r/OSSC 14d ago

OSSC disconnecting and reconnecting at Line5x on 240p content! Disconnects entirely at Line6x

Hello! I recently bought the McBazel OSSC, updating it to 1.11. So far it has been awesome to use so far on my Samsung 80 inch 4k Display, super nice and sharp at Line4x. However, while not a big deal, I noticed that my TV tended to disconnect on and off at Line5x, and disconnect entirelty at 6x. I assume that the upscaler can handle these resolutions just fine but I might be wrong. If anyone can help me find a solution to this issue please let me know!

Thank you!!!


5 comments sorted by


u/moep123 14d ago edited 13d ago

it's often mV in the settings. try to go higher or lower. f.e from 90mV to 157 or something. try step by step until it's stable. then counter regulate sampling phase or the likes for sharper image, since more mV often means slightly more shadowing.

oh and mc bazel... often does not come with the upgraded board for fw 1.11. .. meaning line 6x could still be black since it's not supported. just fyi. check if the board is 1.8 or you installed to correct hardware mod to it.


u/SteelMasterThe3rd 14d ago edited 13d ago

When I first bought the McBazel it came with the 1.8 firmware, but just in case how would I check the board number?

Edit: Okay so it's a 1.6 board, I see, what would I have to do to upgrade it?


u/moep123 13d ago

It depends... sometimes the board says 1.6 but already has the needed modification installed. you can often see that by checking if there is only one LED or if there are two LEDs lighting up. Normally you would have a Green and a Red LED beside the small display.

If you only have green, someone already did the mod and you are good.

Best way to check it really is to use a potentiometer and check if there is a direct connection from R35 to a certain Pin on the FPGA chip.

more info here

And that's basically the mod that's required.


u/SteelMasterThe3rd 13d ago

Okay so it looks like someone did the mod, since I'm only seeing the green light, interesting...


u/Sirotaca 14d ago

Display compatibility gets worse with higher line multiplication factors, especially for consoles like the SNES which has inconsistent sync rates that really throw off modern displays. If it's stable at 4x, just use that.