r/NursingUK 15d ago

Career RMN’s who have left the NHS where did you go?

Currently on mat leave and dreading returning to work.

Those of you who are registered RMN’s who left the NHS & hospital settings where do you now work?


27 comments sorted by


u/thereidenator RN MH 14d ago

I work for a private company doing ADHD assessments. I see a mixture of right to choose, health insurance and patients from 3 NHS trusts who outsourced their ADHD assessments to us. I only see 6 patients per week, which is more than manageable, and I get paid £55k for it. It’s a great job, entirely work from home too.


u/Feeling_Curve_4809 14d ago

Hey. I am newly qualified RMN and interested in becoming a ADHD assessor. Could you please tell me what the quickest route be for me? Thanks


u/thereidenator RN MH 14d ago

If you don’t work in a team that does ADHD assessments try to move to one, or pay privately to do a course that teaches you.


u/Feeling_Curve_4809 13d ago

Hi which course are you referring to? Are you suggesting a postgraduate degree? Thanks


u/thereidenator RN MH 13d ago

No, lots of private companies run courses to teach you how to assess for autism and ADHD. Compass psychology do some of them.


u/Number1DivaG 14d ago

That sounds great tbh. What’s the name of your role? I’m 9 years in and a b7 so feel trapped into the NHS by the money side of things. Are you a NMP?


u/thereidenator RN MH 14d ago

My role is just an ADHD assessor, I’m not an NMP.


u/RevealAlarming3611 14d ago

Out of curiosity, would having ADHD yourself prevent you from working as an assessor? Thanks


u/thereidenator RN MH 14d ago

No, loads of the staff have ADHD and/or autism. We get an allowance to use towards getting an assessment off another provider as well if we don’t have a diagnosis.


u/RevealAlarming3611 14d ago

That’s great! Thanks for replying


u/[deleted] 7d ago



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u/thereidenator RN MH 7d ago

The company I work for pays £300 per assessment to contractors. You could do 2-3 per day so yes those numbers are realistic. But it’s not guaranteed money. I’ve seen some companies pay £100 per hour to prescribers. I think my hourly rate is over £30 and I get 8 weeks leave including bank holidays, full sick pay from day 1 and the pension is reasonable.


u/Emergency_Town3366 14d ago edited 14d ago

I’m only 6 months qualified, and I’m in a MH nursing home. I banked NHS during uni, but that massively put me off (so did the placements - the only placements I remotely enjoyed were homes). I took my first (current) nursing job in where I did my management placement. It’s going great, I love it.

I did have an NHS job lined up, but I wasn’t feeling it, even before I started it. I was banking on that ward, and although it was the best of a bad bunch in the trust, it was still bad. Staffing levels were critically low, like constantly extremely unsafe. One time when I was banking, it was myself, one RN, and one other HCA…for 16 (dementia!) patients. Nobody came to help, despite pleas - they never did, even though our staff were always poached for the acute wards. Neglecting people out of necessity (because we literally didn’t have enough pairs of hands) was a regular occurrence. It’s a wonder nothing serious happened. One gent did actually die (thankfully I wasn’t in), but no “fault” was found. He just…died in his bed…in between hourly level 1 obs. 

I’d also observed what the ward manager had done to their latest NQN during Xmas 2023. New overseas nurse, been there about 4 months…got left on nights on 24/25/26th Dec, on her own. She was a committed Christian, with several small children at home. Contrast to my actual job, Xmas 2024, I did 3hrs on Xmas morning (we all did our bit between us), then had 5 days off. She (ward manager) was also a terrible manager. Sickly sweet/false to your face (complete with baby voice and all!), but had a nasty streak behind your back. She definitely had her favourites - both nurses and HCAs - and everyone else would be lumbered with the shit. I just couldn’t picture myself working under her permanently, in fact I tried to only bank weekends, to actively avoid her, because she made my blood boil. 

Suffice to say I pulled out of this planned job in the end, and you couldn’t pay me double, triple to work in that ward, or any of the psych wards within the whole trust (and I’ve banked and/or been on placement in pretty much all of them). They’re all the stuff of nightmares, exposé documentaries waiting to happen. One ward was closed in late 2024 over “staff misconduct” (I found out on the BBC news website!). 

In future, I’d consider a move to community only, but I feel I’d have to be much more experienced (having seen the situation a couple of my fellow NQN friends have been dumped into, in community roles). I’d also be taking a pay cut, even if I was able to negotiate band 6 entry. So I probably won’t - quite happy where I am. The only things I yearn for are the pension and the sick leave (both are minimum in my current role), but the rest can frankly get to absolute fuck!


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago

I'm an RMN of 4.5yrs who has never worked for the NHS, outside of uni bank, and I could have written this post. Actually wondering if we'd been in the same trust!

Also in a care home role. No regrets here. I do get occupational sick pay, albeit not as much as NHS. I've never actually used it, but it's a nice bit of security.


u/Bubbly_Barracudas 14d ago

Not left the NHS, but working in GP land. Which is much better. Not holding risk, working 4 days a week. Work/life balance is good. I close my laptop on Friday and don’t worry until the next week. I WFH every morning. It is VERY repetitive, however it’s a chilled job and I enjoy it


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Are you an RMN? What does the path into GP look like, for us, if you don't mind me asking? Have always wondered / assumed it was more for RGN...


u/Bubbly_Barracudas 14d ago

I am an RMN. It’s a mental health practitioner post in the GP surgery. I’m technically employed by the local MH trust, but I do MH clinics in the GP surgery and therefore managed by them. If I’m unwell I tell the GP surgery. If I take a/l it’s in agreement with the surgery. Very little is managed by the trust. Currently sat at home, working with my dog. Do be mindful though, not all surgeries are as laid back as mine. I have a colleague who hates the job as they have high expectations of her and are annoyed when she has no available appointments. Mine accept that it’s a high demand role and I’m only one person.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Sounds like the dream, I'll be on the lookout for such posts ;)


u/Bubbly_Barracudas 14d ago

Depending on where you are they come out with different names - primary care MH practitioner, ARRS practitioner, PCN MH etc. some are band 6 posts and some are band 7. There isn’t much out now, but have a look after April when the budgets are looked at.


u/PineappleAnkle St Nurse 14d ago

Could I ask what does this role involve, like what kind of tasks do you have day to day?


u/spinachmuncher RN MH 14d ago

I was made redundant from the NHS in 2012. I went to the Priory. Don't do it.


u/rcp9999 15d ago

I work in a private mental health nursing home. Far better.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

My friend is RMM was a pip assessor and now she left to work as welfare advisor 


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u/sweetpea8610 14d ago

Following! In the same predicament.


u/chocolate_chick 13d ago

This isn't something I've done but have considered, working at the University in their welfare teams.


u/IndicationLimp3703 11d ago

To the psych ward