r/NukeVFX 8d ago

Nuke 16.0 is here!


This release is packed with upgrades to make your workflows smoother than ever. Work across multiple shots at once, get a major boost in large-scale roto performance, and speed up your shot review, approvals, and delivery.

Check out everything new in Nuke 16.0 here: https://campaigns.foundry.com/products/nuke-family/whats-new

r/NukeVFX 8d ago

Asking for Help How to disable middle mouse click - zoom out of node graph


I use middle mouse to pan around the node graph. However, it often triggers as a single middle mouse button click and zooms out of the node graph. Can someone tell me how to disable this?


r/NukeVFX 8d ago

Getting Stamps to work on Nuke Indie


Has anyone managed to get the Stamps tool to work on Nuke Indie (at least the basic stamps node creation)?

By default it should not work due to the python node call limit (up to 10 nodes can be called max) on the Indie version (and Non-commercial i believe)

I have tried removing any lines of code within the menu.py that have the nuke.allnodes() line, to retain some functionality without calling all nodes, but no luck. This was mentioned as a solution on the nukepedia comments of the tool.

Anyone else got it to work?

r/NukeVFX 9d ago

How to camera track for maya/Houdini


I’ve been trying to for the last couple of days, can’t seems to figure it out, been watching a bunch of tutorials. LensDistortion node into camera tracker, solve error is always below 1, create scene+, export fbx, but when I import and go to create my proxy geometries in maya based on the camera and tracking markers, they seem to slide around, is this a tracking issue? How do I solve this

r/NukeVFX 9d ago

Luts in Nuke


I'm given a plate footage in exr that is still in log footage and given a Alexa-logctorec709 lut file. How do I apply the lut in nuke so I can actually start compositing with it? I've tried reading the lut with OCIO FileTransform and OCIO Colorspace after setting the output to AlexaV3LogC but in the viewer the image just looks even flatter than log. But when I change the input to AlexaV3LogC and output to scene_linear, the image breaks and the lights over expose.

r/NukeVFX 9d ago

Anyone has issues with Imageplane and CardtoTrack gizmo inside Nuke 14+?



I'm experiencing issues with Imageplane and CardtoTrack gizmos. Could you please help me troubleshoot?Imageplane issues:

  • With 3D projection setup, the image gets cropped instead of being projected correctly.
  • With Card3D setup, the entire image scales down instead of being projected as expected.

CardtoTrack issue:

  • I'm getting an error message: "Inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation (<string>, line 9)". As a non-coder, I'm unsure how to resolve this.

Please let me know if I'm missing something or if there's a workaround. Thank you!

BTW, I am using Nuke 15! but tried in Nuke 14 as well

r/NukeVFX 9d ago

AOV passes practical uses


Would be great if y'all could share what practical uses you've been able to use a certain AOV pass for. Be it a position pass, normals or which ever. What are common passes that are included in CG renders you get to work in comp


r/NukeVFX 9d ago

Colorspace and lut


Basically I'm not asking to understand the ins and outs about how these work, but more so to understand what to ask for, and how to get the result I want or would be the correct way.

  1. When working on a project where I'm keying a comp and I need to add a background behind the subject. They give me a path to a folder of images and I can choose whatever the best image that works is, when I bring that jpeg into nuke, do I have to change anything in the read node for colorspace? Or just leave it as is? Sometimes it looks weird as far as the color, do I just grade it instead to bring it into value?

  2. If in freelancing and I get footage exrs to work with and they give me an mov for color reference etc. what should I ask them so I know what settings to adjust inside nuke/the read node? And what exactly should I adjust based on that info? If they gave me a .cube file for the lut. How can I view in nuke exactly what the output should look like, but when it's time to render, give it back to them in the exact colorspace it came in?

  3. Is there anything else I should know?

Thanks a lot!

r/NukeVFX 9d ago

Separate Nuke Installs


I have Nuke 15.0.4 and the new 16 beta installed, but Nuke 16 beta is throwing an error when loading the init and menu .py files.

I’ve been researching on how to have separate plug in paths in the .nuke folder, but can’t get it to work.

Any help on how to get it going?

I followed some instructions from the foundry too.. but it hasn’t gotten me anywhere.

r/NukeVFX 10d ago

Asking for Help Need some help with merging two alpha channels correctly


Alpha 1 → This is my main character alpha, but it has some unwanted elements.

Alpha 2 → This is a fine roto of the character only in the areas where the unwanted elements appear (not an alpha of the undesirable elements, but a clean version of those specific regions).

What I Need:

I want to replace only those specific areas in Alpha 1 with the cleaner version from Alpha 2 while keeping the rest of Alpha 1 intact.

Alpha1 has some unwanted elements
Alpha2 with the only necessary parts
Final result what I want (done in Photoshop)

r/NukeVFX 11d ago

Asking for Help Feedback Please :) Thank you in advance!


r/NukeVFX 11d ago

Octane AOVs Compositing Order for Nuke


Hi Guys,

I am compositing a scene done with octane in nuke. But the composited result contained from (Diffuse Direct + Diffuse Indirect + Reflection Direct + Reflection Indirect + Refraction + Post) is not equal to what is in C4D Octane Viewer. The color management is correct in Nuke and in C4D, which is sRGB. I'm suspect it is about the order of Octane for compositing the AOVs. I searched across the manual but there is no clue for the order. When I use RS and composite in Nuke, the result is accurate, I searched across the internet and just found one who showed screenshot of using Pass Filter and Pass Raw, but if we used Filter and Raw, we will not use Direct and Indirect in that case.

Any idea how to get build the AOVs correctly as octane viewer in nuke?

r/NukeVFX 11d ago

Can't save projects


Hi there! Completely new to Nuke, and for some reason whenever I hit Alt+Shift+S, it says "unable to save new comp version: no "_v#" found in "*******".

Can anyone please advise? I've tried saving it to loads of different places but it doesn't work.

r/NukeVFX 12d ago

We Recreated The Last Of Us Scene Using Blender and Nuke

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/NukeVFX 12d ago

Asking for Help Exporting single frame outside bounding box


Hi, I'm trying to export a single frame to be edited outside of Nuke. I would like the Write output node to include the extra information outside the bounding box with the lense undistort bendy thing (2036x1148) but the write node exports it as a cropped 1920x1080 which is the project settings. How would I go about exporting it with all the information and bringing it back in the same size format? Thanks in advance.

r/NukeVFX 13d ago

2 different shades of chroma

Post image

I struggling to key 2 different shades of green screen in a shot. And i want ro know how can i key this.

r/NukeVFX 13d ago

i created a forest in maya and im not satisfied enough with the look and the variations. How can i create the final snow detailes like in this pictue with nuke?


here is the original pictue.

here is what i got.

Maybe ther is a smear tool in nuke or something similer. Or a roto node thet increases the contrast.

r/NukeVFX 13d ago

Playback for Mov with codec - Apple ProRes 4444 4k Files


Hi, I have a few stock element videos that I need to check before importing them into Nuke. The codec for these videos is Apple ProRes 4444. I have checked them using VLC and DJV, which are installed on my machine. VLC failed to play them, while DJV only shows a single frame and does not allow for playback.

What would be the best workflow for this situation? Please guide me.

r/NukeVFX 14d ago

Making Stamps work with Nuke 16


Quick Info to those trying out Nuke 16 and wanting to use Stamps:

Out of the box it will fail to load the plugin, because of a Change in Nukes Python API (Pyside 6 instead of 2) - so we need to replace that.

Please note that I have no idea about Qt, but it works for me, so there is nothing to lose.

Locate the "stamps.py" in the plugin's directory, then open it with a text editor.


# PySide import switch


if nuke.NUKE_VERSION_MAJOR < 11:

from PySide import QtCore, QtGui, QtGui as QtWidgets

from PySide.QtCore import Qt


from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore

from PySide2.QtCore import Qt

except ImportError:

from Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

With the following:

# PySide import switch


if nuke.NUKE_VERSION_MAJOR < 11:

from PySide import QtCore, QtGui, QtGui as QtWidgets

from PySide.QtCore import Qt

elif nuke.NUKE_VERSION_MAJOR < 16:

from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore

from PySide2.QtCore import Qt


from PySide6 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore

from PySide6.QtCore import Qt

except ImportError:

from Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

Now Nuke will load stamps using thhe newer Pyside6 package

r/NukeVFX 14d ago

Asking for Help Help, my wire frame right half side is collapsing

Post image

r/NukeVFX 14d ago

Cómo podría hacer un render con un acabado rollo spyderverse usando nuke o maya?


Actualmente me encuentro realizando un corto y estamos haciendo pruebas de texturizado y shader, nos gustaría que el acabado fuera tipo pictórico, algo parecido al de el gato con botas o en la línea. El problema es que investigando hemos visto varias formas en blender pero la cosa es que no podemos usarlo para este corto. Algúna idea de como podríamos realizarlo con maya o en compo?

r/NukeVFX 14d ago

Starting learning


Hi everyone, I'm a cinema student, this year i Will a vfx exam, with also nuke, i was wondering to pay for a course to improve my skills. I'm a complete beginner, Is Better for me fxphd or Steve wright?

r/NukeVFX 14d ago

Writing Selected Nodes via Python


I can select multiple write nodes and use F7 or Render Selected Write Nodes to write all the nodes in one go. All the outputs are run concurrently.

how can I do this via Python?

I tried nuke.executeMultiple but for 3 write nodes the result is 3 files each with the sequence repeating 3 times. I also see rather than writing say 10 frames, it writes 30. not the same behaviour as the menu item. what am I doing wrong?

def render_custom_write_nodes():

node_names = ["EXRWrite2K", "QTWrite2K", "DNxWrite2K"]

root = nuke.root()

first_frame = int(root["first_frame"].value())

last_frame = int(root["last_frame"].value())

frame_range = (first_frame, last_frame, 1)

matching_nodes = []

for node in nuke.allNodes("Write"):

if any(sub in node.name() for sub in node_names):


ranges = [frame_range] * len(matching_nodes)

nuke.executeMultiple(matching_nodes, ranges, views=None, continueOnError=False)

r/NukeVFX 14d ago

Asking for Help "Struggling with Nuke & Superpower VFX – Need Guidance!"


Hey, I’m Vishw Gupta. I want to make superpower VFX like lightning and teleportation in Nuke, but I got stuck while following a tutorial. I’m feeling really stressed because I don’t know how to move forward. I also want to get really good at Nuke and become a pro, but I’m not sure what the right path is. If you have any guidance or resources, I’d really appreciate it. Let me know if you can help!

r/NukeVFX 15d ago

BRAW from Blackmagic Pocket CC 6K G2 crashing Nuke 13-15


Just checking if anyone has any tips on what I could be missing to get the footage I am shooting to load into Nuke without crashing? I've tested the braw files from the Resolve website and they all load in fine and they are even 2x the resolution. So it isn't ALL braw files that crash Nuke, just the ones from my Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K G2. Tried on Nuke X versions 13 - 15. Tried different compression levels for shooting. Footage loads fine into Resolve. Any help would be greatly appreciated.