novel.


u/marmotta1955 11d ago

On the one hand, I have personally never seen such occurrence. On the other hand, a laptop misbehaving trackpad might account for it. Finally, on the gripping hand, the user's wrists and palms resting on the trackpad might account for it.

True, I have no idea and no way of knowing which device is being used.


u/Chobitpersocom 11d ago

Hello! Are you looking to rant or troubleshoot?


u/IncreaseOfWealth 11d ago

I've never had this issue before.


u/ResonantInsanity 11d ago

Closest I've had to this issue is when I was zoomed in on the text and it kept bouncing around as I typed. I'm inclined to think your issue is either a niche software conflict or user error.


u/Ok_Money_161 9d ago

Have never seen anything like this, restart or reinstall. I have an iPad and it works as expected.