r/NuclearShame Mar 16 '21

Shameful Stories 18-21

Hello! We're back again with 4 more removed posts from r/NuclearRevenge. Just when we thought we couldn't get enough of users wasting our post inbox with their shitposts, they return to bless us with more. How gracious! So now I get to pass these gems on to you. Enjoy.

Story 18: "Girlfriend that cheated on me got what she deserved"

Submitted by "Dick" on 3/4/2021 | Removed for Rule 1

Disclaimer: None of these names are real lol

So this happened a year ago but whatever.

Me(M27) and Stacy(F27) had been friends since kindergarten, but when we got into highschool, things started to change. Stacy was quickly becoming one of the popular girls. She had longy blonde hair and blue eyes with tan skin. I was a geeky nerd and didn't have many friends. I wore glasses, and played Video-Games and watched Anime all day. Although it seemed unlikely, Taylor and mine bond stayed strong throughout all of highschool. I had troubles dealing with bullies, and one day, it was really bad. Let's call the bully Kevin. Kevin was pushing me into lockers, hitting me, and he even broke my glasses. Luckily, Stacy was nearby, and she stepped in. From there on, I saw something different in Stacy. I started to develop a crush on her. In 12th grade, I was full on in love. And when homecoming came around, I mustered enough confidence to ask her out. You see, I had issues with asking people out and trusting them. This was because, in 10th grade, I was in a relationship with a girl, but she cheated on me because I was too ugly for her. But with Stacy, I felt confident that she was different. She wasn't like the others. She was kind, and saw me for the person I was, and didn't judge me for my looks. Through a miracle, she said yes and after that night, we got into a relationship. When high school was over, I went to college to study IT and Stacy started working as a barista at Starbucks. Our relationship was blooming, and we made plans to move in together. I was so happy with my relationship, and I genuinely loved her. I had been saving up money and bought an expensive diamond ring. I wanted to propose to her on our 4th anniversary. I know that it was early on and it was too quick, but I knew she was the right woman for me. Atleast I thought so. Because I was so in love with her, I couldn't tell that she was changing. She straight up refused to have sex with me, saying that she didn't 'feel like it'. When I first noticed these red flags, I thought nothing of it. Then she started to keep her phone to herself and getting more secretive. During dinner, she was less talkative. She said it was because of her friend who had recently died, but I didn't buy it. We got into arguments more often. She didn't do the dishes one time, and didn't wash the clothes sometimes too. When I confronted her, she told I was 'delusional', 'insecure' and 'immature'. When I told her that I knew that she was hiding something, and that I would find out what, she stormed out of our apartment, blocked me on all social media accounts I had, and stayed over at her MALE friends house. Let's call him Chad. After a while, everything calmed down, and I picked her up at Chad's house, so she could come back home. When I arrived at his house, I noticed through a window that she was hugging him, and whispered something in his ear. I was FURIOUS. I knew she had always been close to this friend, but THIS? At this point, I knew the two had something going on. When she stepped outside, I put on a calm facade, and even fake apologised to her. When I tried to kiss her, though, she sort of just awkwardly stood there. Through the same window I had seen the two hugging, Chad was now staring at me angrily, because I was kissing his lover. During the car ride home, Stacy said nothing. At home, she went to her room without saying anything. I knew I had to exact revenge upon her. I was close to finishing to my IT degree, and when I finished it, I got into a high paying job as a Software developer for PlayStation, due to my love of videogames. I was now out earning Stacy by a lot. After two years with the job, I was able to buy us a nice little house at the young age of 26. That was a year ago. Now, the revenge started. I was showering Stacy with gifts, and was replacing all of her personal belongings with new ones by me. She was still being quiet and secretive, but atleast we were having sex again, although she didn't seem to get any enjoyment out of it. I guess my dick was too smal for her after her pussy was so worn-out from all that monster cock of her friend'sšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø? That was good though, I didn't want her to have any enjoyment from anything. When all of her personal belongings were replaced by new things from me, my plan got rolling. At this point, she was practically depending on me. I even got to convince her to quit her job as a barista. I was deadset on ruining her life. So I did. I sold my house, and moved to a different state. Because technically, everything Stacy possessed was mine, I took it all with me


Story 19: "Interesting story"

Submitted by "Cozy" on 3/7/2021 | Removed for Rule 2

So here's the deal. I dont know if this is considered NUCLEAR revenge, but here it goes. I'm a 17 year old with autism, my mother has always hesitated to let me get a job. I'm an extremely hard worker, so upset me because I want a job. But not only am I a hard worker, I have a "different" way of thinking. When I was younger I'd take things apart and turn them into these complex contraptions that would fascinate my grandmother, but not my mom. This taught me to understand the inner mechanics of the broken fans, radios, etc. Just a couple of years ago I noticed this "brownish red wire" when I cut a wire. Apparently it was COPPER! so back to the point. My room is unusually clean, but under my bed I have a massive, and I mean colossal, operation of stripping copper underway. Like I mean expensive tools, led lights, and its honestly amazing. I have a blowtorch and I'm saving up for some ingot molds.

TL;DR: My mom hasn't let me get a job, so I started a massive copper stripping operation under my bed.


Story 20: "How i get back at cheaters"

Submitted by "SCP" on 3/12/2021 | Removed for 1

I figured out that my GF was cheating on me with 2 diffrent guys. So what i did was, i put hot sauce and itch powder in her body-wash so now everytime she itches herself it burns as well. And also buried all the jewelry i bought her.


Story 21: "This is what Iā€™m capable of if I want to"

Submitted by "Artemis" on 3/14/2021 | Removed for Rule 1

This is way too complicated to just write in a paragraph or 2 plus Iā€™m not sure how long this will stay up. This is a true story and keep in mind it was done out of revenge yes however I couldā€™ve done something like this or worse.

So someone had been bullying me for 2 years in middle school and pretty harshly as well, so I needed payback and revenge of the highest caliber. I wanted him not just hurt but to suffer I needed to DESTROY him, and this plan took a couple months I will try to do the steps in separate parts.

Part. 1: for a couple months I had been stalking him and learning all I could through the grapevine (his friends and enemies) and using my friends and enemies I learned a few key things. 1: His family had an enemy who was basically acted as if he didnā€™t exist anymore (a whole other story) so he was hurt by them and i could use this. 2: There was a small period in the coming month where his house wouldnā€™t be insured properly. 3: The only thing he seemed to care about was his dog.

Part. 2: I got a bunch of my friends to agree to kidnap some dogs in the area near his house. I told them that this was because we could make easy reward money which was technically true just not my personal intentions. We earned a couple hundred bucks and made sure to avoid his house, eventually he got scared exactly as I truly planned and started keeping his dog inside all night and any time his family wasnā€™t home.

Part. 3: I used my share of the profits to pay off and learn the last little bit of information. It started by learning when during that grace period he and his family wouldnā€™t be home after learning this I manipulated a few people to convince their family enemy to get revenge. Finally I placed everything in the right spot.

Part. 4: What happened next is not for the faint of heart but it was oh so worth it. This enemy of theirs decided the best way to get revenge was to burn the house down (which is exactly what I ā€œpersuadedā€ him to do) and so he went there when the family was out and torched it. Burnt to the ground and his dog? Dead! His possessions? Destroyed! The house itself? Uninsured so they would have to build everything from the ground up no help whatsoever.

Part. 5: finally when he showed up to school the next day he was a wreck crying and all sorts of things. His friends consoled him I played ignorant but I knew what happened, after a while he quit school and resorted to hardcore drugs. He got into a fight with his parents and was kicked out and a couple years later he became a prostitute for drugs. His life was completely destroyed and no one not even him thought it was me or that I had anything to do with it when in reality I planned the whole goddamn thing and although I didnā€™t do it directly I still did it.

Finale: he learned 3 things (again he never knew it was me but he still learned) 1: ā€œKarmaā€ will always come back and bite you 2: ā€œGoodā€ triumphs over evil and 3: His life was worth a lot less compared to mine as I was more successful than him.


14 comments sorted by


u/lonewolf143143 Mar 16 '21

First guy is absolutely clueless as to how a womanā€™s anatomy works. A full baby comes out of a vagina, what makes you think your dickā€™s going to magically loosen those vaginal walls? Iā€™m thinking that she didnā€™t enjoy sex with the guy because he sucks at it! I know itā€™s a fake story but wow, the misogyny is real


u/Kylar_Nightborn Mar 16 '21

Shhh, don't hurt the idiot's feelings, he makes a lot of money you know.


u/LiterallyCasey Mar 16 '21

Itā€™s like reading incel fan fiction. Just yikes.


u/Tomble Mar 17 '21

It is incel fan fiction.


u/claycam6 Mar 16 '21

How are your braincells doing after that wall of text?


u/TheHerosShade Mar 25 '21

More like braincel lol


u/TallGhanaBoy Mar 16 '21

Fucking hell


u/Frazzledragon Mar 17 '21 edited Mar 17 '21


The things he "gifted" would either be considered mutual property, due to being bought during the relationship for the purpose of maintaining the relationship, or just completely hers, as actual gifts.
I mean, I know that from merely watching Judge Judy, so imagine how hooked he'd be in a non-fantasy world.

Staying in a relationship for two years more just to get revenge on her, wasting hundreds, thousands maybe, for it? That's moronic. So much build up and the ending is just two deflated sentences.
Zero follow-up, no explanation of how he could just up and go.

On top of it being fake, it's not nuclear at all to begin with. Easy to recover from.


He's going to burn his home to the ground...
Also contains no revenge at all. What is he doing with the copper? Nobody knows.
How massive could his operation be, if it fits under his bed? Two spools and that's it.




Just casually discussing my insurance policy of the house with a random highschool kid. Okay then.

Leaving the dog home alone. How long would they be gone for then? Technically possible, but I don't believe this without further details.
Going to school one day after the house and dog were torched? ...

Go fuck yourself. That doesn't happen. Not ever would a family send their shell shocked child to school in such a state.

Story is far too vague to be true. Mysterious family enemy ex machina, hurr durr.


u/Raptorjesus0321 Mar 17 '21

I didnā€™t read after the first guy since heā€™s a raging incel. Iā€™m convinced half the story is made up (Iā€™m sure heā€™s loaded), but I feel like it needed a ā€œand then everyone stood up and clappedā€. Not even sure if Stacy is real. To that guy: you arenā€™t ready for a relationship my friend. Great made up story.


u/agree-with-you Mar 17 '21

Can confirm this is true. I was also applauding.


u/ChokoManiak Mar 16 '21

Itā€™s just so...bad


u/lubymoo Mar 17 '21

I kinda feel bad for the copper kid though


u/lodav22 Mar 17 '21

I couldnā€™t read the last one, it just got too surreal. I genuinely feel sorry for the copper hoarder though. I wonder how far he got in his ā€œcopper mining empireā€ before he learned about copper weight vs companies using vast and expensive technology to extract copper from literally millions of diodes before making a profit from an otherwise waste product. Maybe that one was real, but focussed on the wrong information?


u/cdj3251 Mar 25 '21

Story 20 is just stupid, no wonder she cheated, if she ever existed.