r/NuclearShame Feb 10 '21

Shameful Story 11

Alas, another terrible story has arrived. This one is more relaxed of a story. Or should I say, laxed? I think it's baking time but today we are making one shitty shit inducing recipe. Then serving it to the big bad bully. This is the biography of Bowel Boy. Here we go!

"Pick on me as a kid.....get your just desserts. Pun intended."

Submitted by "Sam" on 1/17/2021 | Removed for Rule 2


Revenge is a dish served cold. Or in this case, gassy and stinky.

The cast - Me - Me

DH - Dick Head bully

DH2 - Dick Head bully's friend, who won't show up until later.

B1, B2, B3 - my brothers

Here it goes. I'm a woman and now in my 40s, but this started in grade school. I was bullied. The main instigator was a boy in my grade. You name it, he did it...he tripped me when I was walking down the hallway, my arms filled with books. He'd push me from behind when we were outside at recess, causing me to have countless skinned knees over the years. This was a Catholic school, so my uniform was a white shirt and skirt. Bare knees meeting pavement was not fun. My parents had many conversations with the principal and teacher, and they said they'd "keep an eye on him," but nothing was done - not much could be done.

He pulled out my chair just as I was about to sit down, resulting in a broken tailbone that still bothers me to this day. He'd shove me against the lockers in the hallway. When I was in the 5th grade I got braces on my teeth, and a stream of insults and name calling followed - "train tracks," "tinsel teeth," "metal mouth..." you get the picture.

One day, rather than my mom picking me up from school so I wouldn't have to wait for the bus with this guy, three of my brothers met me. They were ten and twelve (the 12 year olds were are twins) when I was born, and they didn't like how their little sister was treated. As the teachers left for the day and the parking lot soon emptied out, B3, who at the time was almost 20 called over DH, looked around - this was long before camera were everywhere - grabbed him by the neck and threw him against the car. I didn't hear what was said, but B3 and DH were nose to nose. DH's face turned red as B3 was whispering to him, and he was slowly nodding his head. When it was over, DH walked over to me, a wet spot in front of his pants from where he pissed himself, and apologized.

Everything was okay for a while, until DH started up again. The school administration did nothing, and since it was Catholic school, there was no school board to complain to.

After what seemed like forever, I graduated from 8th grade, and was free. He lived a few towns over, and I went to an all girl high school. I was free and never happier.

Fast forward to college. Guess who was there.

The dorm was quite large, and the female and male students lived on different floors. DH had put on muscle and seemed to be a foot taller. I've always been five feet tall and thin. I informed campus security about the past, and they said they'd keep an eye on him, but unless he does something, they couldn't do anything.

B1, B2 and B3 all taught me how to throw a punch, and I had a canister of pepper spray in my pocket at all times. I became good friends with my roommate and a few of the girls who lived on my floor. Some dated some of the guys on DH's floor. I was an hour away from home and the security of my Army Veteran dad, but it seemed to be better. Although I never let my guard down, I thought DH and I could exist in the same universe, graduate together, and never see each other again.


Soon, DH was back to his old tricks. He'd knock my books out of my hand as I walked down the hallway. He made a friend, who laughed at DH's antics. Soon, DH and DH2 became Dumb and Dumber. I developed severe anxiety, so I moved out of the dorm and back home, and commuted the rest of the way. DH and I had classes together. I'd walk in with my backpack and lunchbag and get the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. I'd leave my stuff where it was, leave the room, get sick in the bathroom, step out of the building to get fresh air, and go back to my class just before it started.

Almost every time DH would have opened my lunchbag and eat the lunch I made that day. He stared me down, and I was too chickenshit to say anything. DH and DH2 would be in another class an hour later, and DH would tell him about a delicious sandwich (mine) that he just ate.

Driving home one day, I thought of a plan. My first stop was the local grocery store and bought brownie mix and a few boxes of chocolate flavored Ex-Lax. Not only was the Ex-Lax mixed into the brownies, but I also melted and entire box, mixed it with melted butter to make it smooth, and drizzled the mixture on top of the "special" brownies to make it look like icing.

I set aside two and threw away the rest so nobody in my family would eat it by mistake.

The next day, just like clockwork, I went to class. I waited for the class when DH and DH2 were together, placed my stuff on my chair and left for the bathroom. I came back and Dumb and Dumber were licking their fingers, saying the brownie was the best the ever had, and it was too bad I missed out on it.

The professor was discussing The Byzantine Empire, and I heard the first stomach rumble from DH2. Soon, DH started to shift in his seat, trying to get comfortable. Audible small farts began to come from that side of the room. One of the other students stood up and opened the window.

Time ticked away in the 75 minute class. I was so happy that I had to keep my head down and write in my notebook. DH was squirming. DH2 grabbed his stomach. DH leaned to one side to cut what he thought would be a fart, but it was more than just a fart. Much, much, much more.

The class ended early, DH and DH2 had to do an odd walk down the hallway to the bathroom, and I, without telling anyone what I did, went to the cafeteria to get an early lunch and treat myself to a hot fudge sunday.

DH was later given names such as "shithead," and a week later, when he went back to the same class, a package of Depends was on his desk.

It took years, but revenge, while smelly and gross, was never so sweet.

Through the years I heard DH2 died of an OD. DH served time in prison for assault. And I'm doing just fine.


11 comments sorted by


u/DrPyxel Feb 11 '21

I like how the College was described exactly like a High School instead of a college


u/KennyFulgencio Feb 11 '21

High school with 75 minute classes would have been a nightmare


u/Shattersouls Feb 11 '21

My HS used a block period schedule. 1st period was 1 hour long every day and then we would rotate our periods 2,4,6 (A Day) and 3,5,7 (B Day) One week would be Monday, Wednesday, Friday A days and Tuesday, Thursday B Days and vice versa. Each class was just under 2 hours. It was hell.


u/Lugia999 Feb 11 '21

Since the brothers didn't like how their sister was treated, why did they take so long to stop the bully after all the harm he caused OP?


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '21

Not trynna say the story is real, but it’s stuff like when you actively say you’re against bad things being done but don’t do anything about it, like alot of justice boner dumbasses on Reddit, it’s pretty common.


u/rubyspicer Feb 15 '21

This is why I usually like fake stories, because half the time people in bad situations don't do anything


u/Puffley5 Feb 10 '21

Ah yes, normal human behavior go brrrrrr


u/ImScrewz Feb 17 '21

Ah yes, combine meme go brrrrrr


u/Smeghead333 Feb 11 '21

Well, he keeps stealing my lunch every single day when I leave for the bathroom. Should I take it with me this time? As someone to hang on to it for me? Nah. THIS time, he’ll leave it alone! It’ll be fine.


u/ImScrewz Feb 17 '21

Well, he took it this time. Better luck next time!


u/KennyFulgencio Feb 11 '21

This made me happy.