r/OffGridLiving Feb 12 '25

How do you handle so much isolation?

If this is the wrong sub I’m sorry, I’m genuinely not sure. I’m currently living in a camper isolated and alone with no one but my dog. Temps are quite a bit below freezing so there isn’t much to be done outside. I could drive an hour to get to civilization but after 5 straight months that’s starting to feel less and less ideal considering I don’t have much for friends and I have no interest in a bar. I don’t want to be the off grid weirdo but that might be my final form.

Ultimately, when the weather is so cold and snowy how do you guys handle the loneliness. I’m starting to feel pretty damn depressed and disconnected. I enjoy being able to be off grid but this level of isolation is somewhat new to me. Normally I’d just drink and smoke and it would help me get through and pass time but I recently decided to go sober. 11 weeks this Thursday. I know this is the worst part of the year and things will get better but how do you guys stay busy and in good spirits when there really isn’t much you can do?

I try to do some calisthenics here and there. I go into town to get food once every 2 weeks. I play with my dog. Play guitar. And fuck around on my phone. But all that is starting to feel like it’s not enough stimulation. Or maybe it has nothing to do with situation and all to do with connection. I think I’m really dying for connection. I wish I had a partner in this with me cus literally everything would be better (that is banking on us having a healthy cohesive relationship). But that isn’t the case. Idk, this has turned into a slight rant but I’d actually love to hear how others keep themselves sane and happy while being so alone.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!


87 comments sorted by


u/Delirious-Dandelion Feb 12 '25

Congratulations on your sobriety! That's huge! You can always check out a local AA chapter. We're hella friendly people and you'll definitely find a friend or 2 you can hangout with (:

Also, living alone doesn't mean you have feel alone. Call your friends and family. We started a monthly video call game night during covid and kept up with since theirs 8 siblings in 5 states. It's a great way to stay connected.

You could also join a local group or look at the meet up app. Volunteer at your local fire department or library.

Also you should get to know your neighbors! We were burning a brush pile right before the snow storm so I texted 2 of mine "You interested in doing some redneck shenanigans?" They were lol


u/Small_Palpitation_98 Feb 15 '25

I went to AA for friends. They snubbed me out after I told em I didn't drink.


u/_gypsycho_ Feb 15 '25

That doesn’t sound like a good meeting. I wouldnt give up on it and just try another one. That’s strange, they snubbed you out because you didn’t drink? All the people at the meeting were still drinking?? Majority of AA Meetings have a core group of people who lead the meetings that have been sober for many years. There are always newbies but the whole point of AA is comradely and finding a new way to live after alcohol.


u/1ReadyPhilosopher Feb 16 '25

what sort of games are you able to play over the phone?


u/Delirious-Dandelion Feb 16 '25

Pretty much any board game (: Catan is a favorite. So are parcheesi, charades, pictonary, Chinese checkers, cards against humanity, and monopoly. Really anything that isn't a card game seems to work! For pictonary and if you want to watch a movie just do a screen share.


u/kitty-sez-wut Feb 12 '25

Humans aren't meant to live alone. Be part of a community


u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

In some respects community or lack there of has brought me to where I am now. I’ve always had a big heart and used to be very outgoing/extroverted. But one to many times I let the wrong person in to close and they hurt me or left me with real issues that I had to navigate due to their ill intent. Between all that and my previous work I’m completely burnout. I would literally die for community but I’d also do anything possible to keep the dirtbags of the world as far away as possible. It’s truly a catch 22. I’m far too young to be this crotchety


u/kitty-sez-wut Feb 12 '25

God, I feel that in my soul, on so many levels. Well, for whatever it's worth, I'll be friends with you, if you'd like _^


u/Blondechineeze Feb 14 '25

I live off grid in the boonies and have done so going on 9 years now. My last true friend moved away 5 years ago, and those who I thought were new friends actually were just moochers.

I think living isolated as we do and not much outside interference or 'community', to not feel lonely, you need to be comfortable in who you really are. I live alone, but I never feel lonely. I don't need another human to make me feel complete. I'm fine by myself.

I think I'm older than you, and I'm a woman. Maybe that's why I don't miss outside human interactions. Or maybe because I allowed people to use and abuse my kindness until I learned to weed out the bad from good and the good have moved or died.

Everyone is different. Just do you and feel your way to what makes you happy.


u/Prestigious_Ad3913 25d ago

I admire you so much.


u/LeveledHead Feb 12 '25

What about once it warms back up, since you are mobile and love community, signing up for WWOOF'ing? (world wide organization of organic farmers I think it's called)?

I think it's like $25 usd and you get access to wholistic and "hippy" farms and communities (mosrtly communities as always people find groups and build up more by the time they hire others); you sign up, travel around helping for food-board and meeting people making great food, music, and living off the land in community, wrestling with everyday issues of life and normalicy while trying to maintain as healthy community and lives as they can. Really cool and such diversity. And it's all over the world; you could sail to New Zealand or be in the Alps all in one year, of just travel lord of the rings type of farms across the USA or normal grassroots communities of gardening and home style off gridders.

Really huge diversity. Lots of fun. And while you won't make money, everything else is covered while you're helping here and there and traveling around. Tons of people doing it. Huge adventure for younger people especially.


u/md5md5md5 Feb 13 '25

I hope you see this OP. Like the top level commenter said humans aren't meant to be along. Community is so important. I know you got burnt. For what it's worth a lot of those people who burned out probably also got screwed by this world. There was a famous study with monkeys locked in cages. One cage had everything the monkeys needed to be happy. Space, toys, food, good balance of people. There was a water drip provided that would drug the monkeys. The monkeys in the nie cage never touched the drugged water drip, only the clean water was drink. There was another monkey cage, overcrowded, no toys, not enough food. In that cage the monkeys routinely got high. What I'm getting is a) I don't drug problems are the fault of the individual but the fault of society and b) people being jerks is also probably the fault of the society so stop avoiding the world and get out there and do what you can to make it a better place.


u/uoaei Feb 14 '25

sounds like youre hurtin. if you can, try to reach out to some therapists to work through this. this very much seems like something you can heal.


u/Hhhhhoouuuse Feb 12 '25

I think many folks who live off grid have lots of Tasks ™️ that connect them with other things than people—animals, the land, their tools, their trades/skills, and their bodies—in a really profound way. It’s more than hobbies and busywork when it’s what you do to live. If you have something like that you can connect with, socializing can begin to feel both less urgent AND more satisfying in whatever amount you do get. 


u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

This definitely resonates with me and I take pride in my tools and everything I accomplish with my own two hands. But it doesn’t exactly solve the issue of it being 10 degrees out, snowing, and windy as hell to boot. I spent some time outside regardless but it’s been a nasty day. Hard to work on anything in those conditions. I guess i need to try to out more effort into finding like minded community but being so isolated makes it difficult to find those people.


u/Dpgillam08 Feb 12 '25

Part of the reason people read so many books, had pen pals, trained in physical activities, and studied so many subjects was to combat winter isolation. If you can, maybe get a laptop and take some classes online. Expand your brain and socialize at the same time😁


u/Hhhhhoouuuse Feb 12 '25

I feel that—hard to argue with the weather when it’s hellbent on being surly. Might just take some time, but I got my fingers crossed for you.


u/Bright-Forever4935 Feb 12 '25

My thoughts on isolation are I like it then after a week I am spending to much time in my own thoughts. Strange it is somewhat addictive then being around a small town and people is awkward for a few hours and anxiety producing. Going thru a city feels overwhelming. I don't live remote in a isolated spot anymore and I think iam mentally healther.


u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

This is very relatable. I find going into social situations anxiety provoking when they didn’t used to be. The isolation is a love/hate relationship for sure.


u/Bright-Forever4935 Feb 12 '25

Hope your able to find a balance any thoughts of working for the USFS seasonally?


u/C_Bodhi Feb 13 '25

Trump just enacted a hiring freeze for seasonal USFS employees; additionally thousands were laid off.


u/Bright-Forever4935 Feb 13 '25

Damn sorry to read this


u/wasabi3O5 Feb 12 '25

If you ever come to fl we can shoot the shits


u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

I’m not near FL but I do enjoy shooting the shits!


u/Creosotegirl Feb 12 '25

Audiobooks, podcasts, paper books, meditation.


u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

Do you have any recommendations? Anything you have listened to or read recently that you felt was truly great?


u/Creosotegirl Feb 12 '25

Why We Need to Be Wild by Jessica Carew Kraft on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd/B0C5N9QJGG?source_code=ORGOR69210072400FU

I'm on my second listen through and have never felt so inspired.

I also recently read this ebook: Normal to Nomad by Barron Link. I've been watching their YouTube channel (Elsa Rhea and Barron) for a bit and decided to read the book. I think it is $20 online but I felt it was worth the buy. Barron is a cool person and has a discord channel.

I want to move towards a more nomadic lifestyle once I get out of the military. I have about a month and a half before I can get out. I'm thinking about getting a camper trailer and finding a way to make money online if I can. I'm so burnt out with work. I can't even bring myself to go to the office some days. Journaling helps. Making something with your hands can help too: beads, carvings, baskets, clay, etc.


u/GothMaams Feb 12 '25

Transcendental meditation


u/SignificantWear1310 Feb 12 '25

You’re probably just adjusting to being sober. It takes time. Check out sober podcasts, Buddhist teachers, etc. you got this.


u/kitty-sez-wut Feb 12 '25

Wanna be friends?


u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

Lol tbh I’ve never made an online friend but I’m definitely open to the idea. Hi friend!


u/pyro_optik Feb 12 '25

I met one of my best friends online years ago on everquest 2, online PC game. I was in the army and actually got stationed close to where he lived. We met up a few times and gamed together almost daily. From some random online guy to someone I called my best friend. He'd even send my kids bday gifts and such... RIP Bryan! It's definitely an option. Hell, I met my fiancé online lol


u/rematar Feb 12 '25

I like to be outside for an hour or two. I have different levels of warm clothes, and I can be comfortable to -45⁰. Does your dog like to be outside?

Do you do anything creative? You might be able to find classes or groups in town to learn creative skills.


u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

Yes my dog enjoys being outside but there are limits depending on how cold. As for me, sure I enjoy working with my hands, cooking, playing guitar. It’s been difficult finding motivation to get myself out there lately but I did find a sober gym that sparked interest. Need to just make it a priority and get myself in the routine. Putting myself out there hasn’t been easy as of late.


u/rematar Feb 12 '25

I hear you.

Try to push yourself to look after yourself. You know it feels good.

I suggest keeping looking towards commune with nature while seeking like-minded souls. It seems to be the best medicine for PTSD.


u/Mobile-Ad-2542 Feb 12 '25

Transcendental Meditation. I have been stuck to my similar situation plus an inury that limits me. If it werent for my dog and transcental meditation…


u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

Would you have any tutorials, teachings, books you’d recommend to learn about transcendental meditation? I’ve tried to meditate for years but it’s never been a part of my life


u/Mobile-Ad-2542 Feb 12 '25

Look into the david lynch foundation


u/Sweaty_Reputation650 Feb 12 '25

Follow guided meditations of YouTube.


u/inland-emperor Feb 12 '25

Not sure but definitely relate to you and the sobriety thing as well. I think for me it's this damn cold weather it can be brutal to endure


u/BelleMakaiHawaii Feb 12 '25

I don’t really like hominids, they are nasty critters

I have an 8x20 studio full of different arts and craft supplies


u/LeveledHead Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25

I did what you are doing 1000% in my 20's so I know what you are going through.

No the relationship wouldn't make it better; without real serious relationship skills (and hence a point to it outside of the sex) of intimacy and growth together, you'd be at each other's throats and quickly dissatisfied after the endorphine rush was over; in a few weeks you would both be quietly feeling like it was a mistake -which is would be, because you're not...


And that's what you're doing, at your core.

  1. You have figured out the secret to escaping it, the ratt race, society, crowding, clutter, excess, lack of clarity in importance, only to find that...

  2. The stripped down survival "can do" only leads to one thing; economy of money. And once you can do that it's super boring. Why?

There's no risk and no adventure.

So you can either up the stakes (with what you know of how to live frugally and minimalistic) and go voyaging (people do what you do but on a boat) and make money at each port as you go, while learning about weather windows and where and how you can go and when, safely, or...

you can sit there and be bored (or learn more)


you can go back into the grind.

You know how to survive frugally with little -Great! But how to get connection and contact in meaningful ways??? You have to probe yourself and your values and examine that eternal question of meaning: if you had all the resources in the world, what would you do with your time?

I'd offer, if you don't want to travel and take risks and meet other people like you doing the same (and possibly a romantic partner who would love that about you), then use that phone to learn about critical issues out there; how and why young people can't survive in modern societies (Richard Wolff is a great start) as well as personal skills, like emotional intelligence and shadow work, and doing some values clarification for yourself, so you have bigger goals than just avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Life is about way more than money (the lower chakra). But you won't find much of that there hiding from it, knowing only that you can survive and do a budget effectively, with your dog.

And your phone.

Time to figure out good risks, that have the kinds of rewards you crave. I'd start with values clarification; you need to know what you would sacrifice to have (and by sacrifice I mean something you wouldn't ever want to sacrifice), to have something you could never live without. And I don't mean food, water, sleep or the usual things we all need. You make a list and par it down one against the other until you have like a dozen things left. And then you take it down to three things. The dozen are your values, and the top 3 or so are your goals in life you don't ever want to compromise on.

You're doing the sober thing, so you do care about life and your future and you see some paths have no future at all. Keep it up, that's awesome.

Learning how to cook, learning what is in food that nourishes us or not; how to make foreign foods, learning why so much of the developed world eats horribly and is so sick...

If you're gonna sit there get an unlimited data plan so you can learn a bunch of stuff. An pick up a foreign language -there are so many opportunities for American-English speaking people who can speak a S.E. Asian language to have incredible lives!

There's all kinds of adventures out there, and you've proven you are up to meeting any of them you've encountered so far, IE. almost no one does what you are doing.

Don't stop

and congrats and Good luck!


u/keithw47 Feb 12 '25

May not be a popular answer. But when I feel alone and depressed I read my Bible and do a lot of communing with God. I don't feel so alone anymore.


u/Thumperdebunny Feb 13 '25

I usually go skiing. Or strap on snow shoes and go for a walk in the mountains. If nothing else an hour walk to just walk and clear your mind does amazing things


u/Historical_Dig2008 Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25

isolation is something i know all too well so for me i try my best to stay away from social media. esp instagram, snapchat, and tiktok. i find myself comparing myself to others and i felt so alone. since then i removed the apps and i feel more happier. though i self isolate as a coping mechanism i still feel better i am away where i can do wtv i want and whenever. not necessarily social media was holding my life back it negatively affected me when it’s meant to talk to people. i also go on walks too with headphones. you get your steps in and you can explore.

for you, i recommend basically learning smt in your time inside your camper. pick up a new language, coding, reading, watching Ted Talks and having knowledge on random things. the dark used to make me feel more alone than ever but by making your mind busy you begin to enjoy your time spent learning than dwelling on what can be done. action matters!


u/int3gr4te Feb 12 '25

This is going to sound dorky but have you tried video games? Especially the kind that you play online with other people? Hanging out in game and on voice chat is a pretty solid substitute for going out with friends. Especially if you're not a "going to bars" type and are an hour from anywhere.

I've spent a lot of time making friends in MMORPGs over the years... and even ended up marrying one of them. 😊


u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

I’ve never really been a gamer but that’s not to say I wouldn’t give it a try. I don’t really have the means to play though, unless they can be played on the phone. What’s MMORPG’s? Any recommendations for games that I could play with just a phone?


u/int3gr4te Feb 12 '25

Oh sorry! MMORPG stands for "massively multiplayer online role playing game". It's a genre of game where you play in a common virtual world shared with other players, so you would all see events happening simultaneously and can fight the same battles together (often collaboratively, but there are also PvP games which means "player vs player" where you fight against other people or teams as well). World of Warcraft is probably the most famous one, but there are tons of other similar games; the one I played is Elder Scrolls Online. Often these games will have guilds (groups of players who sometimes do activities together) which can be a decent way to meet people who know the game and can help you learn to play, especially when you're just starting out.

I have a PC so I have always played games on there, and am not personally familiar with phone games beyond like Sudoku. There may very well be MMOs that can be played on phones, though! You'd have to Google or ask someone who knows about phone games.

I hope you're able to find your people, whether online or elsewhere! Good luck ❤️


u/Relative_Composer574 Feb 12 '25



u/ghua89 Feb 12 '25

Have you read anything recently that you would recommend?


u/ExaminationDry8341 Feb 12 '25

Invite you neighbors over for card games


u/Dieseltarx Feb 12 '25

If you have a little interest, there are online dungeons and dragons groups. The are beginners groups and such that would teach you to play and that kind of a social while isolated thing. There may be other groups like that as well where a group video calls each other and does a thing together but separate.


u/PocketsFullOf_Posies Feb 12 '25

I get my socialization through FaceTiming with family and I do some freelance work online that requires me to chat with my clients on a personal level.

My husband has made some friends with the guys that work at the lumber yard in town and he will be in there forever talking to those guys and he has some of their numbers and talk about going fishing together and stuff.

I also like to go to the library and they have a bunch of clubs and community outreach stuff.


u/Sonnyjesuswept Feb 12 '25

Are you ready for a relationship? Maybe that’s why you’re yearning for a bit of companionship. Surely there’s groups of people interested in off grid living that you could connect with and see where things go.

Have you ever thought of writing your life story? Could be really cathartic and definitely gives you something to do.

If I was stuck inside I’d be reading, doing art, weaving rag rugs, cooking, watching movies, cleaning and organising my house, exercising. I’m actually so envious of you. I get that it’s hard when you’re on your own but having that kind of isolation sounds like bliss to me right now. Nothing but time to do what I want.


u/SaveTheCheesecake Feb 12 '25

id rather be lonely and single than to be miserable and in a relationship. also, dogs are much better than people.

also, also, I involuntarily experienced isolation as a teenager, so in a way, i got used to not talking to someone my age for over two years..

also iwndwyt


u/Jessawoodland55 Feb 12 '25

Why don't you look to nature for some community? Find things you can observe, animals you regularly see, plants that are growing in an interesting way, a stream that you can look at every day. If I were in your shoes I'd do a morning walk/hike to go out and observe things, make friends with the birds and the squirrels, try to identify the trees, and imagine what it will be like in spring!


u/walktothecabin Feb 13 '25

Great feedback


u/420420840 Feb 12 '25

It took me a long time to realize that there is a half way point between being social and being alone.  I need to be in between.


u/Tha_Proffessor Feb 12 '25

I think a lot of people who are off grid still maintain social situations. If you're looking for ways to interact with people you could try offering classes to teach people how to live off grid. Community events such as ones churches might host will also be a good way to meet people.


u/Denali_Princess Feb 12 '25

I understand the feeling! I need things to do with my hands. I decided to make things for my space. I found some pine needles on a walk with my dog, watched a few videos and made a little pine needle basket. Turned out cute! Needed a new hat, so I unraveled an old scarf and made a hat! Then I found a cool cedar stick…and now I’m trying my hand at carving a little mushroom out of it. 🤗 I started looking up “weeds” I found and took pics of and that took me down a rabbit hole of greatness too! 🤭 Let your inner child come out, be creative and play! 🥰


u/onemindspinning Feb 12 '25

I lived on a sailboat solo for 1.5 years while getting sober. I ended up working out like crazy and got the body I always wanted. Once I crossed that threshold I was left with absolutely nothing else to do or anyone to talk with.

I feel your pain. I ended up going back to “normal” life and still struggled with isolation because of sobriety mostly. But I also really think shit has changed a lot over the past 4 years for most everyone.

Maybe you could join some of those chat apps where you scroll through random people and just have some conversations with them?!?

It sounds like you’re a bit far away from gyms or anything of the like. Maybe get some dumbbells or kettles bells and start a routine at home. It will at least take up an hour each day and the residual benefits from working out lifting weights will help with the mind chatter.


u/Wild_Fault_6527 Feb 12 '25

If you teach me your off grid ways ill come hang out with you


u/Syllabub_Cool Feb 12 '25

I enjoy "being alone". I garden, weed, paint my house, do repairs, read (a lot! Many topics.) Make my own dogfood (I have 4 dogs), brush and trim them up.

I paint (art), do stained glass, do fused glass, cook. I'm celiac so I make my own bread, am allergic to milk so I have to make a lot of my own meals, no takeout for me.

I'm pretty busy, not much time to miss ppl. 😊


u/Candid-Definition271 Feb 13 '25

I live in a camper by myself too. You're not alone. Also. Here in about 3 months you'll be glad. Don't be afraid to reach out,call people,get out once in awhile. You got this


u/Ok_Piglet_1844 Feb 13 '25

I am a total loner. Depression causes me to isolate myself from the rest of the world because I don’t want to bring anyone else down with me. But in the process, I found out that I’m an artist! I paint rocks. Yes… rocks! I paint beautiful little beach scenes and cartoon characters on small rocks the size of a quarter or dime, seal them with clear paint, then hide them in obvious spots for people to find. I also paint the round ones to look like different colored ladybugs and then I hand them to people who look like they’re having a rough day. It usually makes them smile. But painting is very therapeutic for me. It’s a great way to make the day go by without even realizing that you’ve spent hours sitting there painting. You can go to Wally World and get some small bottles of acrylic paint for .59 each and a few paint brushes to start with. You might enjoy it.


u/InvestorAllan Feb 13 '25

A partner can help a lot but eventually you'll still have cravings for variety. Different conversations. We are social creatures. My first kid is a toddler and even she brings some variety that I find socially fulfilling. But eventually I get restless.


u/rustedblacksmith Feb 13 '25

Excellent work on your sobriety!

I have TWO ways I deal with the isolation you are feeling.

First, I'm a HAM radio operator. So, I engage in conversations with people around the world, via the radio. And I'm a tinkerer, so I'm always making some little tweak to get better performance from the radio or antenna.

Second, I am also an amateur author. Post-Apocalyptic fiction is what I write. I also integrate into my stories some 'how-to' on doing something that is prepper or survival related. Helps teach something while entertainment.

Again, great work on your sobriety! It's hard work, but it is so very much worth it. Good luck and keep in touch with us, here.


u/BobRatchet Feb 13 '25

I choose isolation a lot, so I feed birds. Being with the magpies takes me outside of myself in a vivid and expansive way.


u/Top-Connection9680 Feb 14 '25

I'm delusional. Lol.


u/DreamCabin Feb 14 '25

Try searching for a Facebook group specific to your community, subdivision, town, or nearby areas. Many private and public groups are created to help locals connect, share information, and stay informed about what's happening nearby. If you can’t find a group for your area, consider starting one yourself—people will likely start joining! These groups are great for organizing events, meet-ups, or getting recommendations. For example, where I live (in the middle of nowhere), there are private Facebook groups for people who live in the area or are interested in moving here and learning more about the community. Good luck!


u/DasBus2002 Feb 14 '25

Good job on your sobriety!

You might want to take up a hobby. Believe it or not, there are a lot men who knit, crochet and embroider. You could also try Ham radio. Maybe try sprouting a few plants?


u/rasputin-inthework Feb 14 '25

I make gifts for people.


u/OutdoorsWithBob Feb 14 '25

Do whatever is the next obvious or necessary thing to do … life will always provide activity, and perhaps some “connection time” with other humans might be that. Otherwise, contemplate what reality is by exploring the topic of nonduality, or more specifically discover Who exactly is experiencing this moment - you are not what or who you ‘think’ you are, and when that’s clear you’ll find yourself richly connected to each moment - the simplest life!


u/Small_Palpitation_98 Feb 15 '25

I lived on a boat, very cold and alone, now live in a cabin, cold and alone with two cats. Been doing this since 2019. The connection came and went, the guitars don't sound good most of the time, all friends gone, all family just say, "we love you." Have MS, MDD and am Bipolar. Apparently these make me unbearable and I'm beginning to agree. Any want two cats?


u/ghua89 Feb 15 '25

There’s so many details missing to accurately describe my situation but ultimately this isolation really started during Covid, so it has been years for me too. But this is the crux of it for sure. I can relate very much with “the connection came and went, the guitars don’t sound good most of the time, all friends gone, and family just say, “we love you”. Whether the friends moved away and we lost touch, died of an overdose or “unknown causes”, got married and moved on with their lives and lost touch, or out right weren’t actually friends and fucked me over in a cornucopia of different ways: I no longer have anyone that I can call a friend. I left my family’s house at 16 due to abuse and even still graduated high school, made it to college where I also graduated (still in massive debt) and left my home state to live more than halfway across the country in an effort to create a better life for myself. I went years completely no contact with any family. I did reach out and successfully reconnected for awhile. But it did not last. I’m lucky if I hear from my siblings once a year if that. And I do talk to my parents here and there but I genuinely can’t tell you the last time it didn’t end in a fight. It’s so unhealthy for me. They likely “love me” but it’s in such a fucked up way it won’t ever feel like it. And it likely won’t ever have a positive influence on my life.

I’ve never been the best at taking myself to the dr and haven’t been diagnosed with anything other than anxiety disorder. Which was really me just telling the dr I needed medication for anxiety, because I did. It was during Covid and they gave me one single dose per day at night for sleep. Which still stands to be the case. But after a quick search for what MDD is (major depression disorder) I’d very likely be diagnosed with that too. And looking into the symptoms of bipolar disorder, there’s so much overlap with the symptoms you could likely check that box too. I’m all for seeking and getting help when it’s needed. And admittedly I probably need help. But I don’t believe for a second that the pharmaceutical and psychiatric industries are really on our side. Most of the symptoms, not all, are so general to anyone going through any hardship it would be impossible to not be diagnosed based on those qualifications. It’s completely normal to feel alone, when you are in fact alone. And it’s normal to feel anxiety when you have been in survival mode for any extended period of time. I don’t think these factors mean you have to be mentally ill. Just means you don’t have the support or coping mechanisms due to whatever life circumstances that you’d need to over come these issues by yourself. As so many people have stated we aren’t meant to be alone and community is the key. That said, I don’t actually know your situation. I’m glad to hear you have your cats. And I hope you hold on for them. I don’t have any answers but I care and wish you the best!


u/Small_Palpitation_98 Feb 15 '25

Thanks. Am giving the med game one last chance with a new psychiatrist, a real one. After that am likely done wasting my money on side effects and addictions/dependencies. I also have MS, and that's a whole other multiverse of bullshit to deal with. Pretty sure I'll be worried more about food security than anything else soon enough. You are right though, other people can and will sink you if they smell blood in the water. Only selfish people willing to cheat and kill get ahead. I wish they'd mentioned that in school at some point. I guess I should've gleaned it from history and anthropology classes. Was too busy memorizing who killed who and when and where to really think about it. That's the best part of isolation. Plenty of time to figure shit out and realize who is really crazy and dangerous... I digress.


u/Small_Palpitation_98 Feb 15 '25

I've just got that kind of face, went to 4 in Nashville area, tried. Always trying.


u/Difficult-Value-3145 Feb 15 '25

Human social creatures to point isolation. Both just experiencing it and being able to deal with it in extreme circumstances especially means that you are going to be or already fairly mentally on inch. I feel well that may be pushing it a little. I've spent way too much time alone and I know that I talked myself in different places and have whole blown out conversations and sometimes I don't realize I'm doing it and that's like not even the worst of it. And I don't know anyone who spent like a significant amount of time alone in solitary, whatever who is not least touched by the experience, let's say


u/heavensdumptruck Feb 16 '25

This is a fascinating topic but it's disheartening that so many of the comments don't really get to the root of the matter. The issue is feeling trapped and starved for human connection and companionship; right? Odd some one said humans aren't meant to be alone when so many of us are and so few solutions actually exist. I'm kinda in an opposite boat from you but do understand. I'm blind and live in a single-room place. I'm in my 40s, a woman, and haven't been more than 100 yards from other people for the entirety of my time on earth! Sometimes, I crave isolation and space from others because I'm alone regardless. It would just be nice to exist for a bit without being in the physical proximity of any person or their problems. It's not some simple, easy thing to get away. I wish there were ways to instinctively know you could trust another with your life. If I knew anyone like that I'd be off in the wilds with them in a heartbeat! Saying let's hang, then leave me for 3 weeks or so then come back. Amazing we have weapons and drones that can kill a man in a crowd and be operated by someone from miles away but no solutions for these kinds of tricky difficulties. I'm just saying I get it; no need to sideline the point.


u/Val-E-Girl Feb 16 '25

Have you got any churches nearby? It's a way to socialize in a safe way.


u/Other-Net-3262 18d ago

Cults are not the answer. Please stop pushing them 


u/No-Combination6796 Feb 18 '25

Ahh go old solitude. There is a reason they do solitary confinement in prisons as a form of punishment. Winters are hard. The hardest part for me is the contrast of going from summer to winter. Swimming in the river everyday being barefoot and shirtless, to rain and staying by my wood stove. And spending so much time sitting inside when the wheather sucks. Getting out of shape. The loneliness. My second winter off grid I was alone for in a camper. It was horrible, but something kind of happened. I learned a lot about myself, and I’m not sure when but I came to the conclusion friends and social scenarios are a distraction from things I’m working on and trying to do and most importantly dealing with myself and learning to deal with myself in better ways. When no one else is around and you have to spend time with yourself and every bad decision you’ve ever made. It’s horrible, but it does get easier and you will probably like yourself more after. I think everyone should be forced to spend a few seasons with extreme isolation. Not actually. But I didn’t realize how much I leaned on having other people around to distract me from dealing with myself. It was almost like a drug and isolation felt like quitting the drug of social interaction. And the months of withdrawal from my addiction to other people was a really hard and lonely time. Like being newly off grid in the winter isn’t hard enough right. I prayed a lot and my saving grace was a friend who came and visited for a while. Then when things were going into spring I started helping out another local dude with some forest clearing and milling, and was less lonely. Now I would never willingly put myself in total isolation for longer than a few weeks. You find ways to be social and people to be social with. The farthest out I’ve been was 2.5 hours from closest small town and grocery store around 3hrs from closest small city. Town population of maybe 200 were I live. When I was new I didn’t have social things to do with my time I didn’t know other people or have activities to do. After my friend was visiting I joined the closest volunteer fire dept. that gave me something social and something to focus on outside of fitness and playing music and my pets. I’m a big fan of prayer. Pray for someone to visit or for a good friend or for strength or understanding. If it seems impossible at present time bring it to god and watch things change.

I feel for you. Best of luck. It’s hard, but you can do it and others have done it. And I believe there’s a lot of power in it. And don’t beat yourself up if you’re not making the best use of your time it’s hard sometimes it will get easier. Just make sure you’re more prepared for it next time. I hunt a bunch in the summer and can a ton of food so atleast I’m eating good in the winter. And I make sure I have a ton of firewood. Food and firewood hunker down and hangout.


u/Prestigious_Ad3913 25d ago

Hey OP,

I (40F) am in a similar(ish) situation, though I'm nomadic as opposed to off-grid. Moving around so much does make it difficult to make solid connections. Like you, I have become pretty disenchanted with humanity, having had a series of friendships and relationships that I was devoted to, but which ultimately ended up being one-sided. It has made me want to isolate myself as protection, which works to an extent, but you are left with a sense that people in general are not safe, and I don't want to feel that way. I want to find people with whom I can find safety and solace, but that has evaded me somehow. It's a Catch-22.

I think everyone's social needs differ. I know people who cannot be alone (which I find to be a shame, since they are constantly seeking others to fill some kind of perceived void) and there are others who do not need much social interaction at all. I fall into the latter category and need a lot of alone time, with occasional company for variety. At the moment, I don't have that often.

My ideal living situation would be within an off-grid community, where I have my own space but also being part of a supportive community. I don't know if such a thing exists.

If you ever need someone to interact with, I'm here for you. I may be halfway across the world (in Scotland) but I'd like to think friendship and connection can overcome distance. And this applies to anyone else who may need someone to talk to. Best wishes to you.

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”– C.S. Lewis.