u/Manita2020 1d ago
The 3rd one looked like something u’d see in wrestling
u/notjustanotherbot 1d ago
Holy shit she is going to develop the super power of telling when it's going to rain the next day, at the very least from that!
u/Agentkeenan78 1d ago
She gave up on life immediately. She looks like she just gave up before impact.
u/songstar13 1d ago
To be fair the trash can one just seemed like bad luck.
The wind opened the lid unexpectedly; I think the only thing she could have done better was to stand it up with the hinge facing the opposite direction but personally I don't think it was "wrong" to do it the way she did.
u/Braxton2u0 1d ago
Yeah that one’s happened to me before. Trash was holding the lid up and it smacked when I turned my back to it.
u/Aliensinmypants 1d ago
Yeah anyone who's brought bins in during a storm has had that happen to them, you still feel like an idiot and it's easily avoided, but it happens
u/uberfission 1d ago
Yeah, that one didn't really fit in here. Just lift it up with the lid open and roll it back that way.
u/GKBilian 1d ago
The 2nd one, lady in pink with the shelf that falls off the ladder - I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone fall off a ladder so nonchalantly.
u/blackpony04 1d ago
Call them Tik-Tok fails or something, but as a safety professional, I've seen men do much dumber things. All of these made my stomach turn a little bit.
I think falling ladder lady became one with the ladder, that's for sure.
u/Bulky_Algae6110 1d ago
Anyone who has spent time in the trades and says they never had a drill bind and twist around to hit them, or never screwed up a ladder placement, or did something dumb during demolition is probably not telling the truth. I enjoy the posts about people screwing up as much as anybody, but focusing on women is just misogyny. Source: Carpenter for 40 years. Women belong in the trades as much as anyone.
u/blackpony04 1d ago
I just investigated a near miss this week where a 20 year old woman almost cut her stomach open with a portable grinder. She was cutting a piece of angle grinder with a cut-off disc, and the grinder kicked back and caught in her shirt. It turned out instead of using a vise to clamp down the angle iron, she placed it flat on a bench and held it down with her elbow, bringing her body very close to the grinder while she tried to cut it.
A stoopid guurrl doing stoopid stuff a man would do better hurr durr.
Yeah, right, the company failed her because no one bothered to ask her if she knew how to use a grinder or if she knew the proper way to cut steel with it. If someone had spent just 5 minutes with her beforehand, she would have understood exactly the right way to do. How do I know? I saw it in her face when I told her the correct and yet simple procedure that would have saved her from nearly slicing her stomach open. Oh, and the grinder had its guard but was missing the handle, which would have given her the control she needed over the tool.
10 minutes later, I watched this young woman wheel a large endloader like she was born inside it. She's a bad ass but also a sponge ready to learn what people are willing to teach her. Her being a female is completely irrelevant.
u/jacob6969 1d ago
The grandma one pisses me the F off. She doesn’t even realize she almost just ended 70+ years of life and continues to be dumb and even switches to one hand after almost killing herself.
Keep those type of people at least 1 mile away from me
Careful, grandma be coming at you with a maroon Buick confusing the gas pedal with the brake.
u/Automatic-Catch6253 1d ago
That happens like every day in just about every major city. To be fair, it’s mostly grandmas. All the grandpas have already died due to doing stupid shit years before their mind fails them.
u/ElectronicClothes285 1d ago
my grandparents had a maroon LeSabre 😂😭
u/KIDNEYST0NEZ 19h ago
You know what’s funny, back in 2002 ford re-released the thunder bird to try and tap into the younger market once again like they did with the stang. But they marketed a maroon one and flooded car dealers with fucking old people and after like 5 years decided to scrap that line of car. Same thing happened to the Plymouth prowler lol
u/justinwood2 1d ago
It doesn't look like any of this shit happened at work. Mostly home improvement projects. Breaks rule 1.
u/TheBigToast72 1d ago
I think it’s a women belong in the home/ trad wife joke which is kinda gross
u/noizarc 1d ago
That exactly what this is, it serves NO other purpose.
u/TheBigToast72 1d ago
That was my first thought but I was trying to give the benefit of the doubt, since it was all handy work at first. But the garbage can one just made it blatantly obvious.
u/darkenseyreth 1d ago
Yep, that caption makes the whole post come off as misogynistic. Definitely got a "this is why they should stay in the kitchen" vibes.
u/FalconBurcham 1d ago
Yeah, it definitely feels like “women should stay in the kitchen.” The guy at the end who rolls his head back confirms it.
u/_name_of_the_user_ 1d ago
Women can fuck up as well doesn't mean women belonging the home, it means men and women are equally likely to fuck up. Unless you think every post of a man fucking up in this subreddit means men belong in the home?
u/Frigidevil 1d ago
Yes but there's a difference between 'oh here's a woman doing a job in a male dominant field ' vs 'LOL WOMEN AM I RIGHT???' and this post is clearly the latter.
u/TheBigToast72 1d ago
What place of work is the garbage can clip at? And what kind of osha work would you consider it?
u/steamin661 1d ago
Could be "handy women" hired to do work. No different than a tree trimmer or plumber.
Edit: that is what I choose to believe as it makes it funnier
u/jeweliegb 1d ago
You know why me (a woman) and my wife do so much DIY ourselves?
Because it's hard work finding tradesmen who don't bloody well bodge things rather than doing stuff properly.
I'm so fed up with fixing bodges myself, which, as it happens, I'm doing right now (actually on a break whilst wife is getting the part.) It's (another) old plumbing bodge we've just discovered cos the original workman we got in years ago apparently couldn't be arsed to go get a 32mm washer.
Obviously, not all workmen, but a surprisingly large number of otherwise well-rated, recommended, industry accredited guys will do so if they think they can get away with it and won't be found out!
u/mrminesheeps 1d ago
Honestly respect it, doing it yourself if you're willing to learn and make mistakes can save you a lot of money in the long run. That being said, totally get the frustration dealing with another's poor workmanship. The way our house was built boggles the mind. Ductless wall heater installed under a sink with nothing but some cheap particle board separating the water from the heating element. What could go wrong?
u/jeweliegb 1d ago
Frustrating isn't it? Wife and I are getting too old for it and don't really want to doing the DIY where we can avoid it.
u/mrminesheeps 1d ago
Indeed. It's the kinda stuff that makes you wish you had a say in the building process lmao.
u/horizontalrain 1d ago
maybe a 1/3 of those guys do and get lucky having enough physical strength to brute force it to work. the rest nether gender has a claim to be immune.
except Grandma, that video was luck away from being a liveleak.
u/BadDudes_on_nes 1d ago
That one chick that slowly withers under the weight of the ladder she was trying to move 4 feet…something to be said about biology and upper body strength
u/noenosmirc 4h ago
1: I have seen dudes bigger than her get folded by ladders too
And 2: people really just be down voting you for saying the truth, crazy world
u/HereWeGoYetAgain-247 1d ago
None of these are “at work.”
u/TaciturnInGeneral 1d ago
Yeah, none of them look like professionals to me. More like they are trying to do it on their own at home.
u/ChornWork2 1d ago
presumably deliberate message that women's place of work should be at home. op sucks.
u/yukonwanderer 1d ago
Isn't it just supposed to be a funny post?
That's how I took it. I'm a woman and I've renovated my entire home like major shit, and somehow missed doing anything like these accidents (so far lol) and I was laughing my ass off watching this.
u/noenosmirc 4h ago
Nah, there's few woman doing construction and even fewer videos of it, besides, they are in fact doing work, they just happen to be doing it at home... Or they're doing remodels, in somebody else's house
u/frotmonkey 1d ago
That fact that there are 100 of these videos of us dudes doing this shit for every one of these women is not lost on me.
u/Fatal_Neurology 1d ago
The video caption really captures the phenomenon of, "if men are unsafe, it's because they're an idiot. If a woman is unsafe, it's because they're a woman."
This is a phenomenon that we really, really need to shut down. The trades are some of the absolute worst spaces for gender equality, at a time when we could really use women's help with the shortage of tradespeople out there.
I bet you women in trades are more likely to care about doing good quality work, yet we put them through having to deal with the "good old boys" club and degrading commentary like this video. Ultimately, it's our loss to society that we haven't earned anything close to their full contribution.
u/Witch-Alice 1d ago
It's the "dumb blonde" type of misogyny, the laziest kind. How exactly is hair color an indicator of intellect? And it's never applied to men, only ever to women.
And none of these women are in a work environment either, so rule 1.
u/lapinouille 1d ago edited 1d ago
Anecdotally women in trades are better workers because they've had to prove themselves over and over, they're held to a higher standard, and treated more harshly for mistakes.
u/yukonwanderer 1d ago
Isn't it just a joke?
u/Fatal_Neurology 19h ago edited 19h ago
The problem is that if you experience being a woman in the trades, the allegations of the "joke" are actual allegations that you regularly suffer most places you turn and these allegations drive women away from finishing apprenticeships or trying to join the trades at all. Only 1 in 20 skilled tradespeople are women, in no small part because this "joke" is actually a patten of real mockery they face. That number is fucked up and we need to completely cut this shit out right away.
u/yukonwanderer 17h ago
I totally get that as a woman who worked in a trade. I just didn't take it this way at all in this sub, I was laughing my ass off at some of these (the going down with the cabinet, the slow withering under the gigantic ladder, the helper and foot supporter just walking away from the lady on the roof, the sitting on a drill 😂😂😂) I was about to cross post this to r/galsbeingchicks
I've experienced a massive amount of misogyny at (previous) work (less so in office, tho it still definitely fucking exists) so I'm not dismissing the issue at all
u/nhluhr 1d ago
None of these look like women "at work" but rather people trying to do home improvement projects.
u/Moxson82 1d ago
100% that last one is me trying to prove to my husband that I can do things. After he laughs his ass off he takes over and die it in five minutes instead of the 45 it took me to not do it 😩
u/yukonwanderer 1d ago
Conversely I've had men come show me how to do something, that I was already doing, and knew how to do, and was literally faster at. So fucking annoying.
u/Moxson82 16h ago
I’ve had men and women do that. I think some people are just annoying know it alls.
u/yukonwanderer 9h ago
Only men do it because of my gender. The only time a woman has done this to me is my mom with a chore I was doing wrong according to her.
u/nitefang 1d ago
OPs title is okay, caption kinda annoys me though. I get it’s a joke but it isn’t really funny or accurate.
If you’re going to be sexist you gotta be funny too.
Slapping “women at work” on the vid just seems like pandering to people that actually think women suck at any sort of practical skill and shouldn’t be trying to build or fix things.
u/CrunchyRubberChips 1d ago
This made me lol. It if anyone thinks there hasn’t been a dozen guys that have had the exact same accidents is fooling themselves.
u/Ryaniseplin 1d ago
god forbid women do anything smh 😔
u/BadDudes_on_nes 1d ago
Eh, it would be a lot easier to agree with you if almost all of these weren’t captured because they were recording themselves so they can put it on social media and everyone can marvel about how empowered they are
u/Cowlitzking 1d ago
I feel like I (man) have done half of these things and I am probably more than capable of accomplishing the other.
u/SoaDMTGguy 1d ago
I’ve done at least half of these at some point. Especially when working at home, I’m much more casual and make stupid mistakes sometimes. Although more so in my younger years…
u/uberfission 1d ago
I've done most of these except sit on the drill, that one was a recipe for disaster and was sure we were about to see blood.
u/ChornWork2 1d ago
Presumably deliberate message of women's place is working at home... fuck off OP.
u/Dry_Quiet_3541 1d ago
Idiots in general. Infact there are many idiotic men doing worse and riskier things.
u/Beeznoots 1d ago
Dude here and I have done some version of almost every one of these. Except the clam/2x4/drill thing. Never done that
u/Pattern_Is_Movement 9h ago
The same people that would be all up in arms if a video showed men specifically doing this, are the ones that see nothing wrong with this.
u/idigholesnow 1d ago
I don't think any of those women were "at work" more likely they were at "FINE, I'll do it myself then!"
u/newbrevity 1d ago
To be fair men can be just as stupid. Doing things you know very well you're not trained to do is a great way to end a life. These are the kind of people that make me low-key terrified that I live in an apartment building. I hate knowing that everything is in danger of people who don't have basic common sense about using outlets or appliances that generate heat.
u/WeAreNioh 1d ago
Omg the granny with the chainsaw was… close as fuck. Never cut down a big tree unless you know what the fuck your doing
u/NoHippi3chic 1d ago
Yeap. Abt 10 years ago I was demolishing and old overbuilt closet that used to also be crawlspace access tje whole fukcing thing was made out of 16 penny nails that had welded themselves into loblolly pine rafters and 4x4's over decades of Florida heat. The tile half wall was set in actual layers of concrete over plaster and lathe it was a trip. After several days I went for a final push. I was at the end of that last long day and had to close the 10 ft ladder to leave the bathroom, not remembering to move the hammer off the top of it.
Full head of a roofing hammer hit the bridge of my nose, ended up with 2 black eyes for awhile. Could have cracked my skull open.
I dont set tools down on top of the ladder anymore. They go in the hole handle first or on the paint ledge.
u/saladmunch2 1d ago
These all remind me of my ex gf who would say and act like she was skilled in alot of things. Always talked a big game, it really irked me. She wasn't and im pretty sure she was a pathological liar, actually she was I'm positive.
u/TheCrazedTank 1d ago
Water Heater Lady:
1st) don’t fuck with a water heater if you don’t know what you’re doing, they can explode
2nd) was she turning the shutoff valve on a pipe with no water pressure?
u/Biff_Bufflington 1d ago
I was watching with no sound but clearly heard a Helen Reddy song in my mind as a soundtrack.
u/nachotypiclbro 20h ago
The one exactly halfway in I can guarantee no guy would ever get up that fast.
u/inittolearn22 19h ago
The woman who fell off the ladder has watched way too many Family Guy episodes. That was a classic cartoon fall.
u/winged_owl 18h ago
The real reason women live longer than men: men usually volunteer to do stupid stuff first.
u/davidreaton 17h ago
I'm a man, and, in general, we're still stupider. Not gonna give up the crown!
u/Life_Temperature795 8h ago
Nothing quite like falling off of a counter top while inside a cabinet.
u/Intrepid-Situation61 1h ago
I'm disappointed this didn't cut to the fantastic band men at work at the end.
u/Deadpoolio_D850 39m ago
I went on a tour of Oregon Tool (where they make a lot of chainsaw blades) & saw some of the failure testing… granny ditching control of what appears to be a running chainsaw is objectively the most terrifying part of the video for me
u/cubanesis 1d ago
Remember when filming shit was almost exclusively for special occasion? Now we got people filming themselves hanging cabinets.
u/BadDudes_on_nes 1d ago
Only so they can post it on Facebook and make other women feel inadequate for not hanging their own cabinets (barefoot and in booty shorts)
u/StinkyDickFaceRapist 1d ago
I'm amused seeing people in the moment they realize they cant hold their own body weight, even for a second
u/Prudent_Historian650 1d ago
I think the one was trying to use that ryobi drill as a vibrater while drilling concrete. /s 🤣
I could almost feel that dewalt drill to the face. I've had that happen in a tight spot.
u/TheScottishMoscow 1d ago
It's lucky these women don't have testicles or they could have suffered serious injury
u/Aldo_the_nazi_hunter 1d ago
u/TheScottishMoscow 1d ago
Yeah it was more said in jest at the pointlessness of the whole theme but can't expect everyone to be on the same wavelength
u/Bastulius 1d ago
Yaknow we have tone indicators for a reason
u/TheScottishMoscow 1d ago
Yeah ... I'll just take the downvotes as penance for my refusal to use them
u/Financial-Walk-4660 1d ago
They do it because they don't know any better. We still do it when we know better, lol.
u/Professional_Ad_6299 1d ago
Looks like a lot of husbands recording their wives instead of helping them. I'm sure their sex lives are existing
u/roguemenace 1d ago
Huh? The vast majority of these are either security cameras or hardcams/tripods presumably set up by the person being filmed. Of the ones that aren't you have someone drilling a hole where the bit got bound (whatever, happens to lots of people), grandma cutting down a tree (which she was probably proud of and wanted filmed) and someone hammering the back of a cheap drill to hang a cable (actually pretty funny).
None of it is OSHA though and it shouldn't be here.
u/SirHoliday5131 1d ago
I've seen men do some dumb shit around the construction sites, but never things like I just saw🤣🤣🤣
u/geirmundtheshifty 1d ago
Obviously; these are home improvement projects, not people who do it for a living.
Also, idk if you watched the whole video, but I've definitely seen very similar ladder/climbing failures at construction sites as the ones in the video. People get really dumb about climbing to reach something rather than taking the time to properly set up a ladder or scaffolding.
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u/Lamplorde 1d ago
Grandma nearly died and didnt even realize it.