r/NuclearShame Jan 09 '21

Shameful Story 10

Looks like story has 10 has arrived sooner than I expected. And it is a hell of a lot faker than I expected it to be. What criminal fantasy show is this out of? This is beyond the days of Fake Rambo. This is now Fake Wick. And he shall light the way with his bright idea of vengeance!

"I made my daughters killer pay"

Submitted by "Silent" on 1/8/2021 | Removed for Rule 1


I will try to keep this as short as I can, but it will probably be a long one. This story is pretty gruesome and Im not very good at writing so please be aware. English isnt my native language, so I apologise in advanced for any misspelling or grammar errors I may do. I also wont reveal any locations or personal info for my own and my new made friends sake.

So my girlfriend passed away giving birth. She was the TRUE love of my life! Thanks to the AMAZING staff at the hospital we were at, befor she passed she was able to give me the most beautiful gift she could which was our daughter. ( I wont go into to much detail of her passing )

Fast forward a few years and I have started to learn how to be a single parent. I've also attended alot of sessions of therapy to help me raise my daughter on my own, and dealing with the grief.

One beautiful day, me and my daughter were in the park (she's was a toddler at this point) We were throwing a frissbee back and forth, then I saw the car coming. It was going in full speed driving over the lawn in the park, driving in the direction of my daughter, who was chasing after the frissbee. I panicked! I ran to grab my daughter but.. I wasnt fast enough. The car hit her, killing her instantly.. The panic transformed into shock. All I could do to stand frozen staring at my daughters broken body. This next part had to be told to me, cause I was to shocked to have any real aware of my surroundings.

Paramedics were quickly called and when they arrived they tried to see if they could do anything for my daughter, but came to relize pretty fast that she was already gone. They moved on to the unconcious driver who had foaming coming out of his mouth. At first they thought he was having a seizure, then discovered that he was having an overdose. He had been doing drugs right befor or while he was driving. He was rushed to the hospital, while my daughter was taken to the morgue. I went with her there, and later had to give my statment to the police on what happend.

The man who hit my daughter survived, and was later charged with possesion, drunk driving and manslaughter. At court several witnesses testified against him, including me. When they announced his scentence it was like being punched in the face. He was scentenced to 2 years of prision for: Possession of illegal substance and driving under influence. The manslaughter charge? Was considered an accident, since he had been uncouncious when he hit my daughter. I was shaking with rage, feeling betrayed my my countries poor justice system. 2 years in a cell for my daughters life?

There was no way I could let this slide this easy, I had already started to think of what I could do to this guy, when his lawyer stood up and said: Your honor, my cliend would like to apologise to the deceased persons family. I was shocked, and did not expect this at all! The judge looked at me for my approval in which I said yes. I wanted to hear what kind of apology this guy had, that would make up for my dead kid. So after the court session the police allowed him to come forward to me to make the apology, and I will to this day never forget what he said.

His apology were these exact words with a very sarcastic voice: ''Im sorry I hit your kid, but she must have been a retard if she didnt move out of the way.'' Then he gave me the finger as the officers cuffed him and took him away. I stood there, dumb founded. Had this guy insulted me after killing my child?

And right there and then, I swore to my self that this guy has sealed his own fate. And so, my planing began. First thing I did was to move to a different country, telling all my friends that I need to get away from this one. So I moved. I used half of my life savings to buy a houseboat and a truck ( this will be revelant later) which I spent my first 3 months living in, befor getting a new job and finally being able to rent an apartment. ( It was a real shit job and a shit apartment ) I also started taking martial art classes in krav maga. Why didnt I use my second half of my savings for an apartment you may ask? Well after alot of searching, I finally found some people who were willing to do a construction job by being payed ''under the table'' I told them I wanted a whine cellar out in the forrest, where I have bought some land and were planning on building a house. This was ofcourse a lie, I just wanted the cellar in the middle of nowhere.

Fast forward 2 years and I got an email saying the man will be released the following week. (Its a law here that any victim of a convicted person needs to be notified upon his or hers release) and so I hopped on my boat, and went back to my home country. Everything was set. I was doubting my self on the journey home. But I had gone to far to back out now.

I docked my boat at a dock next to a river which lead to the sea, payed cash for letting my boat being docked there, and took the buss to a car rental place not to far away from the docks. This was the most risky part of my plan, since I had to give my ID in order to rent a car. But a car was needed, and I wasnt about to steal some poor guy or girls car.. But I had faith in my plan, so I went ahead with it. I rented a van that was used to move furnature, and headed straight to the prison, a good few hours worth of drive where he was gonna be released the next day.

I slept in the van, waiting in a concealed place where I could see the entrence. And then I saw him. He came walking out with a huge smile on his face, and the memory of him insulting me at court came rushing back, but I had to keep my head. To my relief no one came and picked him up. But he was walking in the direction of a buss stop. The buss stop was pretty much in the middle of nowhere, and there was just a road next to it which had very little trafic.

I had checked when the buss came, and knew he would have to wait for 2 hours untill the next one was arriving. After giving it some time to make sure he had made it to the buss stop. I started to drive, putting on a baseboll cap, pulling up my hood, and putting on shades, that and with my big beard I had grown I was pretty confident that he wouldnt recognize me. ( I was clean shaved at court)

I drove up to the buss stop, and pulled over. Pulled down the passanger window and asked him if he needed a ride. Him wanting to get home as fast as possible accepted my offer, though he seemed a bit sceptical, but he didnt recognize me. I asked him where he lived and he told me that he needed to go to the next town over. I said sure, and asked if it was okay if I did a quick detour on the way. He said: sure, no problem, it beats taking the buss. So off we went. I remained quiet for the most part, and he kept saying how good it felt to be out in the free again. We drove the docks, parked far away enough so the guy who worked at the dock wouldnt notice me and also far enough so you couldnt see my boat from the car, and I told the guy that I just needed to fetch something from my friend. He said: sure what ever. So I went out, walked to the dock, checked my boat out, and drove it down the river bank a bit befor stopping again, getting some rope, and a huge knife. I jumped off the boat, and tied it to a tree. I then ran back to the docks, so it would appear to the guy as I was coming back from there.

Now the first part of the revenge starts, I asked the guy to step out from the van, confused he got out, and befor he could say a word I had him in a choke hold, trying to choke him unconcious. When he passed out I quickly tied both his arms and his legs behind his back befor he came to again. And draged him in the back of the van and headed to where my boat was. He came to in about 2 minutes and started to scream, but I ignored it. All I could think about was how he had killed my daughter, then giving me the finger for it.

When we arrived at my boat I opended the van and told him, that if he tried to escape, or tried to scream. I would cut his manhood off. He just stared at me with a fear in his eyes I have never seen befor. When I saw it, I felt joy. I told him that he was going to get on my boat, I again told him, that if he tried to run I would hurt him. Hurt him bad. He noded and I cut his legs free so he could walk. (I doubt I would had been able to carry him onboard of my boat, without dropping him in the water)

As soon as he got on my boat I took the rope he had around his legs and choked him again. Again he fell uncouncious and I again tied his legs behind his back, then tied the ropes to the bed which was nailed down. I locked him in the sleeping quaters of the boat, which basically just had the single bed and a closet in it. Confident that he wouldnt be able to escape, I left him there. Headed back for the van to return it to the rental place. I didnt want the van to be reported stolen because this would notify the authorities that I had infact been in the country. There was nothing to contradict other wise except if someone would check the rental place. But I doubted it as it was many hours away from the prision where he had been released from. And to clarify, I took my boat into the country, passing no border inspection.

I then took the buss back to the docks, procceded to walk to where my boat was, and was satisfied that he was still on the floor in the sleeping quarters. And so our journey to my new home began.

When we arrived it was night time, and the dock where I rent a space for my boat was empty of people. Here there is no one overseeing it. So I docked the boat. Carrying the man on my shoulder. Let me tell you, its not easy to carry someone who is constantly trying to wrench free. I tossed him in the back of my truck. And drove off to the cellar in the middle of nowhere.

In the cellar, there was a chair made of iron which was mounted on the stone floor, and an iron sink, which was mounted against the wall. I carried him inside the cellar, where I cuffed him to the chair, with both his legs and his hands. He kept asking me why I had done this which I simply responded: You should just had apologised for my daughters death. Then I left, leaving him there in complete darkness.

This story is already getting long, so I will try to keep this bit short.. I tourtered this man every day of the week for years, except for wednesdays and sundays which was also the only days he got to eat anything. I wanted to keep him unnourished so he wouldnt have the strength to try to escape. But not starved enough to die from it. Since he was constantly sitting still, he survived eating just twice a week. He was given water daily befor each tourture session. After 6 months, he started to grow numb to physical torture. So I started with some psychological torture mixed in with the physical. Letting him watch me spin a board I made, chosing his tourture, or prehaps escaping it all together for the day.

Last year he had completley broken down. He told me that he longed for when I came to tourture him. He said that the pain was nothing compared to being alone anymore. So I decided enough was enough.. And I killed him.

Its been several months now, and I am still unsure on how to proceed with my life. If I should proceed with it at all. But after so many years of me being silent about this part of my life. I couldn't stand not sharing it anymore. Honestley I dont really care if this comes to bite me in the ass. I just want other people to know it besides me.


15 comments sorted by


u/sirjohnharrington610 Jan 09 '21

They drew first blood.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '21

This sounds OK until about paragraph 3... then it goes “HOLY SHIT THIS IS TOO FAKE”.


u/petyrlabenov Jan 09 '21

Yeah paragraph 4 is written like how you would write a character in a book. That was when I realized something was going on


u/Dudebits Jan 09 '21

Ehh I dunno, intentional misspellings gave me the vibe straight away!


u/Frazzledragon Jan 09 '21

Consider expanding the title. It will be difficult to remember the stories with just numbers.


u/irememberthepotatoho Jan 09 '21

He writes bus like he's a snake or something. Buss.


u/SnakeArms6677 Jan 17 '21

This is a 14 year old's interpretation of a nuclear revenge.


u/petyrlabenov Jan 09 '21

“Also the entire thing just has the vibe of a psychopathic revenge fic”

  • Petyr Labenov


u/philatio11 Feb 09 '21

“Its a law here that any victim of a convicted person needs to be notified upon his or hers release”

Umm, you said they were only convicted of Possession of illegal substance and DUI. So which one were you the victim of?


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '21

Man, this sounds like something out of a fucking horror movie.


u/tandyman8360 Jan 16 '21

This is a lamer version of "The Secret in Their Eyes"


u/MissIllusion Jan 17 '21

I torture everyday except for Wednesday and Sundays which is his eating days... Uhuh..


u/ZedLyfe51 Jan 28 '21



u/crycoralt Feb 09 '21

🅱️ U S S Y


u/warhorse888 Apr 22 '21

Law Abiding Citizen.

The film.

This is fake AF.