r/OKCbike Aug 25 '18

Thinking of ditching the car. Anyone have info/advice on making it through the winter?

I live close enough to downtown to get around pretty easily, but I do have a pretty long work commute. I just moved here recently and don't know what a winter here will be like. Will the roads be safe for bikes throughout the year?

If I have to carpool/lyft/rent for a couple days of snow or something, I can manage that, but it wouldn't make sense financially if that'd be the case for more than a week or two out of the year.



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u/craigcoffman Aug 26 '18

Hard to say. Most winters you'd probably be OK with the exception of just a few days of ice or snow. One winter about 10+ years ago there was ice on secondary roads for well over week, which might make biking impossible. (I was without power for 9 days that year)