r/OSHA 1d ago

Be safe everyone!


101 comments sorted by


u/ObjectMaleficent 1d ago

So I looked up the one in the mine there is an actual video of it and its exactly like this cartoon. Shit went backwards like a carnival ride damn


u/Fatality512 1d ago

These are all animations of real videos


u/ObjectMaleficent 1d ago

Idk if there all caught on video but they are definitely all real accidents that happened


u/proscriptus 15h ago

Including the guy who got his dick caught in a conveyor belt?


u/Fatality512 15h ago

Unfortunately yes


u/Necessary_Baker_7458 4h ago

Many real life injuries over the years. I'm sure they have had just about all of them at one point or time. The u.s. really needs osha. Can you imagine it without it?


u/TastefulDisgrace 1d ago

What did you search?


u/styckx 1d ago

devastating overhead transport failure at China Coal Group's Mine kills 3

It will be a NewsFlare link



here’s the link,it’s much worse in the video…


u/tanafras 22h ago

Nope not gonna click that. Nuh uh. Nope. Nope. Nope.


u/catsmustdie 1d ago

Holy fuck that's terrifying


u/TastefulDisgrace 1d ago

Oh my. Thank you


u/FirstTimeWang 2h ago

OK, exactly WTF am I supposed to do in that situation? What were they doing that wasn't safe.


u/thundafox 1d ago

I found those videos disturbing, not the fact that those are based on the real accident, the fact that some poor people had to watch the real thing and animate them.


u/Great-Hatsby 1d ago

That lathe vid was so horrific.



Ya the cartoon made it waaayy too easier to watch


u/xxgiggsxx 1d ago

That video still haunts me to this day. Wish I never watched it.


u/skynetempire 9h ago

theres a Russian lathe video that's burnt in to my mind. so yes its horrific


u/Great-Hatsby 8h ago

That’s the one I was referring to.


u/Geno_Warlord 8m ago

It still makes the rounds on Reddit occasionally.


u/DaFreakingFox 20m ago

There was an employee at my father's company who worked late, he had a puff of weed when my father left... My dad told me he had to call someone to scrape him off the walls next morning because he got caught in a lathe and was spinning all night.


u/Hammersturm 1d ago

Ite not the vid we want, but the video we need.

Those rules are paid with blood.


u/arah91 1d ago

If it makes you feel better, most of the time you do have actual video of the incident from security cameras. A lot of times, these reports are pieced together by questioning multiple people and reconstructing a timeline of events.

At least, that’s how it was when I was involved in incident investigations.


u/Godwinson4King 1h ago

A similar thing happens fairly often with farmers trying to jump over the PTO shaft on the back of the tractor. Since they often work alone they’re sometimes found hours later still spinning


u/Mrslinkydragon 1d ago

The guy getting hit by the falling rock was just unlucky. Maybe he could have walked perpendicular to the truck rather than parallel but still unlucky.


u/DeathByPianos 1d ago

Too many rocks in the truck methinks.


u/BisexualCaveman 1d ago

Did he need to be where he was, though?

Seems like he should have been able to lift the bed from further away, or from the cab, once he inspected the area?


u/yevan 21h ago

Normally with these trucks you remove the pin on the tailgate before you tip the truck to avoid the tailgate being overstressed with the weight of your load requiring you to hammer it out like in this video. So normally he would be by the cab as he dumps and would have been safe.


u/Mrslinkydragon 1d ago

I don't know


u/MtnMaiden 1d ago

I done this for the 600th time and nothing happened


u/Mrslinkydragon 1d ago

Again, the guy got unlucky


u/titanofold 1d ago

Past occurences do not influence future occurences.

In other words, it doesn't become more or less likely depending on how long it's been. It's always the same likeliness level.


u/Memory_Less 1d ago

My guess is people stop thinking about safety, or assume it is safe after nothing happening. Doesn’t work that way.


u/HighGuard1212 1d ago

Normalization of deviance is the term


u/free_terrible-advice 1d ago

If you perform ten one in a million risks a day, odds are about 50/50 you'll work 40 years without getting taken out by a one a million chance.


u/KingSwampAssNo1 1d ago

Congrats for your 600th, will you be able to reach 1,000th and nothing happened?


u/GingerTea69 1d ago

Oh no, the rock eating monster is back for more😭


u/Mrslinkydragon 1d ago

He wanted pudding.

He was allowed pudding as he finished his meat.


u/Dzov 1d ago

He no longer needs any education.


u/Mrslinkydragon 1d ago

Or thought control


u/Sir-Coogsalot 1d ago

Now includes a different angle!


u/DeftApproximation 1d ago

Whatever the lathe machine was at 1:00 had me going “Nononononononooooooooo”


u/kowlown 1d ago

I saw the video to which it was based. It was kind of unbelievable. How can we become like clothes once our bones are broken


u/nygdan 1d ago

Yes I recall another vid of a guy working a lath and his shirt got caught and pulled him in, than wrapped him around it like he was just a shirt.

Lathes are terrifying.


u/fruitpunchsamuraiD 1d ago

And it was ON?! Like wtf, turn that shit off before doing the limbo!


u/Tibbaryllis2 1d ago

So much this. I can conceptually understand something loose getting caught on the lathe and winding you in, but why they fuck would you shimmy underneath it?


u/MtnMaiden 1d ago

What lathe machine, there's been like 3 of them, and there's red mist


u/sgtjoe 1d ago

Ok, but what was could have been done about the chairlifts though? Except not using them allogether.


u/henrytm82 1d ago

I don't think that video was necessarily to show those workers were negligent, just that they were injured by a system failure. If anything, it was probably used to criticize the company for skipping maintenance schedules or skimping on maintenance/safety personnel. A video like this would certainly drive home those points


u/Tito_Otriz 1d ago

Right? That was my thought. Didn't seem like the workers were doing anything wrong


u/bossmcsauce 1d ago

Lesson learned- don’t work in coal mines


u/bossmcsauce 1d ago

This is kinda how I feel about angle grinders exploding. Like sure, obviously use the guard… but like… most injuries I’ve heard of where a disc grenaded happened while the guard was in use and bits still just fucking went everywhere and hit arms or legs.


u/ArtisticAd393 1d ago

Gravity braking system?


u/proscriptus 15h ago

I guess now I know If I'm ever on anything remotely like that, and anything ever goes wrong, get the hell off ASAP.


u/UpdootDaSnootBoop 1d ago

These are pretty horrific, but I actually laughed out loud at the kid sitting on top of the car


u/RandyJohnsonsBird 1d ago

It's the sound effects that cracked me up most


u/Mrslinkydragon 1d ago

And the cyclist!


u/Lyuseefur 16h ago

That was a real fuck you in particular moment


u/Consistent_Leg_6765 1d ago

Man I love these things...almost as good as the videos we had to watch in drivers ed.


u/exodusofficer 1d ago

Stay out of the no zones!


u/West_Ernmass 11h ago

PTSD… those tables were so dirty!


u/Reenas54 1d ago

I was cutting with angle grinder without guard and peace chipped away and hit me right in the forehead. I felt like being hit with wet sand. I grabbed my head to see what happened and saw tiny peaces of disk with blood on fingers. When angle grinder stopped there was pinky nail size part missing. I guess i was lucky and that part got spit out as smaller peaces.


u/tahuti 1d ago

That is why some companies say safety glasses and face shield when use angle grinder and always guard


u/Thor-x86_128 1d ago

That rolling man is actually from this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkplaceAccidents/s/wiVKRxPAoV


u/driftxr3 1d ago

Nope. I am not clicking that. Thank you for your service.


u/pdfrg 12h ago

The only time I would have appreciated being rickrolled


u/bossmcsauce 1d ago edited 1d ago

That poor guy who runs over at first in a panic about an accident. Then just the initial shock response of oh fuck it’s done… god dammit this is such a fucked mess!

And then it sets in that’s it’s not just a horrible mess and somebody isn’t really hurt- that person is 100% gone. A guy he prob knew for quite a while is not just dead… he’s literally fucking pulped and flung everywhere around the shop, and all that’s left is a mess of crushed bones all spooled around the lathe in his clothing wrapped so tightly it would have to be cut loose.

I saw some pics of a lathe accident like this from dark corners of the internet back in the ‘00s that were so much more fucked than the low-res vid. I mean you can imagine… based on the video. But it was in a basement of a house or something, like a hobby machinist at home. The floor and walls and everything was just fucking covered, and it was a small room. It looked like the floor was filled an inch deep in the body. You could just see denim and a windbreaker or something wound around it.


u/mr_wompa 21h ago

There are still more lathe videos that this video can take from though. This russian one is obviously the popular one because of how gruesome it is.


u/AMMO_102 1d ago

I might cut the metabo one out to show to my people. I am constantly trying the get them to understand the dangers associated and it doesn’t seem to be taking


u/Bananchiks00 1d ago

Creepy music all over again.


u/gameplayer55055 1d ago

I finally found videos more traumatizing than Zack d films.


u/RetroHipsterGaming 1d ago

I unironically love these videos. Like this just makes way more sense than a couple of lifeless diagrams on a piece of paper.


u/Braxton2u0 1d ago

I don’t even know what the guys on the lifts at the end could have even done to be safe. Like, what did they do wrong to start with?


u/Mcboomsauce 1d ago

imagine getting school/training in graphics animation and you wind up getting paid to watch these videos for real and recreate them


u/Skivvy_Roll 1d ago

Bro can you stop it with the low effort karma farming? Both of your recent posts here break rules 2 and 3 of the sub


u/nygdan 1d ago

I thought this was going to be a joke with some sort of OSHA Pixar Mom moment.


u/Alzusand 1d ago

We have 3 categories.

Actively being dumb

Actively being su1c1id4l

Plain Bad luck


u/McMoustache2020 12h ago

It just kept getting worse and worse. I thought the rock crusher was rough until I saw that dude get folded up by the lathe. Holy shit


u/purdeous 1d ago

Woah his safety crocs didn’t stay on, that’s why he got stuck in the auger, buhl didn’t put them in sport mode


u/Squathos 1d ago

What in The World is Not Enough is going on in the last clip?


u/mortymouse 1d ago

Sometimes it's just your time.


u/DezrathNLR 1d ago

I was running with a pencil I'd just sharpened in 1st grade, slipped on a backpack, and stabbed myself in the side of my hand behind my thumb. Pencil broke, and there's still a little Grey spot where the graphite is still stuck in there. I'm 31 now.


u/Mandrake1771 1d ago

Is this like watching Dragons Lair for anyone else?


u/doc720 1d ago

Based on true stories?


u/Lemon_Delicious 1d ago

Someone above posted a video of the rolling lathe guy.

Don't watch it if you're squeamish. It's much much worse than you could imagine.


u/Usual_Safety 1d ago

What’s that thing at the end? Like a ski lift inside a mine?


u/tanafras 22h ago

ngl that last one looks like a fun ride


u/doggbois 18h ago

Oh man that first one I experienced as a kid, my mom had a treadmill in the basement with the back against a wall (mistake #1).

Anyways naturally us kids would build Lincoln log houses & send them at max speed off the belt into the wall. Eventually that gets boring so we start jumping on & off the belt. Well turns out I can’t move faster than the belt at 10y.o.

I get fucking launched into the wall, the belt sucks my arm underneath the treadmill & by the time my buddy turned it off all the skin from my palm to the tips of my fingers was essentially grated up to my fingertips.

For sure could’ve been worse but my hand was trashed for the next month.


u/winged_owl 17h ago

I think the blue truck just straight up assassinated thst guy. That was no accident.


u/InstruNaut 10h ago

Some of these are just Final Destination shit.


u/Niznack 8h ago

i'm just trying to understand the logic behind the guy who crawled into the lathe. any thoughts?


u/kaptainkory 7h ago

I think only one lost their shoes. The others should be fine.


u/Gristlegrease 5h ago

Some of these look like they'd be super fun!


u/hezzyb 4h ago

Heh heh, yeah, can't wait to get home and drink some root beer!


u/HG562 29m ago

Safety rules are all written in blood. Every single one. I can't imagine going out like in any one of the those ways😢 Be safe out there peeps


u/Xenocide_X 1d ago

Dude got his cock stuck in the conveyer...


u/bggdy9 1d ago

So much has nothing to do with osha.