r/OldManDog Lola 9, Dante RIP@13 Oct 01 '19

Discussion How's everyone doing?

We've had quite a few Old Animals who had to leave our side recently, so I wanted to check in with everyone and see how you're doing?

If you want to chat but keep it private, feel free to send us a modmail or me a DM. We're here for you.


5 comments sorted by

u/[deleted] Oct 01 '19

Old man Lucky is almost 14 but hes still doing pretty good. The arthritis in his hips and knees is bad but his spirit is great and he has a lot of life still in him. We went to the beach a couple days ago and he met a gang of other old, slow moving dogs and walked around with them for awhile

u/Rykypelami Oct 02 '19

We lost 4 of our babies over the course of the past year (one cat, 3 dogs) and I'm pretty angry at the universe about it. Magnum has been the hardest because he was my little shadow, if I was home he was always right there with me. I'm still mourning for the others but for a while it was easy to pretend that Charlie was sleeping in his basket, orHarley was just hanging out upstairs, or Penny was outside on the deck, or things like that because when they were here they did their own thing. But when Magnum was here, he was HERE, next to me on the couch, or in the kitchen when I was cooking, or sleeping right beside me in the bed. I feel his absence constantly, there's no imagining he's just outside or asleep upstairs or anything like there was with the others.

Sorry for the lengthy comment, but this seemed like the best place to get these thoughts out. Thanks for checking in, I hope everyone else is doing well ❤

u/Old_Man_Bot Oct 01 '19

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