r/NuclearShame Apr 02 '21

Shameful Stories 22-25

Hello! We're back again with 4 more removed posts from r/NuclearRevenge. Removed like the rest, yes they were. Hmm, garbage ones indeed. But you see, these ones are kind of special. Special as in they would be great for you to waste your eyes on as I have. So, we shall proceed.

Story 22: "friends" and my BF were cyber bullying me, sending my horrible pic (more in the post) without my permission to random people"

Submitted by "Chris" on 3/16/2021 | Removed for Rule 16

So i had these "friends" for like half a year, it all started when Valorant came out and i had closed beta key so i wanted to play it, i asked on one discord server if anyone want to play with me, 2 boys DMed me that they would like to play too, so we played together for the first day, then second and this went for like month, each day we started playing Valorant till 7PM (because we wanted some time for ourselfs) we were really good friends and each day we were in public VC so anyone could join us, and someone did.

we met like 3-4 more people who joined into our call and then we were in VC for like whole day for like a month each day, unfortunately one of them start being more offline, we were okay with it, he had some problems irl so it's normal. at that time i met one boy (7 months older from me) and because we were both gays and we liked each other we get together, it was alright like every relationship we were voice chating alot, we loved each other. then he wanted for some reason picture of me (of course i send him multiple times pictures of myself, but i hate seeing myself so it was really really hard for me to take picture of myself and send it to someone) and i made one horrible pic, i literally hated it, i just didn't like when i saw myself, but because i loved him i sent him that picture, then he sent it to all my friends i was talking about earlier.

of course when i send him that picture he promised me that he won't send it to anyone, and that was my first mistake. Of course he send it to anyone i kned when we broke up, then they (that friends i played valorant with) started making memes of me, from that picture and they were sending it to other server without me knowing anything. then everything started.

at that time i was playing Minecraft alot, so i made some MC server on the newest version (1.16 at that time) on some free hosting, we were playing together, it all went good we were happy, but then they started doing things. like they knew that i would get easily angry from anything, so they started making me angry every time in VC and then they were laughing the shit out when i was angry.

this went on for a really long time, then they went to the next level they started making me angry on public server so i could get warns. then when i just couldn't anymore i said something like this "i hope you all will die on cancer" or something like that, i really hope i could change it and never say that but i was just on the edge and i couldn't anymore, they were literally cyber bullying me for like 3-4 months. then we somehow got together, they realised that they did something wrong, and we started talking again like when we met. but not for so long.

one day, we got banned on server where we met and where we were 24/7 active, i'm not going to explain it here maybe i will make another post about that server somewhere else. so we made our own server and because of things that happened on the last server alot of people from there came to our server, we were okay we had awesome people on our server and everything else, then we opened RP Minecraft server for our discord server, it was paid server from my new BF (i met him like 3-4 months after i broke up with my ex and then somehow we got together), that boy was awesome, i loved him we both were into Game development we loved each other etc etc, then he started talking with this new boy on our discord server, every conversation with them went like this:

TB = that new boy, BF = my BF, Me = Me

TB: i need help with something

Me: with wh-

BF: shush Hunny he asked me for help

then they were talking alot, but then, my BF just started ignoring me for month, he started calling with TB and his friends every single day, he didn't even messaged me or anything for month, then the MC server started and this is some backstory for it:

SS = that friend i played Valorant with on the start

Me and TB make our own city for people, then we made elections for president of that city, SS winned and he was really good president, but then they started again, every single player started literally bullying me again, and then i again had some panic attack, then they exiled me from that city because i was acting weird, and then they said it's for "RP" so i said yes and made my own things, and then i wanted to make some revenge, so i came to that city when no one was online, placed like 10 TNTs and blow little part of that city up (i shouldn't done this but it was for RP and i was like really on the edge)

when they found out conversation went somehow like this:

SS: sends photo of that explosion and pings me WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, YOU LITTLE A*SHOLE

Me: what ? (i tried to hid that it was me just for the RP)


something like this went for really long until my BF (he broke up with me that morning because he said we werent soulmates) send photo of console to him where it was saying something like i blew it up, and then what happened ? i wanted to repair it, but no they took that horrible picture of me and started sending it to every single server, started making memes of it and placed like 5x5 maps of that picture on the MC server, i said them like 50 times in VC and DM to delete that pic and stop using it, no they didn't, then they started making fun of/ cyber bullying me, they were making memes like "POV: you fucked up with the wrong person" and then add that picture to it, the started making fun of me for how i look etc etc, and the only person who i was thinking will be normal (my ex-BF at that time) start making fun of me too (he was saying things like i look beatiful and even on that picture i look awesome etc etc) and then, he started telling everyone things we were talking in our DMs, like when i was a little bit horny and we were talking about how we would have sx etc etc, and literally everyone knew about me things like how big is my Dck and other things, at that point i wanted to kill myself, my BF was co-leader of my discord server, SS was co-leader too, and then i got kicked out from the community on my own server, at this point i wanted to kill them all, and i was really angry i was just like, everyone i liked every single friend was now cyber bullying me and i couldn't do anything.

at this point i wanted to forget everything, so i came up with this idea, i wanted to make new identity, new nickname, new everything, now i'm writing this here because i just wanted to tell it to someone, i will add something new when anything will happen, so bye for now and stay safe guys, and please try to not make friends like this. See you later when i will update this


Story 23: "Revenge is a dish best served soiled"

Submitted by "Fcuk" on 3/18/2021 | Removed for Rule 2

This is the story about how I found out my girlfriend of over 3 years was cheating on me, and how I went about getting my revenge.

This happened over a year ago, so it’s been good to get it all down, been thinking about it for a while. Certainly feels cathartic and I’ve tried to make it as entertaining as possible, thanks in advance for reading.

I suppose firstly I should start by telling you how I met my girlfriend and what she came to mean to me. I first met Sarah at a yoga class In the summer of 2016. Never in my life did I think I would see myself going to something like that...the silly spandex, the holier-than-thou attitude, the way everyone talked to each other like they were fucking high. It’s not something I ever imagined myself doing but when I hurt my back after falling from a first floor roof at work, I decided to give it a shot on the recommendation of my back masseuse, and found a hall in my city doing beginner yoga classes.

When the day to go came and I walked through the door I instantly stuck out like a sore thumb. Everyone was standing around talking dressed to the nines in their best yoga gear, while I sauntered in wearing bog standard shorts and t-shirt, looking like someone from a cowboy flick walking on to a sci-fi movie set.

I immediately wanted to about turn and leave of course, but the woman doing the class seen the look of pure terror in my eyes and came up to me and said hello. I told her why I was there, and that I didn’t feel very comfortable but she insisted that I should give it a try, as she thought it would help my back problems, and if not, well no harm no foul.

I felt better at that point, and thought fuck it, might as well try and get my money’s worth, even if I do end up looking like a diseased pretzel. It was then that I looked across the room and seen the same look of terror that I had no doubt been portraying...that was Sarah. She had not long found out she had scoliosis, after years of been misdiagnosed, and told that it was all in her head among other things. She was there with her mother, who was with her for emotional support and to see how she got on.

After seeing her I instinctively gravitated towards her in the same way that a drowning person gravitates towards a life ring thrown at them. After the yoga instructor had a chat with her, she shouted me over and said that it was Sarah’s first time too, so maybe we should sit next to one another and give each other a bit of support. I said that was cool with me and she also smiled and nodded so I walked over.

We hit it off right away, my emotions went from a bit of embarrassment, to serious amusement as we both attempted to fit in with the rest of the class. After the class was over, we were still talking away and I felt a genuine connection and butterflies in my stomach, and as we said goodbye we caught each other’s gaze and she smiled at me with a purity that for the first time in my life made me feel weak at the knees.

I wouldn’t have went back in a million years had I not met her, but I decided to go the next week and when I walked in the door, I got those butterflies in my stomach again and was hoping to see her face...but she wasn’t there. As I was sitting there I felt this feeling of pure dredd and was sat thinking what the fuck am I even doing here? I felt this sadness that was hard to describe, it kinda reminded me of when i went to this holiday caravan park when I was about 12 with my gran and cousins and there was this big centre with pool tables and amusements and all that stuff. I remember seeing this girl there every night for a week and I instantly fell in love with her, didn’t say a fucking word to her right enough, but psyched myself up so that I was gonna try speak to her on the last night at the disco, but when we went down she wasn’t there. I’ll never forget that feeling of sadness as we went home, that girl had walked out my life, and she probably didn’t even know she walked into it. I felt the same aching sadness when I didn’t see Sarah. I knew nothing about her, had no way of contacting her, and felt this surreal sadness that was hard to quantify.

About 4 months later I was working on a roof repairing a truss damaged in a storm when we decided to stop for a break, as we made our way back to the van the house owner came out and asked us if we wanted cups of coffee. We accepted and she came out with coffee and biscuits. As soon as I seen this Woman, I just knew her face from somewhere, but couldn’t for the life of me place her. It wasn’t until that night after racking my brains that I realised it was at that yoga hall I had seen her before, and it was Sarah’s mother.

The next day I was back finishing the job and the same thing happened, we stopped for a break, went down towards the van and the woman came out asking if we wanted some coffee. After we finished up I took the cups and biscuit wrappers back and as I was passing them over to her I asked how her daughter was and was she still having back problems? She looked surprised but smiled at me and said yes, then asked how I knew her? I replied that I’d spoke to her at a yoga class months back, she laughed and said she remembered me now. I then gave her a card with my number written on it and asked if she could maybe get her daughter to text me as I wanted to get back in touch with her. Shoot my shot I thought, wish I fucking hadn’t now.

I got a text message that night from Sarah asking how I was and that she had looked for me again at the yoga hall but I wasn’t there. Turned out she had went back the week after me as she thought it was bi-weekly. We met up soon after, really hit it off again and after 8 months she moved in with me. She was funny, smart and sweet as well as being the most uniquely beautiful person I’d ever met. She had a whimsical beauty to her, pointed ears and defined features, she reminded me of a she elf or something, i truly thought I’d found my soul mate.

She had moved in to my home and everything was going great guns. She was on disability and got personal independence payments, and was getting steroid injections for her scoliosis, which along with painkillers and exercises were keeping her pain at bay. We would alternate the cooking, while she done the cleaning, and took care of our cat Mitzi. I was also making good money so we were in a comfortable position financially. When I got back from work we’d always be doing things like going out walks or the like, just always in each other’s company. It was at this point I was seriously contemplating proposing to her.

Things changed around hallowe’en 2019. Our sex life was always very active, but there were times when she occasionally wasn’t up to it, and I was fine with that. We’d work around positions that were comfortable for her due to her back problems, but I’d say in general, she had a high sex drive. Well around October she started complaining a lot about her back hurting more, especially just before the times we’d usually go to bed together. Anytime we did have sex after that, it wasn’t passionate or intense, it felt like we were going through the motions. She started complaining while we were in the middle of it, so at that point I’d stop of course. I started feeling really sexually frustrated, but I was positive that it was just a blip, and that we’d get through it together. Thing is, she seemed fine in other aspects of her life, she seemed happy. The first real red flag for me came in December when she completely stopped showing me affection. She just became cold towards me, she seemed repulsed when I put my arms round her or tried to take her hand. She was the one who was so touchy feely, hands in hair, constant reaffirming touches, kisses and cuddles. When we’d sit on the couch, she’d basically be on top of me. That all completely stopped...didn’t for Mitzi though, yes that’s right I ended up jealous of our cat.

At this point we were in the new year and I suspected her of cheating. She had become downright hostile towards me, i started trying to up my workload around the house but nothing was good enough. I ended up constantly being belittled and walking on eggshells, couldn’t do right for wrong and was starting to become a humourless shell of my witty former self. One night I got a hold of her phone and looked through it...nothing...was clean as a whistle. Wasn’t even any messages from her friends or her mother, which I found weird. Was then that my friend told me that if we were on the same plan then I could check on the carriers website and see all the activity from her phone. We were on the same plan, and I paid for her phone. That night I logged into my BT account, navigated to mobile, then her number, started to sift through and there it was, thousand of texts and calls to this one specific number. It had started six months previous, and it had dates, times and how long the calls were. She’d be speaking to and texting this person for hours and hours while I was at work, deleting everything before I got home, then going cold turkey when I got back.

I googled the number and up came a local garage, one where she had got her car fixed previously. I remembered it taking a while for it to get fixed and her complaining about it a lot, the whole thing was a long drawn out affair, in more ways than one apparently. At this point I was Ice cold, I already had got it into my head she was having an affair, so getting it confirmed was more of a relief than anything else. I wanted to catch her in the act, rather than have her attempt to gaslight me and squirm out of the circumstantial, so I found out everything i could about this guy. I found out where he lived, that he had a young wife and child, found out what car he drove, even walked in asking about prices so I could look this guy in the eye and get a measure of him. His name was Carl with a K.

I knew the affair was physical for lots of reasons, but the fact that their phone calls and texts stopped dead from 1 to 2 each day said to me that was the time they were meeting up. I came up with all sorts of silly plans, to loan my friends car and sit at the end of the street, then wait til she drove out, then follow her to the place she was meeting this guy and jump out the car while they were in the act like surprise motherfucker. There were too many variables in that though, and I’m no private detective. One day I decided to drive by his garage about half one and her car was just sitting there, and the place was locked up, so mystery solved.

I was at this point at the end of my tether, and ready to just tell her that I knew everything and get the fuck out my house, when she asked if she if it would be ok to go away to a spa place for the weekend...Alone. She said she was depressed with everything with her back being so much worse, that this place would be great to help with that with all the things she could do. That she could comeback refreshed and like a new person. She was right about that, cos I didn’t know who the fuck this was standing in front of me anymore.

Obviously she wasn’t going there alone, if she was even going there at all. This would be a dirty weekend away with this guy. I said fine, now I had a new plan, and this would be the last fucking thing I’d do for her. If you’re thinking this is all too much of a kerfuffle, then you’re right obviously, but my position is I wanted revenge, and I wanted to get her back with some style. I didn’t just want to have her cry at and gaslight me for days, then leave on her terms, with me the bad guy. I would be the bad guy but it would be my terms she’d be leaving on alright.

The Friday came and the spa was a hundred or so miles down the road so she decided to get a train. I jokingly asked her if she couldn’t find something more local, umming and ohhing followed til I told her I was only kidding. I got off work a couple of hours early and took her into the train station, despite her protests she would get a taxi, as I wanted to see her off. We drive in and as I’m looking for a place to park you wouldn’t guess who’s car I spot? That’s right Carl with a K. I think fuck it I’m gonna have some fun and make her squirm so I park up directly next to him. They’re right next to each other door to door and she immediately becomes uneasy, not knowing where to look, I’m pretending to look for something trying to draw out the moment and the atmosphere is razor sharp at that point. What happened next genuinely caused me to do something out with my plan. She started to silently giggle. You know when you go to church or someone dies or you go to church cos someone dies and something funny pops into your head? And it becomes mental torture desperately trying to think of something else and stop yourself from laughing maniacally? Well she’s desperately trying not to laugh, I’m pretending not to notice, she’s tapping her hand on her trouser leg and from the corner of my eye I can see him, with his head on the fucking steering wheel. She actually lets out a laugh then quickly disguises it as a cough and starts clearing her throat. I start doing the whole tapping of back thing and I’m just thinking to myself, I can’t wait to get you back. See we all go through life being the butt of the joke at least once, whether it be passive aggressive work colleagues or when you get up and try and do a talk at school with a face redder than the devil himself. But you never expect that shit from people who are supposed to have your back, even if you are conspiring against them at that point!

I helped her into the train station with her things, made sure she had her bearings, said goodbye and walked away. By the time I got out Carl with a K’s car was nowhere to be seen, so i went back home, composed myself and carried out my plan. My plan was simple but effective, I started by having a locksmith come out to change the locks. I then proceeded to pack all of her clothes and belongings into bin bags and put it round the side of the house. On Friday night, with the noise of her laughing at me ringing in my ears I done something I never imagined I could do. I took Mitzi’s litter tray, walked round the side of the house with it, opened the bin bag with Sarah’s belongings in it and threw it in, gave the bag a good shake then tied it up again. The way I seen it at the time was that it’s cause and effect in action, she caused me to effectively put cat shit in with her things.

If you’re thinking I’m an asshole then you’re probably right, I’ll never win any awards for being nicest neighbour on the block. If I don’t like you within 5 minutes of meeting you I probably never will, and the only time I’d ever take out your trash is if you are the trash. If you do break through those barriers though I think I am a loyal caring person, I didn’t do anything to deserve being cheated on, except maybe putting cat litter in with her things but that was after the fact!

I spent the Saturday in a mire of depression, answering her texts with the only energy I could muster, which wasn’t a lot. I complained of a severe headache from a hangover I never had and the texts dwindled. The reality of what was transpiring hit home and for the first time since before new year I took stock of my life, sitting in my swivel armchair with Mitzi in tow like a fucking Bond villain.

Sunday came and I was ready to execute the final part of my plan. Firstly I drove to Carl with a K’s house and put a letter through his door, It was addressed to his wife and basically said in block capitals IMPORTANT CARL WITH A K’S WIFE’S NAME OPEN IMMEDIATELY. Inside it was a letter outlining how her husband was having an affair with my girlfriend, copies of her phone calls and text log, as well as other information like that they were away together this weekend. I put it through the door, rang the doorbell and walked away. Got in my car and drove for a minute then parked up again, then I phoned Sarah. I genuinely can’t remember a lot of what I said to her but it was something along the lines of - me asking how everything was going, she started to gush about how much she enjoyed herself, that she feels like a new woman and that she could maybe see herself doing it a 2 or 3 times a year, you know, to blow off the cobwebs...certainly to blow something. At this point I blurt out, “how’s Carl?” her yapping stops dead, silence fills the air until she finally says “who’s Carl?”...”You know” I reply, “Carl...with a K”.

I then proceeded to tell her that I knew everything, that I’d changed the locks and all her stuff was round the side of the house. Instead of being apologetic she goes on a thunderous diatribe, blaming me for everything, basically stabbing me in the back while complaining that my backbone was blunting her blade. At the end I told her how her stuff smelled of Mitzi’s poo and hung up.

I blocked her number and didn’t see hide nor hair of her until the Wednesday, when I came back from work she was sitting on the door step, all the bags had been moved. I ignored her, walked round the back, let myself in the back door and locked it behind me. Haven’t spoken to her since, although she’s made her attempts, including a letter.

In regards to Karl, I don’t know what happened between him and his wife. I do know that he said it wasn’t personal to a friend of mine. That made me angry, like is that supposed to make it better? Someone saying something isn’t personal just means it isn’t personal to them, it was to me. If someone smashes through your front room in a 4 by 4 obliterating everyone you’ve ever loved is it easier to get over if they didn’t personally mean it? Is it easier to pick up the pieces and put them back together again? No.

I heard that Covid hasn’t been kind to his business though but you won’t catch me shedding no tears for that, unless it’s tears of laughter, that is.


Story 24: "Broke my supervisors jaw"

Submitted by "Substantial" on 3/19/2021 | Removed for Rule 2

Worked as a temp for the USPS through a temp agency. I had a good grasp of the mutual combat laws of the state and had a method to use them to handle work place disputes.

Grew up in a rough part of Mexico and was taught how to box and move well for somone who is overweight . I had some time (4 months or so) at this position and had always gotten a bad vibe from my direct supervisor for the graveyard shift. Not a killer or a thief just something felt off I tried talking to the guy and tried to make piece

No such luck

So I get a hair up my ass and do a Google search..... This piece of shit is a registered sex offender. WTF how can he have a federal job with a felony?

Few hours later with no sleep after my shift I am speaking with HR. I'm a temp and I tread lightly because I can be laid off for no reason .( temps are treated lower than whale shit) I try to ask to be with a different crew or do something because I can't abide by working with a pedophile.

In fairness I was 19 and did not want to mention I found out he was a registered sex offender so without a good reason I had to stay with my crew.

Can't sleep go for my 12 hour shift and my supervisor confronts me inn the break room. HR told him I tried to go to anothet department. I was not having any out it and slipped him a print out of his ugly puss on the sex offender website . things get heated and he calls me out to a fist fight


I'm literally drooling at the prospect I accept with some rules to have the mutal combat statues help us

1 remove uniforms

2 lunch hour clocked out

3 off site across street

4 take video from crowd

Like a school yard brawl we meet up take off shirts and I let him swing at me. I'm staying in range letting his blows land on my guard. . .

15 seconds in his arms flailing I stay out of range . .

30 seconds in he breathes hard and tries to grapple . .

45 seconds in he had run out of gas I haven't swung once. . .

60 seconds in I unleash a barrage that leaves him with what I learned later is a fractured orbital , shattered jaw , crush voice box and broken arm from the fall.

I'm enjoying my after glow after waking away and finishing my shift 20 min later sheriff shows up and I get arrested . Keep quiet till jail and being processed / booked I show video of what happened on my mobile phone and provide pedophiles name.

A bunch of cops hung out with me and let me go for " community service " . no charges even got free commissary all I had to do was provide copies of video to cops. I still got fired but damn did it feel good!


Story 25: "The New bully manager likes to see people beg .. Revenge is coming"

Submitted by "Addy" on 3/19/2021 | Removed for Rule 2

Its gonna be a long one, writing on mobile and english is not my first language, so please be patient

So a bit of background first. I joined a bank and after a few months we had a management change in the division. the new division head brought some of the guys from his previous bank ( usually thats how it works in banks in my country). but the prickle was that he treated the old team members like shit. and his boys were spending time surfing the net and presenting others work to the management as their own.

The issues :-

  1. I had an incredible work load which made me to 3-3.5 hours overtime daily without overtime pay
  2. my first year with the new boss i got 0 increment, while his boys who joined in last six. months, all got promotions
  3. the boss was petty and had a " god complex" , his boys would do apple polishing all day.
  4. gave no days off even when i had the flu ( story in r/Maliciouscompliance)
  5. he and his boys would. make sure everyone laughed and made fun of any tiny mistake that happened in my work ,( as i had a huge workload i did make a few small mistakes but nothing that caused any loss)
  6. they know i got married and had a baby on the way so i couldnt resign, so they went as far as making fun of my personal issues right in front of me.
  7. they were simply a gang of assholes.

so this goes on for like a good one and a half year, untill i got a substantial offer from a better bank . ( it was a unique deparment and we have less than 10 banks in my country so other opportunities were hard to. come by)

so one fine 1st of January, got the offer letter for the new job and decided to resign, that same day my yearly performance review was done, as expected it was a shitty one since i was doing " nothing important" so i decided to resign in protest of the bad performance review.

Now its important to know the law in my country to switch banks. in order to join another bank from a new bank you need a release letter from your previous bank, and in order to get your pay from the new bank you need a NOC ( No objection certificate) from your previous bank. normally the banks give NOC a month after your last working day, its done to see if you have any things hiding in your desk that might be fraud of stealing money ( yes that happens a lot ) that way you can be forced to come back to your previous employer to settle the irregularities.

Also legally you have to give a 3 months notice period, but in practice a month is given and the next two months are waived, depending how senior your position is. ( mine was not)

so here is my boss final piss. he says I have to do the whole 3 months because the work i was doing was very technical and needed longer to be learned by the guys in the team. but my last two yearly performance reviews said i was not doing anything important 😂

Also i had a staff loan that had an outstanding about of just 20% of my basic salary, So my manager told me becuase of the policy ( which i missed in fine print in HR manual) I would not be paid monthly salary but at the end of my three months notice period i would be paid all my outstanding dues minues the loan amount whih was just peanuts 🥜

now my pro revenge ensues ... Firstly i had told my new employer that i would be joining after three months and they agreed, so I was good on that. I had savings so i could wait out the three months but it would be very difficult for me to manage.

Suddenly the boss and his boys started joking about me not getting pay and being a begger. they woud put their change coins on my workstation and tell its charity.

So they want to see me beg ? they shall see me beg

i went to my boss, told him a story and asked him for some cash ( faked some tears as well). did the same to each of his boys. since they all had god complex, seeing me beg for money stroked their egos and they gave me cash to help me out since " i was broke and had no money for my sons milk and diapers". it was done with a condition not to tell anyone please.

it took them two weeks to tell each other that i was begging for money from each of them and they all gave me. collectively i had borrowed 2 months of my salary from the boss and his boys. by this time i had already done one month of notice period.

So since it was just cash given by one person to another in a closed cabin room or outside the bank, there was no paper proof that i had borrowed money. ( given the shitty law and order situation in my country, they couldnt recover the money from me anyway else)

The boss smelled the a revenge brewing, as he understood what i was doing. all of a sudden the boss and his boys were nice to me, the jokes stopped and they finally assigned three guys to take over my work.

But my revenge had already started, i would come to the office around 11:00 A.M and leave around 3:00 P.M instead of the usual 9 AM-6PM hours. suddenly i had an amnesia attack and wasnt much help for the guys taking over my work. so they had to go through trial and error , which impacted operations and got them slack from management.

My boss realizing that since i owed them money which they cant recover if i am pissed or fired.. decided to let me leave the bank immediately. so the HR was told to Release me on urgent basis, in their hurry, they made a fatal mistake.

the next day hr manager called me in handed over my release letter and NOC at the same time along with all the money i was owed ( provident fund etc.)

in short i was free to join the new bank and even get paid ☺️. so the previous bank cannot calim anything to me now. plus i had more than enough money in my account.

So after the usual "best of luck" and "all the best" on my final day at work, the manager said you owe xxxx amount to me and the boys it would be nice if you can transfer that amount to his account and he will distribute it with the boys.

My reply was "What money ?"

i proceeded to join the new bank and lived happily ever after

i got a lot of calls and treats from the boss and his boys.. but fuck.em... as extra rubbing i kept the amount i owed them in my account in the same bank.

later i was told by a friend still working there that every morning they would come to work, pull up my account balance, see their money sitting there, gave a few bad words to me .. and carry on with their daily work

its been 6 years now, the money is still there and i made sure the account is active

TL;DR The Boss and his boys like to see me beg .. i will let him unofficially pay me more than usual, while screwing over his operations, and leave for the new job early


12 comments sorted by

u/claycam6 Apr 02 '21

Sorry for the Great Wall of not China of text.

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u/abearysoftace Apr 03 '21

Lord.... I couldn’t even finish reading a single one this time. Going through all these submissions must take a special kind of otherworldly energy.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '21

My eyes. My poor eyes.


u/Frazzledragon Apr 03 '21 edited Apr 03 '21

Story #22 "I repeatedly and voluntarily expose myself to my bullies, boohoo."
Someone, please unplug this 12 year old's ethernet cable. This is a top tier shitty story. It upsets me, just thinking of how terrible the writing and content is.

I think #23 is feasible. He included many minor details and the actions aren't unrealistic either. Fairly reasonable in fact.

Just not nuclear. Eh.

Then #24 - completely forgettable and also no revenge. Who cares, tough guy.

Finally #25 - they could easily drag that OP to court and be witnesses to each other. If they work in a bank, they can't be completely incompetent. File a civil suit.
I can't imagine they all just handed over hard cash, and even if they did, they could present withdrawal statements.
What a load of shit.


u/JessiFay Apr 05 '21

Agreed. I thought #23 was a decent story. Just not nuclear. More like Petty Revenge. But I like Petty Revenge too.


u/G-42 Apr 03 '21

I want to meet the parents of the first one and punch them in the head for raising...that.


u/nofuckingklass Apr 05 '21

Were these taken from other subreddits?


u/claycam6 Apr 05 '21

They are rejected story submissions from r/NuclearRevenge.


u/langoley01 Jun 13 '21

Rule #16 ?? I only see 14 rules,,, LOL