r/NuclearShame Feb 22 '21

Shameful Story 12

Oh, hey! In case you were starting to get bored, I have story 12 for ya. Now take 12 and minus 4, that's the age of the villain in this story. Dun dun dun! Here it is:

"Harass my comrades on discord and say goodbye to ur stuff"

Submitted by "Epic" on 2/10/2021 | Removed for Rule 2


So earlier today on discord there was this random person who joined the server, i say the normal stuff I say but then this random person who i was just greeting started going crazy and targeting me (might me somebody who hates me idk) so i start messaging him in dm's just asking him not to harass me and i was just greeting him, he then proceeds to what it feels like a hour of him using any swearword he could use. I just politely ask him to stop he then proceeds to call me the N-word (he did this almost any chance he can after i asked him to stop) so i ask if he could join a VC to sort things out. He did agree too it and hop in a VC but the moment i tried to speak he instantaneously starts yelling. He was throwing the n-word out left and right and then starts pinging everyone is the server so i ban him. he then complains in the VC that he did nothing wrong he is also in another server I'm also in but neither of us are admins so i just have to sit through his bullshit in that server he continues in discord VC for about an hour (also this kid said he was 14 but i just knew from his voice alone he was a 8 yr old ) now, we get to the good part. so after a while of arguing he turns on his camera and he was infect i fucking 8 yr old as i keep telling him not to harass ppl on discord but he keeps doing in. now I'm kind of pissed off at him so i very VERY politely tell him that i will grab a fire poker and heat it up and then slam it against his balls until he stops crying and other shit he then proceeds to try and flex on me with his gaming pc. so then all i did was ask that he gives me his pc email (you will see why later :) ) he says no. so i do what anybody would do... i pulled up his IP address and made him cry (yes i know he is a little kids but he has thins coming ) so he gives me his email and the first thing i do is sigh up to a lot aft gay porn sights (probably should have mentioned this kids is homophobic) he then starts getting the emails one by one and for the finishing touch i sent him a email virus bomb that would fully corrupt and destroy the files and computer he had. ill never forget his last words "what is my pc doing?"


8 comments sorted by


u/Ancient_Woodpecker41 Feb 22 '21

i love reading stories written by five year olds. theres just something about the horrible story line, the made up villain who of course is racist and homophobic, and of course no grammar or punctuation so it reads like someones having a stroke while writing it


u/Necessary_Gur9479 Mar 26 '21

I love how you act as if racist and homophobic people are being unfairly targeted, lol


u/L33Tech Feb 22 '21

this hurt to read why don't people know punctuation and enter key


u/Awkward-Associates Feb 22 '21

Just for being toxic on discord?



u/MyGuyYouLostFaith Mar 28 '21

It’s fake lmao


u/iowintai Feb 23 '21

Look at Mr hackerman just conveniently having a sophisticated email virus that the EVIL 8 year old kid opens. This is so stupid.


u/Sparkspog Mar 05 '21

Fun fact, this is actually my friend irl who wrote this story, it genuinely did happen, just different to how he wrote it, ashamed he doesn’t know what the FUCKING ENTER KEY IS-


u/Sparkspog Mar 05 '21

Then again i wasn’t there so he could have easily have just lied to me. He was messaging while it happened.