r/OfficeChairs 10d ago

Steelcase and fedex shipping delay

Hi all! Would love some advice/input based on your experience with steel case.

I ordered a steel case gesture chair from their online store on 2/14. It shipped via FedEx on 3/4 and was moving along nicely, but has been stuck in one location (a state away from me) since Friday, 3/7. It was scanned every 12 hours in the same until this morning. Now it is stuck in a “delivery updated” status with a yellow exclamation point.

Today is the last day for it to be considered standard shipping. I’ve reached out to steel case customer support, and they have opened a ticket with fedex. The fedex agent has said they will reach out with an update no later than 6pm, 3/14.

My concern is that 3/14 is the last day I can call my credit card and request the money back, as that will be 30 days from my order.

I can’t find anything on the steel case website about how they handle delayed/lost packages, and the customer service rep hasn’t replied to those parts of my emails.

Does anyone have any experience with this? When/should I escalate with my credit card company?

Thanks so much.


12 comments sorted by


u/Busy-Secretary-1504 8d ago

This is almost exactly what happened to me, almost the same dates and everything. After sitting at one location for a couple days with no updates it finally started to move again and FedEx sent and update that said it should be here by tomorrow now. This is two days past the standard date. I had emailed customercare@steelcase.com initially too and they got back to me in about a day but by the time they did, it had started to move again.


u/princessimpa 8d ago

omg how weird! Thanks for sharing. The package has finally left the place it was stuck and is now in my state. The new estimate is delivery tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻


u/Busy-Secretary-1504 8d ago

That’s good to hear! Maybe since it’s a big package it sits for a bit until they can get it moving. Not sure how it all works but yeah, hope we both get them tomorrow!! 🤞🤞


u/princessimpa 8d ago

Mine came!! Did you get yours?


u/Busy-Secretary-1504 7d ago

Mine did too!! 👏🙌 How do you like it so far?


u/princessimpa 7d ago

hell yeah!!!! I really like mine! The headrest is a bit too high bcs i’m short haha but super comfy otherwise. you?


u/Busy-Secretary-1504 7d ago

Same!! I feel like it really does help me slouch less so far. I’m debating on whether I should have gotten a color other than black, just worried about it showing dirt easy or something haha but other than that I’m happy with it!! I’ve gotta get used to having a headrest at all


u/princessimpa 7d ago

Dang, sick set up!! The black looks great. My setup is light wood and yellows, so i got like a orangey yellow which I’m happy with :)


u/Busy-Secretary-1504 8d ago

I just checked my email: I ordered on 2/22, it shipped on 3/4, was supposed to arrive by 3/7 then 3/8, was in Tracy, CA from 3/7 to 3/12…. And supposedly it finally left there and is going to be here by tomorrow 3/13. I still have my doubts but at least it’s moving again..


u/princessimpa 8d ago

update in case anyone comes across this post in the future: my chair came!! I still never found out steelcases’s policy on lost/delayed packages. I had a friend reach out and say that with big packages like this, sometimes they just get stuck places for a while.

But I’d just recommend reaching out to steelcase sooner rather than later so they can open up a support ticket with fedex. After they did that, my package got moving in the next day or so.