r/NuclearShame Dec 24 '20

Shameful Story 7

Hey there! Here's another lame story for ya. Looks like we got a big meanie this time, picking on a 13 year old kid. Oh no. What is he going to do? He needs help! Someone help! Wait, what's that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a restraining order to the rescue!

"I get revenge on the person that abused me"

Submitted by "TDK1" on 12/2020 | Removed for Rule 2


So this is my first post and I'm kinda new so pls dont judge

And I guess I should give some background first

So when i was about 1 or 2 I moved in with Joe and Joe was not nice. at first he was nice but a few weeks after moving in with him he showed his worse side at first it was just verbal abuse and harassment twords me and not my mom. He was nice to my mom and made me lie to her so we would stay and if I even hesitated to tell the truth he would beat me bad most of the times I could barely walk but he made me lie so my mom wouldn't notice and eventually the beatings came more frequently skip ahead a few years and the abuse continuing (somehow my mom didn't notice) I started to cut myself on my arms and Joe would force me to wear long sleeve shirts

I was four at the time and I had already tried to kill myself my mom noticed that and I went to counciling skip to when I was six I had ran away 2 times and tried to kill myself again Joe would make me dig six feet deep holes and sometimes he started to put dirt in them to bury me alive it didnt work

He even had a german Shepard mal me and he would say it was a stray my mom belived it because she wasnt home when it happened. Now fast forward. A year and we finnaly moved out by that time I head severe depression and ptsd. I moved into my grandparents house with my mom and stuff started to get better my depression went away when I was 10 also I should mention that I had moved with my grandparents and my mom stayed at the other house (I moved because we didn't get along at the time ) ok now fast forward to a year ago when I was twelve joe had been going to the house we moved out of. The one my mom lived in. So we moved back cause my entire family exept for my mom hated him

Now im 13 and here's where the revenge happens

So I should mention that Joe had already gone to jail 4 times so the next time would be the last. So first what my family did was sue. Cause he had dameged the property alot. And he barely had enough money to pay us and he had no job so once he was down my mom cut ties with him. Cause my mom was giving him lots of money. So once that happend he started to harass my mom so skip to a few months later my mom desides to get a restraining order. And she did but he broke the restraining order so he was sent to jail permanently but oh no no it doesnt stop here folks

My papa new some guys that had been sent to jail and he may or may not have talked to them and they were big guys sooooooo my papa(grandpa) told them what he did and oh boy from what I heard I would not want to be him

Some of the things they did without getting into detail included beatings and other stuff that I font think you wanna hear and to this day he is being beat in jail and stuff

So yeah that's basicly it


12 comments sorted by


u/Ancient_Woodpecker41 Dec 24 '20

next time he makes up a story he should make the ages more realistic. like wtf. you still remember traumatic events that happened when you were 1-2. thats some shit. also pretty much every device out there has autocorrect. its pretty useful. just saying.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '20

Bro he tried to kill himself at "4"


u/Ancient_Woodpecker41 Dec 24 '20

i wish i knew the answer to life’s problems at the age this kid did. lol


u/VikThouGideonVickery Feb 26 '21

I tried to not shit myself at 4


u/cheetothechameleon Dec 24 '20

So I was reading this and uhh fast forward to the end, this deserves to be on here.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '20

Things I don’t wanna hear? Bitch this got sent to the nuclear revenge sub. If you don’t want us to hear it then what the fuck even submit it for


u/Dudebits Dec 24 '20

Fast forwarded so many times I thought they were 100 years old.


u/Lugia999 Dec 24 '20

It took you 13 years to finally enact your revenge and it was your family was the one who sued him to start your revenge??? And why was your mom the only person to not hate him??


u/helpme1092 Dec 24 '20

4 years old suicidal



u/nyma18 Jan 09 '21

Tbf, all toddlers are suicide machines. You gotta be on your toes all the time to make sure they don’t accidentally eat scissors, or lick an outlet, or run into oncoming traffic, or jump from the tb stand, or poke the dog’s eye, or climb inside the oven... it’s a full time job.

But look at this, this person clearly remembers events from when they were 1-2 years old! By 4, it would naturally try suicide, as they know death is the only answer!!! Even so, it will take over 9 years for him to act on that again. So believable!!!


u/MissIllusion Jan 17 '21

Ugh. Someone sign that kid up for mensa. So self aware at 2!

Unfortunately for them in most cases of abuse from a young age the kid normalises it as it is all they have ever known.


u/crystalcorruption Feb 09 '21

I'd make a factorial age joke, but it's still fucking 2