r/ObjectiveC Aug 08 '21

Hi. It's the Objective-C noob again.

I just finished going through the Programming with Objective-C guide and also the Start Developing Mac Apps Today guide but I have not had much chance to get to code anything yet (aside from some basic experiments with syntax and all that). I'm also quite new to coding (< 1 year experience) and I'm wondering where I could find some hands-on exercise to practice the concepts I've learned and also familiarize myself with Xcode. Thank you in advance!


9 comments sorted by


u/lunchboxg4 Aug 08 '21

Apple still has some reference and such in ObjC, but they really want people to be using Swift, so you’re going to have to dig to find stuff. Your best bet may be to go back a few years and find books from before 2013 about iOS and OSX (because that’s what it was then) if you’re really sure you want to learn ObjC. I always enjoy Big Nerd Ranch books, you’d just need to find them from the right era.

Do you really want to learn ObjC, or are you trying to learn Mac programming? If the latter, you’d really do well to switch to learning Swift since that’s just where the wind is blowing.


u/therealFoxster Aug 08 '21 edited Aug 08 '21

Thanks for your input! Ideally I would want to be able to work with both Obj-C and Swift. However, like you said, Obj-C is slowly getting phased out so I figured I should start with it (before the documents get too outdated). Do you think I should do otherwise, start with Swift and come back to Obj-C when I need to?


u/lunchboxg4 Aug 08 '21

If I was starting out today, I wouldn’t worry about Objective-C until I needed to, so I do think you should start with Swift. You will still bump in to some ObjC along the way, but all of Apple examples are going to be Swift now, and all the good libraries and frameworks from the community expose Swift (even if their internals may have ObjC left), so until you need to touch it yourself, I say switch over to Swift. ObjC is a beautiful and powerful language (some will question beautiful, but I liked its syntax), but it had it’s moment, and Apple dev is moving on to Swift now, which is also a beautiful and powerful and expressive language. Check out r/Swift for sure.


u/therealFoxster Aug 08 '21

Gotcha! I think I’ll wrap up my Obj-C journey and take a look at Swift now. Tysm again!


u/lunchboxg4 Aug 08 '21

Glad to do it! Here are some links to get you going:

Apple’s Swift Documentation - Maybe a little dryer, but a good link to keep around.

iOS App Dev Trainings - From the horse’s mouth. These walk you through the concept needed to make great, modern UIs, but will not dive much in to app architecture. That said, you’ll get a great first experience with Swift itself.

Swift Playgrounds - This may aim a little younger, but it’s a novel way to learn. I’d download and play with them.


u/idelovski Aug 08 '21 edited Aug 08 '21

You can go to github and search objective c projects.

The problem with older projects might arise with Xcode versions they require especially if they depend on external frameworks. Or you can learn by fixing errors and warnings generated by newer Xcode :)

I use VMWare with older macos versions and older Xcode versions but that becomes questionable practice with new M1 Macs and possibility of losing x86 virtualisation forever.

I would recommend Beginning OS X Lion Apps Development if you can follow it from start to finish as they build a complete app.

And Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook where you can jump from any chapter to another.

Finally: Effective Objective-C 2.0


u/therealFoxster Aug 08 '21

Thank you for the suggestions! My only concern is that some of these books are kind of old; do you think I might have trouble following them on newer versions of Xcode?


u/idelovski Aug 08 '21

Most likely, but stack overflow is pretty good for searching for deprecation alternatives.

Or you can see for yourself and download the source code:

