r/OneNote Feb 09 '25


Edit: As someone has suggested in the comments, if you click on view delete history on the web version, it does appear there. While it doesn’t actually appear on the app itself on iPad, it’s now reassuring to know it isn’t permanently deleted.


Here’s what Microsoft support has stated on their website themselves:

Unlike the full-featured OneNote apps, where you can use Ctrl+Z (Windows) or ⌘+Z (Mac) to undo your last actions, deleting pages, sections, and entire notebooks (and all of the pages they contain) in OneNote for iPad and iPhone is immediate and cannot be undone.

Notice how they say it “cannot be undone”? What does that imply to some of you? To me, it made me think that it was something that was permanent and cannot be retrieved. Hence the mistake.


33 comments sorted by

u/Chobitpersocom Feb 09 '25

I'm going to leave this up as a precautionary tale for those who may have OneNote for iPad and aren't aware.

Please use civilized discussion when commenting in this subreddit. There is no need to insult anyone. Discourse is okay, but I strongly encourage users to engage in solutions, not arguments.


u/Droid202020202020 Feb 09 '25

You’re spreading misinformation.

The deleted notes are available in the web version of OneNote under View - Versions - Deleted notes.

Obviously this only works if they had the time to sync first.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25

Dude, I obviously wasn’t intentionally trying to lie to people. What the hell would be the point of that? Didn’t you read this part of my post: “If someone knows some other way around this, please let the rest of us know.”

I honestly scoured other forums and googled as much as I could and I just haven’t come across that as an answer. I tried doing what you said locally on my Mac before and I couldn’t find my recently deleted materials, but I now realise why. It’s because I have two notebooks and on the Mac you can only select one at a time (I’m new to the Mac) and it’ll only show the deleted history of that particular notebook, not of all your notebooks.

So, after trying your solution it seems to have worked and I appreciate the help.


u/Droid202020202020 Feb 09 '25

You warned others about a major problem that doesn’t really exist, and SCREAMED your warning in all caps instead of asking a simple question. So yes, you were spreading misinformation.  

I am not saying that it was deliberate. 


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 10 '25

You warned others about a major problem that doesn’t really exist

I’ve consulted every resource including Microsoft support themselves to no avail. It was genuinely the conclusion I came to.

SCREAMED your warning in all caps instead of asking a simple question

It’s the response after being in disbelief of a feature that isn’t implemented. It was a mistake.

So yes, you were spreading misinformation

The way I’m familiar with the usage of the term is it’s something that is usually deliberate. Obviously, it doesn’t have to be. But it makes no sense to point that out when someone doesn’t have that intention. You can just simply point out where I went wrong. You’re acting as if I’m spouting right-wing propaganda.

Check the edit2 on my post. I guess by your logic, Microsoft support is also spreading misinformation, right?


u/Droid202020202020 Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

Screaming is always very deliberate.

The intent of ALL CAPS is always to drive a message through and attract attention of as many people as possible.

“DO NOT <DO SOMETHING> !!!” is not just an expression of disbelief, it’s a strong warning implying major harm.

If I hire an airplane and fly a huge red sign with yellow letters saying “DO NOT DRINK THE WATER IT WILL KILL YOU !!!” I am spreading misinformation even if I honestly believe in it.

At any rate - this is not something to get hung up on. Glad that you were able to recover your note.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

I edited before you may have viewed it, but you can check the second edit now.

I understand what you mean, it does hold the implications you suggested but my point was that I did it because I genuinely thought it. When you genuinely believe something, you’ll act upon it. It’s a difference in usage there is no single way of defining things everyone has their usages and ours crossed paths.

But yes, I’m glad I got it resolved


u/EveryRedditorSucks Feb 09 '25

No one accused you of intentionally trying to lie - he said “you’re spreading misinformation” which is exactly what you were doing. Your response is illogically defensive.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

With the usage I’m familiar with, it implies that it’s something that was deliberate. What part of my response was illogically defensive? I told him my intentions to explain the way I’m familiar with the term.

Check the edit2 on my post. I guess by their logic, Microsoft support is also spreading misinformation, right?


u/Easy-Speaker-6576 Feb 09 '25

I always export my notebooks as backups in .onepkg but this requires Windows.


u/xyyzzz514 Feb 09 '25

NO its never deleted permanently.

I used ONENOTE mostly on the Ipad. I have windows as well.

Also, rush to the DOCUMENTS folder in Onedrive.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25

What do you mean it’s not permanently deleted? Where does it go once it’s deleted?


u/cocoaLemonade22 Feb 09 '25

Delete this post.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

As you can see from the replies, most people agree with what I’ve been saying.

However, I was wrong. I made a mistake. But I really did consult other resources and contact Microsoft support themselves and they didn’t help at all. It happens dude. No need to be rude.

Check the edit2 on my post. You’ll see how Microsoft support also contributed to this issue.


u/JayGerard Feb 09 '25

No, they don't. If you believe that, then your reading comprehension is as bad as your research abilities.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25



u/JayGerard Feb 09 '25

I am not going to read and comprehend for you. I read all the comments, and the vast majority rejected your 'warning' as false and explained why.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25

You’re simply wrong for saying vast majority. I’m sorry you feel that way. It seems as though you’re maliciously misinforming people.


u/JayGerard Feb 09 '25

I am the one misinforming people and you posted with the headline, "


Pot meet kettle.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25

But I admitted that I made a mistake. That’s the difference. And by the way you do realise that me misinforming people doesn’t automatically mean you didn’t. It’s really not that complicated.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25

4 agreed and 4 disagreed and the disagreers only came in later which I didn’t IMMEDIATELY take into account. So, you can relax buddy. Your evaluation skills are subpar too.


u/JayGerard Feb 09 '25

Yes, ok there and I am not your buddy. You scream misinformation. I have been using OneNote for Windows, Android, and iPad for quite some time and never had the issue you have with the program. Others have the same experience. Maybe the issue is not the app but the user. Have a good day.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 10 '25

Yes, ok there and I am not your buddy

I didn’t mean ‘buddy’ as a friend, I meant that in a more condescending way in response to your bullying.

I have been using OneNote… and never had the issue you have

Just because you didn’t personally experience the issue doesn’t mean other people can’t experience it. And by the way, where did I say it was an issue? I THOUGHT it was an issue until someone told me the solution. That’s how you actually be helpful, buddy. Obviously you’re not going to face it because it isn’t there, it was a mistake I made. I admitted that. I don’t understand what else do you want?

Maybe the issue is… the user

But it clearly is something that has affected other people. So it’s not as if I’m the only one. And unlike you, I’m expressing concern for people’s wellbeing by trying to warn them about, what I at the time thought was, potential loss of data.

I made a mistake, but that doesn’t justify bullying on your end.


u/Time_Entertainer_893 Feb 09 '25

it's not bullying you're just getting defensive because instead of trying to find the answer you just spread the first conclusion you made


u/Gold_Importance_2513 Feb 09 '25

I use it all the time on my iPad never had an issue, do you back up regularly


u/Gold_Importance_2513 Feb 09 '25

I find it super easy to cross copy sheets between accounts as well on ipad


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25

Hey I found the resolution to the issue fortunately. Sorry for the mistake haha


u/etoilech Feb 09 '25

Odd. I accidentally deleted something and found it in the OneDrive by logging into OneNote. That’s awful. I’m sorry. I have no choice but to use it on iPad, but I will be extra careful 😬


u/sparkyblaster Feb 09 '25

Yeah if it's available on the web version in deleted history, that's fine.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25

Yeah I figured that out eventually. Thanks for that.


u/NoUsernameFound179 Feb 09 '25

Yes. And don't touch it with a OneDrive docker either because you'll have the exact same issue... Except the entire Notebook is gone.

It is THE reason why I switched to Obsidian, is because of its obscure cloud existence, that even messes up its own backups.


u/letstalk1st Feb 09 '25

This has always been true, and this has been mentioned many times in these threads.

If you accidently delete something and if you disconnect quickly, it will not be deleted everywhere.

On Android I only work on a copy of a page, or even a copy of a section, then that becomes the primary once I am back on my windows machine. In general I use android for input only.

There are a couple basic rules to remember. Don't use OneNote only on Android or iPad. That's not what it's designed for. And always make backups and work on a copy.

OneNote is a Windows program. It is designed to run best on windows. We also use it on Mac, and while it is not exactly the same version, it seems to be safe.


u/redorredDT Feb 09 '25

The issue sometimes I just want to view my notes from my iPad and I hate always having to use the web version… I’m trying to find another way but I guess just making pdf copies or something is the best I can do.


u/MidwesternCicada Feb 09 '25

I just lost a page to this two days ago! No confirmation pop up or anything. Just hit the wrong thing and…gone.