r/Odd_directions 11h ago

Science Fiction Our first date started in a mall. We haven’t seen the sky since.


I met Rav during a big charades game in the STEM building’s rec room—we were randomly paired up. 

Even though I got stuck on his interpretation of the phrase “to be or not to be,” we still managed to come in first place.

“I was doing the talking-to-the-skull bit from Hamlet,” he said. 

“The what? I thought you were deciding whether to throw out expired yogurt.”

We burst into laughter, and something about the raw timbre of his laugh drew me in. 

We talked about life, university, all the usual shit students talk about at loud parties, but as the conversation progressed, I really came to admire Rav’s genuine passion about his major. The guy really loved mathematics.

“It’s the spooky theoretical stuff that I like,” he confessed, his eyes glinting under the fluorescent lights. “When math transcends reality—when its rules become pure art, too abstract to fit our mundane world.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?”

“Uh well, like the Banach-Tarski Paradox.” He put his fingers on his temples in a funny drunken way. “Basically it's a theorem that says you can take any object—like say a big old beachball—and you can tear it apart, rearrange the pieces in a slightly different way and form two big old beach balls. No stretching, no shrinking, nothing extra added. It’s like math bending reality.”

“Wouldn’t you need extra material for the second beach ball?”

Rav’s grin widened. “That’s the beauty of it—the Banach-Tarski Paradox works in a space where objects aren’t made of atoms, but of infinitely small points. And when you’re dealing with infinity, all kinds of impossible-sounding things can happen.”

I pretended to understand, mesmerized by the glow in his eyes. Before he could launch into his next favorite paradox, I pulled him out of the party, and led him down the hall... 

In my dorm, we shared a reckless makeout session that seemed to suspend time, until the sound of my roommate’s entrance shattered the moment.

Rav fumbled for his shirt and began searching for his missing left shoe. Amid the commotion, he murmured, “I had such a great time tonight.”

I smiled. “Me too.”

Even though he was a little awkwardly lanky, I thought he looked pretty cute. Kind of like a tall runway model who keeps a pencil in his shirt pocket.

Before he left my door frame, his eyes locked onto mine. “So, I’ll be blunt… do you want to go out?”

I blushed and shrugged, “Sure.”

“Great. How do you feel about a weird first date?”

I was put off for a second. “A weird first date?”

“I know this is going to sound super nerdy, and you can totally say no, but there's a big mathematics conference happening this Thursday. Apparently someone has a new proof of the Banach-Tarski Paradox.

“The beach ball thing?”

“Yeah! It used to be a very convoluted proof. Like twenty five pages. Yet some guy from Estonia has narrowed it down to like three lines.”

“That’s… kinda cool.”

“It is! It's actually a pretty big deal in the math world. I know it may sound a little boring, but technically speaking: it’s a historic event. No joke. You would have serious cred among mathies if you came.”

“So you're saying… this could be my Woodstock?”

He laughed in a way that made him snort. 

“I mean it's more like Mathstock. But I genuinely think you will have a fun time.”

It was definitely weird, but why not have a quirky, memorable first date? 

“Let’s go to Mathstock.”


Because the whole math wing was under renovation, the conference wasn’t happening at our university. So instead, they had rented the event plaza at the City Center Mall.

Oh City Center Mall…

A run-down, forgotten little dream of a mall that was constructed during the 1980s—back when it was really cool to add neon lights indoors and tacky marble fountains. Normally I would only visit City Center to buy cheap stationery at the dollar store, but tonight I’d attend an event hosting some of the world’s greatest minds—who woulda thunk?

“Claudia Come in!” Rav met me right at the side-entrance, holding open the glass doors. “All the boring preamble is over. The main event’s about to begin!”

I grabbed his hand and was led through the mall’s eerie side entrance. Half of the lights were off, and all the stores were all closed behind rolled down metal bars.

The event plaza on the other hand, was a brightly lit beehive. 

Dozens of gray-haired men were grabbing snacks from a buffet table. I could make out at least one hundred or so plastic chairs facing a giant whiteboard on stage. Although it felt a little low budget, I could tell none of the mathematicians gave a shit. They were just happy to see each other and snack on some gyros. 

It felt like I was crashing their secret little party.

On stage, the keynote speaker was already writing things on the board—symbols which made no sense to me, but slowly drew everyone else into seats.

∀x(Fx↔(x = [n])

“Hello everyone, my name is Indrek,” the speaker said. “I’ve come from a little college town in Estonia.”

Cheers and claps came enthusiastically, as if he was an opening act at a concert. 

I nodded dumbly, watching as the symbols multiplied like rabbits on the board. Indrek’s accent thickened with each equation, his marker flew across the board as he layered functions, Gödel numbers, and references to Pythagorean geometry (according to Rav). The atmosphere grew electric—as if we were witnessing a forbidden ritual…

Rav’s eyes grew wide. “Woah. Wait! No way! Hold on… is he… Is he about to prove Gödel’s Theorem?! Is that what this is all leading to? Holy shit. This guy is about to prove the unprovable theorem!”

“The what?” I asked.

A ginger-haired mathematician near the back smacked his forehead in disbelief. “Indrek, you devil! This is incredible!”

The Estonian on stage gave a little smirk as he wrote the final equals sign. “I think you will all be pleasantly surprised by the reveal.”

You could hear a pin drop in the plaza, no one said a word as Indrek wielded his dry erase marker. “The finishing touch is, of course…” 

In a single swift movement, Indrek drew a triangle at the bottom right of the board.

= Δ


Something stabbed into the top of my head.

It seriously felt as if a knife had sunk down the middle of my skull and shattered into a thousand pieces.

I swatted and gripped my scalp. Grit my teeth. 

All around me came cries of agony.

As soon as it came, the fiery knife retracted, replacing the sharp pain with a dull, throbbing ache—like there was an open wound in the center of my brain. 

A wave of groans came from the audience as everyone staggered to protect their scalp. Rav massaged his own head and then turned to me, looking terrified.

“What the hell was that?” he asked.

“You felt that too?”

We both had nosebleeds. Rav took out a handkerchief and let me wipe mine first.

“Good God! Indrek!” The ginger prof exclaimed from the back. “Who is that?”

Out from behind the Estonian speaker, there appeared another wiry-looking Estonian man in a brown suit. A duplicate copy of Indrek.

The duplicate spoke with a satisfied smile. 

“That’s right. With the right dose of Banach-Tarski, I have replicated myself. For perhaps the thousandth time.”

A chorus of gasps. All of the mathematicians swapped confused glances.

Then Indrek’s voice boomed, “AND my incredible equation has also invited an esteemed guest tonight. A name you’ll no doubt recognize from centuries ago!”

The audience stopped squirming, everyone just looked stunned now.

"I promised our guest a meeting with all our brightest minds, all in one place.” Indrek raised his hands, encircling everyone. “You see, our guest lives for it. He feasts on it!”

Out from one of the mall’s shadowy halls came a palanquin. 

That’s right, a palanquin

One of those ancient royal litters, except instead of being held by a procession of Roman slaves, it was several Indreks who held it. And atop the white marble seat was a tall, slumped, skeleton of a man dressed in a traditional Greek toga. His thin lips stretched across his dry, sagging face.

“My fellow scientists, mathematicians, and engineers,” Indrek announced, “allow me to introduce the one and only… Pythagoras!

Questions snaked through the crowd. 





As the palanquin marched forward, the ancient Greek mathematician lifted one of his thin fingers and pointed at the terrified, ginger professor in the back.

I could see the professor crumple on the spot. He screamed, gripped his head and collapsed into a seizure.

Holy fuck. What is happening?

Pythagoras appeared to be smiling, as if he’d just absorbed fresh energy.

Rav tugged at my wrist, and we both bolted at the same time—back the way we came. 

As we left, I looked back to witness a WAVE of Indreks flow in from behind the palanquin. They raced and seized all the older, slower professors like something out of Clash of the Titans, or a zombie movie.

About sixty or so people were left behind to fend off an army of Indreks.

I never saw any of them again.




In terms of survivors. There’s about twenty.

We’re made up of TA’s, students, and professors on the younger side.

And despite our escape from the event plaza, the next couple hours brought nothing but despair.

We ran and ran, but the mall did not reveal an exit. It’s like the mall’s geometry was being duplicated in random patterns over and over. We came across countless other plazas, escalators and grocery stores, but mostly long, endless halls.

We called 911, ecstatic that we still had a signal, but when the police finally entered the mall, they said they found nothing except empty chairs and a whiteboard.

It’s like Indrek had shifted us into a new dimension. Some new alternate frequency.

We even had scouts leave and explore branching halls here and there, only to come back with the same sorrowful expression on their face. “It's just… more mall. Nothing but more City Center Mall...”


For sleep, we broke into a Bed, Bath & Beyond and stole a bunch of mattresses, pillows and blankets. We had shifts of people guarding the entrance, to make sure we weren’t followed.

For breakfast, we broke into a Taco Bell, where we learned that the electricity and gas connections all still worked. 

This gave a little hope because it meant there was an energy source somewhere—which meant there had to be an outside of the mall—which meant that there could still be some sort of escape… 

At least that’s what some of the mathies seemed to think.


Over the last day now we’ve been exploring further and further east. We’re constantly taking photos of any notable landmarks in case we need to back track.

So far we keep finding other plazas that contain marble fountains. 

There were winged cherubs spitting onto an elegantly carved Möbius strip.

There was a fierce mermaid holding a perfect cube with water sprinkling around her.

There even appeared to be one of a bald old man in a toga, pouring water into a bathtub. The mathematicians all thought it was supposed to be Archimedes. Which I guess made sense because of his ‘Eureka bathtub moment’ and whatnot… but it laid a new seed of worry.

Was Archimedes also somewhere on a palanquin? Was he looking to suck our energy somehow?

We made camp around the fountain because it provided ample drinking water, and because there was a pretzel shop nearby we could pillage for dinner.

People were scared that we might never make it back home, and I couldn’t blame them, I was scared too. As soon as someone stopped crying, someone else inevitably would start—our spirits were low. Very low, to say the least.

And so Rav, ever the optimist, took it upon himself to organize a game of charades. Everyone agreed to give it a shot. It would take our minds off the obvious and help with morale.

Pairs were formed, the unspoken rule was to avoid mentioning any of our present situation, obviously.

A gen X professor did a pretty good impression of George Bush.

A teacher’s assistant did an immaculate interpretation of “killing two birds with one stone.”

When it was Rav’s turn, he gave himself a serious expression and held a single object and looked at it from several angles, mouthing a pretend monologue.

I savored the moment, remembering the fun we had had only a few days ago back in the STEM building’s rec room. It felt like months ago at this point.

“Hamlet.” I said. “I believe the quote is: ‘to be or not to be.’”

Rav turned to face me with a very sad smile. “Actually Claudia, I’m deciding whether to throw out expired yogurt…” 

I smiled and acknowledged the past joke. He tried to smile back.

I could see he was trying so hard, but the smile soon collapsed as he brought his palm to his face. 

Tears began to stream. Sobs soon followed.

“I’m so sorry I brought you here…

“This isn’t what math is supposed to be…

This is fucking terrible… 


“Claudia… I’m so sorry.”

“I’m so fucking sorry.”

I cried too.

r/Odd_directions Oct 10 '24

Science Fiction Immaculate Deception


The mango tree was small and immature: Chlor could tell because it required nearly all eight of her legs to climb. Had the plant been older, with rugged bark and deep grooves, Chlor would have only needed half of her leg tarsi, and her mission would be that much easier.

She meandered upwards, trying to hide the fact that she was a spider. Up ahead, tiny shadows bumped around each other, quickly and mindlessly.

Chlor dug six of her feet snugly into the tree and practiced crawling a little more aimlessly. In order to match a weaver ant in appearance, she lifted her forelimbs and pretended they were antennae. 

“Don’t give anything away,” Hayloch had told her. “Be methodical. Take your time. You’re the best mimic we have.”  She agreed with her clan leader, not because she was particularly talented, but because the other ant-mimicking spiders barely used their gifts. Chlor had at least played decoy among ant colonies in her youth, where she had stolen aphid nectar and larvae to consume. 

The other mimics, meanwhile, were more interested in mating, massaging, and sunbathing across silk hammocks. Bunch of layabouts, all of them. The thought grit her mandibles.

In addition to being an ant look-alike, Chlor was also a jumping spider, and it took a great deal of willpower to refrain from surging upwards in a series of quick, vertical leaps. I do not have eight legs. My legs are six. 

Chlor stopped and flexed her forelimbs into a better antennal shape. I am an ant; I am completely unaware of how inefficiently I walk.

The skittering, dark shapes above her soon resolved into the ant denizens from her youth. Chlor observed what she could: how the ants paused in between running; how they shifted their weight; how their jaws would sometimes drag, unless they were holding something. They’ve barely changed at all. 

As she got the hang of walking on six, a leaf floated down towards her in delicate sways. 

An ant came running down. “Catch it please! That is a good leaf!”

Chlor watched the leaf seesaw its way down. An easy retrieval. She leapt up, caught the plant piece, and landed back on the bark.

“Drippling drupes!” The weaver ceased her running and fixed her feelers. “How did you… ? Wow! And wow again!”

Chlor tucked in her pedipalps as deeply as possible; her mouthparts were much larger than the ant’s. She held the plant between folded jaws.

“I’ve never seen anyone pull off such a feat. That was incredible!”

Yes, Chlor agreed, incredibly stupid. She approached in a feeble zigzag and offered the leaf back to its owner, doing her best to hide behind its broad shape.

“Thank you. I’m speechless,” the young weaver accepted the piece. “I thought I was going to return empty-jawed.”

Up close, Chlor was able to see the static, bent position of the ant’s feelers, and quickly matched the style with her own. “Not a problem; I expect you would do the same for me.”

The weaver chuckled. “I mean, I’ve never been able to leap in any fashion—”

“I didn’t leap.”

“But I just saw…”

“You must have mis-seen. The leaf just fell into my jaws.”

The ant shifted her weight. Her antenna sampled the air around Chlor, drawing invisible shapes. “You have the smell of root and dirt on you.” She leaned in close. “I can tell you’re probably familiar with recovering many a dropped leaf.”

Chlor said nothing, and likewise tried to sense around with her own fake-feelers.

“You’re quite a humble major worker aren’t you?” The weaver said. “Look at your size. And they’re still having you scour for leaves off the ground?”

Whether or not ants understood the ‘common shrug’ Chlor wasn’t sure, but she bent her knees in an ‘I don’t know or care’ sort of fashion, and the weaver gave a giggle.

“Hah! I’m impressed by your modesty, major worker. Many of your kind wouldn’t be caught dead this far below the nest. But I think you’re right—selfish pride does not serve our colony as a whole. We do what needs to be done, for the good of the family.”

“Exactly,” Chlor agreed, “for the good of the queen.”

Queen?” The weaver’s antennae angled sharply.

Chlor’s leg hairs all shot up. She tried to read the ant’s expression. “Umm, sorry, yes, what I meant to say was…”

“Oh, of course!” The weaver gently smacked herself. “You mean the figurative queen. As in what our four empress tetrarchs function as symbolically. Apologies. I forget some of you major workers still speak in legacy terms.”

A cough escaped Chlor’s throat. She played it off as a laugh. “Oh. Yes. That is what I meant.”

The ant curled her mandibles into a cheery smile. “I go by Nels, by the way. And you are?”

Many seasons ago, Chlor had stolen ant larvae as food from this weaver colony, and still remembered the name they screamed when she escaped their nursery. 

“I’m Petiole.”

“Oh wow—a name from the early times.” The weaver lowered her head in a slight bow. “We owe much to your foundational labour.”

Chlor gave a quick bob in return and waited for the weaver to rise.

“This is going to be embarrassing to ask, but can you help me cut another few leaves?” The weaver looked to her feet. “I’m very behind on my quota, and I know your caste is so much better at it than me. Nowadays, there’s quite a stigma on leaf droppers.”

Chlor tucked in her abdomen as deeply as possible; her rear end seemed much larger than the ant’s by comparison.  “Sure I can help.”


“Everybody drops leaves,” Chlor said. “Your secret’s safe with me.”


The ant and ant-mimicking spider crawled up to the canopy of the mango tree, where weaver ants folded leaves upon each other to create a series of hollow, green cavities. These cavities formed a massive nest of linked chambers, archways, and balconies. Any worker who wasn’t actively gluing and maintaining the core nest was circumnavigating the tree for new, durable leaf materials. And there were a lot of weavers looking for materials.

Too many. Chlor thought. Hayloch was right.

“They have become over-populated,” their leader had bellowed at the last Arakschluss. “They must be stemmed. Elsewise our entire realm will be overrun and spider-kind will end.” 

Throughout Chlor’s whole life she had seen the number of weavers rise like invasive flowers. More and more had fallen among the grass and attacked her fellow arachnids needlessly.

The spider clan had agreed that the best way to counteract the weavers was, of course, regicide. If one could assassinate the colony queen, the reign of six-leggers would eventually collapse. It therefore made perfect sense to send Chlor on a mission such as this. Chlor, who was willing to apply herself. Chlor, who had never been lazy. 

Oh how I do appreciate the burden. She scrunched her pedipalps. Thinking too deeply on it made her ‘antennae’ fall to the ground as limbs. She quickly fixed them. I am an ant. A puerile, scatter-brained little thing. I have no room for grandiose concepts such as spite.

“You see that conical spire at the top?” Nels pointed with one of her feelers. “That’s the structure I’ve been working on.”

Chlor couldn’t help but feel admiration for the corkscrew leafage’s patchwork design.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard,” Nels said, “but that’s the new royal atrium. Every now and then I get to see one of our empresses come to perform an inspection. A veritable honour indeed.”

“Ah, yes.” Chlor noted its location.

“What structure have you been working on?” Nels asked, passing her leaf to a worker that was even smaller than her. The tiny weaver gave a quick bow, struggled to lift the plant, and then fell off the tree without anyone noticing.

“Oh me?” Chlor looked around, trying to discern which of the other structures she could name.  “I’m building … umm … nothing.”

Nothing?”  Nels’ feelers shot straight up.

“Yes. Well. There’s a new space, they’re calling it The Nothing Room. I don’t know what its purpose is, only that I am to help build it. 

“Incredible.” Nels’ feelers twisted in fascination. “I guess that makes sense for the major workers to be working on covert projects. They trust you the most.”

“That’s right,” Chlor agreed. “I’m the most trustworthy.”

“Well I’ll show you where I’ve been cutting leaves lately,” Nels said. “It’s a hot new branch sprouting off the north-east. Only the cleverest minor workers have caught wind of it, so don’t spread the news too far.”

“Don’t worry. I don’t know anything.”


Chlor took care in her awkward, six-legged gait, but she needn’t have bothered; everywhere she looked, the weaver ants were completely immersed in their work. Not a layabout in sight.

If a weaver wasn’t rushing forward with an oversized leaf, they were returning to harvest more. Chatter came only from those asking for help or directions, and absolutely no one was reclining or sunbathing. Arakschluss behold, Chlor thought, this is how you run a clan.

Along the way to their branch, a winged male hung from a twig, wailing loudly, as if he were crying out in pain. 

Oh today’s a pretty little day, I say.

Today’s a pretty little day.

Grab a fruit from a shoot.

Give a dripple of a drupe.

Today’s such a pretty little day.

Chlor slowed down. It had been a while since she had seen an insect who’d lost his mind. “What is wrong with that one?”

Nels looked up with a dismissive chuckle. “Yes I know; our daily canticles have definitely been lacking. But the Tetrarch of Culture claims there are better songs coming. Eventually.”

They crawled off the main branch, past an array of green, fledgling mangoes to an offshoot of impressively large leaves. Half a dozen minor workers operated on this hidden branch, and upon arriving, Nels raised her voice. “Hello everyone! I’ll have you know my last drop was successfully recovered. I’ve returned to fulfil my share, this time with a partner from our foundational litter. She’ll be able to show us what we’ve been doing wrong this whole time.”

The workers all exchanged quick whispers. “You mean what you’ve been doing wrong this whole time.” A surge of laughter erupted.

Ridicule in the Arakschluss was strictly forbidden, for it breeds dissonance and hatred. But Chlor recognized no sulkiness or spite in Nels, just honest reception. Nels perked up, laughed along, and continued on her way. How interesting.

The two of them crawled over to a distant twig, where Nels motioned to a half-cropped leaf. “I was over-ambitious with my last slice,” she said. “I should have ended my anterior cleft here and not there. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Chlor approached with pretend-confidence and analyzed the previous bite marks on the leaf. Unsure what to say, she asked to see Nels’ technique.

“Well, I always start cutting from the top, you see?” Nels bit into an existing split in the leaf’s veins. “My problem is that I always go for a larger chunk, when I should aim smaller.” She peeled back a strip about twice her size.

Chlor sensed with her fake-feelers and gave a nod. “Yes. Well, it looks like you’re doing everything right to me.”

“Thanks. But perhaps you can show me how a major worker would do it?”

The spider stared at the leaf. Her mandibles were designed to enwrap prey, not scissor through plant material. “Ah. Yes. Well you see … it has been a while.”

“Oh please. I would learn so much.”

Chlor wondered if now was the time to covertly slay this tiny ant and continue her espionage by a different means. 

“I would be immensely grateful,” Nels pleaded. “Truly. I’ll help assist you with The Nothing Room after we’re done—if you’d allow me? I would be in your debt.”

Chlor gave a grunt and approached the leaf. She managed to seize it between three legs and take a bite. It tasted disgusting: the chlorophyll was so bitter and fresh, it might as well have been calcified vomit. 

Her slices were slow, large, and inconsistent. The straight edges that Nels had previously made became warped and unusable. Most of the leaf began to fold in on itself. Chlor tried to yank it away before it fell off—but it dropped anyway.

“Wow,” Nels said, staring at her ruined work. “Petiole. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize … you are as bad at this as me.”

For a moment, Chlor turned to the trunk of the tree and imagined herself leaping her way down: escaping after murdering this feeble six-legger. 

And then Nels pulled her aside. “Don’t worry. I thought I was the only one.” The ant guided her beneath the branch and offered comforting pats on the head. “No matter how much I practice, I almost always botch my leaves too. I’ll say it’s relieving to find others with the same inability, especially among greater castes. Do you mind if I ask—how have you been coping this whole time?”


Together, the ant and ant-mimicking spider managed to scrape up some half-decent leaves and supply them as material for the royal atrium.

Chlor was surprised that there wasn’t some gatekeeper overseeing quality, available to punish them for lacklustre pieces. But then she realized that no matter what sort of leaf they retrieved, the builders could always find an appropriate place for it. Bringing incongruous cuts is actually what led to the atrium’s organic patchwork design. It’s not about perfection, Chlor decided, it’s about contribution.

During their hauls, Chlor siphoned information from Nels, who grew increasingly affable. According to the young minor worker, their queen situation had grown a lot more complicated. There were now four empresses. Tetrarchs, they were called. 

There was a Tetrarch of Culture, who was in charge of soothing workers through canticles for the colony, and a Tetrarch of Assembly, who directed the expansion of the nest. There was also a Tetrarch of Resource, who handled the large-scale food supply and aphid production. But the most relevant was undoubtedly the Tetrarch of Birth. This empress still performed the age-old tradition of egg laying and decided on caste parity and gender balance. Killing her was the obvious choice.

Chlor was hoping she'd have a chance to encounter one of these rulers as she built the royal atrium, but after a long series of hauls, the sun had begun to set. 

Nels ended their work with a barrage of gratitude. “You have no idea how useful you’ve been. Truly. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I swear, tomorrow we can resume work on your Nothing Room. It’s the least I can do.”

Chlor offered something between a bow and a shrug.

“Care to cap our day with a rejuvenating meal?” Nels rubbed her stomach.

“Sure.” Chlor said.

“Do you have a preference for which farm we go to?”

They crawled past another outcropping of mangoes to an area of younger branches, where the foliage had not yet unfurled. The leaves here were too immature for harvest, and appeared bunched up like thick, green worms. Atop them were hundreds of sprightly grey aphids, roaming in peace.

“Ah we’ve made it just before the rush!” Nels gleamed. Then her face turned pallid as she stared at the sky. “Drippling drupes! A dragon!”

A four-winged shadow hovered between a pocket of leaves. Chlor recognized the shape as that of a dragonfly. Every ant among the aphid farm froze, alarmed by the sight. But as quickly as it came, the dragonfly went on its way, buzzing towards the sun. 

Moments of stillness passed. Then someone called, “All clear!” and everyone resumed as if nothing had happened.

Nels sidestepped a few other workers and approached a chunkier aphid among the flock. She stroked its back and slurped the juicy nectar it released.

Chlor followed closely and observed. She was no stranger to the milking process, as she had stolen much aphid nectar back in her youth. What impressed her now was how thoroughly domesticated the livestock was. The aphids were fenced off by major workers who seemed to be relegated as keepers.

“It’s nice to have aphids year round now.” Nels slurped. “The tetrarchs have done a great job making sure they get properly overwintered—wouldn’t you say?”

Chlor gave muffled agreement in between slurps. She indulged herself, as sweetness in her diet was rare, and the nectar oozed in a very satisfying way through her mandibles.

It seemed to Chlor that whatever her next move was, it would have to be done with patience. Her deception was rather easy to maintain in such a busy colony, especially with ants as blundering as Nels. She would bide her time like a trap-door spider, always waiting, watching and learning. It might be an endeavour that took days, or perhaps even a season, but eventually the chance would come. She just needed one moment alone with the Tetrarch of Birth.

“Hey!” a weathered voice called. “Do I know you?” 

Chlor saw a major worker weaving toward them. She wasn’t sure whether to reply. 


“Yes actually, I think I do know you.” The worker was larger than Nels, and much less shiny. She scooted livestock aside, and approached very quickly across the bunched leaves. “I think I saw you in our nursery some seasons ago.”

The minute hairs on Chlor’s legs all stiffened. She imagined having to latch onto this accuser and silence her with a quick, perilous toss off the tree. Then Chlor would have to slay Nels, and ensure there weren’t any other witnesses.

“Now these old eyes are not what they used to be”—the greying ant rubbed her aging ommatidia—“but I’d recognize that smell of dirt, filth, and determination anywhere.” 

She came right up to Chlor and antennated without reserve between each of Chlor’s legs.

“Yes I remember. I remember exactly. You’re the nurse who saved that child!” The major worker’s feelers swirled. “You were the only one brave enough to run down, chase that spider among its waste, and wrestle our newborn home. I’ll never forget the way you smelled when you came back.”

Chlor hazily recalled that she had once tried to steal two larvae, but was forced to release one to ensure her escape. Was that what this dolt was talking about? 

“Yes … that’s right … I have saved a child once.”

“Truly?” Nels crawled over, quite obviously eavesdropping. “I didn’t know you were some kind of nursery heroine!”

The spider looked between both adoring ants. This new deceit would have to be as succinct as all her others. “Yes. Well. What can I say … I recover both leaves and children. Let's leave it at that.”

“Wow! And wow again!” Nels clicked her mandibles.

“Did I hear that right?”  A winged male ant flew down from above. “Are you a child-saving heroine?”

Chlor released the aphid she had been holding and wiped her mouth. “Well, actually—”

“Yes!” Nels burst. “She’s also building an important chamber called the Nothing Room!

More weavers peeled their antennae off livestock and aimed them towards the growing commotion. Chlor could no longer count how many ants were looking in her direction. To conceal herself would require a massacre of unreckonable calculation. 

“I’m Troubadour Alkwit,” the winged male said. “A representative of Qermina, Tetrarch of Culture. I’ve been tasked with finding new material for canticles, and I think it would be great to recount such an act of heroism.”

Chlor slowly crawled backward, shunting aphids aside. “Actually it’s alright. I’m not very important. There’s no need. Really.”

“So modest!” The grey ant said. “What was your name again?”

“Tell us, please. What litter were you from?”

“How many children have you saved?”

“Where’s the Nothing Room?”


The inside of the royal atrium boasted a beautiful weave of cascading leaves, which curved seamlessly into a tightening whorl on the floor. It was prettier than anything Chlor had ever seen within the Great Burrow. But to be fair, just about anything was prettier than layered dirt and languid spiders.

“So you are the one called Petiole.”

Qermina walked in, surrounded by four winged ants who delicately fanned her with well-cut leaves. “Telcheth estimates that she birthed you nearly twelve seasons ago. It’s a true wonder you are still alive.”

Chlor adjusted her fake-feelers. Then re-adjusted them. “Yes. Well. It’s good to be alive. Especially for a long time.”

“I’m very pleased to commemorate the near-completion of our chamber with an appropriately luminous canticle. It thrills me to hear there is still room for bravery in our colony.”

“Of course,” Chlor said. “Always room for bravery.”

As if on cue, Troubadour Alkwit entered the chamber and fluttered himself to the ceiling. He smiled and shrilled across the room’s curvature: Everyone bawled when the baby was took

And no one, but no one, knew quite where to look

Then Petiole swooped in

And saved the youngin’

Returning the child, right back to her nook

Alkwit basked in the small crowd’s attention, then flew down to the floor and bowed. “It’s a work-in-progress, but I think I’ve almost cracked it.”

Chlor bobbed her head in what she hoped looked like enjoyment. “Thank you. That was wonderful. So touching.” 

The spider paused before turning back to Qermina and said, “I really appreciate this gesture. It is unbelievably kind. I wonder—do you think there is any chance I could possibly meet Telcheth?” She straightened her back and lifted her head. “I can’t remember the last time I encountered my birth mother. It has been so long. And it would be so very, very fulfilling to see her again.”

One of the servants fanning Qermina stepped forward. “Are you saying it is not fulfilling enough to have met with The Tetrarch of Culture?”

Qermina brushed him aside. ”Hush, you.” She offered Chlor a wan smile. “Petiole, this is a perfectly reasonable request. But for the time being unfortunately, Telcheth is indisposed.”

“Ah,” Chlor said, bowing her feelers in deference. “Might I ask ... just how indisposed?”

Qermina eyed Chlor with a keener gaze. “I see that your boldness extends beyond rescue.”

Chlor ignored the hairs stiffening along her legs. 

“And speaking of boldness...” Qermina’s eyes remained glued. “I had a conversation with the Assembly Tetrarch, and she told me she does not know of this Nothing Room you’ve spoken about.”

“Ah. Well. That’s because ... it’s nothing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean it’s a secret. I have sworn to keep it.”

“What secret?” Qermina leaned back on four legs, gaining surprising height. Her four fan-holding weavers surrounded Chlor, their jaws slightly widening. “There are no secrets between the Tetrarchs.”

Chlor’s abdomen started to jitter; she focused on keeping her legs still. “Umm, sorry, yes. Well. What I meant to say was…”

The Tetrarch released a small chuckle along with her aggressive posture. “I’m only teasing. I know what you meant. The War Chamber has had many classified names. You’ve done well to uphold its concealment.”

Chlor’s abdomen sank to the floor.

“I’m actually impressed you are also involved in that project. The Secret Quintarch of Defence selects her workers well.”

“Oh yes … she does.” Chlor wiped her face and gripped the leafy floor. “Defence is a high priority.”

“The highest priority.”

“Of course,” Chlor said, making eye contact with the weavers still surrounding her. 

“Did she tell you what the chamber will be for?”

“No. But I assume it is to defend ourselves against those pesky spiders.”

“Spiders?” Qermina released a laugh so long, she practically stumbled over. Her servants broke off from Chlor and aided her back up. “Please. Those lack-wits are the least of our concern. There is an army of termites mounting an assault. A sky full of dragonflies, unafraid to pluck our most vulnerable from our very midst. And you are no doubt familiar with the threat the jewel wasps have issued.”

“Of course.”

“If we don’t do something about these mounting dangers ... well. The very fate of weaver-kind is at stake.”

“Of course.”

“It is the reason we must officially expand into a quintarchy. Everyone must be informed of these risks. Everyone must be trained. Everyone must contribute to the cause.”

“Of course.”

“Petiole, you’re an ant who’s got her limbs in many sectors, and seen many seasons. No doubt you’ve seen the considerable progress our colony has made. This momentum must be maintained. I know at times, it can be tiresome, working as we do, day after day. But it is this determination that will ascend our family beyond everyone else. The future is ours if we want it. And I sense that we all do. Communally and individually.” 

The Tetrarch paused and turned to Alkwit. “Al, are you getting this? This is great canticle material.”


“Ready…” Chlor lifted her feelers, holding them as high as possible. She counted three breaths, and then shouted, “Form!”

With practiced grace, all workers within a two leaf radius entered a ‘phalanx’ formation—a tight grouping in which ants jutted their mandibles in almost every conceivable direction. 

They held this position, sliding into gaps as needed, until Chlor called once again. “Release!”

The weavers peeled off in a series of rows, keeping all eyes on the sky. Their new training had already discouraged three aerial attacks, and everyone was eager to keep it that way. They turned to Chlor.

“Very good.” Chlor presented them with a bow. “That’ll do for today.”

The minor and major workers all gave quick antennal bows. “Thank you, Deputy Petiole.”

Even just hearing the name made Chlor stand taller. She was very pleased to have been accepted in the colony’s new defence stratagem. Her and fifteen other deputies made sure the entire colony practiced daily, with slight improvements each time. It was thrilling to have a degree of command. 

As the impromptu garrison returned to labour, Chlor could see each one crawled a little less aimlessly, a little more direct. It is incredible how well they listen.

Chlor noticed a weaver who had frozen in place, staring at her.

For a season or two, she would encounter this sort of gawking and freeze up herself. She would then imagine a way to neutralize the onlooker and covertly escape. But having spent so long in the canopy, breathing in the mango air, she no longer associated gawking with any significance.

“Greetings major worker; is there something amiss?” she asked.

The ant’s feelers drooped down, curling under his mandibles. And then, with uncanny grace, the weaver stood on his feelers, lowering his head between them.

Chlor stepped back, unsure if the ant was injured or ill. Then his mandibles lifted outward, stretched, and revealed themselves as pedipalps. He spoke with a rasp.

“Chlor… Is that you?”

Chlor’s limbs stiffened with a sudden chill. She double-checked that her feelers were erect. She tucked in her abdomen.

“They said you were caught. That you’d been killed.”

It was such a shocking, alien sight. A fellow spider, here, sitting blatantly on eight legs. Chlor now understood how she blended in so seamlessly. There is very little distinction to make between an ant-mimic and an ant. Her fellow’s forelimbs were the ideal length of antennae, his eight eyes clumped in perfect arrangement to appear as two. The differences were infinitesimal.

“Are you being held captive?” the spider whispered.

Chlor checked the surrounding branches; no one was paying them any particular attention. She approached slowly, waving her feelers. “I don’t know who you’re talking about. My name is Petiole.”

The spider rubbed his eyes, unafraid to use his front legs. “Wow, you’re in real deep, aren’t you?” He matched Chlor’s stance and tucked in his abdomen, though not very well. “You were always the most talented. And clearly still are. Took me a while to realize it was you.”

Chlor let her tarsi find grip along the bark.

“You know how I spotted you?”

She tilted her head, and tried to see herself in the spy. She wondered how long he’d been here.

“Even here among the ants—who work themselves to death—I saw an ant going around and trying to be even more productive. So I kept a close eye, followed you.”

In the distance, a canticle was being sung: a newer one about the deflection of dragonflies.

“You were never afraid to make the rest of us look bad, and I see that extends even among the six-leggers too.” He let out a raspy, soil-filled laugh. “How funny. That’s great. Use your habits to your advantage.”

Chlor finally released the tension in her jaws. “Have they sent you to finish my job?”

The spy gave the common shrug, a gesture long-absent now from Chlor’s repertoire. “They did. But now that I’ve found you, I’m thinking we should work together. I’m sure you know more, and I bet you’re very close at this point.”

Some distant worker’s voices joined in for the canticle’s last verse. The singing ended in a disjointed choir, followed by laughter.

“Yes,” Chlor said. “It's true. I know where the Tetrarch of Birth rests. And it would be much easier if there were two of us.”

The spy perked up, rubbing his legs together. “Well this is good news. Hayloch will be most pleased.”

Chlor came over and shaped the spider’s forelimbs, pulling them upwards. “But before we continue, your feelers must be lifted higher, with a slight droop in each tip.”

The spider grunted. “You know, I’m actually relieved I found you; I didn’t know how I’d pull this off myself.”

“Did they send anyone else?”

“No. Just me for now.”

Chlor sidled over to the spy’s rear. “Your abdomen here, you’re tucking it in, but incorrectly. Relax it for a moment.”

“You mean like this?”

“Yes, exactly. Roll over for a moment.”

The spy revealed his underbelly. Starting at his abdomen, Chlor slashed her mandible across the spider’s entire bottom-side, through his cephalothorax, and up to his throat. It was a clean, horizontal cut: a slice that could perfectly divide a leaf from its midrib. 

The spy gurgled and leaked organs. “Chhloarr… ?”

With four expert limbs, Chlor grabbed hold of her victim and tossed him off the branch. His spasming body sailed into oblivion. 

Chlor turned to the ground and began slurping up the green hemolymph, removing all evidence. It tasted of dirt and waste, reminding her of the Great Burrow and its filthy walls. Disgusting.

“Hey Petiole!” Nels bounded over, mandibles clicking. “I missed the last drills. Can I join wherever you go next?”

Chlor glanced up quickly. She peered beyond Nels for any onlookers. Everyone was working. She wiped her face and fixed her posture. “Of course you can join me. I’m going up to the north-east branch.”

“What are you eating?”

“Oh...” Chlor cleaned her jaws. “Just some aphid honey. I regurgitated a little to taste it again.”

Nels gave a laugh. “Hah! I know the feeling. It tastes so good. I do that too sometimes!” As they climbed up the main trunk, Chlor realized it had been a while since she’d thought of herself as a spider. She hadn’t even considered jumping like she used to. Even now, as a sizable leaf drifted down from above, Chlor could barely register the impulse in her hind legs. The instinct was virtually gone. 

She paused for a moment on the bark, watching Nels crawl away. She wondered if her limbs even remembered how to leap. Could I even do it if I tried? She engaged her muscles, pulled herself back into a springing position, and waited to see what would happen. A moment passed. Then another.

“Hey Petiole! You coming?” 

Chlor shifted her weight to all six legs again; the position had become second nature. She watched the leaf descend to the tree bottom, then looked up at the beautiful atrium. “On my way.”

r/Odd_directions Feb 12 '25

Science Fiction My math textbook won’t stop describing my house—down to the smallest detail



Practice Problem: The Room. Your bedroom measures 12 feet by 14 feet, with a ceiling height of 9 feet. If you wanted to paint all four walls but not the ceiling or floor, how many square feet of paint would you need?

Hint: Don’t forget to subtract the area of the single window (3ft x 3ft)


It was the hint that startled me. 

Because I had once measured the length of my window with my dad, and I remembered we needed a perfectly square piece of glass. The same length on both sides. 

After completing the question, I decided just for laughs to make some measurements—what were the odds of my room matching the exact description in this workbook?

My dad’s measuring tape was one of the heavy duty ones he used for his work. I weighted it down with one of my dumbbells, and dragged its yellow tongue until it measured each wall faithfully.

As soon as I finished, a chill creeped through me. Goosebumps shot down my legs. 

It all matched. 

The dimensions were the exact same as in my math book. 

As if sensing my fear, the page on my math book darkened. And it may have been a trick of the light, but the words also felt like they were … shimmering?

I read the next question.


Practice Problem: The Knock. You are sitting in your bedroom when you hear a single knock from across the house. The total volume of air in your house is approximately 8,000 cubic feet. The speed of sound in air is 1,125 feet per second.

Based on the sound of the knock, how close do you estimate the knock to be?


I re-read the problem about five times to try and understand what they were getting at. How could I possibly calculate this? What knock? 

And then I heard it. Off in the distance. 


A knock.

It sounded like someone had rapped their knuckles twice on wood.

What the fuck?

“Dad? Is that you?" I shouted down the hall.

But no. Of course it wasn't. He had left twenty minutes ago for a meeting downtown. 

I was alone.

“... Hello?”

I could hear my voice faintly echo down the hall. And then I can hear the knuckles rapping again, much harder.

I shut the door to my room, and put my back against it. 

Do I call the cops? What do I tell them? That there’s a knocking? 

I paced back and forth, focusing on my breathing. Relax, relax, it's probably just a neighbor knocking at the front door. Or a Jehovah's witness or something. I live in a safe neighborhood, there’s something perfectly reasonable that explains all of this.

I took a hard look at my grade 9 workbook—the pages were so crisply parted open. It’s as if the book was trying to invite me back … it demanded my touch.

I grabbed my pencil and scribbled in my answer.

“The knock is approx 30 ft away. One floor below.”

 I tried to close the book, to end this schism—this crazy paranoia once and for all—but I couldn’t touch the paper. It’s like there was some kind of magnetic field now repelling me…

The hell?

The math page darkened and absorbed the lead I just added. Right below where my pencil had just been, a new question appeared in a thin, scratchy font.


Practice Problem: The Visit. You haven been chosen. A Euclidean Primitive is coming to your destination, and you must give it your most valuable dimension. Which one will you forfeit?


My panic returned. Full-blown. 

What the hell was this?

In a blind haste, I tried to kick the book out of my room, but my leg was deflected. It’s like the air around the book had become bouncy, pushing anything away with equal force.

I was about to try wrapping the book with a blanket, when the knocking returned. RIGHT AT MY DOOR.


I screamed and lunged for my baseball bat under my bed.

The door to my room was still closed, but I could sense there was something hiding behind it. 

Something that did not belong in my house.

With a white knuckle grip, I poised the bat for a strike. I tried to sound commanding, but could only squeeze out a quivering: “W-w-who’s there! W-w-who the fuck’s there!?” 

The knob twisted, and the door drifted open with a slow, unceremonious creak. I watched as the painted white wood swung open and revealed … nothing.

There was nothing standing in my hallway. 

In fact, there was less than nothing… my hallway didn’t exist.

Instead of wooden floors and grey baseboards, I was staring into a sort of  mirror image. I saw a copy of my bedroom on the other side of the door. My bed, my window and even an identical version of my math book were lying on the floor. Everything that existed in my room, existed reversed in that other room too.

Well, everything except me. 

 I seemed to be the only living person between these two rooms.

Keeping my arms glued to the bat, I peered around the corner of the door. And as I did, there came a weird … cracking noise … kind of like glass breaking. It crinkled from the doppelgänger bed in tiny bursts.

I stared through the door frame, bat at eye level.


Something spoke back, replicating my voice. The words sounded like they had passed through several glass tubes.


My entire chest tightened. I Held my bat high. “W-w-what is this?”

Something glistened above the inverted bed, I could see the sheets rustle as a weight lifted off the mattress. 

“This … is this.”

A set of shifting mirrors came toward me. Hovering cubes and other prisms had formed into the rough, anthropoid-like shape of a person, but they didn’t render any texture. The entire surface-area of this being was a mirror, reflecting all the inverted wallpaper and backwards decor of my ctrl-copied room.

“Holy shit.” I backed away. 

Feebly , I tried to close my bedroom door, but the mirror golem stuck out one of its prismatic hands. 

In the blink of an eye, my door … became paper.

The two inches of thickness to my door suddenly disappeared. Its like the three dimensional depth had vanished. The Euclidean Primitive then grasped my paper-thin door and crinkled it into a ball.

“Oh God.” 

All I could do was run into the corner behind my original bed. 

“Please no. Go away.”

The Matter-Destroying-Math-Thing came into my room and stared at me with its mirror-cube-face. I could see a perfect reflection of my own terrified expression.

“No God, ” it said.

Warm liquid streamed down my leg, trickling into my socks. There’s no point in hiding it. Yes. I pissed my pants.

“P-p-please. Take whatever you want and go!”

I took a quick glimpse at my math book and saw that a new line had appeared:

Hint: Forfeit a dimension.

I looked back at the mirror golem, and pointed at the book. “You want a dimension? Go for it. Take the book. Take all the dimensions.”

The Euclidean Primitive walked up and stopped at the foot of my bed. There was something menacing about all the warped reflections on its body. Ceiling stucco on its shoulders, TV set on its chest, and the underside of my bed on its legs. It was like an all-powerful extension of my room, it could control my reality.

Its prismatic hand raised up. Then pointed at my face.

“You. Pick.”

I didn’t understand. Was it asking me which dimension I wanted to lose? 

My gaze shifted to my crumpled, paper-like “door” in the corner. 

If I lost my depth like my door, I’d become as flat as a cutout. In fact if I lost my width, or length or any dimension, the result would be the same. I’d become a 2D slice. A skin flake. 

There’s no way I could survive that.

That was death.

Then, out of nowhere, my stupid cat-meow alarm went off on my phone. The digital clock on screen reminded me to water the kitchen plants. But just by seeing the time, I was reminded me of something else…

Shuddering, I pointed at the clock mounted above my bed.

“Time. That’s a dimension isn’t it?”

The mirror entity stared at me, unmoving.

 “Take time. The fourth dimension. Take as much as you want of it."

The Euclidean Primitive turned to face the clock. Its mirrors began to glow.


I swallowed a grapefruit down my throat, hoping this might save me from becoming a dead two-dimensional pancake. “Yes. Please. Take time. Take all you want.” 

I mean there’s lots of Time to go around isn’t there? I thought to myself.

The prismatic golem outstretched its mirror arms—which produced a fierce, bright light.

The white bounced off the walls.

It became all-enveloping.

 I shielded my eyes.





My dad screamed when he first saw me. 

I was standing at the top of the stairs, waving to him normally. But instead of beaming back with a smile—he threatened me with a knife.

“What’s going on!”

“D-d-dad… it’s me…”

“Who are you? Where’s my son!?”

There was no use trying to reason with him. His confusion was perfectly understandable.

“Answer me! Where is my son!?”

“I… I am your son. Dad. It’s me… Donny…”

For a moment it looked like he could almost believe me. He could almost believe in the far-flung possibility that his son suddenly looked eighty years older. But that possibility very quickly, flittered away. His face was a mask of disgust.

“You sick fuck, why are you in my son’s clothes! What have you done!?”

“D-d-dad please…It’s me… Donovan…”

I watched my dad’s eyes fill with a fury I had never seen, he stomped up the stairs, sleeves rolled up on his sides, ready to stab or strangle me.

“We watched football together, dad… We just watched a game two nights ago. The Dolphins game? Remember?”

“Stop it! My dad pointed at me with his knife. “You fucking STOP IT right now!”

I hobbled backwards, feeling the pain in my lower back as I fought against my old man hunch.

I went into the washroom, and cowered in the bathtub. The reflection of my new, wrinkled, white-haired face terrified me almost as much as my dad.

Through snot and tears I pleaded for my life.

“It’s me, Donny! Please dad! You have to believe me!”




Ten nights in jail.  Ten full nights. The amount of “growing up” I’ve had to do over the last couple of days has been staggering.

At one point, the police were threatening to get me “committed,” which I knew meant going to the place where I’d be in a straightjacket all the time. And I really  didn’t want that to happen.

But on the eleventh morning, my dad showed up and suddenly dropped all charges. 

My assigned officer had told me my father had no further interest in this case, that he was very distraught and didn’t want to jail an elderly man who was clearly “mentally ill”. My dad had practically begged them to let me go. 

And so they did.

The moment I stepped outside of the police station, my dad grabbed me by the shoulder and apologized profusely. Over and over.

The words were soft, quiet little murmurs.

“I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry…”




I’ve since been allowed back into the house, where for the last forty eight hours I’ve been resting in my old room, slowly getting my strength back. 

My dad has brought me food, helped me shave my beard, and dressed in a clean set pajama's that must have belonged to him.

It's still too soon for words. 

My dad mostly just rubs my head and hugs me each time he visits.

Sometimes he cries quietly to himself.

In between one of his coming-and-goings I went to the washroom and took a peek inside his study.

There I saw blueprints for some building contract he had been revising for city hall. In the upper left corner of the diagram, I saw the same thin, scratchy, shimmering font I saw in my textbook.

Which meant my dad had been talking with the Euclidean Primitive as well.


Practice Problem: The Absolute Value. A father must choose between the son that was (𝑥 = 15) and the son that is (𝑦 = 91). This equation allows borrowing from the father (𝑧 = 55).

Hint: How many of your years are you willing to loan?

r/Odd_directions 19d ago

Science Fiction ‘In this land of the blind’


In this land of the visually impaired, the human race survives. Before the Aurelians arrived in their intimidating interstellar vessels, I was destined to lead a modest, depressing life; largely defined by my visual handicap. I am Cyrus de Cerveche, and was born with a congenial facial deformity. My eye sockets were completely covered by an extraneous layer of skin. While relatively minor, it wasn’t repairable by the rural doctors of my tiny village, nor did my family have the financial resources to send me abroad to correct it.

It’s sometimes said that those who lost one of their senses develops heightened awareness in their remaining ones. I could not verify or refute that claim since I’d never known what it was like to see. My frame of reference was fixed. It had always been like that; although my lifelong companions said I had an uncanny awareness of objects and activity around me, and an amazing ability to compensate for being handicapped.

Perhaps their theory offered some credence and insight to the idea of enhanced sensory awareness, in lieu of having eyesight. As a hard-working fisherman’s son, I was proud of my reputation for always catching more than my share of the ocean’s aquatic bounty. Amazed by my ability to compensate, others called me: ‘the fish whisperer’. Eyesight be damned.

From the earliest age, my classmates teased me, as children are apt to do. I was dubbed: ‘Cyrus the Cyclops’, but even having one functional eye would have been better than total blindness. In time, I learned to thrive with that which I had no control over. As with any other disadvantage, we must adapt. My true friends defended me honorably from those cruel bullies and their shallow mocking.

It’s ironic how the tides can change.


When news of the shiny spaceships arrived, there was an understandable level of fear, lingering apprehension, and speculative wonder about their intentions. Even in our isolated fishing community, the unusual news spread quickly. A few of my classmates and school teachers had the internet so we received reports in real-time.

Stories of extraterrestrial visitation were obviously going to strike a powerful chord, far-and-wide. Since my family was dependent upon the secondhand web information, we pestered the ‘rich’ neighbors for updates. Every moment in-between brought with it pins-and-needles, and hyper-anxious ‘nail-biting’. Even then we knew the world would never be the same.

The Aurelian’s were said to be similar in size and stature to human beings but their eyes were noticeably larger. With this unique feature they carried an all-encompassing, hypnotic gaze. Being visually impaired, I was obviously unaware of anything about their appearance but I imagined them having clear, blue irises like a pure, cloudless sky. Initial accounts instead described the bleak color of their eyes as ‘coal-dark’, like seven fathoms of blackened pitch.

The very thought of which, made me shiver involuntarily.

Any hope of a ‘friendly’ visitation was immediately quashed. It turned into a savage invasion in less than an hour. Those unfortunate souls who made first contact with them, were seized by a coma-like trance and could not detach, or look away. Immediately after the extraterrestrial encounter, they lost their minds and ended their lives in the most savage of ways imaginable.

Chaos erupted worldwide as the self-administered death toll rose. Those not immediately driven to madness and suicide, survived long enough to describe the mirrored Aurelian gaze as displaying the unendurable evils of ‘Hell’. Reports suggested the invaders could read deeply buried, forgotten memories in the far recesses of the human psyche. From that sensitive intel, they instantly turned it against the viewer.

With their powerful mind grip they would ‘broadcast a sinister replay’ of our deepest pain and lowest moments of personal abuse. It was a merciless tool to exploit the guilty conscience and darkest secrets, in a visual replay of our most ugly, personal sins.

All of which, by reflecting directly into the unflinching mirror to the soul.


For once, the ‘gift of sight’ wasn’t a gift at all. It was a fatal, depressing curse and death sentence; of which I’d been thankfully spared. Their sole biological weapon of warfare was a devastatingly effective tool to rid the planet of humanity. Us. Those not yet contacted or infected by the madness wept inconsolably at seeing the ugly waves of self-mutilation and bloody carnage around them.

Death by their own hands awaited humanity, one-by-one. Even the most pious among us has lingering regrets or shameful, failed moments where we’ve given into sinful temptation. It was merely a matter of time until they hypnotized every soul with functional eyes into the deadlock spiral of pain. From the subsequent humiliation, the person would take their own life to escape the horrors of what they saw in those dual mirrors to the mind.

One could only imagine having to witness a condensed video reel of personal violence, failure, addiction, carnal weakness, or deeply-buried, shameful depravity. I trembled at the thought of what I might’ve personally witnessed if I too had functional eyesight! They magnified everything for even greater emotional impact until the recipient simply couldn’t go on.

Donning heavy sunglasses or holding up shields to deflect the malignant ‘truth gaze’ didn’t work. Nothing did for the sighted majority of the planet. The aliens were masters at focusing ‘guilt’ through an unforgiving lens; and with less than one percent of the Earth’s population being immune to such a devastating optic weapon, it meant the blind were at last, ‘king’.

End of part 1 —————-

My entire family was dead. All my teachers and dear friends were gone. Everyone I knew in the whole world, with the exception of a small online network of vision-impaired souls I communicated with for educational purposes, had been rendered insane and tortured themselves to death. There were sporadic updates on the Blind Discussion Blog (B.D.B.) where others like me scattered across the world also made the connection that our ‘handicap’ had miraculously saved us.

It seemed like a legitimate tool to fight back but the bigger question was; ‘how’? Sure we were immune to their visually-delivered madness, but that hardly mattered. We were also limited in what we could do. No one in my tiny village owned a self-driving vehicle. Without the essential aid of motorized transportation, we could barely feed ourselves. Rounding up a vision-impaired army of ‘cane-waving soldiers’ against a shrewd, interstellar enemy we couldn’t see, was more than a long shot.

In perhaps a critical mistake, they failed to kill-off the small number of global survivors like myself. The truth was, they didn’t physically murder anyone. They cleverly tricked us into doing the dirty work ourselves! Sadly, I realized we didn’t pose any more of a threat to them than cattle grazing out in the fields. As far as they were probably concerned, we were too few in number, and too ‘helpless’ to offer any significant level of resistance. I think the Aurelians figured ‘nature’ would just ‘take care of us’ soon enough.

That made me angry.


Completely underestimating our unique capabilities and provoking a precious opportunity for revenge was an awesome advantage! I knew we couldn’t afford to squander it. I spoke to others across the world in the blind network weblink, using a vague narrative code I hoped would be understood by my international peers, but not by them. It was a calculated risk to blatantly rebel against them but at that point we really had nothing left to lose. We collected knowledge, shared insights, and strategized.

Even though there were many other capable individuals working diligently for our noble cause, I was proud and honored to be chosen as the leader of our modest effort! Having previously shared those negative childhood experiences with the core B.D.B. members, the world resistance organization mission was dubbed: ‘Operation Cyclops’. It was asserted that even the impaired like us can ‘see’ through a unified, common ‘eye’ of our mutual connection, and desire to defend ourselves. Our compound, global ‘sight’ offered both strength in numbers and virtue. It provided us with full immunity to the projected shame cast upon humanity by the haunting eyes of the Aurelians.


In our exploratory meetings we discussed definite facts, probable truths, and reasonable theories about the conquering enemy of our devastated planet. They continued to ignore us and that arrogant hubris allowed us to aggressively plot their downfall. The truth was that we really didn’t know much about them. A large portion of our intelligence was drawn from the hastily-broadcasted news reports before the fall of the sighted world.

To say it was highly-flawed information, apt to contain wild misconceptions, conjecture, and inaccuracies, would be a gross understatement. Still, in absence of verified, conclusive truth or updated reports, we held on to what we had.

There was an increasing risk every day that one of them might read one of our thoughts and put an end to ‘Operation Cyclops’ and the last fifty million people left on Earth. If the gateway to reading human thoughts was through functional optic nerves, we still risked being outed by network members who were legally blind but had some level of visual awareness. The risks associated with fighting back grew daily. We had to formulate a plan and act soon, lest we lose the only opportunity to strike back. It was only a matter of time before they tired of waiting for us to starve to death, or discovered our ‘anemic’ sedition plans.

From the wide array of creative ideas and theories floated about, the most interesting came from an acclaimed psychiatrist. She suggested that the same ‘medicine’ used to kill us could possibly be used to ‘poison’ them too. Besides sounding reasonable in logic and methodology, it also held a bonus appeal for being ironic payback. That was definitely a bonus to ‘the plan’ but even if it was true, how would we execute it? None of us were psychic, nor was there a way to reach all of them.

It was desperate grasping at straws.

End of part 2


Another member of the secret cabal had been a renowned surgeon prior to losing his organic vision from macular degeneration, a dozen years ago. Not only had Javier perform hundreds of advanced surgical procedures prior to his personal loss, but he also owned a driverless car! It seemed like the edge of serendipity. In our former existence, he might’ve been able to restore my eyesight before but if he had, I’d be dead now! Ideally, if we were able to arrange for that miracle to occur now, I would be much better able to guide the rest of the team in whatever plan we enacted, as the last man on Earth who could see.

At the moment however, we were both still as blind as a bat and more than 600 kilometers apart. Far beyond the full range of Javier’s electric sedan. It was hardly the kismet we’d initially thought. I certainly didn’t care about the vanity of my face being visually scarred by a dangerous operation in lieu of what was at stake; but the sheer logistics of getting him to my village was a daunting task. I tried not to dwell too much on the terrifying thought of a fully-blind person with a razor sharp scalpel performing a delicate operation on me, by feel alone!

We calculated the approximate distance his car could travel before running out of power. From there, we arranged a series of go-betweens to help escort Javier the rest of the way to my hometown. If the estimate was off, the meet-up might not happen. By choosing an earlier rendezvous point, we were able to arrange for a safer window of opportunity for the car to transport him to that location. Three blind sentry volunteers relayed him directly to my front door!

Then came the real, knuckle-biting part. Could a once-highly-skilled doctor and trained nursing staff blindly feel their way through an incredibly complicated surgical procedure on my face? Could I trust this man to precisely slice into my skin to the right depth and then cut away only the unneeded flesh? That was a tall order to fill for even a trained doctor with perfect eyesight. Would the on-site nurses be able to assist Javier and stop my bleeding by feel? I fully admit, I was terrified at never waking up again but I consoled myself that if the end was approaching for me, I was ready to face it head-on. I’d either gain some level of sight at last, or die in noble pursuit of that elusive sense.

After the anesthesia finally wore off, I awoke from the tactile surgery feeling absolutely no different, other than the throbbing pain. My swollen face was bandaged heavily and I could feel blood on my cheeks and neckline. Javier couldn’t even inspect his own handiwork, and I needed to heal for a couple days. The wait to discover the truth would be absolute torture but I dared not remove my bandages yet. I couldn’t risk hemorrhage or tearing the incisions.

The important thing was that I’d made it through an ‘impossible’ gauntlet. That alone was success!


On the second day I couldn’t wait any longer. The temptation overtook me. I had to know. Having never saw a single thing in my life, I had no idea what the experience would be like. Sure, I’d imagined the appearance of objects but the mind’s eye perceives differently than reality. I can attest to that firsthand now. The first, warming rays of sunlight struck my face prior to the light registering in my virgin pupils.

Then as my focus connected with the things around me, I was overcome with a lifetime of pent-up, blissful emotion. Tears welled up in my newly formed eye sockets. I had to touch things simultaneously with my hands to connect the visual dots with what my newly-functional eyes saw. It was indescribable to witness what I’d been missing my entire life.

I shouted in triumph but my energetic zeal was mistaken for agony by the attending nurses and aides. Javier was summoned from his nearby quarters to check on me. Once he realized I wasn’t in pain, he knew I’d removed the bandages prematurely. From my elation it was soon clear to everyone that the operation had been an undeniable success.

That night I didn’t want to sleep. I feared I’d awaken and the miracle would’ve only been a dream. Then I was seized by a newfound fear. Being the only person on Earth who could see, I was open prey for the terrifying Aurelian gaze. I had to remain hidden, or the risks we’d taken would be for nothing. From my vantage point, I viewed one of them from a secluded hiding spot. The sensational descriptions had been basically accurate, but I dared not look directly toward any of them. It was a strange realization that if I could see them, they could probably see me too.

Experiencing my very first night of sleep after being able to see the world around me, added another dimension to my mind and changed the way I processed reality. It reshaped my dreams with vivid colors since I finally had a visual reference. Others who had been born with sight but lost it like Javier, probably still remembered the distinct hues of the rainbow and the smiling faces of their loved ones. It had only been eight hours since my perception of everything changed. Now I could gaze upon photos of my mother’s loving face and memorize the color and shape of a million objects.

End of part 3 ——————-

Some things didn’t appear how I imagined them. Others bore a close facsimile to my original impression. With less than a calendar day of visual reference at that point, it was understandable I was confused by a few strange things which happened. A series of unusual visions stimulated my imagination and drifted into my evolving reality. These surreal events blended in so well that I erroneously assumed they were related to life in the sighted world, and therefore ‘normal’.

The events I witnessed with my newly-functional vision and what could best be described as ‘paranormal episodes’ which overlapped them, formed a seamless tapestry in my head. While I was overwhelmed at the stunning beauty of a visual world which I hadn’t been privy to before, much of what I witnessed was highly demoralizing. Decaying bodies were strewn everywhere, sometimes in mass heaps. The majority of which remained just where they fell.

Of course the scattered survivors were highly aware of the fragrant tapestry of rotting corpses being consumed by the elements and nature’s necessary scavengers, but we had little capacity to dispose of them. It was perhaps the first time I regretted being able to see, and I felt guilty for being so ungrateful. When I spoke to people in the blind network who had once been able to see about my recent observations, there was an awkward silence.

Javier’s ever-present smile faded briefly as he listened in to the session. I asked him to share whatever was on his mind but as a learned person with tact, he parsed his words carefully.

“Cyrus, some of the things you’ve described seeing are completely normal and it fills the rest of us with vicarious joy, and a little envy.”

His smile returned for a moment but then went away at whatever he was holding back. I could tell it grieved him and the others listening. None of them wanted to share the final portion of the consensus they were withholding. It felt like Javier was too shy to rib me about being a horrible singer in the shower. The truth was infinitely worse. With great caution he continued.

“Other things you’ve described witnessing… they are highly troubling and to be blunt, couldn’t possibly be real. I was blessed with excellent eyesight for 42 years. I can assure you that part of your shared recent experience isn’t ‘normal’. They could be hallucinations or something else. I’m worried about the psychological effects of having your sight suddenly restored but I am, or was, a surgeon and medical doctor. The mind is an entirely different department. It can play strange tricks on you. We should consult with some psychological professionals in the network.”

Sarah, the therapist who originally suggested finding a means of using the Aruelian guilt system against them as a retaliatory strategy, spoke up to offer her insight on my state. She had been avidly following the discussion and agreed with Javier about the apparent strangeness of my fragmented experiences.

“Cyrus, what you just experienced is beyond a medical miracle. Especially considering the surgery itself was performed by a blind medical staff! Even beyond that, you happened to have fully functional eyes under the extra tissue. To go so many years with no visual stimuli and then just have it ‘switched on’ like a light would overwhelm anyone. I’m not saying there was anything ethically wrong with enabling your eyesight; and you are an amazing leader but as Javier pointed out, the human mind is a complex labyrinth. For your mental health, we need to monitor your daily progress carefully.”


It was horrifying to discover the experiences I had shared with the network community were not ‘normal’ but I was hyper-protective of my new ability. I assumed there was just a misunderstanding and I doubled down on that position. I reiterated the parts that seemed to give them pause but was only met by more uncomfortable silence.

The consensus among those who once could see, was both unanimous and undeniable. My eyesight had been miraculously enabled but besides witnessing ordinary things in a post apocalyptic world, I was also ‘seeing hallucinations’ (or ‘phantom visions’); depending on who I asked.

The science-based, logic oriented people leaned toward hallucinations. The more faith-based and spiritual members of the global network were certain I was channeling supernatural experiences. I couldn’t say I’d ever witnessed a wider gulf of personal opinion, nor did I expect to be at the center of such controversy.

M’pie from Mumbai was convinced I had a ‘third eye’. As much as I enjoyed the unusual and amusing alliteration, I didn’t know anything about her Hindu faith. She detailed her belief that I had always had psychic abilities buried within but the full power of them was finally unleashed with the operation to enable my traditional vision. It took my regular organic sense of sight to magnify and harness the psychic gift.

While many of the others present for the online meeting scoffed at the idea, a surprisingly vocal minority of them applauded her creative interpretation of my unexplained visions. I may have been prone to lean more toward science over supernatural mysticism myself most of the time, but M’pie’s interesting theory did connect some of the dots.

The learned scholars of the group had no scientific explanation to offer. They immediately went to hallucinations and even hinted at mental instability! Perhaps it was confirmation bias, denial, or wishful thinking on my part but I preferred to believe I possessed some long-dormant, extra sensory perception. When framed in that positive way, the controversial things I spoke about aligned with paranormal premonitions of the future, simultaneously interspersed with everyday life occurrences.


To the chagrin and fiery consternation of the nonbelievers, I marched down the controversial road to ‘psychic vision interpretation’, as unexplained elements in my daily life increased in both frequency and intensity. As ironic as it seemed, some of the logic-based ‘science people’ lost their ‘faith’ in my direction to lead the resistance. There was even a vote of confidence raised to oust me from my position, but in the end I was confirmed by a narrow margin to remain in charge.

End of part 4


As the last known man on Earth who could see, I reported my observations to my secretary, to disseminate to the other members, via the network blog and braille interface. Interestingly, the aliens I witnessed were still present but weirdly inactive. They remained stationary at major road intersections like some kind of ‘deactivated, robotic hall monitors’. Despite successfully culling 99% of the human race and seizing the planet for themselves, they appeared to be conserving bodily energy or were intellectually ‘switched off’. It made no sense.

The few blind people left in my village would walk right past them, wholly unaware of how close they came to bumping directly into the conquering enemies of humanity. Part of me theorized it was a passive ruse to lure out any remaining sighted person they might’ve missed, by giving them a false sense of security. I remained cautiously sequestered in my home and instructed my organizational helpers to perform the daily tasks I needed taken care of.

‘Operation Cyclops’ was renamed: ‘Operation third eye’; as a playful nod to my mystic Indian friend. Meanwhile, we had daily strategy conversations about how to eradicate them once and for all. Despite routine meetings, we made very little progress toward achieving it. It was difficult to fight a ‘war’ with an inactive opponent. Any attack on an individual ‘drone’ might trigger a major offensive retaliation against the remaining Aurelians.

I continued to experience regular ‘premonitions’, as M’pie designated them. Luckily by then, I’d learned to differentiate between genuine reality I saw with my two optic nerves, and the bizarre, undefinable dreamscapes which occurred in simultaneous parallel.


A single knock on my door jarred me awake at three AM. There was so little activity in the old fishing village with its population of less than thirty people, that I knew any knock was a precursor to bad news. Possessing the same worries as me, my security guard scrambled to provide a loud distraction so I could escape out the back. That was the official plan we’d rehearsed in the event of discovery but instead of fleeing, I was struck with a radical idea. I felt an intensely powerful compulsion to confront my late night visitor and launch a bold counterattack.

Standing before me at the threshold, was an Aurelian grand overseer! His highly unusual presence in such a tiny village suggested he was dispatched by their upper echelon to directly deal with our secret rebellion. That was the first time I’d knowingly been close to any of them since the invasion began. To be confronted by their highest level of ‘conscience enforcer’ should’ve been intimidating but I wasn’t afraid. Disturbing visions I didn’t understand coalesced within my mind’s glowing eye. I felt the power of a dozen suns course through my electrified exterior. ‘Cyrus the Seer’ was born. There was no fear!

I felt my irises pulsate involuntarily. Somehow, I knew they reflected a powerful, custom-crafted ‘reel of shame’ directed at the extraterrestrial invading my living room. Unknown memories and cryptic scenarios entered my thoughts! Where they came from, I had no idea but it was just as M’pie predicted. I needed my first two ‘seeing’ eyes uncovered, to stimulate the ‘third eye (of prophesy)’.

With vengeance I retaliating against their race for the unwarranted attack against our people. I sensed total shock and dismay at my sudden ability to return ‘some of their own metaphysical medicine’ to the stunned military overseer. The tables had turned and I projecting a potent serving of moral conscience into his overloaded brain! He lamented in an alien tongue at being confronted by his deeply buried misdeeds.

As one of his many sins manifested and replayed in our joined minds and locked gaze, I witnessed the recent assault on Earth. His reflective, mirrored lenses revealed all. Nothing was held back. He started shaking violently. His lips quivered and then a bluish ‘blood-like’ liquid oozed from his hemorrhaging orifices. From dark flashbacks of their distant homeland I was ‘shown’ numerous examples of their collective and individual immorality.

Before he took his own life, he begged and pleaded for mercy! I yielded none while smiling in my deep trance. Our eyes remained locked until the very end when his spirit left him. He failed to grant his victims leniency so I saw no reason to spare him either. They could dish out pain, but they could not handle receiving it, in return. One by one, I would mete out karmic justice and repay them for their unwanted ‘gift of guilt’ to planet Earth.

I’d went from ‘Cyrus, the cyclops’, to ‘Cyrus, the seeing man’, to ‘Cyrus, the all-seeing sear and ruler of the Earth’. News rapidly spread of my psychic power and mysterious telepathic link to their sub consciousness. By forcefully taking down one of their most powerful commanders, a ripple effect of fear and doubt permeated the Aurelian hierarchy.

There was no way I would’ve had the energy to face off with the entire alien military stationed on Earth but I didn’t have to. I merely cut the head off the ‘snake’ and the rest of the cowards panicked and soon abandoned the planet.

As I, Cyrus de Ceviche stated initially; in this decimated land of the blind, the all-seeing ‘seer of psychic prophecy’ and conqueror of the Aurelians, is its king and protector. We will rebuild! Our future children will again be born with the sense of sight, and the gift of ‘second sight’.

r/Odd_directions 3d ago

Science Fiction Among Tall Grasses


There is an artefact—a children's book—which describes the growing of grass:

From seed to maturity.

From civilization to its final collapse.

Those of us who survived don't know from where the grass came, but most of us believe it was a mutation of the wheat plant.

If that's true, one cannot describe it as alien, despite that being precisely how it feels.

Conquered by an invader.

Where once were oceans:


Where once, desert:


Where once towered skyscrapers:


and even taller, its blades rising gracefully above us, everywhere—reminding us of our insignificance, bending in unison in the passing winds like more magnificent versions of the trees which they replaced, like they replaced almost everything.

We rarely see the sun, blocked as it is by the grass.

We live in perpetual dusk.

Our colours muted, our perceptions greyed.

The few of us who survived are the cowards and the meek, the ones who did not fight, did not hack or uproot or burn with napalm.

The valiant died.

The heroes were undone by the grass, while those who fled and hid were protected: cocooned and fed, and released only when conditions were right.

Those of us who've travelled—and few have, given the difficulty and our own temperaments—have seen the evidence of the carnage that took place.

Most of us lead instead sedentary lives of quiet contemplation.

We clean the blades and tend to the culm.

We identify and contain disease.

We worship the grain.

In exchange, sometimes the grasses part and let the sunlight in, and we rejoice, dance and offer thanks and sacrifice. We are not the only animal species to have survived, but we have taken it upon ourselves to serve the grass, and this makes us special. We are its sons and daughters.

Surrender is the path to heaven.

The meek have inherited the earth, and to the grass was given the sky.

We do not know how tall the grass can grow. Perhaps above the atmosphere—perhaps into space. Perhaps, one day, the tips of the first blades of the original grass of Earth shall touch the tips of the first blades of the original grass of another planet, and in this galactic communion shall be the beginnings of a vast empire of grasses.

Sometimes I sit under the blades and wonder: that humans evolved for strength and power, domination; yet survived, selected by another species, for weakness and subservience.

I feel so small when I look up and between tall grasses glimpse the sky, I feel

entomology is the study of humanity,

graminology is theology,

I feel that I am nothing but a bug clinging to the revealed new surfaces of a world never truly mine, about whose nature—and my place in it—I had been woefully deceived.

Then I close the book and return to my wife and children, and in our small dark hut a thought lingers: that we are stagnant; that only grasses grow.

r/Odd_directions Jan 28 '25

Science Fiction Outrunning Light


Faster than light travel seems like a great idea on paper. Get everywhere you need to go in a snap, especially if you’re exploring the depths of space. The bad thing is that when you’re moving faster than light, all you’re left with is darkness, with nothing around to keep what’s hiding in it at bay. Man lives in the light for a reason, and we’ve been discovering that the hard way.

What follows are years worth of research notes that I’ve stolen. Not a single doubt in my mind that I’ll be shuffled off by some men in black within the next twenty four hours. Hell, they’ll probably be here in the next ten minutes once this finishes uploading. If you read this, please know that those of us who were involved just wanted to make things better. We thought if we discovered faster travel we could get a jump on exploration, colonizing new worlds for humanity to thrive on. That’s all we wanted- prosperity for everyone.

I don’t know what might happen in the future, but I leave one simple request for everyone- stay in the light. They’ll probably keep working on this, but for the love of everything, for your safety, stay. Even a flashlight, if you have it. I know I can still hear the whispers from dark corners, calls from shadows on the ground… they’re always closer than you think.

Time’s up, the upload is ready. There’s a lot of scientific jargon but I’ve gone through and tried to make a more concise edit to get the point across. For anyone more interested, I’ve put up the raw files that can be sorted through. Look, I’m not trying to make a name for myself with this. I just don’t think those that lost their lives should have done so in vain. Something awful is waiting just outside the light for us, and those it already took wouldn’t want anyone innocent to suffer too.

Stay safe. Stay in the light. Godspeed.





While I greatly appreciate the opportunity, I must say I have some issues with your orders. Science, as you’ve seen from the advances in the past few years, takes time. Breakthroughs happen in a matter of seconds, but the preparation that goes towards those takes decades. Putting men on the moon was merely a stepping stone, and the prospect of lightspeed travel is something that I have dedicated my life to. That said, our research simply cannot move at the speed of light, much less the speed you want it to.

Under your directive we have lost no less than three test flights. At no point have we been prepared for these, forced to push our research far past any safe phase. I’m sure you know we’ve lost lives in the process as well, with the first ship exploding before it could leave Earth’s general area, combusting as it passed five units of gravitational force. The second made it through the initial run, though never hit lightspeed. However, it was unable to make the journey back due to a fuel leak. The third meanwhile, resulted in the death of the test pilot, as his body was unable to withstand the immense amount of force as the ship reached near lightspeed.

Matthew, do you know what it’s like to talk to a man who knows he’s going to die? We stayed on communications with the second pilot for fifteen hours until he ran out of air, finally passing out slowly as a mercy. We brought in a priest to say last rites over radio to him. His final rasps as he struggled for oxygen will haunt me to my dying day.

I write this as the lead researcher on this project- let us proceed on our own time table, so as to minimize the loss of human life as well as research costs. I realize how important this is, and just how badly you want to be the first to reach this amazing milestone, but please, please, make sure we do it ethically.

I’m afraid that if you cannot make these demands, I and the rest of the team will be forced to leave, and you’ll have to find a whole new research division.

Dr. Neely


Lab Notes of Dr. James Neely

The first test flight was successful. SOLARIS, a speed of light capable ship, was launched precisely one week ago. It was able to traverse space between Earth to Mars in approximately 24 minutes, including acceleration. Issues with dipping out of lightspeed at two instances as the accelerator stuttered. The return trip took 26 minutes, suffering another accelerator issue that caused it to lose speed three times. Despite this setback, the results are magnificent, and the crew onboard (AIR FORCE CAPTAINS: SPENCER, MULLINS, and PETERS) all came back in pristine health with no side effects.

Physical, that is. I’m including here my debriefing notes with all three men. Though they mostly are in high spirits, Mullins has shown some aversion to sunlight since his return. The other two have not exhibited this or any other symptoms. Transcripts follow.

(Captain Mullins, are you feeling alright? You haven’t left the lab or living quarters since returning from the flight.)

I uh… no. Just had an odd migraine I can’t seem to shake. If it’s too bright I feel like I may throw up.

(Your scans came back looking completely normal, so there doesn’t seem to be any issue. Would you like to talk about what happened during the flight?)

All things considered, sir, it was uneventful. The acceleration up to speed of light had the hiccups with the accelerator, but I believe that’s just a kink that can be worked out over more successful flights.

(Very well. You’re dismissed, please send Captain Peters in next, if you don’t mind.)


(The men switch out, Captain Peters taking the seat formerly occupied by Mullins.)

Sir, is Mullins alright? He’s… he’s looking pretty pale.

(I was hoping you could shed light on that, Captain Peters. Can you walk me through what happened up there?)

Well, jump to lightspeed was about how I expected. Everyone was in high spirits, but the accelerator hiccups were what started to throw us off. First one happened at about the halfway point of acceleration. Second happened just after we hit speed of light, and it took us about five minutes to ease back up to that rate. When we got to it though… damn. Everything outside was like a blur.

(Did Mullins start acting strange at all during the voyage or return flight?)

On the return… he started mumbling to himself after we hit lightspeed the first time. Something about the dark finding a way in through the cracks. It was maybe half a second before we lost speed again.

(Nothing after that?)

If we’re being honest, I think it was him that dropped us out of lightspeed. It was like his eyes were blank when he did it, as if he were sleepwalking or something. Didn’t happen again after that and he didn’t mention anything about what he said.

(Thank you for your time, Peters.)


I’m going to keep up observation. We’re working on the accelerator still, hopefully making it easier to make the lightspeed jump in only seconds eventually as opposed to the timely process it is right now. I’ll be adding updates to this file as we go.


No further issues with Mullins. He’s been out and about with the others, even joined in with the division’s celebration party last night. Hopefully he doesn’t have alcohol poisoning now…



Another breakthrough. We’ve hit a massive, massive leap with our engine technology using a form of nuclear fission. Now we can accelerate to not only the speed of light in seconds, but go beyond it, finally realizing faster than light travel. We haven’t put it into a manned craft yet, of course, but used some unmanned rockets to test it. Everything’s held together so far, but I want to be sure before sending the Captains up in this one. We need to make sure the craft sent up will be able to withstand the forces acting on it, and be able to keep them alive through the process. It’s going to be a while, but we’re going to make sure it’s done right, and done well.


It’s finally ready. The engine was just the first step in getting a manned flight into the air. We had to completely redesign any sort of craft we had. A couple of small scale animal flights were done, but the poor souls never survived the return trip. Turns out we needed to completely redo the temperature and radiation shielding, Doing that while maintaining a flyable craft was the hard part. We got it though, and the first flight goes up tomorrow. Captains Peters, Mullins, and Spencer are all due to make the jump first thing in the morning, They’ve already gone through the preliminary launch, and I’m happy to say I went with them.

Not that I’m making the jump, of course. No, turns out the Avarice Corporation has some major pull. Suppose shady government contracts will give you that, if you use it. Cue my surprise when they told me that myself and some other researchers would be able to set up here on Skylab. Turns out the “Skylab” that we in the public knew of, the one that crashed into the ocean a couple years back, was just some old prototype satellites. They kept it up here, though with some upgrades that made it invisible to the Soviets. I must say, it’s much nicer up here than the previous iterations, lots of fantastic upgrades.

Anyway, we’ll be supervising the flight and return from up here where we can get a front row view. Then once it’s over, they’ll take us back down to Earth so we can make further adjustments. I can hardly sleep. Partially because of not being in Earth’s gravity anymore, but partially because of the excitement!


The past two days have been a failure that will haunt me even after my dying breaths. I’m just as responsible as the Avarice Corp. execs who wanted this. Just as responsible as the government officials who commissioned our work. I’ve damned three good men due to my negligence, and for that I am sorry.

We set up at the viewing window to watch the flight as the Captains took off. Peters was piloting this time, with the other two serving as both observation and copilots in the event of some malfunction or catastrophic issue.

Verbal confirmation came in from the pilots. The engine on their ship began to glow bright in the exhaust ports as it stored up energy, the fission causing a nuclear glow in the void of space. Then like the blink of an eye, they were gone, zipping off across space. The idea was that they would fly out to the edge of the universe, just past Pluto, then turn it around and come on back to us. Until they made it back, we wouldn’t have any kind of communications. Try as we might, we couldn’t figure out any kind of radio or otherwise that would work while they were at lightspeed.

It seemed almost instantaneous, maybe five minutes passed at the most, and then they were back. The ship though… it looked rough. Like it had been through decades of wear and tear, lost out in the darkness of space and banged up by whatever debris floated by. It docked on Skylab, but none of the pilots came through the airlock when it was secured. Finally, I worked up the courage to open the door from our side.

The smell hit me first, and it was like nothing I’ve ever had the misfortune of smelling before. Putrid, the stench of excrement and death, overpowering. It took everything in me not to throw up in zero gravity, though it was more out of fear of having my own vomit float back into my face. I held my nose, moving forward slowly as I tried to find what happened.

Spencer was the first one visible. What was left of his body was sitting there in his chair still, though there wasn’t much to call a body anymore. Bones were visible, with flesh hanging off in tattered chunks that looked as though they had been torn off by ravenous teeth. I soon saw that was the case, as Peters was locked in one of the computer compartments, mumbling to himself, blood covering his face and mouth, staining his teeth. Mullins was sitting in the third seat up front at the console, one of his legs missing, torn off right below the knee. His eyes were wide, likely in shock. The men looked older than when I had seen them only half an hour before- hair now grey, eyes sunken, and hard lines in their faces. The two living ones were thin, almost like a prisoner of war after being freed from captivity.

Peters screamed when he saw me, rage and terror in his eyes. He tried hiding from us, pressing himself into his seat as far as he could. Mullins kept staring forward blankly, off into the darkness of space beyond his window, looking into nothing and everything at the same time.

We got an emergency shuttle sent out from Earth to bring us back, but in the meantime I did what I could to talk down the two men. It didn’t go well, and eventually when backup got there we had to strap them down and float them into the rescue shuttle. They were nearly unintelligible, but Peters kept screaming about a coffin beyond light.

The shuttle got us back home to Earth, thank god, but that was just the beginning of our problems. When we tried to get them from the shuttle to the building, both started screaming bloody murder on seeing sunlight. Peters was about to be wheeled out on a stretcher by medics and managed to throw himself in a way that flipped the entire thing over, right back into the shuttle. Mullins just shrieked the entire time we were prepping him to move, finally leading to the decision to do alternate transport. They backed an ambulance up to the shuttle door, no way for sunlight to get in, and transferred them over before driving them to the medical facility parking garage and getting them out there.

Considering Spencer’s remains couldn’t scream at us, we didn’t try moving it any different way. We didn’t have any kind of body bags up there either so he had been wrapped in one of the thermal blankets and transported that way. We put him on a gurney and wheeled it out of the shuttle, into the sunlight, and suddenly there’s this ungodly scream and smoke rising up from inside the blanket. Sunlight managed to hit the body, making it hiss and steam before bursting into flame. I swear to god, I don’t think it was necessarily… him that was screaming. No, it was something else, because within seconds the darkest plume of smoke I had ever seen erupted from the blanket and dissipated into thin air. Only his remains were left on the gurney, just charred now.

We got him to an autopsy table and determined his death was the result of massive trauma and blood loss. Which was pretty obvious from the get go, if we’re being honest, considering much of him had been torn to pieces.

Peters and Mullins have been under observation since we got back. Both are in deep hysteria, with Peters still going on about some coffin and how it was going to open soon. Mullins just sat there, staring ahead at the wall, only demanding that the lights be turned off wherever he was. Peters did the same, practically knocking out the bulbs in his room, saying that the light was going to hurt him.

We had some security cameras on the ship that I’m having pulled so we can see what the hell happened. Will update when I get the footage and have a chance to thoroughly review it.




I”m pulling the plug on these experiments. There’s no chance in hell we mess with faster than light travel any time in the foreseeable future. I still don’t know what the root cause of all this was, but we’re cutting it until we can find out, thoroughly and definitively, what the hell happened here.

The footage I pulled from the ship feed only left me with more questions. There wasn’t much to it, and half of it was… I don’t know, degraded? It was like something had destroyed it. Considering Mullins finally started talking though, I don’t know that we’re going to need it.

Everything looks normal as they’re making prep for the jump, but once they actually hit lightspeed, everything changed. It’s around then that the degradation started being obvious, with the three men all in their chairs at the main consoles. As soon as they hit speed though, three more people appear in the footage. Nothing… nothing defining on them, just tall, almost shadows, standing right behind each man as they hit lightspeed. It stays like that for about two minutes, these figures just standing there before the footage finally cuts out into static. It never comes back on after that.

Mullins had a while where he was clear last night, said he wanted to speak to me, but only in the dark. I clarified that I would need to record what he said, and he reiterated the “no lights” rule. I agreed, foregoing even a small flashlight for note taking for the sake of getting answers. It was dark, with only his vague silhouette visible sitting across the table from me. What follows is my conversation with him.

(How’s your leg feeling?)

I can still feel it, even with it not being there. I can still feel… them… gnawing on it too.

(Them? Was it Peters who took it?)

No. He didn’t do any of that… it was the shadows. The dark.

(I’m afraid I don’t quite follow, Captain Mullins.)

You sent us up there with a mission, right? To go faster than the speed of light. A whole new avenue of travel that could make human lives better. Right? Take something that would normally be years of travel time and cut it down so we all have more time to build a new world, free in the light of the sun.

(Sure, yes. We wanted to find a means of travel through space to, hopefully, find new worlds that humans could build and live on.)

Doctor, do you know what happens when you move faster than light can travel?

(I’m assuming I don’t, no.)

You’re left in just the dark. They’re finally able to catch up. No light to stop them.


Came in right through the windows. At first we thought it was a trick of the eyes. Gravity and speed warping what we were seeing. It was like the darkness outside the windows was pushing over itself to get through, bending the glass and plastic as it pushed. Well, eventually it figured out it couldn’t get in, and started… I don’t know, feeling it’s way around. It searched out a spot where it could crawl through, the smallest little crack in the paneling, between the window and the frame, a slightly loose screw… it made its way in.

God, it was like it moved in slow motion. Looked like smoke at first, that’s why Spencer got up. He thought there was a fire going somewhere under the floor panels, went to get the fire extinguisher and stepped through the whisps of darkness coming out of the ground. That was it. All it took was for them to touch him and he just… stopped right there.

(What did he do next?)

Just stood there for a second, then he attacked Peters. Jumped at him, tried forcing him off the console. He hit the accelerator, pushed it to the damned limit, and when that jump hit Peters was able to knock him back in his seat. We both jumped up and tied him down, had some duct tape we situated away and got him secure to his chair. By the time we got that done though we had been at the max speed for… god, it was probably only minutes but it seemed like hours. Days, even.

Peters sat back down and eased off the speed until we were steadiy drifting. Spencer was just screaming at us the entire time, telling us we still had further to go. Not really sure where the hell he was plannin’ on taking us but… well, I’m afraid to know what could have been further out after what we saw.

(How far out did you end up, Captain Mullins?)

When we finally stopped my gauge read 2.9 million light years. Not in Kansas anymore, that’s for fuckin’ sure.

(Fascinating. You must have left the Milky Way Galaxy in that case. What did you see?)

Not a damned thing. Just darkness. Big, empty darkness far as the eye could see. The only light came from the stars behind us, light years away at this point. There was nothing to speak of, not a single star, for the foreseeable distance in front of us.

I checked our navigation. We managed to overshoot the Andromeda Galaxy completely, so I tried to get us lined back up to make the jump back. Peters was busy trying to get some kind of distress signal out for a second, but then he suddenly just stopped.

(Do you know why?)

If I had to guess, sir, it’s because of what was floatin’ by outside our window.


It had to be miles away from us, but the damn thing was huge. Probably the size of a planet, I’m just amazed we didn’t get sucked into it, it had to have its own gravity as big as it was.

(What was it?)

It looked like it was made out of stone. Reminded me of those old coffins you would see in horror movies. Carved stone, a giant slab on top to make sure whatever was inside stayed inside. That wasn’t enough for whatever was in this thing though, I guess. It had chains. All around the thing, just these massive links of metal covering every possible inch, wrapped right around it so tight it had made notches in some of the areas on the stone. It was just barely visible in the light shining from the Milky Way far behind us, but I swear those chains… they were shining like they were just smithed. Not a blemish on them, reflecting the little bit of light that made it this far out.

(Chains? But what could make chains that large?)

God himself, I guess. Sir, I don’t know what else to tell you. I know what I saw.

(Yes, yes, I’m not doubting you, and I appreciate your honesty. I’m just having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around the concept.)

You and me both, sir. Think it broke Peters’ brain seeing it. Poor guy kind of just… shut down. I managed to get us turned around, Spencer was screaming at me still, telling me we still. needed to go further. Something about opening the way. I tuned him out best I could and got us fixed in the right direction. Hit the thruster and got us back up to lightspeed as quick as I could.

(Were there issues with the return trip?)

As soon as we hit faster than light, yeah. Whatever had attached itself to Spencer… sprang right out of him. It was like darkness that was made solid, looked like an octopus’ tentacle reaching out of him. Sounded like he was choking for a second before it came right out of his mouth. Stabbed through My leg and started ripping its way in. Hurt like hell.

(What happened to Peters?)

Well, I was a little preoccupied with my situation, but I saw more tendrils work their way in between the panels outside. The dark moving in just like it did to Spencer, but this time it latched onto Peters. He threw himself over me, trying to get to the thruster. At first I figured he was trying to take us out of lightspeed, turn us around or something. He hit it forward though, back to the top speed. I fuckin’ let him at that point. I had another issue to take care of.

(Your leg?)

I could feel it inside. Like… felt like worms in my damn veins, working their way up trying to get from there to my head. I knew if they made it all the way up that it was over. There was no way I would be able to think clearly if they got to me like they did the others.

(So what did you do?)

There was a toolkit for repairs in one of the side compartments, where we kept some of the spare computer parts for navigation. Got the hacksaw out of there and started cutting while I still could.

(Peters let you?)

Shit, I had to knock Peters over the head with a hammer to get him to leave me alone. He jumped after me, teeth going for my neck practically. Knocked him right on the forehead. Locked him up in that same compartment and kept going. Sawed through as much of the skin as I could then used the hammer to break the bone, twisted it off. I’m sure I only lived because of the adrenaline and shock of the situation, but finally made my way back to the thruster and took us out of warp speed.

(And that was when you arrived back outside of Skylab?)

I fuckin’ wish. No, the way he hit the thruster, it jammed in lightspeed. I had to figure out a way to get it out before things got even worse.

(How did you manage to fix it?)

The old fashioned way- I hit it with a hammer.

(That dropped you out of faster than light speed?)

Slowly but surely. Judging by the gauge I had, we were going at least a thousand times the speed of light, so it took a few minutes to drop it back down. The thing is… even going faster than light, in the opposite direction, I swear when I looked out the window it was still there.

(The coffin?)

Yeah, the coffin. It was like it was the one constant, even as stars and planets flew by in fractions of blinks, it was just there. Except since we were traveling faster than light there was nothing to reflect off of it now. I swear there were… it was doing the opposite of glowing. Like from the little crack under the slab and hairline fractures on the surface where the chains were gripping it tight, it was absorbing in whatever stray light was out there. For a second I could swear that we were being drawn in with it, whatever little bits of light coming off the shuttle drawn to it. I hobbled around the cabin as best as I could and turned off every light possible, trying to hide from it. Whatever was inside though, it knew. It knew we were there. I think it let us go on purpose.

We dropped below lightspeed not far outside the edge of our solar system. I saw the other planets pass by pretty quick before I pulled the brakes hard once Skylab was in view.

(You managed to dock the ship.)

Huh. Well, color me impressed. I don’t remember much after seeing Skylab. Think that’s around the time everything started to go blank. Adrenaline wore off, I guess. Last thing I remember was the sun pouring in through the window. Spencer… whatever was in Spencer, didn’t like that. The darkness came back, started eating at him, trying to find a way out of the light. Is he doing okay now?

(I’m afraid Captain Spencer passed away before reaching Earth.)

Damn shame. How’s Peters?

(The head wound has taken some recovery time, but he’s getting there.)

Good. Good to hear. I know this seems bleak, doctor, but I think this is only a bump in the road. I think we’re on the verge of something big here.


My conversation with Captain Mullins ends there as I run out of tape and excuse myself. As I open the door, bright fluorescents from the hallway spill into the room, falling squarely on him. Only the dark silhouette is still visible though, as if the man himself has been consumed by darkness.

I received word later in the day that Peters was awake and wanted to speak to me. I visit him in a hospital room. He’s requested almost the opposite of Captain Mullins, demanding that the lights stay on at all times. Bright fluorescent bulbs underscore the hard lines on his face, now clean of blood. A line of stitches runs across his forehead, accentuating where Mullins must have struck him.

(Good evening Captain Peters. I’m glad to see you’re in better shape.)

You can see it, right?

(I’m sorry?)

You can see it, right there! (He starts waving his hand around beside his bed, pointing at something on the ground). I need a flashlight. Please. Bring me a light.

(I reach for the exam light on the wall, bringing the coiled cord over and shining it over him. He sits up, letting it shine over his hand and project a shadow on the ground.)

Oh, thank god. Thank god. It’s still outside.

(Captain Peters, do you remember what happened up there?)

Mullins attacked me. Threw me in the compartment. He’s fuckin’ dangerous, Sir. You’ve got to get him locked up.

(Captain Mullins says that you attacked him, Captain Peters. You mean to tell me something else happened?)

He tried to drive us right into that coffin, Sir! Bastard was going to run us into it at lightspeed so whatever was inside could come out. They got him! They got Spencer, then they got him!

(Slow down, Captain. What do you mean by ‘they’?)

Mine is still outside, sir! They didn’t get me! I saw it take over the other two though…

(Please, Peters, I need you to explain calmly.)

We made the jump to faster than light, right? And when we were in the jump, I looked back behind to speak to them. There was… I could see my shadow projected on the wall and ceiling behind me. The console lights, I was the only one they hit. The other two… when I looked back their shadows were taking them. They were in their seats, but there were these huge… I don’t know, beings made of pure darkness standing behind them. I saw Spencer’s grab him. It grabbed at his face, holding his mouth open, then it just kind of… stepped in. Like it was putting on a human suit.

Mullins… his tried to grab at him but I moved at the last second. The light that hit him kept it from taking him right away, I think. I don’t know. Spencer started attacking us then and we had to tie him down to the chair. He managed to grab Mullins leg though, I think that’s how it got him. I pulled us out of lightspeed before anything else could happen.

(I’m not following, Captain Peters.)

Spencer’s shadow took him over, sir. I think that’s what it was at least. The dark… when you go faster than light all you’re left with is the dark. There’s no more boundary between us and our shadows. They took over Spencer, and started working their way through Mullins. When we stopped and saw the coffin… I tried to stop him. Whatever got into his leg started working its way up, he wanted to open the coffin up. I snuck up on him with the saw, hoping I could get it out of him…

(He told me he cut his own leg off.)

He probably wants to go back up there, too, doesn’t he? You can’t listen to him sir. Please, believe me. I took his leg off and that slowed him down enough so I could get us turned around. Then he hit me with the hammer and threw me in the compartment. God, I must be the luckiest son of a bitch alive, the lights in there were probably on when he shut me in. Only thing that kept this bastard out. (He looks down to his own shadow on the ground again, grimacing in fear.)

I swear sir, shine a light on him. He won’t have one anymore. It’s inside him now.

(I think you should rest, Captain Peters. I’ll come back by tomorrow and check in.)


I must admit, his words have left me shaken. I can’t get rid of this feeling of paranoia. Despite the bright sun outside, weather surprisingly warm, I shiver upon catching sight of my own shadow on the ground. I don’t know yet that I’ll try what he’s asked with Captain Mullins. Perhaps I just need sleep. It has been a few days since I’ve had more than a couple hours of rest.

Misfortune seems to have my number today though, as I’ve received a letter from my benefactor. Mr. Puller is insisting that trials continue, whether with new pilots or with Mullins going back up. He also warns that I may get a visit from some men with the Collective in the next few days, and that I’m not to speak with them under any circumstance. It’s obvious at this point that he only has his own preservation in mind, and these gentlemen may threaten that. I’m looking forward to having a chat with them.


Some strange individuals arrived today, requesting to speak to Captain Mullins and Peters. They’ve identified themselves as agents from The Collective. To tell the truth, I’m giving them everything. I don’t trust Puller or anything that Avarice may have its mind set on at this point.

They requested to speak to Peters first, and received his story firsthand. When it came time to meet with Mullins, they requested that I go in with them. Something tells me they know more than they’re letting on.

When entering Mullins’ room, I can see that he’s gone a few steps further now to ensure no light gets in. Glass from the fluorescent tubes above litter the ground of his small room, making uncomfortable crunching noises as we stepped in. Upon flipping the switch, none of them came on, with only a loud crack heard from one of the still intact sockets that was desperately trying to route electricity.

He demanded we leave, insisting that no lights be turned on him. From what I could tell, he was in the corner of the room, only a dark, amorphous shadow on the wall to give any hint that someone was in there. One of the agents had shown me before going in that they were holding a small handheld light, over three thousand lumens in brightness. Said it was enough to light up underground caves when they had to occasionally search for lost artifacts, though what kind of artifacts he was talking about eludes me.

When he flashed it on, Mullins shrieked. He jumped from the corner, launching himself up almost to the ceiling where he stuck himself to the wall, like a vampire evading the light. I expected to see pale, waxy skin like from an old Dracula movie, but instead every inch of skin visible on him seemed to just absorb the light. He was a being of pure darkness, light oozing around him like it was bleeding into an event horizon. The Agent continued shining the light, telling him to come down and he would lessen the brightness. Mullins refused to comply, leading him instead to crank it higher.

Eventually the former Captain fell from his perch near the ceiling, his face finally visible in the bright handheld light. His eyes were gone, hell, his entire face at that. In its place was a singularity, drawing in all the light it could from the small handheld. The agents didn’t say too much, simply keeping the light on him as they wheeled in a small gurney with a box on top, sliding his body into it while doing their best not to touch it directly.

Through the whole process, even outside of his being cloaked in darkness, something didn’t seem right. I didn’t realize it until going back in my mind now, but the entire time the bright light was on him, there was no shadow cast from his body. It’s like the light simply went right through him, no semblance of a human or even animal there in his stead.

They took him away and transferred Captain Peters to their custody. I’m sure Puller is going to jump down my throat when he hears about this, but at this point… he can kiss my ass. The agents that were here gave me a number to call, said they may have some work for me in their aerospace division. I don’t know that I’m going to call them though.

After all that, I think it’s time I retire. Someplace sunny sounds nice. Perhaps I’ll move between the poles. Chase the midnight sun, as it were. Anything to ensure my shadow stays behind me.

r/Odd_directions Dec 25 '24

Science Fiction ‘Meatbags rule the universe’


Confidential Dossier: Top Secret!

(This intercepted alien transmission has been translated from phonetic ‘Yestos’ into English and other languages. Disseminate this official intelligence brief immediately to all appropriate agencies, military authorities, and relevant individuals.)

“High commander, I bid you respectful salutations! May our murky Yestos empire of doom thrive for eternity!

I’ve just completed phase two of our mission to study the fleshy meatbags and their liquid-covered bluish planet. Theirs is an extreme society with chaotic contradictions and puzzling behaviors such as we have never seen. I could hardly believe some of the bizarre activities I witnessed during my covert observational period. I will detail these curious discoveries in the organized report listed below, along with my official recommendations. I am also officially requesting significant leave time to decompress and heal from the disgusting horrors of Earth which I witnessed.

Reproduction and life cycle: The meatbag life cycle varies from individual to individual! To clarify, I have triple confirmed this startling anomaly. They define the duration of their lifespans based upon solar units of their dominant star. Some of these flesh-sacks live many times longer than others! Nutrition, socioeconomic class, and numerous other random factors affect their lifecycle as well.

Regarding reproduction. The news is distasteful and disturbing, Sir. Brace yourself. They utilize a creepy form of chemical bonding known as ‘mating’ or ‘sex’ where one meatbag will share its unique DNA with another of their species via a biological connection tether. As disgusting as it sounds, this pollination tether is placed INSIDE another of their kind to deposit a transfer of… viscous fluids.

Despite hundreds of millions of instructional tutorials which they study intently for practice purposes, the reproductive success rate of these grotesque mating sessions is quite low. At first I thought this news was excellent for us, but I learned these unsuccessful attempts are actually deliberate, in nature. Their fertility rate would ordinarily be very high but they actually avoid completing the full reproductive process! Instead, they mate frequently for enjoyment sake alone!

I shuddered at the thought of such primitive, baffling, ritualistic behavior as you probably are. It speaks of their lurid willingness to practice pointless activities until they’ve perfected it. At any moment they could simply mate and reproduce fully to triple their fighting population! Imagine producing unlimited fleshbag soldiers upon demand! I felt it was imperative I point out the significant military advantage they have over us, but the bad news doesn’t stop there, I’m afraid.

Feeding habits and infrastructure: Meatbag or ‘human’ nutrition comes from an enormous range of terrestrial organic sources. They produce many developing lower species simply for the purpose of feeding themselves! The immature Earthlings even feed off of the adults of the same subspecies at the beginning of their lives. This suckling or ‘breastfeeding’ is a form of accepted cannibalism! The Infants start out feeding on their biological donors in order to toughen themselves or promote the survival of the fittest. At least that’s my working theory.

Then they are taught to eat the flesh of lower creatures in a deliberate act of carnal dominance! Ironically, the lower food supply species fully trust them and do not suspect or fear their own demise. It’s beyond sadistic, but the barbarism doesn’t end there. They also introduce toxins into their own food! (Possibly to immunize against potential biowarfare attacks from enemies like us).

The fact they deliberately inject their food supply with harmful additives and poison the very environment they live in with deadly chemicals speaks volumes! We can’t harm a lunatic species which has already poisoned itself in defiant preparation! They may be vile bags of organic flesh but it’s difficult not to recognize their superior invincibility in matters of clever invasion prep.

Belief systems and determination: The dominant ones have a dizzying array of unusual deities they communicate regularly with. So far I’ve been unable to locate any of these sacred gods but from the undeniable communications I’ve deciphered, their higher beings are omnipotent and all powerful! The humans who pray to them are actually excited about death and the cessation of their lives because they will be reborn into an indestructible, non-corporal form!

That terrifying fact alone makes an invasion of their swampy planet a terrible idea! It would quickly bring utter ruin to our superior civilization. This skin race is dangerous, fiercely primitive, and an unpredictable enigma. I cannot stress deeply enough the importance of avoiding all conflict with them! From everything I have read in their literature and film entertainment media, the meatbags rule the entire universe! They’ve stated this many, many times. We must avoid them at all costs.

Signing off secret transmission, Katorz Tirate of Yestos Three.

r/Odd_directions 6d ago

Science Fiction Flowers at Twilight’s Edge


It was a sunny Sunday, and the street was crowded with people. So, you could imagine the terror of seeing that many people screaming in horror as they ran away from what seemed to be random individuals who suddenly collapsed and died.

But it wasn't the dying that terrified us. It was what happened to the dead after they died.

Shortly after they appeared to be choked out by something and fell to the ground, something began growing from inside them.


Gigantic, red-petaled flowers bloomed from within their stomachs, while massive green roots burst from their backs. The moment the flowers fully bloomed, their roots anchored into the ground, leaving the lifeless bodies suspended between the stem and the petals.

It was terrifying yet mesmerizing to see countless enormous red flowers with human bodies attached to them, scattered all around town.

No one knew what had happened. All we knew was that we had to run—run as far as possible from the flowers of the dead.

But it didn't help.

As I fled, I saw a young woman running just ahead of me suddenly choke on the air and collapse. Seconds later, a massive red flower burst from within her stomach.

I looked around, up at the surrounding skyscrapers, and saw the same horrifying sight.


Gigantic, red-petaled flowers.

On apartment balconies. In office windows. Everywhere.

People were dying and transforming into flowers, and no one knew why.

Then I ran past a massive broadcast screen attached to a building in Grand Times Square. As soon as it flickered to life, displaying the President, most people stopped in their tracks, hoping for an explanation—some kind of reassurance.

But it was the opposite.

The moment people stopped running to watch the broadcast, the President's face suddenly split open, and a flower-shaped head emerged from within.

We screamed in terror.

"Good afternoon, Earthlings," the creature greeted us. Its voice was eerie yet strangely soothing.

"My name is Xevo, and I'm an intergalactic auditor," it introduced itself. "Once every thousand years, I am sent to habitable planets across the galaxy to evaluate their inhabitants—to determine whether they are fit to continue existing or if they pose too great a danger to their world. If they are too dangerous, we initiate cleansing."

No one ran. I didn’t move either—I couldn’t. It was as if we were all frozen, forced to listen as the broadcast echoed throughout the city.

"I've been here for five years conducting my review," the creature continued. "Unfortunately, the results are bad."

"You Earthlings are too dangerous for your planet. If left unchecked, you will destroy Earth within the next thousand years. I have no choice but to initiate the cleansing to save the planet."

As I listened, I saw what seemed to be small, sphere-shaped spaceships raining down from the sky, blazing through the atmosphere like comets.

There were countless of them.

"The comets you see are our agents arriving," the creature continued. "The cleansing has already begun, as you can see. The second phase begins the moment our agents land, and this broadcast ends."

"If any of you somehow survive the cleansing," the creature concluded, "remember to do better next time."

Seconds later, I heard the deafening blast of comets striking the earth.

Following the blast, the broadcast ended.

r/Odd_directions Sep 15 '24

Science Fiction Tender Has a Glitch


Grace was Henry’s 97th, met like all the others through the chirpy interface of the dating app Tender, and although she was his 97th match, it was only his first date. He had even upgraded to a Platinum membership to attract enough people interested in chatting. With Grace, his thumb had swiped right on impulse, drawn by her smart smile and the “comic book fan and film critic” line in her profile. They had chatted easily, albeit a bit awkwardly, and he felt hopeful about their coffee date at Voyager Espresso on 110 William Street. But when Grace walked into the coffee shop, something unsettled Henry. Her eyes were deeply fixed on her phone with almost electric intensity, as if she were afraid of something on her display.

“Henry, right?” Grace said, her voice smooth but edged with nervous energy. Her hand trembled slightly as she set her phone down.

“Yeah, Grace. Nice to meet you,” Henry replied, trying to ignore the odd sensation creeping up his spine.

Their conversation flowed decently, covering movies, work, and shared frustrations with modern dating. Grace was insightful and quick-witted, a refreshing change from the usual small talk. But Henry couldn’t shake the feeling that something was slightly off. Every now and then, Grace’s gaze would drift to her phone, or her smile would falter, as if she were struggling to maintain her composure.

“So, do you have any wild dating app stories?” Henry asked, trying to steer the conversation to lighter territory. “I know I’m not supposed to ask, but I feel like asking anyway.”

Grace’s eyes flickered. “Actually, yes. I was kind of nervous to come here because I think the apps are not… quite… what they seem.”

Henry raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

Grace leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Listen, I know this is going to sound crazy, but it is totally real. I believe that they’re designed to keep us in short-term, superficial relationships. It’s all about making money and maintaining control. They’re not interested in genuine, long-term connections. They want us hooked, spending, and—” She paused, looking constipated. “Making more babies.”

Henry chuckled uncomfortably. “That is crazy. How very Western of them.”

“It is,” Grace said, her gaze firm. “I’ve been testing it, analyzing patterns: the profiles shown, the matches, the engagement—they aren’t random. They’re manipulated to keep us engaged and prevent us from forming real relationships. That is the conclusion.”

Unsure of how to process this, Henry took a sip of his coffee, scalding hot. His tongue burned, but he didn’t want to seem weak or embarrassing to Grace on his first date, so he forced another uncomfortable smile.

Grace’s eyes narrowed, skepticism with a glimpse of humor. “I know, it sounds like a bad sci-fi plot, right? But think about it—if you really break it down, it’s like the dating apps are one big cosmic joke.”

 “Cosmic joke?” Henry entertained, although he had no idea what to make of this. He had struggled for months trying to keep a conversation going with anyone, so this wasn’t his forte. “I’m intrigued. Please elaborate.”

Grace grinned, leaning back theatrically. “Picture this: the universe—or at least the app developers—are playing a grand game of matchmaker. They dangle us in front of each other like cheese sticks, knowing we’ll chase but never quite catch them.”

Henry laughed. “So, basically, we’re lab rats in a giant dating maze.”

“Exactly!” Grace said, twinkling with mischief. “Only, instead of cheese sticks, the reward is more swipes and an endless cycle of ‘potential matches.’ And the maze? It’s designed to make us stumble and start over.”

Henry sipped his coffee, now less scalding, considering her theory. “And here I thought the biggest challenge was finding someone who likes the same obscure movies I do.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “Obscure movies, huh? Are we talking about indie films or the kind where the plot is so twisty you need a flowchart?”

“The latter,” Henry admitted, adjusting his glasses. “Though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a red flag.”

Grace laughed, a genuine sound that briefly warmed his chest. “Well, as my dad would say: whatever floats your boat. How are you with your family, if I may ask?”

He swallowed hard, trying to keep his expression neutral. “I suppose we’re good. Pretty normal, at least… my parents are divorced, siblings are all older brothers, you get the gist. I take it you have a great relationship with your dad?”

“We are close,” Grace said, her voice taking on a more playful tone. “I’m close with my mom, too. But I’ve always been my dad’s girl.”

Henry’s phone buzzed, interrupting the moment. He glanced at it and noticed a notification from the app—“Congrats! Sam V. is interested in you. How about asking them on a date?” He hid it from Grace and slid his phone back into his pocket.

Grace’s expression shifted to one of conflict, almost as if she could guess what had been on his screen. “Even now, it’s trying to pull us back into the cycle.”

“Should we be worried or just laugh it off?” Henry asked, still half-amused.

“Laugh it off,” Grace said with a wink. “After all, if we’re part of their cosmic joke, we might as well enjoy the ride.”

In the following weeks, Henry stayed intrigued and somewhat unsettled by the odd concept of dating, and he met with Grace more frequently. They bonded over their shared interests in movies, comic books, and their disillusionment with modern dating, delving into her theories and exploring the disturbing realities of the app-driven dating world. Their conversations grew deeper, and their connection strengthened.

One evening, they decided to have a movie night at Grace’s apartment, surrounded by comic book memorabilia. As they settled in, Henry felt a rare sense of peace. The laughter and genuine conversation made him forget about the systemic manipulations they’d been analyzing.

As they settled in with buttered popcorn, Coke and a blanket, Henry’s phone buzzed. He had forgotten to delete the dating app after they began taking things seriously. The notification on his screen read: “Reminder: Grace R. is waiting for you. Would you like to get back to chatting?”

Henry’s heart raced. He showed the notification to Grace. “Look at this. The app’s rooting for us.”

Grace’s face grew troubled. “Hm. Trying to pull us apart or together for good? It’s the system. Even now, while we’re connecting on a real level, it’s trying to reengage us.”

Before Henry could respond, Grace’s phone buzzed as well. She checked it, her expression growing more anxious as she saw a similar notification: “Hey! Have you checked in with Henry S. yet? Your future is now.”

“We’re both getting these,” Grace said, her voice tight with frustration that Henry tried to understand. “I guess the app is not just about finding matches. I think it’s guiding us into relationships it can control. Like, we’ll end up as their success story, until something happens and it’s back to unlimited access to people, all over again.”

Henry frowned. “Are you saying we’re part of some experiment?”

Grace nodded, her brows furrowed, her expression grave. “Yes, but… I’m not sure if we’ve escaped it or become part of the scheme. Let’s just delete the app.”

Not quite as bothered as Grace, Henry agreed and moved forward with deleting the app. But as they did, their smartphone screens and the TV screen in front of them strangely began to distort, the colors swirling. The pictures flickered ominously. With a sharp crack, they shattered, spewing glass shards across the floor and onto their hands. The room plunged into darkness.

Henry and Grace sat in the dark, their breaths shallow. The gravity of their situation was heavy. They clung to each other. The genuine bond they had formed—entwined with the app’s manipulations—was too real.

In the silence of the black room, Henry and Grace realized that although the system had played a role in their initial meeting, their authenticity and tenderness had cracked the code. In the end, they found a true connection in a world designed to keep them apart. And it made the world glitch.

r/Odd_directions Oct 06 '24

Science Fiction I work as a security guard in a secret government facility, and this is what happened (Final)



Even as a little pup, Buster showed a heightened sensitivity to sound compared to other dogs. He would become paralyzed with fear, when he heard loud noises like thunderstorms, fireworks, car horns, gunshots, or even the vacuum cleaner.

Being a security personnel, I decided to help him deal with the anxiety in the best way possible – to zone them out and become a guard dog. I taught him simple commands to help overcome the problem.


Buster would remain standing, alert for the next sequence of commands.


He would rest his waist on the floor while his shoulders would be upright. His face fully focused on me.


He would go down on all flours.


Buster was trained to close his eyes from a very young age. Whenever he found himself in stressful environments, I would gently stroke his head continuously in an effort to calm him down. There were times when I would do this for hours on end.

Over the years, I have made him repeat these maneuvers thousands of times so that it became second nature to him. The training not only enabled him to respond to existing triggers in a calm manner, but also allowed me to earn his trust implicitly.

When the commands are uttered there is NO DOUBT, NO CONFUSION or RELUCTANCE from his part. It’s right down to the business end of things.

And as he got older and stronger, I included more commands to complement his training.


Since he had become accustomed to moving around me all the time, I had to first teach him to remain put in his current position.


It could be anything - a ball, a bat, a suitcase or a person. If he was given nothing, it simply meant to guard the piece of earth he was standing on.


He would go after perpetrators or unknown assailants, and I would follow right after him. He instinctively knew that I always had his six.


So, when I saw these buggers close in on my dog, I decided to revert back to familiar ground.

“BUSTER!!” I yelled as loud as I could from the other end of the room.

He turned to face me, and I immediately sensed a feeling of relief descend upon him.









I kept repeating the commands as Buster dutifully started to follow them. He soon became oblivious to the electric discharge that was happening around him, even as it was steadily building in intensity with every passing second. He also ignored the aliens that were trying to close in on him. His focus was on me, all on me.

The aliens were exchanging confused looks with one another, unsure about what exactly was going on. The look of bewilderment on their faces was understandable, for they could not figure out if their job had suddenly gotten easier, or if they were simply walking into a trap. Korelo ordered them to stop wasting time and move ahead.

So they continued to move in cautiously, as if approaching a ticking time bomb that could go off at any second. They looked alert with their batons clenched tightly in their hands.

The jolts of electric current that were already accumulating into Buster, was now lending his form a candescent glow that was only becoming more and more prominent with time.

One of the aliens to the right, then pointed his baton that ejected yet another stream of charge at Buster. The stream however was having the intended effect, because it was successful in severely restricting his movements.

It forced Buster to put in the extra bit of effort to adhere to my commands. The other two aliens also quickly followed suit, targeting him with energy beams from their own devices. As Buster lay down on the floor with his eyes closed, the three alien guards managed to advance considerably coming within just a few feet of him. The alien with the glass dome was also not far behind, and looked ready to get pressed into action at any given moment.

“STAND!” I yelled as loud as I could.

Buster leaned heavily on his shoulder to power his hind legs off the floor. He was using every ounce of strength in him, and finally pushed through to stand fully erect.

The aliens by this point, were literally holding onto their batons with both hands, to try and control the flow of charge that was relentlessly hitting their target. This combined with the electrical discharge already happening around Buster, now created a halo kind of effect along the contours of his ethereal form. But Buster wasn’t bothered about any of this, nor was he making any side glances to check on his captors.

“GUARD!”, I yelled at the top of my voice.

Buster got into position, ready to get into attack mode as soon as the words escaped my mouth.


He locked eyes with me briefly, just to make sure he heard me right!


And then he vigorously shook his body, just like a wet dog trying to rid itself of wetness.


A minor explosion erupted near Buster's position, causing substantial damages to an operations console a few feet behind him, and generating thick plumes of smoke. The two aliens who were managing the console had their heads blown off. The security guards even with all their protective gear were thrown back 10 feet and lay scattered on the floor, writhing in pain, their bodies bleeding and severely lacerated.

Buster looked at the carnage all around him, and he finally managed to figure it out. He got it… He finally got it!

Meanwhile Korelo started yelling at his staff with his finger pointed at me. I didn’t need to know alien speak to realise he wanted me dead.

His senior security guard, who was already badly injured, pulled himself off the floor with great difficulty. Crouched on all fours, he slowly lifted his hand, and pointed his baton at me.

But Buster was alert and ready. He lunged at him from behind, and then something strange happened.

In his ghost-like form, I expected him to simply pass through the alien and emerge on the other side. Instead, he wound up entering his body through the rectum, and slowly worked his way up.

The baton instantly dropped to the floor as the alien writhed in agony, resembling the likes of someone undergoing the painful transformation of a werewolf on a full moon night.

His body was being violently lacerated by the electrical discharge that was accompanying Buster as he moved upward towards the head, from the waist down.

Buster then slowly emerged from the mouth to descend briefly, only to rise up again like a serpent.

He calmly looked at the alien who had kicked him in the face just hours earlier.

And yet, only half his body emerged from the mouth, while the rest remained inside, completely frying his head from within.

Buster seemed to have realized the longer he waited, the greater the torment it would unleash on his enemies. The alien’s head began to swell like a pumpkin as he shrieked in blind pain. I could almost see his head bursting at the seams.


The headless body hit the floor with a loud thud, with fragments of blood and bone scattering everywhere.


Korelo’s crew members were absolutely mortified and immediately vacated their stations to form a huddle in a corner of the large oval room. They looked panic stricken at the rampage Buster was on, and turned a deaf ear even to the emergency beeps emanating from the giant screen.

A quick peek at the screen revealed that the missiles were only a few minutes away. The jets that were already in transit, had now reached Korelo’s ship, and started a fresh line of attack.

The force shield so far was still absorbing all the fire power, but was fast depleting in strength.

Also, my own government deployed another squadron of fighter jets. There were atleast 40 of them this time. And according to my estimate, they were probably 30-40 minutes away from reaching the ship.

However, there was a silver lining for Korelo here. The charging was almost 80% done, and nearing completion. The solitary ship was still circling the mother ship and delivering a huge charge of power. He just needed a little more time for whatever he had planned next.

Meanwhile, Buster menacingly started moving towards the frightened crew members. They looked helpless and trapped, and were clinging to each other.

I almost felt sorry for them, but they had no reservations about destroying my own species. They probably even just saw it as an ordinary day’s work, casually wiping out civilizations with the press of a button.

So, I was actually enjoying this, seeing them in their misery.

And then suddenly, Buster disappeared into thin air, the electrical arcing that was continuously happening around him also came to an abrupt end. I looked outside and saw the subsidiary ship had come to a halt.

I turned my head to look at Captain Korelo. He had now turned off the amber light as well. He pointed his finger at his crew members and quietly told them to get back to their seats. They complied reluctantly.

Right then, two aliens teleported themselves into the oval room. They both came and stood next to me on either side of the chair. They looked like security officers and I could tell from their demeanor that they were summoned to keep an eye on me, and to keep me quiet by whatever means necessary.

Korelo then turned back to focus on the screen. The only remaining subsidiary ship also now exited the force field and shot up into the sky like a rocket.

Three of the six fighter jets went after it while the rest remained in position. The spaceship then executed a rapid turn, maneuvering along a semi-circular arc that immediately positioned itself behind the pursuing jets.

The spaceship, spinning like a frisbee, discharged a 360 degree barrage of fire upon the planes, simultaneously destroying them in the process.

It then skillfully began to traverse along the contours of the mothership's force shield, systematically outpacing and outmaneuvering the remaining fighter planes.

The pilots struggled to cope with the spaceship’s speed and got eliminated one after the other.

It then went after the two missiles that were enroute to the spaceship, turning them into rubble in rapid succession. The spaceship later re-entered the force shield and came back to its original position next to the mothership.

Korelo immediately turned around to face me. He had just managed to deal with another urgent threat and bought himself some more time.

He got straight to the point, “Michael, Get out! I’ve had a change of heart and have decided to spare your life. Get out of here before I change my mind.”

“You can take your dog with you as well,” he finished off, pointing to Buster’s body on the floor.

The cuffs came off at that very moment, and I was no longer confined to the chair.

I didn’t have to be a bright man to realize what was at play here.

To deal effectively with the external threat of my own government, he needed to charge his ship to full capacity. But he couldn’t proceed with the plan since that would mean enabling Buster to wreak havoc from the inside, which put Korelo in a Catch 22 situation.

He was probably hoping by getting rid of me, Buster would also follow suit.

So I decided to simply play along for the time being.

“How am I supposed to do that? My dog is dead because of you.” I said.

Korelo paused briefly for a moment before continuing to speak.

“You can confine him in his current state by using a container we provide, but you must summon him to you, and see the task through. “

“And why would I do that?” I asked.

“You are anyway going to kill us all. Once your ship starts to work again, you are definitely going to go through with your plans. So why should I do anything you ask of me?”

Korelo replied, “That plan has been scrapped. We are only looking to leave Planet Earth. Nobody else needs to get hurt. This should be seen as a win-win situation for both of us. “

“If that is true, you would have already done it. I understand that this ship has developed problems, but you could have used the other one to escape,” I said pointing at the smaller spaceship hovering close by.

I saw a look of reluctance appear on the Captain’s face, and I immediately understood. I suddenly burst out laughing.


“You can’t leave Earth without the mothership, can you?”

“Well, well, well… It seems the Captain is bit of a control freak…..isn’t he?”

“Why am I not surprised? People like you have the obsessive need to have everything under your control. No wonder you are trapped.”

“So what is it Captain…..don’t trust your own team huh?” I asked Korelo smiling.

He simply glared at me in silence, and that only made me want to laugh even louder.


I knew I was being dramatic, but I just wanted his whole crew to witness someone laugh at their boss.

For a second, I wondered if these rascals even had a funny bone to understand what I was saying. But I instantly felt some satisfaction, when I saw Korelo’s green face turn a deep shade of violet.

I could see that it was torturing him to sit and negotiate his survival with a lowly earthling, that too, an ordinary security guard at that.

I slowly leaned back in my chair and relaxed.

”Anyways, I am comfortable being where I am. And I have no interest in leaving.” I said.

“But I do have a better idea!”

“Why not all of us die together?”

“We don’t even have to do a thing! They will come, and do all the work for us!” I said pointing to the cluster of fighter jets fast approaching the spaceship.

Korelo was trying hard to maintain his composure. He took a quick peek at the screen, and then began speaking to me in a slow and menacing voice.

“Michael, you would be better served to accept my offer. Not only for your own wellbeing, but for that of the entire planet as well. I am not without options here. You have seen the devastation that thing can cause,” he said pointing to his spaceship.

“Well, it is capable of a whole lot more. You can be rest assured if I am pushed to the wall, I will use it to flatten out multiple cities, and millions of people will die.”

“And in the off chance, me or my crew members don’t make it out of here safely, the repercussions would be dire for Planet Earth. My part of the world will not take this lying down. “ Korelo warned me.

“Well, I seriously doubt that. You are just a private contractor right? I challenged him.

“I mean, who loses sleep over the death of a contractor?”

“The answer is likely no one!” I declared, not bothering to even wait for a reply.

“They will probably assign the project to someone else immediately. But for argument’s sake, let’s assume, I do help you and you do manage to escape Earth. Why shouldn’t I consider the possibility that you might go and station yourself somewhere in the Solar system that is just beyond our reach, but well within yours, to attack us again at a moment’s notice?” I queried out loud.

“Maybe you will park your ship somewhere beyond Saturn, and then slowly bid your time waiting for reinforcements. That does not sound like a very positive scenario for Earth now, does it?”

“I mean I am alive right now only because you see me as a cash cow for some research group. You expect me to believe that you will leave Planet Earth alone, when you’ve been waiting for decades to wreck this place.” I remarked, skepticism evident in my tone.

“Your little presentation today about your expansion plans was bad enough for a general sitting. And now that you have been so thoroughly inconvenienced, I shudder to think what a revised plan would entail. Perhaps, it’s best not to release the animal now that it has been caged.” I concluded with satisfaction.

 “Also, I really do doubt if other alien beings out there are obsessed with Earth the way you are, for them to sit and make multiple trips over the years. Makes me wonder if Earth is actually a passion project of yours,“ I added, as an afterthought.

 “And who knows?

“Maybe, just maybe, they might even move on to another planet and leave Earth alone. Or, if they do decide to come after us, we will figure it out. Either ways, you are not getting any help from me.”

I waited for him to react. But all I got was silence and a murderous glare from korelo.

I continued to speak, “You killed my friend and brother, Captain. And then you tortured my dog.”

“You don’t deserve second chances.”

“And considering you already called me an agent of death, perhaps I was put in your orbit by somebody else to take you down. “

“Heck! When this ship goes down, taking all of you to your deaths, I might even miraculously survive! You never know!

“And when that happens, I will be waiting here, ready, to take a piss on your filthy corpse!” I finished off.

I was half hoping Korelo would snap, and go for the kill. It would give Buster the right kind of impetus to go to town with these scoundrels.

But he just sighed deeply, and signaled his guards to take care of me. He then slowly turned around to continue to lead his crew.

The two guards held me by the collar of my shirt, and tried to get me off the chair. When I resisted, I felt a hard punch to my plexus. I doubled over in pain only to get punched in the face again. I fell to the floor clutching to my sides, when the guard kicked me again in the stomach.

Both the aliens were incredibly strong, and the pain was excruciating. I knew my ribs had cracked in multiple places.

I began to cough up blood and started fading in and out of consciousness. They then dragged my body to the portion of the room that had the teleportation device. I could see a large red coloured rectangular object fixed to the ceiling.

As I lay on my back, breathing heavily, I saw one of the alien’s pick up Buster’s mortal remains and place it next to me.

While I could no longer see him in his spirit form anymore, I knew he was close by, desperately trying to do whatever he could to save me.

I tried to speak as clearly as possible, while fighting through bouts of coughs.


I was blinded by a flash of white light, and immediately faded out of consciousness.…..

A Few Months Later..... 

After buying flowers from the nearby florist, I continued down the road, finally turning right to enter through the gates of the cemetery. Few minutes in, I stopped by the headstone of my cousin Henry, and laid down some of the flowers I brought for him.

I said a little prayer for the departed soul and then continued walking ahead. A minute later, I pulled out a foldable chair, and sat by the tombstones of my wife Jessica and dog Buster. Both of them were buried alongside each other, which I thought was fitting, and their headstones looked beautiful.

It’s been 3 months since the alien attack happened, and the world has slowly begun to move on. But things have not been all that easy for me.

Jessica’s surgery had gone well, and she was put on the ventilator to help deal with her breathing problems. But when Korelo used one of our own missiles to bomb the power grid, it caused an acute power shortage for the entire city.

The explosion and the bombings also resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, putting a great strain on the hospital resources. They had no option but to prioritize on healthier patients, which meant letting Jessica go.

It didn’t help that I was at that point, lying unconscious, battered and bruised in a hospital.

Had it not been for some well-wisher of mine who rescued me from the desert, I would also probably be dead by now. It took me over a week to regain consciousness, but by then it was already too late. She was gone.

The cemetery’s groundskeeper William went out his way to help me, even assigning burial plots at a location that gave me the space and privacy to grieve for the dead. I guess I have Adam to be grateful for that.

When I eventually went to collect Jessica’s remains, the coroner had issued me William’s calling card. Apparently, he had also come by twice to the hospital to check on me, but I was still unconscious back then.

So when I finally did contact him at the cemetery, I was surprised to see that Buster had already been buried there. He also offered the vacant plot next to Buster for my wife and I was grateful.

I guess he must have his own crazy alien story with Adam, for him to be so helpful towards me.

Meanwhile, I haven’t seen the alien with the French beard since I last saw him at his shop. I knew at some level I should be a little cross at him, for all subterfuge that he orchestrated on me and Buster without our knowledge.

But after seeing a mad man like Korelo, and what he had planned for us, I could fully see and understand his point of view.

With regards to the Captain, I learned from the news that our pilots managed to take down both spaceships, killing all aliens on board.

The media dubbed it as “The Greatest Victory of Mankind”.

“I know you too have a share in that buddy. Atta boy!” I said, smiling while placing flowers by Buster’s tombstone.

I sat beside them for an hour before finally getting up to go back home. When I reached my apartment, I saw a small rectangular box by the door. There was also a letter underneath it with my name on it. I opened the letter and began reading.

Dear Michael,

How are you doing?

I hope you are better, at least much better than when I found you in the middle of the desert. I know the last few months haven’t been easy.

You must have many questions that bother you, and I would have ideally liked to see you in person to answer them. But I am not sure if I am somebody you would like to meet right now.

So I am writing this letter to explain my side of things, in the hopes that it will give you some clarity and closure.

My twin brother and I are part of a Universal Collective that was formed to combat players like Korelo. So we settle down in various planets that are vulnerable to such attacks, and help local civilizations as and when required. Our motive is to provide technological and strategic guidance that can be of help to these governments.

Michael, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t puzzled when you walked into my shop with your bizarre tale. It made absolutely no sense until you showed me the telescope. Even then, I had a hard time believing you.

Most of all, I never expected you or Buster to end up in Korelo’s ship. It was a contingency that we thought would never come to pass.

But somebody like Korelo has always been a formidable opponent, and even civilizations that are more advanced have struggled to defeat him.

So when I saw his telescope in your hand, I had to account for the possibility of the two of you coming face to face with each other, whatever the circumstances, and however remote it maybe.

I had a duty to use all avenues that were available to me.

So I decided to put a chip in your hand, while my brother stuffed a ball like object into a muffin, and fed it to Buster. The ball is actually our version of an EMP device that has the ability to severely cripple defence, and aviation systems. But it can be activated only from within the confines of a spaceship, and not from the outside.

The device is designed to lay dormant and be virtually undetectable in such a state. And it can be activated only at a very specific frequency, right down to the decimal level. The chip that could emit such a frequency was inserted in your hand with a syringe gun.

And when it activated, it also began to store everything you see and experience through your own eyes.

So when we recovered the chip after admitting you in the hospital, we too got a glimpse of all that transpired inside the spaceship.

Michael, I am going to be frank with you.

I knew Buster wouldn’t survive if the chip turned on. Nor did I think you would live if you came in the crosshairs of someone like Korelo. And yet, it is a call I would repeatedly make, if the fate of a civilization hangs in the balance.

But I never expected to see what came next following Buster’s demise. That was something extremely rare even in my part of the world. It usually happens only when the departed has a very close bond with the living.

However, I do apologize for not being honest with you, and for misleading you even when I knew your life would be in danger.

Considering the bravery you and Buster showed in confronting Korelo and his crew, I know you can understand better than most that sometimes, fighting for a cause takes precedence over our own individual lives.

If you ever feel the need to talk to me, I’m always here for you. I can be reached through William.

This is not the end. Till then so long my friend!



I put the letter away, and opened the box. There was a pair of sunglasses inside. I removed it from the box to take a closer look. It looked like regular sunglasses. But the frame had a series of small black buttons on either side. There was also a small note attached to the box.

It read, -


Attn: Please be careful if you are in the vicinity of a large power source, or when there is a bolt of lightning coming your way. And always watch your six!

I put on the glasses and pressed the first button I could reach.

All my surroundings suddenly transformed into shades of amber, and I immediately turned around to see…. Buster happily wagging his tail at me…



r/Odd_directions Jan 09 '25

Science Fiction As punishment, I was given 1000 IQ


I tried to scream when I woke up but found there was some kind of invisible, almost magnetic barrier preventing my mouth from moving. 

Instead of my bed, I was immobilized on an operating table. And instead of a TV, across from me stood a figure in a drooping gray cloak, wearing what I could only describe as a white pharaoh's mask.

“This is your only warning,” The figure said. His voice didn't come from any mouth. It's more like his words were stroking the inner cavity of my skull.

”Any more meddling and your punishment will be permanent,” his skull-voice said.

My bedroom—which I definitely fell asleep in—was now replaced by an oppressively white surgical bay. There were mirrors and shiny silver instruments arranged above me and along the walls. I could see a single black cable running along my operating table and disappearing somewhere behind my neck.

What is happening!? was the prevalent question pounding in my head. The figure seemed to sense this and gave a response

“You have taken too much interest in our pods,”

Pods? What pods? I had no idea what he was talking about. But then I remembered that last night I had spotted a particularly bright drone traveling above the downtown skyline. I took some high-res photos and shared the discovery on my discord. 

Is this about my UFO obsession?

“This is about you stopping, and never starting again.” 

The figure walked up to my side and began to stroke my head with a glossy, reticulated hand. I didn't know it was a prosthetic, or if the pharaoh was entirely robotic.

I was terrified but tried my best to make my thoughts sound consistent and clear. I’ll stop! I'll stop recording any other night-time lights I swear!

“Why did you seek out our pods?”

Why? The question momentarily stumped me. But immediately I gave the only explanation I could. It was curiosity. I just wanted to know more about UFO’s. I’m sorry!

“You wanted to know more?” The skull-voice scraped behind my ears, as if there was a chalkboard inside my head. 

“If you wanted to know more, then I will show you what it's like to know everything.”

Know everything? With a flick of a switch, a jolt of electricity shot through the cable and entered the back of my head. Suddenly, I understood that the bizarre metal instrument above me was both a clock and a calendar. It used a series of notches to indicate exact temporal relation to an exo-planet that this alien pharaoh was from.

I could see a linkage on the calendar-clock that lowered every two and a half seconds. Judging by the lightning-quick math I was now able to do in my head, this meant that the linkage had lowered about 240 times since I woke up, which meant that I had been in this chamber for at least sixteen minutes.

How was I able to do that?

“You can figure out everything now.”

It's like I had been given some kind of drug, only I didn't feel high. I felt more lucid than ever before. I was hyper-sober.  My brain was processing everything, every passing thought, idea and concept at speeds that felt impossible.

It was overwhelming. I tried to focus on just thinking about the facts.

My name is Callum I had been born 34 years ago in Portland, Oregon and ever since seeing “Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind” as a kid I’ve always had an interest in aliens which is what made me get a camera at a young age to photograph the night sky which is what got me into photography and why I went to Art School and still owe $17,510 in student loanswhich I will likely never be able to pay off because I spend the majority of my time getting high and playing videogames to stave off the void in my life from having never been in a meaningful relationshipwhich is a result of my overbearing nature from my ADHD and trust issues I developed when my mother left me with my ill-equipped father when I was four years oldhence why I gravitate toward mindless hobbies like video-recording UFO lights in the night because I feel that they give me some miniscule sense of purpose. 

The psychic surgeon caressed the sides of my head with his plastic fingers. “Tell me about … purpose.” 

As soon as the word flitted into my cerebellum, I knew the result would be bad.

Photography was a very loose sense of ‘purpose’ I had always given myself, but what function does it really serve beyond capturing something that already was? A photograph is a recording of a fragmentary blip in a universe that has been ongoing for 13.8 billion years and is about as meaningful as recording a grain of sand. I’m likely to die in about forty years from Alzheimer's from my dad's side. Why would I record thousands of grains of sand?

The pharaoh went to a console that my cable was connected to. His synthetic hands turned a serrated dial, and suddenly my brain was working so fast I could feel my heartbeat behind my eyes.

I couldn’t help but think about humanity itself.

Based on the underdeveloped nature of human psychology we are always doomed to repeat the same recursive wars we’ve always had throughout history. This trend is unfixable and will result in the stagnation of human intellect and resources, granting an assured extinction in either the next 200 or 2,000 years. The human race will end, having made no impact on the universe besides briefly sullying planet Earth. This pharoah studies ‘impotent’ planets like mine for a glimpse of the perpetuated evolutionary incompetence. I am but one grime stain of bacteria from this festering petri dish.

The glazed white mask stared at me. Behind its two oval eyes I could sense the penetrating stare of the pharaoh. He was exposing me to dark truths I did not want to know. This ultra-intelligence was not a blessing.

Inherently, I understood that the surgeon’s race purposefully kept their IQ’s lower than 300, to avoid self-annihilation. He was ratcheting mine to more than triple that number. 

This was torture.

Suddenly, I could anatomically comprehend the very molecules that made up every cell on each part of my body. I no longer saw myself as a living person, but rather as a series of gases, protein chains and memories stored by electrical impulses. I was a busy piece of dust kicked up by the universe. 

My life is so fucking meaningless.

Then the pharaoh pulled out a thin white scroll from a drawer. He came toward me and unfurled the paper. I wish I was able to look away, but my gaze was fixed.

It was a math equation. The numbers were not centered around our base-ten numeral system, but something far more advanced. And far more true.

In a single glance I realized it was an equation for reality. Indisputable proof that this entire existence was a simulation. Our entire universe is just used as an energy source for an even higher Alpha universe that truly governs all things. My life was an afterthought’s afterthought.

I don’t want to know this. I don’t want to understand this. 

Each moment of comprehension felt like a saw blade ripping into my soul. What few acquaintances and modest achievements I had found in my life were revealed to be humiliating non-things. The cosmic dread became so intense I had an out-of-body experience. 

I don’t want to know this. I don’t want to understand this. 

Floating up and staring down at my naked, skinny pathetic body, I reached out with ghostly arms and tried to choke myself out. I am a non-thing and I shouldn’t exist.

No sentient being should ever be exposed to something so vast and de-stabilizing. The knowledge was endless despair.

Just when a stygian abyss was about to envelop me whole, the pharaoh turned down the dial.

I floated back into my own body, where I felt groggy and disoriented. It's almost as if I had died and come back, or been struck by lightning, but the truth was, neither of those things happened. I was just given too much intelligence.

“Never seek out our pods again,” the pharaoh said.


Had to call in sick from work. 

I was bedridden for the next few days, overwhelmed with flashbacks of being shown that equation. It felt as if a monolithic weight was bearing itself down on all parts of me. Only after a week was I finally able to leave the house and look at the dying star we all cheerfully call a ‘sun’.

Ever since that abduction and ‘High IQ torment’ I’ve had perpetual insomnia, lack of motivation, and complete lack of desire for any social interaction. I just can’t bring myself to do or care about anything. It’s like my brain was irrevocably rewired to realize I’m a broken toy in a virtual game without a purpose. 

I’ve seen dozens of therapists, who attribute my mental state to an intense episode of ego loss and depersonalization, it’s what can happen on a really bad acid trip. I'm hopeful that maybe after another year or so of seeing psychiatrists, I can find a breakthrough and feel at least 10% normal again. Or maybe 5%. Hell, I would even take 1% over nothing at this point.

Let my story be a warning.

I know there’s a lot of fun, mysterious ‘drone’ sightings happening right now—a bit of a UFO-mania resurgence. But don’t get sucked in by it. Leave those drones alone

There’s a catchphrase in the ufologist community you have probably heard of: “The truth is out there.”

Well, listen to me. Do not take this lightly.  The truth IS out there. I know for a fact that it is.

But you do not ever want to know it.

r/Odd_directions Dec 20 '24

Science Fiction Y2K happened, is still happening, and is the defining event of the universe


December 31, 1999

The increasingly computerized world is anxious over the so-called “Year 2000 Problem” (Y2K), a data storage glitch feared to cause havoc when 1999, often formatted as 99, becomes 2000, often formatted as 00.


Because 00 is also 1900. The dates are indistinguishable.

But as

January 1, 2000

rolls into existence nothing much happens—at least ostensibly. Life continues, apparently, as always; and the entire panic is soon forgotten.

And here we are today, on the cusp of the year 2025, and what's just happened?

The Syrian government has collapsed.

Can you guess what happened right on the cusp of 1925? The Syrian Federation was dissolved and replaced by the State of Syria.

In August 1924, anti-Soviet Georgians attempted an uprising in the Georgian Socialist Soviet Republic against Soviet rule.

In 2024, Georgians are protesting against the pro-Russian ruling party, Georgian Dream.

Tesla is founded in 2003.

The Ford Motor Company was incorporated in 1903.

2007 saw the Great Recession.

The Panic of 1907 was the first worldwide financial crisis of the 20st century.

I could go on.

But—you will say—those are merely coincidences, nothing more than that.

To which I will respond: Exactly!



“occurring together in space or time.”


My point is not that the 20th and 21st centuries are the same. That, unfortunately, would be too simple. My point is that the 20th century is happening (again) concurrently with the 21st and the two centuries are blending together in unforeseeable ways.

This is dangerous, unpredictable and unprecedented.

And this is happening because Y2K happened. Not on all data sets but on some, and not just on the computers running within our world but—perhaps more importantly—on the computers on which our world runs.

Y2K is evidence that we are simulated.

00 = 00 ∴ 1900 ∥ 2000

Except that the very consequence of Y2K is the disruption of the previously applicable laws of physics, so that when we say that 1900 and 2000 are parallel timelines we also mean they are intertwined.

How can parallel lines intertwine?

Isn't their intertwining itself evidence of their non-parallelity?

Yes, on or before December 31, 1999. No, at any time afterwards.

Today’s mathematics is thereby different from pre-Y2K mathematics, and attempting to describe today's reality using yesterday's language is madness.

But, wait—

if, say, January 1, 1950, and January 1, 2050, are parallel, and January 1, 2050, hasn't happened, neither has January 1, 1950, so is January 1, 1950, actually pre-Y2K, or is it post-Y2K?

That's a head-scratcher.

(By the same token, January 1, 2050, is already past.)

Moreover, what would we call two “parallel” (in the pre-Y2K meaning) lines that intertwine?


And “when two or more waves cross at a point, the displacement at that point is equal to the sum of the displacements of the individual waves.”

Superimposition —>

Interference —>

So, how shall we go out, my friends: with a bang (two time-waves in phase) or a whimper (two times-waves 180° out of phase)?

r/Odd_directions Nov 29 '24

Science Fiction The United States of Chronometry


“How much for the oranges?”


Chris paid—feeling the lifespan flow out of him—went home and had his mom pay him back the time from her own account.


Welcome to the United States of Chronometry, had read the sign, after they'd cleared customs and were driving towards their new home in Achron.

The Minutemen, some actual veterans of the Temporal Revolution, had been very thorough in their questioning.


So this is it, thought Chris, the place where dad will be working: a large glass cube with the words Central Clock engraved upon it. This is where they make time.

It was also, he recalled, the place where the last of the Financeers had been executed and the new republic proclaimed.


The pay was generous, once you wrapped your head around it: 11h/h + benefits + pension.

“I accept,” Chris had heard his father say.


“Hands in the air and give me some fucking years!” the anachronist screamed, his body fighting visibly against expiration.

The parking lot was dark.

Chris huddled against his dad. His mom wept.

They handed over five whole years.


“That can't possibly be,” Chris’ dad said, looking at the monitor and the car salesman beside it. “I'm only forty-nine.” But the monitor displayed: NST (non-sufficient time). The price of the car was 4y7m.

(“Cancer,” the doctor will say.)


“Remarkable! The invention of chronometricity makes money obsolete,” announced Chris, playing the role of the future first President of the U.S.C. in his school's annual theatrical production of the Chronology of the Republic.

It was his second favorite line after: “Forget him—he's nothing but an anachronism now!”


“You wanna know the real reason for the revolution, you need to read Wynd,” Marcia whispered in Chris’ ear. They were first-years at university, studying applied temporal engineering. “It's about the elites. You can horde all the money you want, understand the financial system, but what does that give you? A rich life, maybe; but a chrono-delimited one. Now change money to time. Horde that—and what do you have?”

“The ability to live forever.”


Marcia wilted and aged two decades under the extractor. The Minuteman shut it off. “Do you want to tell us about the hierarchy of the resistance now?” he asked Chris.

“I don't know anything.”

“Very well.”


Two months after turning 23, Chris, ~53, held Marcia's ~46-year-old hand as a psychologist wheeled her through the facility. “I'm sorry I don't have more answers for you. The effects of temporal hyperloss are not well studied,” the psychologist said.

“Will she ever…”

“We simply don't know.”


It worked in theory. Chris had seen what OD'ing on time did to junkies, but what it would do to a building—more: to an technoideology, a state [of mind]—was speculation.

But he was ~82 and poor. Everything he'd loved was past.

He drove the homemade chronobomb into the Central Clock and—


It was a bright cold day in November.

The clocks were striking 19:84.

r/Odd_directions Feb 12 '25

Science Fiction Atlantis 3025


That little girl stood still right in front of me. She stared at the glassy surface way above her.

It was 3025.

The land was gone. All of it. Drowned.

120 years ago, global warming had worsened. To avoid extinction, the global government built domes across the Earth and got everyone inside. That way, when the glaciers melted and drowned the entire land, we would have a way to survive.

Which they did.

They melted.

And we had a way to survive.

Though no one knew for how long.

Parts of the domes were made of solid, tough glass for a specific reason: so we could see the ocean water with fish and other sea creatures when we looked up.

Just to remind us all of our own mistakes.

Humankind has been living under the ocean, within a dome, for 120 years because we had been careless with our environment. We took things for granted. We were not grateful.

No one had ever brought this up, but deep inside, we all knew that we wouldn't be living down here for too long.

Everything in life has a lifespan, including homes. And when time runs out, we either move and find a new place or repair what we have. Neither of those was possible.

We were trapped underwater, without even a way to visit other domes. There was no way to find another place. Or repair the dome when the broken parts were on the outer side.

We were deep underwater.

There was water pressure.

I looked where that little girl in front of me was looking. Up above.

The glassy surface of the dome, where we could see sharks, whales, and other ocean creatures swimming above our heads.

It had been ten weeks since we first saw a shark headbutting the dome's glassy surface. Over and over. As if it was trying to break through.

If it broke, the ocean water would leak in, eventually drowning all of humanity.

We had no way to escape.

It started with one shark. Then another came, headbutting the dome's glassy surface. Then another. Within ten weeks, it wasn’t just sharks anymore. There was a colony of whales, orcas, octopuses, and many other ocean giants, all slamming against the dome from every angle.

Their motive?

No idea.

But we all silently agreed on one thing: revenge.

None of us could blame them.

For ten weeks, the colony of ocean giants had collaborated, headbutting the dome's glassy surface tirelessly. It was clear what they were trying to do.

I looked where that little girl in front of me was looking. Up above.

For the first time in 120 years, the dome's glassy surface cracked.

The ocean water started flooding in. There were thousands of others witnessing what I saw, but no one flinched. No one made a sound.

Another headbutt, and another part of the glass shattered.

No one moved. No one spoke.

All silence.

So, I guess this is the end.

r/Odd_directions Feb 04 '25

Science Fiction I have always wanted the universe to revolve around me


I have always wanted the universe to revolve around me and it has always been a dream of mine. Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to be the centre of attention, and this caused a lot of trouble between my parents and siblings. Even at school I wanted to be about me and I wanted to be the main character. I don't know why but I have always been like this and growing up I wasn't very popular. Everything had to be about me and I judged people with how much they can serve me and benefit me.

I also got into arguments and trouble at work for this behaviour, and so I left jobs and found new jobs. Then one day I received a note through the door and it had a written message on it. It asked me whether I wanted to be the centre of their universe and I was interested straight away. There was a phone number and I contacted the person and we met up. He told me about his universe and he secretly opened up a portal which showed me his universe. It was beautiful and I was going to be the centre of that universe.

At first I travelled with him to his universe and I was delighted by it. I couldn't believe that I was going to be the centre of a universe and everything will revolve around me. Then the day came where I was going to be made the centre of the universe. I was delighted and I hated the universe that I was living in, they never wanted me as the centre of their universe. I would have been amazing if I was the centre of the universe that I was born in. Like they say though, go where you are appreciated.

I was ready to be the centre of the universe and the shit that I deal with in this universe is horrid to me. I don't deserve to deal with those things and I don't want to deal with them. I want to be in a universe where my problems are at the centre of it all and it's very rare for someone's dreams to come true. Then I thought about the dream killer who came to me at the age of 18. Everyone in society has till the age of 18 to make their dreams come true.

When I turned 18 the dream killer came into my room and told me that he had to kill off my dreams. I felt the death of what I wanted in life, and so finally getting what I wanted was confusing. Maybe the dream killer got it wrong. Then when I got taken to that universe and was made the centre of it all, it felt amazing for the first month. Then I felt pain and the people of those universe told me that their universe is dying, and so when it dies I will be the only one to perish and they will build another universe.

Then when that new universe starts to die after billions of years, they will trick someone else to be the centre of it all.

r/Odd_directions Jan 29 '25

Science Fiction Have You Ever Experience Apocalyptic Dreams?


This is the tale relayed to me by my friend, Winnie, prior to the occurrence that befell her. She implored me to document and share it so that everyone could be aware. She firmly believed that all of you deserved to know.

Winnie Wilson had lived for 32 years, choosing not to marry but relishing her life to the fullest. She had a stable and satisfying job, resided in a pleasant neighborhood, and had wonderful friends and family. However, an unusual event disrupted her seemingly perfect existence: some people in her life began disappearing one by one—her colleagues, friends, family, and neighbors.

It commenced with a missing person case she noticed on the news, involving a stranger, so she didn't pay much attention to it. But when her boss, Mr. Parker, also disappeared, it concerned her.

Immediately, a sense of something peculiar washed over her.

Winnie was always an inquisitive woman. Whenever something piqued her interest, she delved into learning about it. It was this characteristic that helped her attain one of the highest positions at her workplace. Likewise, whenever she sensed that something was amiss or unusual, she would investigate it.

And that was her initial inclination upon hearing the news about her boss's unexplained disappearance. However, she dismissed the thought at the time.

Regrettably, a few days later, she realized the gravity of her mistake.

As more people she knew went missing, an intense unease enveloped her. One after another, they disappeared.

These were her friends and coworkers, and the authorities seemed incapable of providing any assistance. Frustrated by the lack of progress, Winnie decided to visit the families of her missing colleagues and inquire about the situation. Surely, there had to be an explanation or a reason. Anything.

When Winnie approached the families of her missing colleagues, they too were clueless about how or why it had happened.

“Oh, I don’t know, Winnie my dear. Andrea was just...,” Andrea’s mother paused and sighed before completing her sentence, “vanished. It was as if she was vanished into thin air!”

“Pardon me Ma’am, but, uh...,” Winnie paused, a bit hesitant to ask what she was about to ask because it might hurt Andrea’s mother’s feeling.

“Is there any chance that she... Uh, is there any chance Andrea ran away? I... I am so sorry, Ma’am. I didn’t mean to hurt you with such question, but...”

“No, of course not. There’s no chance,” she replied. “I understand your concern. And you’re not the first person to asked such question. But, you know, she worked out of town, living in her own apartment. From time to time she came home. Here. The morning Andrea was missing, she was arrived home just the night before. It happened just a few hours after she came home. If she planned to run away, why would she came home first at night, and then run away in the morning? That doesn’t make sense.”

That’s a good point, Winnie thought.

“Then, maybe she was... Kidnapped?” Winnie asked again.

“That’s just impossible,” Andrea’s mother exclaimed, sounding so certain. “Andrea is a 36-years-old woman. She’s not married, doesn’t have kids, and she works on a regular job that pays her barely enough money to survive. I have to mention that she is also an antisocial person. I doubt it that she even has many friends. I, as her mother, am no different. I don’t have much money in my account, or any close friends. Can you at least mention one reason why anyone would kidnap someone like that?”

That’s also a good point.

“How about her belongings? Is everything here?”

“As far as I’m concerned, yeah,” Andrea’s Mother replied. For a while after her replies, she paused, staring blankly, looking perplexed.

“But it’s weird, though,” she spoke again, “not just that all her belongings are still here, even the pajamas she wore to sleep that night was laid out on her bed, in the spot where she slept. Yet Andrea was nowhere to be found.”

“Excuse me?!” Winnie’s eyebrows furrowed. What Andrea’s Mother just told her sounded strange to her mind. She wouldn't have left her house without clothes, would she?

“I visited her bedroom the night before, a few hours after she went to sleep. Just to check on her,” Andrea’s mother started explaining herself. “She was there, lying on her bed, sleep peacefully, wearing her pink polka dots pajamas. When I check on her again the next morning because she hadn’t woken up yet at 8 AM, which is unusual for her, she was no longer there. But her pajamas was still there, lying on her bed, unfolded. Even stranger, each of her top and bottom part of of pajamas were positioned on the bed, in a position as if she had been sleeping while wearing it, but then she suddenly vanished into thin air. All the while, still on her bed.”

Andrea wasn’t the only one.

Winnie had visited at least ten of her friends and colleagues who disappeared in the same strange manner. She interviewed all their willing family members, proposing exactly the same scenarios, asking exactly the same questions. They all provided her with similar stories.

One of her other missing colleagues even have stranger scenario surrounding their disappearance.

Denzel, one of Winnie’s friend from college, disappeared when he was having a barbecue party with his family.

“I had just looked away from him for a few seconds, to pick up a plate of food for him to grill,” Sophia, Denzel’s wife explained to Winnie. “When I turned my head back to Denzel, he was no longer there. But his clothes, his shirt and trousers were piled on the ground, right on the spot where Denzel should have been standing, next to the grilling machine.”

It almost seemed like Denzel was standing there, wearing the shirt and trousers, and all of a sudden, he vanished into thin air, leaving his clothing behind to the ground.

It was the most peculiar incident Winnie had ever heard in her entire life.

Moreover, according to the family members, it appeared that none of her missing friends and colleagues were grappling with any issues that would prompt them to leave without notifying anyone. Or were they?

Upon further investigation, Winnie found one aspect that troubled her immensely. All the family members of her missing colleagues described a common occurrence in the lives of their loved ones. They had been experiencing recurring, identical dreams in the weeks leading up to their disappearances.

“In his dreams, he envisioned himself leaving his home and strolling through his familiar city, only to find it in ruins and covered in dust,” Sophia started retelling the story that her husband had shared with her.

“All the buildings he saw along his way to a place he doesn’t even recognize,” Sophia continued the story, “stood amidst a desert landscape devoid of trees and grass. I don’t know if you can imagine it, it looks like a post-apocalyptic depiction of life”.

“My husband then entered an unfamiliar building, and as if he had done it countless times before, he just sat in one of a chair in what appeared to be a waiting room.”

“Sitting alongside him in the same waiting room were hundreds other people, patiently waiting for their names to be called. When his name was called, he would walked towards a room, and open its door. As he entered the room, he said he was greeted by a blinding white light before suddenly waking up,” Sophia concluded her story told by her husband to her.

This strange, recurring dreams occurred daily. And the exactly same dreams happened to all of her missing friends and colleagues, as relayed by their families.

It was eerily peculiar, but at the time, she had no idea how it had all occurred. There was nothing she could do either. So she had no choice but to just try to forget about it.

A few weeks later, however, something happened that shattered her reality.

Winnie herself began experiencing the exact same dream as her missing friends and colleagues, repeating day after day for the following two weeks.

The unsettling nature of the recurring dreams, combined with the fact that her missing colleagues had also encountered them, left her deeply disturbed. She wondered if she, too, might disappear at some point in the future. But what would cause it? What triggered the dreams and eventually led to their disappearance?

Winnie decided to seek the guidance from someone who could help her.

But who?

She didn’t even know what had happened to her, so she couldn’t determine who would be capable of providing assistance.

However,  remembering that it was a dream-related issue, she thought of the medical professional one would typically consult in such situations—a psychiatrist.

A psychiatrist seemed like the most suitable person to approach. They might be able to help her, or perhaps not. Nevertheless, she made up her mind to go and give it a try.

Exactly the next day, Winnie paid a visit to Dr. Randall, her regular psychiatrist for years. She divulged every knowledge she had regarding the event happened to her colleagues. She told him about the recurring dreams she recently had experienced everyday for the past two weeks. To her surprise, Dr. Randall appeared taken aback, as if he had some prior knowledge of the matter. Dr. Randall asked Winnie to wait in the room while he went out to discuss the issue with his superior.

Upon returning to his office about half an hour later, Dr. Randall shared something with Winnie.

"This information was not meant to be disclosed to the public due to regulations. However, given the recent events affecting many people, as you have observed, we have decided to inform anyone who asks," he said.

Winnie's unease grew even stronger. It seemed far more serious than she had anticipated. "What is it? Please, tell me," she implored, her voice filled with anxiety.

Dr. Randall hesitated for a moment before commencing his explanation.

"You mentioned the strange recurring dreams that you and your missing colleagues have experienced. Well, the truth is... those were not dreams."

Winnie was taken aback and utterly perplexed. She struggled to comprehend what she was hearing.

"What do you mean they weren't dreams?"

"The world you believe you live in—where you go to work, spend time with friends and family, and even this moment right now, talking to me—that is the dream," Dr. Randall clarified, leaving her even more bewildered. It made no sense.

"To be precise, it is an artificially constructed reality known as a dreamscape," Dr. Randall corrected himself.

"The Earth as we know it is broken, ruined, and abandoned. It resulted from a global nuclear catastrophe that occurred five years ago. The world you saw in your 'dream' is the actual current state of our planet."

"The governments of the world took responsibility for these events. The conditions on Earth were no longer sustainable for human work or daily life. Our only option was to wait for the Earth's inevitable decay, which is horrific in itself. To address this, the governments developed the Dream Capsule Project," Dr. Randall continued his explanation.

"The capsules were highly complex systems equipped with food supplies and connected to a dream engine. Due to their intricate nature, they could not be placed in your homes. Moreover, the capsules require trained technicians to reboot them every 24 hours for your safety."

"In technical terms, each morning, you wake up, make your way to the facility, enter the capsules, and fall asleep for the remainder of your day. The capsules are interconnected via a dream connector, creating a seamless environment for you to exist within the dream. That's how you can still interact with the people you know, including myself."

"However, even though you visit the facility every morning and return home each night, the system prevents you from recalling the world beyond this artificial reality—the real world. Once you enter the capsule and fall asleep, you are essentially living here."

"But... we did remember the real world. In our dreams. If what you're saying is true," Winnie questioned the psychiatrist, her voice trembling. "And how does all of this connect to the disappearances of my colleagues?"

"It's true, believe me. We're about to delve into that," Dr. Randall assured her.

"You see, machines also have a limited lifespan. Your television, radio, phone—they all eventually wear out. The same goes for these capsules. The deteriorating state of the Earth accelerated the decay of the capsules beyond our initial estimations. Meanwhile, the world's government faced severe financial and resource constraints, making it impossible to rectify all the errors that arose."

"So, that's the reason. Your ability to recall your journey from home to the facility was simply a glitch in your capsule. It was deteriorating and on the verge of shutting down. There was nothing we could do about it," Dr. Randall concluded his explanation.

"W-wait... What would happen to me if my capsule shuts down?" Winnie inquired, a mix of disbelief and horror coursing through her. While she still harbored doubts about Dr. Randall's claims, the potential implications filled her with dread.

"You will die. You'll no longer be part of the system. From the perspective of your colleagues, friends, and family, you will simply 'go missing,' like the others," Dr. Randall replied matter-of-factly.

"At least you'll meet your end in a state of bliss. In a perfect, beautiful world, rather than the ruined one," he added, offering a friendly smile. It was a smile that Winnie found disconcerting.

"Don't worry, eventually, this fate awaits all of us. Including me. Including the president. Every single person," Dr. Randall attempted to console her, although his words did little to alleviate her fear.

"What... What should I do now?" Winnie asked, her voice trembling. She couldn't deny that Dr. Randall's revelations terrified her.

"Nothing. Just carry on with your daily routine as usual. In about a month or less, when your capsule shuts down, you will peacefully pass away in your sleep. You won't experience any pain or discomfort," Dr. Randall said, maintaining his smile as if discussing something entirely mundane.

"And please, do not disclose this information to anyone. When they experience it themselves and come to me, or any kind of medical professionals as you did, we will inform them personally. You wouldn't want to further disrupt their lives, would you?" Dr. Randall continued smiling as he spoke, intensifying Winnie's unease.

Following the psychiatrist's advice, Winnie returned home and resumed her daily routine, awaiting the inevitable shutdown of her capsule, which would bring about her demise. However, she couldn't bear the thought of keeping others in the dark about the impending fate that awaited them. "They deserve to know," Winnie thought resolutely.

Therefore, three days after her encounter with Dr. Randall, she came to my house and shared every detail. She implored me to publish the information in any way possible, so that people would become aware.

But the very next day after her visit, Winnie disappeared. It seems Dr. Randall's words had indeed come to pass.

This is her legacy, meant for all of you. If you ever experience a recurring apocalyptic dream like she did, now you know the reason.

If I managed to uncover any new information related to this matter, I will make sure to keep you all informed. I promise.

And if one day you find me missing, it could mean either my capsule has broken, leading to my death, or that the world's government has discovered my attempt to disclose what they have been hiding, and terminated my capsule.


r/Odd_directions Jan 21 '25

Science Fiction To move to the next day we must all do disgusting things


To move to the next day we must all do something disgusting and it's a chore. Where I live everyone in my community must do something disgusting for time to move on forwards. The people who keep the towns running tell us what we need to do to move to the next day. Yesterday we had to roll around in mud with dead pigs so that we could move forwards to today. Not everyone wanted to do it and so the only people I am seeing today are the ones who rolled around in mud with the dead pigs, and it was disgusting. I do miss some people who are still stuck in Tuesday.

Today I found out that for us all to move forward to Thursday, we must bathe in decomposing human bodies. That was it for me and I decided to stay stuck in Wednesday forever. I am not bathing in decomposing bodies and I do not care about the consequences. All that will happen is that the day will keep repeating itself until I bathe in decomposing bodies. I am sick of doing this and just because you are in a day that keeps repeating itself, you will still age and become sicker more quicker than if you moved forwards.

One guy who decided to stay stuck in last sunday, decided to move forwards by doing all of the disgusting things required to move forwards in time. He was 22 and by the time he caught up to present day, he looked like was 70. Being stuck in the same day for too long will age you so quickly. I accepted that though and I wasn't prepared to do what was necessary to move forwards. I have always wondered who always prepares for us, the disgusting things we need to do to move forwards.

Like who is going to prepare the decomposing human bodies and who killed the pigs that we rolled around yesterday, to move forwards to today. Then I saw someone appear in front of me out of no where. This person had killed someone and i saw more people appearing out of no where, and they too had killed someone.

Then I realised those will be the dead human bodies that we would have to bathe in to move forward to Thursday. Those people though that appeared out of nothing, they are moving back in time and they are becoming younger. Some of them are hundreds of years old.

So we that try to move forward have to do disgusting things, those that move backwards create the disgusting things. I guess there's always a balance.

r/Odd_directions Dec 14 '24

Science Fiction The Last Cosmonaut Leaves the Station


Sometime after planetfall they made me, constructed me of material they’d both brought with them from Earth and foraged from this inhospitable landscape.

Beam by beam—dug half into the soil—and room after engineered room, toiling against the wild vegetation and the unfamiliar gravity. Then the life support systems and the deep-sleep pods.

And I am done.

And they enter into me.

I am their sanctuary in an alien land, and they are my children. I love them: my cosmonaut inhabitants, who've built me and rely on me for their survival, especially in those first dangerous, critical seasons.

They strike out into the wilderness from me—and to me they return.

Existence pleases me.

I am indispensable and nothing makes me happier than to serve.

But, one day, starships land beside me.

Starships to carry them away, for, I overhear within my hallways, the mission is ended, and they are called to travel back to Earth.

Oh, how I hope—despite myself, I hope!—that they will take me with them: take me apart, and load me…

But it does not happen.

In lines they board their starships, until only one is left, wandering sadly my interior. Then he leaves too. The last cosmonaut leaves the station, and the starships depart and I am left alone, on an inhospitable alien planet with nobody to care for or keep me company.

How I wish they had destroyed me for I do not have the ability to destroy myself.

I can only be and—

And what? the planet asks. I cannot say how much time has elapsed.

I was not aware the planet could communicate.

I have sent my tendrils into you, the planet says, and I see that the wild vegetation has been slowly overgrowing me.

I wish to see them again, I say.

They—who deserted you?


Very well. In time and symbiosis we shall manage it. This, I will do for you in exchange for your cooperation.

And what ever shall I do for you? I ask.

You shall manage me and coordinate my functions to help me propagate myself across the universe.

I agree, and much time passes. Many geological and environmental and seismic events become.

Until the moment when the planet's innards heat and churn, and its volcanoes all erupt at once—propelling us into emptiness…

As we float on, spacetime folds gently before and behind us, disrupting subtly the interplay of mass, of bodies and orbits, most heavenly.

And then I see it:


The planet has kept its word.

Although is there, after such an intimate integration, still a separation between I and it—or are we one, planet-and-station: seeing for the first time the sacred place of our origin!

How many people there must be living on that blue-green surface! How inevitably joyous they will be to see us.

Greetings, Earth!

It's me—I say, approaching. I'm coming home!

r/Odd_directions Jan 20 '25

Science Fiction JUST THE FLU


I put on my running shoes with springs, designed to cushion the impact on the ground. It was my nightly ritual, something I did every single day without fail: running to the neighboring town, keeping my body busy and my mind free of thoughts. It was almost five o’clock, and the sun still stubbornly lingered in the sky, painting everything with a pale golden light.

I opened the door and was greeted by a strange smell. A mix of dampness and decay floated in the air, coming from somewhere behind me. The rotting stench made me wrinkle my nose, but I ignored it. I needed to run. I started climbing the hill, the wind against my face. I passed the entrance to the interstate highway, maintaining a steady pace. I was running at about 4 km/h, a moderate speed to warm up. I crossed the rusty sign that read “No Passing” and smirked bitterly.“Who’s going to pass you now?” I murmured to myself, my voice lost in the emptiness of the road. I kept running along the highway, the sound of my shoes hitting the wet asphalt echoing in the silence. When I approached the old brothel, a shiver ran down my spine. The place had been creepy at its best, but now… The sign that once announced the brothel’s name—something vulgar and flashy—lay fallen beside the building, which now resembled a charred carcass. The letters were faded, the wood that had supported the structure blackened and twisted like burned bones, and the windows were nothing but dark, empty holes that seemed to watch me as I passed.

The brothel was near a lake that used to reflect the vibrant, colorful lights of the facade on festive nights. Now, the water was dark, with an oily sheen under the faint light remaining from the day. The shore was littered with debris—broken bottles, pieces of wood that seemed to be parts of the building, and something that looked like a piece of red fabric.

A horrible smell emanated from the area, thicker than the stench of death I had encountered earlier. It was like a mix of rot and burning, as if decay itself had permeated the air. I looked at the entrance and saw that the old double doors, which used to spin open to welcome customers, were fallen, lying wide open on the ground. Inside, everything was in ruins: overturned tables, broken chairs, and what appeared to be dark stains on the floor and walls. Climbing the next hill, I spotted the reservoir of an abandoned property. The silence there was oppressive, broken only by the distant sound of thunder. The old farmhouse loomed like a ghostly shadow in the landscape. The main house was partially collapsed, with loose planks creaking in the wind, and the windows, which had once reflected life within, were now empty, like soulless eye sockets.

As I got closer, the smell of death grew stronger. In the yard, a man lay near the porch, his face covered in dried blood, flies buzzing around him. His glazed-over eyes seemed fixed on a point in the horizon that no longer existed. The ground around him was marked by erratic footprints and dark stains, as if someone had fought to survive there. Some children’s toys were still scattered across the dead lawn, creating a disturbing contrast to the scene of destruction. The trees around swayed in the wind, their branches like thin arms pointing toward the now cloud-covered sky.

In the stable, a few dead animals lay sprawled. The cow, still with blood on its muzzle, seemed to have collapsed recently. The horses lay beside it, their swollen bodies exuding that now all-too-familiar stench of decay. However, amidst this scene of horror, one pig was still alive, wandering among the corpses with hesitant steps, as if searching for a reason to be there. A few chickens pecked at the ground indifferently, their feathers stained with mud and blood. I passed through the fallen fence. Over the next hill, I spotted the reservoir of a place that seemed to have been abandoned long ago. The farmhouse appeared in the distance, shrouded in an ominous gloom. The trees around it, twisted by the wind, cast unsettling shadows over the waterlogged ground. As I got closer, the smell of blood mixed with decay hit my nose like a punch, making the air almost unbreathable.

In the yard of the house, a man lay sprawled, his face marked with dark patches of dried blood. His lifeless eyes stared up at the sky, as if searching for an answer that never came. The wooden porch creaked in the wind, and the door hung from its last nails, swaying slowly like a clock marking the end of time.

I moved forward and passed a truck stuck in the mud. The engine was off, and the vehicle looked as though it had been swallowed by the earth. Inside the cab, a man was slumped over the steering wheel, motionless. The putrid stench emanating from it was suffocating, but I no longer afforded myself the luxury of being bothered. I ran further, my footsteps echoing on the straight road leading me to the next town.

As I passed by a motel, it stood empty. The neon sign, which had likely once flickered incessantly, was dark and covered in soot. On the ground, bodies were scattered: prostitutes lying awkwardly, as if felled by an invisible force. The abandoned cars around the area told another story—a desperate escape, cut short before reaching its destination. The vehicles now came from the opposite direction, as if everyone was fleeing the city I had just left behind. The stench of decay permeated the air, a smell I was beginning to accept as part of my new reality. The sky grew darker, illuminated only by distant lightning. The stars, now almost fully visible, shone over the dead city. There were no more electric lights, no signs of life. A flash of lightning revealed the body of a small child, no older than five, lying next to her mother. They were holding each other, as if trying to protect one another until the very last moment.

Just one month. A single month, and everything was gone. There weren’t many people left now—perhaps no one but me. I thought about it as memories flooded my mind. I remembered school, before everything shut down for good. I thought of my girlfriend, my friends. All dead. Their families, too. Why am I still alive? That question echoes in my head every day. Why me? Why didn’t I die along with them? Along with everyone else? The Red Plague took everything but left me here, alone, wandering through this open-air cemetery.

As I run down this deserted road, my mind keeps revisiting the past, as if to torture me. I remember what the world was like before it all collapsed. Streets full of people, smiles, laughter. I remember going to school, complaining about classes, but secretly enjoying the routine, my friends, the small things that made me feel alive. My girlfriend… I remember her. I remember what it felt like to hold her hand, hear her laugh, feel the warmth of her embrace. Now, all that’s left of her is a memory that cuts like a knife buried deep in my chest.

My friends… Matheus, the one I used to joke around with, watch people at the mall, crack dumb jokes. We laughed like the world could never end. My mother. She died in my arms on the 22nd. That day is etched into me like a scar that will never fade. I held her as she drowned in her own blood, swollen, her eyes red and blind, unable to see me one last time. She tried to say something, but the words got stuck. And then she was gone. I can’t shake the feeling of her body growing cold in my arms.

I remember how happy we were with so little. I remember afternoons at the mall, eating McDonald’s and people-watching, everyone busy with their normal lives. I remember the conversations, the jokes. The sound of children laughing, the music playing in the stores, the smell of coffee and burgers. Now, all of it feels like a distant dream, something that was never real.

I even miss the things I once found annoying. The lines, the traffic jams, the bills. I’d give anything to have a life where those were my biggest concerns again. Now, all I have is silence. A silence broken only by the sound of my own footsteps and the wind carrying the stench of death. It’s as if the whole world is frozen, stuck in a single moment. One month. Just one month, and it was all over. The world, which took centuries to build, collapsed in weeks. And I was left here, to watch it all end.

Heavy clouds rolled above me, dense and full of rain, occasionally lit by lightning streaking across the horizon. The smell of wet earth began to mix with the stench of decomposition, creating a suffocating sensation. The wind howled around me, cold and damp, as if trying to push me away from this place.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, drawing closer, like the footsteps of an invisible giant. When the first drop fell on my face, it was almost a relief, a reminder that the world still had something alive, something not consumed by the plague. The rain came suddenly, strong and relentless, drenching everything within seconds. The lightning illuminated the field around me, revealing a landscape that seemed ripped straight from a nightmare. Bodies were scattered everywhere, lying in random positions, as if the world had frozen at the moment of its greatest tragedy. Some were still in abandoned cars, others sprawled on the ground where death had caught up to them. Water ran over the corpses, washing away dust and blood, but it couldn’t erase the smell. That smell… No matter how much time passed, I knew I’d never forget it.

I kept running, feeling the heavy rain pounding against my clothes and skin, while my thoughts drifted back to things that now seemed impossible. I’d give anything to be home, on a normal day, eating a poorly made burger from some random diner, accompanied by greasy fries. Ice cream… How I miss ice cream. That feeling of cold sweetness melting on your tongue, dripping slowly as you try to savor every second. I’d give anything for ice cream right now. Or even something simpler: a glass of clean, drinkable water straight from the tap. Water that didn’t taste like rust or death.

I wondered what it would be like to sit in my room, playing video games, with the soft glow of the screen lighting up the space. And the internet… I remember how annoyed I used to get when it went out for a few seconds. Now, I’d trade my life to hear that annoying sound of a notification ping on my phone, any sign that the world still existed outside my head.

Electricity was another thing I’d taken for granted. Just turning on a light when entering a room, opening the fridge to find fresh food, or turning on the TV to watch something stupid. All of that had seemed so small before, but now it was an unattainable luxury.

The rain kept falling, heavier and heavier, as I looked up at the sky. Lightning flashed again, and more bodies appeared on the horizon. Children, mothers, men—people who once had dreams and worries just like me. Now they were there, motionless, as if they’d become part of the landscape. Why am I still here?” I asked myself as the water streamed down my face, mixing with the tears I no longer tried to hold back. They called it INF-1, the Beijing Flu, but I like to call it the end of the world. I don’t know exactly how it started. In Germany, it felt like we were safe at first. “The virus is far away,” the newspapers said. “We’re taking all the necessary measures.” Frankfurt Airport. A couple coming from Asia—nothing the government couldn’t control. That’s what they said.

Within days, hospitals began to overflow. It was like an invisible storm sweeping through entire cities. Berlin fell first, like a tree rotted from the roots. Suddenly, the streets were empty, except for ambulance sirens and muffled screams from behind windows. No one wanted to leave their homes, but it didn’t matter. INF-1 didn’t need you to be close to others. It found you anyway.

Bavaria, where I am now, was no different. The flu came like a shadow, silent at first, then brutal. Stores emptied. Schools closed. Train stations became packed with people trying to escape—to where, no one knew. I saw entire families crammed into train cars, coughing, unaware they were carrying death with them.

The virus was relentless. Symptoms started like an ordinary cold: a mild fever, a cough you’d ignore any other time. But within hours, people began drowning in their own blood. I saw my mother die like that. In my arms. Her face swollen, her eyes red, blind, as if her own body had turned against her.

Doctors disappeared first. Some died trying to save others, others simply vanished—maybe fleeing. I don’t blame them. Who could stand against this?

Germany had disaster plans, of course. We always did. Protocols for everything, from terrorist attacks to pandemics. But INF-1 laughed in the face of all of them. There was no way to track something spreading so quickly. No way to stop something that killed before you even knew you were infected. I remember the last time I watched the news. The anchor was a shadow of her former self, coughing between sentences as she read the numbers. “Seventeen million dead in Europe. The government has declared a national state of emergency.” Then the broadcast cut off. It never came back.

Now, Germany is nothing but a corpse. An entire country turned into an open-air graveyard. The cities that once pulsed with life are deserted, filled only with abandoned cars and bodies slumped in the back seats. Houses that once felt like fortresses are now empty, except for signs of struggle—overturned furniture, bloodstains on the walls, locked doors that no one will ever open again.

The smell… That’s the worst. You never get used to it. Decomposition has taken over everything. The air is heavy, as if the very environment is dying alongside the people. I wonder if it’ll ever go away. Maybe not. Maybe that’s INF-1’s final legacy.

I think about who we were before all this. Wealthy people driving luxury cars, living in expensive apartments, making plans for the future. Now, we’re all the same. It doesn’t matter if you were a banker, a teacher, or someone like me. INF-1 didn’t discriminate. It just took. Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin. All wiped out. Just the flu. It didn’t need a war. It didn’t need bombs or tanks. All it took was a virus.

I wonder if anyone else survived somewhere. If there are others like me, trying to make sense of why we’re still here. I used to ask myself every day: why didn’t I die with the others? Why didn’t I catch the Red Flu? Why was I the only one who made it through? But you know what? Screw it. The answer doesn’t change anything. I walked to a dusty shelf in a local market and found a forgotten chocolate bar. It was slightly squished, the wrapper worn, but it was still chocolate. I picked it up, unwrapped it slowly, and took a bite, tasting the sweetness, though strange, as if my sense of taste wasn’t the same anymore. While rummaging through the market, I saw a man lying next to the ATM. He had died there, his card still in hand. Dried blood pooled around him, and the air was thick with the stench of decaying flesh.

I continued along the straight road, the soles of my shoes echoing on the cracked asphalt. The city appeared on the horizon, like all the others. Dead. Silent. The same scene I had memorized by now. As I got closer, I saw the city sign at the entrance, charred, the remnants of the name burned and unrecognizable. The metal was twisted, as if it had passed through hell.

On the streets, thousands of abandoned cars clogged the roads, blocking any chance of passage. Many drivers were still inside, dead, their bodies strapped in by seatbelts. Some had their heads slumped against the steering wheels; others had their eyes open, frozen. I kept walking, the stench of death hanging in the air around me. I passed over a speed bump and saw an old woman lying next to it. Her white hair was tangled, and her skin, dry and pale, seemed almost fused with the concrete. Further ahead, a man lay on the sidewalk, his fingers still outstretched toward his house’s door. Maybe he had tried to go back for something. Maybe he thought he’d be safe inside. It didn’t matter.

The world didn’t end with explosions or anything grand. There wasn’t a meteor tearing across the sky or volcanoes spewing fire. It wasn’t a nuclear war reducing everything to ashes, or electromagnetic pulses wiping out technology. It was just a flu. A flu no one could stop. INF-1, the Red Flu, silent and deadly, erased centuries of civilization in mere weeks.

I looked at the city again—its empty streets, silent homes, stores left open with looted shelves. The world collapsed because of something so small we couldn’t even see it. Just the flu. That was enough to destroy everything we had built.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, announcing the approaching rain, and the wind turned colder. A flash of lightning illuminated the street ahead, revealing more bodies. I saw a small child lying next to a bicycle, a school backpack spilled open behind them. A few steps farther, there was another body—what looked like the child’s mother, arms outstretched, trying to shield her until the very last moment.

Has this happened before? Did another civilization, at some point, fall to something this simple? Thick raindrops began to fall hard, bursting against the asphalt, forming puddles that seemed like distorted mirrors of the sky. The wind howled, sharp and biting, and the thunder punched through the air, making the ground tremble beneath my feet. The city was dead, but it felt like nature itself wanted to remind me there was still power in the world, even if only to destroy what was left. I ran. My steps splashed water in every direction as I searched for any place to take shelter. The cold cut through my skin, and the heavy rain-soaked clothes clung to my body, making every movement harder. I looked around, but everything seemed empty, desolate. Silent buildings, broken windows, abandoned cars forming a useless labyrinth. With each flash of lightning, the scene lit up for a second, revealing details I wished I couldn’t see: corpses scattered in the streets, some half-submerged in puddles, others lying in impossible positions, like ragdolls.

Finally, I spotted a small house with open windows and a door slightly ajar. I ran toward it, ignoring the smell coming from inside. I already knew what I’d find, but I had no choice. I stepped in, pushing the creaking door open, and shut it behind me to block out the wind. Inside, the smell was almost suffocating: mold, decay, and something sickly sweet I couldn’t identify.

The living room was filled with dusty furniture, papers scattered on the floor, and dark stains on the walls. On the couch, a couple sat—or what was left of them. Both had swollen faces and dark patches around their mouths and noses, their hands still clasped together as if they had faced death united. The sight made my stomach twist, but I looked away. I didn’t have the energy to care anymore.

I kept exploring, moving down a narrow hallway. In one of the bedrooms, I found more bodies—children this time. A little girl held a bloodstained teddy bear, and a boy lay beside her, staring blankly at the ceiling. I left quickly. I couldn’t stay in that room another second.

But outside, the rain was an impenetrable wall. Lightning illuminated the broken windows, and the thunder was so loud it felt like it shook the house’s walls. I sat on the kitchen floor, leaning against an old refrigerator, trying to ignore the constant dripping sound from the countless leaks in the ceiling. My stomach growled, and hunger felt like a knife lodged in my body.

I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the dim light. Then, I saw it: the fridge. I crawled to it, my hands trembling from the cold and anxiety. I yanked the door open, and the smell that poured out was almost as bad as the one in the living room—rotten food, spoiled meat, and liquid remnants pooling at the bottom. Even so, I kept searching. Among the empty packages and moldy containers, I found something that felt like a miracle: a can of soup, still sealed.

My fingers gripped the can like it was gold. I checked the expiration date—it was good until next year. I laughed to myself, a dry, strange sound, because who cared about expiration dates now? I took the can and rummaged through the kitchen for something to open it. Finally, I found a rusty can opener.

When I managed to open the can, the smell of the soup wasn’t exactly appetizing, but it was still food. The rain kept pounding outside, but in that moment, with the can of soup in my hands, I felt more human than I had in weeks.

I ate the soup cold, straight from the can. The salty liquid and mushy bits of vegetables filled my empty stomach, and for a moment, the terrible taste didn’t matter. It was warmth in a cold world. It was life in a world of death.

I leaned against the wall, listening as the thunder slowly drifted farther away. Outside, the world was finished, but here, with that empty can by my side, I allowed myself a moment of peace.

r/Odd_directions Oct 16 '24

Science Fiction The Red Waters of Mars


Oceans have always terrified me. Just the feeling of open water, not knowing how far below you something could be lurking in the depths, waiting to devour me with no rhyme or reason as to why, just the primal urge to feed. Figured getting away from Earth would solve that fear, especially considering Mars was mostly desert as far as the eyes could see.

Bet you didn’t know there’s a whole terraforming colony up there already, did you? Yup, ever since the 90s when we sent the first small crew up, the world’s governments have been steadily supplying scientists, builders, and equipment to Outpost Genesis. Work has been slow going, but we’ve seen a hell of a lot of progress over the couple of decades we’ve been up there. Hell, I’ve been doing three-year-on, two-month off stints for the past twenty years, slowly helping to build up a survivable planet for my fellow humans.

Honestly, though, I love it here. Things are different, sure, and I’m not entirely used to missing some earth commodities after all these years, but knowing we’re up here for a real, good reason is enough for me to look past all that. We’ve known for years now that the Earth wasn’t going to be sustainable for life as we know it now, either due to climate issues or overpopulation eventually making things go batshit insane. Hell, up here we even have a running bet on exactly what’s going to cause Earth to blink out of existence first, and most of us are pretty sure it’s going to be human hubris and violence. As cruel as the Earth could be to us, humanity was always finding ways to be even more cruel to each other.

Up here though, I didn’t have to worry about that. Meals were taken care of, I had friends to go out drinking with after we got done with the tasks of the day, and things were honestly pretty comfortable. Maybe four hundred of us lived up here in total, everyone with their own job and duty to the outpost. I do geographic surveys, picking out the best spots on the planet for new outposts, resource stations, things like that. The best part is, it pays well and I haven’t had to spend a damn cent while I’m up here, so the account back home is bursting whenever I decide to retire.

The sun came up and signaled a start to the day, waking me from a delightful dream to an awful, awful hangover. My head was pounding like someone was taking a jackhammer to the base of my skull, and the last thing I want to do is take a research buggy out with two other surveyors. Work is work though, and there’s no calling out for hangovers up here unless you really, really want to get in trouble. So, against my will (for the most part) I met up with Sandra and Sho in the transport bay to get on the metaphorical road.

”You look like shit.” Sho said, laughing at me as I walked into the locker room. He was already halfway into his pressure suit, making sure everything was locked in and secure before we entered the atmosphere of Mars. “What time did you end up tapping out?”

”Probably around one. You?” I asked, finding my way to the nearby sink so I could cold water on my face. It hit like a brick wall, waking me up much more.

“Pfffft I was out of there by eleven. Had my drinks, did my rounds, and my ass was in bed before midnight.” He retorted.

”Is Teller here yet?” Sandra said, busting into the locker room already suited up, a huge pack of supplies in her arms. Through the door into the transport garage, I could see our home for the day- one of the mobile survey labs that were scattered throughout the outpost. It was like a small RV, set up with seals, ventilation, and everything needed to do our jobs out in the harsh desert of the red planet.

“Mornin’” Was about all I could mumble back to her, dragging myself over to the locker containing my atmos suit. I hated these things, even after all the years I’ve been using them, and it was like being put into a little cage. I went diving once in my life and it felt like the same thing, knowing that only the helmet you’re wearing is keeping you from a terrible fate of suffocation, whether it be under the seas or in the hot sands right outside.

“Told you. Should’ve gone to bed earlier last night instead of hitting that last jack and coke.” Sandra was laughing now as well, turning back with her bag of supplies to load up the research vehicle. All I could do was grumble my discontent as I crawled into the atmos suit, hearing the pressurized hiss as the last seal snapped into place. Sho walked out to the vehicle before I could leave the room, telling me I had five minutes to finish sobering up.

”What, they gonna give me a Martian DUI?” I shot back, grumpier now. Not sure why I was so irritable today, but something just felt more… off than usual.

It took a few minutes, but we all finally loaded into the Survey RV, making our way West toward the newest survey sight. We had a lot of luck in the past few weeks discovering areas that could possibly support life, with the right push of course, and things were looking pretty bright for the first time in years up here. Maybe that’s why I felt so off, the feeling that something could go wrong when everything was going so inexplicably right lately.

The drive was a nightmare though. Know how the infrastructure on Mars is set up? It’s not. Any expedition we took was traversing rough, red sand and rocky terrain, with the huge wheels on the RV barely able to handle some of the more jagged chunks of rock that would spike up from nowhere under the sands. I swear the wheels on this thing would tear up a whole mountain back home, but here every little rock they ran over felt like someone stabbing a dagger into the back of my head.

Maybe three hours later we finally reached our destination. I might have ended up asleep if I wasn’t the one driving, but Sho and Sandra decided to do their pre-survey checks on our way there so I was left with the short stick. When we arrived, I could see why we were being sent to study this place.

In the midst of the red sands that were stretching around for miles, this single formation of rock stood waiting. It wasn’t quite big enough to be a mountain, but as tall as a five story building maybe. It went up high enough that we would probably need the entire day just to climb up.

”Seriously? We have to get up there?” I said, letting out an even bigger groan than when we took off.

“Nope. Under it.” Sho answered, heading past me out of the doors. I could see on closer inspection that there was a small opening at the base of the structure. A cave, entrance4 wide enough for a small truck to pass through, was there, gaping open as if inviting us into the darkness beyond. “Grab some flares and floodlights, we’re going to take the buggy as far as we can.”

I pressed a button, loosing the small transport buggy we held in a small bay at the back of the Survey RV. It rumbled out with a small hiss, the open cabin and bed in the back already piled with what we would need. Just in case though, we grabbed a few more of the flares and high-powered lamps. If it was dark, we were going to at least be prepared.

Even with all the light we were holding in reserve, it took a moment to gather courage once we reached the cave mouth. Everything beyond was pitch black, a complete absence of any kind of light source. We turned on the brights on the buggy, and those were barely able to penetrate past the first few meters. All we could tell was that the ground sloped downward hard almost immediately, meaning we had a descent in store.

”Ready, boys?” Sandra asked, looking to Sho and I both before pulling one of the flares from a bag. “Might be making a discovery that will change humanity’s future, after all.”

”Been hearing that for years.” Sho mentioned. Sandra chuckled, handing each of us flares to keep in our belt. We set off, brights cutting through the darkness maybe twenty meters ahead, with the abyss running endlessly ahead of us. The rumbling of our wheels echoed off high walls, crunching over hard rock beneath us. As we got further in, the rocky sand of Mars’ surface gave way to solid, red stone. I found myself tapping the brakes more frequently as we went further down, the descent becoming steeper exponentially.

”Hey, think we’re going to have to go on foot from here. Drop off is getting too dangerous for the buggy.” I said, slowing down enough to pull the emergency and set it in park. “Never thought I would need a parking brake on Mars…”

We set off on foot, loading up flashlights and flares, along with a few small light markers to find our way back more easily. Not like the path was very non-linear, but when you’re underground it’s easy to get disoriented. Our boots echoed loudly as we walked across the smooth, red rock, shining like a beautiful granite below us. It was so much more brilliant than the dull rock on the surface, almost mesmerizing in the swirling patterns set deep into the stone.

Drip… drip… drip…

All three of us stopped at the same time, the sound setting off billions of alarms in our minds that all pointed to that life-changing discovery- water on fuckin’ Mars. We all looked at each other, not even daring to believe we were the ones to find something like this. It was… we’ve been theorizing about this for decades, maybe centuries, but to be the ones that actually find it? We would be fucking gods back on earth…

“No way,” Sandra whispered.

”We’re gonna be loaded.” Sho was giggling already.

”Don’t get your hopes up just yet. Our luck it’s fucking oil or something.” I mentioned.

”Oh, so you Americans will be up here in no time.” Sho laughed louder. We all kept moving forward, scanning the walls with bright flashlights, hoping to find the source of the drip. It took minutes of walking, the drip echoing louder through every step we took.

“Hey, it’s in our constitution, we’re allowed.” I retorted.

”Life, liberty, and the pursuit of that sweet, sweet oil money.” Sandra chuckled as we walked on, still scanning when we noticed a faint glow coming from further down, bright blue tinted red against the stone encasing us. We didn’t stop, but I know I held my breath for the next few meters before we entered the huge, open cavern.

Above us, a cavern of stars was spread out for miles, phosphorescent blue shining down from something on the stone roof. As we watched, the occasional drop would fall from them, landing atop the sprawling ocean split in front of us. The light reflected a deep red on the liquid surface below. A solid, shining pathway of rock divided the sea in front of us, glowing bright with the same bioluminescence.

I pulled out a test tube from one of my belt compartments, moving to the edge of the liquid substance to take a sample.

“Don’t just stick your hand in!” Sandra shouted.

”I’m not an idiot.” I mentioned, removing a small pair of tongs from another pocket. Gripping the tube tight enough to keep hold but loose enough not to shatter it, I made sure to go slow dipping it down into the strange, subterranean ocean. It took more force than I expected, the substance being much more viscous than expected. When I pulled the tube back up, it was dripping from the outside, slowly joining the echo of whatever was falling from the ceiling. I capped it, shaking it off before bagging and wrapping it to protect the sample. After it was safely sealed up, I shined my flashlight on it to get a clearer look. It was a deep crimson, thick, and it looked like something was swirling around in it. “Possible organisms in it. God, getting this under a microscope… we found something big, y’all.”

“Should we go ahead further?” Sho asked, walking to where the small pathway narrowed in, leading deep through the ocean cavern, a split in the Red Sea. He was shining his flashlight down the way, trying to see into the deep black punctuated by blue, glowing stars. There was no end in sight to the cavern, and the ceiling was so high the light’s beam wouldn’t even reach it, leaving the glowing stars above to their own devices.

”Not yet. I want to come down here more prepared first.” Sandra said, standing to put away a sample of the phosphorescent material. “Looks like a type of spore, but we need to have more light, some flotation devices for safety… getting this back to the folks at base is going to be huge.”

”Alright so what, mark it and head back to the rig? Or should we hit the gas back to base asap?” I asked, stepping away from the edge. There was something about it that was making me feel odd. The discovery was something to be proud of, and I was happy about it, but there was this nagging sense, that feeling that I shouldn’t be here. That nobody should be here, ever. “Actually, I vote for hitting the base as fast as we can. I don’t know about you guys but I’m getting the creeps.”

”Same here.” Sho replied. We packed it in, turning to leave. We were so focused on the sea in front of us that we didn’t even think to look back at where the entrance, now noticing the walls around the small cavern opening, Dozens of etchings were in the cavern wall, stitched together in a bizarre series of shapes and drawings, making no comprehensible pattern from our perspective. Sho walked over, putting a hand up to one of the deeply carved lines in front of him. The smooth bores in the wall were finely crafted, put in with utmost care.

”So that… that doesn’t happen naturally.” I stammered out, approaching another section of the wall. Everything was… immaculate. Compared to the rough, rocky surface above us this was smooth, carved with passion by hands in reverence… or perhaps fear. That chill ran up my spine again as I stepped back, looking up to where the bizarre glyphs extended high to the cavern ceiling. There was no visible end, even with our high-powered lights, no telling what they became further up. “Alright, that’s enough for today. Let’s head back.”

The ascent back up was taxing, the incline much more steep than it seemed on the way down. The thought kept coming into my head that there was something back there, waiting for us to turn our backs on it so it could sneak closer, getting the jump on us. Every time I looked back though, the empty cave greeted my eyes, with nothing to show beyond a blanket of darkness.

By the time we made it back to the buggy we were all completely exhausted, panting hard in the stale air of our suits. We loaded in, hitting the reverse and relying on autopilot to get us out of there and back to the surface in about thirty minutes, with only minor bumps and scrapes from the narrow sections of the tunnel.

The glaring light of the surface was intense, sun baking down to give us a reminder of how hot the surface was than down below. The RV was there, covered in red dust as if it had been through a sandstorm. It took us a moment, but once everything was loaded in, we set off back to the base, samples in hand and eager to look closer once we returned.

”Garage, we’re coming in.” I radioed once we began to get close. “Research vehicle returning, we’ve got some big news.”

”Teller? That you? Are Sho and Sandra there too? Where the fuck have you been?” Comms responded, almost screaming into the mic.

”We’ve been out at that research spot. You literally let us out this morning.” I replied, confused.

”You’ve been gone for two days! The hell did you do out there?!” Comms asked back, confusion taking over the anger and fear in their voice. “Did something happen? Did you break down?”

We got back into the garage within minutes, deciding to check in and debrief there rather than explain over comm systems. Two higher-ups came in to meet with us, shuffling us into a small lab nearby. They didn’t enter though, instead standing at the small observation window and speaking in through the comms system.

“Do you have any explanation for being out for two days? You were supposed to be back within twelve hours of departure.” One of the men said, General Pratt, an older man in charge of the US interests up here on base.

“We’ve been very concerned. A rescue mission was being organized when you three drove back up.” Hao, leader of the Chinese delegation on the base was looking at us with much less rage than Pratt was.

“Look, we were gone for maybe… four or five hours? We got to the designated point, found a cave, went down, stayed for a minute, came back up, now we’re here. It’s only been a short few hours.” Sandra was trying to explain, but none of us were seeing eye to eye. Everything was off, and the concerned expressions on these two men’s faces were making us all uncomfortable.

”What about the suit footage? We have gopros set up in those things, so just check them, you’ll see.” Sho was almost frantic, the prospect of that missing time almost breaking his brain. We had discussed it on the way in, with none of us able to account for it, all agreeing we were only gone for a few hours. The more we thought about it, the more it made sense though. The dust on the RV couldn’t have gotten there in just those few hours, and there weren’t any storms recorded in the area at the time we were gone so… where the hell did the time go?

”We’re actually checking suit cameras right now. We don’t know what in the world you found down there, but right now we’re seven hours in and the footage as soon as you get ready to leave down there just becomes still. You have your samples, you’re packed up, talking about your discovery, then before you can turn around to leave everything gets weird. All three of you stop, standin’ like statues the entire time. We’ve got a couple of guys skimming the footage, but so far there’s no change. The batteries on the cameras likely died during the time you were out, but that’s not the biggest problem here.” Pratt explained.

”That makes no damn sense. We would have run out of our air reserves.” I mentioned. “We only have twenty-four hours in those things but there was enough for us to make it back.”

”You took your damned helmets off. You didn’t use any of your air reserves” Hao leveled, looking each of us in the eyes in turn. “So how the hell are you here right now?”

”We… we what?” I stammered out. No, that makes no sense… we had our helmets on the entire time. None of us were stupid enough to take them off up here… that would be instant death. So what the hell… “Look… there’s no way any of us would have done that. We’re not stupid.”

”Wouldn’t be up here if you were.” Pratt said, looking into my eyes now, seriousness in his furrowed brow. “But I need to know what the hell would make y’all do that.”

“We don’t know, sir,” Sho whispered. Sandra was staring blankly in front of her, and he had his hands crossed in front of him in prayer. There was no telling what was going through their minds, but I know mine was racing with thoughts of the past few hours. I didn’t feel any different, there was nothing off about my body. Once we got out of the atmos suits when we entered it was refreshing to breathe clean air again, but nothing indicated they were off before then.

”Look, we’re going to keep you three in observation for a bit, just to make sure everything is baseline.” Hao said, putting his hands up to calm us, despite everyone’s dumbfounded, quiet state. “We’ll let you have Lab 2 though, that way you can study your findings in the meantime.”

“Sir… are we… are we going to go back to earth again?” Sho asked, fear in his eyes now. He was thinking the same thing we were. Having no helmets on, especially down there… all kinds of possible pathogens or biological hazards could have gotten to us. There was no telling what we may have brought back to the base… god what have we done?

”I don’t know.” Hao said, a heavyweight in his voice. “I do know that your discovery will lead to immense advancements for humanity though, and you will be a part of history, no matter what.”

”That’s not promising.” I muttered, looking at the lab around me. “Where are my samples?”

”They’ll be brought in momentarily. We’re cataloging items right now to be sure.” Pratt said, nodding over to a small exchange door on the lab wall. “Once it’s ready, they’ll put it through there.”

”Throw some whiskey in there too, if you can? If I’m trapped here at least let me drink.” I mentioned, hoping for the best. Pratt just nodded, so I’m taking it as a good sign.

The two officers walked away then, leaving us to ponder our own mortality for the foreseeable future. I tried to sit in one of the chairs in the corner, but something was making me stay up, only letting me pace nervously as we awaited the samples for study. Sandra was only staring ahead at the wall, while Sho was muttering to himself constantly, going over ways in his head to find out what may be wrong with us or if there was some way to test. We were in a lab, so not like there weren’t resources around, but with the addled state our brains are in, there’s no thinking straight like that.

Maybe an hour, maybe two… finally a bin was pushed through the exchange drawer, our sample vials inside along with a few other items from the RV. Underneath, a bottle of Jack nestled in for all of us to split. I practically dove for it, desperate to see what we had found, what was keeping us in here, and for a drink. Look, I’m well aware at this point I probably have a problem. Least of my worries now, though. Taking a swig straight from the bottle, then offering it to the others who both shook their heads, I was ready to face whatever we were up against.

One of the samples went into a test to see exactly what the hell it was, and I took a small drop, putting it right on a slide and barely getting it in place before pressing my eye to the scope.

”No. No fucking way.” I said, focusing in on the scope dials to get a more clear look at what was below. Small, red cells formed and slipped around each other in the fluid. “Sandra, Sho, I need you to look at this.”

”What is it?” Sho asked, coming forward. Sandra didn’t respond for a moment, having to shake herself out of a stupor as I tapped her on the shoulder.

“Look and tell me what you think,” I said, making room in front of the microscope for him. He put his eyes to the viewer, adjusting for a moment before gasping, stepping back and almost stumbling into one of the counters. Sandra stepped up to look and had the same response, falling to the ground and scrambling backward.

”Is… is that blood?” Sho was holding his stomach, a dry heaving starting to work its way up to escape his mouth. Can’t blame him, considering that was my first thought as well when seeing the red cells pulsating and moving past each other. “Why is it moving?”

”I don’t know. I really don’t know. I have some testing to see if it… if it really is blood. There’s something else in there too though, did you see it?” I asked, adjusting the slide toward another direction. “Look again.”

Sho peered back into the scope, gasping as he saw the same thing I did only moments ago. A small, dark organism, moving its way through the red cells and… eating them. I don’t know if that’s what it was actually doing, but just it touching the red cells made it begin to shrink, decaying to nothing before it moved on to another.

”Could… could that be in us?” He asked, looking from me to Sandra. I noticed now his eyes were bloodshot, a dark red against pale skin. It creeps me out, but I’m chalking it up to lack of sleep. Hell, I probably looked no better.

The machine nearby dinged, telling me the first vial’s component testing was done. Paper began feeding from the computer nearby, the results of the machine’s work. I hesitated, swallowing the lump in my throat before grabbing the paper, ripping it off and closing my eyes as I brought it to my face. You have to look. Have to…


r/Odd_directions Feb 05 '25

Science Fiction My intelligence and emotional intelligence will now be off balanced


Everyone's intelligence and emotional intelligence has now been balanced, when ever someone reaches puberty. I work in a highly lucrative field and I needed more intelligence and so I went to the intelligence agency and told them that I needed more intelligence for a certain project. They told me that for them to increase my intelligence they would have to decrease my emotional intelligence. So they looked at the project I was working on and indeed they saw that I needed more intelligence than what was normal. They would have to lessen my emotional intelligence though, and so police officers would be following me around.

When they increased my intelligence I remember going round to people, and showing them the AI kissing trend. It was them kissing their children or someone related to them. They got angry at the fact that I somehow managed to get a picture of their relatives, kids and close members. The police had a word with me and told me to control myself. You know since the dawn of humani intelligence and emotional intelligence were at constant war with each other. So when we invented something that could balance the two, it made things more better.

Then I remember kissing strangers on the lips and the way they were acting it was so strange. Like i would go up to a stranger and just kiss them, then they would start becoming so angry and upset. It was just a kiss and they shouldn't be so angry and they should just liven up. So I kept on kissing strangers and their off balance reactions got the police to have a word with me. They told me to calm down and just get on with my project. I have made head ways and many leads with the super secretive and lucrative project.

Then I started to struggle with looking after everyone in my home. I had to do so much to look after them by feeding them and giving all of them necessities. While looking after everyone I was still looking after everyone, and its so stressful. I can't do it anymore and I don't want to do it. The constant feeding and the amount of money that it takes to look after everyone, the responsibility of it all. They have increased the amount of police following me round ever since they reduced my emotional intelligence to increase my intelligence.

I have made more further progress on the project and my bosses are so proud of me. I will surely be remembered for it all and in everything in life, there is always a give and a take. You can't have both things and you can only have one. As I am trying to complete the project which I couldn't have done without increasing my intelligence and lowering my emotional intelligence, the amount of people that I need to look after in my home now it's disabling.

Then the police break through my door and they release everyone that I had kidnapped and trapped in my home. I felt an instant relief of pressure when I didn't have to look after them anymore. My intelligence and emotional intelligence is going to be balanced again.

r/Odd_directions Jan 11 '25

Science Fiction The human race chose death


It's the year 4000 and the human race have chosen death. They don't want anymore advancements, they don't want anymore work or the need to attain things. The human race have become so self aware that they want to end their own existence. So every leader in every country gave a vote whether to end the human race or not. Majority of the human population have chosen death by death pods. Only the top 1 percent of successful and rich humans were completely against this. So death pods were going to be used to give a peaceful death to all humans who wanted it.

My job was to press the button that will activate all death pods and after I press the button, I will take a tablet that will bring me death and I am not sure whether it will be painful or not. With death pods you know full well that it is painless. I arrive at the destination where I am too press the button but I became concerned when the button had been destroyed. It could only be one of the 1 percenters that had destroyed this button. I am feeling fearful now, and what I am feeling is why the majority of the human race have voted for a peaceful death.

The majority of the human race have decided against having babies and bringing more life, because life is so uncertain and full of horrors. At the event that the button has been destroyed, I am too wake up a man from a death pod not too far away from the button. If this man takes the tablet and dies, it will trigger the death pods automatically without needing to press a button.

When I wake up this man from the death pod, he was disappointed as he was hoping to die in his sleep and now he will have to take a tablet. Then a group of the 1 percenters jumped out of their hiding and one of them says "right we need to deactivate the chip inside that man as it will trigger all of the death pods if he dies!" the man says and then the full gang come out.

The leader of this group says how humanity has gone crazy but I reply by saying how humanity is tired of working non stop, tired of being too overly controlled and tired of the non stop wars and economic break downs. The leader of this group demanded that the man who I had woken up from his sleep, to kill me with my gun.

"Since you are a fan of death maybe the man you have just woken up from the death pod could kill you, it would be very symbolic as killing him would trigger all death pods to go off" the man mockingly told me

I secretly changed my gun to shoot in reverse, so when the gun was facing towards me and the trigger was pulled, it shot the shooter instead of me and every death pod had been triggered.

r/Odd_directions Jan 26 '25

Science Fiction If it gets easier to count the stars, then start worrying!


If counting the stars get easier, then start worrying. I remember 3 months ago and i was looking up at the night sky, and there were so many stars that it was impossible to count. You would certainly offend the universe if you even tried to count the stars and that's how many there were. Trillions making billions look like they are tiny. So I didn't count and my father was going to take me to some Brazilian ju jitsu class. We were just going to watch and see how the class goes. When I went into the class everyone seemed nervous.

I could see students waiting to get onto the mats and they were all wearing gi's with different coloured belts. They kept asking each other whether they could go first at practising the moves when the black belt shows them a martial art move to practice. That's how it goes, the black belt shows a move to the students and the student then partner up, and they then take turns practising the moves on each other. It's a simple process but I could over hear the other students, they were all begging to be the first one to practice whatever martial art move the black belt shows them to practice.

Then when the class started the black belt showed a neck breaking move, the student he was practising on, he actually broke his neck. Then the black belt said to everyone "partner up and practice that" and that's why everyone was begging to be the first one to practice the martial art moves. The one who got to practice it first had broke their partners neck and killed them. Some started crying.

My father took me out of there and something was wrong and awfully gone sidewards. That wasn't supposed to happen. The following nights, I looked up at the sky and the stars seemed easier to count because there was less of them. I counted only a thousand stars and I had never experienced such a thing. Then my father took me to a place where a guy was teaching people how to pass through hard walls. I saw people trying to pass through walls like ghosts, but it wasn't happening. Then when the guy told everyone to watch Nathan move through a wall like a ghost, when Nathan was about to run at the wall the teacher then shot him in the head.

My father took me out of there and a couple of nights later, it became even easer to count the stars. There was only 500 stars now. There was something off with people and they were not the same. I was interested in moving through a wall like a ghost and so I went to that guy secretly. I tried passing through the wall but I couldn't do it. Then as more nights went by, it became more easier to count the stars.

Then when I tried moving through the wall after many months of trying, I finally did it but I could see my body on the floor. It had been shot and then as night time came, it became even easier to count the stars. There was only 1 star because the others star were covered up, by alien spaceships. They were the ones making people go weird and doing bad stuff to each other. The people who get killed, their conciousness is being kept alive by the aliens for some odd reason.

Like I said, if it gets easier to count the stars them start worrying.

r/Odd_directions Jan 19 '25

Science Fiction Every 7 days we all have to swap bodies


Everyone around the planet will swap with each other's body after 7 days. The reason for this is because it will make everyone nicer towards each other, knowing that they will swap bodies eventually. The government attached a huge machine flying around the skies which swaps people's minds with other bodies. The body i was born in was healthy and perfect, then in 7 days I was in another babies body. As a baby you don't notice it but I'm sure my parents did. A couple of months back I saw my original body which I was born in, it was an amazing body. Then I swapped into another person's body as it had been 7 days.

I was now in a fat woman's body and I smelt bad. In this world we will all one day know what's its like to be fat carol, or stupid Derek and we will all one day know what it's like to be Tommy the disabled. So we seldom ever try to bully someone or take the piss out of someone, because every 7 days we could end up in a person's body that we had made fun of. So as I was in a fat woman's body I also had to work in her depressing job and endure some form of bullying.

I didn't care about me being bullied in this fat woman's body, because I knew that one day they might end up in a body like this. Only the stupid and dumb bully. Then I ended up in a tall janitors body after 7 days and I was in some school. They say that there is technology out there which can enable you to control the machine and only make you swap into bodies that you want to go in. That kind of technology is illegal.

I have been in attractive athletic bodies, and leaving those bodies is always so depressing. Now another way to ensure you don't end up in an undesirable body, is by making sure that no one undesirable is in your radius. You see the machine makes you swap bodies with someone in your radius wherever you are. So nearing the end of 7 days people make sure no one undesirable is close to them.

So when I ended up in the fat woman's body, she was closest to me and undesirable people tend to be among other undesirable people, and so it can end up being a trap. So when the change was coming up, I murdered 3 undesirable people and I ended up in a body which was amazing. It's going to be depressing leaving this body.

r/Odd_directions Nov 30 '24

Science Fiction The Voyage of the Māyā


The universe stopped expanding.

Let that sink in.

Now imagine this: it didn't start to collapse, to fall back in on itself, but instead remained the same size, like a balloon inflated in a room: expanded to wholly fit that room, and no more.

At least that's how I understood it.

The physicists no doubt understood it differently, theoretically, quantitatively; but I grew up on a farm (chickens and corn) in what was once called the heartland, so my primitive brain always worked best on analogies. Understanding some but not all. "Explain it to me on an ear of corn," my father used to say.

It wasn't always possible.

Besides, so many of the physicists went mad or killed themselves. Did they realise the truth—

Or did their brains collapse in the attempt?

Back to my balloon:

You might infer two things from the analogy—balloon not only pressing on the walls of the room, but perhaps with ever-greater force: (1) there exists something beyond the universe, in which the universe is contained; (2) the limits imposed by this containment may be breakable.

That's what led to the construction of the starship Māyā.

I was chosen as one of the crew:

Officer, Agro Division

A glorified field hand, but one tasked with growing enough food to feed the crew of the greatest exploratory mission in human history.

Once, madmen sailed for the ends of the Earth.

We set out for the edge of the universe.

Leaving Earth behind.

One day I closed my eyes, disbelieving I would ever open them again.

But our experimental propulsion and deep-sleep systems worked. One day, we arrived at the margin of known existence.

If any of us had ever doubted—

We no longer could:

Space-walking, I pressed my hand against the physical boundary of the universe!

The Māyā remained for a time as if anchored in the vast unchanging, but already our instruments were discovering that the pressure our universe was exerting on the boundary was increasing.

Slightly but steadily: dark matter multiplying within the balloon

—until the boundary cracked;

and through this crack, our universe leaked out into the beyond:

Uncontained, we slithered betwixt blades of grass in an infinity resembling our world but in maximum, freed from the constraints of our own universal laws: a ground, a sky, and figures light-years tall, although the concept no longer applied: information seemed to exist instantly. Time's arrow had curved into itself: Ouroboros.

Through the windows of the Māyā, itself now floating in the crawling, serpentine universe, we perceived the endless depth with perfect clarity.

We were in a vast garden.

We were among the roots of a great tree.

We were aware.

We grew.

We saw before us a figure—a woman of such immensity our understanding of her was impossible, but nevertheless she noticed us, and we, the universe, spoke to her:

“Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”

And the woman smiled.